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behindthesemasks · 5 months ago
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Chap1er 18
Things don't go smoothing when the team makes it back to the hotel
Back in the hotel, Erik paced the room as he waited for the unconscious Andreas to come around again when the door to the room was almost taken off his hinges as it slammed open.  His head snapped to look over and he barely had time to register there was male crossing the room before his face exploded with pain.  Next came the blow to his throat and then his gut, pain exploding throughout his body.  Falling to the ground, he coughed and wheezed, trying to draw in breath, before he was flipped onto his back and a fist slammed into his face a couple more times.  With the beating he was taking, he was pretty sure it was Oglesby’s men who’d found them, and was sure he was going to die.  Each blow raining down on him caused the pain to increase exponentially, then the world went black.
It took Case, Nic, and Gabe to be able to finally pull Klaus off of his brother who was trying to pound Eric into the carpet of the floor.  Ambrose was immediately in the large man’s face, rage written on every line and curve of his face and the steel grey of his eyes almost glowing with the fires of rage.  The threats and promises of pain that were expressed were enough to keep Klaus from going after Eric again, but everyone knew if they didn’t get Klaus out of the room that it was only a matter of time before his resolve would weaken and it would become chaos again.  
No one had heard from or seen Melania.  The group who had been at the hospital were now also missing, and knowing that Oglesby was at least the money behind the attacks, if not the brains as well, put everyone on edge.  If finding out that Andreas was involved in the threat to Alexander hadn’t been enough of mind fuck, now having Erik threaten Mel was definitely one for everyone.  Things were going sideways faster than anyone could adjust and compensate, and that was not a good thing.  For men whose entire lives were adjusting to ever changing circumstances, not being able to find solid footing was not something that put them in a good mood.
“GET.HIM.OUT!” Ambrose bellowed at the men restraining Klaus, his jaw ticking as his teeth were clenched.  He didn’t turn his attention back to Erik until they had succeeded in getting him out of the room.  If they hadn’t been able to, he was ready to shoot the German asshole himself to accomplish it.  His patience was completely gone and he was ready to start dealing out pain to accomplish his orders to those around him.  That  Klaus had surprised him as soon as the lock had clicked on the door had pissed him off to begin with, the condition that he’d left Eric in only made it worse.
“Restrain him like his cousin.  Make sure they’re both still alive and able to talk when I’m ready for them.  Come get me when they are.  I’m done with the bullshit, I think they believe the old man has gone soft.  I’m about to show them differently.”  Ambrose gave instructions to Cam and Donovan before following the others back out of the room.  He could hear cursing down the hall in the direction of the suite.  Time to go talk with his team and calm down enough not to kill anyone, yet.
“Now we know who hired the assholes at the mansion.  That’s one question answered.” Nic was saying as Ambrose walked in.  A quick head nod to his grandfather and he continued. “How the fuck could he NOT know who was financing this fucking dig?  Oglesby is far from stupid, that’s the only reason he’s still alive.  He’s never crossed us, never crossed the wrong person before.  For him to be this careless and foolish now seems a misstep that is unlike anything he’s done before.  I think there’s still something we don’t know about this.”
“We can figure this out later.  We have three missing team members, my granddaughter is missing, and the asshole that orchestrated this is out there as well.  Priorities, gentlemen.  We can assume that Cade, Alexander, and Dez are all still together for now.  Hopefully that will make them easier to find.  Case, Nic, and Gabe, get out there and find all of them.  No excuses for failure.  AM. I. CLEAR?”  Ambrose’s voice was calm but there was no missing the undercurrent of rage in it.  None doubted that he was barely controlling the desire to hurt, maim, and possibly kill someone in the near future.  All the men’s heads nodded as they rose to leave. “What am I supposed to do? Fucking sit on my ass while they’re out there?”  Klaus bit out at Ambrose in frustration.  Eyebrows raised on the other men as everyone froze.  No one wanted to be between the other two if they were going to go at one another.  Was this really the time to piss off Ambrose more? He was never known to suffer fools lightly. 
“That’s exactly what you’re going to do.  You’re a loose cannon, Klaus, I can’t have you out there possibly blowing up at an innocent person, and bringing the Serbian authorities attention swinging around to us. We’ve got two men tied up in here, and a couple dead bodies in a burned out car out in the woods near the excavation site.  You think we want attention on us?”  Ambrose’s head tipped to the side, his lips thinning as his cold blue eyes pinned Klaus with a hard stare. His voice was cold and almost emotionless, something that rather worried the others in the room, who exchanged quick glances.  He was like a volcano that had been smoking and suddenly stopped, an eruption was imminent.
“Someone needs to see if they can locate the GPS tracking devices on the cars, run their credit cards, see if there is ANYTHING that can tell us where the four have disappeared to.  And sweep this fucking room!  How the fuck did she get out of here and leave no trace?”  Now, now there was anger, lack of sleep or coffee was showing in Ambrose’s demeanor.  Just a crack, not a full explosion, but if Klaus pushed him again, there was no telling how big it could get. “Now, you all have your tasks.  Do them.  I’m going to handle our guests here, and find out what the fuck is going on.  I’m sick of playing catch-up.”  Ambrose turned and headed out of the room with no further comment.  He was about to shoot someone, and he’d prefer it to be one of the two assholes down the hall rather than one of the team that he still needed. As Gabe prepared to slip away, he looked over at Nic and Klaus.  Both men looked utterly defeated and worry was etched deeply into their strong features.  Now it wasn’t just Mel that was missing, but the other three who had been at the hospital, at least as far as anyone else there at the hotel knew.  He was the only one who knew that none of them were in danger and they were all together.  There was a little bit of guilt that gnawed at him over that, but not enough to stop him from what he planned on doing.  No, his loyalty did not lie with anyone in the hotel where he now stood.  He was going to those with whom he felt the most loyalty.
“Guys, try and look on the positive side.  Maybe the others have found her, and that’s why they’re not answering.  Case and Cam said that they had called the guys more than once before they had gone out looking too.”  Gabe tried to give some reassurance, if only to relieve his own guilt. “Yeah, I’m sure they’re all kicked back and drinking coffee in some posh shop while we have been looking for them and worrying.” Nic bit back, sorry afterward that he had been quite so harsh.  “Oglesby has got to be close, Mel is a bargaining chip and Alexander is a target.  It’s not safe to assume anything at this point.”  This time exhaustion and worry was clear in his tone and words. Gabe nodded curtly and headed out the door behind Case.  He felt a vibration in his pocket and swiped to open his phone while they waited for the elevator.  It was the 228 number again.  ::Omni #955.  Package is tired::  It was all he could do not to laugh, someone had clued her in on the lingo.  As soon as he could be, he’d join the four that were there, then they’d have to figure out how to deal with the boss.
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bookstattoosandtea · 2 months ago
Audio Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Nightcrawler by Patricia Logan
Audio Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:NightcrawlerBy Patricia Logan Trackers, Book 1 I’ve always been a sucker for a guy with muscles and a handsome face. If that makes me sound shallow, maybe I am. I’ve never had a real relationship, unless you consider the guys in my Marine Corps Recon unit. I had a great relationship with those guys. Yeah, yeah, I know we’re splitting hairs. These days, long after…
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kai-ovillager · 1 month ago
E Jaser conhece a Ordem
Depois de um longo caminho para a base da ordem, eles chegam e já está noite. São por volta das 8 da noite. Samuel estaciona a van, e todos descem.
-A base de vocês é... um bar? - Jaser diz, olhando para o Suvaco Seco, que está com as luzes ligadas, e algumas vozes podem ser ouvidas vindo de dentro do estabelecimento, e em meio a um sussurro ele adiciona - O que é um bar...?
-Você vai ver - Mia ri um pouco com a confusão de Jaser, Agatha e Samuel também riem um pouco, é sempre interessante ver a reação dos novatos
Abrindo as portas, é possível ver algumas pessoas sentadas nas cadeiras conversando, bebendo ou jogando. Mais ao fundo, uma mulher de cabelos brancos e que aparenta estar por volta de seus 60 anos está atrás do balcão, secando alguns copos e conversando com um homem de cabelos longos castanhos com mechas grisalhas.
Eles então, vão em direção as duas pessoas conversando no balcão, e Jaser apenas segue o grupo.
-E aí Ivete! Oi Arthur! - Agatha é a primeira a falar, chamando atenção dos dois.
-Agatha! - Arthur e Ivete falam, quase em uníssono, e Arthur se vira para dar boas vindas a garota, vendo junto dela Samuel, Mia, Lupi, Veríssimo e um homem que nunca havia visto antes, usando um sobretudo preto com detalhes brancos, igual seu cabelo, e olhos verde esmeralda, se ele não era um ocultista, Arthur não sabia o que ele era
-Arthur. - Senhor Veríssimo diz, e Arthur já ajeita sua postura para falar com o homem.
-Sr. Veríssimo. Que bom que voltou em segurança.
-Sim, quero que conheça um conhecido antigo meu, Jaser - Veríssimo se vira levemente de lado, estendendo uma de suas mãos em direção à Jaser
-Muito prazer, Arthur, não é?
-Isso mesmo! Bem vindo a Ordem! - Arthur estende a mão para um comprimento e Jaser retribui.
-Muito obrigado, mas acho que não vou me juntar a vocês por enquanto, mas agradeço o convite!
-Depois explicarei melhor para você, Arthur, mas por agora, apresente ele para o pessoal, e mostre a base.
-Sim senhor, pode deixar
E então, Arthur, acompanhado de Mia e Lupi, apresenta a base e os agentes à Jaser. Ele mostra a ala de reuniões, onde alguns agentes estavam sentados revisando documentos de suas missões, tirando uma pausa e coisas do tipo. Eles encontram Rubens, Balu e Carina sentados em uma mesa conversando, eles se apresentam, e o tour segue.
Arthur mostra a ala médica, onde veem Marcela e Carla no balcão. Depois a sala de ocultismo, onde estava Agatha, Dante, e mais uma menina que cuida da sala junto com Agatha. Na sala de pesquisa, Samuel e mais uma outra agente. E no laboratório, Renan.
Todos dão as boas vindas para Jaser de forma amorosa, ele se sentiu bem naquele lugar, sabia que podia confiar naquelas pessoas, ele estava seguro ali.
Ao fim do tour, Mia e Lupi foram organizar alguns documentos que precisavam ser categorizados, e então Jaser estava a sós com Arthur.
-Bom, é isso! Essa é a nossa base, seja muito bem vindo! Mesmo que você não vá em missões com a gente, você pode sempre passar por aqui pra ver a gente! - Arthur diz, com seu sorriso típico
-Muito obrigado, com certeza vou vir aqui mais vezes, vocês todos parecem felizes juntos, é um lugar bom - Jaser fala, olhando ao redor e sorrindo. Ele não sabia descrever exatamente o conforto e bem que aquele lugar emanava, mas gostava da sensação.
Depois disso, Veríssimo chamou Arthur para uma reunião, e Mia chamou Jaser para se juntar a ela, para guardar alguns documentos. Quando terminaram, Mia iria para casa
-Bom, terminamos! Agora - Ela se espreguiça - vamos pra casa!
-"Vamos"? - Jaser questiona
-Lógico, bobinho, você vai morar comigo, com o Lupi e meu pai, a gente n ia deixar você largado né
-Ah, bem, obrigado, então. - Jaser sorri um pouco, ter um lugar para ficar e poder chamar de casa com certeza vai ser bom.
Já são por volta das 10 da noite, Mia diz à seu pai que está indo para casa, e eles seguem para o estacionamento, passando pela Ivete, ela se despede, e diz que volta amanhã. Chegando no carro, Mia entra no Banco do motorista, Jaser no passageiro, e Lupi atrás.
Chegando em sua nova casa, parecia aconchegante, não era tão grande quanto a Mansão Strach, mas era definitivamente mais convidativa. Mia mostra o lugar, onde cada coisa fica, e onde Jaser dormiria.
-Amanhã antes de eu ir pra base da ordem, a gente precisa ir comprar algumas roupas pra você, por que não dá pra você ficar andando pra todo lugar com esse sobretudo!
-O que? Tem alguma coisa e errado com ele? - Jaser procura em sua roupa alguma mancha ou rasgado
-Não, não tem nada de errado, é só que ele chama muita atenção, vão pensar que você tá fantasiado toda vez que você sair
-Ah, entendo... mas ainda posso usar ele de vez em quando?
-Sim sim, relaxa! Agora, eu não sei o que eu vou te dar pra você usar de pijama... ah! Já sei! - Mia pega Jaser pelo braço e o leva em direção ao seu quarto, parando na frente da porta - Espera ai!!
Ela fecha a porta, e após algum tempo, a porta abre novamente
-Tcharam!! - Ela diz, enquanto levanta uma blusa de manga longa, com as mangas rosas e uma calça combinando - Eu sei que não faz seu estilo, mas é só essa noite!
Jaser, sem muita escolha, pega a roupa na mão
-Acho que é melhor do que dormir de sobretudo mesmo... - ele coça atrás da cabeça, um pouco desconcertado com a situação, porém sem escolha.
Jaser então veste o pijama, e fica um pouco curto, mas nada desconfortável, Mia acha um pouco engraçado vê-lo com aquele pijama, mas diz que ficou bonito, e Lupi concorda. Eles então vão para seus quartos, e Jaser se deita em sua cama, olhando para o teto, faz algum tempo que não dormia bem, e tinha receio do que sua mente poderia trazer como sonho.
Depois de se revirar na cama, Jaser pega no sono, e não sonha com nada, dorme bem, melhor do que jamais dormiu, imaginou que fosse acordar durante a noite, mas nada disso aconteceu.
O Sol já estava brilhando pela janela, quando Jaser ouve algumas batidas em sua porta. Ele se levanta para abrir, e encontra quem imaginava, Mia e ao seu lado, Lupi
-Bom dia!
-Au au!
-Bom dia, Mia, Lupi - ele se abaixa para fazer carinho nele
-Oh, o café já tá pronto lá na cozinha, come e se arruma que a gente vai sair já já pra comprar roupas!
-Tudo bem, muito obrigado, Mia
-Por nada! É o mínimo pra te fazer se sentir em casa - Ela sorri, e então segue para o seu quarto.
Jaser vai até a cozinha, e chegando lá, encontra Veríssimo
-Bom dia, Jaser - Ele toma um gole de seu café e apoia a xícara na mesa
-Bom dia, Veríssimo - Ele se senta, e toma seu café.
AAAAAHH eu to amando escrever essa au!!! Fico tão feliz imaginando ele tendo uma vida normal. Muito obrigado por ler!! <3
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theoakleafpancake · 11 months ago
“I ask for what must be. You have the skills, the heart, the right, and the need to do what I have asked. Believe what I have told you. Do as I have said. Then will the Shadowen be destroyed.”
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[Image ID: Par Ohmsford, from the elbows up. The background behind him is contrasting shades of red. He is wearing a brown tunic over a darker, long-sleeved shirt with a blue cloak wrapped around his neck. He is looking to his right with a worried expression, one hand at his heart. He has light skin, greenish eyes, and blonde curly hair reaching down past his chin. His ears are pointed. A red light creeps up from the bottom, the light reflecting in his eyes. There is gold border with text on either side of him, reading from left side to right: “Par Ohmsford, bearer of the Wishsong’s promise, I charge you with recovering the Sword of Shannara—Only through the Sword can the truth be revealed.” /End ID]
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[Image ID: Wren Elessedil, from the elbows up. The background behind her is contrasting shades of teal. She is wearing a purple shirt, dark belt with gold platings in the middle, and a red cloak that covers part of her left arm. A black arm brace covers her right wrist/hand and she is holding a leather pouch by the strings. She has tan skin, hazel eyes, and ashy blonde hair, curly and cut short. Her ears are pointed. A light blue light is glowing around her from the bottom, reflecting in her eyes as well. There is a gold border with text on either side of her. Reading from left side to right, it says: “Wren, child of hidden, forgotten lies, yours is a charge of equal importance—Find the Elves and return them to the world of men.” /End ID]
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[Image ID: Walker Boh, from the elbows up. The background behind him is contrasting shades of blue. He wears a dark green, loose-fitted tunic with a brown cloak around his shoulders. His dark hair is long and slightly wavy, and he has a short beard. He has brown eyes and pale skin. His right sleeve is empty and cut short. His left arm is cradled close to his chest, his hand curled up as if holding something. His ears are slightly pointed. A dark blue light creeps up him from below, reflecting in his eyes. Around him is a golden border with text on either said. Reading from left side to right: “Walker Boh, you of no belief, seek that belief - and the understanding necessary to sustain it—Search out disappeared Paranor and restore the Druids.” /End ID]
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nebby-stardust · 2 years ago
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@nyx-deadwally-2360 - brain rotted your ocs just so much today so have a doodle sheet ahah
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captzexx · 11 months ago
People keep thinking it's a Nazgul, but all I think is this is in Seattle and it's actually a druid from Shannara at the Hadeshorn.
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allengreenfield · 9 months ago
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bookstattoosandtea · 2 months ago
Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway: Nightcrawler by Patricia Logan
Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway:NightcrawlerBy Patricia Logan Trackers, Book 1 I’ve always been a sucker for a guy with muscles and a handsome face. If that makes me sound shallow, maybe I am. I’ve never had a real relationship, unless you consider the guys in my Marine Corps Recon unit. I had a great relationship with those guys. Yeah, yeah, I know we’re splitting hairs. These days, long after…
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monsterroonio · 2 years ago
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Opinion on my oc Paranor?
they are very cool and very swag and I love their colors
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sister-2-sleep · 1 month ago
Chappell roan cover of running out of time by paranore when????
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udaykiran514 · 2 months ago
Terrifying Ghost Horror Music | Scary Haunted Sounds for Sleep | Paranor...
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geekgyrl · 3 months ago
Paranormal Files Hollywood Forever #shorts #hollywood #cemetery #paranor...
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wingedgardennightmare · 5 months ago
07/09/24 #MUCH# WENLOCK #WALK # ROUND #youtube #ghost #cemetery #paranor...
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theruepapers · 6 months ago
A second episode - Bea finds another story in the basement, one with terrible consequences for the investigators
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blogparanormalexpresso2stuff · 11 months ago
The Freakiest & Most Insidious Alien Encounter of All Time: Sam the Sandown Clown | Documentary
They are now running a Black Friday Sale. Go to https://establishedtitles.com/PARANOR... and get an additional 10% off on any purchase with code PARANORMALSCHOLAR. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video! In 1973, two children were playing near the town of Sandown on the Isle of Wight, England. What followed was as sinister as it was bizarre: a tall, humanoid figure dressed akin to a creepy clown, with three blue fingers and antennae on its head, appeared before the children. It appeared to be extraterrestrial, an encounter with an alien being which not merely communicated with the pair, but invited them inside its “metallic hut” UFO, and quite possibly abducted them. In the years since, all manner of theories have been proposed as to what the children experienced, with the being now, chillingly, being known as All Colours Sam, the Sandown Clown.
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