#para: don't be suspicious
kalims · 1 year
the package deal
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summary. random scenarios I think about daily
content. scenarios, fluff, not proofread
featuring. jamil, ace, floyd, gender neutral
note. @merotwst hello beh para ito sayo 🥺 SORY ITS VERY LATE I GOT BUSY
scenarios are by order of the names ^^ & double post as an apology for inactive-ness LOL
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your personal basketball shield
"what in the great seven are you doing?"
"I'm doing nothing, I'm completely innocent." you nervously reply before adding; "and I'm um... a student from room C."
well the first part made you look suspicious now.
but the second part is a lie though.
you in fact, are not a student from room C. you purposely left out mentioning what year you were in all together in favor of hopefully, having your identity still anonymous the remainder you'd still be inside the court.
speaking of. you aren't even supposed to be here right now.
the student eyes you weirdly, and you refrain from sweating bullets under their gaze.
for your own sake you just ignore them and focus on the court, your eyes immediately zeroes on the seemingly tight block (attempt at this point) at floyd, but he doesn't have any problem getting past them at all. you blink and he had already slammed the ball in and hung off the net like he's trying to play monkey bars.
to be fair your getup is immensely out of place, you're wearing all black, the hood is over your head and you're wearing shades which wouldn't have been strange if you hadn't wore it indoors. a black jacket to match when it's 36 degrees outside? yeah right.
in all honesty you're trying to gaslight yourself that you're just here to show support for one of your friends but you hadn't spared a wink of a gaze in ace's direction ever since you had entered.
instead you're staring at an empty spot at the bench, usually occupied by a certain someone you know. yet it isn't, you're just staring in hopes that he'll magically appear out of thin air and leave you something to stare at.
you're a mixture of confusion, and disappointment. this isn't very independent boss of me. you sweatdrop, pining over a boy... was not part of your plan.
maybe getting hit by a basketball flying off court and miraculously in your direction wasn't too but thankfully before you could screech bloody hell and break your nose, a palm reaches out and literally slaps the ball away casually?
you peek out your arm and peek up at jamil who doesn't even look at you and stares in the direction of which where the ball had come from with unblinking eyes (it seemed kind of intense but you don't want to question it.) he's wearing his signature club wear, his water bottle present in his other hand and a towel over his shoulder. the slightly dampened fringes that frame his face tells you that he had gone to wash up.
"you should be aware of your surroundings." he chides.
and he finally looks at you, you swear you just exploded.
you don't have it in yourself to reply to the echo of an apology from the court but is only able to stare dumbly at jamil who stares back.
... this is awkward.
"thanks..." you trail off, flabbergasted and warm as hell. maybe you shouldn't have used a jacket? maybe it was the weather? definitely!
before you know it, he stalks off with a tilt of his head and you believe you're being delusional again when he keeps looking in your direction whenever he scores like... it's for you.
covering the edges of a table
"I can't believe you spend time with trey."
unsurprisingly there's a deadpan directed to ace, not from deuce, riddle, nor cater but from you. sure he's just teensy tiny little bit bothered because well, it's not like he considered those other people romantically and there's been a silent promise to himself to prove that he is in fact; not as dumb as you think he is when you look at him like that.
usually when 'that' comes into mind ace would have imagined it to be a look he gives you daily, like you're sure he's the biggest idiot of the world but he's your idiot. he definitely does not want to get into detail but it's those looks people in love give which he used to cringe about.
ironically enough he's one of the subjects daydreaming about it.
you get him? he wanted that look not this one.
ace throws up his arms in the air with a deep sigh. "I live with him but that doesn't magically make me good in cooking, plus... trey bakes!" he rolls his eyes, speaking with a matter-of-factly tone.
you squint at him.
"have you not tasted trey's homemade dishes for dinner? those are to die for."
"no I haven't." he snaps.
"to think you even have the resident cook of scarabia mentoring you..." you continue, dodging a spatula that was thrown at your head. you frown at him in mock disappointment. "now now, you really wanna get charged for assault?"
from across the counter ace gives you the forbidden triple fuck you fingers. there's a silly pink apron he wears because you stole the only one which doesn't give his eyes a seizure, a red one. red looks good on you, he thinks but then his eye twitches.
when he had invited you over most of the second and third years had gone out for a camp, right now the first years are rejoicing the absence of their strict dorm leader and cooped up themselves in their respective rooms, eating every single junk food in the rules.
so that meant no one was really willing to cook, even ace wanted take out but you gracefully intervened.
to be fair you were hungry and the food would arrive at like 2 hours with how much ordering the residents had done.
"I think it's ready." he scratches his head, looking more unsure than you.
"you think?"
just then the timer beeps.
"how hard is it to make curry..." you shake your head, grabbing a set of utensils... to use, somehow.. even you aren't that experienced because all crowley does is send you microwavable food from the convenience stores and only the pizza was decent enough to call nice.
his brow creases. "not that hard."
"do it then."
ace just stares at you, leans over and slaps you over the head. while you've been a victim of many of these, you didn't expect him to literally lean over the counter to do that. "assault." you comment dryly, you curse under your breath when it goes flying under the table.
"it's your word over mine." he shrugs. blinking when you crouch. "what are you doing?"
"I dropped them because of your criminal ass." you roll your eyes, reaching over to grab the scattered utensils all over the floor, great. now you have to wash them too.
only when you realize that there was a possibility of hitting your head (which by the way, was never a fun experience. you're sure there's a carved up line from how many times you've hit it on your head.) when your head indeed bumps, but it's not exactly the hard surface that sends a jolt of sharp pain up your head.
instead there is a soft cushion. it ruffles your hair a bit and you're immensely confused.
you immediately look up when you stand up, unharmed but ace is just looking away from you. stirring the... pot which is weird cause there hasn't been any seasonings put in it.
you shrug.
missing the red ears.
getting hit by a ball to his face but he pretends it doesn't hurt because you're there
you're surprised that basketball even exists in this world when they apparently can't tell the difference between magishift and football, you're practically itching to slap someone when you explain the similarities between the two and they still have the audacity to deadpan at you like they're the most different things to ever exist!
namely, some idiot named ace trappola.
maybe leona too since he was giving you a stinky side eye but you don't want to get slapped back too.
what you appreciate though is floyd, you can't tell if he's just a big, strong ball of idiocy or the smartest person between all the people listening cause he seemed to be the only one interested in what you were saying.
and he even agreed that they were similar! albeit even if his usual manners are confusing floyd isn't that much of a guy that agrees with people a lot so it's a shocker.
and you're confused why he seems to be so attached to you. the tweels are almost always together, where one is, always is the other trailing along. so you're a little concerned because you can't take the presence of the resident friendly terrorists of the schools.
floyd was always following you around till he just wordlessly shoves a flyer of a game that's about to occur in his club, a wide grin on his face as he boasts about how he's on the starting line up and 'going to crush the other team.' literally or figuratively? you don't know but.. probably both.
basically he wanted you to watch so here you are.
not to exaggerate or anything but he is indeed, crushing the other team. a whooping 17 point lead between them, of course NRC leading. you'd be more confused if they weren't the one in first if they have floyd. (who apparently attends practice like one time a week but just enough to stay at the club...)
not to mention before it even started floyd had mentioned something along the lines of decimating the other team for your name. which is floating around the borderline of romantic and insanity.
for your delusions you will believe it romantic.
you're torn if you should cheer for the team, cause you know. you are technically part of NRC so it's natural but you know floyd would get all pouty, in a bad mood so you hesitate. vice versa because if you cheer for floyd you're gonna get weird looks cause so far, he's been doing selfish plays, not passing but scoring.
well this is the least villainous thing a student from a school that worships villians can do...
floyd is playing well, you would not like to admit that you're staring because he looks a little too good in that uniform... sweaty, pushing his hair back with a grin as he glowers at his opponents and sends them into peeing their pants. it works though cause they almost always hesitate when floyd is the one they're up against.
just wow.
you're just 100% sure you're watching a basketball god who would ascend to a higher life form if he wasn't so lazy till there's an abrupt silence that definitely isn't normal.
thankfully you catch the sight of a ball being... shoved to floyd's face like a dunk? should you really be thankful to witness that.
and for once entirety of the room agreed on one thing for that person. rest in piece.
floyd rubs his face and narrows his eyes, it almost looked like he was about to tear up but you swear he looked at you and immediately forced a wobbly grin, closing his eyes so the tears wouldn't fall and opens them to stare at the poor guy intensely.
in the distance you could hear a vague chuckle of jade.
"you don't know where to dunk, lil' guy?" floyd flashes them a sharp toothed grin, ironically you witness their soul leaving their body at the sheer intensity he excludes. most held their breaths cause they're sure that he would have started quietly threatening them but... there's no threats.
almost like he's holding back to act unfazed?
the 'lil guy' gulps and can't even muster up an answer.
floyd smiles at him. "I'll show you."
before the game ended that player left with a red round stain on their face, clear evidence of floyd's 'accidental payback.'
... now he's asking if you've seen how he's carried the team.
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alexiabae · 1 year
KIND¹; lia wälti x fem!reader
Summary: during a match between switzerland vs spain, lia was involved in y/n's injury.
Warnings: mention of blood, injury, hit on the head, fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
"We can!" Irene shouts in the changing room before they all get out of it and go to the tunnel to wait.
This was the captain's job, but since the last encounter that it passed to other hands, even if she didn't wear the band. It doesn't matter anymore. The real captains would show it with it or without it, and Irene is the proof of it. Of course Irene gave them a speech after Ivana's, not despising the function that the coach gave her.
They all embrace one another and give some encouragement before they put a foot out from the changing room, leading it Ivana.
Y/N waited between Tere and Aitana. She brushed her braided hair, nervously biting her bottom lip.
"Stop it, you would mess it up." Aitana muttered, putting off Y/N's own hands from her hair.
Y/N turned to look at her. "It is our last chance." She confesses her worries.
Aitana smiled gently. "I know. And we give everything. You know that last game isn't all our fault. It's too from the coach side. So don't blame it on you, show them what you're capable of. Even if some of them know about it." Aitana winked, reassuring her friend and teammate. They are from the same age, they always played for the same team and they always played in the national team, youth and senior. Aitana knows everything about Y/N and Y/N knows everything about Aitana.
Y/N nodded, grabbing a hand with hers and turned to look in front again, meeting Tere's back. She saw how the other national team came out, concentration written on their faces. She gets scared when saw Ana's face, she knows that face. It was like if the blonde read her mind that when saw her, she gave her one of her soft smiles, raising a hand and waving it in the air. The midfielder does it too, but with a lipped smile.
Some of her teammates greet her too. Alexia and Jenni were the ones near her and started a little conversation, including a hug.
"Nos vamos para casa, Aitana." Y/N leaned briefly to Aitana and muttered only to her to hear.
"Cállate." The Catalan hissed, rolling her eyes. They still have their hands intertwined.
Y/N tried to focus on Aitana's hand and look away, avoiding the rival team. Some chats were heard between all of them, until the referee indicates that it was time to go outside. Y/N let out Aitana's hand and walked behind Tere. Once they are in the center of the pitch, they put themselves horizontally, waiting for the anthems to sound.
"You look pale, are you okay?" Alexia asked her while they waited for Ivana to do the captain's things.
Y/N nods, hugging her. "Sip. No need to worry." She lied to her, not wanting to disturb the concentration for her fault.
Alexia looked at her suspiciously, but remained quiet. She patted her shoulder and ran to her position, Y/N following behind, receiving a wink from Aitana since she is to her side.
She finds Ana's gaze again, who is right now in front of her. "Hey, you missed me?" Ana smirked.
It relaxes a little Y/N's nerves. "Right now no. Ask me another day." The blonde snorted by her comment.
They remained quiet and heard the count down, Spain put in movement the ball. Y/N received the ball and she passed it to Irene. The minutes passed and the possession was for Spain, like they always control the ball and Switzerland has two times the chance to score. It was a corner that almost changed the result, coming again from the Swiss part.
"You need to wake up, Y/N!" Aitana ran towards her and tried to make her concentrate. "Forget about your expectations and play. Play like you always do." The Catalan gave some encouragement to her friend.
Alexia keeps an eye near Y/N, wondering why she is playing like that, missing easy passes or distributing the ball wrong.
"You have right, Aiti. Sorry." Y/N nodded, running with more conviction towards her position, waiting for Misa to kick the ball.
The rest of the first half, Y/N changed her style. She passed to play badly to be the one who created more chances to score. They went half time with a draw.
"I don't know what Aitana told you. But keep that way." Alexia walked by her side, bringing her left arm around Y/N's shoulders.
Y/N smiled. "Sorry about the start... My insecurities get in the way." She confesses, blushing a little.
"Well... You changed your mood. If you want to talk about it, let me know." Her friend offered, smiling with affection.
"Vale. Thanks." Y/N said, leaning briefly her head on Alexia's.
They walked towards the changing room, the coach giving some tactics for the second part, letting them five minutes before to go again towards the pitch.
Irene grabbed Y/N's shoulder and stopped her until the defender was alongside and started to walk again.
"I know what happened before. I understand why you acted that way, our coach doesn't give us hope to win. But I'm giving you it." Irene started to say, the height difference is showing a little. The Basque look down to look at Y/N with firmness. "You can do whatever you want with the ball. You have that magic. You can't let ignorant people get to your head. Play like nothing matters, like if you are a little kid again and the time doesn't matter." Y/N bites her bottom lip to hold the tears from the words that her captain gave her. Because yes, she always considers Irene, Alexia and Jenni their captains.
"Thank you." Y/N muttered, nodding with her head.
"Any time." Irene smiled, squeezing her arm.
The start of the second half was epic for Spain. They scored after five minutes to start it, thanks to Y/N that gave the assist to Salma Paralluelo. People would think that it was for a motivational speech from their coach, but the reality was very far away from that. It is thanks to the players that they scored. A new change came with the words that they exchanged between them.
It was the 70th minute when something changed again. Y/N was acting like a pivot, she is not used to playing in that position, but new changes came in the national team, so she needs to adapt. Well, it was in a counter attack from Spain, Y/N was the last player and she started running upside waiting for Ona to pass the ball to her. Y/N was in the center of the pitch when Ona passed it to her, when she was going to control the ball with her chest, there was a little hole on the pitch that made her lose some balance and make the rival player hit her on the face, with her feet.
Y/N felt and heard the sound the impact made on her left eye. She knew that it wasn't on the eye, but it hurt like it was. She let out a scream, falling to the ground while she covered her face with her hands.
For her teammates, it happened in slow motion. They saw how it was clearly on the eye, making them run towards her and towards the rival player, screaming.
Ana runs quickly to put herself in the middle. "Hey! She didn't do that on purpose." She tried to explain at them to understand, holding Alexia and Aitana. The blonde looked briefly to her friend, seeing how affected she is.
"I don't care!" Aitana roared. She was the first one to go to where Y/N was laying, pushing Lia aside aggressively when the Swiss tried to see how Y/N is.
Alexia was biting her lip so hard to retain what she was thinking that surely soon she made a cut. So she decided to go where Y/N is laying surrounded by her teammates.
Lia saw how the medic team from Spain came quickly and moved out all the players, seeing how they reincorporated Y/N up. A lot of blood was covered on her face.
"It's not her eye." Ana told her, letting out a relief sigh. She heard the medics saying to Spain's players that it wasn't her eye.
Lia thanked whatever it is to hear that. The brunette raised her hands towards her face and let tears roll for her cheeks, feeling really bad for her actions. Ana noticed how quiet her friend was and saw how she covered her face with her hands.
"It's not your fault, Lia. It's a bad coincidence." She muttered, hugging her by her shoulders, kissing her head.
"If something more happened I would never forgive myself, Ana." Lia muttered.
Ana sighed again. "But that thing didn't happen. So, please stop overthinking." She saw how Y/N stood up, holding with a hand whatever the medics gave her. The public started to clap, making Lia look at what happened and standing up she too, tried to go where Y/N is, but Ana grabbed her wrist, shaking with her head.
"Are you okay?" Aitana asked once she stood up, wiping something on Y/N's face with affection.
"It hurts, but I'm okay." Y/N said in a hoarse voice.
"I'm going to kill her." Aitana muttered by her side.
Y/N snorted. "Shut up. Me and you know that it wasn't true. Also, it is not her fault. There is a hole here." She pointed at the spot where it was, seeing how Aitana clenched her jaw.
The others approached her, relieved sighs and heard that it wasn't a big injury. Y/N walked slowly out of the pitch, until she saw the referee going to the player who made this to her and showed a red card, earning claps from the public and some of her teammates.
The medic team took her towards the tunnel, Y/N keeping an eye on the player that was walking behind them. The Swiss received some support from the staff team and teammates before the brunette walked towards inside.
"Hey." Y/N stopped walking, turning to look at the brunette player.
Lia stopped too, caught with the guard off. "Hey..."
Y/N smiled, grimacing a little when she felt the skin tense. "Do you want to accompany me? I pass it badly with this type of thing."
Lia nodded slowly, seeing the confusion on the medics faces. Y/N extended her hand with a smile, the Swiss took it and let it guide herself by the other three people. They approached Spain's changing room and Lia let the medics do their thing. She walked where Y/N was laying and held her hand, squeezing it when saw how scared Y/N looked.
"I don't like needles." Y/N let the other know, knowing how scared her face turned on.
Lia still didn't speak, she just squeezed her hand, caressing her palm with her thumb too. She saw how her left eyebrow was inflamed when they took off the ice pack, her eyes fully close and a bruise starting to form. The Swiss swallow, already feeling more guilty when she sees the state she lets her rival.
While the medics stitched her left eyebrow, at some point happy screams were heard, letting them know that someone scored. Right now it was the last thing that Lia cares about.
"Vale. He terminado." One of them said, cutting off the thread while the other put on a bandage.
Y/N sat up while talking about some things with them, clearly Lia can't understand it because it is in their language. They give her a water bottle, offering too one to Lia before they get out of the big room, letting the two alone.
"Sorry about Aitana's behaviour. She is very protective of me." Y/N muttered, giving her a lipped smile.
Lia copied her. "I understand. I should probably do the same thing." Lia talked for the first time.
Y/N liked her voice. "Your face sounds to me..." The Spanish player said, her eyebrows knitting, once again forgetting about her new injury and hissing from pain.
The Swiss thought that she looked adorable. "I'm Lia. I play for Arsenal, we face each other two seasons ago." She explained, caressing mindlessly Y/N's hand.
Soon, Y/N's eyes brighten. "You are Ana's friend! She told me stories about you two."
Lia blushes. "I guess it is me."
"What are you doing here?" Someone else came, interrupting their conversation.
The brunette lets Y/N's hand fall and stand up, ready to go.
"Shut up, Aitana. She is here because I asked her if she can accompany me while they stitch my eyebrow." Y/N said, standing up too.
The Catalan looked at Lia suspiciously, but remained quiet. Soon, another one came, making Aitana walk to where they are standing.
Alexia frowned. "¿Qué hace ella aquí?" She asked in Spanish. She knew it was rude, but wanted an answer without the Swiss finding out.
"Y/N tiene un crush." Aitana stated, her jaw clenching. Y/N blushed, hitting Aitana's arm. She hoped that Lia didn't understand but her name and crush is enough.
The brunette blushed too, maybe she didn't fully understand what the Catalan said, but something she caught.
Alexia leaned her head aside, walking to where they are. She extended her hand towards Lia, the Swiss accepting it shyly. "Next time be more careful, please." The midfielder said kindly, but with a firm tone, just like her gaze.
"Alexia!" Y/N whined. The mentioned shakes Lia's hand softly and hugged Y/N carefully, giving Aitana a smug smirk.
"I don't find it funny." Aitana growled, annoyed. She was standing beside Y/N, with her arms crossed about her chest. Alexia rolled her eyes, in part understanding her, but the other she just wanted to hit her.
More of them came to see how Y/N is, frowning and giving some dirty looks at Lia.
"Irene, Jenni! Let her alone, I ask her to be with me." Y/N grabbed Lia's hand when saw how the tall women walked towards the brunette with decision. She put herself between Lia and the two women.
Jenni looked at Alexia, who was there before them and wanted an explanation.
"Se nos ha enamorado." Alexia answered, shrugging with a playful smile.
Y/N turned towards her quickly, giving with an eye a bad look, while her cheeks turned red. It makes Alexia laugh.
Irene raised an eyebrow, looking at the Swiss inquisitive. "You are Ana's Lia." She pointed out, crossing her arms. She wanted to intimidate the woman, she heard too about Ana's stories and if the blonde was right, Lia can have all the approbation from the team. Barcelona team unless.
Lia swallows, nodding. In other circumstances, she doesn't get so intimidated by someone easily, but she kicked in the face of one of Ana's friends and she looked intimidating.
"Uh? Our Ana?" Jenni asked loudly, looking for Irene to confirm it. The defender nodded. "Es guapa." Jenni winked to Y/N, earning some protest from Aitana and others and the laugh from Alexia, who was finding it funny.
"Dejadla en paz." Y/N hissed, blushing more. She tried to move with Lia to the exit, but it was impossible.
"Lia? What are you doing here?" Ana asked, confused, entering inside and walking towards all of them. She raised an eyebrow when saw Y/N and Lia holding hands. "¿Qué me he perdido?" She inquired towards her teammates.
Y/N roll her eye. "Nada." She said quickly, letting out Lia's hand, even if she soon missed her contact.
Ana looked at her, a loving smile creeping on her face. "You are good. Nothing happened to your eye?" She asked, putting both hands on Y/N's cheeks, examining her close eye, seeing a purple bruise forming around it.
"Just stitches to my eyebrow." Y/N muttered, crossing her arms like a child. The blonde Swiss chuckled and kissed her forehead carefully.
"Le gusta tu amiga." Jenni hummed, making Y/N choke with her saliva. Ana turned to look at Jenni and then at Y/N, raising once again an eyebrow. She is still holding her face with her hands.
Some chuckled was heard around them, Lia a little confused but guessing that they are making fun of Y/N, for her reaction.
Y/N moves out from Ana's hold and walks to her cubby, throwing her empty bottle at Jenni. The forward grabs it easily, laughing.
"Lia?" Ona called her. The Swiss looked at the defender, who approached her and whispered. "They are making fun of her because they think that she has a crush on you." She felt bad for Y/N and wanted to help in a way, and if Lia can help you, it was okay by her.
Ana heard what the freckled girl said and smiled. Lia opened her eyes, surprised. Not waiting for it at all. Then, she walked slowly towards Y/N, not caring anymore what they could say.
"You know...? I heard some stories about you that Ana shared with me. From her perspective you look funny and adorable. I don't know... But, do you want to take some coffee later? Maybe we can share some embarrassing stories about Ana." She said, a kind smile on her lips.
Y/N looked at her, a little in awe. "I love to. I have a lot." She muttered, agreeing with the proposal.
Lia chuckled. "Good. I have a lot too." The Swiss said, grabbing Y/N's phone from her hands and writing her number phone on it. "Here you go. I texted myself to have your number, I hope you don't mind."
Ana looked offended. "I'm going to be the topic on their first date? I mean, if it was for another thing okay, but not for embarrassing stories." She muttered, making her teammates laugh.
"Look it for the good part, you create a new couple." Jenni said, laughing.
"I still don't agree with it." Aitana said stubbornly.
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gilbirda · 6 months
New idea for Jazz x Jason, with historical soulmates, reincarnation, some magic lore around the world and full of romance. Don't know if I'm going to write it. This is long so, be patient.
Meet You In Our Next Live AU
(got inspired by the title and summary of a webtoon, but didn't read it)
So, Jason and Jazz are soulmates that have been reincarnating around the history for centuries. The first time they met they fell in love, performed a soul binding promise of marriage and every time one die they won't reincarnate til the other dies and they reincarnate together (same year or next year). But doesn't always happen on the same place, and they won't remember each other until they have 21 yo, because they performed the marriage at that age.
So over the history they have been reincarnating with different names and gender and they always remember their past lives at 21 and find each other because their souls are connected. The problem is, they don't always end together, because external circunstances, a few times because sadly one died before the other, and had to live without the other (and because what's true romantic love without some angst?). But most of the time they end up together because Love Wins! They just connect and complement each other.
A little big fact: their souls always reincarnate in places over the ley lines, which are full of soul energy, called by moder para-scientis as "ectoplasm". This is important.
And we are in the 21st century, where Jason Todd was born in the grim and over a ley line city of Gotham and Jazz Fenton was born in the not yet most haunted but over a ley line town of Amity Park.
Both grew up with their not common lives: Jason a street kid adopted by billonaire and crime fighter Bruce Wayne and Jazz with the mad scientists Dr Fenton and Dr Fenton. Both of them ignore they are soulmates.
And then Jason dies.
Now, as I explained, if one dies the other will eventually learn about their death and go on until they next life. But the thing is, when Jason is brought to Gotham, the soul energy/ectoplasm of the city attach on his body, returning him to life and forcefully putting his binded soul back. Which good. But wrong.
Because this anomaly, making Jason a death-touched man, violenty killed when he was a kid, full of angry against the world and mad because he can't understand what is wrong with his body and life (add the League of Assassins messing up his life) he feels wrong and has this attacks of rage. When he died, he remembered, and when he was reanimated, the soulbinding magic was hurt.
And so, when he's 21, he doesn't remember.
Meanwhile, Jazz is the sister of the young Ghost King. They have a fallout with their parents, so after she ended her regency over her brother's rule (because I'm a simp of Queen Regent Jazz) she went to study to a college very away from Illinois (not Gotham) and when she's 21 she remembers.
And oh, Ancients. The soulbinding is not a mental GPS but a sort of a compass. And she knows where she has to go.
Ofc, she first talks with her brother why she suddenly wants to take a sabbatical year in the middle of her studies when she was his regent in the first place was that "school is important and I don't care if you have an infinity ghostly realm, you will finish high school or so help me..." so she informs what's going on.
Danny is sceptical but he may be the Ghost King but as her little brother he can't do anything but give a mean shovel talk to her intended.
CW (who follows Jazz x Jason story like the most longest romantic telenovela ever, popcorn included) stays silent about the matter and just wish her luck. Jazz is Suspicious but doesn't say anything, and goes back to the Living World to search for her soulmate, wherever her soulbinding-gut sends her.
And that's how Jazz ends in Gotham.
Sorry for hogging this ask!
I'm setting this idea free for the taking ❤✨
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longliveblackness · 4 months
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Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett is known as the Mother of the Blues and is one of the earliest blues singers as well as one of the first generation of artists to record their work in that genre.
Though Ma Rainey sang quite a lot about men, “Prove It on Me,” according to Angela Y. Davis, “is a cultural precursor to the lesbian cultural movement of the 1970s, which began to crystallize around the performance and recording of lesbian-affirming songs."
Went out last night with a crowd of my friends,
They must've been women, 'cause I don't like no men.
Reportedly, the song refers to a 1925 incident in which Rainey was arrested for hosting an orgy at her home involving women from her chorus. Rainey also was rumored to have had a relationship with Bessie Smith, her protege. An ad for “Prove It on Me” winks at these rumors, showing Rainey mingling with women while wearing a menswear-inspired take on a woman’s suit, under the eye of a cop lurking suspiciously in the shadows.
This is remarkable not only for the openness about lesbian relationships, but the blatant nose-thumbing at law enforcement. For all the new sexual openness of the 1920s, queer sexuality was still taboo and heavily policed- even more so for Black and Brown people, and violence from law enforcement was a constant threat.
Rainey’s legacy is one of defiance, independence, larger-than-life glamor, and iconic artistry, even as her power was limited by the white, male- dominated ruthlessness of the recording industry and the confines of a similarly racist and homophobic America. Despite this, she transformed the role of women in music.
Rainey was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 for her early influences on today's music industry.
Gertrude "Ma Rainey" Pridgett es conocida como la Madre del Blues, fue una de las primeras cantantes de blues y forma parte de la primera generación de artistas en grabar su trabajo en este género.
Aunque Ma Rainey solía cantar mucho sobre hombres, “Prove It on Me”, según Angela Y. Davis, “abrió camino cultural al movimiento cultural lésbico de la década de los 70, el cual comenzó a cristalizarse en torno a la interpretación y grabación de canciones lésbico-afirmativas.”
Salí anoche con una multitud de mis amigos,
Deben haber sido mujeres, porque no me gustan los hombres.
Según se informa, la canción se refiere a un incidente de 1925 en el que Rainey fue arrestada por organizar una orgía en su casa, en la cual estaban participando mujeres de su coro. También se rumoreaba que Rainey había tenido una relación con Bessie Smith, su discípula. Un anuncio comercial de “Prove It on Me” hace un guiño a estos rumores y muestra a Rainey fraternizando con mujeres mientras usa una versión masculina de un traje de mujer, bajo la mirada de un policía que le está acechando sospechosamente desde las sombras.
Esto es destacable y no sólo por la franqueza sobre las relaciones lésbicas, sino también por la obvia crítica a las autoridades. A pesar de toda la nueva transparencia sexual de la década de 1920, la homosexualidad todavía era un tabú y estaba fuertemente vigilada (aún más para las personas negras y de color), y la violencia por parte de las fuerzas policiales era una amenaza constante.
El legado de Rainey es uno de desafío, independencia, glamour descomunal y arte icónico, incluso cuando su poder estaba limitado por la crueldad de los hombres blancos de la industria discográfica y los confines de un país (Estados Unidos) igualmente racista y homofóbico. A pesar de ello, transformó el rol de la mujer en la industria musical.
Rainey fue incluida póstumamente en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1990 por sus influencias en la industria musical actual.
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colorfulpaintspills · 1 month
⌜ ⌝ ılı.lıllılı.ıllı. ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ; [ bounce (i just wanna dance) ] 0:00 ·—————— -1:47 ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
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[Art by naraya_uwuart on Twitter/X, dailyinkk on Tumblr and Dandygameing on Pinterest<3]
Divine ✦ | Cross ♡ | Astro ★
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he/they + star. (mr., king, sir, queen <as a joke)
unlabeled. pan. taken.
nonhuman shapeshifter. often a cat.
cross/ink/astro/moondrop kinnie.
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undertale/ut aus.
dandy's world.
lego monkie kid.
old internet lore/viruses.
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self proclaimed anti-shippers. (anyone who proudly calls themselves an anti-shipper is already very suspicious in my eyes)
nsfw accounts.
toxic shippers. (people who turn perfectly normal ships into something toxic)
dreammare/marenight/nightdream/swadmare shippers.
incest/fontcest shippers.
maps/yaps, map/yap defenders and auto-maps/yaps.
bi-lesbian/bi-lesbian defenders. (for my own sanity I don't want to get involved in that mess. respect that)
anti-age regress/pet regress.
endosystems/endo-defenders/non-traumagenic systems. (same messages for this as the bi-lesbians.)
racist. (not cars)
fakers. (people who fake a mental or physical disability/illness)
fake claimers. (people who accuse others of faking a mental or physical disability/illness).
dream smp.
lust haters.
people who support lust's original creator.
remiio/solace and rin. (you know who you are.)
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i am sensitive, i only accept mean jokes from friends, i need tonetags, sometimes i can't read emotions through messages, i have a hard time processing things, i will not shut up about a hyperfix unless you tell me, i hate arguing and yelling (trigger), i'm not 100% comfortable being around people who are 14 or younger, i'm more active on discord.
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there is a light that never goes out. ✦
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ladysomething · 3 months
Bueno, estuve releyendo algunos capítulos y hay algunas cosas que me parecen sospechosas. Cuando Charles entra a la habitación de Kelly y descubre el desorden, lo más impactante es la escena en general, pero cuando leí ese capítulo había algo más que me molestaba y era ¿por qué Kelly tenía esa habitación? Hasta ahora lo poco que sabemos de la relación entre Max y Kelly es que ella siempre estaba aterrorizada y Max era muy posesivo. Ahora, eso es desde la perspectiva de Charles y dado lo horribles que son los alfas con los omegas, no me sorprende el comportamiento de Max, ya que, en sus Povs, siempre dice que tiene que ser fuerte y demostrar que ha dominado al omega. La perspectiva de Max sobre Kelly es bastante vaga, pero se da a entender que le tenía cariño, se preocupaba por ella, pasaron su celo juntos y la forma en que terminó todo todavía le causa sentimientos. El punto es que si se suponía que su relación era real (es decir, que ambos se querían, estaban enamorados y ese tipo de cosas) ¿por qué Kelly dormiría en cualquier otro lugar que no fuera con Max? Es decir, me parece extraño que Max, que se ha mostrado muy deseoso de ser bueno para Charles, le agrade y se muestre insaciable por Charles a pesar de que no confía en él y es obvio que tiene sentimientos por él de tal manera que ha dicho muy explícitamente que no está seguro de poder dejarlo ir alguna vez, y estoy seguro de que si no fuera porque Max sabe que Charles no lo quiere, ni tiene sentimientos por él, que no tiene a Charles durmiendo a su lado, abrazándolo, y respirando su olor todas las noches posibles. Entonces, ¿por qué alguien que se ha mostrado así cuando tiene sentimientos por una persona tendría a su pareja durmiendo en una cama distinta a la suya? Quizás solo estoy sobreanalizando los hechos, pero mi teoría con respecto a Max y Kelly siempre ha sido, que no fue una relación real, sino más bien de conveniencia, que Max la estaba ayudando y que está frustrado por no haber podido protegerla de lo que sea que le haya pasado, porque vamos, Max ha sido muy intenso con Charles, es imposible que haya podido ser tan diferente con Kelly si hubiera tenido sentimientos por ella y me refiero a estar enamorado, porque la pudo haber amado de diferentes formas. Solo tengo que esperar a los capítulos 16/17 para saber si estoy equivocada o no 🫠
ok unfortunately I don't speak Spanish so many apologies but I put this through translate:
"Well, I was rereading some chapters and there are some things that seem suspicious to me. When Charles enters Kelly's room and discovers the mess, the most shocking thing is the scene in general, but when I read that chapter there was something else that bothered me and that was why did Kelly have that room? So far the little we know about the relationship between Max and Kelly is that she was always terrified and Max was very possessive. Now, that's from Charles' perspective and given how horrible alphas are to omegas, I'm not surprised by Max's behavior since, in his Povs, he always says that he has to be strong and show that he has mastered the omega. . Max's perspective on Kelly is pretty vague, but it's implied that he was fond of her, he cared about her, they went through her heat together, and the way he ended it all still causes her feelings. The point is, if their relationship was supposed to be real (i.e. they both loved each other and were in love and that kind of thing) why would Kelly sleep anywhere else but with Max? That is to say, it seems strange to me that Max, who has shown himself very eager to be good for Charles, likes and is insatiable for Charles even though he doesn't trust him and it is obvious that he has feelings for him in such a way that he has He's said very explicitly that he's not sure he'll ever be able to let him go, and I'm sure that if it weren't for the fact that Max knows that Charles doesn't love him, or have feelings for him, that he doesn't have Charles sleeping next to him, holding him, and breathing in its smell every night possible. So, why would someone who has shown himself like this when he has feelings for a person have his partner sleeping in a different bed than him?
Maybe I'm just overanalyzing the facts, but my theory regarding Max and Kelly has always been, that it wasn't a real relationship, but rather one of convenience, that Max was helping her and that he's frustrated that he couldn't protect her from what he did. Whatever happened to him, because come on, Max has been very intense with Charles, it is impossible that he could have been so different with Kelly if he had had feelings for her and I mean being in love, because he could have loved her in different ways. I just have to wait for chapters 16/17 to know if I'm wrong or not 🫠"
but also honestly ... no notes. its a very thorough investigation. I guess 16/17 will reveal all huh? or will it ....
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🎵 Protorave
2. "Better here than in that tent." (Shrug.) "It wasn't safe."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay." The lieutenant keeps it laconic.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - What he means is: You're right, actually. The tent was a safety hazard and this place was deserted anyway.
"Noid -- what do you think about the church?"
"What did Tiago tell you about the church?"
"Why are you so suspicious about everything?"
"What's with the clothes?"
"Take care, Noid." [Leave.]
NOID - "It's a miracle of carpentry. Dead bodies carved into *total* shapes. Now it can be something more." He rubs his hands together.
"You say that as a carpenter yourself?"
"How old do you think this church is -- over 300 years?"
"What style is this church built in?"
"What did you mean by *dead bodies*?"
"How do you like the glasswork?" (Point to the stained-glass window.)
"How are you settling in?"
"Let's talk about something else, Noid."
NOID - He shakes his head. "I don't say much anything as a carpenter anymore. They tried to make me into a reckoner and a leveller. Made me a bit manic, y'know?"
"I regret the time I dedicated to that profession, and that worker collective. I say things more as a member of the hard core psi-dance community these days."
"You're not going to ask me how I knew?"
NOID - "Why? You're a cop. I carry carpentry tools."
2. "How old do you think this church is -- over 300 years?"
NOID - "That's right. The first settlers built it, plus six more like it. On the coast here. Was one of the first things they did... must've been really scared of something. But I understand..."
"Alone on an uninhabited archipelago, forced to face themselves and nature. Pre-industrial quantities of solitude. The sea. Perhaps something more... fundamental."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - He means something para-natural. He must...
NOID - "I would want to build a safe place for myself and my own as well..." His voice echoes in the wooden cavern of the church.
3. "What style is this church built in?"
NOID - "A cop who's into building critique." He taps a floorboard. "Okay then. This is folk Dolorianism, lawmongerer. It's a subset of early *Dolorian* architecture."
"I'm not just a cop. I'm an Art Cop."
"Okay -- and what is Dolorian architecture like?"
"Yeah, enough architecture."
NOID - "Hard of core." He nods appreciatively.
"Okay -- and what is Dolorian architecture like?"
NOID - "*Total*. Everything between an ancient concrete cathedral and a glass cube is Dolorianism. This is just a homespun version of it, folksy stuff, early mass production. They made thousands like this. Does that help you out?"
"What would a Dolorian building look like?"
NOID - "Like that woman there," he nods toward the stained glass window. "Vertical, thin, white, a false image of grandeur. The source of the system is up there, you're at the bottom. They really dug that power vertical."
"Liked to show off large and intricate structures, arches, spires. Put you down with them. They were really into painting everything white too. Virginal shit, you know. Marriage shit. Virtue and tyranny."
"Marriage is shit, yeah."
"Hey, marriage is great. Marriage is sacred."
"This church isn't painted white, as far as I can tell."
NOID - "Right." He takes a bolt from the toolbox and spits on it before shining it.
"This church isn't painted white, as far as I can tell."
NOID - "Stands to reason it used to be white on the outside." He peeks out of a small window in the dark. "Before the sea wind took all the paint off."
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - Year after year, flake after flake, white washed clean, then covered in green moss...
SHIVERS [Medium: Success] - Slowly peeled by the wind... Your skin crawls from the sensation as you look around.
4. "What did you mean by *dead bodies*?"
NOID - "Dead bodies of perennial plants." He taps on the wood. "Sigma functions have left this place. It's a good thing we came along -- the spiritual collapse has been total."
"Spiritual collapse?"
"Okay, then."
NOID - "'I saw some piglets suckling their dead mother' -- have you heard this one, cop-man?" He continues without waiting for an answer: "'After a short while they shuddered and went away.'"
"They had sensed that she could no longer see them and that she wasn't *like* them anymore. What they loved in their mother wasn't her body, but whatever it was that made her body live."
"End of quote. This is a high-quality carcass." He kicks the floorboard. "The power of anodic beats and hard bass is needed to reanimate it."
"First, where is that quote from?"
"What you're saying is: you're not a big fan of the innocentic system?"
"What you're saying is: religion has stopped being *hard core*?"
"What exactly *are* you saying?"
NOID - "A Seraise man, who lived a long time ago. An ancient hard core brother."
"What you're saying is: you're not a big fan of the innocentic system?"
NOID - "A three-thousand-year-old tyrannical regime of History, built and maintained by hundreds of generations of self-appointed *intellectuals*..." He looks around. "It's false-core."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - The way he says it, the *false* in false-core is invested with twenty kilotons of disgust.
"But you guys said the Ecclesiastes were all about love and hard core -- before, remember?"
"I even agreed with you. About the Ecclesiastes being okay with this..."
"And you propose dance music will supplant this system?"
NOID - "*I* only said: *Unity*. One word. Figures of authority always misquote you." He points to his friends.
"Andre doesn't care about the Ecclesiastes. He just wants the operation to run smoothly. And Egg is a demi-beast. You shouldn't listen to what people say, you should listen to what they are."
2. "I even agreed with you. About the Ecclesiastes being okay with this…"
NOID - "But were you wrong? The Founding Party is okay with everything. Look around." He spreads his arms. "They do not have enough love for the *human crew* to oppose anything anymore. We're on our own."
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - That's still a lie! RE-ASSERT YOURSELF.
"Perfidy! You lied to me. I am *tired* of people lying to me."
That wouldn't be cool. I want to be cool.
NOID - "Well..." The young man pushes his chest out, the skeleton of suspenders rattling...
ANDRE - "Noid-man! Mellow out," the dancing hedgehog yelps at his friend. "Stop aggroing the law!"
NOID - His chest returns to its normal proportions. "I'm sorry."
3. "And you propose dance music will supplant this system?"
NOID - "*Anodic* dance music," he nods. "Regular dance music wasn't hard enough. And yes, I do."
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Medium: Success] - You know what this kind of stuff goes well with?
"Don't you have to be on drugs for that though?"
I don't need to be a narc.
NOID - "Only a little."
"Not cool." Shake your head.
NOID - "All large human gatherings are narcotic. Ask any such undertaking in history -- this included." He nods toward a human-shaped pillar nearby. "Chemistry is true to its word."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Khm," the lieutenant interjects: "There is a difference between narcotics and group elation. One kills you, the other does not."
NOID - "The supercharged humanism that the innocentic system has been feeding us, on giant city squares? That's not a drug? The sugar and wheat it feeds us is healthy?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Forget it." He waves his hand. "It would become an imbecilic discussion. You two continue. It's more *hard core* that way."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - He does not feel left out. In fact he probably just wanted to say "hard core."
5. "How do you like the glasswork?" (Point to the stained-glass window.)
NOID - "I don't." He looks over his shoulder. "Fucker giving me the evil eye."
"That's Her Innocence Dolores Dei, mind your words."
"I'm getting some real negative vibrations from her too."
"You wanted to get inside the church and now you don't like the stained-glass window."
NOID - "You defend her, law-minion." He cracks his neck. "She was a *mass murderer* -- what's up with that?"
ANDRE - "Mellow, man! Mellow!" yells his friend. "No one's a mass murderer, this is a house of *love!*"
EGG HEAD - "Mass murder on the floor!"
"But she's the innocence of humanism. Humanism seems to be a pretty big deal around here."
"But she's pretty."
"Yeah, but, like, who *isn't* accused of being a mass murderer these days?"
"The resettlement programs were totally okay. I'm a big fan of resettlement programs, for some reason."
"I *do* feel there is something terrifying about her."
"Isn't she supposed to be an embodiment of the World Spirit?"
"Would you say she was... you know, *human*?"
"Yeah, I'm done talking about her. I don't want to think about her anymore."
NOID - "Humanism leads to eating sugar and pigs. Humanism was invented to mass produce billions of humans. Billions of humans can mass produce *hundreds* of billions of pigs."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - And many, many more tons of sugar!
NOID - "She liked games. Her legacy, the thing we're living, isn't *real* life. It's a strategy for some kind of victory. Against a long-dead opponent. But -- yo -- I'm only the Noid. What do I know?"
2. "But she's pretty."
NOID - "She invented the beauty you're feeling. She and her glass-cutters and iconographers." He turns to look up at her face. "You set the standard, alright..."
"Then you meet it. It's effective like that. But it is also very soft-of-core, that so-called 'beauty' of hers."
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everyone-with-a-para · 10 months
This is the response for the Pokémon ask thing. Sorry for the super late reply, got caught up into some real life things. But please enjoy this deranged ramble :>
Anyways! Grand choice! Grand choice! If I have to be honest, I was anticipating for either one of the Poké villains because they seemed very popular. Though, Cynthia is popular too. Also, a Cynthia dup, huh. Well, that's a first, I usually kept running into Lusa dups in the Daydreaming Discord server I'm in, lmao.
She may not be as lore heavy as the other blonde bitch, but she gets enough to the point of getting a backstory and some significant ties to the paracosm's big bad evil mouse guy.
So, Cynthia.
This Poké para is practically similar or the same as her canon counterpart personality wise. Just more serious and maybe a bit sassy/sarcastic given the trauma and suffering I put her through with the mouse alone. She was very well off at first in lore. A very respected actress for her job when on camera and a renowned fighter when off camera.
Yeah, the main cast in the paracosm are this skinwalker-esque species who are made mainly and solely to act and entertain the audience. In order to do that, they must wear the meat suits of their given characters and bear their names. Should they try to physically diverge or remove the meat suits, let's just say that bad things happen if they try to disown/change their names, and it'd hurt like shit if they remove the skin suit. They don't know who exactly are the audience, but they've been told by their creators over and over again that there are entities watching or playing their work. And these entities must be entertained, get something out of their performances.
Back to Cynthia, she's been very popular amongst the fellow actors thanks to her work/performance, and her character leaving a lasting impression on people. Because of her role as one of the good guys in the canon Pokémon storyline, she has the advantage and the privileges to navigate in a society that favors those who play that role more.
So, how did she got traumatized? How did all that fame, fortune, and privileges slipped past her finger tips?
It all started with a mouse.
In 2010, Cynthia had to perform for Mickey live for his birthday. It was a live performance for Pokémon Platinum. It was all fine and dandy at first. Though, over time, Mickey... Let's say his delusional episode started kicking in. You see, he can easily tell that his own project is an act all the time. But he can't easily tell if the others' works are real or not most of the time, so he has a tendency to attack the villain actors for what their canon personas did. Even if he does tell what is real and an act with some of the others' series, he'll still be a bigot towards villain actors and even commit hate crimes against them.
Towards the end of Cyrus's final act, Mickey tried to attack him in the Distortion World because of his delusions, insanity, and saviour complex. Cynthia saved Cyrus, but at the cost of losing a leg to Mickey. Right after they escaped from the mouse king, they tried to report him to the authorities of the Nintendo Empire. However, the trial kinda ended on a tie or a null. No one got guilty'd or taken to jail. Mickey is a king and can easily get away with a lot of things, this incident and the other Pokémon live performance incidents included. Cynthia still has privileges, so she's spared, and Cyrus just barely survived and only managed to escape from getting enprisoned because Cynthia had him cover.
Some months after the trial, rumours begin to spread, they were about the Sinnoh Champion herself. They can consist of her relationship with Cyrus and being brainwashed by the villain actors to help them overthrow the Nintendo Emperor, Mario. These made everyone become suspicious of Cynthia, leading up to robbing her wealth and her home, along with her socio-economic status. After that, she's been banished into the Villainous Underground, a ghetto-like place where villains, usually from very oppressive territories, live when off camera. Since then, she's been taken in by the residents and just lives there.
Nowadays, she hangs out with the villain actors of her series since they're all she has now. Some of the champion playing colleagues who were once close to her now reject and disown her from their social group thanks to those rumours.
In a following Live Performance incident, Cynthia lost an eye while helping Lysandre. I just thought it'd be neat and cool to give her a key stone for an eye. In another incident, I decided she loses a forearm while helping Lusamine with Mickey's attacks. It doesn't help that it was Ms. President's very first gig and her live first audience was not the Sponge bestie she intended to invite over, but the deranged mouse king himself.
I forgot to add/mentioned that Mickey adn one of the high ranking cult members started a smear campaign on Cynthia's ass and that's how she got angsted
That sounds so much darker and more convoluted to my poké paracosm where they're all just silly little guys with their silly little mons and their silly little family relationships but I kinda love it. My Cynthia isn't a main character in my paracosm but she's trans and immortal and terrified (/hsrs) of a 15 year old that keeps kicking her ass and she's so iconic about it. Girl committed atrocities and it's coming back to bite her 250 years later
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nonipunssif · 4 months
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Haha, kill me-
I don't know how to draw backgrounds (my biggest fear)
Leaving that aside, a small drawing of a story I'm writing about Amy Rose..... And not everything is going to be pretty 😔
This is its design in history... And his mask is to hide her mouth :] (clearly there is nothing suspicious about it, no no no).
That's it, goodbye!
Jaja, mátenme-
No se dibujar fondos 😞🔫 (mi mayor miedo)
Dejando eso de lado, es un pequeño dibujo de una historia que estoy escribiendo sobre Amy Rose.... Donde no todo va a estar bonito 😔
Este es su diseño en la historia... Y su cubre bocas es para ocultar su boca :] (claramente no hya nada sospechoso con eso, no no no)
Bueno, eso es todo, Adiós!
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Hello everyone, I'm C! I love invader Zim, and I had been thinking about an Au about the series for some time. The truth is that my English is not that good, but I will try to explain the story.
In this universe everything is technically the same, Zim arrives, Dib always tries to stop him, and Gaz is a sweet little grumpy gothic. Years go by and no one is a kid anymore (except Zim, he wasn't a kid to begin with).
then, with the characters in their third year of high school, an accident occurs. In one of the fights between Zim and Dib, because yes, they don't stop being brats who only think about fighting, Dib hits Zim's PAK very hard, so hard that he ends up fracturing it.
As Zim tries to repair it in his lab, he finds some suspicious files in the PAK's memory. When he decides to review them, he realizes that they only do dead weight in his programming, so he decides to delete them. But at the last moment he decides that it would be better to just move them out of the PAK.
At the exact moment the files are transferred, Zim goes into a kind of standby mode. This causes him to miss school for a few days, and this alerts Dib, who decides to go "find" him…which is really just going, breaking down the door, and yelling "¡¿what are you doing?!" and there he finds a green bug sitting on the ground like an old sad puppet :(
After a few days it doesn't seem like he's going to react, so Dib just comes along and eats whatever edible he (Zim) keeps in the fridge whenever he can. After a week the computer gives a strange message: "Restoring original file”…
And this is where the revelations begin! I don't want to delve into this, I have like 4 pending tasks and I haven't started any, I still wanted to write this. I only know that this is my way of explaining why The Tallest have not killed Zim and why Zim is "a defective or just defected or whatever the grammar is”.
hola a todos, Soy C. me encanta ‘Iz’, y ya tenía tiempo pensando en un ‘Au’ sobre la serie. La verdad es que mi inglés no es tan bueno, pero intentaré explicar la historia.
En este universo todo es técnicamente igual, Zim llega, Dib intenta detenerlo siempre, y Gaz es una pequeña y dulce gótico gruñona. Los años pasan y ya nadie es un niño (excepto Zim, el no era un niño para empezar).
Luego, con los personajes en su tercer año de secundaria, ocurre un accidente. En una de las peleas entre Zim y Dib, porque si, no dejan de ser mocosos que solo piensan en pelear, Dib golpea muy fuerte el PAK de Zim, tan fuerte que termina fracturándolo.
Mientras Zim intenta repararlo en su laboratorio, encuentra algunos archivos sospechosos en la memoria de PAK. Cuando decide revisarlos se da cuenta de que estos solo hacen de peso muerto en su programación así que decide eliminarlos. pero en último momento decide que sería mejor solo moverlos fuera del PAK.
En el momento exacto en que se transfieren los archivos, Zim entra en una especie de modo de espera. Esto hace que falte a la escuela por unos días, y esto alerta a Dib, quien decide ir a "buscarlo", que en realidad es solo ir, derribar la puerta y gritarle "¡¿qué estas tramando?!” y ahí se encuentra con un bicho verde sentado en el suelo como si fuera una marioneta vieja.
Después de unos cuantos días no parece que vaya a reaccionar, así que Dib solo llega y se come todo lo comestible que guarda (Zim) en el refrigerador cada que puede. Después de una semana la computadora da un aviso extraño: “Restableciendo archivo original”…
¡Y aquí es donde comienzan las revelaciones! No quiero profundizar en esto, tengo como 4 tareas pendientes y no he comenzado ninguna, aun así quería escribir esto. Solo sé que esta es mi forma de explicar por qué los más altos no han matado a Zim y por qué Zim es "un defecto”
Si sigues leyendo esto, quiero que sepas que agradezco que hayas leído esto ✨🥹
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fennecofennec · 5 months
Teoría rara q hice xD / Weird theory I made xD (TADC)
Wenas, probablemente ni una personita lea esto :> pero igual, quería compartir una teoría de tadc :D
Para los q no sepan, en una parte del piloto, aparece el logo de una empresa (C&A) y pos, pq la menciono?
Se me hace jodidamente sospechosa, tenía la teoría de q al parecer, es una empresa q hace videojuegos, y entre ellos está Digital Circus, y pensaba q la empresa hacía experimentos con el juego, pq no creo q los humanos se queden atrapados ahí por arte de magia, y otra cosa es q el logo de la empresa tmb aparece en imágenes de Marketing (se q las imágenes de marketing o q promocionan la serie no son canon, pero no es raro q el logo ya salió varias veces?) pos, una amiga me dijo q cuando algo se repite en una serie, tiene un significado, así q se me hace q en un futuro, podremos saber más de la empresa...
Perdón si no se entiende, soy mala para las teorías y tmb explicando xD!
English (sorry if there are errors, i use the translate for out of laziness to write everything again in english xd)
Hello, probably not a single person will read this :> but anyway, I wanted to share a tadc theory :D
For those who don't know, in part of the pilot, the logo of a company (C&A) appears and well, why do I mention it?
It makes me fucking suspicious, I had a theory that apparently it is a company that makes video games, and among them is Digital Circus, and I thought that the company was doing experiments with the game, because I don't think that humans will be trapped there for magic art, and another thing is that the company logo also appears in Marketing images (I know that the marketing images or images that promote the series are not canon, but isn't it strange that the logo has already appeared several times?) well, A friend told me that when something is repeated in a series, it has a meaning, so I think that in the future, we will be able to know more about the company...
Sorry if it's not understood, I'm bad at theories and also at explaining xD!
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chilipowder9 · 5 months
hey man just a heads up that you're starting to reblog from some pretty sus stuff concerning trans age etc, that account specifically says they're anti contact, which means they're still okay with thoughts about children which is very very worrying. Not Saying this to cancel you or anything I promise. Just be careful. these people use overcomplicated or oversimplified terms to try and justify or fly under the radar. be very very suspicious of anyone who uses the words "para". always. no matter what they say.
okay, thank you
that said I myself have genuine paraphilias (none of the "big three" so please don't go attacking me) and some people can't control intrusive thoughts
I am NOT okay with transage, I am NOT okay with touching 1. children 2. animals 3. dead people and 4. the nonconsenting , and I am NOT okay with just... "oh so I have These Pedophilic Thoughts.......... I'm gonna enjoy them!!!" nonono, baby, get those taken to therapy and stay away from kids please
and genuine question, what is wrong with the term "para"? that is simply short for paraphile or paraphilia, no??
no intention of being problematic (or much much worse), and I appreciate the memo!!
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izar-tarazed · 7 months
5 songs, 4 outfits: Celasha Xalanthyrr
I was tagged by @lolthslover (thanks again!), so here's my Tav-to-be who's also my character from my very first DnD campaign. Meet Celasha, who has gone all the way from level 1 to 20 (and recently feebleminded Tiamat herself)! (I don't know who to tag, but anyone who sees this and wishes to do this for an OC, be my guest!)
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Celasha is a noble drow, hailing from the [homebrew] city of Alaundryn that she might or not have partially flooded at one point. (It was totally an accident! Long story!) She's a bard (College of Glamour).
Exiled from her home, she is initially deeply suspicious of everything on the surface, slow to trust and terrified of betrayal and wild water. Over the course of her adventures, she slowly heals and overcomes her fears. She masters fey magic and learns to control water, and realizes the surface has amazing sweets to offer. Celasha has accompanied me for almost four years in our campaign (and will do so a little longer as my next Tav) and helped me through rough times of writer's block, so I might talk a little more about her in some of the games I've been tagged in, because I need to come to term with the fact that we're about to wrap up the campaign. (I'll miss her!) 💜
1. I Let The Music Speak (ABBA) I'm hearing images, I'm seeing songs No poet has ever painted Voices call out to me, straight to my heart So strange yet we're so well acquainted I let the music speak, with no restraints 2. Contra Todo (iLe) Con el coraje de frente | Voy a ganar la batalla Hecha de viento y de playa | Soy la ola que va a romper 3. Surface Pressure (Jessica Darrow/Encanto) I'm pretty sure I'm worthless if I can't be of service 4. Mi Libertad (Monsieur Periné) Yo soy una aventurera Una madrugada en soledad Soy una guitarra que canta al viento Una cordillera que llega al mar 5. Resistiré (Boikot) Resistiré, para seguir viviendo Soportaré los golpes y jamás me rendiré Y aunque los sueños se me rompan en pedazos Resistiré, resistiré
Now that part was harder! As a noble drow, Celasha values fine and elegant clothing, but will settle for something more simple when adventuring. (However, she's fond of keeping her attire always clean by excessive use of Prestidigitation, and she does the same for her companions ... travelling with surfacers is bad enough, no need to be seen with dirty surfacers!)
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Bonus: This was one of her early looks I made in Hero Forge: a simple leather armor (purple, of course, the amethyst is her family's insignia stone), her beloved lute, her list of favors and faerie fire.
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La dama Enlutada - Steve Murphy x ReaderFic #1
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Summary: Never stop to pick up anyone, especially if it's November and at night.
Warnings: mention of death, ghosts, urban legends, paranormal events.
N/A: When I was editing it I realised that the ending and the way it unfolded lent itself to making more parts of it. So if you like it, let me know so I can make a continuation or a different version?
"A los tres días, Abel murió sospechosamente y nunca se conocieron las causas. Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida." (Three days later, Abel died suspiciously and the cause was never known. And that is why in the month of November, taxi drivers fear and avoid passing through the central cemetery of Bogotá, because at night… According to myth, a woman dressed in black returns to pay for what she promised and did not fulfil in life".)
Amidst boos and comments from your companions you finished your story, until Steve's voice stood out from the rest.
"Oh, please, everyone knows that ghosts don't exist, let alone are able to relate to the ones that are alive."
With annoyance you rolled your eyes as you approached him with your arms crossed, "Wow Murphy, for a man of the countryside I'm surprised at your Skepticism, I would have expected it from Peña or Carrillo, but even they know what I say isn't a lie."
Looking for support from his friend/partner, the blond shot a glance at the agent, to which he only denied as he took a puff of air from his cigarette. "Oh please!!! You too?
"I'll just say that I've seen and experienced things that even the Escobar would end up leaving him shaking and scared shitless."
And between mockery on the part of some and experiences on the part of others, the circle that had formed around your desk began to dissipate, and one by one they began to take their things and their own way home, including all three of you.
"I'm just saying that it must and there is a logical explanation behind it". Steve insisted.
"Look, maybe you're right or maybe not, but what is true is that in November, the taxis finish their routine before the sun goes down…"
And with those words put in his mind, the three of them went their separate ways. Even though he knew and was sure of his position, he couldn't help feeling uneasy, something in the atmosphere didn't feel right, maybe it was just because of the cold night and that the air sounded weird, yeah, that must be it?
Before he knew it, it was already midnight, how come it was taking him so long to get home? Impossible, it wasn't the first time he had taken this route and besides, the streets were clean, as if he was in a ghost town.
As it seemed his gaze and thoughts were so lost, he didn't notice the sudden female presence that stood in his way. Unluckily for him, by the time he tried to avoid her, it was too late.
"Shit, shit, what did I do?" he asked himself as his body and mind began to go into a state of shock, "it's not like it' s much different from what you do, is it?" so he guessed that the words he heard were just his unconscious reproaching him for his recent carelessness behind the wheel.
Occupying the training previously obtained, he approached to her body to check if she still had a pulse or breathing, therefore his gaze detached from her, avoiding to see her sudden reawakening.
Abruptly, the woman's eyes snapped open, their gazes still not meeting, but that seemed to be the least of it, because in another way it was possible to feel her, sending a current of shivers and a bit of relief to the agent.
"Thank God you're alive, are you alright?, "Usted, está bien?", "Lla…I'll call an ambulance, don't worry, you'll be alright… lla… llamaré a una ambulancia, descuide, va a estar bien…" It took him longer to reach for his radio/cell phone than to feel the woman's cold hand, stopping him.
""No…No lo haga, Estoy bien" ("no…Don't…Don't do it, I'm fine…") with difficulty she kept moving, to which Steve could only help her.
"Okay... but at least let me help you. Tell me, do you have somewhere to go?, ¿Casa? ¿Tiene casa? Or would you like to call someone…? Familia a quien llamar?". For the second time he was shocked, for the first time in all this time of madness, he had seen his victim's face. It was the eerie mixture of the faces of his beloved Connie and the one who was one of the few people he trusted at work and in the country itself, (T/N).
Unwilling to worsen the situation, they both got into the car in silence. Murphy driving and that mysterious girl sitting in the back in silence.
Not sure what to do or where to go, he asked her again. "Do you have anywhere to go? ¿Casa? ¿Dónde vive?" ¿To which she simply replied. "cementerio central de Bogotá" ("Bogotá's central cemetery"). Murphy, recalled the legend told by her friend, couldn't help but feel anxious.
"You know, Sabe... if I may, I think it would be best to..."
"To the central cemetery, please…"
Something, there was something in her voice that was peculiar to him, what was it? He couldn't explain it, it was just, it was peculiar. He didn't want to make the situation worse or make the strange passenger upset, so he drove to the destination indicated in silence.
"This is it…" finally spoke the mysterious girl again, who before getting out of the vehicle spoke again. "I know that my presence has already caused you too much trouble tonight, but would you mind waiting for me, I promise not to be long. I'm just going to say a prayer." Unable to refuse him, he merely nodded silently.
At first the time was passing heavily, the seconds became minutes and the minutes became hours, until suddenly the agent's clear eyes closed.
*tok, tok, tok*
For the second time, the tapping on the window made him roll down the window. It was a gravedigger… Steve told him why he had parked all night in front of the cemetery and slept, except for the part about the accident, and the man froze.
"Ay mi amigo, I feel the need to tell you something. The woman you picked up last night, years ago died, the disappearance and possible loss of her husband ended up burying her… Before she died she used to be out looking all over for him, until, well, sadness consumed her".
It was then that her friend's words echoed in her mind again.
"Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida." ("And that is why in the month of November, taxi drivers fear and avoid passing through the central cemetery of Bogotá, because at night… Legend has it that a woman dressed in black returns to pay for what she promised and did not fulfil in life.")
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reginrokkr · 9 months
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@resolutepath asked: ✔ for aether mainly or any who interest you! but also i added halfdan to my secret npcs list so yknow that's an option too
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Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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For Aether
For him it'll depend on two main things, whether he's the one who will become the Abyss prince later down the line or the traveler. I'll present ideas for both:
✧ In the first route, I think we can go all the way during Khaenri'ah days when he was "summoned" and venerated as the prince of Khaenri'ah. As per my own take of Dain, he would be highly suspicious of him because of this incipient obsessions part of the civilization has with the Abyss, Aether included in this. Dain won't consider him a prince, but he'll give him the respect expected from him. As the captain of the Black Serpent Knights, I wager that he would have ample opportunities to meet Aether and even act as his personal guard. I'm aware that for this we'd need some previous discussion in regards of how we perceive Khaenri'ah so we don't go entirely blindly either in a vastly unexplored territory for now.
Following the destruction, Dain wouldn't blame Aether for being unable to save the nation despite being revered as a sign of hope to bring betterment to the nation and would actually empathize with him for being put in a position that maybe he didn't even want to have. During the duration of their journey across the nations in search of their destiny, I picture it to be heavy in dark and heavy moments where they are dealing with their own circumstances + being thrown in situations where they have no other choice but to fight their way for survival and, at least for Dain, he would want to help the other nations for multiple reasons.
Lastly and leading to the moment they go their separate ways up until the present, their relationship would certainly be sore and Dain has no intentions to yield in his pursuit to frustrate the Abyss Order plans, no matter how good intentioned Aether might be.
✦ As the Traveler I think we could expand more on what we're given, it'll be in a way easier as we already have some guideline to follow and there is actual room for exploring further in what we've seen. I don't have much more to say on the matter as it's more self-explanatory based on the AQs they crossed paths.
As my personal preference, I'd lean more towards the first path because it's more unexplored in my end and also less seen overall from my own observations. However, I also noticed that this is request only, so I'll leave that to you to determine if you'd like to give it a try! We could also do multiple threads if you'd like, I don't really mind.
For Halfdan
I can't thank you enough for suggesting this for Halfdan too because I've been dying to interact with one for ages >< I would love specially to see how they fare in Khaenri'ah days and I would also love to hear your thoughts on Halfdan's mindset in regards of the lingering obsessions, the Abyss, the highly likely strangeness in the society with those that revere the Abyss, everything, truly! I have plenty of ideas about Khaenri'ah that I plan to write about soon and would love to share with you in turn.
I think we could also do things in the present as seen in the Chasm but more expanded and more a thing between them alone, albeit more bound to restrictions given the circumstances he's under unless you have a different twist for him in that regard.
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havenbsinclair · 9 months
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Timeline: November - December of 2023 Mentioned People: Lake Sinclair, @julianxheywood, @kanyonwebb, Marie Sinclair, @summercassidy (brief recap of the thread), @riverxjackson (brief recap of the thread), @noahsinclaxr, @norasinclair (Some of the threads are still being written on the dash so I summarized what I imagine will happen.) Notes: All research in regards to this self-para was done via Google. It is in no way intended for this self-para to be harmful, nor misinforming as I simply used the internet and my imagination to develop a scenario and instill some development within my character.
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Note: Colored writing is dialogue by NPC's. Yellow is Lake, pink is Haven's mom
November 15th, 2023
"You know, Mom, that stuff you put on my cut didn't fix it like you said it would." It wasn't typically normal for Lake to be argumentative in this sense, but, to say that Lake had been 'normal' recently was almost the wrong word to use. Things with Lake had been rather tense since he'd started spending time with his dad, Kanyon, and while Haven was almost too concerned with it, she let it going; after all, Lake was at that age where growth spurts, mood swings and puberty were all possibilities. While she was convinced it was anxiety ridden from the change in his environment, she knew that he would talk when he was ready, and until then it was her job to help him. Raising an eyebrow as she listened to her son's words, Haven turned from the stove where she was making a fresh batch of mac and cheese for Thanksgiving and looked at the spot on his arm that had popped up what felt like two weeks ago. "It's still not heeled?" she questioned, letting herself turn towards him and examined it as he lifted the band-aid that he'd been picking at for nearly an hour it seemed. "Well, if you'd leave it alone, Lake it would probably do better." she spoke, though, she couldn't deny the thought that something about it not healing completely yet seemed suspicious. "Let's maybe try something else and keep it covered for a few more days, but someone may have to eat some more vegetables to keep his bones nice and healthy and his scrapes healing up properly." she laughed, offering her son a playful wink as she heard him move to the bathroom to grab some other medical supplies, the faintest 'bleck; leaving his lips in disgust. With a chuckle, Haven shook her head as she washed her hands, following her son to doctor up his injury before dinner.
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November 23rd - 26th, 2023
Thanksgiving morning started out like all the other mornings in the Sinclair household. Just like she'd done many time growing up - and especially when she'd moved to college and only really got the comfort of home for the holidays - Haven turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and cuddled on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand. She had biscuits and bacon in the oven - upon Lake's request - and was spending as much time with her boy as she could while they awaited the presence of Julian and time for Haven to start cooking her portion of Thanksgiving dinner. Haven wouldn't get too many of these, so, she was trying to soak it up while she could; if she blinked too hard she'd find herself watching her son drive off to college or something just like she'd done to her parents, and the thought made her heart hurt a little. So, just like she often did, Haven leaned over in the moment, cuddling with Lake who was laying on the couch, but instead of being greeted with an eager and enthusiastic child, she was met with an attitude that reminded her a lot of herself in her younger days. "No, Mom! Get off of me. I don't want to cuddle you." The remark it's self wasn't what seemed to take Haven back; it wasn't unusual for Lake to not want to cuddle her in his older age, but rather it was the attitude, the way that her son seemed to be talking to her like she was his worst enemy. This wasn't like him, even when he was mad or upset Lake had never snapped at her like this. Nodding as she moved, Haven sat up, moving from the couch in an attempt to distract herself - the only thing she really wanted to do was cry - she checked the food in the oven, setting a timer for the remaining time limit on the oven and sipping the glass of water she poured herself and awaited her boyfriend. At least he wouldn't yell at her and tell her he didn't want to cuddle..
"Well, sweetheart, he's a growing boy. You know, you weren't exactly the nicest child when you were going through puberty yourself." The sound of her mother's statement sent a shutter down Haven's spine at the mere thought that Lake could be experiencing signs of puberty. He was almost twelve after all; but, Haven hadn't expected for this to happen for another few years. Sure, it was an unreasonable thought, she knew that, but, the idea of her son being her 'baby' for just a little while longer had become such a comforting feeling to her that she wasn't quite ready to face that things could be changing for him. With a sigh she nodded as she looked over at her son who was carelessly playing video games on the living room tv and nodded, despite the fact her mom couldn't see her. "I think that's it. Or at least I hope." she added. "I was talking with Julian and Kanyon about it and Kanyon said he noticed it too, but, I'm trying to just be positive." she sighed. "I wonder if he's a little anxious about all the changes and such and that's why. I mean, he went from having just me and our family to having to share me with Julian and share his time with his dad too, I just think it's a lot." It had been a few days since the Thanksgiving get together with the Sinclair family, and just like the morning that he'd snapped at Haven, Lake's behavior was back to him being snappy. It was consistent, and thankfully it wasn't just at her anymore, however, the feeling of not doing or being enough for him seemed to be overwhelming her more and more as each day passed. Though, something about listening to her mom made he smile, and Haven nodded when she heard the voice of her mom reassure her on the other end. "I just don't know where it's coming from. I wasn't ready to deal with this yet, but if this is a glimpse of what it's going to be like raising a teenager, I'm not ready."
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November 30th, 2023
It was a tradition that Haven and Lake get a real tree every year, just before the start of December and decorate it once they got it home and situated. And this year was nothing different, only difference is they were going a little earlier in the year than planned, but Haven didn't mind that. With Kanyon now in the picture and her splitting time with him for the holidays, she wanted to do as much with Lake early so that they didn't miss out on their traditions. And much like with other years in the past, shopping for their Christmas tree ended with a night of grocery shopping and picking out a new Christmas movie to watch, but much to Haven's surprise, Lake picked out far more snacks than normal this year. But, she didn't say no; she couldn't. The part of her that was holding onto her son's childhood was enough for her to nearly give into any random request; from Christmas cookies to the holiday trail mixes, slowly the cart started filling and Haven smiled. These were the nights she'd been looking forward to the most when she'd found out she was pregnant; carrying on holiday traditions and creating new ones with her children some day. Dinner had been pizza - much like years passed - and Haven had been shocked at how much of the pizza Lake had eaten. Eight slices of a medium pizza at one point had been enough for the two of them for dinner, and lunch the next day at least, but, tonight had been different as Lake had managed to eat nearly the entire pizza in one sitting and was asking for more. With a small shake of her head, Haven laughed at her son watching as he devoured the last bite of pizza. "Sorry bud, but I don't have any more pizza but I can make you something." she smiled, looking at her son for a moment before she tussled his hair. "Or we can dive into the snacks?" she watched as Lake began scanning the snack spread that was on the counter and she laughed, looking at him with the smallest smile. "You feeling okay, bud?" she questioned, but watched as Lake nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm just hungry." he shrugged, opening a bag of trail mix and moving towards the living room. "Can we watch Elf next?" he asked and Haven nodded. "Sure thing, get it ready and I'll get the hot chocolate." she smiled, making herself a mental reminder to be sure to buy Lake the next size up in clothing. Between the energy he was exerting into sports and his age there was probably a growth spurt happening with this amount of food he was consuming, and she wanted to be prepared for it just in case.
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December 7th - 13th, 2023
With Lake's emotions in full pre-teen swing, Haven was thankful for any attention he was getting outside of the negative attention he'd been getting from her recently. She didn't like putting her foot down or being strict when it came to discipline, but, his behavior and attitude recently had been something she couldn't ignore, much less when he was around other children. It was one thing for him to be hateful or snappy with her, but, for him to do it around other kids seemed unusual, though, just like most of the things Lake was doing these days, that didn't stop him from being a kid. The mother and son had been at the park for nearly half an hour already when Lake was reaching for a bar on the monkey bars and completely missed, falling to the ground. Obviously concerned Haven checked on him, only to be told that his vision was a little blurry, and concerned that he'd hit his head, she'd made the child sit which had resulted in 'worst mother of the year award' she was sure. Because no child wanted to be sat down at the park, much less one Lake's age. Though, as Lake and Luke played once Summer and Luke arrived, Lake's mood shifted - more so confirming with Haven that her fears of being the worst mom ever were in fact proving more to be true by each passing second. That was something she'd definitely have to work through, that was for sure. But for now, she was focused on watching her son play and while he was still young at heart she wanted nothing more than to watch him be a child.
"Lake, man, you keep rubbing your eyes." Haven spoke, looking at him as he came back from the lane rubbing his eyes again. "Are you sleeping okay?" she questioned. "Do we need to get you some allergy meds or something?" she placed her hand on top of his head as she often times found him eager to do whatever his mind was set on instead of stopping to listen to her. Though, just as she assumed Lake shook his head. "No, Mom. I'm fine." the child spoke, looking at his mom, rubbing his eye again and then closing it, looking at her now with one eye. Though, shaking her head she looked down at him. "You say that, bud, but, you rubbing your eyes like that has me concerned." she spoke. "You still seeing things blurry?" she asked, looking down at him. With a small nod and a quick glance at River, before shrugging. "We'll keep an eye on it, use some drops and maybe talk to your teacher." she commented. "But maybe go clean out your eye, see if that helps and then come back." Nearly five minutes later Lake did just that, nodding at his mom. "That was a good idea Mom, it worked!" he excitedly explained, taking the glass of water he'd poured for himself and chugging it, before returning to the bowling lane. With a small smile and a nod, Haven laughed. "Glad it helped, bud." she smiled, looking back at her son and then at River, shrugging before they joined him on the lane.
The week had been long, and Haven felt like she'd been running around like crazy. Between the playdate with Summer, bowling with River, holiday shopping and all of that had taken a toll on both of them. So, when Lake had decided to nap after school on a Wednesday afternoon, Haven hadn't thought much of it. He'd had a dentist appointment just after lunch, and once he'd finished his homework, Haven had found him sleeping and while she put dinner in the crockpot for that night, she let him rest. Though, at 5 o'clock when he was still sleeping she went to wake him having him get dressed for his horseback riding lesson, though, the second she left the room Lake was asleep again. And when she got distracted with a meeting, she didn't quite realize it until it was already after six, and when she rushed into Lake's room to get him to leave, she found he was sleeping again. "Sorry, Mom, I'm just tired." Though, being tired didn't warrant an apology and Haven shook her head at him. "You don't need to apologize for being tired, Lake." she smiled. "Your rest is important. If you want to skip practice today you can stay home and rest. It's flu season so, I don't want you to risk it. If you need sleep, stay home and rest." she reassured, but made a mental note to keep an eye out for any other symptoms as she left his room.
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December 18th - 22nd, 2023
Haven had noticed enough about Lake to be concerned and had already tried calling to get an appointment with his doctor who didn't have anything available until the middle of January. She'd notified his teacher, curious if they'd noticed anything to which she'd been told no. Though, when the last week of school before Christmas break came around, she'd gotten an email from his teacher, explaining that this week he'd been easily distracted, unable to focus, very moody and also was needing to take frequent bathroom breaks, which was really beginning to disrupt his learning. Replying to the email that she'd talk with him over break and try to get him in with the doctor, Haven sighed, letting herself really think about all the things that she'd been experiencing with Lake. What could they mean? What was going on and why did it suddenly not feel like this was pre-teen hormones anymore?
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December 29th, 2023
Waking up that morning had been nothing short of normal; Lake had stayed the night at Noah and Nora's place and Haven had gotten some much needed alone time after some holiday plans. She'd planned to go to their house for lunch, spend the day with them and bring Lake home to have some quality time with her son - she was hoping that some alone time with him would help his attitude recently - as she knew these days were limited. Lake was growing before her eyes and she wanted to hold onto every part of his childhood that she could. He seemed to be growing right before her eyes, and she hated every moment of it. She was enjoying the peace and quiet though, watching a Christmas movie she'd been meaning to catch up on, a bottle of sparkling water on the coaster beside her and a bar of chocolate in her hand. She still had a few hours before lunch, and in true Haven fashion she'd missed breakfast so this was her first 'real' meal of the day. She hadn't even realized that she left her phone on the island in the kitchen, and only stood to get it when she heard it buzzing, watching as the screen changed from a call to a missed call and she saw that Nora had called her twice now. Growing concerned, she lifted it to call her back just as Nora was calling her a third time, and Haven answered, but before she even had time to speak she was hit with the news that felt like a punch in the gut. Lake..passed out.. conscious.. loopy... Noah and hospital. were the only words that seemed to resonate in her ears and she nodded, quickly, feeling her breathing begin to quicken as she felt herself begin to panic. She couldn't even remember if she said anything to Nora before she hung up the phone, grabbing her keys and leaving her home abandoned. She could barely even remember getting from point a to point b, her heart pounding in her ears as her wallet and phone were thrown into the passengers seat and her car was thrown into reverse, backing out of the driveway as her mind went through all the things that had happened recently. The mood swings, the intense hunger and thirst, the blurred vision, the fatigue, his behavior at school along with the constant bathroom breaks, and lastly him passing out, was it all connected? Had she missed something that she should've seen a long time ago, something that was a key part in why Lake was on his way to the hospital now? She didn't have time to think, she didn't even have time to cry, yet, somehow the tears that she didn't even know she was holding in had escaped, running in streams down her cheeks. Wiping her cheek and her nose with the back of her hand, Haven put the car in drive and began the drive to the hospital, flashers on and foot on the gas; her baby needed her, and there was nothing and no one that would stop her from getting to him.
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