#para: pieces into the puzzle
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I did a PowerPoint on another family in MaaC (aka The Crowley Family) a while ago and thought it was time I finished the one on the Fox Family to compliment it. So here!
Like the Crowley's, these guys also have comic roots, though most of them are mainly inspired by an old game called "Guilty Party". I'll link Eddie's source here since he's the only one technically not from that game, though why I choose to connect him to the family is probably obvious.
#paraportal#para powerpoint#picrew#lore#crow speaks#volume: missing piece of the puzzle#cori fox#amelia fox#phoebe fox#randy fox#sally fox#rick rox#satomi fox#loyd nixon#edward nixon#the fox family#parache
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It’s warm under the blankets. The days are turning colder and when I close my eyes, an old tune leaks into my mind.
No New Year’s day, to celebrate...
That new Stevie Wonder song is playing on the radio again. The boy cranks the volume up. I grimace. In fact, here’s just another ordinary day... “Turn that shit off,” I say as I reach over, but the boy bats my hand away. (My hands are different again. Awkward, clumsy, grown too big too fast. No ink in sight.) “It’s Stevie fucking Wonder, how can you hate him?” But perhaps his mother agrees with me, because we hear her yell distantly. EDDY TURN THE MOTHERFUCKING RADIO DOWN. The boy – Eddy, that's his name – grumbles, and turns the volume down with a quiet curse. “Before we even got to the best bit.” I just called, to say, I love you.
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Picaratqueer (🧩🎩🌈)

Picaratqueer (Emoji code: 🧩🎩🌈) is a blankqueer stance based both on my personal beliefs and on the belief that one has their own reasons and meaning to their queer identity, like pieces of a puzzle.
Both the name and emoji combo were chosen as a reference to the Professor Layton franchise.
Picaratqueer is PRO:
Contradictory and good faith identities
TransIDs, permaIDs, MUDs
Paraphilias and kinks of all types
Alterhumanity of all types
Plurality of all types
KFF/Identifying with any identity for fun
Furry community
IRL Magical Girl community
Proship and Profiction
Choice and bodily autonomy (including abortion and transID transitioning with the appropriate consent and research)
Self diagnosis with any condition
Ficto/object/parasocial attraction and selfshipping, as long as no nonconsensual activity occurs within parasocial relationships
CONSENT, including conabuse/conprogramming relationships and fictional/shifting/in-system consang relationships (CHRONO minors, BODILY animals, and those with impaired cognition cannot give consent)
All forms of self expression (including body modification) as long as no real, nonconsensual harm results from it
Picaratqueer is ANTI:
Nonconsensual harm and ideologies that support it
Nonconsensual stalking of anyone
Demonizing paraphilias, personality disorders, and any other conditions
Sexualizing IRL queerness
Romantic or sexual relationships between CHRONO minors and CHRONO adults, or between BODILY animals and BODILY humans
Contact for the big 3 paraphilias
Any form of uniform/ignorant hatred (racism/colorism, ableism, sexism/misandry/misogyny, radical feminism, transmeds/sysmeds, queerphobia, etc.)
Harassing others for disagreeing with one's own stances
Cringe culture
Media censorship (though minors' spaces should not make sexually explicit media easily accessible to minors
Any form of conversion therapy
Picaratqueer is NEUTRAL on:
Seasonqueer/Seasonpunk labels
Contact for paras other than the big 3
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Pick a card - How’s your future spouse? - Result
(Escolha uma carta - Como está o seu futuro esposo? - Resultado)
DM me for paid readings.
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
Card 1 - Your future spouse feels like he has almost everything. At the moment he feels fulfilled with his projects almost being finalized. But when he looks at the love life, he feels like something was missing, that is, a missing piece in the puzzle and then he feels he needs to solve it. For those who are with the future husband, he feels that something is missing and that he is ready to close one cycle and start another. For some who are with the future spouse, it can be an engagement ring or an enterprise together or a baby on the way. For others who have a future spouse, it may be an end. For those who do not know their future husband, they are focused on finalizing their projects before focusing on relationships.)
(Carta 1 - Seu futuro esposo se sente como se tivesse quase tudo. No momento ele se sente realizado com os seus projetos quase sendo finalizados. Mas quando ele olha para a vida amorosa, ele se sente como se algo tivesse faltando ou seja uma peça faltando no quebra cabeça e então ele sente que precisa resolver isso. Para os que estão com o futuro esposo, ele sente que está faltando alguma coisa e que está pronto para fechar um ciclo e iniciar outro. Para alguns que estão com o future spouse, pode ser um anel de noivado ou um empreendimento juntos ou um bebê a caminho. Para outros que estão com futuro marido, pode ser um termino. Para os que não conhecem o futuro esposo, eles estão focados em finalizar seus projetos antes de focar em relacionamentos. )
Card 2: Your future spouse is focused on new things, something new is about to emerge. For those who are already with their future spouse, once again, I say that something new and unexpected may arise between you, that is, it can be an engagement ring or a baby on the way. For those who do not know their future spouse, something new is about to emerge and when they least expect it, your future spouse may appear to you.
(Carta 2: Seu futuro esposo está focado em coisas novas, algo novo está prestes a surgir. Para aqueles que já estão com o futuro esposo, mais uma vez, eu digo que algo novo e inesperado pode surgir entre vocês ou seja pode ser um anel de noivado ou um bebê a caminho. Para aqueles que não conhecem o seu futuro esposo, algo novo está prestes a surgir e quando menos esperarem, o seu futuro esposo pode aparecer para você.)
Card 3: Your future spouse is working on self-love. But it also seeks a partnership whether in work or in love. For those who have a future spouse, it may be that he offers you something to strengthen the partnership between you or wants to work in a partnership with you, whether it is a work project or improve what you do as a couple or improve as a person for you and for himself. For those who do not yet know their future spouse, know that he is working on self-love or focusing on partnerships that involve work.
(Carta 3: Seu futuro esposo está trabalhando no amor próprio. Mas também busca uma parceria seja em trabalho ou no amor. Para os que estão com futuro esposo, pode ser que ele lhe ofereça algo para fortalecer a parceria entre vocês ou queira trabalhar em uma parceria junto com voces, seja um projeto de trabalho ou melhorar o que fazem como casal ou melhorar como pessoa para voce e para ele mesmo. Para os que ainda não conhecem o seu futuro esposo, saiba que ele está trabalhando no amor próprio ou focando nas parcerias que envolvam o trabalho.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #lovelife #lovereading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #consultas #tarô #tarotcards #tarotcomunity #consultasdetarot #freereadings #freetarot #freetarotreading #generalreading #dailytarotreading #dailytarot #pickapiletarot

#tarot cards#tarotcommunity#chromatic fates tarot#dailytarot#free tarot#tarot#tarot reading#dailytarotreading#free readings#pick a pile#fs reading#futurespouse#general reading#love readings#love reading#pick a card#pick one#future spouse#free tarot readings#free reading
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do you think the subconscious/unconscious ‘mind’ is a qualifiable mechanism (like, ‘is it real’ lol)? i’m curious about its origins and whether it started as some kind of para-psychological metaphor (a la Jung) that kind of took on a life of its own within a more medical context.
sooo there are a couple different ways i would approach this.
one is, like you suggest, the idea of 'subconscious' or 'unconscious' phenomena (i believe these terms first appeared around the same time, the early 18th century, and have always had a lot of overlap with one another) certainly made early appearances in psychological discourses that were not (overtly) medical. in these contexts, afaik, people weren't really talking about an unconscious or a subconscious—distinct entities with some kind of biological or metaphysical demarcation from other aspects of mental life—they were more talking about thoughts, ideas, or cognitive processes that occur without deliberate direction or even knowledge. so, an object that's making an impression on my sensory organs right now is most likely something i'm conscious of; a memory of an entirely different object i perceived three months ago is probably being 'preserved' (more metaphorical language lol... psychology is lousy with it) without my conscious intent, hence subconsciously or unconsciously. but this category would also include things like my knowledge of how to direct my muscles, language i've acquired, other skills, memories, bodily functions that are related to my nervous system, and so forth. there is more than a whiff of faculty psychology embedded in here, but it's not an overtly medical construction the way psychiatry becomes later.
two, even just pointing out a shift from non-medical psychology to medical psychology is still not quite capturing the full weirdness of what happened during the 18th to mid 20th centuries, because the medicalisation of psychology took a while and started relatively early (certainly by the late 18th century it was underway) but medicine itself was also undergoing some critical changes at the time. i would argue that, despite a clear lockean influence, those very early formulations of subconscious and unconscious processes also have certain roots in vitalist discourses, maybe especially in the french and german contexts, and as we start to see the shift to medical discourse about the unconscious as a kind of sub-entity of the mind-or-brain, we're also seeing much more flagrant mechanistic metaphors. so in some sense, already there's a break here that's being obscured by the language-game of hanging onto an existing term but deploying it in a pretty critically different way. i am not totally confident about this but my sense is that a lot of very early users of the terms 'unconscious'/'subconscious' would have had pretty strenuous objections to some of this later discursive reification of the subconscious or unconscious entity.
three, although medicine is a critical piece of this puzzle, the other major one i would say is evolutionary theory. by the turn of the 20th century, and certainly into the early 20th century, the idea of an unconscious or subconscious mind was very frequently and even explicitly invoked as not just a distinct mental apparatus, but specifically one considered to be 'primitive', like a kind of ancient or primordial part of the mind/brain. (this is i think in some tension with freud's use of the concept of repression as generally accompanying and arising as a result of civilisation and social mores... but freud and evolutionary thinking is a whole other topic, lol). in its most extreme form this type of claim ends up feeding into things like evo-psych claims about the so-called 'lizard brain' (i am looking at bessel van der kolk unblinking) or generally the particular narrativisations around the limbic system as a kind of 'primal' interior brain, responsible for certain bodily processes, involuntary atavistic fear-responses, &c, contrasted to the more recently evolved outer gray matter. the valences attributed to certain neurological structures and processes justified with an evolutionary story (virtually always a teleological one) is, i think, really critical to unpack how the concept of the unconscious/subconscious has come to be used. and, again, this is all just fundamentally different to the earliest usages (that i know of) of these terms, not least because evolutionary hypotheses really were not taken seriously until the mid-late 18th century (and then sporadically, locally, and with difficulty), and certainly were not foundational elements of the kinds of psychological discourses that posited unconscious or subconscious activities.
of course none of this inherently discredits the idea that the unconscious is (a) 'real' (mechanism). but if someone wanted to defend that hypothesis they would probably want to come up with some anatomical propositions that just... haven't really materialised (surprise) and i do think it bears on this discussion that historically, unconsciousness and subconsciousness have really been largely narrative inventions or metaphors used to make sense of mental life, to the point where the terms really have meant numerous different things since their inception and have never had any serious correlation with anatomical structures, organs, tissues, &c.
i would also say that like... whether or not the subconscious or unconscious are 'real' in this mechanical sense isn't necessarily the same as whether the concepts have utility; an awful lot of science runs on exploiting a metaphor or model until for various reasons it's replaced by a different one. i would say though that it is a hindrance to scientific study if these metaphors are presented as being something other than metaphorical—like for instance if the mechanical reality of the unconscious is presumed because expressed in suitably scientific language, and then justified with post hoc circular logic.
so i suppose the short version of my answer is: i don't think the unconscious/subconscious have a historically stable meaning; to the extent that they have a contemporary stable meaning, i don't think they have a corresponding 'real' mechanical cause or instantiation; and although i'm sceptical of their utility in psychological study on these grounds, i'm not categorically opposed and would leave that to other people to sort out.
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Avatar Fem!Reader
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You awoke in a haze, the relentless pounding in your skull matching the rhythmic throbbing of your heart as the agony of yesterday’s hangover threatened to tear your head apart. Your recollection of the previous night was hazy at best, cloudy as the recent dreams you’ve had that you couldn’t quite grasp. As you tried to piece together the fragments of memory, your surroundings slowly came into focus. You found yourself in an unfamiliar room, and for a disorienting moment, you couldn’t place where you were. You were lying in a strange bed, the sheets soft and inviting, but the disarray of the room told a different story.
The dim, morning light filtered in through the curtains, revealing your disheveled state. Slowly, as the fog began to lift, you became aware of another presence in the room. A warm body pressed against your side, soft breaths brushing against your face as they tickled your cheek. A brief moment of panic coursed through you at the prospect of a complete stranger wrapping you in their arms. Slowly turning your head to find out the identity of your mystery companion, fear was soon replaced with mild relief as you saw a familiar face within your line of sight.
Marc's sleeping form greets your eyes, his bare chest in contact with your own as a rosy blush slowly makes its way to your cheeks at your close proximity. His arms were wrapped around your torso in a secure embrace, his grip on your waist tight as if he were afraid to let you go. Your relief at his presence was now replaced with confusion, completely puzzled at how you ended up in Marc’s bed together in the first place.
Flickers of last night’s escapades began to resurface in your mind like bubbles in a pot of boiling water. There were your tipsy smiles and boisterous laughter, your ill-advised attempt at pole dancing on a nearby lamppost, and the sudden, terrifying sound of gunshots ringing in your ears. You remembered the searing pain in your shoulder and lower back as you crumpled to the ground.
Your eyes widened as the memory of the attack from last night finally became crystal clear, the realization sending shivers down your spine. Your left hand immediately shot to your right shoulder, your fingers cautiously reaching to touch the spots where the bullets had struck. But to your great surprise and shock, the skin was healed, smooth and unblemished, as if the gunshot wounds had never existed in the first place.
You turned your head, fully alert now, as you moved to check his body for any similar wounds, the sound of gunshots still ringing inside your head. To your great relief, Marc’s chest and torso were clear of any injuries.
“You’re okay”, you whispered, a lone tear escaping your eye. “We’re okay, Marc, thank heavens”
Marc began to stir beside you, his gruff morning voice breaking through the silence. "Tranquila, cariño," he murmured, his words laced with a hint of a Spanish accent. “Estoy aquí para protegerte”
It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here to protect you.
You froze as you registered his words, feeling like an ice-cold bucket of water has been splashed on your entire being. His voice was familiar, but something was definitely off. You couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was as the world around you seemed to grind to a halt.
You watched with bated breath as he slowly woke, his eyelids slowly fluttering open as deep, piercing brown eyes eerily identical to Marc Spector’s familiar ones met your puzzled stare. Your heart raced as you looked into his dark, intense eyes, immediately realizing that the man before is definitely not Marc Spector. And certainly not Steven Grant, as you knew him to be at his aunt’s house, tending to her ailing, sick self. It was someone entirely different who’s in bed with you, and the slow realization hit you like a ton of bricks.
You couldn't move, couldn't speak as your entire being was frozen in disbelief. The growing confusion was written plainly on your face, but the stranger seemed unperturbed. He offered you a reassuring smile, his fingers gently tracing your jawline.
“¿Estás bien, querida? Te duele algo?”
Are you all right, dear? Are you in any pain?
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the emotions that swirled within you as the recesses of moon magic slowly danced at your fingertips. Despite the new moon significantly reducing your power, your fight-and-flight instincts immediately surged forth as your adrenaline kicked in.
You swallowed hard, your mind racing. "Tú no eres Marc Spector," you managed to say, your voice shaky with a mixture of fear and confusion. "¿Quién eres exactamente?"
You are not Marc Spector. Who exactly are you?
“Hablas español, eh?” Jake chuckled, sleep finally evading him as he slowly got up, looking at anywhere but you as he couldn’t bear to see your frightened expression. “Creía que sólo hablabas tu lengua materna.”
You speak Spanish, huh? I thought you only spoke your native language.
“Hablé la lengua de los conquistadores durante un breve tiempo”, you responded, briefly telling him of how your linguistic ability in Spanish came to be. “Pero no respondiste a mi pregunta. ¿Quién eres exactamente?”
I spoke the language of the conquerors for a short time. But you didn't answer my question. Who exactly are you?
Seeing you scramble away from him slightly broke Jake’s heart - he never wanted you to see him as the enemy. But he understood your current reaction as it was warranted. You do not know of him, nor his existence. He was supposed to be a secret.
“Mira”, Jake faced your way and edged closer, trying to reassure you that he meant no harm. “I will not hurt you”
"That’s not what I asked you" you demanded, your tone sharp as you scrambled away from the strange man before you. "Who are you, and where is Marc? What did you do to him?"
“I’m not Marc Spector, but I can’t explain everything right now”, the man resigned, regarding you with an inscrutable expression. He seemed cautious, choosing his words carefully. "It's not my place to tell you."
Your patience, frayed as it was, wore thin at his vague response. The weariness of your body was no match for the surge of power building within you. It was as if your very essence, your supernatural abilities, demanded answers. You could feel your magical prowess ready to burst forth, a tempest trapped within your being, seeking release.
"Then whose place is it?!" you exclaimed, your voice trembling with emotion. "You can't just tell me that and expect me to just accept your words without any explanation. Make me understand!"
Jake shifted uncomfortably, but he didn't yield. "I'm sorry, but I can't."
It was clear to you that he wasn't going to give up the information easily, and a surge of determination coursed through you. You were a babaylan (priestess), skilled in witchcraft and mystic arts for a long period of time, and if brute force was what it took to get the answers you sought, so be it.
Without warning, you lunged at Jake, tackling him to the bed. He tried to evade your punches and hits, but you were relentless. Fueled by your growing frustration, you were like a tempest, unrelenting in your pursuit of the truth. Blow after blow, you rained down upon him, your fists like hammers.
Then, with a sudden burst of energy, your fist hit him square in the chest with brutal force. As the impact connected, there was an otherworldly explosion of energy, and Jake's body convulsed violently. You watched in astonishment as a spectral, translucent form was ejected from his physical body, his soul or astral form.
And then, the impossible happened. Not one, but three souls were pushed out of Jake's body, hovering above him. Marc and Steven, identical expressions of shock etched across their faces, were among them. Their voices rang out in unison, echoing through the room, as if they believed it to be a strange, shared dream.
“What the hell, Steven?!”
“Bloody hell, Marc! I dunno what’s happening!”
You, too, were taken aback, your heart pounding in your chest. It was a surreal, unbelievable sight. You had never witnessed anything like this before. And as your eyes darted between the three astral forms, you realized that this was a moment of truth. The identities of these men, once shrouded in mystery, had been laid bare before you.
As if sensing your gaze, Marc and Steven turned to you, their dread evident in their eyes. They no longer had the veil of secrecy to hide behind. Their true natures were exposed, and there was no going back.
"Marc? Steven?" you whispered their names, your voice trembling. "Is that really you?"
The two figures, once identical yet distinctly different, turned toward you, their expressions a tumultuous blend of fear, relief, and resignation. They seemed to be searching for the right words, the right way to explain the unexplainable.
And as you gazed into their eyes, your own powers receded, retreating like a retreating tide, their urgency replaced by a profound curiosity. You watched as Marc's astral form approached, hovering directly in front of you while Steven trailing closely behind. Jake, on the other hand, sensed that it was not his place and instead resigned to observe from the sidelines. Choosing a nearby chair to sit, he watched the unfolding conversation before him.
“Mira!” Marc shouted, remembering what happened last night as his translucent hands grasped your arms tightly, eyes checking your body for any injuries. “Are you alright? You’ve been shot, I–”
“I’m alright”, you spoke, briefly pulling the neckline and the hem of your t-shirt away to reveal your healed skin from your shoulder and lower back to Marc and Steven.
“Thank heavens”, Steven sighed in pure relief, the tears in his translucent facade evident. “We thought we’d lost you”
“Well, one of you saved me”, you replied, prompting everyone’s eyes including your own to dart at the newcomer’s direction. Jake avoided your gazes and hung his head low, folding his arms as he refused to acknowledge everyone’s presence. He was supposed to stay hidden. They weren’t supposed to know of his existence. You weren’t supposed to meet him.
You knelt before Jake, your eyes carefully regarding him as your hands slowly made their way to his own. “You’re the one who saved me last night, right?”
Jake slowly nodded, prompting Marc and Steven’s translucent forms to mimic your movements to get a closer look at their mystery savior - the man who only appeared during dire situations akin to life and death to save them.
“That night at Cairo”, Steven started. “When we were fighting Arthur Harrow, that was also you who saved Marc and I, wasn’t it?”
“Sí, that was me. I saved your sorry asses”, Jake chuckled, prompting Marc’s countenance to shift.
“This fucking guy–”
“Marc!” you snapped, prompting him to stop and give their third alter a dirty finger instead. You rolled your eyes at his actions, shortly before you returned your gaze to Jake. “Thank you for saving my life. What do I call you?”
“My name’s Jake”, he finally spoke, looking directly at everyone in the vicinity as the introductions were finally in order. “Jake Lockley”

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#marc spector x reader#steven grant x reader#jake lockley x reader#moon knight x reader#mcu moon knight#moon knight fanfic#moon knight fanfiction#marc spector#steven grant#jake lockley#moon knight#moon knight series#moon knight fandom#marc x avatar f!reader#steven x avatar f!reader#jake x avatar f!reader#moon knight x avatar f!reader#pre colonial philippines#philippines#philippine mythology#ancient egypt#egyptian mythology#khonshu#mayari#anubis#layla el faouly
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estaba pensando que "lejos se fue" de Steven Universe quedaría muy bien con AV Branch AU cuando Branch recupera sus colores, esa canción seria la ultima pieza del rompecabezas que necesitarían los lideres de las tribus para saber porque Branch es como es y de paso descubren que fue abandonado por sus hermanos y que vio morir a su abuela
I was thinking that "Far Gone" from Steven Universe would fit really well with the AV Branch AU when Branch gets his colors back, that song would be the last piece of the puzzle that the tribe leaders would need to know why Branch is the way he is and by the way they discover that he was abandoned by his brothers and that he saw his grandmother die.
I wasn't sure what song you meant but I'm pretty sure that they translated the song differently and "lejos se fue" is Drift Away which is... Yeah that's a Branch song if I've ever heard one.
That song is like a punch to the gut.
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tuesday again 10/3/2023
september was not kind but we're back with a real making section babEY and lengthy all other sections
SHIFTED by Jolynn J Chin, a progressive jazz (?) piano piece that changes time signatures on every bar. i am led to understand this is a massive technical achievement but more importantly to me it sounds cool as hell. this is a little funny bc pianist friends occasionally complain that the technically challenging pieces that are fun to play aren't that fun to actually listen to. spotify
the artist uploaded an explainer video that went well over my head but i have no music theory background. i know that not every video with a lady patiently talking through a problem on a whiteboard is going to be a physics video but spiritually this is a physics video to me
how'd i find this: spotify discover weekly
lee winter's The Fixer. perfectly fine technical quality of writing but absolutely bizarre plot. there will be spoilers for this book bc i cannot talk about this book without them.
A naive activist is hired by a corporate villain but doesn’t realize it. Cue one awkward farce, a twisty puzzle, and the slowest of slow burns in this opposites-attract, ice queen romance. Nine years ago, aloof, icy Michelle Hastings chose career over love. She’s now living with that choice as she rules a secret corporation catering to the rich and powerful. Enter Eden Lawless. The guileless activist finds it a bit weird being employed by a mystery organization to bring down a corrupt mayor. But, hey, she’s up for a challenge. Much harder is getting her beautiful new boss out of her head. The pull between them is electric.
this was not the fanfic level of mean woman i prefer. this woman is a bit of a tsundere boss with some past regrets. like yeah her Company does awful shit but she herself is a very restrained sort of James Bond villain level of icy polite.
unfortunately the actual plot itself is so fucking bizarre.
one of my two concerns: the author is not Jewish but has written Michelle as such, and employed sensitivity readers. i do not know that it is in the very best of taste to have a Jewish woman as the head of a shadowy, textually evil, para-governmental organization pulling strings behind the scenes for the rich and powerful.
the other thing that really threw me is that the series of events we are concerned with, a mayoral election in small-town uhhhh maryland??? i have returned the book and cannot fact check-- seems to be a very thinly veiled rehashing of the 2016 presidential primaries. but as a mayoral campaign.
there is an obnoxious redheaded used car salesman who is running for national publicity for his used car business and writes nasty jingles about his main opponent, a very unpleasant woman who nevertheless gets things done but WAS a slumlord and DID ruin our activist Eden's life. everyone in the county is in her pocket. things are running quietly and well in town, and her platform is solar. the solar farms would take up literally all the actual farmland in the country and (spoiler) she is defeated bc the townspeople think this would be an eyesore and not actually bring that many jobs to the town. again, i stress this is a small town mayoral campaign. they are a college town but it is an EXTREMELY small lib arts college. she has the correct idea about renewables but downfall is that she personally is reprehensible and is going about renewables WRONG!!!
our main character Eden sinks this renewable energy plan bc, again, in college, legally-not-Hillary-Clinton got her dad fired from the local hospital and ran them out of town bc of Eden's protests against her slumlord activities.
then there is the objectively best candidate, a retired pediatrician in the very early stages of dementia who is sort of a puppet candidate for his wife, the actual political mind who hired the evil CEO Michelle's company through a shell company in order to sink her husband's opponent. VERY weird setup.
this was indirectly recced by a big name romance writer who would would not appreciate being tagged lol. i will not be reading the second half of this duology. too much stuff that made me go WHUH???
The Big O is a 1999 and then 2003 detective noir mecha anime. i have never wondered what batman: the animated series would look like if it went in a different retrofuturist direction and put bruce wayne in mecha, but now i have that answer.
this show looks good as fuckin hell. there are SO many dutch angles and dials and gadgets and switches. there's a cut in the first episode that doesn't translate well to screenshots, to the interior of a luxury apartment building and the water in the pool is sloshing around as mechs fight outside.
ive only seen the first three episodes but im having a marvelous fucking time. very importantly for me, there is a robot who is a child but notorious womanizer Bruce Wayne Roger Smith isn't fuckin weird about it.
how i found it: this post reblogged by @ouroborosenso ! the line "You're a louse, Roger Smith." got one short sharp bark of laughter out of me, and a bone dry sense of humor is an excellent selling point. it's available on the internet archive (dubbed but no subtitles)
im having a grand old time with g/enshin's new area. my shit did kind of get rocked with the revelation that the prisoners-- okay let's back up. the player character gets sent to prison on false charges so they can investigate something for the chief justice. backing up farther, the watery land of Fontaine runs on magic energy produced during its court trials. this incentivizes them to make the court trials full-on fucking dramatic productions with very little care for like. victims. once convicted (fontaine feels like it has a near 100% conviction rate, very much like japan) prisoners go to an underwater prison that is a more steampunk version of bioshock. these prisoners make the automated clockwork humanoid police force, as well as the automated clockwork police dogs. there is a panopticon.
the economy in the prison (cannot believe this game that wants me to spend money on anime waifus so i can watch their skirts billow teasingly in the wind while i fight big monsters also wants me to think about prison economies) anyway the economy in the prison is scrip-based. you get one free meal a day but everything else runs on scrip. apparently many people choose to stay in prison after their terms are up bc they have achieved some sort of power and stability there. says a lot about the surface world, don't it? wish we SAW literally any of that in the surface world!
i guess being very overt about drawing from a fifteen year old game is like. kosher? so many other games have drawn from bioshock, but genshin draws so heavily and frequently from Breath of the Wild that it was a little jarring to go from the last area with the cute little korok seed knockoffs and a lot of thinking about academic misconduct to somewhere with a flavor of politics i think a lot more about. as you travel throughout the land of genshin impact, you are quite involved in big diplomatic incidents and overthrowing various baddies, installing the correct people, things of this nature. i think this new land of Fontaine is the most overtly political in that literally all of your time here is spent thinking about exactly how this country's administration operates. it's not a real "hey look we've recreated the Torture Nexus" situation yet but i am curious about what sort of themes the next expansion will be chewing on. im also not quite done with the second of two giant quests that take place in the prison so stay tuned.
bonkers fucking game. wish it wasn't gambling based and didn't have to adhere so closely to chinese restrictions. wish literally ANY outlet was regularly covering this insane lore hiding under the gacha and grind systems
the goddamn couch covers are finally done. they are 9x12 and 12x16 100% cotton drop cloths from Chicago Art Supply, and im quite happy with their quality (evenness of weave, normal selvededge, normal seams). i used rit all purpose dye in fuchsia (hot bucket method with colorstay, more on that later) and the itajime triangle method of shibori dyeing. this involved folding the fabric accordion-wise, folding it like a flag, then sandwiching it between two triangles of wood or plastic with many many many rubber bands or twine.
it was a right fucking bitch to prewash, dry, and fold these fuckers. mack was deeply unhelpful. if i need to wash them in future i will be visiting a laundromat.

i could not procure enough dye locally for the recommended 1 packet per 1 lb of dry fabric (4 and 8 pounds respectively) so i did a .75 strength dye bath, since i wasn’t trying to dye the entire thing perfectly and evenly. i think you could probably do a half or quarter strength with more time and be fine. the photo on the left is the smaller dropcloth after a half hour in the bucket (unfolded in the washer to reduce. well to just reduce many problems) , and i did not like that high of a contrast bc i did want some color on all the fabric. so i unfolded and dunked the whole thing back in for literally thirty seconds and it promptly sucked up the rest of the available dye molecules, making it lower contrast than i wanted. so it goes.

i didn’t like how even and neat the triangle motif was on this go round (when deciding on colors and patterns for this project i was thinking about coral and pink cow print but did not want a literal pink cow print couch), so for the next one i did a much worse job folding and was way more aggressive with the rubber bands. i also folded it in half lengthwise to make the accordion folds easier for myself, something i did not do for the smaller one.

and here she is through my balcony screen door after an hour in the dye bucket and a wash with half the recommended amount of fixative to get it to bleed a Little for better coverage of the fabric but keep it lower contrast. i am not completely thrilled with how this came out bc i feel it reads a little sorority girl tshirt. im not sure if making the motif/triangles smaller would have helped any, and even though i was not folding it in half every time you can only fold something so many times before it becomes extremely cumbersome.

couch before the cushion, the cover loosely on the couch. i am going to safety pin and tuck the shit out of this but do not currently have the bandwidth to actually sew it. we’ll see how this goes! kind of a pain in the ass and physically taxing but not a lot of actual hands on time, and now the dyeing bug is out of my system.

preview of next project: i am going to repaint this somewhat shabby globe bar with northern hemisphere constellations :)

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Okay so I don't know if you remember but a few days ago I sent you an ask talking about the best fics written for CarLando(sorry I only read carlando fics, though every other pairing in this fandom compel me except a few whom I won't talk about because you always talk about keeping your hate to yourself so I'll do the same) and whether you read fics or not and I don't know how I didn't fucking realised BUT I didn't fucking mention a SINGLE one of your works so this one is just me talking in depth and taking all your work out of context.
"Sexual Realizations and Other Unfortunate Circumstances"
Both of the fics in this series are sooooo bittersweet(the sweet part is only max and lando's friendship) unrequited love/crush is that one tag that always makes me click out of a fic, but because by that point I had already read a few of your work I was like I am gonna read this one as well even though I will probably cry at the end(i didn't though, big girl or whatever they say)
"White Knuckled"
This is my mosttt FAVORITE fic by you, it's so hot, you've got both their dynamic down to the T, and it's written so well and not to sound like a diva or whatever but I do appreciate if the fic has perfect grammer and your fics ALWAYS hit the mark on that. I think I ve reread it like 80 times it's just that good.
"do the trick"
I was just rereading this one(i might sound fucking jobless at this point but I promise I do earn a living haha) and the way you've written them here is fucking chef's kiss. "Carlos knows that feeling, has spent two seasons chasing Max in a Ferrari that, on paper, could have caught him. It always feels like the car should do more . But Lando's car is doing more, while he is not achieving more. " "Carlos knows this deep in his bones, that even if the drivers are business contracts for the teams, McLaren belongs to Lando in a way not many drivers do with their teams. It's what Charles has, Max has. Carlos had always felt loved at McLaren too, but there is something special about Lando's connection to McLaren. It is his home. Lando is sewn into the team, is holding together the puzzle pieces of theie vision for the future. They won't drop Lando"
These two monologue are two of the best paras I ve read under this tag it's just sooooo fucking rational and realistic like wow
"In the Silences"
I know you talk about how the triple header owes Lando and Carlos emotional compensation but I think you owe me some as well after this one, this was sooooo angsty I was at one point skimming through the paragraphs cuz I couldn't bear Carlos suffering THAT much but the happy ending made it all good:)))
"The Winner Takes It All"
Both the Carlando ones are soooo sooo hot especially the first one, I may be a bit biased on that cuz cockwarming is one of my most favourite "tropes" or whatever it's called.
"Borderline of a bad idea"
This is your magnum opus. This is the second coming of Jesus. This work is the reason I breathe cuz gurrrrlllll when I tell you this is soooo sooo hot their dynamic is toxic as hell but atleast they are fucking nasty and the fact that it has all the "kinks" that i fw only helps.
Okay that was it bye bye
Not you signing off “that was it” like you didn’t just wax the most beautiful praise of my writing that I def took screenshots of because I am going to cherish this forever and ever ooooooomfg. You’re a saint for coming and putting this in my inbox, I adore you. Thank youuuuu
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There’s something here. Achingly familiar. In the deep basss of the music, three drinks in. Seven brofutj me to a club. First time ever. ella’s first time butZ. I have been here before.
The music is shaking us. We’re dancing, you’re grinning, the world is spinning. I’m reaching out to pass you a drink. (My hands are different. Squarer, longer, rippling ink etched into skin.) You take the drink, wrap an arm around my shoulder, and yell into my ear. I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MAN. Half your drink spilled down my shirt. We are alive — we are so very alive. Is this what it means to be human?
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Because of the posts by @maddgical-boy [link] & @nevermore-grimes [link], I will now be subjecting my paras to the Horrors. I have a lloottttt of paras, so to make this simply I used a random number generator to select the new victims tributes.
I will also be adding commentary on how accurate this would be to my paras. Because I can’t have fun without criticizing their every decision, despite forcing them to make those decisions in the first place. Bullying my paras is a full time job and brother, I just clocked in >:3
District 1: Edward Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Lucy Fisher [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 2: Loyd Nixon [Mad as a Crow: Missing Piece of the Puzzle], Benjamin Graves [Mad as a Crow]
District 3: Marzipan Velveteen [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Neil O’Brian [Mad as a Crow: A Plague of Octopuses]
District 4: Beelzebub Honeyblood [Phantasmagoria: Crossfire], Reign Blanc [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 5: Phineas Glazier [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life], Luciana Potenza [Phantasmagoria]
District 6: Phoebe Sparks [Phantasmagoria: ElectroGear Software], Prism Raymond [Phantasmagoria: DreamSet Circus]
District 7: Thackery Velveteen [Phantasmagoria: Illusions of Life], Rosemary Velveteen [Fractured Fables: She Trusts me, He Loves Me Not]
District 8: Victor West [Mad as a Crow], CaterpillarOS [Fractured Fables: Illusions of Life]
District 9: Mary Crowley [Mad as a Crow], Ketrill Hyde [Phantasmagoria: As the World Falls Down]
District 10: Khole Banner [Mad as a Crow: Assembled Monsters], Alex Grimm [Fractured Fables]
District 11: Stacy Collins [Mad as a Crow], Orion Guerrero [Mad as a Crow]
District 12: Vincent Hyde [Phantasmagoria], Lucien Jekyll [Phantasmagoria]
Yknow what i just realized. CaterpillarOS is, uh, a giant robot caterpillar. Khole is a weird mix of species but yeah there’s no way he’d win that fight.
Aint no fucking way Neil would loose to a blind girl. She has the power of accuracy but is smaller and younger than Neil. He’d rip her to shreds!!
DAY 01
I like to think she read him, ironically, one of the brother’s grimms books. It’d be so funny for various reasons.
NNOOO MARY 😭 say goodbye to our only licensed nurse everyone…
uuuuhhh something something phineas in the wrong paracosm. insert joke about d//c or para!jervis here.
Interesting team up! No idea why Eddie would work with Loyd since that’s his father and they hate each other. Same with Stacy, she hates Eddie bc that’s her dad. I fully believe Prism and Lucy are being held captive here, folks.
Accurate !!! sorry rosemary BUT ALSO. WOW. I CANNOT OVERSTATE HOW ACCURATE THIS IS OH MY GOD??? GIRL HOW DID YOU LIVE OUT YOUR TALE ALL THE WAY OUT HERE IM SCREAMING. also wow accurate for Neil too. Killing another innocent child, I see. At least this one’s intentional!
Our fallen tributes are: CaterpillarOS, Ketrill Hyde, Mary Crowley, Rosemary Glazier.
Bee! Don’t kill the bunny!! But fair lol
Debating on if Neil would keep a victim alive. I think for a little bit, for the psychological torment. He always liked to play with his food.
That is a VERY tense truce lmao, Stacy hates basically everyone Eddie is associated with, which includes the Crowley Family bc ooo boy, that family is a Certified Mess.
Luce 🤝 Phineas: ripped away from their home at a young age thanks to a random dimension portal. Not the same case here but wow I never noticed that.
DAY 02
Nothing interesting to note.
Our fallen tributes are: Marzipan Velveteen, Phineas Glazier
Khole winning is just…perfect. All 3 have to do with experimentation (Khole & Neil are from the same lab/facility/organization, actually!) but Khole was made first, both in a story context and meta context. So. yeah. Older Sibling Rights.
Either Orion or Eddie is winning those ghost stories bc Orion knew Aurelia, and she worshiped the god of fear, while Eddie knows Jonathan, Aurelia’s descendant and uses fear in his villain schemes. Then again, Bee is literally a demon, so….
YAY STACY!!! sorry loyd just…sucks lmao fuck outta here
DAY 03
Nothing interesting to note.
Our fallen tributes are: Victor West, Neil O’Brian, Loyd Nixon, Reign Blanc, Orion Guerrero, Luciana Potenza, Khole Banner, Vincent Hyde, Thackery Velveteen. Only 9 people left!
Nothing of interest to note for NIGHT 03.
THE FEAST happens, aka The Cornucopia is refilled.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 04 & NIGHT 04.
Our fallen tributes are: Benjamin Graves, Lucien Jekyll.
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 05 & NIGHT 05.
DAY 06: Eddie dies by accidentally drinking his own poison. Get wrecked, idiot.
NIGHT 06: Prism bashes Alex’s head in. Get his ass!!
Nothing interesting to note for DAY 07, NIGHT 07, & DAY 08.
NIGHT 08: Stacy poisons Prism. Lucy dies from thirst.
Stacy wins!! Wow. Fucking lame as shit I don’t even like her. Wish she stayed wherever the fuck she was before moving to Prism Pulse. Whatever! Realistically speaking she would’ve been killed way back at that random family reunion thing. Yes, by Eddie. he would’ve killed his own daughter. what of it.
#paraportal#luka.txt#dlc: hunger games#system: eternal labyrinth#console: phantasmagoria#console: mad as a crow#console: fractured fables#sorry i kinda lost steam / got bored lmaoaoo#it is funny to me that they only lasted 8 days. like yeah. that checks out.
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Helloo can we have a subsys please? We don't really have anything envisioned yet so basically everything is up to you. (also how many) the only thing we want is that they r somehow 'together' ykwim? Like a puzzle piece if that makes sense. Make them consang, transharmful4transharmed, put them in a qpr, make them have a healthy romantic relationship, WHATEVER!! It's up to you, we think you'd do well. Thank you :)
Sorry for the delay!
Full choice up to us can be a bit difficult. ^^'
Name(s): Chip, Cash
Age(s): 17
Pronouns: he/him, it/its, they/them, poker/pokers, hand/hands, chip/chips, $/$’s, bet/bets, card/cards, poker/pokers, gam/gamble, cas/casino
Gender(s): lottolific, casinogender, casinomasc, casinoaesic, voidecardic, castokentarostaesic
Orientation(s): transharmful4transharmed, bisexual, cupioromantic
TransID(s): transharmful, transharmed, transpokerplayer, transwinner, transloser, transbroke, transrich, transplayer, transbetter, transaddict
Source(s): brainmade
Paras: consang, timophilia, objectophilia
Emoji signoff:🧩♠️
Positive trigger(s): card games, the sound of poker chips clinking
Name(s): Slot, Coin
Age(s): 18
Pronouns: she/her, slot/slots, ran/random, random/randoms, 777/777’s, pay/pays, gold/golds, chance/chances
Gender(s): casinogender, casinofem, casinoaesic, casinocatgender
Orientation(s): transharmful4transharmed, pan romantic sapphic
TransID(s): transharmful, transharmed, transwinner, transloser, transrich, transbroke, transaddict, transplayer, transslotsuser, permatired, therian (cat)
Source(s): brainmade
Paras: consang, timophilia, opophilia
Emoji signoff:🧩🎰
Positive trigger(s): slot machines, flashing lights
Name(s): Bingo, Dab
Age(s): 19
Pronouns: they/them, he/him, bingo/bingos, daub/daubs, square/squares, number/numbers, color/colors, row/rows, dab/dabs
Gender(s): casinogender, casinoaesic, casinodoggender
Orientation(s): transharmful4transharmed, aroace
TransID(s): transharmful, transharmed, transwinner, transloser, transrich, transbroke, transoldsoul, transbetter, transfaith, transwhitehair, transblueeyes
Source(s): brainmade
Paras: consang, timophilia, formaphilia, curvaphilia, tetagophilia
Emoji signoff:🧩🔴
Positive trigger(s): playing bingo, big dogs
Name(s): Casino, House, Ace
Age(s): 20
Pronouns: it/its, he/him, she/her, they/them, bet/bets, win/wins, cash/cashs, $/$’s, red/reds, black/blacks, suit/suits, roll/rolls, dice/diceself, gam/gamble, cas/casino, dia/diamond, heart/hearts, club/clubs, spade/spades
Gender(s): casinogender, croupian, casinoaesic
Orientation(s): transharmful4transharmed, aroace, cupioromantic, cupiosexual, panattracted
TransID(s): transharmful, transharmed, permawinner, transrich, transgod, transgambler, transrobot, transhuman, translonghair, permatired, permaeyebags, transaddict, transdrinker, transweedsmoker
Source(s): brainmade
Paras: consang, timophilia, zeusophilia, sadomasochism
Emoji signoff:🧩💵
Positive trigger(s): large amounts of cash, winning games
#build a headmate#build an alter#headmate creation#pro rq 🌈🍓#pro transid#pro transplural#alter packs#headmate pack#rq 🌈🍓#transplural#transid#transx#subsystem
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Tom Holland: "Several times I needed a shoulder to cry on filming 'The Crowded Room', but I had many" | elespanol.com
"I learned a very valuable lesson from Jake Gyllenhaal," says Tom Holland in an interview with SERIES & MÁS | EL ESPAÑOL. "You have to do everything possible to make yourself look as aesthetically different as possible with each role, he told me. The studio didn't want to, but I did it, I think the hair is the icing on the cake of The Crowded Room."
The star of the new Apple TV+ series says he made the decision to grow his hair long as an executive producer, "I thought that was the way his character should look." The studio objected because that appearance was too far removed from his public image, but they ultimately agreed.
This anecdote could remain a curiosity on the set, but the experience of making the series was so difficult and intense that Holland confesses that he had a breakdown at home, in which he felt he needed to shave [his head] to get rid of the character.
"Akiva Goldsman was a great ally to me on set," he explains when asked if he had support handling these types of situations. "I have a wonderful support network in my friends. My brother was with me. Several times I needed a shoulder to cry on while shooting the series, but I had so many to choose from, so I was very lucky."
Amanda Seyfried, who plays Rya Goodwin, a vital character to the story, confesses that she had always wanted to play someone similar. "My favorite show is Dateline," she says. "I had wanted to do it all my life, I was ready. I think we all like to face a puzzle, and here I have the opportunity to fight to ask the right questions."
Those questions should be asked to Holland's character, "I think Tom is amazing as Danny. He's a very complex character. I was excited to see him in the role and also to be the person who gets to know him better and tries to help him."
"I think Rya's compassion for Danny comes from a deeply curious mind and heart," explains the actress. "I teach it to my kids. I think it's important to have compassion, because it dilutes your instinct to judge. I think judging comes from brokenness and fear," she notes.
The other key piece of the story is Candy, the mother of Danny Sullivan, played by Emmy Rossum. "When we meet her she is very young, a bit childish in a way. We see how the decisions she makes erode not only her own self, but also her relationship with her son. They both use denial as a survival tool."
Candy is a complex character, who could easily be labeled a villain, so in addition to compassion, empathy is another of the themes that the series talks about. "It's very important as you learn more and more about that character. I also had to have compassion for Candy. For me it was a complicated character to play because I found out that I was pregnant during the shooting."
"I had to remind myself that Candy's life wasn't mine. It's hard to let go of a character like that when you're alone at home, because even though you're just acting, when you're filming, you feel what she feels. But showers, listening to pop and rap music and eating chocolate are my answer," she confesses.
"Today is my first day back at work," Holland reveals. "I took a sabbatical after filming. I've been working on my house and building cabinets and gardening and all that kind of stuff. I knew that when I finished shooting I could rest, so I accepted the challenge. Now the series is yours. I hope you like it".
Translated via Google Translate, proofread by tomhollandnet
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Fandom: Rings of Power Pairing: Haladriel/Saurondriel Rating: M Words: 6.3k (68k) Summary: John Wick AU. For four years, Galadriel has lived a life in freedom. After executing a mission that was supposed to be impossible, losing two of her brothers in the process, she and Finrod got out of the family business. She left the criminal underworld behind her, fully convinced that she would never return—but then her brother’s dead body is found in New York, branded with the Crest of Angband. After Morgoth’s death, Sauron was left with the daunting task of keeping the Angband family from falling apart. For four years, he’s successfully kept the organization together—but then he finds out that one of his underlings has killed Finrod Noldor. The infamous Daughter of the Golden House of Finarfin has been brought back to life, and she’ll be coming for them. To save his organization, he disguises himself as Halbrand; an exiled member of the Angbands’ inner circle. He knows he can’t defeat Galadriel in a fair fight, but he has no intention of playing fair. As Halbrand and Galadriel team up to take down Sauron, they soon realize that there are more forces at play than either of them thought. The Angbands are not the only ones who want to see Galadriel dead, and Galadriel is not the only one who’s after Sauron. (Mind the tags.)
Chapter 16: “Halbrand, the exiled Ringwraith. Mairon Maia, the former street kid. Any other names you’d like to add to that list?”
Halbrand’s past self is finally revealed.
Read on AO3
#haladriel#saurondriel#rings of power#trop#fanfic#my writing#se vis pacem para bellum#here we go#the inevitable raft scene
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” We are Bread Men. We are not human” japanese artist Tatsumi Orimoto called “Bread Man” has been staged around the world over 200 times.
n the early 70s Orimoto spent time in New York working as Nam June Paik’s assistant and taking part in the Fluxus movement and the performance art pieces of John Cage, Yoko Ono and Joseph Beuys. Around 1991 a defining moment for Orimoto occurred when he learned that in the Bible ‘bread means body.’ That’s what gave him the idea for Bread Man. “If Marcel Duchamp could call a toilet a fountain then bread means not food: it is sculpture.”
Orimoto keeps what he calls his own bible: large yellow binders packed with postcards of his past performances. He staged Bread Man in Turkey, Nepal, Germany, London and he’s been chased by homeless people in New York and thrown out of a restaurant in Moscow for wasting food. But nothing has stopped him from wrapping at least 6 baguettes around his head in various configurations and exploring the world, challenging people to accept him.

The Bread Man series is altogether more provocative and deviant. In these performances, Orimoto ties a bunch of baguettes or bread loaves to his head, completely covering his face, and then walks around in a variety of public spaces. Of course, people don’t know quite how to react to the Bread Man, so there is a mixture of unsettled staring, puzzled questions, and general hilarity. (Performance: Bread Man Son + Alzheimer Mama, Gallery Gen, Tokyo, 1996, at right.) But these games don’t have a highbrow “art” feel to them; they are inclusive, and welcoming, and communicative; they knock people out of their everyday routines and get them thinking and interacting.
What I like best about Orimoto’s approach is that he has found a way to merge a humanist attitude with compelling conceptual ideas, without over intellectualizing them in the process. These are thought provoking works that aren’t afraid to consider the simple absurdities in the world around us.

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Lately I have realized the power of our ancestors in our history and present, the power of the origins and knowing where we come from.
Just to begin with, there are just a few of us who truly have the opportunity to know the past of our generations, and for me, today, when I hear the stories of my grandparents and great-uncles, I begin to appreciate the importance of my presence in this game (life).
I come from a family of Spaniards (like most Mexicans today, thanks to the well-known Conquest of America, but above all the arrival of Spanish immigrants to Mexico during the Spanish Civil War), and here, I have to do a short pause to highlight the books “La Cabeza de mi Padre” by Alma Delia Murillo and “El Viento conoce mi Nombre” by Isabel Allende. For me these two stories were the opening to this dimension of recognizing the power of the family, of stories, of the past, of human acts and of knowing that we are a set of everything that surrounds us, starting with the place where we were born (physical and also place, referring to the circle of people with whom you live your first years of life).
My grandparents and great-uncles María Concepción Catalina Roselló Alvarado (RIP), Enrique Gálvez Perez Valencia, Blanca Teresita del Niño Jesús Ramirez López, Fernando Álvarez Hiolito (RIP) and Josefina, they tell me (and had told me) stories about their childhood and they leave me perplexed when I notice that their memories are based on the people with whom they shared their lives, they know the exact places and perfect mileages between the town where they lived and the one their love ones did (7.5m from Posada de Llanes to La Malateria), they smile when they talk about their pranks, friends, brothers, parents, partners and children. And once again, this game goes by so quickly and the best part is who do you share the path with.
Thanks to those paths traveled by them, today, I am here. More than a story of my life, what I want to convey is only my thoughts, what today at my 26 years old I think about life and how through different experiences every day I am finding these pieces of the puzzle that are helping me be more aware of the beauty of the present.
Últimamente, me he dado cuenta del poder de nuestros antepasados en nuestra historia y presente, el poder de las raíces y del saber de dónde venimos.
Para empezar, somos pocos los que tenemos la oportunidad de conocer las historias de nuestros antecesores, y para mí, hoy, al escuchar a mis abuelos y tíos-abuelos empiezo a dimensionar el poder de mi presencia en este juego (vida).
Vengo de una familia de españoles (como la mayoría de los mexicanos hoy en día, gracias a la ya conocida Conquista de América, pero sobretodo la llegada de los inmigrantes españoles por la Guerra Civil a México), y es que aquí tengo que hacer una pequeña pausa para recalcar los libros de “La cabeza de mi Padre” de Alma Delia Murillo y “El viento conoce mi nombre” de Isabel Allende. Para mi, estas dos historias fueron la apertura a este dimensión de reconocer el poder de la familia, de las historias, del pasado, de los actos humanos y de saber que somos un conjunto de todo lo que nos rodea, empezando por el lugar donde nacimos (lugar fìsico y lugar refiriéndome al círculo de gente con el que vives tus primeros años de vida).
Mis abuelos y tíos-abuelos María Concepción Catalina Roselló Alvarado (QEPD), Enrique Gálvez Perez Valencia, Blanca Teresita del Niño Jesús Ramirez López, Fernando Álvarez Hiolito (QEPD) y Josefina, cuentan sus historias de infancia y me dejan perpleja al notar que sus recuerdos se basan en las personas con las que compartieron su vida, conocen los lugares exactos y kilometrajes perfectos que hay de distancia entre el pueblo en donde ellos vivìan y sus amores (7.5km de Posada de Llanes a La Malateria), sonríen cuando hablan de sus travesuras, de sus amigos, hermanos, padres, parejas e hijos. Y es que una vez más, este juego pasa tán rápido y la mejor parte es con quien lo compartes y recorres el camino.
Gracias a estos caminos recorridos por ellos, hoy, yo estoy aquí. Más que una historia de mi vida, lo que quiero transmitir es únicamente mis pensamientos, lo que hoy a mis 26 años pienso de la vida y cómo a través de distintas experiencias cada día voy encontrando estas piezas del rompecabezas que me van acercando a ser más consciente de la belleza del presente.

#reading#my writing#writeblr#people#history#family#love live#life lessons#wholesome#libraries#cosas de la vida#vida#familia#amor
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