#paracosm: big hero beau
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
New Paracosm AU: Big Hero Beau
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@decaykid yes, kind of...
Okay, like I said in my last post this idea came to me after listening to Fist Pump and Viva Namida on loop with pacing.
So you know like how the original Humble Pie paracosm is very western horror kind of drama, yeah? well, this paracosm is just full on ANIME BBY!!! I'm talking Space Dandy, I'm talkin' Gurren Lagann, I'm talkin maybe a little bit of Trigun, and also takes alot from action rpgs like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Persona, Viewitful Joe, and Wonderful 101 (but its like only two people), and takes alot from Sonic the hedgehog (mostly Sonic Underground, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Forces), and little bit from Fancy Pants ( that's not an anime or a "real" video game, its just an old flash game I used to hyperfixate on).
This paracosm is completely different which is why I gave it, it's own name instead of just adjective then "!"
This version of Beau takes a lot of inspiration from Dandy ( Space Dandy), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog), and Kamina (Gurren Langann)
In this paracosm, both of Beau's parents perished in a tragic accident, Beau takes his siblings to an abandoned shack and they hide out and live out there. the tragedy this motivative Beau to become stronger and a hero, not only to keep his siblings safe but others too. The last thing his mom told him was that his smile could save a thousand lives, so because of that he always keeps an upbeat, go get 'em attitude, and he doesn't want to bum his younger siblings out. His mom also gave Beau her heart shape locket before she passed on, so Beau has worn it ever since that day.
The locket is very precious to him, he doesn't let anyone touch it (other than his siblings), and if he loses it he'll go into a panic attack and can't do anything else until he finds it again.
Dev, Beau's little brother, also wants to be strong and a hero, he tries to train like his brother but he can't keep up. Beau tells Dev that he has to be strong in his own way, so Dev decides to put his tech skills to good use and make his older brother cool weapons for him to use. I forgot to mention in this paracosm some people are born with superpowers and such, and Beau's superpowers are super strength and speed, while Dev's superpower is super intelligence.
Dev can't keep up with his brother on foot, so he made himself a jetpack to keep up, and makes science weapons for himself to use.
In this paracosm, there are evil robots, pirates, bandits, ninjas, demons, fallen angels, giant spiders, bad guys who kidnap pretty people, any enemy you would find in a video game or anime yeah it's probably here. So, there's always something for Beau and Dev to fight or someone to save from something.
Beau and Dev don't have secret identities since superpowered people are common but they get to have a pretty rad transformation scene activate when they fist bump each other.
Beau fighting style is similar to that of a hack and slack fighting game, Beau mostly use his fists to fight and his speed, he'll also use guns too, but he'll only use swords if he thinks he can pull off a cool move, since not really experience using them that much. Dev made Beau special gloves and boots that make the attack range of his hit larger so its easier to take out hoards of stuff like robots (which happens lot) and big enemies like giant monsters.
His boots are also guns so its like....
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Oh, and Beau also makes sure that he always looks cool when fighting just in case someone takes a pic (which happens alot). Unlike Bayonetta, Beau is more playful with his posing rather than sexy.
Dev's wits come in handy when the two come across puzzles, riddles, or finding a way out of traps on their adventures since Beau didn't complete school once his parents passed and mostly focus on raising his siblings and hero training.
Much like Sonic, Beau is very snarky and witty while fighting his enemies (or at least tries to be), he always tries to make a snarky comment or a really cool zinger before finishing off his enemy. Due to his kind of being not the sharpest tool in the shed, it can take a while for him to come up with a good zinger, so it kind of stalls fights, and sometimes it gets to the point where the enemy is just like "Oh my GOD! just KILL ME!", this also annoys and embarrasses Dev too at times.
Beau makes money from bounties and doing odd jobs around, he makes enough for his siblings to live comfortably, but there are times where he'll go hungry because he only has enough for Dev and Carrie to eat. Beau is still a kind of a lower-level hero compare to the other well know ones around.
Dev has also made a rocket ship so they can fight intergalactically on other planets
Carrie in this paracosm is still 4 years old, she has yet to show any signs of having powers, which is pretty normal for her age since people in this world don't show powers until they hit their pre-teen years.
Beau will take Carrie on their adventures if it's safe enough, but if the mission is too dangerous Beau will take her to the nearest daycare or the nearest trustworthy femme person. Beau will try to make the mission or fight end quickly as possible if he left Carrie with a stranger, there's a sigh of relief once he finds her safe, if not (which doesn't happen a lot thankfully), well somebody gonna die and Beau tries to make it up to her by spending the next few days with her, just him and Carrie.
Beau tries to put being a good guardian/older brother before being a hero and tries his best to spend as much time with Carrie and Dev as possible on chiller/lower stakes days.
Beau had never had time to really process the feeling of losing his parents, there are days where he feels down but he never lets it show around his siblings or have it affect his hero work. There are nights where those memories keep him up, sometimes he'll cry but still try to smile thru the tears.
Beau likes to give peps talks to himself in the mirror, and pep talks to Dev, when he's feeling discouraged, although most of the time those pep talks don't really make any sense Dev still appreciate his brother's kind words.
Since Beau saves people, he interacts a lot with damsels in distress, he flirts with them, but usually gets rejected for coming across as too cheesy or cocky. He doesn't really mind it tho, he actually finds it funny, but when a lady actually flirts back he gets really flustered and has to leave immediately. Despite this Beau still tries to give Dev advice on talking to girls.
Beau still smokes and drinks because the stress of having to raise young siblings, dealing with trauma, and being a hero can be alot, but he still makes sure his siblings don't see him and he doesn't get too wasted.
Other than hero stuff, Hero! Beau enjoys reading comics, parkour, skateboarding, break dancing (which he incorporates in his fighting for some really cool finishers), practicing cool poses and phrases, playing video games with his little brother, and watching barbie movies with his little sisters (since Barbie reminds him of his mom).
Oof, I think that's all I got for now....
TL;DL Basically if this version of Beau is Sonic the original Beau is more like Shadow if that makes any sense.
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
So I got some new pencil and decided to test them out by drawing Hero! Beau and Dev...
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Beau's emblem was drawn by Carrie, it was suppose to be a drawing of Beau himself but it looked more like a fireball and Beau thought it was really cool so it became his signature hero symbol.
Not very hero gets a name especially not the lower level ones like Beau, but he insist people call him " FlashBang" but most people are like "lol, NO"
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Dev's Hero transformation is based on Tails, Dexter and MegaMan. His jetpack doubles as a regular backpack and can hold some pretty large weapons.
Dev uses his eye radar to scan for any enemy weak points or structures that could be used in battle.
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
I have half a mind to attempt to make an animatic for Hero! Beau set to the Space Dandy theme, yeah that may happen...may take like a month or 2 or 6 but it will happen
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
Oh here's Beau and Dev in there civilian/everyday fits in the hero AU
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
I'm really having fun with this Hero AU, lol
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
Big Hero Beau Fun Fact #3:
Okay, continuing the Sonic theme here, remember when I said Beau will leave Carrie at daycare when he goes on dangerous missions or bounty hunts, well the daycare is alot like the Chao Kindergarten from Sonic Adventure 2
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(it looks actually like this btw, I'll be using alot of sonic gifs, just pretend it's hero! Beau and some little kids in place of the Chao)
I don't have a name for this place yet, I just refer to it as Daycare (if anyone has any name ideas that would be lit)
anyways, so this daycare is ran by a family who have 5 beautiful identical daughters, ( think nurse joy). Beau really like flirting with the girls but it can be a hit or miss because they have very different personalities.
One is very sweet but kind of dumb (dangerous as at times), she's kind of a pyromaniac, too.
One is shy but very kind, and gets flustered talking to anybody that's not a child or animal
One is very feisty and very hot head, and snarky, do something dumb Infront of her and she'll read you like an open book
One is very quiet and stoic, she speaks in one sentence and people outside the family find her very hard read (especially Beau)
One is very confident, flirtatious and dramatic. She really enjoys seeing Beau flustered, and if she can corner him she'll go into a long monologue about how she would like to date him but the stars aren't aligned so it can never be
Kind of like..
So, poor Beau is really taking a gamble when he flirts with one of them, especially since they like switching shifts and job positions on the regular, it doesn't stop him from trying but he usually ends up getting hurt emotionally, mentally, or physically.
Despite these ladies being on some range on the chaotic scale, they are all really good with kids.
Like in regular kindergarten, the children learn art, and music, but they also learn swimming, flying, running, puzzles, strength, and a bit elemental magic.
While kids in this world don't show any major consistent signs of powers until teen years, if a child is natured well enough, they can start showing signs of powers early.
It'll be in small burst and the powers they get vary everytime, one day they might be really good at swimming next day the child doesn't even want to get into the water, one day the child maybe able to soar to the clouds, next day they can barely flutter on the ground. It's kind of weird thing but it show the child has potential and the more often it happens the more some of the powers start to stick.
While some days the children spend time in the school house, most days especially on clear days they play in the garden out back, where they can play, practice their skills and socialize.
The children like to play dress up, and can often be seen playing or even just chilling in cute/chaotic outfits, sometimes the children will dress themselves, sometimes they'll ask one of girls to help them, which they all really enjoy doing.
The children are allowed to bring most of the toys and instruments they like to play with in the schoolhouse outside as long as they remember to put them back when they're done and share.
The garden is pretty much the same as the first Chao garden you get in SA2
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Its a pretty big garden especially for a little one, there's flowers, fruit trees, and a watering hole with a water fall, the water is deep enough for a the children to swim in but shallow enough for the grown up to wade in.
Because of the size of the garden the children are encouraged to have a partner close enough to where they can hold hands, they don't need to be playing together, just need to be near each for safety.
Sometime low-level, dumb bad guys try to kidnap the children from the garden since it's so out in the open, this is one of the reasons Beau stays around sometimes, but even without him there's usually more than one child who's having an OP burst of powers and are usually strong enough to take out the bad guy.
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The daycare is the only place *cough* maybe the only place in the galaxy*cough* where Beau gets the heroic recognition he deserves, at least that's how he thinks.
The children think he's the coolest person ever! They love hearing his stories, and all the attention really feds his ego in a good way.
He really loves playing with them and helping the children hone in their powers, even though when playing games like "Hero" things can get kind of rough with the kids random burst of OP powers, but it's still fun.
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Beau also helps out with the heavy lifting, and clean up and stuff out of the goodness of his heart, and an attempt to score points with one of girls, it doesn't work but they appreciate the help.
Beau will join in on naptime, when he gets worn out, which happens often after playing/looking after the kids.
Beau likes to help out at the daycare when he's having a really rough day/week or his vibe is off.
Carrie really likes the daycare, at first it was hard for her to let go and leave Beau quite literally, which is where Beau got the idea to stay over, after a few visits Carrie started to really warm up to the place. She started making friends and really got into drawings, and making up silly stories about them and everyone really enjoyed.
Okay that's it thank you for coming to my ted talk
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
Big Hero Beau: Lets Dance
Beau: "Dev, DUDE! Look!"
Dev:" Hmm... its a pole that goes all the way down to...oh"
Dev:"You're not thinking about doing, what I think you're thinking about---"
Beau: "I mean if Eve aint in the garden, you know what that means.."
Dev: "Oh my god.."
*One pole ride down later*
Beau: "Aw, FUCK YEAH!"
Dev: "You look proud of yourself"
Beau: "How come you didn't ride down?"
Dev:"Because I have a jet pack....and dignity "
Beau: "Okay then, NO fun size!"
Beau:"Uh, how do I get back?"
Dev:"You ask that NOW?!"
Random messenger: "You must defeat the devil..."
Beau: "Okay, thank you, random messenger. OH WAIT! I don't have to ride him before I fight him, right?!"
Dev: "OKAY, and that's where I head out!"
Beau: "Wait, so you're literally gonna leave a brother hanging?"
Dev: "yes, like I said before I have a jet pack and DIGNITY! watching you go down that pole was ENOUGH, I don't need to be scarred TWICE! besides the last time, two brothers made a deal with the devil it didn't end well"
Beau: "Whatever I can handle it-- I fought tons of demons before"
Dev:" See you at home, and if you make it back PLEASE don't tell me what happened"
Beau: "I guess you're gonna miss one HELL of a fight then.."
Dev:"*Groans as he files back up to the top*
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dreaminpeaches · 4 years ago
Big Hero Beau Fact#1 :
Hero! Beau can do a death drop, and uses death drops to distract his enemies, sometimes he does it just cuz. It took him FOREVER to get it right, his knees were bruised really bad but it was worth it.
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years ago
New Paracosm Au: Mirror Me
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This AU is set after the events of Humble Pie, Beau has his hair cut, and he's starting to see Stye less and less, but during a breakdown that led him to run away from home (this is during the last events of Humble Pie), sick of looking at himself, he broke the standing mirror in his room. Now, with a chiller mindset, Beau realized what he did was stupid and decides to get a new mirror. At the same time, Hero! Beau, whom I'll call Flashbang in this to avoid confusion, also broke his mirror, while practicing fighting moves in his room, oof!
Both go out and get to new mirrors, not wanting to spend too much on a mirror they go to a thrift store (great minds think alike), they end up buying the same exact mirrors in their respective world (but unbeknownst them).
Nothing seems weird about the mirror at first, once they set it up in their rooms, but both boys start to hear each other faintly, at first Beau thinks Stye is coming back and panics a little, while Flashbang thinks its just an echo or something cuz he's dumb.
One day, both boys realized the voice is coming from the mirror which brings them both closer and closer to it until they end up staring straight at each other.
They do the whole mirroring movements thing until Flashbang takes it too far by doing dumb poses where Beau is like "yeah I'm not doing that." and refuses to play along.
Beau is weirded out at first, while Flashbang is only weirded out for a sec but then gets REALLY excited...
"AW, MAN I KNEW I ALWAYS HAD A CLONE!" Flashbang said excitedly "The BEST heroes always do, Now, I'm up there with Superman, Spiderman, Snake and SONIC!"
"Oh...okay....my reflection is talking back to me" Beau said "Ugh, I thought all this crazy seeing stuff shit would end once I went to therapy.."
"Hmm...you seem a bit grumpy" Flashbang said " You're like the Bizarro to my Superman, WAIT NO, the shadow to my sonic, cuz' you're giving me major grumpy vibes right now.."
The hand that was placed on Beau's face quickly formed into a fist but was swiftly restrained by his other hand, his fist shook as he tried to keep his cool and let out a huff
"Don't break the mirror again....you JUST brought it.." Beau whispered to himself, in an effort to keep his cool.
"Hmm...yeah definitely a Shadow" Flashbang said "Maybe we can team up together and...w-why are you hitting yourself"
"Oh, nothing, maybe if I hit myself a few times I would wake up from this weird dream, but NOPE turns out this is my reality now...great!"
"Well, if you wanna fight maybe we could fight to see who's the faker, 'cuz its definitely not me!" Flashbang said proudly "Come on, show me what you got, FAKER!"
"Where's the off switch on this thing?" Beau said looking around the mirror for a way to shut up his overzealous counterpart.
While the two don't start off on the right foot, they slowly start to talk to each other more and more, since they're the only ones who can see each other in the mirror (while everyone else just sees a normal mirror). The two find out they have a lot more in common than just sharing the same face and haircut.
There are times where they can look into each other's room while the other isn't there, and sometimes Flashbang will see Beau's mother cleaning his room or something, he ends up looking at the mirror long and hard during those times since Beau's mom looks a lot like his own, he'll try to talk to her but she can't hear him.
Flashbang will often ask Beau about his mom, or even ask Beau to have his mom look into the mirror for a bit just so he can look at her up close..
There is one part where the boys figure out they can swap places using the mirror, and Flashbang takes that opportunity to spend time with Beau's mom as if his own mom was alive again. Of course, Beau spends that time learning how to be a superhero and to tame his newfound powers (not an even trade-off, if you ask me).
Beau's mom takes notice that her son's accent seems to be gone, and those moments Flashbang tries to mimic the accent but fails, and just brushes it off. Hero! Dev takes notice of how his brother seems clumsier than usual with his hero duties, but he just tells him that he drank too much.
They switch back to their own worlds once they had enough/get homesick , of course, but they do switch out from time to time, at least for Flashbang's sake
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years ago
Hero! Beau: Magical Girl! Bonnie
Okay! Okay! so I FINALLY I figured where Bonnie fits in the Hero! AU, in the Hero! AU, Bonnie is a magical girl (a fairly new one, too). She recently started a new life after being under her mother for so long, her mother is the same in this AU as she is in the original paracosm. But in this AU, Magical Girl! Bonnie is a bit more shy and soft-spoken and because of that she doesn't really have any friends and it took a lot to break from her mother. When she finally did she had enough money to get a small kind of shaggy (not in a cool way) apartment downtown in the city.
In the start the only friend, Bonnie has is a baby swan that she heals back to healthy, the swan that she helped turned out to be a magical familiar that entrusted her with a magical emblem that transforms her into a princess knight and giving her a sword that also doubles as a magic wand that she can use to perform spells and summonings (think Bayonetta and final fantasy).
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Bonnie is both pretty happy and nervous to be a magical girl because while she does like saving and helping people, she is very clumsy especially when she gets nervous, it was a trait that really hindered her in her ballet performances and one that her mother really resented her for.
Other than being a magical girl, Magical Girl! Bonnie still works at a maid cafe (one that Hero! Beau frequents a lot because-- ladies), even though Bonnie is happy with her job, she is still shy about telling people where she works because her mother made it seem like people who work at maid cafes were losers. Magical Girl ! Bonnie still enjoys anime and manga she's just more shy about it since she never had friends and any time she would bring up the subject in one of her etiquette classes that her mother sent her to, she would get looks of cringe and disgust.
In her spare time, Magical girl! Bonnie likes to write poems and short stories, she used to write a lot of fanfic when she was younger but since that one time her mother read and made fun of her fanfic that Bonnie accidentally left open on her computer, Bonnie is shy about anyone reading her stuff beside her swan familiar.
Bonnie first meets Hero! Beau when she was battling a really tough monster, usually Bonnie fights on her own because she doesn't want to get in anyone's else way. This monster was so tough that it broke her magical girl emblem, leaving her powerless and allowing the monster to knock her cleanout.
When Bonnie finally came to, she found herself at Beau's place, Beau had saved her, first thinking that she was just a civilian but when Dev found Bonnie's broken emblem near by they realized she was a fellow hero. Beau watched over Bonnie until she woke up and explained what happened and where she was, since Dev was a pretty smart kid it took him no time to fix her emblem. Bonnie, not having any experience talking to boys besides the rude ones in her etiquette class that just treated her like arm candy, she just nodded her head and uttered a soft "Thank you" before leaving.
She ran out quickly with a heated face, thinking that was just a one off thing, but little did she know she would end up running into Beau and Dev more often (and quite literally so). Due to her clumsiness and nerves getting the best of her, Bonnie would end up passed out and having to be saved by Beau (at least when she tried to fight the bigger enemies by herself).
But the more and more Beau and Bonnie ran into each other she slowly started to warm up to him and talk to him a bit more, going from just simple head nods to one-word sentences (which was a pretty big leap for her)
Their relationship really started to kick in gear, when one day when Bonnie was on her way to work on her scooter, it suddenly gave out and stopped working (I guess that what you get when you buy a 20 $ scooter from a shady looking hooded figure). Luckily, for Bonnie her scooter broke down near Beau's place, and she remembered him talking about how much he enjoyed working on cars and stuff during one of their one-sided conversations.
Beau was happy that Bonnie trusted him with such a task, but due to how bang-up her scooter was it might take a couple weeks to get it in working order, until then Beau offered to ride her to work on his motorcycle until he can get her scooter fix.
Bonnie was nervous since she had never been on a motorcycle or at least on a motorcycle with a boy but she really liked her job and really needed the money, so she agreed.
Bonnie was hesitant at first to wrap her arms around Beau, she even asked multiple times if it was okay, Beau was of course okay with it. She wrapped her arms around him, but sat straight the whole time, because the thought of her resting her head on his back was making her feel weird.
Bonnie told Beau to drop her off at the street corner nearby the place she worked but she didn't want Beau to find out where she worked.
Beau would pick up Bonnie on the same street corner when work was done, he would often drop her off at his place to show her how far along he was on fixing her scooter. Bonnie didn't mind it since she really liked learning new stuff, and Beau really liked being able to go on and on about mechanic stuff since it was only one of the few times he felt smart.
In turn for helping her with her scooter, Bonnie offered to teach Beau how to fight with a sword, since it was one of the few fighting styles he wasn't really good with. Bonnie's mom had her take fencing classes when she was younger, so she was pretty familiar with the subject, and Bonnie loved helping people learn new stuff. Although things did get a little awkward when she had to stand really close to Beau to readjust his sword fighting stance...(Oh boy!~)
Also sometimes while Bonnie was at Beau's place, Dev would ask to see her emblem, he was really fascinated by how it worked and wanted to see if could he improve on it by making it more durable for battle and also added some cool new functions as well.
Bonnie also enjoyed playing with Carrie, since Carrie really liked the stories that Bonnie would make up, and would even ask her to write them down so she could draw pictures from to make her own storybooks that she would share with the other kids at daycare.
The more time Bonnie spent with Beau and his siblings, the more she started to realize how lonely she was back at her apartment, besides her familiar, there wasn't that much company, and not to mention that her apartment wasn't in the "safest" part of town (which explains why she got it for so cheap). Being around Beau and his siblings was 10xtimes better than listening to the police radio for another monster attack.
It took a while, but Bonnie was able to mustard the courage to ask Beau if she could stay with them, Beau agreed since he liked really having Bonnie around, she reminded him of his mom in a weird kind of way, and it always cool to another hero to their team.
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