#paranoid rebel husbands
abbyfmc · 21 days
Yandere President! Husband x First Lady! Wife Reader:
I have never seen a yandere as a political figure, be it a mayor, minister, senator, congressman or president of an entire country.
The Yandere President met you before he rose to power, and from there he became madly infatuated with you.
The yandere president came from a very powerful family like you, so your parents and his arranged a marriage despite the modernity of the time.
He received a very comprehensive, albeit and very strict education.
Your education wasn't very different from his; you even knew each other from a young age, as your parents purposely brought you together.
The Yandere President won't take "no" from you for an answer.
A president needs to have charisma and know how to communicate with people, and the Yandere president is no exception. He KNOWS that there are people who believe in him, and whether he is corrupt or not, he will use this chance of manipulation to his advantage to have you.
The Yandere President will always make sure you're comfortable wherever you go together, or whenever you want to stay home. You will have the best medical care and attention, as well as the best food, drink, clothing, treats, accessories and, above all, protection.
And by the way, you will have a great and powerful status that others would envy.
The Yandere President is one of those powerful, paranoid, manipulative, protective and, above all, controlling yanderes.
Whether you're alone or with him, you'll ALWAYS be watched by him wherever you go, even if it's from your bedroom to the living room. The Yandere President will have bodyguards on hand to carefully protect you, him, and his family; he also has servants such as private chefs, maids, chauffeurs, butlers, security guards, etc.
ALL of those servants will tell the yandere president everything you say or do.
The yandere president has a WHOLE team of security cameras and microphones watching you from every possible angle (even if you can't see them), so he ALWAYS knows where you are, who you're with, what you say and what you do. After that, there's no way you can lie to him.
He would even limit your outings to the patio, for fear of snipers, according to him.
Needless to say, you have become the main object of his crazy obsessive love. He would do anything to have you; including killing his love rivals; overprotecting you; isolating you; censoring or controlling all information about you in the media.
The Yandere President knows he has enemies everywhere, both politicians from other parties and other nations and civilians (including rebel groups) who are willing to kidnap you, torture you, extort you, rob you, rape you and even kill you for the simple reason of being related to him.
The yandere president would barely let you see your family.
The Yandere President would love any gift you give him, just because it came from you, his greatest love.
The Yandere President would proudly show you off to everyone, and wouldn't stop reminding the citizens that you are his.
Even though you participate in politics and charity events, the yandere president considers that you should only be his due to his jealousy.
And speaking of which, the yandere president will not stand for you leaving him or talking to another man other than himself, your father or maybe a brother.
Whether in public or private, he will hold your hand, hug you or kiss you, but not to keep up appearances, but to show you the love he feels for you.
Although the yandere president knows that he must protect you from the paparazzi and the media, since he knows that if they have no mercy on him (being the president), much less will they have mercy on you.
I almost forgot: the yandere president would NOT accept a divorce.
He can't bear the idea that you, his beloved, want to leave him.
He would question you intensively to find out the reason for the divorce. Did he not take care of you? Did someone threaten you? Did he not give you enough gifts? Did he not love you or give you enough affection? Did he not give you the attention you wanted? Did someone do something to you and he did not protect you enough?
The Yandere President would talk things over with you and tell you right away that he would NOT let you go anywhere.
The yandere president will even lock you up to make you reconsider.
The Yandere President is not only someone with a lot of money; he also has the best team of private detectives, investigators, spies, hackers, guards and even police officers; so he knows EVERYTHING about you and your family, so if he can't get you to give up on the divorce, he'll have your parents pressure you or threaten to make them disappear.
The Yandere President is capable of ordering the killing of any lover you have.
He is the yandere president; he has absolute control over every part of the country, be it houses, apartments, schools and universities, public administration sites, establishments, all streets and even airports and/or borders.
Now, he would never dare to hurt you directly.
The Yandere President would be capable of making your life difficult if you divorce him. He will do everything to get you back, even sending his men to kidnap you.
He would not accept a divorce even if his election campaigns fail, just think that if he fails, you'll do it together.
The yandere president would be able to become a yandere dictator for you.
He would invite you on the most dazzling trips around the country or around the world.
-The end.
So, what do you think?
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triskhellion · 1 year
Rated: Explicit (7.3k)
Relationship: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale
Tags: POV Stiles, Human Stiles, Left Hand Peter, Graphic Violence, Alternate Universe, Strangers to Lovers, Getting Together, Gratuitous Endearments, Versatile Stiles/Peter, Explicit Sexual Content, Dirty Talk, Rough Sex, Knotting, Mating Bites, Dubious Consent, Uninformed Consent, Little to no prior discussion of a lot of things lmao, Assholes in Love, Morally Ambiguous Stiles/Peter, Murder Husbands, Song Lyrics, Happy Ending
Summary: Stiles and Peter run into each other when attempting to kill the same people. They get together and go a-murderin'.
For @steterweek 2023. Many prompts, lol.
Mead Moons prompts: 21, Claiming, Fae, Herbs, & Rose. @sterek-and-stuff-events
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He drove for hours to get to the target, turning the knob between radio stations in the old, throwaway car he bought in cash for one trip only. His gloved fingers paused when the fist-pumping rhythm, scorching guitar, and sneering growl of “Rebel Yell” came blaring out of the speakers and he put his hand back on the steering wheel, drumming along and shimmying his shoulders. They must’ve been playing alternating sets because the next two tracks were Billy Idol too.
Grinning and even more hyped he arrived at his destination after nightfall, a tiny community on the Northern California coast called Albion. He made the final approach to an isolated McMansion on the outskirts, its resident reclusive and paranoid. Too paranoid to trust others with his security, apparently, relying only on his guard dogs and technology. 
Not paranoid enough, he thought, smirking. After parking the car out of view he climbed out and took off his black hoodie, strapped on a bulletproof vest, and then put it back on again, zipping it up high. This was his tactical hoodie, it had several custom compartments, including a passthrough pocket for his handgun and a sheath on the back for his bat.
Stiles tranq’d the quartet of Dobermans from afar with night vision goggles and dropped the dart gun to be collected later or left behind as circumstances permitted. It wouldn’t led back to him. He slipped inside with a hacked door code, the gentle beeping hopefully not yet alerting his quarry. Carefully, he made his way through the house, avoiding or disengaging a series of booby traps that he used the man’s own surveillance cameras to memorize.
He was almost to the wing with the sleeping quarters when suddenly an alarm that sounded like the apocalypse itself started going off. What the entire fuck? He knew he hadn’t messed anything up. Moments later it blessedly cut off again, but then he heard a roar of pain behind him as he sprinted down the hall and realized that he wasn’t the only one breaking in tonight. Of all the dumb fucking luck.  
Stiles turned and saw a man rushing toward him, shouting, and he sped up. The guy moved unnaturally fast and gave the distinct impression of wanting to rip him apart. Yeah no, buddy. 
He jumped a trip wire and then threw himself to the right, ducking under another sensor. From the sounds of gunfire behind him his pursuer hadn’t bothered to pay attention to his maneuvers, but must’ve been one lucky son-of-a-bitch because the footsteps kept coming, if somewhat slower. 
Reaching the end of the hall, Stiles quickly triggered a thick metal door to descend, which slammed down between them before the mystery mission-crasher could get through. There was a narrow strip of some transparent bulletproof material in the otherwise solid steel door and he met the shadowed eyes of the man cursing him on the other side, an odd reflection making them seem bright blue for a moment. Seconds passed entranced as they stared, but then he shook himself out of it.
“Sorry, my guy. This is my party and you weren’t invited.” 
There was an answering thud near his head and more muffled cursing and noises of frustration.
“If you let him get away I’m going to tear your throat out,” the man threatened. See? He knew the guy was a ripper.
Stiles scoffed. “You’re the one who fucked this up, asshole.” He turned away muttering, “Goddamn Leroy Jenkins over here.”
Luckily, he always had a backup plan, in this case the code to the panic room as well. That’s what too many simulations and drills would get you. 
Humming softly, he withdrew his gun and prepared to go inside. Here she comes now, sayin’ Mony Mony. Shoot ‘em down, turn around, come on Mony. 
When their eyes met again over what was now a mangled corpse it was…something at first sight. Well, technically, it was like, third sight, but this was his first time actually getting a good look at the guy. And vice versa from the way those light colored eyes were currently tracking up and down his body. 
The man was older, but not yet middle-aged — perhaps 35 or so — and had impeccable style. Upscale business casual threads in blues and grays with a belt and shoes in an orange-brown for color. Stiles had no penchant for it himself, but could appreciate it all the same. He noted some red leaking through the navy blazer. The man didn’t seem concerned though, so it must’ve been a graze. 
Stiles straightened up and wiped the blood spatter from his face. The mark had gotten off a couple shots, one going wide and the other embedding in the side of his vest. He’d shot the man’s right arm, causing the revolver to fall to the floor, and followed up with another one high on his leg. Then it’d been bat time. 
This was personal, after all. The motherfucker — a former deputy — almost killed his father. Did kill innocent bystanders. Heather.  He gave the piece of shit a last kick to the head and flipped him over.
“Darling, you look so good in red,” the man purred.
If it were anyone else Stiles would’ve hefted his still dripping bat in warning, but instead he found himself grinning like an idiot and felt himself flush more than from his recent exertion.
“I bet you say that to all the boys,” he said, cleaning his favorite weapon on the back of the dead man’s shirt before pulling out a bag from his hoodie, wrapping it up, and sliding it back in its sheath. 
Then he unlocked a second door and backed away into the night, not taking his eyes off the man watching his every move until he had to disarm another trap in the side yard. 
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The next time they met he’d been the one to arrive to a murder in progress. And how. Stiles had seen a lot in his 21 years — especially the last two or so spent ever further outside of the law — but he never expected to come face to face with a hulking beast with wicked claws and ginormous fangs in a freaky, furry face. Furry everything.
He stood there stunned for several moments, gun pointed at the creature, but not firing as it finished off the lowlife he came to kill. It was disgusting, but impressive.
When it was done the beast looked at him, but made no move to attack. Then it started to change, the sight of flesh rippling and the sound of bones reforming quite disturbing really. Lastly, he watched as the fur receded and it became a man, the man, that he encountered when he took care of Haigh. 
The man he couldn’t stop thinking about and kicked himself for not getting any information that he could’ve used to track him down. To find out more about him. Who he was and what he was about. If he’d liked to get naked sometime. 
Speaking of which, he hadn’t really noticed before what with the very distracting eviscerating going on, but most of the beast man’s clothes had torn in his prior transformation, only scrapes of pants hiding his junk almost like a pair of extra ripped Daisy Dukes. Stiles had no qualms about checking him out and was tickled when he preened and set a hand on his hip.
“So we meet again, sweetheart. Like what you see?”
Always with the endearments, this guy. Monster guy. Werewolf, he supposed. It was obvious that he did like it, but that didn’t mean he was going to say so out loud. Stiles raised an eyebrow and changed the subject.
“Should we be comparing lists or something?” 
There was an amused snort. “Perhaps.” 
They stood around awkwardly for a few moments and then Stiles went to get a closer look at the thoroughly shredded Body Formerly Known As Todd.
“You’re not going to ask?” the werewolf blurted.
There was surprise and incredulity in his voice. And was that a hint of disappointment? Stiles bet he had a whole spiel prepared. He smirked.
“About what? You’re a guy who turns into a wolf-bear creature. And? Do you have another trick up your sleeve? Some fascinating hobby?” 
The werewolf erupted into a full-body laugh, mouth open and eyes sparkling — Stiles was close enough now to see that they were blue — and he was pleased to elicit such a response. He wanted to hear that sound again. 
“Eh, that’s about it unless you consider my day job interesting?” 
“Which is…?” 
“I’m a rather sought after lawyer.”
“Not in the slightest,” Stiles replied, grinning.
“Ouch, you wound me. I bet you’ll change your tune when you need my help getting out of jail and a long prison sentence.” 
“Pbbt, your furry ass will be right there beside me the way things are going.” Which brought him back to the subject at hand. Or foot. “So about that list. Why were you after the likes of this scumbag?” He nudged the body with his shoe.
He listened as werewolf explained that Todd here had been working with a group of Hunters — how original — that attacked supernatural creatures even when they’d done nothing wrong. A group that had killed several members of his family, only himself and his nieces and nephew surviving. That Haigh had helped to cover it up before moving and joining the force in Beacon Hills, where he took part — both directly and indirectly — in the deaths of multiple supernaturals and humans alike. 
Stiles then he gave his own reasons for going after the same targets. His father’s near death and the indiscriminate killing of his childhood friend Heather and other folks who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stiles studied the man in front of him (he was definitely a man regardless of whatever else he was) and mentioned a few more names he was hoping to cross off, observing a reaction to one of them.
“Well, it sounds like a bunch of your enemies are my enemies.”
“Does that make us friends?” the werewolf asked, words laden with seductive promise. 
Stiles put his right hand out flat and rotated his forearm back and forth. “Perhaps.” He winked and retrieved his latest burner phone.
They decided to meet up a few hours later about a 100 miles away at a brewpub in Santa Rosa. Stiles was more nervous on the drive there than he’d been when going a-murdering. At least after the first few times. He slid into a private booth where the werewolf waited upstairs, quiet enough to hear each other easily, but loud enough in the establishment to drown out their conversation. 
He might’ve had a bit (a lot) more to drink than he intended, feeling all kinds of things in the presence of the attractive, deadly, supposed-to-be-mythological man who flirted like innuendos were the gas pedal in Speed. Stiles was amused. Conflicted. Aroused. Reckless.
He remembered flashes of what followed after they settled on a joint course of action. The hawk-eyed stare as he suggestively ate various vaguely phallic finger foods. Stumbling on the steps outside. A hand reaching into his pocket and being buckled into a different car than he arrived in. Asking if the werewolf knew how unfair it was that he was “just so fucking hot” and singing that he wanted to, quote unquote, “Lick lick lick lick you from your head to your toes.”
Being guided through the door of his motel room and onto his unmade bed. A face pressed against his neck and the lightest brush of lips on his throat.  Murmured words, a streetlight briefly flooding the room, and then darkness and silence.
Stiles woke with a start, but soon began to relax after taking stock of first himself and then his surroundings. He was unmurdered, unmolested, and by all accounts still in possession of all of his belongings. The only things out of place were a pair of playing cards tucked underneath his wallet on the beside table. Well, the first was a playing card, the Ace of Spades of course. The second had the back of one, but was actually a fairly standard business card on the other side. It had a triple spiral symbol on the left. 
Peter Hale, Attorney at Law.
He smiled.
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Stiles watched as Peter was punched and pistol-whipped, dragged bloodied and bruised into the inner sanctum of some crime lord’s wannabe chateau. Listened as he begged while henchmen laughed and jeered, taunting that he’d never leave this room alive as they continued to pummel him before tying him up for their boss to interrogate. 
And the award goes to…
When “Mr Marc,” the self-described King of Sacramento, entered the room it was his cue to cut the lights. That unsettling sound of rearranging came through his head piece and then the screaming and gunfire began. 
Stiles took out a few soldiers on the way with his second favorite weapon, a semi-automatic pistol, but the rest had already converged on the custom made cell. Unfortunate for them. By the time he peeked inside it was all over, but the cursing of one gasping Carl Marconi. The man who’d been financing the likes of Haigh and Todd and dealing less-than-legal weapons to the Hunters, not out of any particular animus, but finding the extermination of supernaturals and related fuckery profitable. 
“You messed with the wrong folks,” he said, leaning against the wall as Peter lifted Marconi by the throat in the green light of his night vision goggles. Seconds later there was ripping and gurgling and a trachea landed a few feet away from him with a soft thud.
“Gross, dude.”    
Stiles invited him over after they cleaned up what they needed to, leaving the bodies for their affiliates to find. Perhaps they’d have second thoughts about their business. He booked a nicer place this time, an actual hotel instead of his usual hovel-esque lodgings.
Despite all of his suggestive behavior Peter actually seemed surprised when he pounced as soon as they made it inside.
“Well, this is kind of our third date,” Stiles joked, wagging his eyebrows before kissing him again. 
They made out against the door for a bit, getting more and more heated with little nips and delving tongues. It was obvious that Peter assumed that he would be in charge, but Stiles had other plans at the moment. The wolf followed his unspoken directions with an air of being put upon as he went down to his knees, eyes glowing that inhumane blue, but going nonetheless. 
Stiles pulled out his cock and Peter dropped his fangs with a smirk, but that was no deterrence. Danger only made him harder. 
Carefully, he rubbed the head over Peter’s top lip and then on the fronts of both elongated upper canines and the werewolf shivered, whispering his namebefore retracting his sharpness and taking him into his mouth. Stiles caressed his head as it bobbed, eventually giving a testing tug. Peter groaned and increased his tempo so he did it again. Soon he was holding him stationary and fucking his face, so incredibly turned on be having his way with the werewolf — being allowed to use him — and when he came with a shout Peter swallowed it all, lips wet and eyes shiny.
As he leaned back against the nearby dresser in the midst of his afterglow Peter rose effortlessly to his feet, riled up up and ravenous.
“My turn,” he rasped, plundering Stiles’ mouth and sharing a taste of himself. Pressing him hard against the wall, Peter extended his claws just long enough to tear off his pants and boxer briefs, leaving tiny lines that didn’t quite bleed on his skin.  
“Suck,” he growled, sticking blunted fingers between his lips.
Stiles obliged, jerking his hips at a jolt of arousal. It’d take a while before his dick got back in the game, but he wanted nonetheless. Before he could fully register that his mouth was empty again two fingers were rubbing over his hole. He tried to relax as one pressed inside, burning slightly. 
“So tight, you’re going to feel amazing on my cock,” said Peter, grasping under a thigh and around his back to carry him over to the bed. 
Stiles’ heart raced with both nervousness and excitement knowing what would happen next. He’d been fingered before — mostly, though not solely, by himself — but he’d always topped with his previous partners when it came to fucking. He was also aware that this would not be a gentle deflowering, but he didn’t want to stop. 
After tossing him face down on the bed Peter quickly sniffed out his lube before Stiles could tell him that it was still in his luggage — he deserved a reward for not making a dog joke — and then two slick digits were entering him, alternating between spreading him and brushing over his prostate and then just pumping repeatedly. He wiggled and moaned, rubbing against the bedsheets below him.
“Such a good little whore,” Peter crooned, palming an ass check with his other hand and then lifting it off again. “I know exactly what you need.”
Stiles’ face heated at the words, but he discovered that he liked it. He heard a bottle cap being flicked open and viscous liquid being applied to Peter’s cock. Then he was being pulled up by the hips onto his knees, which were nudged farther apart, and the werewolf climbed over him. Hot, hard flesh pressed against his rim. Stiles realized then that he hadn’t even seen it and had no idea what he was getting into. Or rather, what was getting into him. Breathe, breathe. Relax, relax, re—
With a snarl Peter pushed steadily inside him and he gasped as his body struggled to accommodate the intrusion. His hands clenched in the sheets as he was stretched wide, panting with tears instantly forming in his eyes.
Groans of pleasure from just above punctuated the sound of Peter’s balls slapping against him as he was pounded for several moments and willed himself to just take it. He’d taken Peter’s mouth after all, it was only fair.
Then the movement paused, the fact that he was unusually quiet and still perhaps pulling the older man out of his own blissed out world. 
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” 
Stiles turned his head and gave a shaky smile, nodding, but Peter shot him a skeptical look and then seemed to concentrate inward. He watched in amazement as dark lines began to flow along the werewolf’s veins and suddenly most of the pain was gone, leaving only a mild ache. Taking some deep breaths, he focused on relaxing and letting himself adjust. When Then he experimented with rocking his hips. 
Peter adjusted his position a bit and when he pushed back again he lit up with pleasure, moaning. 
“There we go, darling.” 
The thrusting continued, slower this time, and the werewolf leaned down to lick and suck on his neck. His own cock was hard once more and Stiles began to writhe and gyrate, desperate for more friction. 
Strong hand clamped down on his neck and waist, stilling him as Peter speed up again. “You’re going to be a good boy and take what I give you,” he growled, snapping his hips. 
Stiles gave himself over to the wolf’s control and the cock mercilessly targeting that wondrous little bundle of nerves. He was just starting to get close, but then he felt something happening. An increased pressure.
Peter swore and paused momentarily, grabbing the bottle of lube and drizzling more over them. As he resumed fucking him Stiles felt it again, something stretching him even more.
“Peter?” he gasped.
“Shhhh. It’s okay, darling. Do you trust me?”
Strangely enough, Stiles did. He probably shouldn’t, but that didn’t seem to matter.
“Yeah,” he answered honestly.  The hand at his neck moved to stroke gently down his left side.
“Do you want to be mine? For me to be yours?”
“Yes,” he sobbed, suddenly feeling vulnerable. Not understanding what was going on. He wasn’t really sure what Peter meant either, but he wanted it all the same. The idea of belonging. Wishing that could be true.
Peter made a pleased, guttural sound and he felt himself being opened wider still. He whimpered and the part of the sensation that had crossed over into pain was siphoned again. Finally the source of the pressure slipped all the way inside where it nestled against his prostate. The wolf began to swivel his hips, grinding into him over and over.
Stiles cried out as he came, clenching around the large object and then suddenly sharp fangs were embedded where his shoulder met his neck. He was already overwhelmed before a rush of foreign information — impressions and feelings and things he had no words for — flooded his brain just as Peter’s hot cum flooded his body and he passed out to the sound of roaring.
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He floated back to awareness being held to a warm chest, a hand gently stroking his back and neck. He felt sticky and slightly sore, bombarded by sensations and emotions.
“Is that what bottoming is always like? Holy fuck,” he muttered, half-lifting his head groggily before letting it fall again.
Peter paused his petting and Stiles almost begged him to continue the grounding contact.
“You…I assumed…” The wolf was actually at a loss for a moment. 
“S’fine,” he mumbled into the pillow. The soothing touch continued more softly.
When his brain truly came back online some minutes later he jerked up, pulling back to look at Peter, who’d apparently been doing that pain drain thing again. He was going to ask about that later, but he had more pressing things on his mind.
“So wait, what the fuck was up with your dick? And why do I feel like…like there’s more…just more in my head?”
For the first time he saw actual worry on the werewolf’s face, before it smoothed back into a neutral expression.
The more Peter explained about werewolves and mating and wolf mates the narrower his eyes got until he could barely see the mouth still flapping only a few feet away.
“And you didn’t think to tell me about any of that beforehand, you son-of-a-bitch?!”
The worried look was back again, but even more pronounced. Stiles could feel -- because he had some mystical bullshit feeding him another person’s emotions somewhere in his head now — Peter’s anxiety and fear. His defensiveness and discomfort and a flash of hurt, as well. Boo-fucking-hoo. Tellingly, there was only the barest whisper of guilt. The bastard. 
Peter opened his mouth to respond, but he cut him off. 
“Blah blah blah, wolfy instincts I’m sure. You’re a selfish bastard.” Stiles glared into stormy sea eyes. “But then so am I.” 
Peter huffed, crossing his arms. “Well, you can always kill me if you want out.”
“I know.” 
He hadn’t actually known until just then, but he’d figured that would be the case. Peter grimaced and nodded. 
“Are you going to?” 
A numb resignation drifted through the bond. That’s what it was called. The bond. Pack bond. Mating bond. He was a mated man. Claimed.
“Hmm…perhaps,” he answered with bared teeth. 
“Lie.” The wolf hissed. He then leaned forward slightly and sniffed, his head tilted and eyes unfocused before they narrowed in turn. “You’re…not actually mad about this, are you?”
“Not really,” Stiles said, shrugging and sighing deeply. He let out go of the anger that he’d been purposefully trying to cultivate. That he probably should feel, but didn’t. He wondered what that said about him. “But it’s the principle of the thing,” he added, punctuating the words with a finger jabbing into Peter’s chest. 
The asshole flashed a triumphant grin and that occupied little corner of brain was all happy and relieved and smug.
“Eat me,” he retorted, flipping double birds.
And well…Peter did. 
God, his tongue. A++, would be rimmed until he babbled and cried again. And again. He had half a mind to make it a stipulation whenever they got around to drawing up the legal papers as well.
The next morning the wolf — his wolf — was in the process of getting out of bed, but Stiles wrapped around him from behind like an octopus and pulled him back to sit on the edge of the mattress. He spat in his hand and reached around and down to grasp his hardening shaft, tweaking a nipple with the other and leaving disappointingly brief hickeys on the side of his neck. Peter thrusted up into his hand for a minute or two and then twisted to push him onto his back, sliding over his body and settling between his legs. 
He lined up their cocks and then began rutting between, making those hot growly sounds as Stiles moaned and wrapped long legs around his waist and moved his hips. 
“I’m going to give that sweet ass of yours a break,” Peter whispered in his ear, licking and nipping at an earlobe. “But I’ll be fucking you again real soon.”
Perhaps I’ll fuck you first.
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Stiles followed Peter into Growing Gaines, a cozy, fairly new shop which sold flowers, plants, and natural remedies. He turned the sign in the door to “Closed” and quietly twisted the lock behind him. 
This was a more impromptu job than usual, the result of his mate showing him bestiaries and other books about the supernatural a couple mornings ago and suddenly coming to the realization that the recent influx of missing children in the area was probably due to some kind of fae creature. Likely in Oakland, around 15 miles away from Peter’s apartment in Walnut Creek, based on the pattern of disappearances.
A wandering Higher Unseelie it turned out, though the exact species was unknown.  Ancient. Beautiful. Deadly. And in this case, rather sloppy, sometimes literally.
There’d been no time to waste — they wanted to make sure she didn’t strike again — so they collected what they knew to work against the fae, much of it already in the wolf’s possession. (Peter had informed him that he was something called a Left Hand, a pack’s protector and enforcer. An instrument of vengeance should harm befall them.) Purified salt, mistletoe, holly, and silver. Rowan, which was part of the rose family and also known as mountain ash. Peter had it in both wood and powdered forms despite not being able to touch it himself. And of course “iron — cold iron — is master of them all.”     
There was some debate about exactly what “cold iron” meant: iron turned into a weapon, iron that had been cold-worked instead of forged or welded, raw iron ore or just a poetic term for iron in general. Stiles made sure to cover all his bases by selecting a sharpened, cold-worked spike made from a meteorite and attached to a rowan handle from the Hale vault. Hell, he threw it in the freezer for good measure and packed it in a cooler bag with ice packs even though the wolf laughed and laughed at him.
While Peter turned on the charm and distracted the sweetly smiling platinum blonde he got to work “browsing” the plant section out back and laid out a binding circle. Well, it was more of an oval really. When she led Peter toward the weigelas he asked about Stiles knocked her out with a rag soaked in mistletoe extract and rolled in silver dust. 
They’d been pretty damn certain that they had the right culprit, but to make absolutely sure Peter rifled through the office inside while Stiles kept watch over the unconscious “Alisha Gaines.” When he felt a sense of nausea followed by rage through the bond he knew that they did before the wolf returned with a look of disgust on his face. It took about another ten minutes for her to wake up — they wanted her aware of why she was going to die — and everything was ready.
“You know all you had to do was not be a complete piece of shit and you could’ve lived just about forever,” Stiles said, shaking his head at the triple bound fairy. “It’s not like you even needed to eat people — children — to survive or anything. You just wanted to.” The malevolent creature glared at him with pure hatred, but thankfully looks couldn’t kill unless you were dealing with a basilisk. “Oh well.” He drove the iron spike into her heart.
With a muffled scream she began to dissipate, which was both fascinating and very convenient. Power coursed through him —as he’d read that it would — and also into a set of seven amulets that he had wrapped around his right wrist. Stiles didn’t have magic himself, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t use it if harnessed in certain ways. And he could definitely benefit from the general upgrade in health and vitality from a transference of life force.  
“God, you’re so fucking sexy when you do that,“ Peter growled, burying a hand in his growing hair and all but mashing their faces together. “The planning.” He licked over the seam of Stiles’ lips. ”The set up.” A teasing tongue worked into his mouth. “Keeping it short and sweet…” Peter sucked on his lower lip. “Instead of a whole monologue.” 
Stiles slipped his tongue into the wolf’s mouth. 
“The execution,” Peter hissed, resting their foreheads together, breathing each other in. “Pun intended,” he added a few moments later before diving back in again. 
The kissing turned into wrestling for dominance and surprisingly enough Stiles won, arms wrapped around the wolf from behind with teeth set to the side of his throat. He wasn’t sure if the fae power gave him that much of a boost or whether Peter simply relented for once. 
“Looks like I’ll be having you tonight” he teased, swatting Peter on the ass. The wolf huffed and stalked away, but he could tell that he was actually pleased. Excited even. This whole bond thing was pretty cool after all, at least when it worked to his advantage. 
Stiles gathered several bunches of hanging herbs that were drying in the sunshine knowing that Mr. Fancy Pants would totally love that shit. He also swiped two bouquets of roses from inside, one with classic, long-stemmed red flowers and the other a pretty light purple variety. The tag called it Plum Perfect and described it as “lavender” and “double flowered.” What could he say, he was a romantic.
Peter made them a lovely beef roast for dinner with root vegetables — parsnips, carrots, Yukon gold and sweet potatoes, and freakin’ rutabagas because he was extra like that — cooked in a red wine sauce with some of the fresh thyme. Afterwards, Stiles found him in the bedroom naked and spread out on his back for him. He hurriedly pulled off his clothes and climbed onto the slate blue 1000 thread count sheets.
The wolf wore a come-and-get-it smirk on his face, but Stiles could feel that he was nervous too. He just lay on top of Peter for a while, kissing him and mouthing his neck while frotting lazily between his legs, enjoying a nice, slowly building heat. His wolf grabbed one of his hands and kissed it, looking up at him with such affection in his eyes.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. It’s just been a long time.” 
Then he took two of those fingers and sucked until they were sopping wet, guiding his hand down between them. Stiles didn’t need to be told twice.
He bit Peter’s shoulder and closed his eyes after inserting that first finger, circling and rubbing inside. He reached over for the lube when he was about to add another, but then held it over the other man’s left hand instead.
“I wanna see you fuck yourself open for me.”
Peter inhaled sharply and moved to obey. The slick sounds watching those shorter, but thicker fingers pumping into his ass, went straight to Stiles’ already rock hard cock. 
“C’mon, show me how much you want it.” 
Peter’s eyes flashed that beautiful bright blue and he started to thrust up with his hips to meet his hand, the tendons in his neck standing out as leaned forward and threw himself into it. Stiles was practically drooling as he stared and decided to put that pooling saliva to use, letting it drip down over his mate’s now three busy fingers. He bent down off to the side and suckled the head of Peter’s leaking cock, licking and kissing and then enveloping it again a few times before pulling away, the wolf trying to keep him there with the scrabbling digits of his other hand. 
He smirked and Peter glared at him — all flushed and sweaty and shameless…beautiful — until he saw him slicking himself up. When Stiles grasped the backs of his thighs just above the knees and lifted the wolf finally withdrew his fingers so that he could take their place. He shuffled forward and rubbed the tip of his cock over his mate’s quivering hole, teasing and savoring the delicious anticipation.
“Fucking hurry it up!” Peter barked. 
Stiles had half a mind to make him wait even more, make him beg, but he was more than ready to get on with it himself. No, he’d give Peter exactly what he wanted. 
“Fuck,” he breathed as he entered that tight, engulfing heat, steadily sinking in until he was sheathed completely. Peter’s mouth hung open, his rim stretched and clenching around Stiles’ cock, but he wasn’t experiencing true pain. Still, he waited until Peter started to wiggle around and then he snapped his hips, setting an even pace. 
Stiles settled down onto his forearms to kiss him and then buried a hand in his hair, tugging his head up and latching onto his neck. His tips tingled from the vibrations of Peter’s moans. He switched to undulating his hips every so often, dragging long and slow.
It was so so good, but soon he began to crave something else. A wilder, animal impulse urged him to claim.
Peter whined when he suddenly pulled out, but he wouldn’t be left empty for long. Stiles flipped him over and lined himself up, pushing back in with a single forceful thrust. He grasped the wolf by the throat, not choking him, but holding firmly, and began thrusting again with abandon. Deep, hard strokes that pressed him into the mattress. Peter gasped and tilted his hips back, spurring him on even more. 
“That’s a good bitch,” Stiles said before biting the back of his neck.
And then Peter was tensing up all over, making low, breathy sounds and clenching around his cock as he came and came and came. Stiles felt his rapid pulse against his palm, squeezing once before letting go and planting both hands on the bed. He sped up then, chasing his own end as the wolf still twitched beneath him. It wasn’t long before his balls drew up tight and he began to shoot his load. 
“Mine mine mine,” he chanted, just as Peter often did when he was the one coming apart under his mate. Stiles only wished that he had a knot to bury in him too. Perhaps he’d check out some of those not-entirely-fantasy-after-all sex toy makers. 
He continued to slowly thrust into Peter even after he emptied every last drop inside him.
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They were on the road again, this time all the way to Austin, TX. They could’ve just flown in and gotten a car down there, but it became an excuse to do some gallivanting on the way. Vegas. Albuquerque. Maybe they’d swing down across the border to Monterrey on the drive back. Hit up some museums and stuff themselves with cabrito al pastor.
Stiles all but skipped into their first stop in the city — one of the dozen and a half or so record stores he pulled up on the map — excited to buy some vinyl now that he had access to a turntable and a state of the art sound system. He was browsing the H-Me section when Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell caught his eye. Memories of that fateful trip to Albion and his first encounter with Peter ran through his mind and he grinned. Of course he had to get it. 
The fact that this was their final mission practically made it a sign. An auspicious one, he hoped. Their kill lists had significant overlap, but there were a number of targets who only made the mistake of enraging one of them. Not that that mattered, they were no less dead for it. If someone made it onto Peter’s then, by golly, that was reason enough to land them in his sights as well and vice-versa. 
This one made the top of both of theirs, though. Gerard Argent. Leader of the Argent clan despite their supposed matriarchy. The Hunter who bribed corrupt policeman like Haigh and introduced the likes of Marconi to the existence of the supernatural. Who approved his daughter’s heinous attack on the Hales. 
Stiles had been happy to learn that she’d been left to rot in scattered pieces — or perhaps to become a meal for some lurking scavenger — in a landfill somewhere in the southwest. Arizona or New Mexico. His mate had been kind of out of it at the time, apparently. Kate Argent was one of Peter’s first post-fire kills and understandably the most emotional. 
Now it was time for her father to pay. They’d saved him for last. 
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Things went wrong almost immediately, a series of cascading minor mishaps requiring them to adapt everything on the fly. All they needed was for Peter to wearingly declare that he was too old for this shit (he would never) and it would’ve been a perfect cliche. But in the end the mission was salvaged. Gerard was super dead and they were still around to return one day and piss on his grave. The worse for wear for sure — he’d been injured enough to need all 3 of the amulets he brought and would probably have nightmares from having to burn that much wolfsbane out of Peter — but alive. That was all that mattered.
There is nothing safe in this world. And there's nothing sure in this world. And there's nothing pure in this world. Look for something left in this world. Start again.
They were somewhere between Artesia Wells and Encinal, about 60 miles from the border, when Stiles was directed to turn off onto an unmarked dirt path and through a gate. It was covered in signs declaring it private property and promising trespassers a plethora of bodily harm. Stiles raised his eyebrows and glanced over as he continued farther down. 
“It belongs to friends of the family,” Peter stated, completely at ease
The pack. Sometimes the fact that he was now part of it too, if not yet officially, made him slack-jawed with disbelief. Stiles Stilinski, guy who runs with wolves. 
Well, just the one at the moment. And he preferred a brisk walk or a jog at most. A nice sedate stroll from time to time.
They built an unnecessarily large bonfire from the stack of dry branches next to the large two room shed, which was stocked full of water and nonperishable food on one side and various tools, cleaning solutions, and other potentially useful miscellanea on the other. Nice.
He was about to toss in any last detritus from their venture — a pair of shoes, certain fake IDs, some papers (written in code, but still,) a blood-soaked woven tote bag and such — when Peter grabbed his wrist.
“Ah ah ah, dear heart. Smores first, then incriminating evidence. Who knows what awful chemicals are in that stuff.”
Stiles snorted. “I’m still going to breathe it in, babe.”
“Not if you go back to the car and let me and me and my superior constitution handle it. After dessert.”
He rolled his eyes, but sent a burst of affection through their bond. Peter might often wrap it up in jerkitude, but it was these small, thoughtful gestures that showed how much he cared. 
“So what’s on the agenda when we get back? Redecorating? Adopting a pet?” he inquired between gooey bites of chocolate-y marshmallow deliciousness.
Peter didn’t dignify the first suggestion with a response. “Hmm, a well-behaved adult cat might be negotiable.”
“If you accompany me to the Pack House.”
Stiles felt his face warp into something merely resembling a smile.
He just couldn’t help being anxious about it. What if Laura refused to accept him after she actually met him? Or the three of them just didn’t like him. He learned about how important packs were to wolves when Peter explained about being a Left Hand and all that. 
His mate chuckled and rubbed his shoulders consolingly.
“Okay love, not yet. But soon. And it’ll be fine, I promise. They’re going to love you.”
Stiles wished he could say the same, already imagining the look on the retired Sheriff’s face when introduced to the older man who was even more bloodthirsty and chaotic than he was, not to mention kind of a snob to boot. And that wasn’t even getting into the werewolf thing, assuming he ever broached that topic at all. But hopefully in time his dad would come around once he saw how well they were suited and how doting and devoted Peter was, even if would have studiously not look too closely should any more trash need to be disposed of. 
Almost a week later they returned to Peter’s apartment. Their apartment now he supposed unless the wolf wanted somewhere new. There was no way in hell he was moving into Stiles’ shanty studio situation up in Sacramento, that was for sure, and the idea of living apart was…discomforting to say the least. He liked to blame it on the mate bond or the frequency with which he awoke to Peter’s mouth around his cock, but he also loved cuddling and spooning and breaksfast in bed, okay? 
The Pack House was in Emeryville about 20 minutes away, but he knew his mate liked having his own place. Hadn’t spent much time there at all recently, what with the various “errands” and then being, ahem, tied up with him. He knew Peter missed them and that they wanted to see him too. Both of them. Perhaps he would invite them over for dinner this upcoming weekend. Yeah, hopefully it would be less nerve-wracking if they met in his territory so to speak. This little slice of home.
Stiles made a beeline for the record player to put on his latest purchase. Peter rolled his eyes, smirking at him until music filled the living room and he started to strut, advancing on the wolf and slipping fingers into his belt loops to encourage him to move. "Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door..." he sang, alternating his shoulders up and down and gyrating.
It turned out that Mr. Hale could shake it with the best of them.
“Never breathe a word of this,” the enforcer threatened as he shimmied forwards and back and then spun, swinging his hips and tossing his head. 
“Sure, babe,” he said, embracing his mate and grinning wickedly behind his shoulder as they swayed together. He wouldn’t say a thing. 
Texts or pictures once he was finally introduced to his Alpha and the others, though…
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Wei sounds like an easily manipulatable man, overly paranoid and the type to make decisions for others based on what he thinks is best for them and not what they want (a lack of consideration/respect for others autonomy?) would this be a correct understanding of him?
I'd say yes. Wei Yenwu is a paranoid authoritarian who would call for the poor in Lungmen's slums to be killed if it meant he could maintain the strength of Lungmen, and is quite firm that things must be done his way despite Kaschey constantly giving him the run around over the years. He may have been a heroic rebel swordsman without equal once, but his actions have consistently pushed away or destroyed his family, which ultimately led to his niece pulling her sword on him and leaving Lungmen.
However, it's hard to say someone could /easily/ manipulate him, due to Fumizuki. Their conversations imply that between the husband and wife, Fumizuki is much more skilled at dealing with political intrigue and handling power, and she's unafraid of going against him as she's able to make him change his mind (such as when Wei wished to enter Chernobog himself as he felt he deserved to be killed by Talulah, before Fumizuki talks him down)
Amusingly, Wei seems to be intimidated by Candela Sanchez of Dossoles, Bolivar, to the point where he visited her city once and then seenzoned all her invitations for the next ten years. Fumizuki on the other hand, likes Candela enough to send envoys in Wei's place and wishes Wei would at least try to be friendly to her.
This is of note, because Candela notably carved out her territory in Bolivar from three different colonial factions almost entirely from her business acumen and political skill rather than the use of force. That could mean Wei is probably aware of his weaknesses and won't associate with people who might be able to manipulate him.
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bi-kisses · 1 year
As an ex-muslim, can these fucking white TERFs who live in the US WHO selectively ONLY read news from muslim countries about women getting raped and murdered to shut up? I have read the news about gay men getting thrown from the fucking roofs every fucking day in Chechnya. I have fucking read news about transwomen getting hunted, killed, and raped by policemen in a culturally islamic country. I have read a fucking guy being put on the death row for deciding to not believe in Islam anymore. I have read how south and south east asian male who get send to MENA treated as a fucking slave. Also, remember when the iranian goverment put all the blame of the free hijab movement on one MALE?
Like I know how shit being a woman in muslim places is, but I'm a cis heteronormative woman who live in middle upper class urban family. Like, where are the TERFs for ex muslims, gay men, transwomen, minority ethnic men, and progressive men? These people also get fucking killed in MENA, these people are more likely to get killed than conservative wife who force their daughters to wear hijabs because she thinks her daughters will seduce her husband and show their daughters a video she record from some gal execution?
I know these TERFs only selectively read news about barbaric practice on women (that's also why they ignore how male genital mutilation will be always normalized everywhere). I know these people choose to be paranoid to get people into their cult. Because I know if it wasn't paranoia tool, these white women would actually fucking know that living in shithole country is shit for everyone who doesn't fit the shithole dictator ideal people.
Also, the guy who get blamed for women rebelling and get executed on public? The guy name was everywhere in news outlet, but funny enough that TERFs, especially white TERFs, act like MENA males are rapists disgusting subhuman pig who never help women and never get killed by the goverment whatsoever.
And remember, TERFs shit on malala yousafa for supporting trans women and shitting on her for getting married to "subhuman" south asian males instead of smart white progressive people in the west.
I really appreciate the perspective!!! Terfs really love to use caricatures of different cultures as a way to further their propaganda and hatred in a completely detached part of the world, not actually giving a shit about the women who live in other countries the second they step out of line.
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jaydude1992 · 1 year
My updated Life is Strange x Legend of Korra AU:
Main Story:
Max, Chloe and William are all United Republic Waterbenders with Foggy Swamp heritage, with William serving as the sifu for both girls. William ends up getting murdered by a Firebender who was forced into crime due to the Prescott family's corrupt business practices. Max and her parents move to Republic City a few days later, and Joyce gets together with David - a Republic City Police reject - a few months later.
With Max not writing to her and David being all Metalbender Ozai, Chloe soon finds herself wanting to run away. Around the time of her sixteenth birthday she meets Rachel, herself a runaway after discovering that her father - the United Republic Minister of Justice - hired triad members Damon and Frank to kidnap and get rid of Sera. The two girls disappear into the Earth Kingdom, with Chloe sending Max a letter that explains her actions; Max subsequently goes into massive depression over not staying in contact with Chloe, blaming herself for Chloe's decision to run away.
In the days leading up to Amon's takeover of Republic City, Ryan and Vanessa decide to send the now 17-year old Max back to Arcadia Bay so that she can safely wait out the whole Equalist conflict. David gets paranoid and assumes she's in contact with Chloe, and violently questions her about the location of his supposed stepdaughter; this allows Joyce to see first-hand what kind of man her second husband really is, kickstarting the eventual dissolution of their marriage. Max meanwhile runs away and returns to Republic City, arriving just after the Equalists take control of it. She ends up living within Gommu's underground community, where she meets Korra and her friends, and also takes a number of still-life photos of the community. Following Amon's defeat, these photos earn her a degree of notoriety, and land her a job as a junior reporter for the Republic News.
Victoria and Nathan are both Republic City socialites and apprentices of Jefferson, here a renowned photographer and celebrity within the city, with Victoria and Jefferson both being Metalbenders. As in the game, Jefferson and Nathan are going around drugging girls for their sick photography project, before arranging for them to "disappear" once they've no further need of them. Shortly before the assassination of the Earth Queen, and right as they're planning to kidnap Jinora and Ikki for their project, Jefferson gets exposed, and he's forced to flee Republic City. Sean uses his wealth to bury any evidence of Nathan's involvement with Jefferson, effectively leaving Victoria to take the fall for his son. There's no evidence that can get her convicted for anything, but she still ends up vilified by both the media and Republic City high society, and is effectively blacklisted from the photography industry. Wanting to try and atone for her involvement with Jefferson - and also get out of the place where she's now considered a pariah - she joins up with Kuvira. David and Elliot do the same a bit later on, the former claiming to Joyce that this way he can find Chloe more easily.
Chloe and Rachel meanwhile join a community of wandering nomads known as the Strangers, whose members include Steph, Cassidy, Finn, Hannah, Gabe and later Alex. Due to a lot of their members having non-Earth Kingdom heritage (Gabe and Alex for example have Fire Nation ancestors, with Alex being a Firebender), they're targeted for purging by Kuvira, forcing them to go on the run.
[Author's note: Originally I planned to have Gabe get killed off by Kuvira, but after a while I changed my mind. I liked the thought of him staying alive and being the heart of sorts for the Strangers. That, and he's canonically Asian, thereby making him more fitting for such an AU in my book.]
At some point after this, the Strangers to become full-blown rebels against Kuvira, with Chloe and Rachel becoming two of their leaders, and Steph forging fake passports and identity papers to help refugees fleeing Kuvira's regime, while also hosting an illegal radio show that details Kuvira's crimes. Chloe also starts dying her hair blue to honour her past friendship with Max - who bought her some blue Varri-dye prior to William's death - and subsequently becomes known as the Blue/Blue-haired Bandit.
Victoria and David - the latter now divorced by Joyce after he lost his temper and punched her into unconsciousness before telling her that she shouldn't have pushed him - come to blows with the Strangers on a couple of occasions. Victoria also meets Kate - here a member of the Air Nation - and with her help she discovers the crimes that Kuvira's committing behind her back, becoming an informant for the Strangers afterwards. When she's eventually made, she accuses Kuvira of being no different than Jefferson before escaping and joining the Strangers in earnest.
As for Max, she finds work as a news photographer, and eventually travels into the Earth Kingdom after making a partial connection between the Blue-haired Bandit and the Varri-dye she once bought for her best friend. David - the commander of the local Kuvira garrison - tries to have her kidnapped in order to use her as bait for Chloe, but thanks to Victoria (these events take place prior to Kuvira discovering her treachery), the Strangers are able to save her. Max and Chloe reunite and reconcile, and Max joins Chloe in rebelling against Kuvira.
Post show and/or comics:
After Kuvira's defeat, Max - now with more levels in confidence after reuniting/getting together with Chloe and spending time as an anti-Kuvira rebel - returns to Republic City to become a professional photographer, possibly with Asami as her patron. Before long, she's on track to become the next big celebrity within the United Republic art scene.
Chloe and Rachel move to Republic City in order to stay with Max. Chloe is initially at least a little unfriendly towards Asami; there's the fear that she'll lure Max back out of her life with her rich and glamorous ways, not to mention that even though Asami pays above minimum wage, Chloe and William have only been so fond of big money types after having to put up with the Prescotts for so long. Eventually they sit down and talk things out, and Chloe is thrown for a loop when Asami respects her fears and assures her that she'd never dream of taking Max away from her, while genuinely meaning that. After that they become firm friends, and Asami invites Chloe to help test-drive Satomobiles on the side, while also offering to pay for her to go into higher education if she so wishes.
As for Rachel, she gets into the mover business and begins dating Ginger while the two of them are working on a project together. Eventually she becomes a celebrity actress in her own right, possibly with major success in modelling alongside this.
[Author's note: Credit goes to @opossum-knight for originally giving me the idea to pair up Rachel and Ginger. Prior to that, I was undecided on whether or not to have her survive to the end of Book Four.]
Other characters:
Warren is a member of the Equalists, but has second thoughts after meeting and falling for Max. He tips Ryan and Vanessa off about the Equalists' plans to target non-criminal benders, allowing Max to be safely evacuated back to Arcadia Bay prior to the Equalist takeover of Republic City. His parents make a plea deal to keep him from being prosecuted following Amon's defeat, and he later gets a job in the research division of Future Industries, while also moving into the same apartment building as Max, who he proceeds to pester for a date/relationship. Asami eventually learns what's happening when she sports him harassing Max - who's doing press stuff at a tech convention - and pressures him into backing off by threatening to have him fired and/or blacklisted.
Brooke works for Varrick, developing drone/radio control technology for him. She and Warren date, but for him it's just a way of getting his rocks off while he pursues Max. After she figures out that he's trying to play the two of them against each other, she befriends Max, and makes sure to get her a Varricam (the Avatarverse's equivalent of an instant camera) once they hit the market.
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neon-pink-leitner · 2 years
Here's how I almost got sucked into a cult through homemaking and how Cyberpunk saved me
I have the time and the spoons today so I want to talk about this. This is prolly going to be a very long post but I feel like its important to talk about this.
Let me start with my mental state around 2020 or so. I was in a bad place.
I found out that my brother had been the one to publicly deface my home a few months back. This, on its own, trigger massive anxiety and paranoid episodes for me that I still struggle with badly today. A few weeks before I found out, someone falsely called Social Services on me. This would be the second time I got a false call(the first one had nothing to do with my brother and the person not admitted they were wrong but left the entire fucking county). The social service call happened while my MIL was in the hospital from a stroke. I was in an extremely dark place. The world was against me and now I had proof. I felt that the cars that drove by my house were watching me. I still have days where I'm convinced my neighbors are out to get me(they are not). I didn't know what to do. I looked into therapy but couldn't afford it. I learned that my brother was making fun of me behind my back. For my clothes, my home even my religion. My mindset was:If someone who is supposed to protect me, someone who is my family will treat me like this, then what will the rest of the world do to me? I was scared, I was angry, I was vulnerable. I felt I had no community anywhere and I didn't speak to most of my friends for a year.
I threw myself into my house. Trying to manically make it perfect. I found the term "homemaking" and started joining groups, following pages. Here was a group of people who understood me! The world was against them too! It was taboo and different for a woman to stay at home instead of working. The world was against me too! I had the proof! And somehow, I felt home. I didn't notice the roof was on fire, I couldn't smell the smoke, I was just happy to be in a living room. They too had been attacked by the world for being different, just like me! Shortly after, I found the term "tradwife" and while I didn't vibe with it, I was so deep that I couldn't see. These people just wanted to live their lives! Why would everyone attack them? So what if they were Christian? Maybe the supported trad-gender roles but I couldn't see past anything. I was part of a community that knew what it felt like to be alone and have the world against you.
I slowly stopped dressing in the goth/emo fashion I'd worn since 13. I was grown up now, and really, wasnt that for kids? I needed to be taken legit as a parent and a spouse I needed to make sure no one would ever hurt me again so I had to make myself small. Sure, they were submissive to their husbands but I was too! Maybe a different kind of submissive(wink, wink, nudge nudge locking necklace) but they understood submissiveness. I started wearing more dresses and for the first time in my life, I looked "normal" like everyone else.
This led me to more alt right accounts. Sure, they were extreme, and I didn't believe all the transphobic, homophobic and sexist stuff they posted but for the first time in my life, I ignored it. I spoke out if I felt strong that day but often, I kept following them because they understood me! They knew how it felt to be attacked like I had.
Then I fell deeper. I started to regret getting the COVID vaccine. What had I done to my body? What unknown spooky shit was in my veins? Maybe that was the reason my period was messed up and not the massive stress I was under. Maybe wearing mask indoors was bullshit? Why should anyone have a say over my body but me!!!111!!! After all, they understood me. I was a homemaker, like them. We all talked about how the world was against us, we were the rebels because the most outlaw thing we could do was make a dinner plate for our husbands afterall.
I took my they/them pronouns off my profiles. I started wondering if I really was bi. Me being bi didn't matter afterall because I'm with a cisgendered man. it wasn't important anymore. What was important was being a good woman, doing the best I could for my husband. I found community. I was happy. The house was on fire but I was high off the fumes. I didn't notice what was happening to me.
I decided I needed a new game to play. Figured it was high time I played Cyberpunk 2077 since I hadn't touched it since 2020. At this point it was early 2022. Something spoke to me in a way. I played as my V and fell in love with the game. I started thinking about how this was something my homemaking friends wouldn't like. My tumblr page was all about homemaking. But something about Cyberpunk made me look around.
I don't know what it was. The anti-corpo message, the beauty of Night City, Johnny Silverhand making me question if I am cis but suddenly, shit didn't add up. Why was I following these people who would hate me if I was married to woman? Why was I in groups who thought it was a woman's duty to be submissive to a man? Jesus fucking Christ what the fuck was I doing? This wasn't me. I didn't want to wear dresses all the time, they give me chub rub. Sure I'm submissive to my husband because its hot and gets me off and he's my Dom but I still have a voice. I started to look around and I figured out, that no one cared that I was a stay-at-home mom. The world wasn't against me. In fact, most people were fine with a woman staying home with her kid. That was all I could think as I drove around Night City: what the fuck was I doing??
I woke up one morning and found Roe V Wade was overturned.
All of these people screamed in victory because yay! Rights for the unborn....right? No. No not right. Then they turned against me. It didn't matter that medically it would be unsafe if I got pregnant. That was my purpose as a vagina owner. To be bred by my husband and not in the sexy role playing way and I should be honored to carry a child no matter how the fetus got into my body. Suddenly the living room I was sitting in, wasn't just on fire but being fueled by the people in it. Splashing gasoline and then calling it water.
One day, I broke. I left almost all of the homemaking groups I was in (the few I'm still in are very inclusive), I redid my tumblr page. I changed my URL to what it is now and made a short post about how I could no longer be part of the homemaking community and that it was time I started being "me" again. I joined the Cyberpunk fandom and started having fun again. I started writing.
I needed a new podcast and started listening to one simply called "Cults". Slowly, things fell into place. At first I kind of laughed at anyone foolish enough to believe that some white dude from Ohio was Jesus. But then I started listening. The ex-cult members spoke about how they were hurting, lonely, scared, angry and looking for community and something to believe in. And then I looked in the mirror. And I understood why they thought some white dude from Ohio was jesus. Because they were hurting the same way I had been and they just wanted to feel accepted, like me.
Now we are here. Its 2023. I've bleached my hair, I'm back to dressing like a Myspace reject because it makes me happy. I re-added my pronouns. And I crawled out of that burning house without making a sound. Well, now I'm screaming about it.
The trad community is a cult. The alt right is a cult. And it damn near sucked me in. Because I was bleeding and hurt and broken. But they never saved me. They just pushed me further into isolation. I'm still working on cleaning out my social profiles due to it. If you ever find an old post of mine that seems way out of it for me, let me know. I'm still cleaning the digital mess.
If you wish to judge me, hate me, unfollow me for this. Then that's okay. I'm ready for any hate I may get from this. But I need to be honest. Because this can happen to anyone. You are not too smart, too pretty or too whatever. Because I thought I was. And I wasn't. I was vulnerable. And someone where between Night City and black lipstick, I found my way out.
I don't know what to close this with other than this, to the Cyberpunk community, thank you.
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hantologie · 8 months
When a nation dared to rebel against its prince, even poor men expected that their own households would turn against them; the hoary old notion of wives out to 'vex, perplex, and any way torment their husbands' had never been more believable [...] [though the] wives clamouring at the gates of Westminster Hall at this time were seeking not their masters' power, but bread for their children. […] [The] paranoid horror [women in the public sphere] excited was greater, encouraging violence against women in general and witches in particular. Witches were living symbols of rebellion against God and man, and to punish them was to strive for civil order.
Malcom Gaskill, Witchfinders: A Seventeenth-Century English Tragedy
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vodka-aunt-coran · 7 years
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i’ve only just met these two, but i’m pretty sure they’re married. paranoid rebel husbands.
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darkmulti · 3 years
(Yandere and non con warning)
Def not the only one who wants a 18th century h.c of possessive and controlling, husband!Jungkook x forced wife!reader. Jungkook gets jealous after witnessing another man asking you out and when you come back home at night, he breeds you. Please make it rough and non con. Thank you❤️‍🔥
-> you’re definitely not the only one. I can assure you that I’ve thought about this too many times😫
⚠️: NON CON, YANDERE!JUNGKOOK, Squirting/piss play, Physically, mental and emotional abuse, spit play,
-> sorry for any mistakes
Your parents owned a local bakery store
All the recipes were from your late grandmother
You spent almost all of your time there because you were in charge of everything
The store was under your parents’ name but you were the one running it
Sometimes, you even slept there because it’d be too late to walk home
Your dedication to the bakery made it successful
Although, you were the one doing all the work, you parents took all the credit and money
They weren’t paying you because you’re their child
They don’t need to pay you
“It’s a women’s place.” Your father said
You wanted to go back to school however, your parents laughed in your face
“School aren’t for girls, Y/N. Learn how to cook and clean. That’s all you need to know. Let the men handle everything else.”
You were tired of fighting with them and eventually stopped because they threatened to set you up in an arrange marriage
Now, it was just you and the bakery
You had many loyal customers and recently, one has been coming everyday, at the same time
He’d always buy a loaf of banana bread and if he was in a good mood, a blueberry muffin as well
Then, he’d sit in the corner table and eat two - three slices before getting up and leaving
He’d always leave a tip behind and you always kept it for yourself
One day, he didn’t come and you were surprised
For a year straight, he came and bought the same two things
Now, he hasn’t visited in 4 days
Tonight, you came back home for the first time in a while
Your parents had visited the bakery to collect “their” earnings and told you that you have to go somewhere with them that evening
After closing up and cleaning up, you went home and got ready
Your parents were taking you out for dinner as a treat for all your hard work
You were really excited because they were finally acknowledging your hard work
Once you arrived at the restaurant, your parents lead you to a table that already had three people seated
You immediately recognize one of them
It’s that guy who buys your banana loaf!
You sat in front of him while your parents greeted the two other strangers
“Oh, so this is your daughter? She’s gorgeous! Come here and give me a hug.”
You awkwardly chuckled and got up to hug the middle aged women
“Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Jeon F/N, this is my husband, Jeon F/N and this is our son, Jeon Jungkook. We’re your soon to be in laws!”
You heart dropped to the floor
“I-in laws?” You asked, confused
“Yeah, honey. Is this your first time hearing about this? We’ve been talking to your parents for a while now.”
You snapped your head towards you parents and they looked emotionless
“No, no they didn’t tell me anything.”
Dinner with them was hell
Your parents were talking about your wedding arrangements right in front of you
You didn’t know what to do
You wanted to rebel but then your parents would disown you
Just like that, you’d be homeless with little money to survive
In the end, you’d be paying the heavy price
You looked at Jungkook who was staring at you the whole time
You wondered if he knew about this
Maybe, that’s why he came to the bakery everyday
“Did you know anything about this?” You said loud enough for him to hear
“I did.”
“For how long?”
“Since last year.”
You eyes widen, in shock
You were right!
“Why didn’t you stop it?”
“Why would I stop it when I’m the one who wants it?”
You scrunch your eyebrows, in confusion
“What’re you talking about?”
“Since the first day I met you, I wanted to marry you. I told my parents and now, we’re getting married.”
Now, you were mad
You got up and stormed off, catching everyone’s attention
You walked to the bakery and locked yourself in
Here, you thought your parents were acknowledging you for first time, when they were actually setting you up for a marriage so they don’t have to take care of you
You cried yourself to sleep that night
The next couple of weeks, the bakery was closed due to your wedding
The wedding was spectacular
You would’ve love it if you weren’t being forced into a marriage
After the wedding, Jungkook took your precious virginity
He made sure to pleasure you until you passed out
He was so in love with you
Now, he was finally able to show you how much he loved you
And mark you as his
The next couple of months, he was attached to you
He took over his family’s business and you took over your family’s business
He’d visit you every day at work to check if you’re with another man
He was so paranoid about it, sometimes he’d come by 3 or 4 times to make sure you were not cheating
You thought he missed you and that’s why he kept stopping by (which is half true) however, you had no idea that he was possessive and controlling
You had to learn the hard way
Sometimes, you wouldn’t leave work until midnight
You had so much things to do like preparing for the next day, making a to-do list, making a grocery lists, and cleaning every area of the shop
It’s time consuming, so obviously you finish up pretty late
Jungkook absolutely hates that
Although you stay late in the shop once in a while, he can’t stand it
He wants you to be in his arms every night
Jungkook gets angry when you’re not
This was your fourth time staying out late in the shop and he’s had enough
He couldn’t help but feel paranoid about what you were actually doing in the shop
What if you lied and went on a date with another man?
What if you were running away from him?
Or even worse, what if you were having sex with another guy?
He raced to the bakery and banged on the door, which scared you
You saw that it was him and let him in
“W-what’s wrong?! You scared me!”
“Grab your stuff, we’re going home.”
“But I’m not done yet! I only have a couple more things to do and then I’ll come home. I told you already-”
“I don’t think you fucking heard me!” He yelled and grabbed your hair
“Grab your shit, we are leaving right now.”
He pushed you towards the counter and crossed his arms
You let your breath out in shock but scurry to get your stuff
You’ve never seen him like this and it terrified you
“I have my stuff.”
“Good, let’s go.”
He helped you lock the door and wrapped his arm around your waist
The walk home was silent
You were scared shitless
All you wanted to do was run back into your parents’ house
But he didn’t let you move an inch away from him
Once you got home, he started pushing you around and arguing some more
“Jungkook, I told you this afternoon when you came to visit! I said I have to stay late so I don’t have to stress myself out in the morning!”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! Who were you fucking seeing?!” He screamed, frightening you more
“No one! I swear, no one!” You whimpered
He corned you into your shared room and locked the door
“Jungkook, I swear! Nothing happened!”
He didn’t believe a single word coming out of your mouth
It was like you were talking to a wall
He pushed you onto the bed and stripped you naked
Jungkook pushed two fingers into your cunt and pretended to scoop out cum
“If nothing happened, why is your cunt full of cum?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I didn’t have sex with anyone!”
You weren’t very educated about sex, so Jungkook had an advantage
You began apologizing even though you didn’t have sex with anyone
You just wanted peace between you two
“I’m sorry! I didn’t cheat or anything, but I’m sorry if it hurt you! I really am!”
Jungkook slapped you and spat on your face
“Dirty slut. Telling me that you’re not cheating but still apologizing.”
“No! Please, I didn’t do anything!”
Jungkook pulled his cock out and shoved it in without warning
You were still new to sex so when he didn’t let you adjust, you automatically started screaming and crying
“Please, slower!” You cried, holding onto his biceps as he went faster and deeper
“Stop! Please!”
Jungkook loved the sound of his balls clapping against your ass
It honestly made him harder
All night, he was on top, fucking you hard
Your legs were spread apart, tears in your eyes and sweat dripping down your forehead
You looked like a hot mess
And he loved every second of it
“Mmh- Jungkook!”
You squirted around him and had a trembling orgasm
You couldn’t stop releasing your liquids on him and he couldn’t stop pounding you
The bed sheet was soaked by the end of it
He pushed his cock deep inside and came
After Jungkook fell asleep, you cried for while
How were you supposed to tolerate him for the rest of your life?
The next morning
You woke up in severe pain
You lower region was begging for some pain relief
But there was nothing you could do about it
Jungkook was still sleeping next to you
You decided to leave before he wakes up
After getting ready by leaning on everything, you slowly walked to town
When you arrived at the bakery, you saw a big “for sale” sign
You panicked and went inside the store, only to be greeted by your parents
“Mother, father! Why is there a “for sale” sign on the bakery?”
You parents looked at each other in disappointment
“You see, we have to explain the obvious to your daughter. Be grateful that someone willingly married your idiot daughter.” Your father said before walking out
His words did hurt but you cared about the bakery more than your father
“Why’re you selling it, mother? Can you not afford it anymore? Why-”
“Shut up, Y/N! You’re married now, you have wifely duties. You don’t have time for this bakery so the best option is to sell it.”
Your world fell apart right before your eyes
“But mother-”
“Save it. You already made your father upset. I’m warning you now, you don’t want to get on my bad side.”
You cried the whole morning
After you opened the bakery, lots of people gathered in line
All breads, cakes and muffins were going on sale
After you served the people in line, you went up to the tables and took their order
After you served them, a regular customer who was sitting alone gestured you to come over
You went over to the man and asked him if he needed anything
He told you to take a seat and accompany him
Since the crowd died down, you sat down in front of him
“You look a bit stressed and sad. What’s on your mind?”
You were touched by his words
Finally, someone cared about you
You told him you were upset about the bakery closing
He understood and even offered money to help you keep it open
You were flattered but didn’t accept the money
“Money’s not a problem, my parents just don’t want to keep this shop open.”
You talked with this guy for a couple of hours
Although this was your first time talking to him, you talked to him like he was your best friend
When closing time came around, he got up and asked you out on a date
You didn’t know what to do
You were married but you really liked this guy
You were considering saying yes when someone pulled his shoulder back and punched him across the face
“Jungkook! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“You think I didn’t see that?! I saw it all. I saw you flirting with my wife for three hours straight and then asking her out on a date!”
Jungkook beat the crap out of the guy and pushed him outside
He then came back in the store, looking at you with devil eyes
“Yesterday’s punishment clearly wasn’t enough.”
The entire way home, he was yelling at you, slapping you, spitting on you, pulling your hair, pushing you to the ground and choking you
You were crying the whole time, apologizing over and over
When you arrived home, he seriously had no mercy on you
No foreplay, no lube, no adjusting
Just a raw, thick cock being forced into you
You were begging him to let you go but tonight, nothing was going to stop him
He was moving his hips insanely fast, not giving you enough time to breathe
You were choking on your own sobs
“Jungkook, please no! I’m sorry!”
“Why did you hesitate to deny his offer? You are a married fucking women!” With each word a hard thrust followed, knocking all the air out of you
“Answer me! Is he better than me? Does he take care of you? Does he provide money for you? TELL ME!” He was yelling so loudly, it was making you cry harder
“N-no, he doesn’t. He was just the first person to care about me.” You whispered the last sentence but, Jungkook was able to make it out
“Are you saying that I don’t care about you?”
He got more aggressive and fastened his pace
“Tell me, Y/N! Do you think that I don’t care about you?!”
You couldn’t answer him because you couldn’t catch your breath
He was going too fast and you were crying so hard, you couldn’t breathe
Jungkook noticed how much you were struggling and added onto your struggle by holding your neck down
“Apologize, right now Jeon Y/N!”
You softly apologize but it wasn’t good enough for him
He lifted your legs a little, giving him better access and fucked you till you squirted
This time you sobbed your apology and begged for forgiveness
“I’m so sorry, Jungkook! It’ll never— ah! It’ll never happen again! I’m so sorry! Please for- forgive me for my dumb m-mistake. Please! I’m begging you.” You held onto the bed sheet, praying he would stop
He huskily growled and pushed his cock in deep
“For the next 9 months you’ll be swelling with my baby. Now, everyone can back off.”
He shot his hot cum right into you, filling you up to the rim
Sorry for any mistakes. It’s 3:41am 😄
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
HL- Ernest di Napoli
"ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴏᴡɴ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴜꜱ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴇ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪᴛ"
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Name: Ernest Regulus Maurice di Napoli 
Nicknames: Ernie, Reg, Mr. di Napoli 
Birthdate: 10th of November, 1881 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Personality Type (MBTI): tbd
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: British, Italian 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Black 
Eyes: Blue 
Height: 1.94m 
Weight: 83kg 
Body Type: Strong, well-built 
Skin Tone: Caucasian 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): One cut four inches from his heart, a mark on his knee by the Cruciatus Curse, a small white scar on his jawline and a circle on his stomach all by the duel against his own father 
Ernest di Napoli was born at 09:34p.m on the di Napoli manor, Naples, under a pureblood family who made their immense fortune by a holding business and grew up with the typical ideas of pureblood supremacy and love for the dark arts, though Ernest was not a fan of them himself and didn’t believe anything of it, thinking it ghastly. He was bred to find the perfect wife and be his father’s own image. When he came to Hogwarts, however, things changed forever... 
Di Napoli Manor was an immense house with many servants, though it was cold and there was no place for love or any form or tenderness, for they thought it a weakness. He had a privilged pre-Hogwarts education and grew up with everything handed on a silver plate, if not golden. Before Hogwarts, he had lived clueless of the struggles on the outside community. 
Mother: Augusta di Napoli neé Fairchild 
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From a minor pureblood family, Augusta was brought up as an obedient and submissive wife, and soon after she had her first period, she was betrothed with the firstborn of the prolific family of the Di Napolis, and married several months after graduating Hogwarts. She was a Slytherin and a very brilliant, smart, witty and interesting on her own right. When her eldest son Ernest won her loathing husband in the duel, she quickly filled up for divorce and repudiated him. She lived the rest of her life doting on her grandchildren and finding a way to repay her daughter-in-law Abigail for freeing the family from further terror. 
Father: Trystan Di Napoli 
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Grown up in the same ambit as his sons, he had a loveless childhood, where duty was before anything else, including sometimes family. He was a fellow Slytherin and while his hatred for muggles wasn’t enormous, he clearly disliked them and was set on finding a suitable wife. At sixteen, he was promised to Augusta Fairchild, and the two of them got on well, eventually having two sons: Ernest and Bartholomew. However, his son defied him at twenty-one by marrying fellow half-blood Abigail Bennett, a bride he clearly disapproved, and the two of them had an intense duel where Trystan came out beaten and humiliated by his son. He fled in shame to America where he never married nor had any other children, growing paranoid that they’d turn on him too, and died at the age of 64 of influenza, alone and with no one to bury him or mourn him. 
Brother: Bartholomew Di Napoli 
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The youngest child, he was often at his brother’s shadow, but never resented him for it, for he saw the future for him and was relieved that he’d be overlooked. Soon, when his younger brother rebelled against their father, he quickly took his side, becoming his second in the duel. He didn’t marry till he was settled and spent many nights helping his brother with the ledgers and taking care of his aging mother. 
House: Slytherin 
Best Class: Potions 
Worst Class: Defence Against the Dark Arts 
Boggart: His father 
Riddikulus: His father burps every time he speaks, loudly and rather rudely 
Patronus: a weasel 
Patronus Memory: Hearing Abbi’s laugh for the first time 
Mirror of Erised: Himself with Abbi, being happy and free 
Amortentia (what he smells like): oak tree, expensive cologne, woodsmoke, cuban cigars, earl grey tea and fresh pine 
Amortentia (what he smells): geranium, jasmine, hint of lemon 
11-18: Hogwarts Student 
19-21: Heir to the Di Napoli fortune 
22-52: Businessman 
53-64: Stay-at-home father 
65+: Retiree 
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Abbi’s safety, his freedom 
Strengths: Cunning, smart, loyal, loving and will fight for whom he loves 
Weaknesses: Clueless, can be a bit intimidating 
Stressed: Around his father 
Calm/Comforted: With his mother and Abbi 
Colors: Green, black, dark blue and golden 
Weather: Rainy 
Hobbies: Reading, oratory and Abraxan riding 
Fashion: His fashion is neat and proper, showing off his status and wealth. 
Significant Other/Love Interest: Abigail Jane Bennett ( @beloved-bucky​ ) 
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Ernest had always been aware of Miss Bennett’s presence, however, he did not realise his feelings for her until fifth year, when he blurted out if she’d like to go on a date with him, and by the third date, he was besotted. His father they were amusing one another, parading his son around, looking for a suitable wife from him and even taking him to brothels, much to his chagrin and her own jealousy. However, his feelings remained unchanged and stronger than ever. By the time he was twenty he was adamant that Abbi was the one for him and proposed to her. His father was enraged and the two of them quarreled for months until, weeks after his twenty-first birthday, Ernest challenged his father to a duel, for he knew that violence was the only way they could communicate. After a tiresome and exhausting duel, Ernest turned out victor and came to his home shared with Abbi, heavily wounded and relying his weight on his brother. Weeks later, he recovered swiftly, and finally began his life with his bride. 
Friends: tba 
Rivals: tba 
He is a rather skilled dueller, taught by champions 
He has a love for poetry, and wrote some poems to Abbi 
His first time was in a brothel by order of his father in order to know how to please his future wife in the wedding night and produce an heir 
He can be quite proud and stubborn, though Abbi gives him a run for his money 
He’s quite the athlete 
After marrying Abbi, he takes her to his birthplace 
Though in the 20s they flee once Mussolini takes over 
His family used to be Italian earls but with the fall of the monarchy, he could no longer claim said power, though he still had the estate and seat at the Parliament 
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university headcanons for reservoir dogs and pulp fiction!
           ( introducing the pulp fiction gang to this blog! ) 
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I have a draw-box of sorts that I keep prompts for fanfics in, whether it be genre, trope, fandom, etc. So I pulled from the box last night, and got the idea to do university headcanons for the Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction crew! Sorry that this is shitty, I did try, but I don’t think it turned out super great. Still I felt the need to give you guys SOMETHING, even if its not the height of literature.
I will officially be adding the characters in this fanfic into requests for Pulp Fiction too, so don’t be afraid to send in stuff for those characters. Without further ado, here are university student versions of Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction peeps! GIFS are not mine, credit to the uploaders!
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. He’s the type who was forced to attend university by his parents, along with his brother. But out of the two of them, he resisted the most. He felt that it would take away his youth, weighing him down with boring schoolwork and stuff that he would never need to have in real life. 
. Vic is the Marlon Brando in Rebel Without A Cause archetype of the gang. He has no conscious about skipping classes to attend parties, break the law, and work for crime bosses, and he is barely passing classes. It’s not because he’s not academically inclined, not at all. Vic’s one of the smartest of his friend group. He just doesn’t care enough to devote his time to what he deems useless learning.
. Despite that, he’s studying law to satisfy his demanding parents. He doesn’t mind it per se, rather thinking of it as an opportunity to find loopholes in policy. Plus, there are the benefits of making money that come with it too. 
. He shares a dormitory with Eddie and White, whom the latter is not as happy about as his younger friends. You’ll know what is Vic’s stuff, judging by the Stealer’s Wheel posters and Mario Puzo books laying around, along with packs of cigarettes, beer cans, and defaced law textbooks courtesy of drunk Eddie Cabot. 
. As I said, Blonde is the troublemaker, a juvenile delinquent with a hefty criminal record who is only saved by his charisma. 
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. In terms of his education, he’s a pretty indifferent student. Nobody forced him to attend, though that’s what he says. He does show up to class, only missing it if he’s under the weather or can’t make it. But he isn’t afraid to party or have fun every once and awhile. 
. Pink is doing two fields of study, sociology and psychology. He is fascinated by the impact of culture and mindset on the human being, the theories and constructs of society what he is drawn to research. He’s the most political of the Dogs easily, having a good head for it--and the only other person who comes close to beating him is Jules. 
. I have no hesitation in stating that he is the classic pessimist stereotype, a gremlin who lives on coffee and is antisocial and OCD over everything. He’s that one kid who makes spreadsheets like they’re silly doodles, having a plan and three other backups for everything going on in his life. 
. He shares a dorm with Orange and Brown, which is certainly an experience for him. Being the paranoid weasel, if you will, out of them is interesting. You have him and Brown just sitting in the corner with their black coffees, in debate over the politics surrounding fictional movie characters while Orange studies and tries not to get involved. 
. How to spot Pink in the crowd, you ask? He’s the skinny-jean-and-band-shirt clad kid, the one who always looks nervous, like he’s late for something. 
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. Do I even need to tell you that this cinnamon roll is diligent in his classes, like its his wife or husband. He was just as responsible in high school, so it was inevitable that he would perform as well as he is in a post-secondary setting. His attendance is excellent, so much so that he’s the talk of all his professors.
. He balances his studies with his job as a cop, which wouldn’t be easy for your typical run of the mill yahoo off the street. But he maintains that balance extremely well. Freddy is in general sciences, getting a taste of physics, chemistry, and biology in one go. He always says that he’ll never know when he’ll need it, so he doesn’t mind. It’s mostly just a hobby.
. Orange is a social butterfly, friends with everybody on campus. He’s the rule follower, which shows his cop nature quite clearly. Basically, he’s the popular kid that’s actually nice, who wants to meet you and hang out. The guy next door is what he is. 
. He shares his dorm with Pink and Brown, a situation that he enjoys. The three of them have an arcade machine in the living room area, that they team up on to get high scores. The mint condition rare comic books encased in glass on the wall and the baseball cards in the dorm are his, and he will fight you if you touch them. 
. I love the idea of him being the one who anyone can go to for a shoulder to cry on, get cookies off of, hang out with, and talk to, no matter what status, class, race, gender, sexuality, or disability, he’s there for you.
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. White is the oldest of the gang, that one guy who waited for all his twenties, thirties, forties, and his early fifties to do university. A lot of people assume he’s just a professor or that he’s one of the faculty members. So when they find out he’s a student, it shocks them. He knows it, and takes pleasure in teasing the younger generation over it. But he is the most responsible with his studying and time.
. He’s studying mathematics for fun, in the way that Orange does as an outlet. To give him something to do in his spare time that will keep him sharp. It’s not so much for the sake of getting a degree, but rather for the experience. 
. Larry is the big brother, the guy who lets his friends have fun, but will pull the plug when it gets to be too much. He’s still a mother hen in a way, though. He cares deeply for his peers, especially his secret lover, Freddy. Most of his friends say that his doting is annoying, but deep down, they think it’s sweet. But he does have a rep on campus as being a killjoy of house parties if they get too wild. He doesn’t want to get into trouble in any way shape or form at all, or have that as a mark against him.
. Much to his great distaste, he shares his dorm with Eddie Cabot and Vic Vega. It’s NEVER quiet in their room when they’re around, causing mayhem, being boys, and as he likes to say it “little shits.” No matter what he tries to enforce, it never sticks for more than a few hours with Vic and Eddie. They always say that he’s not their boss, which drives him absolutely crazy. Seriously, if he could chase them around campus with an axe like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, he would leap at the chance. To teach them a lesson about respecting their elders.
. Grumpy, sarcastic, and demanding as he can be, Larry is one of the more fun guys to be around, and being in university would not be the same if he wasn’t around.
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. Oh, he couldn’t wait to get to university to do classes. He intentionally rushed his high school education, barely passing, because he wanted so badly to fulfill his post-secondary aspirations. He never misses a class, giving him a clean track record for attendance. He wouldn’t pass it up or take it for granted. Brown is one of the only students that takes time to study, do the work, and achieve the highest grades for the fullest experience. And it was him and ONLY him who wanted to go. Nobody except him made the call.
. Johnny is studying hard for degrees in film and visual arts, which are both his forte. Using the education he receives, he plans to head off to a prestigious film school; and then create Hollywood smash hit movies of his very own. He’s a film buff, always talking about movies and cinema whenever anybody’s around.
. This is not going to be surprising when I say that he’s the ADHD scatterbrain of the group. With crazy high energy levels, enthusiasm, and nerves, he still manages somehow to be the best in his whole film class. He’s a quirky weirdo, a charming asshole like Pink, with a little more class if that makes sense, ha ha.
. Pink and Orange are his roommates, and they all get along very well. They have an arcade machine in the dorm as I said earlier, along with a giant TV and entertainment console packed full of movies courtesy of him. It is not uncommon to see him sprawled out on the couch with popcorn, writing a paper for his film course while watching a movie. He’s a multitasker, totally.
. The Madonna speeches get annoying after awhile, his friends will admit. Brown is a key part of their group, who can make everyone laugh under any circumstances. 
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. Eddie is just like Brown, he doesn’t miss a single class. He’s upstanding about his education, paying full attention in class, taking notes as long as his arm, making gorgeous charts, and somehow being favoured at the teacher’s pet. The professor uses him as an example of a “proper acolyte” which pisses the rest of the students off. Eddie though? He relishes in the attention. And nobody can take him down a peg because of his social status on campus.
. Business and economics are what he’s majoring in, motivated by his desire to work with his dad running his own underworld operations. He has the personality for it, just the right amount of suaveness, logic, and that convincing attitude only the best of the best have. 
. There is no simpler way to put this: Eddie is the classic All American rich white fuck-boy. I said earlier that nobody could push him around, and that’s all due to his popularity. Everybody in the massive university he attends knows him, Eddie Cabot, the golden boy, one of the rare kids with huge potential. He’s going places, which is proved by the flocks of people who always follow him around. No joke, he has his own sort of fan-club. Girls and guys swoon over him, raising him into the tier of sexiest man on campus. But if you want to climb the social ladder at the university, then get into Eddie’s good graces and you might just have a shot. 
. This boy shares his room with his best friend Vic Vega, and Larry Dimmick. He knows the latter is not happy about it, so Eddie takes pleasure in teasing and pranking the old man whenever he can. Hiding his stuff, banging girls and guys on the sofa, getting drunk at midnight with Blonde, having parties in their dorm, and making obscene fart/potty jokes around Larry. It’s hilarious for everyone except White. 
. He’s an expert at keeping up his image, hiding his dealings, crime background, and the whole list of illegal stuff he’s done from all his contemporaries except the Dogs and the PF crew. Speaking of the Pulp Fiction crew... 
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. Vincent was pressured to attend university in the exact same ways his brother was. The only difference is that he didn’t resist to the same degree as Vic did. He doesn’t like the situation per se, but he’s trying to make the best of his situation. So he’s the more attentive Vega brother towards his schooling. But don’t take that the wrong way, he’s still as rebellious as Vic is, only his delinquency is on the subtler side. 
. He’s on a similar path as his brother is, studying political sciences. Law was too dry for him, as was social justice, so he settled on the alternative of the field he’s in. It’s mostly to make his parents happy. He craves their acceptance—deep down wanting nothing more than to be acknowledged as an equal to Vic, his older brother. But yes, he does show up to class, garnering excellent grades. 
. It’s the Vega reputation to be troublemakers which Vincent gladly lives up to. He’s an effortlessly cool greaser boy, a leather-jacketed, slicked back hair, switchblade-carrying hooligan with an appetite for destruction. Him and Vic love to cause trouble. Oftentimes, they’ll hijack vehicles, beat up people in bars, start riots on campus, kiss the dean’s daughters, do whatever the hell they want and whenever. He still works with Jules, both boys reporting to Marsellus for work on weekends.
. The dormitory he resides in is right next door to the one that Eddie, Vic, Pink, Orange, White, and Brown live in. His roommates are Jules Winnfield, Mia Wallace, and Jimmie Dimmick, the only case of a girl sharing a dorm with all men in the whole building. It’s controversial, a battle they fight over and over again with conservative board members, deans, and faculty staff. Despite the rumours, it is all completely platonic. Vincent and Mia love to stoke that fire, enjoying the drama that comes from the speculation.
. Say what you want about Vincent Vega, he doesn’t care. At the end of the day, he’s not changing for anyone, something he has no intention of not proclaiming to all who will hear him. 
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. She worked her ass off to get where she is. You want an example of a working class hero? Mia Wallace is your woman, your poster child. A trailer park kid from the lowest of the low in Los Angeles, she had a rough past that only motivated her to break free from that mold. No way was she going to live her life like the rest of her family, the idea makes her sick. You bet she’s the study queen of her friends, who never bails on class unless absolutely necessary. A straight A+ student, a lot of times Pink, Vic, Eddie, and Vincent, will ask her to write papers and assignments for them—which she does begrudgingly if they pay her enough.
. Mia is majoring in three subjects: anthropology, classics, and critical studies in sexuality, gender, and race. Of course, she’s the cream of the crop. Never has she ever failed an assignment or project. That has lead to some gossip that she’s sleeping with her teachers to get such high grades—which is untrue. But nobody will vocalize it unless they are crazy, for the same reasoning as why nobody keeps Eddie Cabot’s arrogance in check. 
. She’s a popular kid, a feisty, gorgeous, dangerous, and unashamed activist. Mia is in all the clubs; a cheer captain, sorority princess, that one girl every guy dreams of fucking and every girl dreams of being. Yet, she’s still kinder than her elitist peers, like Orange is. She doesn’t really care that she’s as big as a sensation it is, proven in who she hangs out with. 
. Jules, Jimmie, and Vincent are her roommates and best friends. The fact that she’s female and they’re male is not something she gets hung up on. They aren’t dating or hooking up, so why should it matter to her? Friends are friends, and she’s happily dating her boyfriend Marsellus. Nothing will change that. Although if you badger her enough, she’ll admit that they’re not bad looking, just not for her.
. Overall, I think Mia is one of the cooler members of the gang; and there is definitely nobody like her on that campus. She’s unique in capital letters, one of those people everybody imitates but can never truly be. 
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. He totally wanted to attend university, one of his dreams as a child. It was difficult for him because of racial prejudice, throughout his childhood, high school years, and first year of post-secondary school. However, the college he goes to with his friends is progressive in terms of their beliefs; so this has helped him to thrive. The positive environment has given him the opportunity to crush stereotypes, turning in excellent work that exceeds the normal standards of work. Never would he miss a class, so you can assume that he basically doesn’t get sick either. The man is iconic on campus as an intellectual beyond his years, which we knew was coming.
. Jules was eager to study philosophy, religion, and social justice, majoring in the first two and the third one being more of a fun outlet. He often works with Vincent, Mia, and Vic on their assignments, because they are all in fields that are similar enough that they can work together as study buddies. But unlike Mia, he will NOT write projects or papers for anybody. He believes that if you got yourself into it, you do the work.
. In his friend group of the Pulp Fiction crew and Reservoir Dogs/Eddie, he’s the most philosophical of them. I picture him to be the epitome of the light and dark academia aesthetics, the same level of sophistication, dedication, and academic suaveness, if you will. His favourite places to hang out in are the school library and Starbucks, where he often studies with Mia and Vincent, rarely Vic too. 
. By now you should know that his roommates are Jimmie, Vincent, and Mia. All the religious imagery, textbooks, shelf of coffee bags, they belong to him, and make the space uniquely his. He gets along well with his friends, the four of them relaxing together in their free time. The only real criticism he has is that Mia being present stresses him out slightly. It is not because he’s sexist in anyway, just that he does not want to make her uncomfortable. So he’s always on his best behaviour when she’s around so as not to offend her. 
. I think that Jules is like Freddy Newandyke, in the sense that he doesn’t see social status as a hinderance when it comes to him making friends. He’s polite to pretty much everybody, an all around boy next door guy at the end of the day. Just more sensitive, I suppose, ha ha. 
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. I wish that there was more content for Jimmie on this platform, I don’t see a ton of fanfic for him. He’s a totally underrated Tarantino, my only complaint being his use of slurs, which is not cool. Anyways, I headcanon that the only reason that Jimmie is in university is to woo the girl he’s so madly in love with, Bonnie. She’s a gorgeous med student, who has been friends with him since they were in middle school. And of course, he’s been head over heels for her over the entire course of their friendship. The only real reason he does decently or is even studying in her classes is because he wants to impress her.
. Nursing is what he’s in, with Bonnie at his side. He really only took the classes to get closer to her, he didn’t really have an interest in it before. Originally, he wanted to do trade school, either as an electrician or a mechanic. But the harder he fell for her, the more that dream got pushed out of his mind. Jimmie never misses a class unless Bonnie does, and he does all the required work as best as he can. I like to think that Jimmie has moderate dyslexia that he doesn’t tell anybody about, because he doesn’t want to be teased and have Bonnie know. ( She does, and she loves him even with it )
. Jimmie has the sarcastic asshole nature of Pink, mixed with his comedic personality and hopeless romanticism towards the girl he loves. He’s that kid you see wearing dad t-shirts that speaks more sarcasm than English; a high school loser who never really knew how to socialize properly. But he does have friends, close ones. 
. He’d much prefer to be roommates with Bonnie, there’s no sugarcoating that. However, he finds himself stuck with Vincent Vega, Mia Wallace, and his best friend Jules Winnfield. Jules isn’t a problem for him, they’re pals. Mia and Vincent are good too, just not his first choice. If it wasn’t for him stocking up on so much coffee with the help of Jules, they’d all be lost. 
. Being subtle is not one of Jimmie’s strong suits, especially when it comes to Bonnie. She knows all about his adoration for her. She sees the longing glances, the struggle he has to not kiss her or hold her hand without her hand ( I meant this in a non-rapey way, Jimmie respects boundaries ), how much he truly loves her. And she’s crazy for him too, just worried that he would reject her if he found out who she really was. 
IMAGES THAT SUM UP THE UNIVERSITY LIFE FOR THEM ( none of these are mine, I found them all on Pinterest or Google ):
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dcbutinamrev · 3 years
Tag Yourself: The Helpless Trilogy Edition
~Was inspired by @the-reynolds-pamphlet to make this due to their tag yourself oc edition so I thought why not try it with the Helpless Trilogy characters? The main characters, at least~
Alexander Hamilton:
-bi/poly (??? I mean, he adores Eliza but he's in a current relationship with Laurens and lives him dearly but also loves Andre?)
-your average angsty teenager
-an introvert
-lives on coffee
-three to four hours asleep per night
-complicated relationship
-loves his brother dearly
-may look small and fragile but can actually kick ass
-cranky in the mornings
-heavy trust issues
-Complete summary of: "This is how I enter my house: WUSSAP FUCKERS!"
"Just because I'm small or just simply delicate doesn't mean I can't kick ass"
John Laurens:
-military man
-tries his best to protect his dear boy at all costs
-rough childhood/daddy issues
-terrified of Lafayette, Hamilton's older foster brother
-always tries to do everything right
-typical prince charming high school student
-tall af
-easily paranoid
-complete summary of: Hey, how you doin' well I'm doing just fine I lied I'm dying inside-
"I have one hell of a boyfriend."
Gilbert Marquis de Lafayette:
-your typical older brother
-loves his little lion dearly, would do anything for his little brother
-very much an extrovert
-kind and sweet
-would be your bff any day
-your average Frenchman
-adores Mulligan but also his fellow college classmate back in France, Adrianne
-overprotective af
-respects George
-actually sleeps unlike Hamilton
-Complete summary of that one vine where the guy is dancing on the couch and the coffee table slips underneth him
"That's my little brother!"
George Washington:
-your typical Dad
-protective of his family
-loves his wife, Martha
-would do anything for his boys
-trust issues
-also a workaholic
-worries over everything
"Home by midnight!"
Martha Washington:
-your average Mom
-kind, sweet, the perfect friend to a have a shoulder to cry on
-would support you no matter what
-loves her three boys dearly
-devoted to her husband
-very much like Mrs. Hudson in Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
-complete summary of: "To heck with diabeties, I'm having choclate cake...and drinking beer...and having choclate cake- "
“Of course, dear.”
Eliza Schuyler:
-the best friend everyone could ask for
-shy sometimes but mostly outgoing
-a dog lover
-dedicated to her school work and other work she may have
-loyal to her friends
-trusting, kind, and sweet of course.
-actually sleeps a full 8 hours
-would be the type of person who has created a full morning and night routine
-a morning person
-the Mom friend
-has Monica's personality and character
-complete summary of: "I will always want you- YOU! *flips on sunglasses and starts vibin'*
Angelica Schuyler:
-big sister/friend vibes
-sassy sometimes
-protective of her friends.
-the rebel sister
-good grades and responsible
-complete summary of: "You spilled lipstick in my valentio white bag?!?!"
"Oh. My. God."
Peggy Schuyler:
-a jokester
-definetly has Phoebe's personality in Friends
-also a partier and a rebel
-prefers mall shopping, tiktoks, youtube, instagram, tumblr instead of school
-complete summary of: "And they were roomates! Oh my god they were roomates- "
"So who was top and who was bottom?"
Richard Kidder Meade:
-annoys his friends
-binges on Friends
-doesn't have his life together
-prefers gaming on his switch instead of school
-loves his friends dearly though
-the jokster of the friend group
-Definetely Chandler's personality
-complete summary of: "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS! EVERYBODY!"
"I'm Chandler could I be wearing any more clothes?!"
Tench Tilghman:
-actually has his life together
-good grades
-your typical normal high school student
-prefers binging on youtube and hanging out with his friends
-would love to be your bff
-sweet and outgoing, a little bit of both an extrovert/introvert
-complete summary of: "Zaaaam! You got a bae, or nah?! You got a bae, or nah!"
-Definetly either Joey or Ross personality
"You must be lucky to have Laurens as your roomate, Hamilton. At least you don't have to deal with Meade acting as Chandler Bing for 24/7--"
Robert Hanson Harrison:
-the dad friend
- complete summary of "I don't get no sleep cause of yall! Yall never gonna sleep cause of ME!"
-prefers books and writing short stories than school
-even though they're annoying sometimes, he still loves his friends
-not much a partier but would go to school dances or stuff like that
-would support you and his friends always
-dedicted to his education and career in the future
-loyal to his friends
-looks after you
-Ross vibes
"Children. I'm friends with absolute children."
Benjmain Tallmadge:
-a normal teenager
-football star
-Definetly Joey vibes
-also tall af, could be mistaken as Laurens's identical twin
-loves his friends dearly
-big brother of the friend group
-complete summary of: "I WON'T HESITATE BITCH- "
"Have some leomanade~"
John Andre:
-bad boy
-typical villan
-would be the type of person who would punch you in the face if you talk to them before their first cup of coffee
-jealous af
-in love with Hamilton or rather crush
-is basically like Simcoe from Turn
-the type of character that everyone including readers would want dead
-a lot like Jim Moriarty in Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
-plays the flute and used to be artistic
-complete summary of: "Hi, thanks for checking in I'm still a piece of garbage!"
"Hello Laurens, did ya miss me?"
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onlyanidala · 3 years
onlyanidala fic archive
These are fics with titles E-I.
A-D     J-P     Q-T     U-Z
searchable desktop version available here
more anidala fics can also be found in our fic tag!
the link for each fic can be found by clicking the title!
Title: edges of the world Author: glompcat Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Leia Organa finds herself stuck in a strange alternate/parallel universe where the Empire never came to exist. Meanwhile, trying to navigate a galaxy ruled by the Sith weren’t exactly the Jedi Trials Leia Skywalker had expected. Or: Leia from a universe where Anakin never fell and canon Leia switch places. Now the two of them - and everyone else around them - have to deal with the consequences of their dimensional swap.
Title: eros turannos Author: emerald-leaves Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Love the Tyrant. Oderint dum metuant- Let them hate as long as they fear. AU set in time around the Clone Wars. Note: This fic has unfortunately been removed from Fanfiction.net. However, a PDF is available upon request. 
Title: the exchange Author: misslearn Status: WIP Rating: T Summary: The Daughter has a bad day and it irrevocably changes the fate of the galaxy, twice over. Or: ROTS Obi-Wan and Anakin are swapped with their younger, TPM, selves. It changes things, in both parallels.
Title: five weddings and a funeral Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's feeling gloomy about her perpetual singleness, but everything changes when she meets an attractive stranger at her sister's wedding.
Title: flat tire Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary: Who knew something as simple as getting a flat tire could change the entire course of your life?
Title: for a moment Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  And, just for a moment, all the worries and concerns that troubled the young couple cease to exist. Fade away to just this. Husband and wife. Asleep. Dreaming of the sweet little life they will soon bring into the world and into their hearts.
Title: for a sith to love a jedi Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: R Summary:  Jedi Knight Padmé Amidala, the Heroine with No Fear, has crash landed on a moon after a starship fight with Darth Vader. Now the two enemies are stuck on a strange moon with strange rocks that prevents them from accessing the Force. They form an uneasy truce to leave the other alone. Yet after Vader sees Amidala bathing, she keeps coming back to him and he can't keep his mind off of her.
Title: for you, i’ll risk it all Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Darth Vader was certain he had killed Padmé Amidala on Mustafar, but when a rebel broadcast reveals she is alive, he will stop at nothing to free her from what he assumes is captivity. Former Senator Padmé Amidala was certain her husband had been killed on Mustafar, but after seeing Vader across the room during a mission, she is sure that she had been lied to. Knowing the truth, she seeks out her husband, either to bring him back to the light or kill him, which ever was necessary.
Title: friendly competition Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Playing Quidditch is awfully difficult when you’re in love with the rival Seeker. Snapshots of Anakin and Padmé’s 7 years at Hogwarts.
Title: fruits of malice Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In an alternate universe, Anakin Skywalker was taken from his mother at the age of four. He was raised as Darth Vader in a loveless, brutal environment. His life takes an interesting turn when he has an encounter with a certain senator from Naboo.
Title: future imperfect Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A time travel story in which Anakin Skywalker is sent to the future to witness the consequences of his actions.
Title: fundamental force carriers Author: tanarill Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past. The past wasn't at peace with him.
Title: getting home to you Author: irnan Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin always said it was Padme's fault, but he was the one who spotted that broom closet. Fluff.
Title: the girl from harvard Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It also makes it grow more paranoid. Padme is in her last year of Harvard. Anakin has just started at the University of Chicago. Though they won't admit it, their long-distance relationship is taking it's heavy toll. Will their love prevail or will the distance prove too much for both of them?
Title: give me a signal Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Padmé Amidala is unable to contact Coruscant while negotiating a loan on Scipio, the Senate suspects trouble, and sends Anakin Skywalker to go check on her. Of course, the resourceful senator isn’t really in any trouble – don't flatter yourself, Rush Clovis – but there’s definitely some brewing.
Title: hand in my hand and we promise to never let go Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin Skywalker was sent to build an elite Jedi team to help end the ten-year Clone Wars. Jedi Knight Naberrie trains hard to be selected and grows closer to the Jedi Master in the process. But with Jedi falling every day in battle, is it safe to follow your heart? Or will war take what's most precious to Padme?
Title: the hardest path Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padmé does what she has to for her family. Series: Three Paths Not Followed
Title: heart of a sith Author: therealthing Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Fourteen years have passed since the inception of the Empire. Darth Vader has been asked to go to Alderaan for an unusual reason, one that Vader soon discovers will change his life forever.
Title: heirs of light and darkness Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  After escaping the Jedi purge two years ago made him the most wanted fugitive in the galaxy, Anakin Skywalker has at last been captured by the Empire. He expects to be killed, but Lady Padmé Amidala, the imperial heir, has other ideas.
Title: heretic pride Author: fialleril Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: G Summary:  Like most Republic citizens, the Naberries have never spent much time thinking about the Jedi. But that changes with the birth of their daughter Ilaré. (Or, the AU where the third Naberrie daughter is a Jedi, Padmé offers Naboo as a sanctuary for runaway slaves, Shmi is a conductor on the Tatooine freedom trail, and Anakin jump starts a reformation. Or maybe a heresy. It all depends on your point of view.)
Title: hidden Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin is woken from his dream before it can warn him of his fate. Without that fear hanging over him he feels a disturbance in the force, and chooses to leave before it can manifest itself.
Title:  high above the clouds, my love for you is eternal Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: M Summary:  Modern Aviation AU. Anakin is a pilot, Padme is a flight attendant. When they meet for the first time he is captivated by her. But much to his surprise she has a young son. This is a story about how bonds are broken, how families are made, and how sacrifice is sometimes necessary to get people where they are meant to be.
Title: hold me in your arms and i’m home Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  It's the ten year reunion for students from Coruscant high and more importantly, a long awaited reunion for two former lovers.
Title: home Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In which "Darth Vader" is no more than Anakin's playtime alter ego (happy Skywalker family AU)
Title: hypnotic takin’ over me Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "By the Force… Just how many times had he seen her like this in his dreams? How many times had he run his fingers over her skin? Filled his hands with her perfect backside? Yet, when he was, by some mercy or a cruel joke, granted true sight of her, he was oblivious."
Title: i do take two Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Thirty years after their clandestine wedding on Naboo, Anakin and Padmé decide to finally do the proper wedding ceremony they never got to have, with all their friends and family present.
Title: i know your type Author: shelivesfree Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  "Am I dead?" It slips out, accidentally. She turns her head towards me, a confused look on her face and tips her head. "Excuse me?" Flashing her an impish grin, I lean casually against the wall. "I must have died and gone to heaven, because you look like an angel." The look she gives me is far from impressed. "Do you use that with all the girls, or am I just lucky?"
Title: i wish i could rewrite the stars Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Suddenly, forever felt like something that could be real. They could make it real, the two of them together and out of nowhere, tears stung at Anakin's eyes. It just meant so much. Padme loving him too was the stuff of his dreams; something he'd only just dared to believe was possible. But she did.
Title: if blood be the price Author: cadesama Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin promised to free all the slaves and it is a promise he intends to keep. Struck by visions of a slave uprising on Tatooine, he runs away to join the fight. Five years later, it his new alliance of former slave worlds that the Republic fears, rather than a Separatist threat. Enlisted to negotiate a peace treaty, Senator Amidala is dispatched to find Anakin, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, who only wishes to bring his former Padawan home.
Title: imperial obligations Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Padmé's advisors suggest that she get rid of Vader and make a politically advantageous marriage. The Empress is less than pleased. One-shot.Series: The Empress and Her Sith Lord.
Title: in his very soul Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Ten years ago, the effort to liberate Naboo from Trade Federation control failed. Chancellor Palpatine managed to rescue the young Queen Amidala and two of her handmaidens, formally adopting her as his own. The new father and daughter quickly manipulated the Senate into granting him emergency powers and creating the Grand Army of the Republic, letting the Clone Wars begin. Now, assassins are coming for Padmé Palpatine, and her father has entrusted her safety to his mysterious enforcer, Darth Vader. While neither bodyguard nor charge is happy about this arrangement, there is an attraction they cannot ignore.
Title: in search of absolution Author: rogue darth skywalker Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Padme bit her lip as she placed one last post-it that had the name 'Shmi Skywalker' written on it. She didn't speak. She knew he needed a moment to think - to process what she was silently asking him. 'Are you ready to accept her forgiveness'"She'd want to come to her only son's wedding," She said. He shook his head, "I don't think so. After everything…"
Title: in the past Author: silverdaye Status: WIP Rating: T Summary:  It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
Title: it’s a dangerous love affair Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Lies, masks, blood and sex. The criminal underworld will swallow you up and spit you out again. One wants revenge and the other wants peace. Can their affair bring the downfall of the two biggest gangs of the underworld?
Title: it’s like deja vu all over again Author: shadowsong26 Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Three days ago, Padme Amidala closed her eyes for the last time in a sterile white room on an asteroid at the edge of nowhere. Three days ago, she opened them again on a sleek, chrome starship, watching Dorme putting on the finishing touches to Corde's headdress, her own weighted braids a comforting blanket on her back. Padme decides to change things, decides she can save Anakin (and the Galaxy) this time. Except, as time passes, she starts to realize things aren't happening exactly the way she remembers...
Title: (it’s not so bad) being dead like me Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Recently deceased Anakin Skywalker (killed in an taco truck explosion) finds himself not in the after life but recruited as the newest member of the undead, he’s become a grim reaper. He’s told that it’s his destiny but really he thinks it’s just rotten luck. Rotten except for the fact that one of his fellow reapers is Padmé Amidala, the most beautiful woman Anakin’s has seen, dead or alive. As he struggles to come to grips with his death and his new role in the universe, Anakin finds that taking souls isn’t the easiest job out there, he also finds himself falling in love. One-shot.
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Some of my favourite female characters in fiction
This list is not exhaustive and while I do have other characters that I find charming and that I love, I have noted these characters because in my opinion, they have struggled and/or there is a certain analysis to their personalities. 
Please take note that some of the characters are not morally good or have done questionable actions. This is not to discuss or say they are role models, but rather to write up what they represented, their role in the story or simply their personalities. I’m not here to justify the character’s actions.
Remember that a well-written characters do not have to be morally good. 
Also, a lot of them are from memory and the analysis aren’t well-structured. 
Let’s dive in:
1. Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby
Daisy, in my opinion, is incredibly misunderstood and unjustifiably hated among the readers. Her betrayal to Gatsby is indeed vile and it did upset me, I definitely think that she is materialistic, shallow and hurtful.  
“I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
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Daisy did shit on Gatsby [trying to avoid spoilers here].  
However, I do like to note that I think part of her materialism and shallowness is because of how women were in the 1920s. They did not have any freedom or agency. To Tom, she seems to be a trophy wife for him to keep; and to Gatsby, he only liked the idea of her, he wasn’t in love with her. To everyone around her, she was an item, a beautiful doll to be possessed, rather than a person. I think that’s why she turned out like that. 
She's materialistic because men around her sees her as an object. Nonetheless, Daisy is still “careless” and hurtful; and I think this stemmed from the life she had led that were a compilation of choices that were made for her. Her betrayal towards Gatsby is what makes her character rather disappointing to most readers. The whiteness in her dress as described in her first appearance? It’s not innocence, but rather a void and jadedness. 
2. Neon Nostrade from Hunter x Hunter
Yet, another girl in our list that loves to be hated by the fandom. Though honestly, most of her haters are Chrollo and Kurapika stans who gets jealous because Chrollo got to hang out with her and Kurapika works under her. Also her repulsive hobby - although this is actually what makes me like her. 
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I have addressed this in my other posts before, but let me just copy and paste them (and modify a bit):  Her upbringing and exploitation by her dad makes her materialistic and emotionally detached. This materialism and detachment is manifested in the form of her hobby as a dead body parts collector. But other than that, she’s really a normal girl, just sheltered and spoilt. The money she spends are even from her talent Lovely Ghostwriter, her father will be nothing without her. So I don’t see an issue with her spending them on shopping etc. 
In fact, I would argue that she bathes in materialism to fill the emptiness that she has. Her father is more concerned with her ability and power, she has no friends and is guarded 24/7 by employees.
All the times she threw tantrums and the way she talks… it’s a different speech pattern altogether when she interacts with Chrollo - which may suggest that the whole spoilt attitude is exaggerated to gain attention from a father who is indulgent in terms of material gifts, but not in terms of affection and time for her.
When Eliza cried, she was willing to forgo bidding the auction physically. Yes she did not care about the bodyguards because she is more focused on the living and the present (Eliza) than the dead.
The reason why she didn’t seem fazed when Dalzollene and the others died is because a) they were her bodyguards, it’s their job to put their life on the line to protect her, b) she mentioned to Chrollo that her fortune-telling is for the living, she likes to live in the present and doesn’t believe in the afterlife.
Neon is more focused on who is alive, rather than the dead (which also represented by her hobby of dead body parts collecting). She focuses on the present, unlike her clients who likes to know their future or people who dwell in the past. Kurapika on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He dwells on the past and likes to focus on his dead clan rather than the present times with his friends (which is completely understandable).
Another significance is that her fortune-telling ability is very useful and helpful, she says that she wanted to make people happy with it; but however, it is commercialized and used as a means of power (knowledge of the future = power) by her father and pretty much everyone around her. Just like how she objectifies dead people by collecting their parts, the people around her sees her as a tool due to her fortune-telling abilities, rather than see her as a person. Even Kurapika chose to get employed under her, for his own agenda (he is bound to meet dead body parts collectors at some point). 
She treats people like objects because people see her as one.
Of course, collecting dead body parts is a pretty fucked hobby; but what she represents and her role as a minor character is what makes her an outstanding minor female character in the show. 
Yes. She has traits that are not your typical role model, but neither are other hxh characters. She’s not independent, naive, can’t fight, in need of saving, uncaring at times and spoilt. She is far from so-called “strong female character” that we often look up to. She is a character with bad traits which is a result of being a victim. But that’s what makes me love her as a character in hxh. It reminds us that there are girls out there who has lack of freedom and control over their own fate; and their only way out is through materialism and detaching themselves from people. 
In fact, she might be even relateable to some people more than other female characters because there is vulnerability in her character.
3. Hua Mulan (Mostly the Chinese 2009 film, though the most well-known is the Disney 1998 animated film)
There has been various adaptations for this character, with the Disney Animated version being the most prominent.
However, my favourite one is definitely the Chinese film Hua Mulan: Rise of A Warrior (2009). It portrays the horrors of war and the suffering it brings, nationalism, camaraderie among the army - all while giving us the admirable Mulan climbing up to the ranks of being a war general.
I highly recommend this adaptation. I know the Disney Live Action 2020 version did not receive good reception, and we honestly did not need one because this 2009 Chinese film does the job well (I like their soundtrack though). It's not really well-known because it's a Chinese film (which is hella ironic because Hua Mulan is a Chinese character? Lmao).
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"Today we will stain the battlefield with our blood. Behind us is our homeland. If we have to bleed out our last drop of blood, if we have to become bleached bones in this desert, we must defend it to the death! We must let the Rourans know we Wei warriors will never surrender and will never compromise! Soldiers may rebel against me, generals may leave me for dead, but I, Hua Mulan, will never betray my country!"
Generally, I either have an issue with strong female characters because they are just shallow (meaning they are only physically strong, often viewing rudeness, misandry and independence as strength). I like female characters who are so much more to that.
Mulan, in this film, not only showed her badassery in fighting the war for more than a decade, but we also see how much she struggled. Everytime her comrades die, her heart gets broken. Yet she has to learn how to pick herself up and become the leader that they need. She dislikes war, she dislikes the bloodshed; yet she fights for her country.
To me, a strong female character is not just a feminist icon or someone who can fight. In fact, a female character doesn't need to be someone capable of fighting, what makes her strong is to be able to overcome turbulence with determination.
I think this is something that is lacking in recent "strong female characters" - showing us their strength through perseverance.
As for the Disney's counterpart (talking about the 1998 film here), it is less morbid but we also see her trying her best to make her family proud and protect her country. Like the song Reflection and Loyal, Brave and True, she struggles with finding her purpose and her role in her family.
"The greatest gift of honour, is having you for a daughter."
4. Blanche Dubois from A Streetcar Named Desire
It's been years since I had analysed Blanche, but among all the 6 books that I had to study for English Literature, A Streetcar Named Desire has been my absolute favourite.
I think what struck me in this book is not just the style, but Blanche's vulnerability. Her actions are definitely not morally good: she misrepresents things, she lies, she even had sex with an underage student. She's paranoid, mentally unstable and prissy. Which was why, her polar opposite character, Stanley, is so annoyed with her.
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After her husband's suicide, we see Blanche relying on the company of men to fill the void of her loneliness and misery. She is also concerned about her beauty fading with age - I find that highly reliable. It sounds incredibly "vain", but beauty does play a part.
Based on Evolutionary and Mating Theories among humans, appearance in women are especially important (also for men but not as much as women). Of course, there are other factors and traits that people find attractive, but Blanche's concern is valid here. She needs to find a husband to escape from her financial troubles; and her age, beauty and chastity plays a huge factor in her search for getting a man in the setting she was in (which was Mitch in this case). Ironically, these are the very traits that she has "lost" and so desperately tries to hide it.
Her ending is truly a devastating and upsetting one. [Will not talk about it due to spoilers]
"I've always depended on the kindness of strangers."
5. Haibara Ai/Shiho Miyano from Detective Conan
Perhaps one of the girls that is a wasted potential. In a series where the characters are mostly flat, she's arguably the most multi-faceted (but somehow I had heard that she no longer has the same complexity as she used to have - it's been a while since I followed this series).
But I remember absolutely loving this character.
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Her background story is really unique in the show and one that is embedded within the Black Organisation plotline (why her character was dropped... Forever frustrating for me).
From the moment she was first introduced, we see Conan taking an immediate distrust towards her. A guy who is a detective who had been catching criminals - yet one ex-syndicate member stands before him. The one that actually helped to develop the APTX4869 that changed his life.
Yet, we see that it wasn't entirely within her control. Both her parents were syndicate members and when her sister tries to get both of them to leave, her sister dies.
Ai starts off as seemingly cold, pessimistic and avoidant. But as her arc goes on, the iceberg around her melts. We see her quirky sarcastic replies, her taste for fashion and she genuinely desires to be happy. Her relationship with Conan developed into a beautiful one - to the point where Conan trusts her with anything and they would risk their lives for one another.
Yet, we also empathies with her impending jealousy and heartache. The boy she has fallen for already has someone else. What's more, the girl is genuinely kind and is a splitting image of her sister. After Ran saved her from Vermouth, she quickly warms up to Ran as well.
She's also the key to developing the antidote for Shinichi to be back with Ran - an almost painful metaphor for her to give him away (he never belonged to her in the first place). Yet, she doesn't really stop them from being together (even though in some cases she appears jealous or phrase ShinRan's reunion as a word of caution).
I definitely think she is the most compelling character in Detective Conan because of her character development and the struggles she faces. It's definitely upsetting that her character has been neglected.
“Don’t judge people from the outside. Like any rose has thorns, the more the person appears nice on the outside, the more you should doubt the inside.”
6. Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion
Who is the best female character in Eva? Asuka or Rei? My answer will always be Misato, Risato is a close second (I wanted to analyse Risato, but I’m trying to keep it to one person per series). Misato is one of the 90s anime babes. She definitely captivated many people’s heart. 
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I must say though, I have a soft spot towards female characters who has some sort of daddy issues (why I like Neon Nostrade). It’s been a while since I had watched Eva, but I’m going to try to remember why I like her. 
I think the concept of Hedgehog’s Dilemma has been echoed throughout the series, and all the characters seem to struggle with emotional attachment towards people. I actually like to phrase the Hedgehog Dilemma as “Avoidant-Fearful Attachment Style” - wanting connection with people, yet not being able to do so out of fear of being hurt. 
For Misato, when I initially first watched Eva, I compared her a little to Blanche Dubois in how they cope with loneliness - their sexuality. I remember being confused with her interactions with Shinji, who was half her age. At times, she serves as his guardian/mother figure; but at some moments (I think it was sometimes after Kaji’s death), she tried to seek comfort with Shinji by attempting to initiate sex (which Shinji rejects). I remember coming across a comment somewhere that Shinji and Misato’s relationship is somewhat like Humbert and Dolores (from Lolita) - can’t comment on this as I only read the first chapter of the book. 
It makes me think that she uses sex as a way to cope and the only way she can connect with people (and it’s superficial), which doesn’t work for Shinji because she needs to be her guardian (and ultimately fails to be purely his guardian once she crossed that no-no boundary). 
Another thing to note was her backstory about her dad. There seems to be a dissonance, given that she resented her dad for not spending time with her due to his work, but he ended up sacrificing her life for her. I do think it’s a bit of guilt (because resenting her dad but he saves her - these two contradicts one another). It’s clear that her issues to connect stems from her backstory regarding her father. 
It’s interesting how she compares Kaji to her father. I do think she loves Kaji, but “reminds him too much of her father” (as to put it simply). There is this... stereotype that we find someone similar to our opposite-gender parents, no matter how shitty they were towards us. I believe that it is because we tend to stick to something that is familiar to us, even if those type of people aren’t good for us (I think to break this cycle is to practise self-awareness and know what is good for us). 
Anyway, Misato is a character that I really liked (as all the characters in Eva) because they highlight Hedgehog’s Dilemma that stemmed from their parental issues. Maybe I have not watched a lot of anime, but female characters with issues with their fathers are not as explored deeply as male characters and their parental issues. A lot of times, female characters (especially in shounen) serves as a romantic interest and yes they can have really sad backstory, but not issues towards their father and how it affects their relationship with other people. So far, the only ones I had seen is Mukuro (Yu Yu Hakusho), Misato and Neon Nostrade. 
7. Disney's Cinderella
First of all, she has been a victim of abuse since she was a child. It's not easy for her to escape her predicament. Where can she go? It's not that easy.
Boy. I hate how much people remember Cinderella wrongly and attack her for being "backwards", which is actually factually wrong.
Cinderella always get flack for using the Prince to "escape" her predicament when "she can do it herself".
I say that's bullshit. I actually came across a youtube video: Cinderella Stop Blaming the Victim [please check it out for more in-depth analysis]
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Despite all that, she's doesn't internalize it. She knows she doesn't deserve to be treated this way, and she does to a certain degree stand up to them (whenever the cat makes her tasks harder). She knows when to fight back and restrain herself because it might endanger her life.
After years of suffering in this domestic household, she remains kind, compassionate and hopeful. Which is not an easy feat. The problem is, these traits are often seen as feminine and synonymous with being weak. But it is actually, in fact, signs of strength. The mental fortitude she has to remain kind after all she went through is a sign of strength.
The Fairy Godmother only appeared when she was losing hope - take note that she ends up crying because her stepsisters tore her mother’s dress (which is the most disturbing scene in the film). 
Even I had remembered this wrongly - one crucial fact is that... She did not want to go the ball to nab the Prince. That was her stepsisters. Homegirl just wanted to chill. She did not even know she was dancing with the Prince!
When Lady Tremaine locked her up to prevent her from reaching the Prince, it wasn’t the Prince that saved her. She and her animal friends got her out of the room, and proceeded to prove that she was indeed the maiden that had danced with the Prince. Her marrying the Prince was only a fitting end to her because it provides her a home and an escape from an abusive household; however, it was her resilience for holding onto fate and being mentally strong, and her initiatives partially contributed to her happy end. The Prince is more like a passive character. 
I highly think that people tend to brush her traits - e.g. compassion, having fate, being kind is listed as feminine. However, it is far from being weak, which most people would deem it as. But that is definitely not true. 
“No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true.”
8. Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Mikasa is either a hit or miss among AOT fans. Some people like Mikasa because she is physically strong and her loyalty to Eren is admirable. On the other hand, some people think she’s clingy and her being physically strong makes her a Mary Sue. 
Whether or not you like Mikasa, there is a fact that she is not a Mary Sue. The definition of a Mary Sue is a female character lacking in weakness and seems perfect. 
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She is physically strong, yes - I believe that Isayama wanted to distribute traits to the trio. Even Hannes has said it in S1. Armin represents intellect, Eren represents grit and Mikasa represents strength. So her being physically strong makes sense, and Isayama also provided an explanation for it (being an Ackerman). 
However, this does not mean she lacks any weakness. Arguably, her loyalty to Eren is both a liability and her strength. This “weakness” has been highlighted by her dilemma between her loyalty towards Eren and her belief that mass genocide is wrong.
[I won’t go into details about the manga parts that have not been animated as of 2021, can’t spoil it too much]. 
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: Nirvana in Fire, Episode 02
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff)
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Warning: Spoilers for All 54 Episodes!
A Cunning Plan
Let's start by checking in with the in-progress schemes. Nirvana in Fire features many, many overlapping schemes that stretch across multiple episodes.
Princess Nihuang's Marriage: Princess Nihuang is betrothed to a dead guy, and that's fine with her. If she needs tender emotional care she's got Xia Dong. Xia Dong is married to a dead guy so this works well for both of them.  
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The Emperor wants to marry Nihuang off, because she's got a loyal heap of troops at the southern border, and he's a paranoid old fuck, who doesn't like anyone to have the power to overthrow him. Marrying her will sort of force her to hand her troops off to her impulsive younger brother, or something.
The Emperor has a soft spot for Nihuang, however, so he's allowed her to set a bunch of impossible conditions on the marriage, including a martial arts contest. NIF is a hybrid palace drama and Wuxia drama, so there are courtesans and backstabbing and sneaky maids and sneaky eunuchs but also, people can fly.
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The two main power seekers, Prince Yu and the Crown Prince, have flunkies that they want Nihuang to marry, but their flunkies suck at martial arts, so if they want her to marry one of their dudes, there will have to be cheating.
Note that Nihuang's good friends Jingrui and Yujin are taking part in the contest to marry her, which might be weird, except they both know she can beat their asses so they seem to just be joining in for fun & prestige. 
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The fact that she doesn't want to marry either of these loveable cuties means that she's pretty serious about staying betrothed to her first love, despite his apparent deadness.
(more after the cut!)
Recruiting Mei Changsu / Killing Mei Changsu: Team Prince Yu wants to recruit Mei Changsu. Team Crown Prince wants to recruit him or kill him, if recruiting him doesn't work. 
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Mei Changsu acts like this is so tedious; all he wants to do is rest. But they only want to recruit him because he and his pal Lin Chen made them believe he is the answer to their problems.  Whenever Mei Changsu acts annoyed at something, it's probably something he actually orchestrated. "Pork chops again?" (secretly buys more pork chops).
The Duke Qing/ Landgrab Case: In Episode 1, the Jiangzuo Alliance protected some witnesses against Duke Qing in an enslavement/land grabbing case. It's difficult for me to find anything about historical land grabbing in China because Google is full of 21st century land grabbing information. Anyway Duke Qing works for Prince Yu, so the witnesses are (whether they mean to be or not) on The Crown Prince's side. The Emperor has an interest in this case, because land grabbing is bad, apparently, even by corrupt-emperor standards. Xia Dong is in charge of investigating.
The Chiyan Army Case: This is the big conspiracy that the entire show is about. 11 years ago, the Emperor received evidence that Prince Qi, Lin Xie (Mei Changsu's father), and the entire Chiyan army were going to rebel. This was supposedly reported by Xia Dong's husband, Nie Feng, before Lin Xie supposedly killed him. The emperor ordered executions for everybody.
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Prince Jing thought this was a bunch of bullshit and didn't hesitate to say so, which got him sent off to distant regions to do army things for years at a time, and landed him a place high up on the emperor’s shit list.
The Hazelnut Pastry Scheme: This is a small scale, benevolent scheme, in which Concubine Jing will eventually stop making cookies with hazelnuts in them, because Mei Changsu is allergic to them. 
Ok, that’s the scheme roundup for this episode. On with the show!
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
After a quick expository chat between the Emperor and Gong Gao, laying out the reasons for the Nihuang Marriage Scheme, we go to Prince Yu’s place to watch superhot Meng Zhi, commander of the emperor's guards, whip some ass. Not, alas, literally.  Despite his leather shoulder thingies and his handsome beard, and his commanding ways on a battlefield, when it comes to interpersonal relations he is pretty much a labrador retriever puppy in human form.
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Meng Zhi is kicking the asses of Prince Yu’s fighters to determine if they're qualified to compete in the Marriage contest. They are not. He points out to the Prince that they can't put such terrible wimps into the competition because it will make the country’s defenses look weak.  
This beatdown is observed by Prince Yu and by Xie Yu, who Prince Yu thinks is on his side. Xie is 100% on the Crown Prince's side, but is carefully hiding that fact; he has his son working for Prince Yu as part of his cover.
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In determining how severe an ass kicking is, everyone talks about how many moves it takes to defeat someone, like it's chess. Meng Zhi can beat literally anyone else in the show. He's number two on the Langya List of fighters & we never meet #1.
Fe Liu Was Fast as Lightning
Mei Changsu is hanging out in the garden at Xie manor while Fe Liu jumps around. Fe Liu wants Mei Changsu to play Roblox with him, and pouts when MCS opts for staying in the garden and reading a book.
Fe Liu is utterly devoted to Mei Changsu; I really love their relationship. Fe Liu’s backstory isn't fully explained in the show, but apparently he was raised from an early age to focus on being extremely lethal, and didn't spend much time learning to talk or other skills, making him the epitome of the asynchronous/ gifted teen. Mei Changsu isn’t who raised him to be like this; MCS and Lin Chen rescued him, which is why he is now Mei Changsu’s personal murder pet.
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Fe Liu is both a complete fantasy character and also a really believable teen, beautifully acted by Leo Wu, who DMBJ fans know from Tomb of the Sea, and who Xiao Zhan fans know from Battle Through the Heavens.
Fe Lui promptly gets into a fight with Meng Zhi, who's visiting Xie manor. All Fe Liu was doing was leaping about the rooftops like an assassin, but since Xie Yu is the sort of guy that a lot of people would like to kill, Meng Zhi doesn't think this is so good. They have a hilarious, entertaining fight with many, many wire-assisted moves.
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They're pretty evenly matched, and Xie Yu watches them with extreme interest until Mei Changsu shows up and tells Fe Liu to stop. Xie Yu is watching because he needs to know how many dudes he should send to assassinate Mei Changsu. Answer: more. Always more.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately since it’s probably all part of MCS’s plan) Fe Liu's extreme skilz make it obvious that his boss is someone important. Mei Changsu discusses this with Jingrui and Yujin in an open-air setting where Jingrui's brother Xie Bi can totally hear them.  In no time flat, father and son have reported his identity to their respective princes.
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Over at Prince Yu's place, Qin Banruo and her awesome eye makeup join the party. She's Prince Yu’s advisor/manipulator, working for the (fallen) Hua kingdom, led by the (deceased) Princess Xuanji . She has a network of spies who work for her, that she deploys for Prince Yu's schemes. Her ultimate goal is not to help him, however, but just to fuck up the Da Liang Empire, which conquered the Hua.
(Nearly) Everybody Hates Jingyan
Xia Dong heads out on her assignment in the Land Grab Case, and Nihuang goes to see her off. They talk about gender expectations and how annoying it is to have to marry a dude, and briefly hang out being WLW goals with their mutual devotion, excellent fashion sense and deadly fighting abilities. Nihuang, in particular, wears the prettiest things and also stands at attention like she's commanding an army; I adore her.
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They're interrupted by the arrival of Prince Jing, who is greeted cheerfully by Nihuang and eye-rollingly by Xia Dong.  
He's wearing an awesome brass-and-blue armor that we never see again after this episode. It's too bad - it's a good color for him and it has a cool vampire cloak with a high collar.
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Prince Jing takes the opportunity to snark at Xia Dong about her investigation and the Xuanjing Bureau’s penchant for inventing finding conspiracies, and then rides off before she can reply.
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This leads Nihuang and Xia Dong to get into their chronic argument about the Chiyan Conspiracy and the Lin family, and then Xia Dong hits the road.
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Prince Jing and his subordinates stand around outside the palace waiting to report to the emperor while the emperor ignores him. They get sweatier and sweatier while they wait. which makes me like the Emperor a little bit more.
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Prince Yu and CP Xian are busy sucking up to the emperor as they look at a manuscript. They are a bunch of assholes and you can see that Gao Zhan isn't a fan of this bullshit.
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Eventually Gao Zhan reminds/persuades the emperor to summon Prince Jing, whose brothers snark at him like a couple of 12 year old girls while he radiates manly vigor and handsomeness.  
Consort Jin is bummed that she can't see Prince Jing for another 5 days, and her maid sidekick says random comforting things. This maid, Xiao Xin, is actually a little snake, who works for Qin Banruo's network. We don't learn that until sometime later.
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All of the maids have this same hairstyle. If you are a westerner and you think this hairstyle is crazy, have a look at some Roman and Byzantine historic hairstyles. I'm not saying this hairstyle is NOT crazy, mind you; just that crazy hair was a feature of many, many historical empires.  
Consort Jing has someone deliver her hazelnut cookies to Prince Jing; she doesn’t know about Mei Changsu yet so hazelnut is still on the menu. Nicest mom. Also smartest, helpful-est mom, as the story develops.
Suck-Up Contest
At Xie manor, Xie Bi tries to get Mei Changsu to go meet the Empress, who has stopped by with Nihuang specifically to meet him, as part of the Recruit Mei Changsu scheme. Jingrui says nope, fuck that, he's not going to be a pawn in your political games, fuck off. We get to see Jingrui being steely and righteous, which is both cool and hot. Nihuang should totally marry him.
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The Empress is annoyed that Mei Changsu doesn't show up, and Nihuang is like, it's ok, I don’t actually give a fuck about meeting new men. But I did want to meet his murder puppy Fe Liu.
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Grand Princess Liyang says they don’t need to bother meeting pugilists, despite her son being one and her supposed best friends/co-parents also being pugilists.
Grand Princess Liyang will probably be glad Mei Changsu didn’t come to her little party, once she realizes what tends to happen when Mei Changsu comes to a party.
Then we go to the suitor tournament, in which everyone more or less sucks.
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The princes really want to go over to Mei Changsu’s balcony to meet him, and they have a hilarious silent interaction where they both try not to be the first one to move. They finally cave, and go together.  
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Then they compete to see who can be the most cringe and blow the most smoke up Mei Changsu's ass.
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They ply him with gifts and flattery, which he mostly manages to resist.
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Cookie Time with Granny
Then they get summoned to go meet the grand empress, who is (I think) the mother of the previous emperor, the grandmother of the current emperor, and the great grandmother of basically every highborn character of the current generation, including Nihuang and Yujin, although it’s not clear where they sit in the family tree. Historically, cousin marriage - particularly of maternal cousins - was no big whoop in China, so it's not surprising that a lot of nobles would share a great-grandmother.
The Grand Empress is a sweet lady with dementia. She can’t figure out who the hell anyone is. First-time viewers feel the same way.  
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Her dementia is pretty well depicted, unlike a lot of TV dementia, or at least it matches up to my experiences with my own elders. She remembers the distant past more vividly than recent times; when she understands who’s in front of her she connects with them emotionally, but she falls off track easily. And she projects the identities of people she misses onto people who are around her.
Like many other grannies, no matter who is visiting, she wants them to 1. get married 2. produce offspring 3. eat something, you’re so skinny
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When Mei Changsu meets Granny she immediately calls him Lin Shu, either because she recognizes him or because she really misses Lin Shu, or both. She calls Nihuang over and joins their hands, and Mei Changsu grabs onto Nihuang's hand and holds it for a while.
Everyone thinks it's adorable that Granny has dementia and is confused about that guy who was horribly killed, except Nihuang, who was already checking Mei Changsu out and is somewhat verklempt. She might have to revise her anti-man feelings a little bit.
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Everyone leaves, and Nihuang hits up Mei Changsu to take a walk with her, casually mentioning that she could have his hand cut off for touching her, but since she's not in the mood, he's ok.
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She prods a bit to find out what he's doing in town and what he's up to. “Do you have a girlfriend? Like a serious girlfriend or just a stalker who works for you?” She asks him which of the two princes he's going to support, but they’re interrupted by a eunuch beating a slave child. That’s the price you pay for trying to have a date in the palace, I guess.
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alnwicks · 3 years
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Rules: Write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe.
Thank you to @ourwillowcreekroyals and @royalfamilyofgrimalldi​ for tagging me! I tag whoever wants to do this challenge!
I chose to do my two leading ladies for the next 2 chapters of my story. The explanations are below the cut, and they contain spoilers, so be warned!
Philippa “Pippa” Marguerite Anne Elisabeth Faustine Alnwick: THE EVERYMAN
Maud Morana Mary Faustine Alnwick: THE OUTLAW
PIPPA: The Everyman
Pippa is the family's delight, the much-needed joy that ended a period of mourning and sadness for both the royal family and for Victoria. She embodies the princess classic trope - she is beautiful, quiet, demure, and always concerned with doing the right thing. Much like the newly crowned Queen Elizabeth II, Pippa knows her place and is careful to protect herself in her role.
But Pippa is also (painfully, at times) shy, and overthinks many of her interactions with her peers. She is paranoid that they only want to be friends with her because she's a princess, which leads Victoria and Philip to make a critical choice regarding her education. Much of her young life reminds me of a younger Ginny Weasley - always there, just quietly. 
While I do paint Pippa as the golden child, she is not without her faults. She is prone to making herself the victim, even in situations where that isn't appropriate, much like an older Rory Gilmore. I don't want to spoil too much of her future, but we will see Pippa in a loveless marriage, and we will see her struggle with jealousy over seeing her sisters in happy, fulfilling relationships. Pippa struggles with transforming to the golden girl to the woman who just wants to be loved by someone - her husband included. 
MAUD: The Outlaw
Maud is my rebel spare. I’ve often observed a dynamic between sisters, especially when the two oldest children in the family are both girls, where the younger of the two must be the exact opposite of the elder one. This is true for Maud and Pippa. Maud embodies the rebellious princess. If Pippa is the Princess Classic, Maud will do everything in her power to be different from Pippa. She sees herself as the Black Sheep - the only blonde - and leans into it. Her actions, even from a young age, are rooted in a desire to be different. She is a wild child, representative of a young Alexis Rose. 
Maud is also kind of snarky, has a quick wit, and, on the outside, really doesn't care much what people think. She has an ice cold exterior that protects her insecurities; but that doesn't mean she also isn't funny. Her humor is inspired by Santana Lopez, who has the best one liners and insults on TV. I don't want to spoil too much of my story by explaining the other two tropes, but I promise they make sense. 
Maud can be categorized as a heart breaker and a grudge holder, and when love and family intersect in her life, her entire trajectory and relationships change dramatically. To some, her story is tragic. To others, heroic. Her entire life, especially the later portion, was inspired heavily by the portrayal of Princess Margaret in the Crown. 
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