#para: first date
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juniwilson · 7 months ago
First Official Date | Jemma
Juniper sat in the back seat of the Lyft she was taking to pick up Emma for their date. In the middle seat, she'd had a picnic basket and in her hands, she gripped a bouquet of flowers. She would have driven but left her car with her siblings who were kind enough to watch Atlas and Nova. Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach, yet there had been plenty of excitement as well.
When the driver turned the corner to Emma's home, Juniper took out their phone and sent a text message, letting her know that she was here. Emma's place had been an added stop to the destination Juniper set for the Lyft driver, so they were able to get out of the car and greet Emma. Smiling brightly at the sight of her, Juniper waved and said, "Hiii!" just ahead of extending the pink floral arrangement of peonies and tulips to their date. "These are for you."
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realmackross · 1 year ago
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PARTIES: @contemporarybardess, @realmackross TIMING: A Saturday Evening in October SUMMARY: Mackenzie meets Elora at Maized & Confused for something that some might call a first date. 😊 WARNINGS: Murder mention tw, Grief mention tw
It was approaching 4pm, and Elora waited nervously in the parking lot of the town’s featured corn maze, Maized and Confused. She knew that the maze wasn’t too far from Monty’s ranch, and wondered if Mackenzie was nearby. She remembered watching her on TV late at night as she bounced around between motels, but she hadn’t expected to ever come face to face with her in person. Not that she ever idolized her when she knew her as an actress, she was never the type to obsess or fawn over celebrities. She had plans on becoming famous herself one day, and would only be annoyed if any fans acted that way towards her. 
And yet, the day she had taken her to Monty, something different occurred. The person on the screen was no longer an abstract hypothetical, she was real flesh and blood and far more captivating than any camera could do proper justice. The only real issue is she was, to put it bluntly, dead. That is, she was walking and talking like a normal human being. But she was dead all the same, and brain hungry. Hey, nobody was perfect. 
While she waited, she thought she may as well get their tickets, and quickly made her way to the ticket booth. She figured it was definitely a better look than just standing around awkwardly in the parking lot. The cold fall air of Maine was finally starting to put a harsh chill over the town, but Elora had thankfully dressed in many layers. The wind was hardly blowing, so their day out should at least be tolerable. She had hoped the weather wouldn’t end their day early. Expectantly, she walked away from the ticket booth and eagerly waited for her date. 
Mackenzie hadn’t been on a date since well…Brody. To say she was nervous was an understatement. If her heart could beat, it would’ve been beating right out of her cold, dead chest. But this was good right? It was a step moving forward? She would always love Brody. He would forever be the boy who had her heart, and she was still grieving him; she was just trying something new. Trying to move forward and do better for herself. But never would she have imagined it would have been with someone who saved her life…err death?
Pulling into the parking lot of Maized and Confused, Mackenzie checked in the mirror to see if everything looked okay. She wanted to look less dead than usual, and for the first time in a while, she had really taken the time to get ready and to look her best. More so than when she had a shift at Dance Macabre. “Okay, Mack. It’s just one date. A thank you for saving me sort of thing…You got this.”
Peptalk out of the way, the zombie got out of her Mini and made her way to the entrance finding Elora was already there, “Hey! Sorry, I’m a little late. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was kinda nervous.” She shot Elora an uneasy laugh, before glancing down to see the tickets already in her date’s hands, “Oh, hey you didn’t have to do that. This was going to be my treat for you saving me, even though I mean it’ll never be enough, but you know, just…” Realizing she was talking way more than she needed to, Mackenzie quickly got quiet and looked to the ground embarrassed, “Sorry. I talk a lot when I’m nervous.”
When Elora saw a car pull up and park, she looked on eagerly, having a strong suspicion it would be Mackenzie. She was happy to see this confirmed when the blonde stepped out of her car and locked eyes with her. She flashed her a warm smile as she approached. She had been looking forward to seeing her again since the incident that brought them to the ranch. She was really looking forward to spending some quality time with the woman now that she wasn’t so…feral. 
“You don’t have to be nervous, I’ve seen you looking a lot worse after all.” She could tell the other woman was about as nervous as she was, maybe even more. She wanted to diffuse the situation as much as she could, the sooner they all calmed down and got comfortable the more they’d be able to just enjoy the night. “Well, I’m the one who asked you to come here with me. Figured it’s only right I be the one to get the tickets, right? Besides, they weren’t that much.” 
She found that Mackenzie talked faster when she was nervous, which was a trait she seemed to share. She was trying to taper it back, it was no use having two balls of anxiety talking to each other. She contemplated grabbing Mackenzie’s hand and leading her towards the maze, but decided to simply gesture behind herself and say “You ready?” 
They walked towards the maze slowly, and she hoped it wouldn’t be a waste of time and money. Some corn mazes could be really fun, but a lot of others were just a short walk in a circle. Many didn’t have much of a “maze” like quality to them at all, but she had heard good things about this one in particular. 
Mackenzie knew Elora had a point. She was knocking on death’s door, again, the first time Elora had seen her. But tonight, she had hoped she’d make a different impression. That the two could just have a fun evening with laughter and maybe a kiss at the end of the night if they had hit it off and vibed well together, “You do have a point, about both things, so thank you. But any snacks, hot cocoa, or souvenirs are on me.” She smiled softly. It was the very least she could do for someone who had saved her.
Mackenzie was excited. The last time she had been in a corn maze had been when she was just a kid. She could remember the excitement, but also the absolute terror of getting lost. But her mom and dad had been right by her side the whole time, which seemed to make things a lot better, and by the end of the night, she was laughing and not scared anymore, “Absolutely. Let’s do this.” Of course, this was Wicked’s Rest so there was no guarantee there wasn’t going to be some monster lurking in the shadows.
Moving forward, Mackenzie took note of what was around them, so they could hopefully find their way back to the entrance if worse came to worst, “So have you been through one of these before?” She slowly walked alongside Elora eager to learn more about her new friend.
“You drive a hard bargain”, Elora replied with a smirk. She was relieved her date had offered to buy any extras, but didn’t want to come off as a bum. “I could go for some hot cocoa after all, maybe after we find our way out. Assuming, of course, they don’t have to come in and rescue us”. She was sure they could find their way out without a problem. After all, these things are mostly for kids, right? 
“Haven’t been to one of these since I was a kid,” she began “and I gotta say the ones back home weren’t quite so creepy. Guess that’s the Wicked’s Rest effect, anything in this town instantly has double the creepy factor.” It was true, her father would take her into human society often enough to not feel isolated from the world. As a result, she had quite a few “normal” childhood experiences she could look back on. She really didn’t like the idea of walking through the mysterious dark cornfields if there was the chance of something jumping out at her, though. For all she knew, the corn itself might be some blood sucking carnivore variety. 
The pair made their way inside the maze, and were surprised to see six different divergent paths right from the start. Usually things moved in a straight line before giving a two way intersection to choose from. Already, this seemed just a tad more elaborate than a standard corn maze. Not that Elora was worried, the two of them could still find their way through… eventually. 
“So, I know you were an actress. And now, somehow and some way, you’ve passed away. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? And what brought you to Wicked’s Rest, of all places? I mean, we’re kind of on the opposite end of the country from where you were before.” 
Mackenzie shrugged, “What can I say? I’ve just had to negotiate on more than one occasion, so I know my stuff.” It was true. Being an actress meant negotiating things on the regular, and if it wasn’t her who was doing it, she was certainly telling her manager, publicist, and other members on her team what she wanted. “Plus hot cocoa and maybe a s’more or two are a given, considering it’s actually cold here in Maine.” She laughed, but was also glad she had decided to order some warmer clothes, including flannel, at the first cold spell. “And yeah, I’d say this thing takes us thirty minutes, maybe an hour tops.” She wanted to keep that confidence, but this was like living over a Hellmouth, and by the end of the night, who knew what they were going to witness.
She let her eyes shift from people to scarecrows to pumpkins, now that that trademarked Wicked’s Rest Paranoia was starting to creep in ever so slowly, “Yeah, same here. The last time I went was with my parents when I was little. I was so scared, but by the end of it, I loved it. Give me the night to see if I can say the same for this place.” However, Mackenzie’s words had seemed to fade as they came up immediately to a multitude of path options, “Well, this is already starting out as a challenge…”
Watching as some kids ran past them randomly choosing a path, Mack turned her attention back to her date and the questions that were already being asked, “Whoa, I would say you move fast, but you did see me at my lowest, so that’s fair.” She paused for a minute trying to figure out how much she wanted to divulge. “Um, well, ironically enough, I was working on a tv show called Dropped, and when I went to do a stunt, the person that was supposed to pull the rigging on my harness back in time didn’t, and I broke my neck and back in the fall. The last thing I remember was waking up extremely hungry.”
After it had happened and Mackenzie had realized she had eaten one of the crew members, someone she had been very fond of, she had shut down for nearly a month. It had taken Taylor, her assistant, convincing her that everything was okay and that what she had done was an accident, for Mackenzie to resume “living”. At least up until the last day with Brody. “And as for choosing Wicked’s Rest, I kind of just closed my eyes and picked a spot. The furthest away I could be from everything and everyone I loved.” She wasn’t ready to confess anything about Brody to Elora. “What about you? How did you end up here? And since you know what I am, are you something other than just a normal human being? AND the more important question…Which path?” She wanted to keep up this conversation, but if they didn’t start moving they were going to be there all night, which honestly at this rate, she didn’t mind.
When Elora had asked about Mack’s human death, she didn’t mean to pry into anything sensitive. Not that the very nature of death wasn’t extremely sensitive or personal, it was just an elephant in the room she figured should be asked about. The truth was, she sucked at small talk. Big talk. Now that was more her speed. But big talk isn’t really ideal for a first date, now is it? Ask about her favorite music, color, flower. Normal stuff like that. 
“Well while we’re being honest with each other”, the two had come to a complete stop a while ago, almost frozen in place at the amount of choices they had in front of them. She lowered her voice a bit, not wanting any families or passing children to overhear their talk. Already she had found herself a bit absorbed in the closeness the two of them shared and she had briefly forgotten they were in a public place. “I didn’t really grow up with a ton of human interaction. A little bit of it, but not much. I come from a species called sirens. We’re kind of…bird people, I guess you could say? You’ve probably heard the more famous myths, ‘the siren’s song’ that lead sailors to guide their ships directly into certain death. While it’s a neat trick, traditional hunting was far more reliable.” She could already imagine judgment from her date with telling her that her people hunted humans regularly, so quickly added, “I didn’t really participate in hunting humans. Some in the colony did, but I and my family didn’t participate. We were sort of in a…transitionary period let’s call it at the time. Moving away from the old traditions and embracing more humane and modern ways of living.” Perhaps it was this “tradition” of hunting humans that lead to the hunters being enlisted. Maybe if they had abandoned the old ways, they’d all still be alive today. 
“I came here for a second chance. And a shot at finding people who I can relate to on a level that I can’t do with regular humans. And I’ve heard plenty of rumors about this town and the paranormal creatures that live here. Figured this would be just as good a place as anywhere else.” 
Looking down the many branching paths were starting to disorient her, and they hadn’t even gone down one of the paths yet. She decided to go down one branching out towards the northeast. She was very impressed at how big the corn maze seemed to be now, did it seem this large from the outside? 
“Sorry for the hard hitting questions. Let’s go to something normal. What do you like to do for fun? I mean other than getting lost in corn fields, of course.” 
Mackenzie definitely hadn’t seen their date going in this direction, but they weren’t really conventional in many ways to begin with. She did, however, find herself engrossed in Elora’s tale about her family and her life. So there were zombies, mares, vampires, selkies, mediums, ghosts, werewolves, fae, and now sirens? This definitely had been a monster’s stomping ground. Not to say that Elora was a monster. She was far from it. Her red hair shining under the moonlight and soft skin made Mackenzie’s dead heart want to beat. The woman was beautiful, and it had been the first time she had felt this way since Brody.
It had also made her feel somewhat ashamed and embarrassed though. Did she deserve this happiness? To be with someone else after what she had done to him? It tore at her conscience, but she had needed a nice night. Something fun and enjoyable, and as much as she hated herself on the regular, she wasn’t going to let tonight be one of those nights.
“Wow, first, I didn’t even think sirens were real. No offense, and you saved my life. You’re far from what your ancestors believed. Trust me. I wouldn’t be here, if you hadn’t taken the time and risked your life to help me. Just remember that.” She smiled softly, before following along down a random path with her date.
“No, it’s totally fine. I actually didn’t mind them. I’m so used to getting stupid questions from paparazzi and fans that it’s nice being asked something genuine.” She strolled along next Elora occasionally glancing up at her as they walked. “As for fun. I’ve recently taken up the art of being a hermit since coming here.” Mackenzie laughed, “I’m kidding…sort of. But I like karate, dancing, singing and writing songs, watching movies; even though I miss working in movies. Hanging out with the few friends I’ve made so far. What about you?”
It was comforting for Elora to hear that Mackenzie thought she was a good person. She was nervous she’d be seen as a monster, like most people saw her as once they learned her true identity. Then again, she wasn’t a normal person. And she had her own experience in eating human flesh. 
“Well, you’re not the scary monster Mr. Romero made you out to be. You’re very sweet, and genuine. And have a lot more to say than just “Guh…braaaiiins” Elora said, giving her best zombie impression.
“I like music, mostly writing and producing. Guess that’s something you and I share! What genre? I also dabble in painting, though I’m far from good at it. Other than that, movies and TV shows are good! Most of what I learned about human society has come from movies and TV, so I’ve watched A. Lot.” She was happy that they had a few shared interests they could bond over. Maybe they could collab? Talk about a power couple. 
“Friends are hard to come by in this town, I’ve learned”. It was hard to say, since a big part of why she came here was to make new friends and feel a sense of belonging. She just kept telling herself it would be a little trickier and longer than she’d like, and that’s okay. “It’s why I’m grateful I’ve been able to meet people like you and Monty.” 
Just then, they heard a rustling in the corn fields, and could barely make out a bipedal creature of some kind running through the corn. While this would normally terrify Elora, it seemed almost as if it were trying to hide from them, not ambush them. 
Mackenzie laughed a little harder than she probably should have at Elora’s zombie joke. It was kind though. And considering the way she had felt about herself since becoming a flesh eating monster, the compliment had meant a lot, “Do I really sound like that? Because if I do I probably need to work on my acting skills a little more.” Unfortunately, as much as she had wanted it to be an act, it just wasn’t, “But that’s very kind of you. Guess I’ve just had a hard time not seeing myself as something other than a monster lately, but that’s a story for another time.”
She moved along through the grass as they slowly made turn after turn not paying much attention to anything, but their conversation, “Really? Uh, pop is what I was trying to break into, before going off the grid, but I love all kinds of music. You paint? That’s supes cool. I can paint stick figures. Maybe you can model for me one day, and I’ll paint you like one of my french sticks.” It was probably a super lame joke, but Mack didn’t care. She was enjoying herself, ���And if that’s not an option, then maybe we could write a song together?” She leaned in towards Elora and nudged her playfully with her shoulder.
“I can’t say that I’ve had as big of a struggle, but then again, I’ve lived a life where most people wanted to be my friend, but not because they genuinely wanted to know me. Though, I’ve found there are some people around here that have surprised me. And Monty is a very kind man. I’m glad we both have him in our lives. And hey, maybe I could introduce you to some of my friends. Like Alex, I think you’d love her. And Milo.” She wanted badly to say Winter, but considering they weren’t speaking right now, she thought it best to not even bring her up.
Looking forward, Mackenzie stopped walking when she heard a noise followed by something small dashing through the maze and into some stalks of corn, “You just saw that too right?” She looked over at Elora.
She wanted to write a song together with her. It was like something out of the cheesy rom coms Elora binge watched as a guilty pleasure, and she loved it. 
“Oh yeah, give me a beret and a long cigarette and I’d love to be your French stick!”
She wasn’t familiar with the people she had mentioned yet, but she was sure they were lovely people.
“Have you met Cassius or Ariadne? They’ve been great at welcoming me too.” 
She focused her eyes again on the figure in the corn. “I sure did. Y’know, I think I heard a rumor. That there was a creature in the corn fields named Gourdon who tries to hide away from people and hates getting his picture taken. It’s like a small challenge with the people in town to try and get him on camera.” 
A mischievous smile flashed across Elora’s lips. 
“You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?”
This night had been going so much better than her anxious mind had said it would be, and Mackenzie was grateful for that. They were even making cute little inside jokes, “Really? Consider it done. Next date…I mean, if you want a next date…I’m turning you into a work of art. Not that you’re not one already, but you know what I mean.” There she went rambling again, but it was okay.
“I have actually! They’re great people too. I don’t know them as well, but I’m glad you’re making friends. You deserve friends and happiness.” Mackenzie had genuinely meant that too. If Elora had come here looking for a better life, then that’s what the zombie had hoped for her.
Okay, good. She wasn’t losing her mind. “Gourdon huh?” Mackenzie looked back to where the creature had tried to hide, seeing the corn stalks rustle again. Glancing over to Elora, she caught sight of the grin, and slowly started to pull out her phone and switch it onto the camera app, “Oh yeah.” The idea to split up had crossed her mind, but she knew good and well, she’d get lost, if she broke away trying to snap a picture of this thing.
Here she was already thinking about a second date. I’m so in there, Elora thought to herself. “I’d love a second date, of course! After we catch this thing of course!” she said before taking out her phone and pointing in the general direction she had saw the creature. While venturing into the cornfield may not have been the smartest decision, she had suddenly found her focus placed solely on catching Gourdon on camera. 
She sauntered into the cornfield, before realizing having two cameras was better than one. 
“Mack, hun, would you mind going further down the cornfield that way? Maybe try to cut him off if he runs that way?” She hadn’t meant for a pet name to slip out. Growing up in South Carolina and working a couple waitressing jobs to get by, little terms of affection just sort of slipped out even in casual settings. 
With that, the two women took off into the cornfield trying to catch the elusive Gourdon. Sure, it wasn’t a conventional date night, but it was one Elora was sure she wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon.
So this was officially a date, and they were now officially going on a second date. Mackenzie was giddy and so badly wanted to blush. But Elora was right. They had a creature to catch. Did you win a prize if you had proof? She wasn’t sure. It was like going after Bigfoot, except this little guy lived in a cornfield and wasn’t quite as intimidating - or so it seemed. She hadn’t actually seen him yet.
“Right. Creature first.” Wait…Did Elora just call me hun? It had somewhat caught her off guard, and she wanted to overthink it, but didn’t. Couldn’t, especially because she had picked up on the slightest of movement just up ahead in the direction that her date had requested she go, “No, not at all, Babe.” She glanced back over to the red head with a wink, before heading in the opposite direction.
Mackenzie tiptoed forward towards the rustling, and without much of a chance to get her phone up, she watched as Gourdon slipped out and started running back towards Elora, “Elora! It’s coming towards you!” Picking up her pace, Mackenzie moved forwards back towards the siren and hopefully Gourdon.
Babe? Had Elora’s old habit worked out in her favor? She’d worried that, if anything, it would have came on too strong too quickly. Not only was her date into her, but she was also down to chase cryptids in a corn field with her. If that wasn’t a match written in the stars, she didn’t know what was. She felt as though she was walking on air.
Soon, however, she had to come back to earth as she heard Mackenzie’s voice call out that Gourdon was headed her way. It was hard to get a decent view through the corn, and she was mostly navigating through her phone’s camera so she’d know when the creature came into frame. Finally, she heard the rustling and ran full speed towards where it was coming from, trying to cut the creature off. 
Suddenly, the full force of a grown adult landed on top of her, and she felt all the air leave her body as she hit the ground. Instead of a mischievous corn gremlin, it was her date for the evening. While she normally would have been upset that their prey had escaped them, feeling the warmth and closeness of her laying on top of her was extremely comforting and exciting. All she could do was look into the other woman’s eyes, unsure of what to do next.
Mackenzie was determined to get a picture of this thing. If not for herself, then at least for Elora. The night had definitely taken an unexpected turn, but that was par for the course in Wicked’s Rest. At least it wasn’t a fucking giant ass spider. She hated spiders, especially huge ones that made you feel way too much when they stuck their fangs into your stomach. This little cryptid was a far better thing to try and catch.
However, it was the brief glance down at her phone that had caused Mackenzie to falter, and before long, she was stumbling forwards and into another form; Elora’s form.
As they both hit the ground with a thud, Mackenzie’s phone went flying and so did her pride. She had been so embarrassed, but as she looked down at the woman she was currently laying on top of, all anxiousness faded away. Moving a cold hand upwards, she gently moved some strands of red hair out of Elora’s face, before she slowly leaned in and laid a soft kiss on her lips. One that didn’t linger too long, but was just right. The perfect movie kiss, but one that was real and held more passion than kissing her co-stars. A kiss filled with genuine love and want.
When Elora felt the woman’s hands on her face, she felt a comforting warmth build within her in spite of the icy cold temperature of the woman’s hands. It was like a scene out of a movie. And true to the script, the pair shared a loving kiss. Only the butterflies and fireworks portrayed in the movies didn’t even come close to doing this sensation justice. This was something else entirely. Something she had never felt before. No boy in her past had ever kissed her the way that the one and only Mackenzie Ross had just kissed her. And she never wanted to be kissed by anyone else again. 
Breathless, she just laid there and looked into Mackenzie’s eyes. Finally, she took a shaky breath and cleared her throat. 
“I, uh, think we lost him. Not that I mind, at all. That was…wow. Incredible” This time she reached her head up to give her date another kiss, this one just as magical as the previous one had been. 
She could feel herself blushing. While she had done a good job of maintaining her composure through the night, all of that had now gone out the window. While she wasn’t expecting things to progress so quickly, it still felt so natural. And so right. Like they were meant to slam into each other in this cornfield the whole time. 
“Not that I mind laying here with you, because I don’t at all. But we should probably make our way out of this maze before people forget we’re in here”. 
Mackenzie couldn’t help but stare back into Elora’s inviting eyes. Everything about this moment had been perfect. So much so that the thoughts of guilt, shame, and even, for the first time in a while, grief, had left her. She just wanted to stay in this moment forever. Just her and her date while it felt like time stood still and nothing else mattered, “Yeah…” Mackenzie’s voice was airy, “I think we did.”
The second kiss, soft and sweet, had left Mackenzie longing for more. She was breathless, both literally and figuratively. But her body seemed to appear different with the rise and fall of her chest from excitement by the entire situation.
This moment far surpassed what the past several months had brought. Not only had Elora saved her, but she had also given her a reason to feel whole again. Tomorrow might be another story, but tonight she was going to enjoy every lingering minute of it.
“I think you’re right. I don’t think I want to end a perfect night by being eaten by a giant pumpkin, because you know it’s probably possible.” She laughed softly as she rolled off her date and found her way back to her feet, helping Elora up in the process. Finding their way out hadn’t been as hard as Mackenzie had thought it would be, especially since she was currently on Cloud 9, but she did make sure to let her hand meet Elora’s and walked as slowly as she possibly could to make the night last. But this was only the start of something special, and she was looking forward to every upcoming moment and the possibility of more unexpected kisses in cornfields, the rain, and any other obstacles Wicked’s Rest threw in their way.
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oliviabardot · 9 months ago
Who: Olivia and @jared-madden
Where: Bowling Center and Olivia's House
When: a few weeks ago on a friday
Why: first date
Olivia: Since Olivia has started her clinic in Red Edge, she has worked with Jared to send some of her child clients to him for some theatre or art community hobby. Over the months, she has learned to slowly drop some of her guard down with him. As her guard dropped her flirtatious attitude came out. She saw a few of his performances and she couldn’t help but be in awe of the man’s voice. She definitely developed an attraction towards him but she didn’t know a whole lot about his personal life. She didn’t know if he had a girlfriend or anything. She knew he wasn’t married. So that was a plus in her head. When he stated that the physical attraction was mutual it made her have butterflies but like she said, she couldn’t just give into him easily. She had to remain with some sort of mystery. Olivia pulled her phone out to text Jared. ‘You cannot keep a girl waiting.’ She texted as she got dressed. She put on a white crop tank top, light washed jeans, and white converse. She put sunglasses on her head to pull some of the hair out from her eyes as she put on some jewelry of necklace and bracelets. She put on a leather jacket on top and put on mascara and lip gloss. She checked herself in the mirror before going to open the door when he knocked on the door. “It’s about time,” she teased as she closed the door behind her and walked to his car. She checked out his outfit when she thought he wasn’t looking and smiled to herself in approval. ‘He’s hot’ she thought to herself as she got into his car.
Jared: Jared has found that a more simple life in rededge is what he prefers over the hustle and bustle of life in New York. People here were much nicer too, that was for sure. He’s naturally a bit of a flirt and depending on the reaction he receives he’ll decide whether or not it’s worth the risk to let his attraction grow. He doesn’t tend to let it get too much further than that because he knows that people always leave. He’s found himself wondering if Olivia was interested in more than subtle flirtation but he knows situations like these are stepping stones and he’ll just have to see what happens and take it day by day. This counted as progress. “It’s about time? I’m nearly ten minutes early! I didn’t realize you were that eager to see me,” he smirked as he opened the car door for her, closing it after she got in and then going around to the drivers side and starting off toward the bowling alley.
Olivia: Olivia rolled her eyes as he stated she was eager to see him, "yeah yeah yeah, keep talking," she joked. She turned her body towards him as he was driving, "Why did you come to Red Edge. I feel like all of our conversations are either you trying to get with me or us talking about the kids, so speak up. Why come to Red Edge when you literally had Broadway," she asked, putting emphasis on Broadway. She wanted to get to know him past the surface level flirtation.
Jared: “Just pointing out the obvious, I had no idea you were so impatient, but im flattered,” he chuckled and then shrugged, “because putting on a show gets boring. It’s all my life centered around and it really wasn’t any way to live. It’s repetitive and the pressures of that industry are a lot. Why did you come to rededge?”
Olivia: Olivia nodded her head in agreement. "I get that. A cool calm collected kind of guy like you seemed like he definitely had it all handled." She said, she assisted him in looking for a parking spot as they arrived to the bowling center. She pointed at a spot then hopped out of the car. "Why did I come? How much do you want to know?" She teased. "My mom died of cancer when I was young, my dad didn't want me so my aunt took me in," he stated nonchalantly. She was definitely hiding from him the drug and alcohol addiction he struggled with during that time and having to leave to go to rehab for a bit before coming back. She doesn't share that with a lot of people as she feels it makes her weak. "Harder question," she added as they got their shoes. "Why are you single? I don't want a bullshit answer. Why are you single?" she emphasized.
Jared: Jared shrugged his shoulders slightly, “I did have it handled but so much of that scene can be kind of fake, so it was hard fostering any meaningful relationships. One of those times being surrounded by people but still being lonely. Cue the world’s tiniest violin,” he laughed and rolled his eyes at himself as he parked. “So your aunt lives here too? It’s nice to have some family around isn’t it?” Getting out of the car he opened her door and headed inside with her where they were assigned their lane and picking up their shoes. “Because being single is a million times better than just settling for the wrong person. Don’t you think?”
Olivia: Olivia rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Oh man, you have it so hard there," she joked, dripping with sarcasm. "Do you feel as if you are able to develop more meaningful connections here in Red Edge then? I mean, you seem happy. But it could just be a front you are putting on." Olivia shrugged when he mentioned that it was nice for her to have family around. She didn't answer his question and left it with the shrug. Her aunt took her in because it was the right thing to do. She did grow up with her aunt constantly tell her how she didn't want to be a mom. Every turn in her childhood she grew up not feeling wanted. The only person who wanted her was her mother and she passed away. It was hard for her to develop a deep connection with a person. She tied the shoes on her feet and crossed her legs, "I agree, but I don't know if I believe that kind of a thing where there's a right person. I haven't found someone that wants to stick around for me, so the love department in any area of my life feels kinda useless in my opinion. I have been with some shit guys so it's hard to want to dive in deep with someone."
Jared: “Everyone thinks it should be such a great life that when it isn’t it made me wonder what I was doing wrong, but everything being so surface level is its own kind of misery,” he pointed out with a shrug. “Yeah, here everyone just has to deal with regular guy Jared so it’s not as difficult to trust people. I don’t feel like I have to question everyone’s intentions. Plus you put up with me so I must be doing something right.” Changing into the shoes he sat back, “so you think there are only wrong people then?” He raised a brow in her direction. “But shitty relationships are the reason most of us are single, they leave us all jaded. The right person will want to stick around, and you’ll want them to. That’s the difference.”
Olivia: "I can see how that would be miserable. You are just a being and not really have any connections with anyone or anything. I'm happy you're here though. There's not a lot of people that I genuinely like or even develop some sort of feelings for," Olivia said with a smile. "Are you saying I should learn how to trust you? What makes you trust worthy?" She questioned, genuinely curious about his answer. "I wouldn't say wrong people, I just haven't found a lot that are right. I would love for my mind to be changed if someone," she looked in his direction, emphasizing that she would like him to be the one to change her mind. "would be the one to change my mind," she finished. "Are you wanting to stick around?" She questioned, looking away, not wanting to hear the wrong answer. She felt like she could be developing feelings deeper than that physical attraction surface level feelings and she was prepared to be let down as it usually happens with her.
Jared: “It’s a really bizarre thing, I’d heard people talking about it before but thought they were exaggerating until I actually experienced it myself. Then unfortunately I learned how true it is,” he admitted. “I think you already kind of do trust me and that’s why we’re here to begin with. You’re certainly not having these conversations with people that you don’t trust.” He has to laugh a little, “not right but not wrong, you love these word games don’t you. Well you’re open to someone changing your mind so you’re not totally closed off, that’s a plus. I have a feeling that’s because you know how awesome I am,” he half joked. “Stick around rededge or stick around you?” Jared questioned coyly with a smirk. “Though the answer to both is yes. And with the topic of conversations going the way they are, this definitely qualifies as a date.”
Olivia: Olivia gave a small frown at the Broadway world he used to live in. “You come out stronger though,” she stated. “You’re right, I do trust you just a little, but then again you don’t know if someone is going to let you down until you give them some slack,” she pointed out. “You know I read people for living right?” She joked with him, “I mean, I can tell just how awesome you are,” she teased. “But it was your looks that drew me in first then your personality is okay, I guess,” she teased, standing up to grab a light blue bowling ball. “Consider this a successful first date this far,” she said with a wink before bowling her first round. “What do you do outside of the theatre?”
Jared: “That’s what they want us to believe at least,” he chuckled thinking about the age old saying of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, he’s still not completely sure he believes it, but it’s better than the alternative. “You don’t know if someone is going to let you down until they let you down, most of the time. That’s the shittiest part of it all. Especially if you’re not quite expecting it.” Shaking his head he laughed, “my looks are definitely my more redeeming quality I know I can always count on them. Is that what draws you to me?” He asked curiously. “I don’t really have a ton of hobbies to be totally honest with you . Music, theater and singing kind of fall into that category and lucky for me I can get paid for that. What about you? What do you do outside of work?”
Olivia: “I feel like I’m a pretty good judge of character. I’ll usually call quits when i think that someone is starting to get cold feet,” she warned. “If I were to tell you anything as a therapist I would say listen to your heart and if you want to stay and find it worth all the trouble then stay and fight but if you ever feel like it’s too much please be up front and honest with me,” she asked of him. She recognized this in herself but doesn’t know how to combat the fight or flight feeling she feels when people get too close. She is seeing a colleague to try and help her with these issues. She could find herself going too far with the man in front of her. “Honestly, I definitely thought you were hot,” she said as she sat right back down next to him, “but then hearing you sing i said, ‘oh shit this man is good’ and he’s hot. I honestly told my friend that I was going to get you in bed,” she laughed, blushing at the thought. “I can’t believe I just told you that!” She exclaimed nervously, “then I had kids tell me they wanted to join the community theater and here we are,” she laughed. “As we talk more I actually find myself more drawn to you so get out now while you can,” she teased, patting his leg and leaving her hand on his thigh.
Jared: “So you leave before the other person has the chance to,” he raised both of his brows. “I totally understand it, but it sounds kind of exhausting, trying to read someone all the time, plus what if you’re wrong and they’re not actually going to leave. Then you end up sabotaging something that could end up being great.” It was much easier to say than to do but he’s always been better at giving advice than taking it. “The voice is a real panty dropper,” he smirked. “Why can’t you believe it? What’s wrong with wanting to get me in bed? I’m good at that too. I’ve got a multitude of talents, but you’ll find that out soon enough,” Jared assured her with a smirk. “Oh believe me it’s harder to get rid of me than you might think, I’m too stubborn to let go of things I want.”
Olivia: Olivia frowned when he verbalized exactly what she was saying, “umm yes but when you put it that way, it doesn’t sound good,” she laughed. “I’m taking a chance on you though, I’m really going to try and fight those feelings,” she was trying to hype herself up mostly. She found him different than past guys and she wanted to really give this a fair shot. “I don’t want to self-sabotage so i guess all I can do is be honest when I start getting scared?” She questioned, unsure of how to really combat this feeling of hers. She laughed when he mentioned he has many talents. “With the way you sing and dance on that stage I’m sure you do,” she said as she laughed. “What makes you so sure you want all this?” She gestured to herself.
Jared: “It’s what a lot of people do, I get it, it’s a defense strategy to protect yourself. But it’ll be different when you realize that not everyone, especially me, is out to hurt you. You have to take chances in life, sometimes the payout is a big one but you never know if you don’t take the chance,” of course he could somehow make it an analogy about gambling, but that didn’t make it any less accurate. Both of his brows raised again, “all that?” He repeated, “I can’t tell if you’re saying that like it’s a good thing or a bad thing. “You’re a smart, beautiful woman who has actual goals and ambition, I would be crazy not to want all that,” he gestured to her in the same way she gestured to herself.
Olivia: Olivia laughed as he mimicked her. “Very appropriate answer. Major props from me.” A moment went by when she was in her head. She wanted to be like others without trauma. Without hesitations. She bit her lip and thought for a second wondering if she should give this whole trust thing a shot. She took his hand in hers and stared down at their interlaced fingers. “Everyone has some sort of baggage I just happen to have a little more intense baggage that will be for a different time but I haven’t had very many healthy relationships in my life. There was a point in my life where I got used to being used,” she paused, looking into his eyes and taking a deep breath, “So it’s just hard for me to believe that you genuinely want me other than sex. But it’s hard for me to believe that I attracted a guy that isn’t a complete and utter dick,” she laughed at the last part, shaking her head. A group of teenage boys and girls walked into their bowling area and Olivia looked at her phone. “Oh my god….” She laughed, showing Jared the time. “We didn’t bowl…” she laughed referencing to the fact that their time is up. “My place,” she said, giving her his hand to walk out together.
Jared: “I’m full of right answers, you’ll learn that more and more,” he joked with a chuckle. “Listen, everyone has baggage, and if anyone implies that they don’t, be suspicious because they’re lying. Peoples lives and experiences are what makes us all different and interesting,” Jared reminded her with a nod. Patting her cheek he caressed her skin lightly with his thumb, “there’s no sex until at least the fifth date,” he told her with a wink, although now he had to be serious about that part because he didn’t want her to get the impression that he only wanted her for her body if she’d been burned like that in the past. If there’s one thing he’s good at it’s learning from others mistakes even if he isn’t always great at learning from his own. After changing shoes and what not he took her hand and walked out to the car with her, opening the passenger side door for her.
Olivia: “I think learning now that the woman is always right,” she said, raising an eyebrow at him. She looked into his eyes, a smile automatically forming on her lips as he caressed her cheek. She placed her hand on his and led him out to the car. During the car to her house she smiled to herself reflecting on the night they had. She hasn't had a perfect night like this with another man ever and it really meant a lot that he listened to her and respected her. She was thinking to herself how she is feeling genuinely happy. She never had this good of a date nor did she ever find someone she can open up to and they would respond with kindness. Olivia got out of the car and walked to the front door with Jared. She opened the door and gestured for him to come in. “I wasn’t luring you here for sex. I am not done spending time with you,” she smiled up at him as she placed her keys on the key hook next to the door. She turned around to him, leaning her back against the wall and looked into his green eyes. "Something literally as simple as us just talking and not even bowling has made this the best date I have ever had and I'm going to be so bold as to say that I like you, Jared. I know the date implies that, but I can see myself really falling hard for you," she said, letting out a breath and biting her lip as she waited for his response. He has given her all the validation she could need to say this, but being any sort of vulnerable with anyone freaked her out.
Jared: “I think that always might be a bit of a stretch,” he teased with a chuckle. The fact that they were comfortable enough to have this kind of back and forth banter was a relief, life was already so serious so it was nice to be able to let loose and be laid back, it meant being able to let some of his guard down. Laughing as he headed inside he shook his head, “good because like I said, none of that until at least the fifth date,” so he might have been exaggerating that part but he knew what it was like to feel used. Not that he felt used for sex but plenty of people used him for spotlight and connections and things of that nature so he was the last person who wanted anyone to feel used for anything, and clearly she felt used physically in the past so that was a road they would have to venture down slowly. “I find that simple is usually the best way to get to know someone. All of the flashy stuff is usually more of a tactic for distraction to make everything just for show. I like you too. And I hope that you do actually allow yourself to fall instead of just staying in your safety net,” he told her before placing a soft kiss on her lips, he had a feeling that she would probably go running in the other direction at some point, but he was a gambling man so he still had to take the chance even if it wound up in flames eventually.
Olivia: Olivia chuckled, "You'll learn soon enough, babe." She had more of a dark humor and lived and breathed sarcasm. If she was with an individual that did not understand sarcasm then the other person would be offended all the time. Since she has been through a lot and heard even more with her job she could almost never be offended by what anyone has to say about her or to her. Most likely, she's already thought of the horrible things before they say it. She rolled her eyes about the fifth date part and gave him a small smirk, "We'll see if I can last that long," she joked, placing her hand on his muscular stomach. She let it linger there for a second then nodded, "We will see," she said again. She felt her stomach explode with butterflies when he expressed that the feelings are mutual. She never experienced this feeling before and it was confusing but nice. She wrapped her arms around his neck to bring him in as he kissed her and she kissed him back. Her head feeling like she was floating, her heart was racing. She pulled away after a second and rested her forehead on his, "I feel weird. I think good? I think this is what they talk about in the movies," she said with an airy chuckle.
Jared: “Hey if you want me to act like you’re right all the time, acting is part of my forte,” he laughed with a nod. “You’ve lasted this long, another four dates shouldn’t be a problem,” Jared told her as he ran his hand down her side lightly. Eventually their lips parted for an air break and he smiled while quirking up a brow, “you feel weird? I haven’t heard that one before but im going to hope to god that it’s a good kind of weird, if that even exists. Look at you, in your very own rom com. Man I’m better at this than I thought.”
Olivia: Olivia rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “You’ll come to believe it one day and when that day comes I am soooooo going to rub it in your face,” she teased. “The problem is going to be that I am going to make you regret agreeing to the 5th date rule,” she teased. As he kept talking she shook her head with a smile on her face. “Shut up,” she laughed, pulling him back in to kiss her.
Jared: “The day that you actually are right all the time, you’ll have earned the privilege to rub my face in it,” he responded with a laugh. “Can’t live with regret, I’m sure you’ll have a hell of a time trying though,” which he certainly isn’t opposed to that’s half the fun. “You really do hate it when I’m right, adorable,” Jared pointed out before kissing her again.
Olivia: Olivia raised an eyebrow when he said she can rub his face in it. She noted it mentally, waiting for the day she can be a child about it. Olivia was good about being able to turn off her emotions when it comes to being around anyone intimate but this time it was proven to be difficult as she didn't want to. She pulled the man in front of her in closer, tangling her hands in his hair. Each time they kissed the butterflies were stronger than before. It was intoxicating.
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nottheangel-raphael · 5 months ago
It'd been evident in the beginning that this wasn't Adrasia's first combative encounter with someone of Raphael's kind. Each attack and counter from the elder celestial precise, powerful, and primed to kill instead of merely harm. Smart strategy really given the circumstances. Raphael couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun with a slave or even a celestial in general. Perhaps he ought to make this a regular thing...
What hellfire remained licked away at the scorched earth surrounding the castle grounds once the ghoul stopped his onslaught. He didn't dare run when captured by the diligent thing though he had multiple means of escaping Adrasia's grasp. Raph felt the crushing force of the other's grip tearing through skin, muscle, tissue, and inevitably bone. He hissed through gritted teeth from the flash of pain that shot through the clean cut limb, blood spraying into the celestial's face and shirt as well as Raph's own. The ghoul didn't focus on that for long, well aware of what Adrasia sought on his severed hand as the heat from the sun washed over him in a way it hadn't seconds before.
His sun ring.
His age helped him but it wouldn't last long, speckles of hot light appearing on his exposed skin, mostly his face and neck. "Clever," he stated, the corner of his lip curving in an amused smirk. Fortunately, Raph was just as clever and had his own tricks.
The hand Adrasia tore from him shot out and clamped itself squeezing tight around the other man's throat. In a flash, Raphael was in the celestial's space, the two ends of his split wrist welding back together and the sun's flames dulled in his flesh though left their mark until they healed. He raised the other a few inches easily off the ground as he leaned in close, still gripping the slave's throat tight. Raph then slammed him full force down into the ground on his back, the earth cracking underneath and uprooting a cloud of dust around them. The ghoul wore a wild, wicked grin that mirrored the gleam in his dark eyes. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were sweet on me, angel."
Separation came as a blessed relief, Adrasia glad to be spared Raphael's attentions at close range before the ghoul took advantage of it. That relief was tempered by the knowledge that Adrasia could only allow distance for so long if he was to be the one chasing Raphael down. There was still the slightest chance that the celestial could take advantage now and make his escape -- but Adrasia had already made his choice. He would die with his teeth locked into it if he must.
He felt the heat of Raphael's flames well before they reached him, wings flaring in instinctive alarm just in time to escape the worst of it. He could not risk being touched by even an ember; the sun at his back was nothing by comparison. But -- Adrasia's eyes widened even as the tar-thick stench of hellfire cloyed at the back of his throat, taking in the swathe of destruction from above like a new black scar across the gardens. Even absent the daylight, it would be impossible to miss. Daylight. There Raphael was, at the hellfire's origin, and Adrasia didn't hesitate. He thrust himself forward in space like a well-aimed spear, denying the ghoul the distance he'd claimed in an instant with a flurry of feathers and a snarl on the celestial's face. "Don't run now." Adrasia hissed, fingers closing around Raphael's wrist as his other hand twisted in the ghoul's collar, an anchor to help him dodge the broad span of those leathery wings as the celestial twisted until he could feel the bone beneath his fingers give. The hand mattered little, what was on it did.
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flemingology · 4 months ago
soft alexia where she always looks for reader after a home game and runs to the stands or dedicates goals to her 🫠🥲🥺
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siempre para ti ─ alexia putellas x reader
in which: alexia scores the winner in el clasico. for you.
warnings: none
wc: 1.3k
a/n: 2 posts in 2 days? who am i
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Game days. Your worst favourite days. You loved going to watch your girlfriend do what she loves, really, but the nerves that came along with that weren’t as welcomed. Especially with El Clasico.
Alexia went through the motions, as she always did on game days. Had her usual breakfast, did some pre-pre-activation in your home gym and listened to the same 4 songs on repeat like she always did on matchdays. You could cite them all word for word now, but you wouldn’t dare complain and mess up her little routines.
She left you 4 hours before kick-off, a couple lingering kisses that would’ve lead to more if she didn’t have a 90-minute football game to go play, not without your promise that you’d be there and cheer for her if she scored. Alexia knew you’d be there and she knew you’d cheer the loudest of them all if she managed to get the ball in the back of the net, but who minds a little reassurance?
You made your way to the stadium well before the game started, not wanting to get caught in Barcelona’s rush hour traffic. You found your spot in the friends & family box, greeting Eli and Alba with a kiss on the cheek before settling in and glancing over at the Barça team who were already doing their warm-ups.
Alexia scanned the crowd when they were called inside, her gaze lighting up once her eyes found yours. You shot her a wave and an encouraging smile, which she reciprocated quickly – not without having to endure some teasing from Vicky.
The Spanish midfielder would never get used to seeing you in the stands. You probably hadn’t missed a home game yet in the past 4 years of dating each other, but she still felt fuzzy and warm inside when she saw the woman she loved most sitting in the stands of the football club she loved most. You were there for her, to watch her, in her shirt to cheer for her and she wanted to perform for you.
And that’s what she did. Barça took the game by the scruff of its neck, completely dominating and controlling the game from kick-off onwards. Chance after chance, shot after shot, the girls in blaugrana were all over their opponents. Aitana and Caro both had a big chance, but neither could convert. Much to your surprise and the team’s dismay, the 0-0 was still on the board when the referee blew the whistle for half-time.
They’d had the chances to be in front, but they hadn’t been clinical enough. This time, Alexia didn’t search for your eyes before she went into the tunnel, her professional demeanour never wavering a second once she was in game-mode. You hoped she wouldn’t be scolding herself too much over the promising free-kick she wasted.
The teams came back out 15 minutes later, and you finished up chatting to Alba as the game started again. More of the same, as expected, as Barça once again took control of the game. They were playing good football, passing the ball around, making runs in the channels and creating chances, but it felt like they couldn’t cross that final hurdle. Ingrid almost scored from a corner and they were claims for a penalty after a harsh tackle on Ewa, but nothing given.
It wasn’t until stoppage time that they had their best chance of the game. Some combinations at the back to play out of Madrid’s press, Patri was now rushing forward with the ball in midfield. She scanned the pitch, looking for options to lay the ball off to, sending it outside for Caro to chase. She got there first, beat her defender with a simple step over and sent a cross into the box.
It felt like slow motion, really. The final minutes ticking down on the clock, the ball sailing in the air, bodies pushing one another in the penalty area, until someone fell and they were shouts for a foul. You couldn’t make out who it was, who had fallen, but what you did make out was the whistle and the outstretched arm from the referee. Penalty.
Situations in football didn’t get much more pressure-loaded than this. A 93rd minute game-winning penalty in El Clasico. Your heart hammered against your chest, so you could only imagine how the players were feeling on the pitch. You’d been too caught up in a conversation with Eli to see Alexia had stepped up. She was stood near the ball, hands on her hips as she tried to calm her erratic breathing from having ran around the past 45 minutes.
The whistle sounded and Alexia took another couple deep breaths before beginning her run-up. A couple steps back. One to the side. Another deep breath. Short little steps to begin her run-up. A little pause. And then; the back of the net.
The stadium erupted, you cheered and jumped up and down to celebrate what would surely be the winning goal of the game. Alexia took off towards the corner flag to celebrate with the fans, her teammates soon barrelling in and tackling her down to the ground. You hugged Eli and Alba, the remnants of what had been a nerve-wracking game slowly washing away.
Alexia stood back up after a couple moments and her eyes scanned the friends and family box, looking for you. Your gazes locked and a toothy grin formed on her face, pointing her finger at the badge on her chest and then at you. She blew a kiss your way before turning back around and jogging over to her side of the pitch, leaving you with a warm feeling in your chest. No matter how many goals Alexia would dedicate to you, you’d never get tired of the fact it was your eyes she looked for after she made the ball hit the back of the net. It was you she blew a kiss, you she broke her stern captain bravado for.
It was much later when Alexia finally emerged from the changing room and into the friends and family area, surrounded by teammates and their speaker still playing loud music – clearly all very happy with the derby win. She was dressed in a pair of black trousers and a dark green shirt, clearly planning on celebrating the win. You could hear plans were made for a night out from where you were standing a little away from the group of players, as Alexia silently snuck away and walked over to you.
Your face lit up with a smile as the Barçelona captain come up to you with damp, disheveled hair, eyes tired with the exhaustion from running around for 90 minutes. “Hola, winner,” you teased, the brunette engulfing you in a tight hug. “Nice goal, hmm,” you said, lifting your shoulder a little so she would pull back. “Para ti,” Alexia whispered, her forehead resting against yours. “Siempre para ti.” Alexia accentuated her words with a soft kiss against your lips, pouring all her love for you in the short couple seconds of intimacy.
You closed your eyes and enjoyed the soft moment, clutching onto the back of her shirt tightly before she’d inevitably be pulled away by her teammates to get their night out going. Alexia’s arms circled around your waist in that ever familiar way, and even though you were here in a friends and family box in a stadium an hour and a half away from where you lived, Alexia’s embrace felt like home.
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floueris · 7 months ago
College boyfriend! riki
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College boyfriend! Riki x stem gf
genre : crack, fluff
summary : Riki as your college boyfriend
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College boyfriend! riki who is a history major
College boyfriend! riki who was so excited to finally be able to join his hyungs in uni
College boyfriend! riki who you met in high school (self promo but classmate! riki fic is here)
College boyfriend! riki who is smitten with you his stem major gf!
College boyfriend! riki who always makes it a point to try to have breakfast together before either of y’all’s first class (GUYS ITS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS OKAY, I’m screaming bye, me when)
College boyfriend! riki who tries to have at least lunch, dinner or supper with you if he isn’t able to meet you for breakfast that day
College boyfriend! riki who if he isn’t able meet you that day would always try to leave things in your bag the previous day for a little surprise as he says
College boyfriend! riki whose favourite thing to leave in your bag is a cute love notes telling you how pretty you are or how smart you are and it’s because you always gets extra affectionate after you find them
College boyfriend! riki who is in the dance and baseball team (i KNOWWWW so many people would say basketball but like have u seen that vlog with him and jake, bro has a mean pitch)
College boyfriend! riki who gets extra clingy when tired he is tired (he thinks you are his battery pack, being clingy with you only recharges his energy)
College boyfriend! riki who is a very hardworking person and juggles his time well
College boyfriend! riki who loves to go on study dates with you after school (only because you make studying less tiring when you are there with him)
College boyfriend! riki who enjoys the peace and comfortable silence during these dates (also because he thinks you are really hot like REALLLY HOTTTT when you are focusing on something)
College boyfriend! riki who is elated when he found out that you want to minor in history
College boyfriend! riki who basically becomes your tutor the moment you have a history related module
College boyfriend! riki who is such a good tutor, only because of the rewards that he gets after you do well on a test (his reward being kisses LOL)
College boyfriend! riki who sits beside you during these tutoring sessions
College boyfriend! riki who has an arm around your chair
College boyfriend! riki who feels that you are too far and grabs the base of your chair to pull you closer to him (PLEASEEEEE I NEED HIM SO SO SO BAD, honestly if someone did this to me I would fold SOOO BAD)
College boyfriend! riki who gets a little all up in your face when he is trying to explain an important concept
College boyfriend! riki who does it on purpose because he wanted to see your flushed ears
College boyfriend! riki who then tucks your hair behind your ear and gives you a loud smooch on your cheek
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but giggle when you smack his sturdy chest in shock and embarrassment
College boyfriend! riki who can’t help but look at you with a love struck expression as you clear your throat and compose yourself
College boyfriend! riki who thinks your the cutest, kindest, most gorgeous, most perfect person he’s ever met
College boyfriend! riki who just can’t help loving you more and more as the days goes by
College boyfriend! riki who always get a warm feeling, like how a hot drink feels on a freezing day every time he sees you
College boyfriend! riki who is so utterly and helpless in love with you even though you guys have been together for a while
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A/n : someone save me please , I’m TEWWWWWWW DOWN BAD FOR RIKI OMFGGGG, I literally need to start dating him or else I’m going to start crying ( guys in all seriousness this is a joke🙏 para-social relationships aren’t healthy 🙏🤫) also self projecting a little because STEM IS CRAZY
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luveline · 2 years ago
If you have any interest, how about a Spencer blurb where he's off on a case and gets or misses a late night call from the reader and is super worried, only to call them back and find them drunk and missing him. And of course the team rags on him after.
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
Spencer looks down at his phone and goes ghostly white. 
"What?" Emily asks. "They had a sale at Waterstones and you missed it?" 
Spencer clicks a bunch of buttons on his phone and brings it to his ear, crushing limp hair to his neck. "Seventeen missed calls," he says. 
Derek comes to the rescue, though the lightness in his voice is slightly forced, "Don't panic, wonderboy. Who wouldn't be eager to talk to you at… two AM?" 
"Is that the time difference?" Emily asks, leaning forward in concern. 
Even Hotch puts down his pen. The team listens to the phone ring. It loops, loops, loops, and everybody breathes a sigh of relief when you finally answer. If something happened to you Spencer wouldn't survive it. Nor after everything he's already been through. 
"Hey?" he says. There's a gap of silence. "Y/N, are you there?" 
Spencer turns away from the table they've congregated at and looks through the open window at the parking lot, police cars roaming in and out of spaces. "What's wrong?" 
"I miss you so much." 
Spencer's nose wrinkles of its own accord. "Yeah? You sound odd. Are you– are you drunk?" 
Derek laughs. Like marionettes held tight with strings suddenly cut, the team stop their stressing and send each other knowing, amused looks. 
"Just a little bit!" you promise, clearly lying. Your voice catches on the syllables like they're coated in sticky honey, the slightest slurring tripping you up at the end. "We went for– to Chilli's. I had a blooming onion and seven margaritas!" 
"I can tell." 
"I'm really sorry, Spence, I know I'm not s'posed to call when you're away," you begin. 
Spencer glances back. Rossi and JJ have returned with coffee and a late dinner, neither of them bothering to act as though they aren't listening to the conversation. 
"No," Spencer says, turning back around and hunching inward, "that's the opposite of what we talked about, isn't it? You can call whenever you want to, but I can't, you know, always answer. I thought something bad happened. Maybe next time you could text me?" Rather than call almost twenty times and give him a heart attack.
Laughter echoes from behind. They team act like a teasing family sometimes, Spencer their teenage son who's never dated. 
He would fluster if you weren't talking to him in loud but loving tones, "I can barely walk, texting wasn't happening. I'm para-spelgic." 
"You're not," he says, firmly at first. "Are you? Who's with you? Is Rebecca there?" Rebecca being your best friend. Spencer trusts her to take care of you.
"She was, but she said that I– uh… She said I talked about you too much and made her nauseous. I feel kinda sick, too, but I just needed to talk to you, Spence. I miss you. I miss you, are you home soon?" 
"Is Rebecca really not there?" he asks. He thinks about the room full of special agents he's standing in and drops his voice to a murmur. "I miss you too." 
"She's making toast or something." 
"That's good. It'll soak up the margaritas." 
"I don't want toast, I want you! Please come home safe, angel. I really wish you were here to do that thing with my ear." 
Spencer has to give in. You're speaking so loudly it's impossible the team hadn't heard it, but he can't find the will to be embarrassed any longer. You're drunk and ridiculous and all you can think about is him.
"I wish I was home, too. Do I need to worry about you? Make sure you're drinking water, okay? Alcohol makes you dehydrated, you'll get a bad headache." 
"It makes me miss you," you whine. 
He smiles fondly. "There's no cure for that." A door opens over the line. "Is that Rebecca?" 
"Yeah." Murmurings. "She says sorry for letting me get so drunk, but she didn't let me do anything. It's like you always say, Spence, I can do whatever I set my mind to." 
"And you set your mind to getting drunk at Chili's." 
You talk a little more before he hangs up. He knows you're getting taken care of. 
A gaggle of smiling faces greet him as he turns around. "Everything okay, 'angel'?" Derek asks. 
Spencer puts his phone in his pocket. You'll text him in the morning with a hankering for Tylenol and sore eyes, but you'll be fine. "Everything's great." 
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didishawn · 17 days ago
hey! Can you make one which reader and Pedri are at the canary's island, sharing the bedroom with Fer for some reason, but Pedri is feeling like doing something, and Fer there doesn't stop them, and they do it, and it's hard for reader be quiet, and next morning when they wake up and go down to breakfast, Fer asks if they sleep okay and smirks, playing with Pedri
Islas Canarias (Pedri x reader) smut
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Warnings: +18, smut, a bit of voyeurism, poor Fer, lots of Spanish
"Mami, ¿como que le has dado mi habitación al tío?" (Mom, what's that about you giving my room to my uncle?)
"El pobre necesita su espacio, Pedro, la casa ya está muy llena y él es nuestro invitado" (the poor boy needs his own space, Pedro, the house is too full and he is our guest?)
"Y/n también es nuestra invitada y la quieres poner en el colchon de Fer" (y/n is also out guest and you want her sleeping on Fer's mattress)
"Esa ya no cuela, Pepi, ella ya es familia" (that won't work, Pepi, she is family already)
From your spot on the coach, you can see your boyfriend's pout to talk his mom out of sleeping in the floor.
It's unusual for Flick to give so many free days, so from the moments him and the rest got the green light for the break, Pedri had already picked you up and put you both on a flight back home.
What he didn't know-more like completely forgot about it-was the fact that not only him happened to have some free days, so you two got quite the surprise when you arrived to his parents house and were greeted by half his family already staying over.
You can hear your brother in law snickering next to you on the coach at the little drama scene taking place on the kitchen, and you can't help but chuckle too.
Honestly, you didn't find the whole ordeal yo be that bad, the three of you have had sleepovers since you met Pedri all those years back in primary school.
Of course, this would ve the first sleepover with the Gonzalez brothers since you started dating Pedri three years ago.
"¿Debería bajar al chino a por algo para picar, o crees que tu noviecito estará muy ocupado haciendo pucheros como para ver una película?" (Should I go down to the grocery shop to pick up some snacks, or you think your boyfriend will be too busy pouting to watch a movie?)
"Yo más bien me preocuparia con que no se le ocurra echarte con golpes de almohada de la habitación" (if I were you, I would be more worried about him kicking you out of the room by hitting you with the pillow)
"Si hombre, lo que me faltaba, encima que os tengo que aguantar" Pedri drops down with his head on your lap in the coach, pouting at having completely lost the fight against his mom. "Ni se os ocurra hacer guarrerias conmigo ahí durmiendo, que te juro que me chivo a mami" (yeah right, just what I needed when I already have to stand the two of you...you better not do any dirty stuff with me sleeping there, because I swear I will tell mom)
"Mira, calla que te echo del cuarto" (look, shut up or I will kick you out of the room)
Fer ignores his brother, happily grinning. "Esto es karma por todo lo que os tengo que aguantar en Barcelona" (this is karma for all the things the two of you make me endure in Barcelona)
Your boyfriend only goes on to pout harder and you can feel these couple of days will be very long.
It's not like the mattress is uncomfortable itt's ok, really. And Fer surprisingly doesn't snore that loudly anymore.
Still, you can't sleep, and it's all your boyfriend's fault.
His kisses on your neck are hot and he has a hard grip on your waist, his boner pressed tightly against your ass.
"Pedri, Fer se va a despertar" you whisper as quietly as possible, trying to stop the moans forming on your throat from coming out.
He shakes his head, mumbling against your skin. "Que va, si ese no se entera de nada" he kisses your ear, leaning forward to whisper into it. "Venga, por favor, te prometo que solo será la punta, pero de verdad no aguanto" (no, he never notices anything...come on, please, I promise it will only be the tip, I really can't handle it)
"Tú y yo sabemos que nunca es solo la punta" (you and I know it's never just the tip)
"Te juro que sí, ya verás" (I promise it will be, you will see)
You sigh, and as much as you love to play hard to get, from the moment you felt him pressing against you, you knew what would go down.
You reach down to your shorts and underwear, pulling them down as you leave him some space to settle between your legs, still, your back faces him. You feel him pull down his too, and can feel his hot cock pressing against your ass cheeks. A hand of his picks up your leg, separating them as his tip starts teasing your entrance.
"Tenemos que estar callados, que luego Fer nos echa la bronca" he mumbles, and you nod. (We have to be quiet, because if not Fer will scold us)
He presses inside you, and incredibly, true to his word he only puts the tip inside, a hand of his sneaks to your front, rubbing your clit and his head pushing back when he feels you squeeze him at the stimulation.
The pace is slow, still you have to bite your lips to keep yourself from making any noise. By the sounds coming off his throat, he too is having difficulty keeping quiet, even if just the tip.
It's not enough, and you both know it, but when you turn around and see the smug look on his face, you can tell he is waiting for you to beg.
No way.
You start to move your hips too, but don't take in any more, you want him to suffer, give in before you do. His grip on your hips tightens, almost as if trying to take the control from you, but you don't let him, squeezing tighter making him groan.
"Joder, no estás jugando limpio" he groans, you can hear his pants, can tell he is just about to give in. (Fuck, you are not playing fair)
You just didn't expect for him to give in so quickly, ramming his whole cock inside you in one go as his hand goes on to cover your mouth to stop the grand moan you let out.
He seems to forget there is another person in the room -and honestly, so do you. His hips are know moving against yours in an almost punishing pace, he bites into his lips as to stop from moaning out.
You can already feel yourself nearing the extasis, he is in so deep inside you stretching you out so good. He rubs circles into your clit, making you basically see white as you cum around him.
He is not that far behind, painting your walls white as he cums deeply inside you. The both of you are panting messes, and only care about putting on your clothes again, quickly falling asleep and completely forgetting about the mess you created.
You hope he doesn't notice it-because you know he will bully you for it, bit you can barely walk as the two of you walk around the kitchen grabbing something quick to eat before going out.
Steps come down the stairs, and Fer's expression is not one he likes as he comes in stupidly grinning.
Pedri doesn't notice, but he watches over the two of you unashamedly, and you can already tell he knows, but Pedri doesn't.
"¿Pasa, mano?" he greets, going up to make their special handshake when Fer refuses. (What's up, bro?)
It's honestly kind of funny and flattering how yesterday's pouting is all gone just because you fucked.
Fer raises an eyebrow at Pedri, not taking his hand and leaving his younger brother confused.
"Ni de coña te toco la mano sabiendo lo que hacía anoche, sinvergüenza" (no way am I touching your hands knowing what it did during the night, shameful)
Pedri just grins, bit you could as well die as you turn Red.
Pedri's grin instantly goes away when you announce him of the sex ban for the next two weeks just because of this.
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etclouie · 3 months ago
i’ve seen you’re getting loads of smut requests so hate to be adding to those but could i possibly get both of these with our dearest remus please😽
“on your knees.”
“call me that again.”
˚୨୧⋆。 prompt/s; 5) "on your knees" and 41) "call me that again" — from 150 prompts
˚୨୧⋆。 warnings; established relationship, remus x girlfriend!reader, purely suggestive + allusions to giving remus head, 18+ mdni, sir kink, readers described as a tease (first para), that’s it pretty much
˚୨୧⋆。 a/n; sorry anon for this not actually being smut
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— thank you for celebrating 600 with me || submissions are now closed
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your whole date with Remus you’d been teasing him, brushing your hand dangerously close across his crotch and then whispering in his ear all the things you wanted him to do to you. 
and safe to say it had annoyed him. 
as well as riled him up beyond belief, his longing for you higher than he’d ever thought imaginable. 
he’d dragged you home to your shared flat after dinner, and pushed you straight in the direction of the bedroom. 
both of his big hands cradling your face as he kissed you fiercely, his tongue pushing into your mouth to deepen the kiss. breathy moans pulling from your throat while a smirk made its way across his face, despite his still lingering annoyance. 
after a minute he pulled back, keeping your jaw in one hand while he worked open his belt with the other. he held your attention on him, chuckling at the lust blown look in your eyes and the way you squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to relive the ache. 
“yeah love?”
he teased, chuckling at the mindless way you nodded. thighs still clamped together as you felt your panties dampen more than they already were, heat shooting through your whole body. 
"on your knees"
he commanded and you eagerly obeyed, sinking down to your knees in lust-like trance. 
he’d finally managed to work open his belt, and had began to tug down his zipper as he heard your voice. breaking the silence, his eyebrow raised at your words. 
“yes sir”
as if your teasing from earlier wasn’t enough, now you’d called him sir?
surely you wanted to send him to an early grave. 
Remus had to bite back a groan at the title, shaking his head while shoving his jeans and boxers down mid thigh. 
slowly, he wrapped a hand around his cock, pumping his length slowly as you watched transfixed. 
"call me that again"
he told through bated breaths, hand working himself close while he groaned softly. a pang of jealousy shoot through you, wanting to touch him, to taste him. 
his eyes stayed on your face as you pouted up at him, watching as his hips bucked into his hand and a drop of precum pooled at his tip. 
“want you Rem, please sir”
the desperate tone to your words was making his self control crumble, another shaky groan falling from his lips as his thumb slid across his tip. collecting the precum on the pad of his thumb before he pushed the digit into your mouth, humming as he watched you eagerly suck on it. 
once he was certain you’d licked his thumb clean, he’d pulled it from your mouth. a wet pop following alongside a satisfied smirk on his face. 
his hand wrapped around his cock again, stroking himself a couple of times before guiding the head of his cock towards your lips. 
eagerly taking him in and letting him control the pace as he spoke once more. 
“have at it baby, always a good girl when you try”
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⋆˚࿔ reblogs are highly appreciated 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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queen-of-reptiles · 1 year ago
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
And now, Alexia knows...
ona batlle x putellas!reader
part one here
part three here
part two of the 'hidden' universe - ona's version
mapi leon x bronze!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, SMUT - MINORDS DNI - fingering, cunnilingus, tit sucking, 69-ing, ab-riding - cuteness, queenie needing to use google translate because her Spanish is sub par! x
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y/n had walked back into Alexia's flat, ignoring her sister's call and moved into her room. Alexia followed, brows furrowed as she hadn't expected her sister to be back so soon.
"y/n?" Alexia called as she followed her sister who had moved into the bathroom, and sunk into the shower, pressing her back against the wall as she stared at her hands and sunk to the floor.
Alexia paused, knowing full well that this was a habit her sister had picked up when she was younger when suffering panic attacks so joined her sister on the floor of the turned off shower.
"She kicked me out." y/n whispered quietly. "She was so scared, so she kicked me out." y/n says again, her head in her hands, Alexia's face drops, guilt flooding her.
"She was scared?" Alexia asks and y/n nods. "Of me?" She asks again and y/n nods with a sigh.
"Pensé que ella lucharía por mí, por nosotros. Porque lo haré, tengo que hacerlo. Pero ella me dejó ir." y/n says quietly.
I thought she'd fight for me, for us. Because I will, I have to. But she let me go.
"Necesita tiempo, sólo necesita tiempo para prepararse." Alexia tells her sister and y/n lets out a shaky breath.
She needs time, she just needs time to prepare for it.
y/n just scoffed, running a hand over her face as Alexia pulls her into her side, hoping to keep her breathing steady, y/n let her sister pull her close inhaling the scent of her sister which always calmed her.
Coconut shampoo, fresh deodorant, a musky and addictive perfume that Alexia had used since y/n could remember. It warmed y/n, it warmed her mind to sit there in her sister's protective hold.
"La amo tanto. La amo tanto que duele alejarse." y/n admits quietly to Alexia.
I love her so much. I love her so much that it hurts to walk away.
"Así sabes que es amor, pequeña." Alexia tells y/n who scoffs.
That is how you know it is love, little one.
"Well, then I have decided I am not a fan of it." y/n says and Alexia lets out a laugh, knowing full well how dramatic her little sister was.
The two sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying the closeness before Alexia decided they would get up and go for dinner, messaging Mapi and who seemed to appear at the door in seconds afterwards.
"Chica!!!" Mapi yelled excitedly as she raced in, not bothering to knock.
y/n laughed as Mapi scooped her up, wrapping her in a tight hug which y/n returned the two friends happy to be re-united. Mapi then hugged Alexia, before the two siblings changed and they went out to lunch.
Lunch was just what y/n needed, a relaxing evening of laughter and jokes as they ate, photos of them pinging about which they ignored as they continued their afternoon.
Unknown to them Ona was sat at home, her best friend on the phone as Ona cried about her mistake and her best friend tried her best to comfort her from a different country.
username1: Has anyone seen the photos of Alexia, Mapi and y/n? They are SOOO cute ! 😩😩
username2: They all look so happy - I can't!
username3: Such a cute trio!! 💙
username5: Baby coming back to Spain for the Nations League and the first thing she does is go out with Mapi and Alexia - so cuteee 🥺🥺🥺
username6: Have you seen the photo of her as someone tried to be sneaky??
username7: She's so funny lmaooo😂😂
username8: Mapi is looking 🫣🫣🫣
username9: Alexia's hands compared to y/n's I wanna cry ughhhh 😔😔
see more comments...
y/n just posted on her story x3
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alexiaputellas just posted on her story x 2
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marialeonn16 just posted on her story x2
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Ona had calmed a lot when she heard the knock on her door. She had turned her phone off and turned the TV on, playing an old Spanish film she used to watch as she moped in self pity.
The knock repeated and she sighed and forced herself up, dropping her blanket against the sofa she moved over to the door and opened it a shocked call falling from her as someone barged in.
"Ale!" Ona says in shock.
"Oni." Alexia nods, moving to sit on the side of the sofa arm, looking at Ona who lets the door swing shut, Ona felt as if she could hardly move, she was expecting yelling any second.
"Lo lamento." Ona says before Alexia has the chance to calm her racing mind down.
I'm sorry.
"¿Para qué?" Alexia asks her, watching as Ona's eyes dart around like a cornered animal.
For what?
"y/n." Ona says simply and as bravely as she can. "Sé que es malo y ella es tu hermana pequeña... pero..." Her bravery however ran out as Alexia raised an eyebrow and Ona trails her sentence off.
y/n. I know it's bad, and she's your little sister... but...
Alexia sighs, running a hand through her hair as she thinks about the heartbroken tone of y/n's voice that morning when she had returned from this apartment.
"¿La amas?" Alexia asks Ona, confusing the woman greatly as there had been no yelling yet.
Do you love her?
"¿Qué?" Ona asks, too confused to acknowledge the question being asked.
"¿La amas?" Alexia repeated though this time with a far more demanding tone.
Do you love her?
"Sí. Si yo realmente lo hago." Ona says quietly, ducking her head to not see Alexia's reaction.
Yes. Yes I really do.
"Entonces está bien." Alexia nods and Ona's head snaps back up, shock filling her eyes.
Then it is okay.
Alexia sighs and gestures Ona closer, the woman moving over with small and light steps as she ends up next to Alexia on the sofa.
"Preferiría que me lo hubieran dicho al principio, pero que Ona salga con mi hermana pequeña no es el fin del mundo. No importa lo que ambos piensen." Alexia tells Ona.
I would have rather been told at the beginning, but Ona dating my little sister is not the end of the world. No matter what you both think.
Ona very nearly crumpled to her knees as Alexia's arm wrapped around her shoulders, her captain would never understand how much respect Ona had for her.
"Alexia. Gracias. Prometo cuidarla y amarla lo mejor que pueda." Ona promised her and Alexia chuckled slightly.
Alexia. Thank you. I promise to look after her and love her as well as I can.
"Bueno, tal vez quieras recordárselo, porque echarla no es una forma de demostrarlo." Alexia suggests and Ona's eyes widen in realisation.
Well, you might want to remind her of that, because kicking her out is not a way to show it.
"¡Mierda!" Ona swears.
Alexia chuckled as Ona grabbed her bag and raced out of the door, Coco letting out a confused whine as Ona left the building, leaving Alexia to shut and lock her door, placing the key in the key safe, before walking back slowly, home.
Knowing full well, Ona had driven and if she took the long way the couple would get back to Ona's before she even got to her own home.
y/n woke up from her nap at the sound of rapid knocking on Alexia's door, checking her phone she saw it was seven pm and groaned as she pushed herself up and to the door.
"Okay, okay!" y/n yelled at the still rapid knocking which suddenly ceased. "Jesus, ¿quien murió?" y/n questioned as she opened the door.
Who died?
y/n rubs her eyes, trying to push the sleep from them as the person on the other side of the door lets out a shaky sigh. Ona's eyes filled with adoration, finding y/n so sweet when she was sleepy.
Her cheeks were red and her hair was no longer in the neat braids she had put them in for lunch with Mapi and Alexia, instead strands of hair had come out and her baby hairs were pushed around sporadically.
Here eyes were half closed and there was a pattern on her face - pressed in from what Ona could guess was a pillow which she had clearly fallen asleep on.
"Amor." Ona sighed softly and y/n instantly tensed.
"Ona." y/n breathed as she looked at her. "Come in." She said softly, opening the door further and stepping aside to let Ona in.
y/n stepped away from Ona, moving around the other side of the kitchen counter as she fiddled with her fingers and looked at them, too afraid to look at Ona who was watching her sadly.
"I uh, had a visitor." Ona said softly and y/n hummed nodding her head. "Ale dropped by." Ona continues and y/n looks up confused.
"She told me she went to see Olga." y/n said confused before she sighed. "Hijo de puta mentirosa." y/n said with a small laugh.
Lying motherfucker.
"Supongo que tenía una mentira gratuita para usar, de verdad." Ona said and y/n chuckles dryly.
I suppose she had a free lie to use, really.
y/n watches as Ona bites at her lips, almost as if she was trying to break the skin, maybe hoping the pain would make this interaction less awkward.
"I'm sorry Oni. I should have warned you." y/n finally sighs, her head dropping into her hands as she squeezes her eyes tightly shut.
Ona lets out a noise of sadness and rushes around the counter to bring y/n into her arms, the two folding together perfectly as Ona's head rests on y/n's collarbone, the Putellas being nearly four inches taller.
"Las dos tenemos la culpa de mi amor, reaccioné terriblemente." Ona promises her.
We are both at fault my love, I reacted terribly.
y/n sighs, her hands moving down to pull Ona up and around her waist, the woman's legs wrapping around her as y/n sets her on the counter and slides her head onto her shoulder.
"Estaba tan asustada que olvidé que prometí luchar por ti." Ona whispered into her hair.
I was so frightened I forgot I promised to fight for you.
"Lamento haberle dicho sin ti, simplemente te amo tanto que estaba harto de mentir. Tengo que estar contigo todo el tiempo y quiero que el mundo sepa que eres mía." y/n rants quickly to Ona.
I'm sorry I told her without you, I just love you so much that I was sick of the lying. I have to be with you all the time, and I want the world to know you're mine.
Ona smiles into y/n's hair, sometimes forgetting that the two were two years apart as y/n carried herself with such age and confidence, but here in Ona's arms her youth was shown as she breathed in her girlfriend's scent.
"Eres una romantica, si?" Ona asks with a small smile.
You are a romantic, yes?
y/n shook slightly, a sniffle coming from her as she pressed a light kiss into Ona's neck, relieved they were back to how they always acted, the two hardly ever fought.
"Sólo para ti mi amor, sólo para ti." y/n promises her quietly.
Only for you my love, only for you.
Ona smiled softly, pulling y/n away from her neck, and looked down at her, eyes filled with love as she lent forward and softly placed her lips against y/n's.
The kiss was soft, and yet so intrusive, it infected both of them with need as y/n's tongue pushed past Ona's lips, sweeping her mouth in a desperate want to mix their breaths.
The kiss was deep, attentive, filled with love as they finally pulled away, small pants coming from them both as their noses brushed each other.
"No debería haberte echado. Lo lamento." Ona whispers quietly.
I shouldn't have kicked you out. I'm sorry.
y/n shakes her head again, pressing her lips to Ona's once more to stop the woman talking, Ona instantly forgetting the rest of her apology as y/n's hands grip at her sides.
"No más disculpas mi amor." y/n tells her softly.
No more apologies my love.
"¿Qué tal si vamos a casa y pasamos la noche haciendo lo que deberíamos haber hecho en el momento en que entraste por mi puerta?" Ona asks, mischief swimming through her voice.
How about we go home, and spend the night doing what we should have done the moment you walked through my door?
y/n grinned and lifted Ona onto her hips, running at the door which made them both chuckle, Ona hopped down and the two moved to her car, y/n locking Alexia's door with her key.
Just as they pulled out of the driveway, Alexia came into view and y/n smiled as she rolled down the window and blew a kiss her sister's way, Alexia smiling and catching it, placing it over her heart as she moved into her house.
Ona's hand rested on y/n's thigh as they drove back, a thick silence now filling the car as Ona pulled up in her parking space and the two walked quickly into the apartment.
The door had hardly shut before Ona was on y/n's waist and pressed against the wall, lips connected tongues between each other's mouths.
Ona moaned as y/n pulled at her bottom lip, smiling at the sound as she went back in to taste her again, she tasted of peppermint tea, something she only drank when stressed.
Ona's tongue curled around y/n's, the woman's hands tugging at y/n's shirt, trying to pull it from her body. y/n walked them to the sofa, Coco huffing as he scuttled away to sleep in the corner.
y/n couldn't help but lean down and start trailing soft kisses down Ona's neck, the woman's hands gripping at her arms, hair, waist, wherever she could grab as y/n settled over her.
y/n nips at the skin just below her neck and above Ona's collarbone, sucking at the skin as she creates a mark which has Ona moaning deliciously.
Ona's hands slide down, gripping at y/n's bum, squeezing her cheeks which felt as if they were shaped purely for the footballer's hands.
y/n throws Ona's top behind her, lips closing around her right breast, Ona lets out a breath of relief her hands locking into y/n's hair as she guided her mouth around her boob.
"Mi Amor." Ona gasps as y/n switches to the other breast, her hand reaching down to slip beneath the clothes which blocked her from where y/n wanted to be.
y/n stripped Ona quickly, tugging off her own shirt when Ona's hands wandered and gripped her tits, pulling at them, y/n looked down at the naked woman beneath her and moaned.
Ona's hands were filled with veins which pushed through her skin as she squeezed at y/n's boobs. y/n grinned as she slipped her hand between their intertwined bodies, pushing a finger through Ona's lips.
"God, I've missed this." y/n groaned out, finger slipping into Ona which caused the woman to gasp.
Ona's hands slipped from y/n's tits to her ass, pulling y/n's finger from her she lied back, bringing the actress onto her toned stomach which caused a gasp from y/n.
Ona's hands pushed y/n's ass into a grind, the woman tensing her stomach so the line of defined abs she had pushed through and caught y/n's clit delightfully.
y/n couldn't help but continue her grinding motion, letting out a breathy moan as her slick coated Ona's stomach, the woman watching her in awe.
y/n's hair had now come down, the bun being taken out when they were tangled together, her baby hairs were stuck to her sweaty forehead, and her eyes were shut with her mouth open in ecstasy.
y/n gasped as Ona pushed her stomach up slightly, jolting her clit and pushing y/n closer to the edge. y/n could feel her orgasm approaching so stopped.
"Amor?" Ona questioned softly as y/n lent down and caught her lips with Ona's, tongues tangling as y/n lifted and turned so her ass was pushed toward Ona's face.
y/n however moved her face down her tongue pushing through Ona's folds and pulling her taste into y/n's mouth. Ona moaned in shock but refused to lose the unspoken game.
Ona got to work quickly, her tongue pushing through y/n's folds as she quickly set to work pushing into y/n's clenching hole and pushing against her walls.
y/n moaned out in shock but continued her work, a finger sliding into Ona who gasped out and pulled y/n closer to her mouth, now sucking the leaking juices into her mouth.
y/n could feel her stomach tightening and added a second finger, eyes rolling in delight as Ona squeezed them as she pistoled her wrist, pushing her fingers quickly as her tongue circled Ona's clit.
At her actions Ona came in minutes, y/n continuing slowly as she relished the taste of her girlfriend, Ona's hand squeezed her ass, as the woman ate her loyally, y/n cumming with a cry as Ona grazed her clit with her teeth.
Ona continued, tasting every last spill of her girlfriend before the two pulled away, y/n pushing herself underneath her panting girlfriend who kissed her once more. Intertwining their tastes in each others mouths.
"I win." y/n whispered as they pulled away, Ona giggling as she shook her head and pressed a kiss to y/n's nose.
"No Amor, I always win with you." Ona promises her, before leaning over and turning the TV on.
y/n lay next to Ona, hands intertwined as they caught their breath, panting softly as their naked skin glistened with a light layer of sweat. Ona's hair was now up, and y/n couldn't help but run her finger down Ona's jawline.
Ona giggled and tucked herself into y/n's shoulder as the two stayed embraced together with the night shining through the open curtains of the living room.
"We're gonna break the internet, you realise that?" y/n asks Ona who chuckles.
"Yeah." She says simply and y/n smiles pressing a kiss to Ona's hair.
Mapi one is out tomorrow !! x
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thisismeracing · 1 year ago
Mó paz | LH44
― Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x brazilian!reader (she/her) ― Warnings: curse words, mentions of food, typos (not proofread). ― Summary: It's time for the Interlagos GP and fans are excited to see how Lewis' Portuguese sounds after becoming a citizen AND dating Yn. ― A/n: Shout out to @queenshikongo3 for suggesting this piece. 🤍 ― A/n:² none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me, and I do not allow it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
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✷ my masterlist | my taglist here | patreon masterlist ✷ Support my writing by reblogging, and leaving me a message 🤍 ✷ Consider buying me a coffee if you liked it or subscribing to my patreon for exclusive content!
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liked by patriciaramos, danielricciardo, and others
yn México te amo, pero yo extrañé mi hogar! 💚 (Mexico, I love you, but I missed my home)
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carlossainzssy Charles is their kid, and in this essay I will- ☝🏻
ferrarifinesse Thank you for sharing the Charles pic, YN!!!!!
lewishamilton te quiero! 😘 (I love you!)
 ⤷ popyn the way he always say's he lovers her using the language of the week's Gran Prix, I- I wanna be loved like this!!!!!!!!!!!
mercgoldenyears not George following lewis like a lost puppy/lost kid, I actually love them sm omg 😂
 ⤷ yn but he is our grid kid! <3
 ⤷  charles_leclerc what about me???
 ⤷ oscarpiastri and me?
 ⤷ landonorris I don't exist???
 ⤷ yukitsunoda0511 I'm feeling betrayed
 ⤷ mickschumacher So am I!
 ⤷  yn lewishamilton please help me here, the kids are fighting
 ⤷ lewishamilton sebastianvettel help, seb!!!
 ⤷ redferrari16 this is so funny LMAO
mirrorballeclerc the matching yellow aesthetic pic, they're truly soulmates 😭💙
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liked by seujorge, charles_leclerc, and others
lewishamilton Mais uma volta para casa 🇧🇷 (Another homecoming 🇧🇷)
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brunamarquezine 💚💛 bem vindo de volta!!! (Welcome back!)
44brcitizen I am the happiest person, I actually never had a sad day in my life, I can't remember ever struggling, or whatever, life is beautiful! 🌷🌸🌻💐
monacoocon The Brazilian flag is actually so pretty, I'm always mesmerized
yn 😍😍
⤷ 1dformulaone yeah, babes, that's your man (I wish it was mine, with all due respect KJDSGKJDSG)
mercedesamgf1 💜💚💛🤍
georgerussell63 vamos! 🇧🇷 (let’s go!)
⤷ sassyrussell Carmen wrote this, I just know she did 😂🤍
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*the first story says "She's writing new songs".
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liked by brunamarquezine, lilnasx, and others
lewishamilton mó paz! 💚
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badgalriri 😍😍😍❤️
linikeroficial amo amo amo! (I love love love)
missionfortyfourr mó paz means to be in peace, chilling, serene
⤷ mercmickie and the fact that the song talks about being at peace after he came into her life, that he's there to stay, that her life's different now?!!?!?!?!? I AM SOBBING
lewandyn she's so pretty, so smart, so talented, so perfect ughhh 🩷😭
⤷ lewishamilton yes, she is ❤️
⤷ norrizzlando your honor, he's in love!
yn Te amo muito, vidinha 💗 (I love you sm, my life!)
⤷ lewishamilton te amo, meu amor
⤷ russellrain "meu amor" alguém por favor, me ajuda, eu desidratei de tanto chorar (“my love” someone pls help me, I just dehydrated from crying)
roscoelovescoco I’s love’s you!
princessyn Stream Mó paz on spotify!!!!!!!!!!!!!
carmenmmundt 🩵🩵🩵
franciscac.gomes lindos! 🥰🤍
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liked by exudoblues, georgerussell63, and others
yn Que dia incrível cantando com os amigos em casa, e que noite perfeita celebrando com eles! Amo vocês 💘
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sunnysainz we all know who she was looking at in the first pic hehe
tsunodaangel Omg, I love them so so much 🥲
lewishamilton 🤩😍😍
lewishamilton caraca, foi incrível!!!
⤷ charleslehoe he's officially Brazilian now!!!!! LOL
patriciaramos a mulher mais linda do Brasil!!! (The most beautiful woman in Brazil!!!)
⤷ yn te amo, paty! (I love you, paty!)
swiftieyn why haven't we got a collab w xnda yet?
⤷ yn you sure you haven't? 👀
⤷ schumachersbike OMG OMGDKJSDKJG
seujorge 💛💛💛
ricciardosmile 🎶 bom que cê chegou pra ficar pra sempre, com você mó paz 🎶
carsgoingvroom the "existe amor em sp" reference *cries* (it means "there's love in SP, it's a reference to a song that says that there's no love in Sao Paulo)
⤷ braziliangp how about the quote??!?!!? I melted (if the sun doesn't shine tomorrow I'll use your smile to light my day")
⤷ mickcedes omg you guys thank you sm!! I was struggling with my A1 and translator LOL 😅
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, besties! I hope you guys like this piece! Don’t forget to leave me a message/ask and follow me if you did *mwah*
Consider supporting me by buying me a coffee if you liked it or subscribing to my patreon for exclusive content!💘
©thisismeracing do not copy, steal, or translate my work. do not repost on a different media platform.
Taglist: @sachaa-ff @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @saintslewis @scorpiobleue @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @karmabyfernando @crashingwavesofeuphoria @schumacheer @callsign-scully @v1naco @dearxcherry @crystals-faith @peachiicherries @elliegrey2803 @he6rtshaker @therealcap @mehrmonga @the-depressed-fellow @soph1644 @cixrosie @darleneslane @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @buckybarnessweetheart @nichmeddar @fastcarsandshit @goldenalbon @skepvids @balekanemohafe @jamie2305 @nzygftoji (quick reminder to enable visibility so I can tag all of you guys properly ❤️)
― reblogs, comments, and asks are extremely appreciated, make sure to leave yours *mwah*
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soleilpinto · 3 months ago
DRS = Defining Relationship Status?: Pit Stop to Something Real °‧🫐𐙚⭒
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“Defining Relationship Status Zone” 𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖🎐
Synopsis: Motorsport fan and model, Y/n, and her thirst-filled tweets about Franco catch his attention, sparking a hilarious online banter that goes viral. As their playful exchanges become real connections, fans and media can’t get enough—will their chemistry survive offline?
Genre: Fluff, Crack, Slowburn, (Slight) Angst
AU: Social Media AU!
Pairing: Franco Colapinto x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Unserious behavior, (some) inaccuracies bc lets face it, even if you are an F1 fan you still get things wrong (😭)
Note: I’m loving this series so far, so I’m really happy for the positive responses from you all! As always don’t forget to like + reblog as a form of support to me and other writers!
DRS Masterlist. (PREV./NEXT.)
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liked by francolapinto, elenavalor and others.
ynbardot peep the last slide bc i won 🙌
alex_albon you only won bc franco kept defending in front of me as if his entire life depended on it
— ynbardot lilymhe PLEASE COLLECT HIM
— lilymhe 😭
francolapinto got your first win and i got to be on the podium with you 😋
— ynbardot defending me with your life is crazy work but i appreciate it
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liked by ynbardot, williamsracing and others.
francolapinto Finde muy duro pero contento con el trabajo en equipo, gracias @.williamsracing por seguir dándolo todo!
a seguir así y los puntos van a llegar solos. buena carrera, al lado de los puntos en una de las carreras más duras del año para nosotros..
Cosas por seguir puliendo pero vamos por buen camino 🤝🏼🤠🇦🇷
williamsracing Vamos, Franco 👏
ynbardot plot twist: the real reason franco's so fast on track is because he’s racing home to me 😋
— francolapinto 😉
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@apexchaser yup they're definitely dating 100%
The cabin lights dim as the plane levels out, the soft hum of the engines lulling most passengers into quiet murmurs or peaceful slumber. You, however, are glued to your phone, scrolling through the latest flood of notifications.
“‘Imagine sitting next to Franco Colapinto on a flight. I’d develop a fear of landing,’” you read aloud, snorting as you nudge Franco with your elbow.
He glances over from his spot next to you, raising an eyebrow. “Do I even want to know what that means?”
“It means,” you reply with a grin, holding up the phone and shaking it from side to side for him to see, “that the fans have no chill. None at all.”
He shakes his head, a soft laugh escaping him. “You’re way too entertained by this.”
“Can you blame me? They’re hilarious.” You scroll further, giggling at another comment. “‘She’s living the dream. I’d give my left kidney for that seat.’ No pressure, right?”
Franco smirks, leaning back in his seat. “At least they’re creative. I’ll give them that.”
As you laugh, though, a different notification catches your eye. It’s a post from Daniel Ricciardo’s fan account, a clip from his last race. The caption reads, “The end of an era. Thank you for everything, Daniel.” The humor drains from your face, replaced by a familiar ache in your chest.
You're suddenly hit with a wave of emotions, reminded of your favorite driver, who's always felt like an older brother to you. 'Austin, he loved it so much there. It's too bad that he left me questioning that night, even though we all knew it was coming,' you thought sadly.
Franco notices the shift immediately. “What is it?” he asks, his tone softening.
You sigh, setting your phone down. “It’s Daniel. I know it’s been a few days, but it still feels… wrong. Like, how is it his last race? How does that chapter just end?”
Franco leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he looks at you. “You two are close, right?”
You nod, a bittersweet smile tugging at your lips. “Yeah. He’s been like an older brother to me. Always checking in, always making me laugh—even when I didn’t want to. He’s one of the reasons I love this sport so much. I can’t imagine being in Austin without him.”
Franco watches you for a moment before speaking. “I get it. He’s one of the good ones. It’s hard to let go of someone like that—on or off the track.”
“Exactly,” you say, your voice cracking slightly. “He deserved a better send-off. Not like this.”
Franco hesitates for a moment, then reaches out, his hand brushing yours. “You know what he’d say if he were here, right?”
“What?” you ask, glancing at him.
“He’d tell you to stop sulking, grab a taco, and drink a stupidly overpriced coffee in his honor,” Franco says with a small grin. “Because that’s what legends do—they leave behind memories that make you smile, even when it hurts.”
You can’t help but laugh at the thought, wiping away a stray tear. “That does sound like something he’d say.”
Franco leans back, a spark of mischief lighting his eyes. “So, when we land, tacos on me. For Daniel.”
You grin. “For Daniel. But only if you let me pick the place.”
“Deal,” he replies, giving you a mock-serious nod. “Anything for the plot.”
You laugh again, the ache in your chest easing just a little. Franco glances at you, a soft smile on his lips. “He’s lucky to have a friend like you, you know.”
You glance out the window, the clouds glowing faintly in the moonlight. “I’m lucky to have him, too.”
And as the plane carries you closer to Austin, you make a silent promise: tacos, overpriced coffee, and memories—because Daniel wouldn’t have it any other way.
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@paddockpower franco and y/n fake dating for “clout” but looking like they’re on their honeymoon in the paddock. i’m losing it.
@racingheartsxx every time i think i've processed y/n and franco, a new picture drops and i spiral all over again. they’re SO 😭😭😭
@feederfrenzy they’re literally living in my delusions rent-free. FRANCO AND Y/N, YOU WILL PAY FOR MY THERAPY.
The Texas sun beams down on the paddock as the crowd buzzes with energy. The air hums with excitement, the kind that only comes with a Grand Prix weekend. You adjust your sunglasses, trying to blend into the chaos around you, but walking next to Franco makes that borderline impossible.
Photographers start snapping photos of you, but with Franco beside you, you momentarily forget that you are also someone people recognize. “Are they looking at me, or are they just trying to figure out who you are?” Franco jokes, his easy smirk firmly in place as he fixes his hair so it's out of his face.
You roll your eyes, nudging him playfully. “They know exactly who you are. Don’t act like you’re not eating this up.”
He chuckles, the sound low and warm, as a group of fans catches sight of you both. One of them—a girl holding a sign with Franco’s name scrawled across it—gasps audibly, nudging her friend.
“Oh my god, it’s him!” she whispers, not-so-quietly.
Franco notices and slows his pace, glancing at you. “Should we go say hi?”
“You’re the star,” you reply with a grin. “Lead the way, Mr. Colapinto.”
As the two of you approach, the small group erupts into giggles and nervous chatter. “Hi,” Franco says, flashing them his signature smile. “You guys enjoying the day so far?”
“Yes! And we’re so glad to see you here!” one of the girls blurts out before her gaze shifts to you. Her eyes widen. “Wait… Y/N?”
You freeze for half a second, then smile. “Hi! Nice to meet you.”
“You’re so pretty in real life!” she says, her enthusiasm spilling over. “And are you guys… together-together? Or is it just, you know… the internet talking?”
Franco raises an eyebrow at you, his smirk teasing, while you internally curse the universe for putting you in this situation. “Oh, we’re just keeping things casual,” you say smoothly, tilting your head with a practiced smile. “But thanks for the compliment!”
“Casual?” the girl echoes, her tone laced with curiosity as her eyes dart between the two of you.
Franco leans in slightly, his voice dropping just enough to sound conspiratorial. “She’s being modest.” He winks, earning a chorus of giggles from the group.
You shoot him a look but decide to play along, shrugging. “You know how it is. Race weekends are busy.”
Another fan gasps softly. “Wait, are you guys official? Or is it just, like… new?”
Franco chuckles, glancing at you as if waiting for you to answer. You cross your arms and roll your eyes playfully. “Let’s just say… we’re figuring it out.”
The group erupts into muffled squeals, clearly eating up the act. “Can we get a photo with both of you?” one of them asks shyly.
“Of course,” Franco replies, stepping closer to you as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. His hand lightly brushes against yours, the casual intimacy of it catching you slightly off guard, but you keep your composure as you smile for the cameras.
“Say ‘power couple!’” Franco quips, making everyone laugh as the phones click.
As you walk away, your shoulders brush for a moment before you instinctively pull back, glancing at him. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
“Who, me?” he asks, feigning innocence. “I’m just committing to the role.”
“Sure you are,” you mutter, though a small laugh escapes you despite yourself. “You better hope these photos don’t end up all over the internet.”
“Hope?” he teases, flashing you a grin. “I’m counting on it.”
Another group of fans notices the two of you, and Franco turns toward you, his grin widening. “Round two?”
You sigh dramatically but can’t fight the smile tugging at your lips. “Fine. But if we’re doing this, I’m upping my acting fee.”
“Deal,” he says, holding out his hand as though to seal it. You roll your eyes but shake it anyway, and together, you head toward the next group, stepping perfectly in sync like a couple that has nothing to hide—and everything to sell.
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liked by danielricciardo, heidiberger_ and others.
ynbardot keeping it casual in austin
francolapinto the caption is very interesting
— ynbardot only a joke between an exclusive group of people
danielricciardo miss you champ
— ynbardot miss you more dr3 !! texas will always be yours
heidiberger_ enchanté pop up and we'll be expecting you!
— ynbardot WILL BE THERE !!
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@kindajealoustbh y/n, sweetie, i love you, but respectfully… MOVE. franco belongs to the fans. we’re suffering over here.
@boxboxbutton y/n pretending she doesn’t know she’s living all our dreams??? girl, GIVE ME THE DETAILS. i need a 10-step guide to manifest Franco
@rearwingromance franco and y/n are so flirty it hurts. i want to hate her, but honestly… she’s kind of iconic for pulling this off.
@overtake_obsessed if this “casual” thing turns into them actually dating, I’m throwing my phone into the ocean. like… LET US BREATHE.
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The restaurant buzzes with the lively chatter of drivers unwinding after a long day. You sit across from Franco, flanked by Charles and Pierre, who are in the middle of a heated debate about pizza toppings. Next to Franco, Oscar chuckles quietly, occasionally throwing in a sarcastic comment to stoke the fire. Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, adds fuel to the fire with her own strong opinions.
Next to you, Kika giggles as Lando and Alex dramatically defend why just cheese on pizza is not a good mix. “You’re outnumbered, Charles,” Lily teases, holding her hand up for a high-five with Lando. “Pepperoni is the best topping.”
“I expected betrayal from Lando, but not from you,” Charles replies with mock indignation, causing another round of laughter. Alexandra, Rebecca, and Carlos join in on the laughter.
You shake your head, grinning, and nudge Franco under the table. “Look at this chaos. Are you going to save Charles or throw him under the bus?”
Franco smirks, leaning back in his chair as all eyes turn to him. “I feel like pepperoni pizza is more of a genius idea. Obviously.”
“Traitor!” Charles groans, throwing a napkin in Franco’s direction.
Lily and Lando cheer in triumph while you laugh, leaning closer to Franco as if to conspire. “Didn’t know you had such strong food opinions. I’ll have to keep that in mind.”
“I like to keep you on your toes,” he replies casually, but his stomach does a weird flip when you smile at him.
The conversation shifts, plates of food and drinks passing around the table as laughter fills the air. But Franco’s focus keeps drifting back to you. Every time you speak, his attention locks onto you like it’s magnetic—the way you gesture animatedly, the soft laugh you share with Rebecca and Kika, the quick wit you use to tease Alex or George when they say a corny joke.
“You’re quiet tonight,” Alex notes, leaning slightly toward Franco. “Everything good?” Franco blinks, snapping out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, just taking it all in.” Alex gives him a knowing look but doesn’t push, returning to his conversation with Lily.
“You sure you’re okay?” you ask softly, catching Franco’s eye from across the table. Your tone is light, but there’s a hint of genuine concern in your gaze.
Franco clears his throat, trying to play it off. “Yeah, of course. Just… thinking about dessert.”
“Thinking about dessert?” Kika interjects, her tone playful. “You’ve been staring at Y/N for half the night, Franco. Is she on the menu?”
Your eyes widen, and Franco’s ears burn as laughter erupts around the table. “Kika!” you exclaim, covering your face with your hands, though you’re laughing.
Franco fights the urge to bury his face in his own hands. “Can we order something to distract everyone, please?”
Lily, ever the peacemaker, jumps in. “Alright, let’s get dessert before Franco melts into a puddle.”
By the time dessert arrives, Franco’s discomfort has faded, replaced by something else entirely. Watching you interact with everyone—your warmth, your humor, the way you instinctively refill his water glass without a second thought—makes something click in his chest.
He’s in trouble.
As Charles launches into a passionate defense of tiramisu, Franco leans slightly toward Oscar. “Can you pass the sugar?”
Oscar doesn’t move, just raises an eyebrow. “It’s right in front of you.”
Franco mutters a quiet thanks, and Oscar smirks knowingly, his eyes flicking between you and Franco.
“Good luck with that,” Oscar whispers.
“What are you talking about?” Franco whispers back, feigning confusion. Oscar doesn’t answer, just shakes his head with a small laugh.
When you glance at Franco again, he feels like he’s caught red-handed. “You sure you’re okay?” you ask softly, leaning closer so only he can hear.
Franco hesitates, his pulse quickening. “I’m just… realizing something,” he admits, his voice low and almost teasing.
“Oh?” You tilt your head, curiosity sparking in your eyes. “Care to share?” Before he can respond, Lando interjects with another joke that has everyone laughing, pulling your attention away.
Franco leans back in his chair, watching you laugh, your shoulders shaking as Kika leans against you for support. The noise of the restaurant fades, and for the first time, he understands what people mean when they say someone can light up a room.
He’s falling for you. Judging by the way you glance back at him when no one’s looking, he wonders if you feel it too.
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© soleilpinto 24’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
111 notes · View notes
lecsainz · 2 years ago
pairings: carlos sainz x girlfriend!reader
summary: the one where you are carlos' latina girlfriend and you exchange cute posts on instagram
authors note: I had to do this twice because I accidentally deleted the first one, and I particularly liked this one better. before I forget, spanish is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any errors
☆. . . masterlist!
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liked by camila_cabello , lewishamilton , and 1.429.807 others
carlossainz55 a veces solo necesitas una cámara y una modelo maravillosa para crear una obra de arte (sometimes all you need is a camera and a wonderful model to create a work of art)
view all 4.720 comments
yourusername te amo tanto, tesoro (I love you so much, treasure)
carloswife y/n deja a carlos y cásate conmigo (y/n, leave carlos and marry me)
charles_leclerc you guys are so lovey-dovey
forzacarlos sainz, sorry, but I want your girlfriend, not you
danielricciardo you have to tell them that after that, a bee chased y/n 😂
↳ yourusername don't even remind me danny 😭
ferrari55 I want what they have
maxverstappen1 p wants to know when she'll see aunt y/n again and she said to tell you that you look like a princess
↳ yourusername awww send her a kiss and tell her we'll see each other at the next race
merclaren I don't know if I wanted to be carlos or y/n
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liked by badbunnypr , carmenmmundt , and 842.619 others
yourusername ya sabemos que soy terrible en esto, pero me encantaron estas fotos, como mira la foto de MI hombre (we already know I'm terrible at this, but I loved these photos like look at MY man's photo)
view all 1.936 comments
carlossainz55 ¿quién es ese hombre en la última foto? (who is that man in the last photo?)
↳ yourusername oh, ¿él? es mi novio (oh, him? he's my boyfriend)
↳ carlossainz55 él es un hombre afortunado! (he's a lucky man!)
↳ yourusername carlos, me estás haciendo avergonzar (carlos, you're making me embarrassed)
↳ carlossainz55 mi amor, sabes que me encanta hacerte ruborizar de vergüenza (my love, you know I love making you blush with embarrassment)
↳ yourusername oh dios, te amo (oh god, I love you)
↳ carlossainz55 yo más ❤️ (me more)
alonsogrl their posts make me feel so lonely 😭
carlossainz55 ¿puedes besarme? (can I kiss you?)
↳ yourusername claro que puedo besarte! (of course I can kiss you!)
sainz55 MY PARENTS
4charlos I love them
landonorris 🤢
↳ yourusername ???
↳ landonorris you guys make me sick 🤮
↳ yourusername I still don't know why I keep asking 🤷🏻‍♀️
winsferrari for y/n I'll learn to speak spanish!
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liked by carlossainzoficial , lilymhe, and 1.085.482 others
yourusername sal con carlos, dijeron... bueno, esa fue la única vez que escuché lo que dijeron (date carlos, they said... well, that was the only time I listened to what they said)
view all 2.659 comments
carlossainz55 ¿puedo saber quiénes son? (can I know who they are?)
↳ yourusername vida, mis padres (life, my parents)
↳ carlossainz55 amo aún más a mis suegros (I love my in-laws even more)
↳ yourusername carlos 🤦🏻‍♀️
lercsainz THE LAST PIC
carlitosainz esperando a que y/n traiga a carlos aquí y le enseñe un poco de cultura latina! (waiting for y/n to bring carlos here and teach him a bit of latin culture!)
landonorris can you stop posting about MY man?
↳ carlossainz55 stop guys there's carlos for everyone 😌
↳ yourusername oh, ¿sí? entonces duerme en el sofá! (oh yeah? then sleep on the couch!)
↳ carlossainz55 amor, espera, no era eso lo que quería decir (love, wait, that's not what I meant to say)
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moldychefboyardeecan · 14 days ago
Maybe I Do Like You...
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So, I gave in. I wrote this part on a whim, and i am writing the next part. @physics-of-one-piece, I feel like you'd enjoy it^^
Part one is 16+, Part 2 is 18+
tags: doffyxreader ,flirty ,slow-ish burn, bilingual doffy
At first, you thought he was just another intimidating client, but then he dropped that pink feathered jacket on your desk, and you couldn’t look away. His grin, his piercing eyes behind those crimson glasses, the way he dominated the room—he was someone you'd only heard of in whispers. But the moment his finger brushed your lips, calling you “linda” with that dangerous smirk, you were hooked. It wasn’t long before he made it clear he wasn’t just interested in your sewing skills.
AO3 Work Link
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It’s been smooth. Or well, as smooth as it could be dating Donquixote Doflamingo. He was very upfront about his confession, considering you’d never seen the guy a day in your life—other than rumors and pictures of the King of Dressrosa. The Heavenly Demon. Wait...
Oh shit.
You did see him. Once. Maybe twice.
You were a seamstress, and one day, you saw a man, ten feet tall, at LEAST 300 pounds. This man was terrifying. But upon closer inspection, his blonde hair and crimson flame glasses drew you in. He was a fucking BEAST, and you could tell just by looking at him. He approached your counter, walking like a damn crab.
"What the fuck..? W-why is he walking like that? Is he okay? Is he drunk? I—"
He cut your train of thought as he reached you, licking his lips and smiling.
"Hello, sir, how can I—"
A large, 4XL pink feathered jacket landed on you, his grin never wavering. He bent down to your level, peering through his tinted glasses. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you damn well knew they were piercing through your soul.
The glasses. The hair. The height. But what really made it click was the flamingo-feathered coat now lying on your desk.
He noticed your registered shock and let out a snicker.
"Fufufufu, I think you recognize what this is and who I am, no?"
He tsked and placed a finger on your lips.
"Atatatatatata. Shhh. Can you fix it, mami? Generous berries for pretty girls who do their job well." He smirked, licking his damn lips again.
Flabbergasted. Flustered. Your face turned pinker than his coat. You just nodded. That was all you could do. With that, he removed his finger, turned around, and waved his hand in a lazy dismissal.
"I trust you’ll do a good job, linda."
"Wait, sir, you—"
The door shut behind him.
"-...didn’t arrange a pickup time."
And that’s how you met him. That’s how you met your boyfriend—and your soon-to-be fiancé.
But oh, it didn’t stop there.
After you fixed his coat (and even replaced a few feathers), he kept coming back—and refused to learn your name. Irritating? Absolutely. But something about him drew you in. You were getting rather comfortable with the King of Dressrosa, a Celestial Dragon, a former Warlord, calling you pet names like: darling, cariño, bella, linda—even a "mi amor" in there sometimes. Maybe you shouldn’t let him know your name.
The next time he came, he brought a red suit.
At first glance, it looked perfectly fine—almost brand new. But when you inspected the garment, you found a pink velvet box tucked inside the pocket. Curious, you opened it and found a silver necklace with a little flamingo pendant. On the back, Doflamingo’s Jolly Roger was engraved.
"Huh." You scoffed, snickering to yourself as you placed the box beside the suit and checked the fabric for any tears. Another sweep of the pocket revealed a note.
"Para mi costurera bella."
Oh, he was making moves.
At the time, you didn’t fully register it. The next morning, you handed him the box and note alongside his freshly tailored suit.
"You can keep the necklace, hermosa."
"I’m sorry, but I can’t accept it. This is your property. You should hand it to its respectiv���"
He laughed, licked his lips. Again.
"Fufufufufu! Did you not see the note? That’s for you. Costurera? That’s seamstress. You are a seamstress, right..?"
Mouth agape, you were about to respond when he leaned forward, silencing you with a quick kiss. He pulled back, looking far too pleased with himself, and leaned over the counter. His breath was hot against your ear.
"I told you pretty girls who do their job well get paid generously."
Frozen, you slowly reached for the necklace and note, pulling them toward you. He giggled.
"Good girl."
"Look, all I'm saying is that I think he’s into you!" Your sister's voice rang through the transponder snail. You could practically hear her filing her nails for the millionth time. "I mean—why else would he only call you pet names?"
"Because he’s fucking Donquixote Do-fucking-flamingo! That’s why!" You huffed, grateful that your shop was closed as you paced the efficiency in the back, which doubled as your home.
"Just try it. Flirt with him a little. Wear that necklace tomorrow, see if he comes back."
"Sis, I swear he rips his clothes with his strings just so he can see me."
"And that’s NOT proof he’s into you?"
"That’s proof he likes breaking his toys and making other people put them back together."
"Yikes. This is why San—"
"-Shut up, I broke up with Sanji by choice. He didn’t break up with me."
"Shuuuuuure…yeaahhh..mhm…you totally did."
A long pause.
"Soooo, does he come every da—"
"Yes. Sometimes just to bother me. Or to bring me clothes to fix."
"Wear it. I dare you."
"There’s no way in hell I would we—"
"Double dog dare you."
"No-! I- why would—"
"Triple. Dog. Dare."
"Fuck you."
"I always wiiiiiin~"
You laughed, smiling warmly, hoping its rays would reach all the way to the Red Line. "Sure, you do."
"Is there anything else about him ooooor—"
"He’s ten fucking feet tall! I mean, I thought I was tall, but he has to physically bend to meet my gaze, and his hair looks so soft, and his glasses look...so—fine. I guess he is hot."
"Would you peg him?" She snickered.
"What?! I mean…wait- what am I saying? No! Of course not! Why would I fall for his toned muscles, his accent, the way he could probably pick me up so easily, I mean I'm probably weightless to hi—"
"Oh sister, dear sister, you are down bad. I say chase him. What do you have to lose with the King of Dressrosa?"
"My fucking job?! I'm here for work. I gotta make sure Mom can afford Trafalgar’s hospital fees. She says hi, by the way."
"What kind of necklace is it?"
"Silver. Flamingo pendant. His Jolly Roger on the back."
"Cute. I'm telling you, wear it."
"If something happens, I’m blaming you."
"Counting on it. Call me when you get him."
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gavisfanta · 1 year ago
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summary: youre messis daughter and dating pedri while the world cup is happening
warnings: none
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the journey to qatar was amazing, now that I've spent the first three hours here I cant wait for the world cup to start.
Vamos Argentina y Vamos España 🇦🇷 ❤️ 🇪🇦
liked by pedri, garnacho7 and 967,929 others.
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@garnacho7 👏🏼👏🏼
@pedri ❤️🇪🇦
@random supporting two teams is insane
@random imagine having the problem that your bf plays for spain and your dad for argentina and you dont know who you'll support
@random thats my dream problem
@random I hope Messi can win it this year
@random can we please talk about how cute pedris smile is in the third picture??
@random why does she have the spanish passport if shes Argentinian??
@random she grew up in spain
@random Hala madrid
@random who is she?
@random shes Messi's daughter
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Esto acaba de empezar, sí, pero qué debut locos! Vamos España ❤️🇪🇦
(This has just begun, yes, but what a crazy debut! Let's go Spain)
liked by pablogavi, yourinsta and 4,629,729 others.
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@yourinsta guapoooo😍😍😍 (handsome)
@pablogavi simp
@pedri ❤️
@random LMAO
@random Pedri Potter
@pablogavi Hermanoooo looking good
@random hes soo fineee
@rodri so excited to play with you pedri ;)
@ferrantorres mágico
@random spain gon win the world cup
@random lets go spainnn
@sefutbol que chico 😍😍 (what a boy)
@marcosalonos pedriiii 😍😍
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Amazing game by spain as always, it was great to support you @pedri with @siramartinezc and lets keep going this way. Vamos España ❤️❤️
liked by pedri, pablogavi, siramartinezc and 2,690,628 others.
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@pedri red looks good on you amor ❤️ pinned comment
@siramartinezc 🇪🇦❤️
@pablogavi youre my favourite girlfriend of pedri
@yourinsta oh... thank you gavi...
@pedri gavi.
@anapelayoz mis chicas españolas favoritas 😍❤️ (my favourite spanish girls)
@antonellaroccuzzo 😍😍
@mikkykiemeney when are you coming to a game with me ? 😁😁
@yourinsta soon... maybe...
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Muchas gracias por todo, Luis. Por tu confianza y por tu apoyo desde el primer momento, y por haber creído y cuidado siempre a este grupo. No hemos lIlegado donde queríamos en este Mundial, pero seguro que el futuro te deparara nuevos exitos
Muchas gracias también a toda la gente que ha estado a nuestro lado. Por ellos y por la @sefutbol tenemos que pasar página y trabajar para dar alegrías a nuestro país de la mano de Luis De la Fuente. Su suerte será la nuestra. 🇪🇦
(Thank you so much for everything, Luis. For your trust and for your support from the first moment, and for having always believed and cared for this group. We haven't gotten where we wanted in this World Cup, but I'm sure the future will bring you new successes
Many thanks too all the people who have been by our side. For them and for the @sefutbol we have to turn the page and work to give joy to our country from the hand of Luis De la Fuente. Your luck will be ours.)
liked by sefutbol, yourinsta, leomessi and 4,920,672 others.
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Spain has been great and it's really unfortunate that we had to leave Qatar after this loss. I wish we could've went on further but I'm sure everyone is gonna take this as a challenge and win more trophies in the next 4 years. ❤️🇪🇦
liked by pedri, siramartinezc and 1,639,993 others.
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@pedri ❤️
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liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,662,829 others.
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@leomessi 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri ❤️
@random vamoooooo argentinaaaaaaa
@random france easy win
@random 😍😍
@random mbappe as world cup champion sounds better
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Tantas veces lo soñé, tanto lo deseaba que aún no caigo, no me lo puedo creer...
Muchas gracias a mi familia, a todos los que me apoyan y también a todos los que creyeron en nosotros. Demostramos una vez más que los argentinos cuando luchamos juntos y unidos somos capaces de conseguir lo que nos propongamos. El mérito es de este grupo, que está por encima de las individualidades, es la fuerza de todos peleando por un mismo sueño que también era el de todos los argentinos... Lo logramos!!!
Nos estamos viendo muy pronto... 🇦🇷🇦🇷
I dreamed it so many times, I wished it so much that I don't fall yet, I can't believe it...
Big thanks to my family, all my supporters and also to all those who believed in us. We prove once again that the Argentinians when we fight together and united we are capable of achieving what we set out to do. The credit is of this group, which is above individuality, is the strength of all fighting for the same dream that was also that of all Argentinians... We made it !!!
We're seeing each other very soon...🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷)
liked by fcbarcelona, yourinsta and 75,448,275 others.
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@fcbarcelona beautiful 😍
@enzofernandez CAPITÁN 👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@garnacho7 😍🇦🇷
@antonellaruccuzzo ❤️🇦🇷
@seleccionargentinaen "Lionel Messi has shaken hands with paradise"
@brycehall 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
@lisandromartinez Mi capitán 👏🏼🇦🇷
@random lmao barca commented
@random poor Cristiano
@random G.O.A.T.
@random I call this history
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This has been an incredible and surreal time and I'm so so thankful for everyone I met during my time there and I am so happy that my native country won it.
Thank you Qatar and VAMOS ARGENTINA 🇦🇷
liked by leomessi, pedri and 3,662,268 others.
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@selecciónargentina "todos somos montiel"
@leomessi VAMOSSSSS 🇦🇷🇦🇷
@antonellaroccuzzo ❤️❤️🇦🇷🇦🇷
@pedri 😍
@433 that world cup was special...
@pablogavi pedri looks so handsome 😍😍
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argentina has been magical, thank you for sticking along @pedri ❤️
liked by pedri, leomessi, siramartinezc and 1,763,928 others.
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@pedri de nada amor ❤️😍
@leomessi 👍🏻
@random this is so dad of him 💀💀
@random MESSI
@mikkykiemeney so pretty 😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random i love her and pedris relationship
@random that first picture >>
@random argentina did well ngl
@random pedri in the first pic AAAA
@random Idk who I'm jealous of, her or Pedri
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mi equipo 🫶🏻🇦🇷
liked by pedri, leomessi and 2,091,669 others.
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@leomessi mi hija ❤️
@pedri beautiful girl 😍😍
@yourinsta ❤️
@random undeserved
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back in barcelona, no better place then home 🫶🏻
liked by leomessi, pedri and 1,829,552 others.
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@pedri ❤️
@mikkykiemeney Home ❤️❤️
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luvsickhanji · 1 year ago
if han jisung were your boyfriend - hc
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note: this is just a small headcanon of how i imagine han jisung as a boyfriend, it's my first post, so i would appreciate your thoughts and feedback!
genre: smut, kinda fluffy
warnings: mentions of: oral receiving (f), pet names, creampie, switch!jisung and maybe a perv!jisung if you squint... f!reader
wc: 659
clique aqui para a versão em português
first of all, you guys met at a coffee shop, or maybe you were childhood friends who ended up falling in love at one point in your life
you started dating after many attempts at a perfect date - jisung seems like the type of person who tries his best to do his best, and for him, your relationship wasn't any different. you went to the movies, went out to dinner, went to a park amusement, but at the end, you both were too shy to say "i like you" to each other and ended up waiting for the other to say it first
but he asked you to be his girlfriend when you least expected it. nothing cheesy or lame, he just blurted out "hey, do you wanna date me?". you just knew that he was calculating the words on his mind, but he unconsciously chose the simplest.
(and this is your side of the story, things you superficially knew)
because he was obsessed with you all this time, since when he heard the barista call a oat milk latte and your name at that coffee shop. he shyly walked up to you to ask for your name and number. he asked about you, and spoke charming pick-up lines:
"hey, i saw you from afar and i couldn't take my eyes off you… you echo like a sports car in an empty tunnel, what's your name?"
since then, he couldn't stop stalking you on social media and hoping for you to respond to his messages asap
he thought you were really hot, and the more he got to know you, the more he wanted to be able to touch you. he felt like you had a reciprocal feeling, but he was afraid he was wrong about it. and that's why he waited until the 5th date to kiss you and ask you to be your boyfriend.
and it was that night that you took him to your apartment, and you had sex until the sun came up… and this started to be a custom in your relationship
when you and jisung have sex, it’s always all night. maybe it's the inconsolable longing he feels for your body, or it's your desire to have him inside you. the reason didn't matter after all, you guys were too addicted to each other to wonder why.
and your connection is so perfect, that whenever one of you comes up with a new idea, the other agrees immediately.
in my opinion jisung is fascinated by four things: cowgirl and your boobs, hips and thighs. he loves cowgirl because he loves worshiping you (and your breasts), when it's you in control, this man gets crazy, he gets loud and he gets out of orbit. and that's why most of the time he prefers to be on top, (he doesn't want to end it in less than 2 minutes).
"hey baby, let's try this position?"
"of course, hannie"
"ji, can i tie you up and try this?"
"absolutely baby, as long as i can touch you later" (he loves touching you, especially using his fingers)
when you guys don't see each other during the week, you text A LOT. every minute you're writing to each other, and it's no surprise that you have a dirty talk saying how much you miss each other and how you wish you were fucking right now. what a dirty mouth (fingers?) he has...
he is a praise guy. he loves giving you compliments and he also loves receiving them.. calling you princess, kitty, baby, honey, sweetheart... all of that pet names. he just in love for the girl that you are.
and to finish this quick introductory thought, jisung is the type of guy who loves giving oral, he loves eating pussy, your pussy (and he's the best doing it). plus you two came to a consensus that you both love creampie. nutting in you ends the night perfectly.
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