#para starter
laurvnjauregvi · 2 years
Lauren had just moved into town and I guess the last person she expected to run into on one of her first days here was the girl she ghosted after talking to her for months. Yet here she was walking up to her in the middle of the Cafe, what could she even say to her? I'm sorry I ghosted you these past few years? A-lot of nerves hit Lauren but she managed to pull a unbothered face when the girl was in front of her. "Hey Sofi, How have you been?" She muttered out to the other Latina.
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Starter call
These will be shorter starters just to get back into the swing of things.
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baekjln · 4 months
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CAFETERÍA: Después de pasar el día entrenando en el gimnasio, se fue a bañar y se dirigió hasta la cafetería, no tenía nada más que café en su sistema por lo que moría de hambre. Al llegar ahí se le quedó viendo a las opciones que tenía para comer. "¿Qué me recomiendas? ¿Qué se te antoja más?" pregunta a la persona más cercana. Estaba agradecido de haber llegado a tiempo ya que sabía que eran estrictos con los horarios, pero ahora no sabía qué elegir. "¿Votas por la comida rápida o algo local?"
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meetmeafftcrdark · 8 days
☽. feria cultural
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– Fascinante –comentó viendo aquellos ingredientes de pociones traídos desde Brasil, que prometían tener propiedades curativas distintas a los que había disponibles en el Reino Unido– ¿Qué te parece? –preguntó a la persona a su lado, sin fijarse en quién podía ser. Dedalus no sólo era curioso, sino que además también era bastante sociable y conversar sobre lo que estaba viendo era sin duda uno de sus intereses.
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lunaetis · 2 months
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one-liner call for yínyuè / rover ! give this post a like and i shall send the rover your way ! you're more than welcomed ( and encouraged ) to go wild with your response / lengthen it to your heart's content ! multi pls let me know who it's for !
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vssmithy · 4 months
📍  ubicación:  salón de entrenamiento.
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' hola, intento mejorar en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, no es mi especialidad, ¿hay algún consejo que puedas darme? ' todo lo que sabe sobre la habilidad es muy básico así que decide hablar con la otra persona en el salón de entrenamiento, quizá tenga suerte.
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josephvne · 2 months
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"merde." resalta queja en idioma natal, un susurro que expresa momentáneo descontento. y es que, una vez más, ha olvidado parte de sus pertenencias en la tienda : en esta ocasión, su billetera. "necesito un favor," mirada busca compasión en quien encuentra en cercanía. " —¿puedes cuidar esto por diez minutos? olvidé mi billetera, pero correré a buscarla." artesanía que sostenía entre sus manos era demasiado perfecta como para arriesgarse a que alguien la compre antes de que ella regrese.
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thcgoodwitch · 3 months
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"No, nunca la escuché" respondió de mala gana a quien parecía acercarse a preguntarle, por milésima vez, si era fan de la fallecida Nina MacFusty. "No me interesa, ya basta." No sólo estaba traumatizada y su entorno continuaba resultando aterrador, también estaba sumamente abrumada por la desaparición de Lily. Apenas había dormido la noche pasada. No quería escuchar sobre MacFusty.
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chasingmavis · 4 months
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mavis’ lookbook: o amor está no ar ©
Quando Mavis retornou ao chalé 7, ela encontrou não uma, mas duas caixas brancas sobre sua cama. O presente extra deixado por Afrodite — para quem ela faria uma oferenda depois, como agradecimento — era o figurino para sua apresentação com a Tartarus Tragedy, um vestido estilo burlesco para combinar e, ao mesmo tempo, contrastar com o de Yasemin. Os saltos altos e grossos não eram o melhor sapato para uma baterista, mas jamais faria a desfeita de não usá-los — e, meu deuses, como eram lindos! Já a roupa do baile era um pouco menos espalhafatosa, embora não menos encantadora: um vestido, também branco, com mangas bufantes e amarração nas costas, igualmente delicado e provocante. O salto escolhido pela deusa do amor era a peça-chave do look, mais detalhado que o do show com sua textura aveludada e suas correntes de pérolas e corações dourados, mas a parte favorita de Mavis foi o conjunto de brincos e colar com pingentes de sol, uma singela referência ao pai.
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vanneliese · 8 months
( ⚲ ) espacio de arte.
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desliza el pincel sobre el lienzo con delicadeza, aunque no se trata del primer trazo como quiera se encuentra nerviosa. no sabe a dónde va con su obra de arte pero, por el momento, se ve decente. eso cree, claro. ' oye— ' se dirige a tercere, separando apenas celestes del lienzo para mirarle. ' ¿crees que está quedando bien o necesito lentillas nuevas? '
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littlegnome145 · 4 months
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Was going through some of my older college prep material while I revise some stuff over the weekend and found this old doodle of these little guys DHDHDJDJ
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There's another one on the very next page FBDJDJDJDJDJ
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actiongrrl · 5 months
The Hospital Thread™ @darkstarsrise
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−−−¨༺ Time had gone screwy for her. For 12 straight hours, she was so focused on seeing the light of day. That was her goal throughout the previous night. Save herself, and then once shit hit the proverbial fan, save her friends. But now? She wasn't sure how long she had been here or, really, even what time it was. But for what felt like many long hours, she had been hooked to various IVs and tubes, trying to get her body temperature up as the blonde was hypothermic when she arrived. "A warm IV and blood rewarming," a nurse with a kind smile had explained. The thought skeeved her out, and Sam could see the panic in her eyes. The lot of them had come in and caused a trauma alert. She remembered that much.
−−− Some of the others were taken to other hospitals as not to put a strain on this one, and Sam was insistent she stayed wherever Mike was. She was, frankly, surprised the second that remark left her mouth; Out of everyone, maybe Chris would have made most sense. Luckily, Mike was already slated to stay. And so it was a waiting game of blankets, warm fluids, medicine, tubes, stitches, concussion protocol, and the world's most uncomfortable bed.
−−− She dozed off, finally, but was reawakened for another blanket change and vital check by another nurse. "If you want to, I'll take you to visit your friend," she had said, which perked Sam up, eyes wide and heart pounding. And the next thing she knew she was being covertly wheeled into Mike Munroe's hospital room, a feeling of relief washing over her immediately as she was parked.
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dckhwn · 11 months
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' he oído que en una de las habitaciones tienen una piñata hiperrealista con la cara del principito ' y quizás hay un deje de amargura entre divertidas tonalidades por no haber tenido esa idea antes. cuando deja el celular en el bolsillo de su abrigo es que dirige la mirada a la otra persona. ' creo que vi unas latas de aerosol aquí cerca, ¿ tienes algún mensaje que te gustaría permanezca por varios años en la casa de las ratas o me acompañas a dibujarle un bigote ? si tus valores me entretienen te dejo los colores lindos '.
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herghosting · 5 months
Desde os últimos eventos que se sucederam no acampamento, Agnes estava mais em alerta do quê nunca e empunhava a espada em mãos com tanta força que os nós dos dedos estavam mais embranquecidos que o normal. Se mantendo em alerta, a filha de Melinoe olhava para os lados rapidamente a procura de qualquer vestígio, seja dos escorpiões ou das formigas; ela não poderia deixar nenhum desses passar por aí ou criar mais estrago. Ao ouvir um farfalhar de folhas, a semideusa se colocou em alerta e assumiu uma posição de ataque. Caminhando lentamente em direção a origem do som, Agnes pensou em atacar mas tomou um breve curto espaço de tempo para pensar antes de finalmente agir. Como não estava muito longe dos chalés, poderia ser um animal de pequeno porte ou até mesmo algum semideus. ⎯⎯⎯⎯ Eu quase... quase te cortei em dois, sabia? ⎯⎯⎯⎯ Disse baixinho mas ainda assim chamando a atenção do responsável pelo barulho. ⎯⎯⎯⎯ Pelo os deuses, não faça isso de novo. Você tem sorte que eu conto até três antes de finalmente "empalar" algo ou alguém, hein! ⎯⎯⎯⎯ Mesmo sentindo-se um pouco mais relaxada por não precisar travar uma batalha agora, ainda assim, Agnes não relaxou a postura e voltou a observar ao seu redor com destreza de antes.
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someotherdog · 9 months
character: mattie open: m/f/nb plot: mattie is a socialite-in-waiting, a pauper trying to turn princess. she’s been lying to all her rich friends that she’s rich too, only for your muse to randomly come into the diner she works at days before and discover she’s nothing more than a poor waitress. it’s up to you on what they do with that information! as for now, mattie’s groveling.
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okay. shit. two days ago, she’d innocently being working the night shift, when her world suddenly shattered. well, the fake world she crafted for herself had shattered. no one in the city of new york knew that mattie was lying about everything: her family, where she came from, the fact that she was nearly two hundred thousand dollars in credit card debt. as far as her rich friends knew, she fit right in with them, a hotel heiress from brazil that never had to work for a thing in her life. mattie feared her stomach was going to be permanently clenched from anxiety, waiting for all her friends to drop her. when they would figure out mattie was technically stealing from them, letting them pay for all the parties and expensive trips and clothes, just about everything. how she’d use take their credit cards because she knew they had no limit and her friends wouldn’t ever see the statements anyways. it was all working so perfectly—until that one damn shift. now the person in front of her held her fate and future in manhattan in their hands, and matilde doubted they’d just brush it off. “please… i know you don’t owe me anything, but i’m begging you. please. do not tell anyone about the other day. i’ll do anything you want, just don’t let the others know!”
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nikitahall · 7 months
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' me gustaría saber cuales objetos esconden ahí dentro. ' mordisquea su labio inferior, sangrita comenzando a hacer efecto, ¡es que ella casi nunca las bebe! y hoy se le ha dado por tener una actitud arriesgada, poco normal en ella. ' ¿que tal si ideamos un plan para entrar a escondidas y descubrirlo, hm? ' 
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