#papercuts. the queen and I
kwxnnxn · 1 year
Feel like shit want gym class heroes back
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yutaan · 2 years
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“Then come out," said the king, "knowing you'll never die of a fall unless the god himself drops you.”
A papercraft of Eugenides, from the amazingly wonderful Queen’s Thief series! The Thief has been one of my favorite books since it first blew my mind in elementary school, and it’s been such a joy following the subsequent books all through teenagerhood and into adulthood. The author Megan Whalen Turner was at a nearby YA book festival yesterday, and I made this artwork to give to her as a thank-you for the years of incredible stories!
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spitinsideme · 5 months
dosent ragatha have some special helish duty’s as the queen. Also does she have anymore powers
this is going to be a long post because i like to explain things in detail and also im going to add little drawings to some, so get ready
she does !!! she has some duties she shoukd be taking care of as youknow the queen of hell !!! like any other royalty in thr world, she does jackshit 👍 she just kind of .. created hell and is in charge of it .. soemtimes she likes to torture them herself for a bit of fun
she does have powers !!! i domt draw them much necause she doesnt really use them, but im going to give you a big list now ...
*shes invulnerable to any human or like world weapon or death, nothing can kill or harm her on earth (except religious stuff like crosses and rosaries and holy water, etc) BUT !! when shes close to someone she cares a lpt aboit (like pomni) she can be harmed and killed and also it significaly slows down her abiloty to heal .. here is a diagram to explain that
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she also is a pussy with pain becausd she is like NOT used to any earth things at all, like yeah she can be knocked around a bit by a demon but bwcause she heals quickly it has never affecred her, shes the tyoe of person to full on cry and refuse to move or do anything becwude she got a papercut
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*she has heightened sense of hearing and smell ! and also eyesight !! she can see in the dark which is very nice
*she can shapeshift oarts of her body into her demonic form. this meand she can grow the fur, have a tail, have sharper and bigger fangs and claws, change her horn shaoe into her demonic form one, and just all that stuff she can do ! she can also shapeshift into different creatures ! but they all have like soke demonic features added to then becaude ragatha is, in facy, a demon. and thehre also usuually way bigger than the original animal. not very good for blending in actually but the animald do look pretty cool and pomni finds it cute (pomni somwrimes asks ragatha to shapeshift to havw like .. the fur her demonic form has because its soft and she likes to sleeo in it, especialy during winter)
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*ragatha is always warm. literally immune to any other wearher or temperature. this isnr exactly a supwepower, this isjust her natural state. shes alwyas warm and whereever she goes she warms uo the place because of it. summer weather ? doesnr bother her, shes hotter than it and shes used to the heat (she likes it, makes her feel at home), winter weather ? canr even feel it because shee so warm, the cokd doesnt bother her or affect her
*shes very strong, shes less agile than the other demons because she relies more on strengtth than anything else, shes not vert fast either because, again, she relies on strength. shes faster than a human obviously, but not as fast as like some animals or a car. also she just doesnr enjly running because shes a cocky little bitch who knows dhe can kill whorver dhe want and whenever she wants
*shes the queen of hell, obviously she controls peoples souls. people still do contracyswith her youknow deals woth the devil are still a thing. she canr take a persons soul unless theyre mesnt to be in hell or theyve signed a contract for her to do so because then a whole fight woukd break our between her and heaven and she donesnt fancy all that. but yeah she can do all that !!
* because shes the queen of hell, she gets a special little power that only she has and no one else !!! she jusr knows what someone secretly desires, thats mosrly how she gets people to sign deals with her bur also shes a bit of a whore really so she mostly has used it for sex reasons, made a lot of peoppe go to hell by accodent because they didnr knkw they doing it woth the devil ! she likes that thoufh she finds it funny shes a bit of a bastard. she doesnt use it on pomni though because pomno told her not to, pomni feels weird about it and ragatha loves her and respecrs her and so doesnt do it. pomni ssys what she wnats anyways (soemtimes) so it works out
*she can control fire !thats soemthing shes able to do actually i decided now because shes like the queen of hell i mean comeon ?? flames of hell !? hell flames ?? it just works ... she cant do many fire tricks when notnin her demon form, but she can make fire appear with her fingers and also control it, she has verg good contrlm of it but soemtimes if she gets toomuch of a feeling she could just, potentially, light something on fire by accident. she needs to be very careful necause most of the times she doesnr want to loght soemrhing on fire by accident ! in her demon form, she can make larger fires appear and control them also. she can also control if they hurt someone or not, soemtimes she likes to start a bit of a fire that wont hurt someone but just scares then because it looks real and, therefore, dangerous. bit of a laugh for her really
*not exactly a power but someone once asked me if shes like hurt by cathokic or religoous imagerg things like crosses and rosaries and all that and yes ! she is !! it does burn her a bit and like a tingly .. stinging sensation ? it feels like if you fell into a pile of stingong nettles and then tried to scrape the skin off with a cactus. the pain is different for each thing !! ALSO !! VERY IMPORTANR !! the pain hurts less when theyre further away from it. for example, demon ragayha is in a chirch a lot because of pomni so shes always arouns relifious things bit as long as she doesnt touxh them or get VERY close to them they wont hurt her toomuch. if she gets really close to them or touches then they will hurt more
from lowest to highest on the pain scale, we have small obkects like rosaries or small crosses. the smaller the obkect, the less harm done. this is the lowest pain for that sort of stuff. overall 3/10 pain
then we have bigger obkects, things like statues or the bible woukd hurt more. this is like a bit more painful. overall 4/10 pain.
holy water is MUCH more painful on the scale. but holy watrr only works if it came from jesus birthplacr itself (nazareth) or if it was blessed from a priest, pope, or bishop. thats a proper 8/10 really painful for demons no matter your status (demon pomni and demon ragatha woukd both be hurt the same and feel the same amount of pain badically, doesnr matter the differences in status or strength for religious objects pain)
anything blessed by a priest or god themselves. also, if a priest, pope or bishop were to say a prayer and say it direftly TO them with intent to hurt (thats important, they have to say ir wirh intent to harm the demon) then this woukd be veryveru painful, proper 9/10 on the scale
i think thats it, tahts all i can think of now at least, if i think of more then ill add onto it !!
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creativecuts · 5 months
The marriage of Righteousness and Doubt.
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I wish I'd posted this before the last episode since the art in the show of them was so good and also I went for a sort of Nordic theme for Ankarna but I spent way too long on their outfits to change it. Thanks to all the drawings of Greek and Roman statues and the various queens of France that I stared at to get all these f***ing folds right. One day I'll make this into a papercutting but I have a lot of other pieces to finish first.
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
everytime i get a notification that you posted i feel like i’ve sent an ask in that hasn’t been answered yet idk why . i think ive just sent you si many asks its hard to remember what’s been answered 💀
anyways . i wanna say the entire gang had a driver’s license (i feel like johnny had one; he just didn’t use it, bro is NOT stealing a car 😭💀) so ponyboy could call up ANYONE he knew had access to a car to drive him places .
the curtis gang telling the shepard gang that if they win the rumble they have to drive them anywhere when they ask and ponyboy takes advantage of this SO MUCH. he calls tim at like 2 am and hes js like
‘tim can you take me to dairy queen im hungry and we have no food . please i didnt eat dinner ☹️’ AND TIM CANT SAY NO.
anyways. i think its a neat idea . thoughts
Omg stop wait I love this 😭 especially in a papercut/purly universe him and Curly would abuse that privilege so much, Tim would say no to his brother so Curly would make Pony ask because he knows Tim can’t say no to him 😭😭😭 cue Tim begrudgingly driving their two happy asses wherever they want all the time 💀 also any asks should be answered! You can check my #asks tag on my page if you want, unless tumblr randomly deleted it my inbox has been empty until now for a few days 🙂
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 3, Wave 2, Poll 2
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included. 
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Amaya-The Dragon Prince
1- Deaf, uses sign language 2- Sapphic, married to a female elf
Deaf and not straight (I don't know if they've mentioned her suxuality in canon, but she's dating a woman)
She is in an explicit relationship with Janai (also female, very very gay) and is deaf.
Amaya is a general of the Katolis army. She is deaf since birth and communicates in sign language. She's the best warrior in the human lands and she is a raging lesbian.
She's Deaf and a lesbian
Canonically deaf and engaged to a woman
Amaya is so cool. This is the only time I have ever seen a memorable Deaf/HOH person on a children's tv show. Her disability is dealt with really well. She isn't pitied for it. On the contrary, she's a fricking general! Did I mention she's cool? In terms of queer stuff, she's married to a literal queen (actually I haven't seen the show in a while, so its at the very least a queen-adjacent figure), and they're so cute together and every time I see them it makes me stim. Also she's just a really great character in general (no pun intended). Like, she will hunt you down and kill you if you so much as give her nephew a papercut. She's such a badass like genuinely.
She's a knight and a cool aunt and I love her!
Amaya and her partner, Janai, are the classic enemies-to-lovers couple. Amaya, although deaf, does not let her disability stop her from being the best soldier of her kingdom and has rightfully taken the position of general. She's so badass, but also kind and loving. She's just amazing.
As I said before, she is a raging badass lesbian who is engaged to the queen of Sunfire Elves, who is also the best warrior in this elven nation. Her fiancee is learning sign language for her. They are so in love it physically hurts!!!!
I'm bad at the propaganda thing but I'll give it a try She uses ASL and has an interpreter she's close to. She's also a General of her home kingdom... up until she gets captured by an enemy princess and falls in love. Now that princess is a queen, and as of the last episode they're engaged to be married. Also they share a bed and multiple kisses onscreen.
Is a badass fighter, determined, fiercely protects those she loves
Anything Else?:
I LOVE HER SO MUCH (Submitter one)
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond @yurayuramiharin is the fourth submitter.
Gobber-How To Train Your Dragon
He has a prosthetic arm and a prosthetic leg. And is confirmed to be gay (in an admittedly really weird way :/)
He's gay. He's disabled. He's a viking. He's good at his job. He has a stone tooth. He uses his arm prosthetic like a toolbelt. He knows a lot about dragons. Idk man. He's cool
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a-had-matter · 5 months
crushin on her future boyfriend should've asked him when she didn't want him why must i fall in love with everything that i can't have
say it's human nature and i'll beat your ass cause i can't be that bad...
feedin my tears to the one in the mirror no you won't see her bathin in my blood yeah she sucks up my years embodies my fears oh how i love her
'let her shred me through her teeth beat up my organs skin inside out mind upside down invisible splinters i'll never pull out worms right where my ears used to be (think i might be decomposing)
she can tear me to pieces and hide all the parts i need she'll never give my heart back cause she thinks im good company gives me papercuts from the inside but you should never see me bleed so when you see my red know that everything's crumbling
but i'll piece myself back so i can see him again though he'll never see me as much more than a friend
though im happy that he even sees me makes me glow and wanna go do something and all the fucked up things don't matter he's the queen of my heart and i'm his mad hatter i'd be forever down the rabbit hole to see them both smile
i think i might go walk a mile
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖕 𝖋𝖔𝖗 @aubrobrewhaha.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒚𝒔! You have such a soft nature; patient, gentle, I think Fenrys would melt at your feet just to feel your hand on his cheek. You two wouldn't be an unlikely couple - Fenrys definitely has a gentle side, he just hides his vulnerability with jokes. And you'd see right through it.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚/𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Not the same as fire, but similar to that of sunshine or a star; when your power is at full strength, you glow (can glow so bright it incinerates anyone you want around you). Your eyes can turn white when using your power, as well as defying gravity.
Your skin always looks like you're wearing glitter or some type of shimmer, but you were born that way.
When the mate bond snapped into place, he was on emissary duty. You being a princess of a royal who had came to Aelin's aid. Fenrys was sent to give personal thanks on Queen Aelin's behalf.
It happened as soon as you laid eyes on each other; Fenrys' nostrils flaring, eyes widening and eyebrows lifting. You were the first person he shook hands with, his eyes boring into your own. It felt like something had filled inside of you; a bone, or an emotion you didn't know had been in a state of dismay. Now it was ... healed. And you felt elated.
Without a doubt he would shift into his wolf form and beckon you to frolic in a goddamn field. His wolfy tongue hanging out of his mouth, bouncing up and down with his head turned to look behind you.
Fenrys' pet names for you are: "starlight" (obviously inspired by your powers but also because you're his guiding star admist the darkness), "my princess," or alternatively just "princess" and "sunshine."
Fenrys is always over the top whenever you hurt yourself/are hurt. Even if it's just a papercut, he's rushing around trying to find something to cover it. Giving it a kiss better (always gives your covered 'wound' a kiss).
His mouth was literally agape when he first saw your powers. Wide-eyed, shocked, amazed, in love. Thought (and continue to thinks) you're the most beautiful thing in the world. Too precious.
When he first introduced you to Aelin, he was he like "look it. look at my mate. perfect. just perfect. i get to keep :')"
Squeezes your cheeks, kisses your palms, scratches your scalp, hugs you from behind, wants to pick you up all the time but you bat his hands away because he's still trying to when others are around!
Takes him a long time to open up about his brother and his past. You'd might even ask Aelin about it and she would only tell you some things but ultimately it would be up to Fenrys.
Before you, when he'd have nightmares he would change into his wolf form. However, since finding you, his mate, nightmares don't happen so often. But when they do, he subconciously curls into you, letting your light seep into him like a protective bubble.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Sunshine Of Your Love by Cream
Do It by Chloe x Halle (this song is the one where you & fenrys would absolutely lose it to, like both of you just dancing like no one is watching - when in fact everyone is watching...)
Work Song by Hozier
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Madly In Love (Fenrys) x Ridiculously Oblivious (You)
Constantly Trying To Make You Blush In Public (Fenrys) x Worked At First But Now You're Used To It (You)
Malewife x Girlboss
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Intertwined Destinies
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Fenrys loves that you know how to calm people down, you make people feel at ease, you're a soothing presence. Fenrys adores how much empathy you have for others, it shows how strong you are; your willingness to open your heart.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Okay so everyone would absolutely adore you, but Yrene would connect with you wholeheartedly. You both have very similar personalities, would be on the same page/wavelength and just understand each other more than anyone else would (besides your mates).
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Yrene, Elide and Gavriel. Selfless, intelligent, kind, wise, gentle, slow to anger, yet passionate and don't take shit from anyone.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
There's a tradition in your royal fae family, of finding your familiar when you come of age. They're to help you with the responsibility of making decisions and thinking of your actions vs consequences.
Your familiar came in the animal of an owl; smaller than the usual but no less wise. Although, she is much more playful. Usually she sits on your shoulder, flies around your head or goes back home to rest.
When you need her, all you need to do is pull on that invisible tether inside yourself and she's there in an instant.
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏 𝑽𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒂! Like the other fae I've shipped you with, Luc teeters on the edge of witty banter and sarcasm that's used as a mask to hide his trauma/pain. With you he can be as serious or unserious as he wants, knowing you won't judge him.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚/𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Whether it's closing wounds or regrowing dying flowers, the love and compassion from your heart made the cauldron decide easily on your ability. Some see you as a medic, as you're able to find the source of the pain if someone is ill. It's a big responsibility and you're constantly needed.
Kept his sarcastic wall up with you even after he found out you were mates. It wasn't until a month later, when you held your hand so gently to his face that he crumbled under your touch. You told him he did not need to keep up the charade with you.
Not only do your powers heal, but you know a lot about herbs and ointments as well. Your family (who have lived in the Dawn Court for generations) are well-known for their healing. Even Thesan, the High Lord, bestowed a title to your family.
This title meant your family held influence. Not a lot, but enough that respect was given wherever you went. And that's how you met Lucien - Rhysand had asked if one of your family members (which ended up being you) would come and teach Feyre how to heal.
Since Lucien often visited the Night Court, it was no coincidence that you bumped into each other. Literally. Which is ironic since you both possess fae abilities - but your minds were so focused on what lay ahead in the Night Court.
Helping you up, it wasn't until your hands touched, then eyes met that the mating bond snapped into place. Like a tight tether around your very soul, it became hard to breathe when he let go of your hand.
Lucien told Feyre (his main reason in being there) and she gave him pretend orders so that he had to stay.
Lucien is constantly scared that something is going to happen to you. The trauma from his father and what he did to his former lover still hangs over his head like an axe waiting to fall.
Not a lot of people know this, but Lucien has a lot of anxiety. He keeps it hidden but because of the bond (and the fact that you both accepted the bond) you can feel what he feels. And one of your best traits is being able to calm unnerved beings.
Many, many forehead touches. Even though Lucien is quite taller than you, he leans down so he can kiss your nose and touch your forehead with his.
Would definitely move to the Dawn Court to be with you and your family if that's what you wished.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Into My Arms by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
Nad Dunaem by DakhaBrakha
The Less I Know The Better by the Midnite String Quartet
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
"Hey can I have a…" (You) x "Yes. Whatever it is. Yes." (Lucien)
“I care about you!” (You) x “You shouldn’t!” (Lucien)
Sweetest Person On Earth (You) x Their Protector (Lucien)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Timeless Love
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your very being. You helped Lucien re-discover his self worth, his confidence (which he didn't have to fake anymore) and brought him out of the darkness. He no longer felt lost.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
The High Lady herself, Feyre! While teaching her, you two grew a close bond. And although she loved her Inner Circle, it was nice to talk to someone different, someone who she had to learn to trust.
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of all three Archeron sisters. Hear me out; Nesta's take no shit attitude and fierceness, Elain's gentle nature and love for the natural world and Feyre, who can shoulder responsibility and wants to help others.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
Found hurt with a broken leg, you couldn't let the poor thing suffer. It wasn't in your nature, even if you didn't have healing as your gift. Once the cat was fully healed, his eyes turned to you and he grinned.
"Thank you," he said. Turning from a cat into a large pantheresque looking creature. Horns protruding from his head, teeth sharpening and claws growing.
And yet, you weren't scared. He knew you weren't.
"I owe you a life debt," he uttered, head bowing.
"Oh no you really don't!" You insisted, waving your hands in a 'no' motion.
But after a few minutes of silence, he replied, "well, after you. Now where you go, I go. And if you prefer my other form... I can do that as well."
(Lucien nearly died from a heart attack when he first met the creature.)
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑹𝒖𝒉𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂𝒏! Handsome, funny and sarcastic; he would protect you with his life - he would kill and die for you. Well ... there's nothing he wouldn't do for you.
With a mix of humour yet overwhelming care tucked behind his mask of intimdation; it was a surprise when you two found out you were mates.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚/𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Elemental ability: Water.
As a half Mer, with your other half being Fae, you have an afinity for water magic. Although you cannot turn into a Mer, you can hold your breath under water for a long, long time. It isn't just ocean, lake or river water you can control, but most liquids. However, your magic is strongest when the liquid is pure water.
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Thought you were a goddess the first time he saw you; the way the sun shone down upon your face as you stood on the beach. Water drifting up your legs, swirling around your body; like a blue snake winding around you.
You didn't care that your dress was soaking, or that people were watching. You just needed to feel the water on your skin. It was like re-energising yourself whenever you touched water. Especially when it was the ocean. The place that your mother was from, the place that you had been birthed.
Visiting the water was a common occurance for you. It helped calm you, bring you back to reality when your mind was playing tricks.
Your first kiss with Ruhn was at night, in the water. Droplets ran down his tanned face, his hair pushed back, lips wet. You hadn't thought you would ever find your mate. Let alone a Prince. A rebel prince who was covered in tattoos, looked scary but had a goddamn heart of gold.
Physical affection is a big factor in your relationship. Ruhn yearns for it. For many years he was touch-starved. Aching for a kind hand, a soft hug; someone he knew would never hurt him.
And having you now, he would endure everything all over again. Knowing he would have you.
He's very good at braiding hair; used to braid Bryce's when she was a little girl. He let her paint his nails and colour in his tattoos. He loved being a big brother.
Loves snuggling up with you on the couch; well, it's actually him laying on top of you, his head on your chest as you watch a reality show.
You don't have a lot of arguements. But when you do, it's mostly about your safety or his. You want to help him but he wants you to be safe, to never get hurt. Because if he lost you, he would be lost too.
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Eat Your Young by Hozier
Fire In The Water by Feist
R U Mine by Arctic Monkeys
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Looks Like A Jerk But Has A Heart Of Gold (Ruhn) x Looks Like A Cinnamon Roll But Is Also A Badass (You)
Sun (You) x Moon (Ruhn)
Always Hold Grudges (Ruhn) x Forgives Too Easily (You)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Found Family
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your passion. With your Virgo Sun (ambition, determination, hard-working nature, practicality) and your Aries Moon (fierceness, independence, relentlessness) AND your Leo Rising! (warmness, friendliness, compassion, enthusiasm) you are a leader of change and possibilities.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Bryce would would probably fall in love with you a little. I will not lie. Maybe it's because you have similar placements, or she loves how compassionate and fierce you are, she cannot deny that you just might be her platonic soulmate (which hurts her a little because that's how she thought of Danika).
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix (I'm sorry it's always a mix!) of Juniper, Bryce, and Danika. Almost like a softer version of Bryce? You have such a healing energy, like you could calm absolutely anyone down. Defuse a fight, relieve stress but also be a leader of an army?
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
A beautiful sea creature called a Hippocampus. She resembles a horse mixed with a fish and is absolutely obsessed with you.
Well, as are you, since you grew up together. It was a rare coincidence for a mer-child to be born at the exact moment as another sea creature ...
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sikudastoner · 9 days
Happy Name Day Darren Lannister 🦁🧔
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It’s been a crazy couple of weeks so all I came up with was a mini playlist and this dumb picture.
Numb by Linkin Park
“Every step that I take is another mistake to you and every second I waste is more than I can take.”
My Own Worst Enemy by Lit
“It’s no surprise to me, I am my own worst enemy. ‘Cause every now and then I kick the living shit outta me. Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn’t mean to call you that.”
In Too Deep by Sum 41
“Just as things were looking up, you said it wasn’t good enough. But still, we’re trying one more time.”
Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
“Do you feel like a man when you push her around? Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground? Well, I’ll tell you my friend one day this world’s gonna end. As your lies crumbles down, a new life she has found.”
Papercut by Linkin Park
“It’s like I’m paranoid, lookin’ over my back. It’s like a whirlwind inside my head. It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearing within. It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin.”
But it’s Better if You Do by Panic! At The Disco
“Now I’m of consenting age, to be forgetting you in a cabaret somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen may even ask my name.”
All Caps by MF DOOM, Madvillian and Madlib
Based off this tiktok.
Stronger by Kayne West
“Bow in the presence of greatness, because right now thou has forsaken us. You should be honored by my lateness, that I would even show up to this fake shit.”
Numb/Encore by Jay-Z & Linkin Park
“So for one last time, I need y’all to roar. Now what the hell are you waiting for? After me, there should be no more.”
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kaeyx · 6 months
i had an idea
so imagine after a dangerous mission, dazai gets injured (nothing too serious but he's excused from missions until he heals)
so reader spends all day/ as much time as you can fawning over Dazai, petting his hair and letting him use your lap or chest as a pillow, telling him how amazing he is and how proud you are, etc...
man'd definitely act exaggeratedly pitiful & weak around you for more cuddles and praise. he definitely realizes he thrives on it because of this.
also, since he doesn't get praised or fawned over much, imagine him realizing he has a praise kink because of this
Yeah Dazai is such a drama queen, he could walk off a bullet wound but if it gets him the attention he wants he'll cry over a papercut. He tries to dismiss the injury until he sees how worried you are and how you keep fawning over him, and suddenly he's very sick and invalid and you have to take care of him. Honestly, he lives for the pampering. Getting spoon fed warm soup after you blow on it to cool it down, getting helped out of bed, even getting washed by your gentle hands while he relaxes into you. Dazai will offload all his work to Atsushi because he knows the boy won't say no, and then devote all his time to being weak and demanding attention from you. He'll even stretch out his recovery time to really milk the situation for all it's worth.
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dabisbratz · 1 year
we talking about knight gojo and geto but what about knight choso?? like he would be so protective of you and always keeping a close eye on you. even if you get a little papercut or a scrape he gets so angry at himself for not protecting his sweet boy! definitely gets handsy to protect you. and prince!reader notices how hard choso works to keep him safe, so you like to reward him with kisses and some nice blowjobs, insisting that choso sits on the king's throne while you suck him off. you both know the risk of doing this, but at the same time it gives you such a thrill that you do it all the time. he loves how sweet you are normally, but how naughty you can be when you two are alone. you absolutely love when he manhandles you around, even though sometimes he doesn't even realize he's doing it. he's just so strong and sweet he wants the best for you hehrennensn
THSISISOCUYEEHEH choso’s definitely one of those guys who doesn realize his strength!! n also has a big dick but he’s real shy about itsjhsjshs n so humble too!! you could be hollowin out your cheeks n slurpin him down, he’ll try to cradle your head but accidentally ends up pushin you down until you’re gaggin n sputterin n he feels so bad for it cause he didn’t know!! n he didn’t mean to!! but turns out you’re jus a size queen (or prince! in this instance hehe get it..) n you really liked it
also!! i bet princey has a habit of fallin asleep everywhere n drapin his body on flat surfaces, so choso has to carry him t’bed every night all sweet n gentle. it ends up bein a nightly ritual for them, princey gets visibly upset if it doesn’t happen in a while
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I would very much love to see how one piece hotties reacting to their partner saying "I would have married you with paper rings".
Please! That's all I want!
Kizaru ✨: *smile tenderly and cuddle their S/O* “…I know, love…”
Akainu🌋: *smiles a little* “…glad I proposed before you did”
Ryokugyu 🌱: *scoffs* “…and I would have still declined”
Fujitora 🐅: *smiles* “…definitely with that heart of gold you have”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *smirks* “…that’s because you’re a cheap ass and I hate papercuts…so hard pass…”
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *chuckles* “…I wouldn’t settle for anything but platinum…”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *smiles and hugs S/O* “…and I would have married you without them too”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *smirks* “…such a hopeless romantic”
Killer🔪: *blushes and buries face in S/O’s chest*
Kaido🐉: *smirks* “…good thing we got married so quickly”
King 👑: *blushes and pulls close* “…such sweet words from you never fail to amaze me”
Queen👑: *confused* “…why paper though? You could easily get cheap rings”
Izou🔫🔫: *smiles* “…and I would have done the same, love”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: *smirks* “…you just wanted to marry me so badly”
Oven Charlotte 🍞: *huffs* “…but it would burn so quickly…metal is better”
Buggy🤡: *confused Buggy sounds* “…I’d lose it to be honest”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *smiled and kisses S/O* “…I’d marry you a 1000 times over just to have that special moment with you again and again”.
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Rules: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters:
Thank you for the tags @ilovepedro and @littlevenicebitch69 !!!
J- Jackie and Wilson: Hozier
A- Anna Sun: Walk the Moon
V- Violet: Bad Suns
I- I’m In Love (With You): The 1975
E- End of Time: Beyoncé
R- Rich Girl: Hall and Oats
P- Papercuts: Landon Conrath
E- Everywhere: Fleetwood Mac
N- Navie: The Kooks
A- All The Small Things: Blink-182
I- I Don’t Wanna Stop: Good Charlotte
N- No Control: One Direction
A- A-Punk: Vampire Weekend
T: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs: Fall Out Boy
A- All Too Well: Taylor Swift
C- Crazy Little Thing Called Love: Queen
V- Vienna: Billy Joel
E- Everlong: Foo Fighters
S- Short Skirt/Long Jacket: Cake
T- Teddy Picker: Artic Monkeys
I love music so much, it was so hard to pick what songs I wanted 😭🥴 this was so fun!!
Np tags: @endlessthxxghts @persephone-girl @pastelnap @tightjeansjavi @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @cool-iguana @rhoorl @perennialdoll247 (sorry if you’ve already been tagged!!)
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chewbokachoi · 3 months
I was tagged by @cloudofbutterflies92 ! Creator vs creation - picrew used
Me and Cassan. I am the Queen of Papercuts
Horns were the only way to illustrate the cowlicks I have woken up with but also horns are neat
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 1, Poll 3
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Prince Wilhelm-Young Royals
Has some sort of anxiety disorder and is very queer
I think he’s neat.
Amaya-The Dragon Prince
1- Deaf, uses sign language 2- Sapphic, married to a female elf
Deaf and not straight (I don't know if they've mentioned her suxuality in canon, but she's dating a woman)
She is in an explicit relationship with Janai (also female, very very gay) and is deaf.
Amaya is a general of the Katolis army. She is deaf since birth and communicates in sign language. She's the best warrior in the human lands and she is a raging lesbian.
She's Deaf and a lesbian
Canonically deaf and engaged to a woman
Amaya is so cool. This is the only time I have ever seen a memorable Deaf/HOH person on a children's tv show. Her disability is dealt with really well. She isn't pitied for it. On the contrary, she's a fricking general! Did I mention she's cool? In terms of queer stuff, she's married to a literal queen (actually I haven't seen the show in a while, so its at the very least a queen-adjacent figure), and they're so cute together and every time I see them it makes me stim. Also she's just a really great character in general (no pun intended). Like, she will hunt you down and kill you if you so much as give her nephew a papercut. She's such a badass like genuinely.
She's a knight and a cool aunt and I love her!
Amaya and her partner, Janai, are the classic enemies-to-lovers couple. Amaya, although deaf, does not let her disability stop her from being the best soldier of her kingdom and has rightfully taken the position of general. She's so badass, but also kind and loving. She's just amazing.
As I said before, she is a raging badass lesbian who is engaged to the queen of Sunfire Elves, who is also the best warrior in this elven nation. Her fiancee is learning sign language for her. They are so in love it physically hurts!!!!
I'm bad at the propaganda thing but I'll give it a try She uses ASL and has an interpreter she's close to. She's also a General of her home kingdom... up until she gets captured by an enemy princess and falls in love. Now that princess is a queen, and as of the last episode they're engaged to be married. Also they share a bed and multiple kisses onscreen.
Is a badass fighter, determined, fiercely protects those she loves
Anything Else?:
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @yurayuramiharin is the fourth submitter, the ‘anything else?’ Section is the first submitter.
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OC Question Tag
Thank you for the tag @illarian-rambling !
My questions are:
Papercut or stubbed toe?
What do you do in your free time?
What can you catch, but not throw?
I'll answer this with the three immortal characters from book 2: Narul, Mikrab, and Patricca.
Papercut or stubbed toe?
Narul: The giant's brow furrows. "Pepper? Paper? I...I don't know what a paper is. Um, is it a weapon? Since I don't know what that is...the toe thing? I've heard people talking about stubbing their toes before..." Mikrab: The grizzled old ball of scars and muscle snorts, "Paper, bronze, iron, stone, doesn't matter, just try to cut me. What is paper?" Patricca: The great queen tilt her head, the bronze plates of her armor clink and scrape upon eachother. Her fingers trace around the pommel of her crude slab of a sword. "Why not both? You cut and stub me, and I'll do the same to you."
2. What do you do in your free time?
Narul: " I talk to Bop, I go on walks, I try not to think too much." Mikrab: " I look at the birds, I sleep, what else is there?" He growls. Patricca: " I dream of my next battle."
3. What can you catch but not throw?
Narul: "A shadow? Wait, no that's stupid. Ninma was better at this sort of thing. A cold? Humans catch colds right?" Mikrab: "My attention, then again you can't actually catch that." The spiritblood says as he lays back, eyes closed. Patricca: "I hate riddles. They're for bards and cowards. Catch my blade and you'll never throw anything again." She laughs at her own wit.
Your questions are:
What is in your pocket?
What is your least favorite day of the week?
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
tagging @patienceofstone , @rhokisb , @mercurialsmile , @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling, and whoever!
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