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day 380 : soft blades of grass and beads of dew will forever be etched in my memory of physical feels. . i finally did it. i've been talking about attending a live yoga class for an incredibly long time. once again, mental blockage preventing me from going through with it. . a surprise encounter with an old student and soul sister this past weekend was just the 🔥 i needed. . i love being outside and botanical gardens are my favorite. it was such a beautifully overcast morning and it was just what my body and soul needed. . these past few days have just been comedic (in the twilight zone sort of way). my favorite thing about yoga is being able to cut the crap out for a bit and bliss out by appreciating the heck out of the power and magic that make up our bodies. this was that for me today 🖤 . . . #paralyzedyogi #rebuild #spinalcordinjury #scirecovery #learningtowalkagain #notimeforparalysis #whatparalysis #notalldisabilitiesarevisible #paraplegiclife #incompleteparaplegic #thecomebackisstrongerthanthesetback #brokenbody #bionicbadass #lifeaftersci #nothingisofflimits #exerciseismedicine #moveyourbody #takecareofyourbodyandyourbodywilltakecareofyou #liveyourbestlife #craighospital #chickswithsticks #keeponkeepinon #neverstopplaying #justgottagetthroughit #vulnerabilityisstrength (at South Carolina Botanical Garden)
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day 285 : i have been waiting for this day for 9 months and 10 days. . getting back to my yoga practice has been one of my most prominent goals throughout this recovery process. it hasn’t been easy because of accepting my movement limitations knowing how very able i was before. . i have also not been consistent and i’m very aware of consistency being vital. i’ve just had some kind of mental blockage with it. . this will serve as a reminder of how far i’ve come, but my future excitement to see how much better it can get! . now to figure out how to upload the 2nd part of the video...? . . . #yogaaftersci #spinalcordinjury #paralysisrecovery #paralysissucks #paralyzedyogi
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