#para: ezra
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thelizaxevans · 8 months ago
closed - @ezraxdeo
where - neptune
Liza tried to always bring baked good for the Neptune staff at least once a week, and today was no different. While Elise was with James in his office, Liza made her way into the kitchen, things not too busy at the moment since it was early afternoon and the dinner rush hadn't kicked in yet. Spotting Ezra, Liza headed over with a grin and held out the bakery box towards him, "Can I tempt you with anything today, Mister Deo?"
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madmadder · 2 years ago
Time for another para post ahahaaaaa
TW: noncon, shitty family, gender crisis 24/7, mean people of all kinds
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(Not a big fan of this drawing but it does sum em up pretty well)
Here's another one I like better:
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So. This is Kit Twenty. They're the cutest puppy aaaa
They're nonbinary and attracted to men. American and French nationalities. They were born on February 2nd 2003- waIT THEY'RE 20 YO??? THAT CANNOT BE RIGHT goddammit they grow up so fast djwjjdjd
Life story: they thought they were a trans girl as a kid and then discovered the term nonbinary and went. Oh yeah. Fun fact: they're glad they don't have breasts because they don't have to wear binders hehee
Their twin brother, Ezra, is very supportive and these two are like. Best friends ever. And Ezra is desperately straight and cis. I know right.
Trauma time *cracks knuckles*
Their parents always worked so much eventually the twins had to move in with their grandparents. They haven't seen their parents since they were lil kids. (Actually their parents are evil scientists and it's a matter of days or weeks before they meet again. I love my paracosm)
The old guys aren't very open about the whole LGBTQIA+ thingy so Kit hid their absence of gender (I'm such a poet right), but that one morning their grandpa saw them wearing a skirt and then became SUPER creepy. And then. You know. Yeah. Exactly what you have in mind.
Kit is now living with FANTASTIC people and they're slowly starting to enjoy life again ❤️ They have a boyfriend who's like ''oh you have no gender? But I'm gay. Uuuh. Yeah that works''
(Their boyfriend is a demon. Pls don't ask. Or do 👀)
Anyway they speak English and also French. Which is hot. Like me. And uhhhhhhh they used to be heavily bullied because they were ''the weird boy wearing skirts'' but it's getting better. For now. I can't give up on trauma that easily!
Mmm I don't think I've forgotten anything? Anyway that's the most important stuff to know. Here's that doodle again cause really aaaawwww
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From left to right: Eddie, Kit, Ezra, Gabi (Eddie and Gabi are not my paras but. I love em)
Anyway I'm done now byebye
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critterkiddo · 5 months ago
Its very interesting to see a new wave of tumblr users go out of their way to defend Ezra, claiming he was a victim of callout culture against trans women.
(Ezra is not in fact a trans woman.)
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"he didn't do shit that deserved that." Hm. Let's see.
Here is Ezra celebrating a pedophile exposing genitals to children.
Here is Ezra gaslighting a victim of CSAM, saying it was their fault.
Here is a moderator of Oddballs, appointed by Ezra himself and even a friend, getting caught grooming 3 children for CSAM.
These are just to name a few things that Ezra has done, along with y'know.
Creating a site that gives (pro contact) pedophiles direct access to children.
But sure. He "didn't do shit".
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millerbrick · 1 year ago
"You're right, I don't." It didn't matter to him who either of them was. It didn't matter which was the crazier of the two. It only mattered to them if they could work together. Ezra seemed to have the focus and the ambition, which was a good start, as long as he didn't let some childish feud distract him from what he wanted. "Are you up to calling a truce and temporarily setting aside--" Miller gestured towards the two doors "--whatever this is? Because you didn't outright say no, which I think means you believe she could be useful to you in some way."
"You don't know how insane that girl is" Ezra commented, although he knew Miller was probably right, she might be his crazy ex, but she wasn't stupid, she wouldn't dampen her chances. "I wouldn't say so, but you can check with her, I'm up for anything that'll get me the win"
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ezra-51 · 1 month ago
Recuerden que pueden dejar sus peticiones si quieren(❀╹◡╹)
Ahora sí!
Título: Tickle ObaMitsu: kisses and Tickles
Sipnosis: Sola-mente una escena corta y "romántica" sobre Mitsuri e Iguro donde por accidente sucede un giro al momento. Espero y les guste≧◉◡◉≦
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Una noche
Iguro y Kanroji estaban a solas en una habitación de la finca de kanroji, besándose con amor y cariño. Mientras ocurría este beso, Mitsuri se fue más hacia adelante, haciendo que Iguro fuera hacia atra hasta recostarse en la pared con sus piernas apoyadas en el piso (llevaban su ropa de cazadores, a ecepción de sus haoris)
Iguro estaba mas rojo que una rosa🌹🌺, no podía creer porque no logró hacer esto con kanroji antes, incluso Kanroji le quitó las vendas de su boca para poder besarlo, Iguro no sabría que hacer despues de terminar esta escena pero por el momento lo estaba pasando bien, y se notaba que Mitsuri estaba igual
Mientras el beso seguía lenta-mente, Mitsuri sin pensarlo del todo bien, bajó sus manos al pecho de iguro, lo que hizo que Iguro se sobresaltara de sorpresa ya que ambos tenían los ojos cerrados. Poco a poco el beso fue haciéndose más lento hasta que se dejaron de besar, mientras Mitsuri con un leve sonroje iba desabrochando cuidadosamente los botones de iguro, mostrando leve-mente su pecho, lo que hizo que Iguro se pusiera bastante nervioso
Mitsuri puso sus manos bajo la ropa de iguro tocando "respetuosa-mente" su pecho y piel desnuda (Tranquilos, no voy a ir tan lejos xd)
Ante esta acción de Mitsuri, Iguro solo le creció el rubor y tensó sus labios leve-mente. Mitsuri movió sus manos lenta-mente hasta los costados de Iguro y los acarició con suavidad, sin hacerle daño, mientras Iguro se mordía el labio intentando que no se le salga un ruido
Kanroji se quedó ahí, tocando suavemente los costados de Iguro con suavidad pasando sus dedos y uñas lenta-mente mientras le daba un beso lento en el pecho.
Iguro, al sentir el contacto de las uñas y sus labios en el pecho desnudo, no pudo evitar soltar una carcajada monosílaba, lo que sorprendió a Mitsuri haciendo que alce su cabeza leve-mente para mirar a Iguro, quién estaba con una mano en la boca, ojos entrecerrados y el ceño fruncido
—¿Qué sucede?¿Qué es tan gracioso?—Preguntó Mitsuri amablemente con duda y sorpresa en su rostro y ojos
—Y-yo? N-no, no es nada—Respondió Obanai en brazos cruzados con un sonroje en sus mejillas, avergonzado y nervioso ante esta escena—Solo....
—¿"Solo" qué?—Preguntó Mitsuri, un poco estresada por el corte en la frase de Iguro
—M-me estás-s haciendo cosquillas—Respondió Iguro evitando el contacto visual. Casi contemplando agarrar su katana y cortar su propia cabeza.
No quería que Mitsuri aprovechara su sensibilidad y deseó lo mejor, pero se preparó para lo peor. Cubriendo su cara rosada con sus 2 manos. Lo único que él quería es no arruinar el momento y pasar a otro... Solo no estaba preparado.
Mitsuri sonrió de ternura al ver que iguro se tapaba la cara con sus manos. Su más honesta reacción fue incorporarse, acomodándose en frente de Iguro para acercar su rostro al de Obanai
—¿Por qué te asustas por admitir eso Iguro?—Preguntó Mitsuri con una sonrisa honesta antes de darle repetidos besos en la parte superior de ambas manos de iguro, manos las cuáles estaban tapando el rostro de iguro pero con la parte superior expuesta
—Me hahace cosquihillahahas— Dijo Iguro todavía manteniendo sus manos quietas pero temblando en su rostro, evitando mostrar su cara
Después de unos repetidos besos, Mitsuri usó sus manos para ponerlas nuevamente bajó la ropa de Iguro, dirigiéndose a su espalda para ahí, mover sus dedos rozando sus uñas por la espalda de Iguro. Haciéndolo chillar levemente para después reir entre dientes intentando NO soltar sonidos peores
—Kichi kichi cuu~ jajaja!!—Decía Mitsuri con voz aguda y tono alegre.
Ante el tono de voz de Kanroji, Iguro no pudo evitar reirse más fuerte debido a los nervios. De pronto Kanroji hizo una pequeña pero repentina pedorreta en su estómago aún sin parar sus manos.
Iguro Empezó a hacer bufidos y gimoteos mezclados con risas vergonzosas y divertidas mientras agitaba su cabeza inconsciente-mente, sus piernas pateaban pataleaban muy suavemente mientras el resto del cuerpo se retorcía y temblaba, aún sin quitar las manos de su cara.
Iguro terminó llegando a un estado de ánimo y control donde ni siquiera él se podía controlar física y emocional-mente. No se imaginaba cómo iba a ser esa experiencia con y en frente de Kanroji, pero por lo menos no le criticó y no lo intentó avergonzar.
Siguieron así unos segundos hasta que de la nada se escuchó unos pasos que parecían venir de la finca en la que ellos estaban. Ambos reaccionaron con susto y rápida-mente se acomodaron. Iguro se abrochó el uniforme, y ambos se acostaron boca arriba en los tatamis para fingir que estaban durmiendo, riéndose silenciosa-mente
Cuando estubieron un rato así acostados no había nadie pasando a su habitación, probablemente era su imaginación o alguien pasó en frente de su puerta sin abrirla
—Uff jajaja!! Pensé que iba a entrar quién sea que estaba pasando por ahí. Jajaja!!— Mencionó Mitsuri acostada de lado mirando a Iguro quién estaba acostado de lado al igual que ella, todavía con un sonroje en su rostro
—Si!! Es cierto jeje...... Me voy a poner mis vendas—Respondió Iguro mientras se las volvía a colocar para cubrir su boca
—¿Quieres que te ayud-
—NO!!! O sea, no, estoy bien. Puedo hacerlo solo—
—Estabien Iguro-san—Dijo Kanroji mientras se acostaba boca arriba de nuevo en el tatami, viendo al techo apunto de dormirse
Iguro se volteó a espalda de Mitsuri, nervioso y ansioso por lo que acaba de pasar
<<Al otro día>>
Estaba Iguro caminando con la vista hacia abajo y los brazos cruzados, completamente serio y relajado
—AHI ESTÁS!!—Gritó una voz pesada, a la vez que sonaban unos paso fuertes y pesados al igual que la voz
Iguro levantó la mirada y vió que era su amigo Shinazugawa, quién al parecer estaba enojado (como todos los días)
—AYER TE ESTUBE BUSCANDO POR TU FINCA, CUANDO ENTRÉ NO APARECISTE EN NINGÚN LADO!!! DÓNDE ESTABAS METIDO??!!!—Preguntó Sanemi en frente de Iguro prohibiendo el paso, con sus manos empuñadas con fuerza
En ese justo momento que Shinazugawa le dice a Iguro que lo buscó en su finca se acordó de todo. Se quedó en la finca de Kanroji y no se fue a la suya. Esto sobresaltó a iguro haciendo que abra los ojos poniéndolos como platos
—Estaba en una misión, tuviste que haberlo esperado!!—Respondió Iguro rápidamente para que Sanemi no sospechara nada, volteando su cabeza fingiendo neutralidad
Obanai se pasó las manos con cuidado por su cabello, acomodándoselo. Mientras Iguro hacía esto, Sanemi notó unas marcas brillantes y húmedas en forma de "óvalo" en la parte superior de sus manos. Inmediatamente vió esto, agarró repentinamente las manos de Obanai para verlas más de cerca
—....... Y estas marcas de que son?!!!!—Preguntaba Sanemi esta vez en un tono de voz mas bajo mientras le pasa su mano por encima de una de las de Iguro, quitando bruscamente la "sustancia" en sus manos. La sustancia era sedosa y aceitosa COMO SI FUERA UN BRILLO LABIAL
En ese momento Iguro se acordó de otra cosa, recordó que Mitsuri le dió besos en sus manos con intención de hacerle cosquillas. Inmediatamente se acordó de esto retiró sus manos de las de Sanemi
—T-tubo que haber sido que me sudaron las manos.... Tu sabes, de agarrar tanto tiempo la katana— Respondió improvisada-mente de nuevo ante la pregunta de Sanemi
—...... Estabien, te voy a creer....—Dijo Sanemi neutralmente mientras ponías sus puños en su cadera mientras se iba caminando a espaldas de Iguro—Me entero de que fue otra cosa peor... Y ¡pobre de tí!—
Se fue caminando, dejando a Iguro metido en un trance mientras veía inconscientemente al frente
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@aletickling-plus20 @daisyblossoms @mauvalencia
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ezra-trait · 11 months ago
today on music recs none cares about MWAH
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thrwsaby · 8 months ago
hi, good night ! take this ezra with you :]
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(there's a little rambling under the "read more" / "seguir leyendo")
so uh, look. i'm more a lurker than an active person on fandoms (mainly for being shaming on my likes since i was young)
when i started to reading dincobb fanfics, back in 2022, soon i ended finding the adjacent tag and i consume everything on there on between two or three days - and i tell you all this because this piece here, lets say that is my interpretation of how ezra would look like if he was on deadwood (also to take on count: i've only watched fragments of deadwood bc whenever it occurs to me to watch it is when i'm the most busy than never sjsjs, so yeah, maybe the clothing could be not exact to the one they wore)
oh. also he looks like a prócer. so that adds extra points for me to love this
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littlcfreaks-archive · 11 months ago
@ac1num sent 🎁 for a spotify wrapped starter: kiwi - harry styles
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since the first time he had seen her from across the room in a crowded bar - he had been completely enamored. ezra always either fell hard, right away, or not at all and this was definitely a case of his inability to actually control the way he felt. he spent days thinking that he would go crazy if he never got the chance to see her again and now - she was sitting next to him at the same bar - he was certain that he was losing it, but well, he was kind of into it. he tried to keep his expression stony, showing as little emotion as he could as he looked up at her, searching for a hint of a connection, "can i buy you a drink, love?"
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ezraxmp · 1 year ago
The Weight of Darkness | Self-para + poem
As the days got darker, so did Ezra's thoughts. The nights were cold, their heart colder.
The poet had tried. Really tried to be a functioning member of society. For months, they've gone to university. They even have a job. Suppressing the demons' whispers of doubt and distress. They have tried.
The whispers became shouts, unable to be drawn out. Panic attacks were almost a daily occurrence, and the demigod was tired; the voices won.
As Halloween approached, the demigod had ultimately stopped leaving their apartment. They were excited for the holiday; they even had their costume ready. Halloween was the only night the Egyptian demigod was allowed to dress without expectation. They were allowed to be. But their mind had grown too heavy for the young enby to get out of bed. So they didn't.
Why be, if you could simply not.
Ezra's room had become one with the shadows. The curtains drawn, shutting out the world. They lay there, wrapped in their thoughts, haunted by the relentless parade of despair that seemed to march endlessly through their mind.
Their heart felt like a lead weight in their chest, the world outside growing dimmer with each passing day. It was as if the demons had built thick walls around them, cutting them off from the world.
The outside world beckoned, offering a chance to be free, to celebrate the holiday in all its vibrant, chaotic glory. But Ezra couldn't muster the strength to answer the call. Instead, they lay in the quiet darkness of their room, waiting for the whispers to subside, for the storm to pass.
In the stillness of the room, the demigod fought with their own thoughts, trying to find a glimmer of hope, a reason to step out of the shadows and back into the world. But for now, they simply existed, in the fragile space between being and not being, waiting for the weight to lift, even if just for a moment.
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Death would've been easier then whatever life this is For in death I won't feel the agony of existence the suffering of the soul the heartbreak, the trauma, the regret Death would've been easier for in death I will not feel
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thefulcrumfiles · 2 years ago
Perdoneme por ser nerd
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iguanadonis · 3 months ago
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renaissance poses from the Paralympics this summer... televise para sports forever !!!
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punk-jules · 7 months ago
lpm que olor a INDIE
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madmadder · 2 years ago
Chibi paras
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From left to right: Eddie, Kit, Ezra, Gabi
Featuring two of my paras, Eddie and Gabi belong to @julius-caesar31
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critterkiddo · 3 months ago
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we popping big bottles today!
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callistomeadowforge · 1 year ago
Her panic receded a fraction, eclipsed by irritation. She knew that Cain had warned her off Ezra for a reason, knew that he could and might very well kill her in spite of claiming to be on a break--whatever that meant, and knew that she shouldn't provoke him. That did nothing to temper down her annoyance, brought out by the smugness in his taunts. "You know what, that's not a bad idea," Calli yelled. She climbed up higher until she managed to wrestle a coconut from the top of the tree. Then she aimed, hurling the coconut down at Ezra.
He laughed at her empty threat, literally. If she wasn't Cress' sister, he'd have gone up and pushed her off just because she'd been so pathetic, but again, Cress was in his way, even when she wasn't.
"Don't worry, I'm on a break" he hummed, biting into another fruit, this time it was sweet, so he munched around the pip, hoping there was some nutrition in all the sweetness he'd just devoured. "What's your plan up there? Spit on people? Shout at them to death? You would want to get a different strategy together, or you'll be dead before it's dark"
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geekpopnews · 8 months ago
Tramas Misteriosas: Filmes inspirados em livros de suspense
Conheça alguns filmes que foram inspirados em livros de suspense! #livros #suspense
Cinema e literatura formam uma receita de muito sucesso. Diversas adaptações são apresentadas para diversas gerações de livros de suspense, dos mais atuais aos clássicos. Indicado ao Oscar, Pobres Criaturas é uma adaptação do livro do autor Alasdair Gray. O filme que redeu o Oscar de melhor atriz à Emma Stone, não é a única adaptação. Existe uma lista de filmes inspirados em livros de autores…
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