#para:come what may
franklongbottxm · 5 years
Come What May || Fralice
After everything they had talked about and everything Alice had to do deal with while she was on her mission, it was clear to Frank that they needed a night out. They needed a night for themselves where they didn’t have to think about missions and bad guys. All they had to do was be Alice and Frank, the young married couple who were just living their life like there was nothing serious to worry about. There was a club out in Muggle London that they had been to a few times and actually enjoyed more than some of the wizarding clubs they had gone to. It was full of people who just dealt with going from work and then back home, but stopped for a pint before they made it to their final destinations. Walking into the club, the stage took up a good amount of space, but tables took up the rest of the floor until you finally reached the bar. The smell of beer and food filled the air, giving the patrons walking in that warm kind of feeling, like they could recognize this place anywhere. 
As Frank held the door for his wife, he moved inside with her until they could get a good look at the area and how full it was. Looked like they had made it in just before the rush and might actually get the chance to find a table for themselves. Benefit of being taller than most, Frank had a good eye on things and quickly spotted a table. “I see a table right over there.” He pointed, making sure Alice spotted it before he moved. “Want to grab it and I’ll get drinks and food? I assume you want your usual?” He offered, giving her a chance to change her mind before he moved to order at the bar.
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WHEN: December 25th (mid-Christmas morning)
WHERE: Town center on a stage in front of the Riverdale Christmas tree
WHO: Blaine Anderson with heavy mentions of Darius Anderson ( @sshardassanderson )
WHAT: In true Blaine Anderson fashion, he has to make the grandest of gestures in front of everyone, during the busiest time of the morning with a lot of the town gathering in the town center.
WARNINGS: Twincest. Incest. Blaine Anderson grand gesture nonsense.
The morning started out with Blaine and Dare, naked and tangled around each other in front of the fireplace after a long night of whispered ‘I love you’ between soft kisses and touches so powerful they could etch their fingerprints on each other’s soul.
The night before had been a rocky start compared to the calm and quiet night Blaine had planned. There was supposed to be cookies and festive drinking, the brother’s catching up on all the time they had missed together. Life had been pulling them apart lately, Dare busy with his duties as a leader and friend, Blaine with work, show choir and his interest in Jesse.
It wasn’t a lie that things with Jesse had been going really well. So well in fact that Blaine had entertained the hope and thought of maybe having a relationship with him. Something simple, where they could spend hours talking about musicals and dance -- watching old movies and going out on dates hand-in-hand with so much public displays of affection, it would make people sick. With Jesse, Blaine could have that kind of relationship he dreamed of with a man more amazing that he ever deserved.
Standing there, in his kitchen, with Dare, things awkward and tense as they tried to pretend like they hadn’t been arguing not 24 hours before it dawned on Blaine that he would never have a normal relationship. He’ll never date a simple guy from a great family or have an easy life. Not when he was so wrapped up in his twin, that it was hard to know where one stopped and the other began.
Every moment of the day, there was always that thought in the back of his mind whispering about how much he’d rather be with Dare at that moment or where Dare was -- was he safe, was he alive, was he with someone else? The gnawing jealousy of the possibility that his brother was connecting his body to another person at any given moment was that fear pricking at the back of his neck, causing the hairs to always stand on end in anxiety.
Blaine had thought about bringing up the conversation, wanting them to finally put it all to rest but before he could even work up the courage to bring it up Dare’s phone started blowing up. Texts upon texts from Serpents and drama came pouring him causing Dare to pace the floor of the tiny apartment. A single reply he shot off was met with three incoming ones.
Blaine had been sure that Dare was going to bolt right out the door to fight the threat because that was what he did. He always protected and he always attacked threats. It had always been his way and as Blaine was getting older, he had to realize that he wasn’t the only one his twin would fight for. Their world was much larger now, filled with many more people who needed them. So, he had resigned himself to not throwing a tantrum, excepting Dare to make promises of quality time later.
Instead, however, Blaine was met with a surprise -- his twin had put his phone on silent, ignoring any further messages and turning to Blaine to ensure him that he wasn’t going anywhere, not this time. It shouldn’t have touched Blaine the way it did and it shouldn’t have caused his eyes to swell like it did but that simple action had broken the wall he had built up until it crumbled to pieces at Dare’s feet.
He didn’t hold back from kissing his brother, nor did he stop himself from tasting and savoring every part of the man he had been missing more than words could express. They loved each other slow and with purpose, making sure every kiss, caress and panted word of adoration was carved like a heart into the wood of a tree that even time couldn’t erase.
They loved each other deeply and furiously, first on the counter, the kitchen floor, the couch and finally the living room floor in front of the fire; neither upset that they never made it to the bedroom or that the neighbors could hear almost everything through the thin walls. Nothing else mattered but them, right there, in that moment, until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
When morning finally came, with the cruel screeching of Blaine’s alarm they were reluctant to break apart. Neither wanted the lingering happiness of last night to end because there was never any certainty with them. Blaine would have rather spent the morning, tracing his fingers over his twin’s features and memorizing every scar, tattoo, and muscle that he already knew by heart. He didn’t want them any further than a breath’s length apart again but they had things to do.
Reluctantly, they got up and showered together and dressed together, finding moments to pause for a kiss, a brushing of hands or a simple embrace of one another excused by helping to fix a shirt or a straighten a bow tie. To be truthful, all the touching probably made what should have been an easy twenty-minute activity well over an hour, so now they were in a rush to get out of the house.
The Sister would be expecting Blaine, plus one, soon but there was always time for coffee and donuts for the children. At least that’s what Blaine said when he made Dare point the car towards the shops in the center of town, singing along to every cheesy Christmas jingle that came on the radio as loud as he could manage.
As they park, Blaine noticed the street crowded with friends and family gathered around the stage of Riverdale’s prized Christmas tree. The lightning ceremony had been less than festive but most people never let anything get in the way of their pep. Carolers and matures alike took turns on the mic, singing Christmas songs and filling the air with happiness. The biggest of smiles spread across Blaine’s face as he climbed out of the car and went to join his brother’s side. For a second, he almost forgot that they were in public as he went to grab his hand with enthusiasm as a four-year-old girl was singing to a boy he assumed was her crush.
It was then that Blaine had possibly the greatest epiphany of his life.
Bolting away from his brother without an explanation, Blaine ran towards the stage to talk to the P.A who nodded at him and gave him the thumbs up. The younger twin bounced on his heels in impatience as he waited for the current person on the stage to finish. But finally it was his turn and Blaine wasn’t sure if he was really ready but he was going to take that leap anyway.
Climbing a couple of stairs, he took the mic in hand and waited until his confused brother was in the crowd before swallowing every once of nervousness and silencing the voice that told him this was a mistake.
“H-Hey... I mean...” He cleared his throat. “Hi! I’m Blaine Anderson.. but some of you already knew that... heh...” God his bow tie was suddenly way too tight and it felt like he might pass out. Blaine was a performer, he never had stage fright but this moment... it was the biggest moment of his life. “Um... Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you’re all having a happy and wonderful time with the ones you love.” Silence from the crowd didn’t help him in the least bit, Blaine was even sure he could see a few people glaring at him because he had the audacity to be out in public with his father still in jail. “Anyway... I used to believe I was someone who wasn’t afraid of love or someone who worshipped love like a religion but I realized... this morning in fact... that I was wrong. I’ve been hiding from real, true, actual love for a very long time and I’ve been too afraid of what people would think that I chose to ignore how I felt rather than allow myself to be truly happy.” Pausing, he stopped and locked eyes with Dare in the crowd. “I’m not afraid anymore and I’m done hiding or pretending that I’m not in love. This isn’t a Christmas song but here is a song just for you.”
That was the cue for the PA to start the music and instantly the swell of instruments filled the space around them. “Never knew I could feel like this like I´ve never seen the sky before. I want to vanish inside your kiss --Every day I´m loving you more and more.” The nervousness was gone as he stared into his brother’s hazel eyes that mirrored his own and his smile grew wider. “ Telling me to give you everything. Seasons may change, winter to spring but I love you until the end of time. Come what may come what may.” His voice grew with emotion and intention as he took the mic with him, climbing down from the stage and walking towards his brother in the crowd until he was in front of him “I will love you until my dying day.” Blaine took Dare’s hand, ignoring every confused look or disgusted look of realization while he kept going. “ Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place. Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace. Suddenly my life doesn´t seem such a waste. It all revolves around you. And there´s no mountain too high, no river too wide -- Sing out this song I´ll be there by your side.” Letting go of the mic in his hand, Blaine reached out to cup his brother’s hand in his hands pulling him in until their foreheads were touching. “Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide but I love you until the end of time. Oh, come what may, I will love you....”
The song hadn’t even finished before Blaine was pushing up on to the tip of his toes just enough to close the distance between their lips. Right then and there, in front of God and a good part of Riverdale to see, Blaine grabbed his brother’s coat and claimed Darius’s mouth in the deepest kiss he could to try to convey every ounce of his love. It was his declaration that no matter what happened after this, it was going to be them -- no hiding or acting like it was some shameful dirty secret to keep -- just love. Their love. Their way. Forever.
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