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mannythejaguar · 3 days ago
"I appreciate that, thank you," Manny chuckled, his smile warming at the man across from him as he propped his chin in his free hand. He turned to look outside the window as well, grimacing slightly as he could already feel the brief sensation of Oymyakon's biting chill out there. If he didn't have any other plans tonight he could sit in this warm and cozy diner the whole night long with good food and good company. He stole another bite from the skillet, humming thoughtfully around it. Perhaps he could allow that for himself given everything he'd gone through, even if it was all in the past. "I think you're very wise and very kind," he said, watching Adrasia for a moment. "Are you finding it comforting?"
Adrasia felt himself flush with pleasure at Manny aiming that grin his way, glad to see the other amused and to have been the one to put that expression on his face. It made him feel sheepish at the same time, directing his smile down at the plate as he gathered more food on his fork. "No Mr. Henderson, then," He relented with a brief, quiet laugh, "You are free from wrongdoing, regardless." They were making a proper go of it; Adrasia wondered at the boundaries of his own hunger when he had never done much more than graze when the opportunity arose to eat. "Very good," He confirmed, "And very cold." This was punctuated by another glance out the window, not feeling envious at all of the others in flimsy costumes walking by. "Don't deprive yourself so; everyone is deserving of a little comfort. There is enough to go around, don't you think?"
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nottheangel-raphael · 4 months ago
Since Raphael and Lucien had agreed to meet up later once both done occupying their slaves for the evening, that left the ghoul with plenty of time to spare in making his rounds, both inside and out of his club Euphoria where he planned to spend most of his evening as the owner.
It wasn't hard to notice the celestial slave he'd had so much fun with last time, Adrasia dressed in a cloth that hid very little of his divine body and the slave seemed to be struggling with keeping up. He was about to have some new struggles as Raphael popped open a portal to collect the wings he'd plucked off the younger's back not too long ago and had them made into a costume piece. For now he removed his polo shirt and letterman jacket as he donned the white wings as if they were his own and moved towards his prey with a charming smile plastered on his features.
"Aren't you looking just absolutely heavenly this evening," the ghoul all but purred, immediately right in Adrasia's space. His dark eyes flickered deliberately over every inch of the exposed skin, lingering on what wasn't shown, and back up again. "You almost remind me of Dionysus. Is it ironic, angel, that you're dressed as a god?"
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familiar-finn · 7 months ago
Finn excused himself from the suite in order to avoid murdering anyone today. Between Gareth starting his nonsense with him about Morozov and Bradley and Silver bickering, the familiar sure felt his sin turning everything in sight red as blood. He dipped out to run a few laps around the castle property and burn some of the violent energy until the rage settled. He'd not tracked his mileage though he'd ran long enough that he felt a semblance of fatigue settling in and began sweating underneath the summer sun's heat.
He slowed to a walk and cut through the inner castle gardens to head back inside, taking his time to get back inside. Must've been mid-day already what with the slaves out getting their mandatory hour of daylight with supervision. Finn couldn't resist snooping around, checking out some new faces that might've joined the ranks when one in particular made him double take. A certain celestial with long dark hair and flawless features set in a stoic demeanor. Course he remembered that same face up in the front lines during the Second War with him, the two of them searing their way through vampiric armies with hell and holy fire. Wrath and diligence had a tendency to work well together despite being opposites in that whole good versus evil sense.
Krovs had a tendency to reunite the demon with blasts from the past in the worst way possible. That excitement quickly fell to disappointment seeing Adrasia here –– it definitely was the same Adrasia from 200 years ago he confirmed upon closer inspection –– and collared as a slave. How fucking ironic that the two of them fighting for the same thing wound up in the same place after all.
"Adrasia?" he called, strolling up to the older. A crooked grin tugged at his lips. "Thought that was you, angel face. It's been donkey's years since I've seen you, though I hate that it's in this fuckin' place. How long've you been 'ere?"
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drluciengaudet · 4 months ago
Raph and Lucien shared similar tastes when it came to many things, but there were those few they differed on. Who they spent time with when apart couldn't be more profoundly different. Though he was very aware of who it was that was on his sire's calendar and that took his time and attention no matter how trivial. There was good reason his sin was envy.
He'd been dancing with his sire, which was rare for him to do in any setting, but it was a holiday, one Raphael enjoyed when he broke off to get a drink. It was there he saw a slave, one he'd not met face to face. Lucien wasn't one to ever go to the undercroft save for the rarest of occasions never caring for the filth of it and thinking he was far above it and those that resided there.
The costume he didn't recognize, really it could be anything with how generic it was. There was a disinterest in his gaze as it roamed over the collared creature. "What is it you're meant to be, a decoration?" He posed leaning on the bar not having to give his order because the bartender knew it. He was Lucien Gaudet after all.
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mannythejaguar · 2 days ago
"It's similar in the sense of added height and the shift in balance, but your foot is still more flat in skates than heels," Manny explained. He led Adrasia carefully to the ice, walking slow and taking normal steps as if he were just wearing a heavy pair of boots. He stepped onto the ice first and paused to take a second or two to adjust. It'd been a long while since he'd done this himself and he needed to remember how not to fall on his ass. His feet never left the ground as he did what he'd said and glided, keeping the blades on the slippery surface. He was no graceful skater by any means but whatever he did kept him vertical. "We can go slow," he said. "Just kind of slide one foot and then the other."
"Fair enough!" Adrasia snickered, expression shifting to trepidation just as quickly as he threw his arms out to steady himself again. It wasn't so bad then, his reflexes seeming to kick in and find his center once more. He gave Manny a grateful look at the offered hand, holding it tightly just in case as they navigated to the entry onto the ice. "I have never walked in heels, no," Adrasia said after a moment's thought, "Not in the manner of this age, at least." He felt very sorry for the women of the current day if they were all wearing Finn's footgear, though he doubted those shoes could be deemed average in height. "Glide, I can do. I will follow your lead."
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kresnikxkaden · 6 months ago
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How Kaden Sees Adrasia
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owltried · 2 years ago
Andrasians Free MYO Event
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Hello! there is a very nice cs community thats hosting a free myo even as well as a advent for some cool free items that you can recieve throughout the month! My friend put a good amount of work into it and I would love if yall checked it out! here is the news post https://andrasians.com/news/10.september-2023-update
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masterxhunter · 4 months ago
If there was one person that Hunter was determined to track down during the Halloween celebrations, it was Adrasia. The pretty celestial had been so entertaining to toy with during their time together, so Hunter just had to see what costume the slave had been dressed in. He tracked him down by his sweet scent alone, approaching him in the crowds in Euphoria, with his axe in one hand and a drink in the other.
"Angel, it's been a while," Hunter purred as he approached, letting his eyes trail over the other's form, enjoying the costume and how much skin it displayed. "Missed me?"
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thecharleswinchester · 4 months ago
After doing a bit of socializing, Charlie had settled himself at the bar in Euphoria with a glass of whiskey in front of him. The dragon had been talking some with his coworkers, debating just going behind the bar to help out with how crazy busy it seemed to be at the moment when he spotted a familiar face. Taking a slow sip of his drink as he looked over the costume that Adrasia was in, the younger slave's eyes narrowed slightly. "So...are you supposed to be a Roman emperor or something?" Charlie asked conversationally, setting his glass down on the bar. "Not that it looks bad or anything -- looks damn good, actually -- but who forced that on you?"
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nicotine-noah · 4 months ago
closed starter for @adrasian
Dancing was fun at the best of times but it was even more fun with all the drugs and booze coursing through Noah's veins. He'd long ago lost track of everything he'd taken, just relishing in the fact that he could take things at all and finally be messed up enough for that undercurrent of anger he always had to go away for a while. He absolutely intended to get as fucked up as possible but he wasn't yet at the point where he couldn't remember anything (though he was very much aiming to get there). He was feeling pretty damn good, though, crushed in among the other dancing bodies, the bass thrumming in his chest and his head spinning just enough to make it amazing. All the exposed skin from his costume made it even better, as someone's hand trailed over his hip and someone else's lips touched his neck. The name of this bar was accurate as hell because euphoria was definitely what Noah was feeling right now.
He actually did need a break, though, as much as it felt like he could've kept dancing forever. Noah also needed another drink. He managed to make his way to the edge of the dance floor and stumble his way free of the crush of bodies only to bump into someone, spin, and trip falling sideways into a booth. He landed on his back, arm banging off the table which stung brightly for a moment before he burst out laughing at how ridiculous that was. Well, at least he was sitting down now. Hauling himself into a sitting position he blinked as he noticed there was already someone in the booth and across from him. "Hey." He grinned, squinting and not recognizing the person. "Some fall, huh? My ears crooked?" He reached up to adjust the ears on their headband, unknowingly making them a lot more crooked than they had been and laughing again. The guy seemed familiar and Noah dropped his hand from the headband, turning to face him properly. His ears were ringing from the music and his vision was a little blurry but the face finally came to him and he slapped the table as he remembered. "You're the pushy angel!" Far from sounding offended by that, Noah was delighted he'd remembered. "You drinkin' vodka?" He leaned across and grabbed Adrasia's glass (after a couple failed attempts) and took a sip, making a face and nearly spitting it back out. "Water? The fuck kinda bullshit is this?" He put the glass back down, clearly disgusted, and enthusiastically waved over a waiter. "Hey! Yeah, we need shots like now. Like...four shots of..." he squinted at Adrasia again, trying to think of something fun but it was kind of hard to think at all. "...tequila! Lime and salt too."
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lorenzoxreyes · 6 months ago
Having a rare day off was absolutely bliss. Did Enzo need to work so much? Probably not, but he did enjoy his job at the castle, even if a break was needed every so often. Still, he'd managed to find himself down in the undercroft anyway, this time dressed in more casual attire, being a black t-shirt, black jeans and a black paid of boots, just to keep things.. y'know, light. He'd only really gone down there to give something to Manny, and on his way back up had spotted Adrasia sitting alone. With Enzo being a guard, it was his job to learn all the names of all the slaves in the undercroft, but he'd had very limited interactions with the celestial.
"Adrasia," he greeted, giving the slave a smile. "Odd to actually see you down here. I've heard the masters up top have been keeping you busy," Enzo continued, helping himself to the seat that was available next to the celestial. "We've not formally met, but I've escorted you a few times before. If you don't recognise me, I will be offended," he teased. "I'm Enzo."
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mannythejaguar · 4 months ago
Fortunately, it seemed Halloween this year passed by without much chaos, which was just how Manny liked it. Well, aside from the slaves that got themselves arrested for being drunk and disorderly in town, but that seemed unavoidable in any party that supplied alcohol and apparently more substances than that. Considering Manny found himself pretty sober by the end of the night he volunteered to check on the slaves that returned to the Undercroft late in the night... or early in the morning at this point. Either way, it was still dark and ever since becoming half daeva he thrived in these hours before the sun rose.
He hadn't seen Adrasia in his headcount of all the slaves turning in. Something gnawed at his gut at that, something in the back of his mind tried to worry until he remembered perhaps he'd been rented by someone for the evening. He quickly checked the rental logs and breathed a sigh of relief seeing him under the Belgian councilman's name. Was it ridiculous for him to even be concerned when he bet Adrasia could easily handle himself? Maybe, maybe not. Krovs Castle really was the worst of the worst here and all the slaves were kept powerless so they couldn't fight back. Or they at least had less of a chance of winning any fight any slave was stupid enough to try. Adrasia seemed wise enough to pick his battles, Manny hoped.
He'd settled in at the guard checkpoint since the few rented slaves would be returning this evening. Adrasia one of them, the shifter's head raising mid-yawn when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hey," he greeted Adrasia with a tired smile. It'd been a long night and even it showed on the slave, Manny's smile fading somewhat while his brows furrowed slightly. "Everything okay?"
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nottheangel-raphael · 6 months ago
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How Raph Sees Adrasia
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familiar-finn · 2 months ago
Finn probably should've canceled his plans with Adrasia this evening. In fact, he considered it the moment he saw what Gareth picked out for him to wear –– more pink lingerie as part of his punishment. Didn't feel very fair to Finn that he was getting punished for something he didn't even remember doing, but what could he do? And yet as much as he thought about calling or texting Adrasia for a raincheck, who knew how long this might go on for and Finn had no intention of hiding out until Gareth got bored of these outfits again. There were a lot worse states Adrasia could see him in than decked out in sheer pink from head to feet. He'd already seen the start of this shit on Halloween and Christmas anyway. This time, he at least had the decency to give his friend a little notice that he was in some slight trouble with Gareth so it wouldn't be a completely shocking sight... maybe.
He'd already started prepping and cooking the other's requested meal, a couple pots and pans on the stove in the kitchen. It'd been a minute since he went Mexican, though he had no complaints on spicy food. Hearing Adrasia at the door, Finn folded and tightly tied his robe closed around himself as he walked through the house to answer it, ensuring he was as covered as he could be by the time he opened the door. "I'd say 'don't start' but I think it's a little too bright and impossible to ignore, isn't it?" he sighed. He backed away from the door so that the other slave could get out of the cold and into the warmed house. "Look, this probably isn't the worst situation you've seen me in." Best to get it out of the way and then move off it for the rest of the night.
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councillor-roland · 7 months ago
closed starter for @adrasian
What had it been now, two weeks? A little more? It felt closer to three but then it also felt like an eternity since last he'd seen or held Rhys. The angry episodes were fewer and further between now, the rage mostly having spent itself and now there was just...emptiness. It wasn't numbness, not quite, that might have been welcomed. Instead it was like he existed in a sort of void where colours, sounds, sensations, everything was dulled. He had little motivation to do much of anything, though he was mechanically doing his job, making sure thing still ran, even if he took work calls with video turned off sitting in a robe at his desk. There were still meetings to attend and he dressed himself impeccably with far more effort than it should've taken. Roland felt weighted down, the sadness, the loneliness, and the longing seemed to have some sort of anchor in his chest that kept him pinned. Often times he found himself at the piano and there was a little brightness there, he still played with passion, he couldn't not. More often, though, he sat on one of the couches and put records on, smoking endless cigarettes and just listening to the music. He felt dulled and yet at the same time there were still sharp edges to the emotions if he got too close to them.
The suite was more in disarray than it had been as well. Normally, Roland kept everything tidy, or at least made sure to let the staff in to do their regular cleaning but no one had been allowed in his suite for some time outside of invitation. There were still shards of glass on the floor from where he'd thrown drinking glasses against the wall, broken pieces of porcelain, a scratched and blood stained couch that he'd at least pushed back into a corner but he hadn't cared to have it cleaned yet, if it could even be salvaged. Roland would probably just get rid of it. Overflowing ashtrays littered the surface of several tables beside dirty wine glasses. One of the things that helped, or sort of helped, was having the slaves come up as distractions. Even then, Roland was different with them, much less teasing, confident and playful than usual, just quieter, a little more needy and desperate. It disconcerted some to the point where they didn't even have sex, their behaviour influenced by his mood enough to turn Roland off and send them away though that was rare. He fed, if nothing else, even if he didn't end up sleeping with them, that was something. Still, he even had fewer slaves to his suite than he used to and hadn't been down to the Undercroft himself to pick them, having them sent up instead.
Tonight was one such night. Part of the distraction of having the slaves here was a kind of pretend companionship that helped ease the loneliness a little. The slaves that did stay, that he took to bed, Roland ended up keeping for some time afterwards just to hold them, just to be close. Adrasia hadn't allowed that last time but Roland wouldn't give him much choice tonight. Rather than wait at the door, he waited in his bedroom, clad in a robe, having told the guards to escort the celestial right to the bedroom and then leave. They'd just done that and were gone, the celestial standing before him as Roland looked at him, hands in his pockets, probably looking as dull as he felt but he forced a small smile anyway. "Hello." It was quiet, already a contrast to how he'd greeted Adrasia the last couple times he'd been in the suite. "It seemed easier to bring you straight here."
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kresnikxkaden · 4 months ago
"I could say the same," Kaden said, smiling warmly with a touch of sorrow touching his eyes as he saw the guard on duty shepherding the slaves back inside. "You make it sound like he's been tortured when I guarantee he loves it," the kresnik laughed. He stood back up, extending a hand towards the older celestial. "It was a pleasure meetin' you, Adrasia, I reckon we'll see each other again soon."
"You must be used to this sort of conversation," Adrasia said quietly, "Overeager prisoners, chomping at the bit for justice. I know how the young ones can be," There was a melancholy affection in those words, "I have had to give this kind of talk myself before. You're only hoping not to see anyone get hurt more than they have to."
He did smile to watch Kaden with his hound, though it was a muted thing, clearly still lingering on their conversation in his mind. "Perhaps I should release the both of you then," The celestial murmured, smiling just a little wider as Ares shut his eyes in clear enjoyment of his master's touch, "Allow the poor creature a bit of respite. There are two of us throwing, after all, and only one of him to catch." Kaden seemed so able to move from the darker subjects to the light -- borne of experience, surely... or at least a simple desire to not linger in painful things.
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