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peeporoons-notes · 1 year ago
back to MSQ —— go outside
💬 Flavor text: Quicksand, Steps of Nald, Ul'dah
Any flavor text inside the Quicksand which differs from that in the Ul'dahn tutorial instance.
* Memenaru, Marteire, and Elviane's text— as well as proximity dialogue— remains unchanged.
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Momodi "You've found your way to the Quicksand, friend. As you can see, we cater to a clientele with an adventurous streak.
With the chaos left in the wake of the Calamity, the townsfolk'll be needin' the help of my patrons more than ever."
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Botulf "Ul'dah's known for its merchants, but making your way here as one is no easy thing.
Three reasons for that—too many trends, too many rivals, and too many lies."
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Papasu "Hello there, traveler. Have you tried any dishes at the Quicksand yet? Nothing prepares you for a day of adventuring like a hearty meal, you know!"
* "What do you do here?" you ask. Papasu "Oh, I just flit about the Quicksand, attending to our guests' every need. I also help out in the kitchens on occasion. No one makes buttered crumpets as buttery as I do, you know. Next time I whip up a batch, be sure to try one! Of course, you ought to try all of our dishes—everything we serve is excellent. Why not have a bite to eat and rest a spell? I promise you won't regret it!"
* "Why is it called the Quicksand?" you ask. Papasu "Have a look around you—all manner of folk get caught in the lure of the Quicksand! They gather here to meet and mingle with one another. 'Course, you adventurers are less like to linger long. Aye, your kind is not unlike sand itself—the more tightly we try to hold on to you, the easier it is for you to slip through our fingers… Oh, I know all about your type. My husband used to be an adventurer, you know. Oh, he was quite a gallant hero way back when. But his days of derring-do are but a distant memory now—aye, and his strapping physique as well."
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Kekezani "Mmm…you got it, sweet cheeks, full speed ahead…"
back to MSQ —— go outside
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usdskate · 6 years ago
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Takeshi up side down Repost By takeshiyasutoko: 🙃 📷 @satoshi_saijo_photography #smile #滑ってる時無意識で笑ってる事多い #usdskates #aeon80 #usdaeon #goodskates #BRPjapan #papasu #deeport #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 https://www.instagram.com/p/BrnER9NArZi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lvzoi030e1ia
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
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Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - 🙃 📷 @satoshi_saijo_photography #smile #滑ってる時無意識で笑ってる事多い #usdskates #aeon80 #usdaeon #goodskates #BRPjapan #papasu #deeport #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJynZvhjW9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bu5j41j30260
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suchisshiss-blog · 6 years ago
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Dragon Quest: Your Story, il film si mostra in un primo trailer
Svelati i primi membri del cast delll’adattamento animato di Dragon Quest V.
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Diffuso un primo trailer di “Dragon Quest: Your Story”, il film d’animazione basato sul videogioco del 1992 “Dragon Quest V: La sposa del destino”, diretto sotto la guida di Takashi Yamazaki - regista di “Doraemon - Il film” e delle pellicole live action di “Parasyte” e “Space Battleship Yamato” - e animato in computer grafica. La pellicola debutterà nelle sale giapponesi il 2 agosto di quest’anno.
Assieme al video, è stato rivelato il cast principale del film:
Ruka: Takeru Satoh
Bianca: Kasumi Arimura
Flora (Nera nella versione italiana): Haru
Henry (Harry nella versione italiana): Kentaro Sakaguchi
Papasu (Pankraz nella versione italiana): Takayuki Yamada
Altri interpreti confermati sono: Kendo Kobayashi; Ken Yasuda; Arata Furuta; Suzuki Matsuo; Kouichi Yamadera; Arata Iura; Chikako Kaku e Koutarou Yoshida.
Yamazaki si è occupato della sceneggiatura e ha supervisionato il progetto con la collaborazione di Yuji Horii, game designer ideatore della storica serie videoludica. Il lungometraggio è diretto da Ryuuichi Yagi (co-regista di Doraemon - Il Film) e Makoto Hanafusa, mentre la colonna sonora è ad opera di Koichi Sugiyama, compositore da sempre legato al franchise.
Il nostro eroe comincia il suo viaggio da bambino, girovagando per il mondo insieme a suo padre Pankraz. Cresciuto tra mille avventure, da adulto deciderà di portare a termine la missione lasciata incompiuta da suo padre: trovare l’eroe leggendario...
La saga di jrpg, caratterizzata dall’inconfondibile design di Akira Toriyama, ha avuto inizio nel 1986 e, negli anni, ha ispirato undici capitoli principali e vari spin off, oltre a diversi manga, due serie anime e cinque film d’animazione. Il capitolo più recente della serie di videogiochi è “Dragon Quest XI: Echi di un'era perduta”, uscito il settembre scorso per PlayStation 4 e PC.
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jetsoday · 2 years ago
[香港旅遊優惠]【持續更新】日本京都2023旅遊資訊|自由行必睇|兔年必去兔仔神社、京都市巴士一日周遊券9月起停售、最有特色貢茶二年坂店 https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0%e3%80%90%e6%8c%81%e7%ba%8c%e6%9b%b4%e6%96%b0%e3%80%91%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e4%ba%ac%e9%83%bd2023%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e8%b3%87%e8%a8%8a%ef%bd%9c.html 講起去日本旅行,除咗最熱門嘅東京、大阪之外,京都作為世界著名嘅古都,散發著同大城市截然不同嘅魅力,因此亦深受遊客喜愛。唔少人都會選擇去大阪玩嘅時候順便去京都,如果大家都想咁樣玩,可以參考由關西機場出發去京都交通攻略。小編為大家整理京都嘅最新消息,例如交通資訊、最新景點,記住睇埋落去! 相關優惠:【日本環球影城】2023年活動整合|UNIVERSAL COOL JAPAN 2023——《SPYxFAMILY》、《名偵探柯南》合作確定! 【京都巴士一日周遊券9月起停售】 相信好多人去京都玩嘅時候都有買過「京都巴士一日券」,但係呢款車票將會喺今年9月停止發售啦。由京都市交通局推出嘅「京都巴士一日券」,係好多遊客到訪京都必買嘅車票,有咗佢就可以更方便地周圍去。但係因為去京都玩嘅遊客太多,令前往主要觀光景點嘅巴士經常塞滿遊客,影響到當地居民嘅日常生活。局方見到呢個情況,決定由9月起停止發售「京都巴士一日券」,希望藉此分散觀光人流。 如果已經買咗呢張車票嘅話,2024年3月底前仍然可以使用。不過即使呢張車票即將停售,官方仍然保留「地下鐵+巴士一日券」呢個組合,所以如果大家去京都玩嘅時候想搭巴士,可以考慮下買呢個套票! 相關優惠:小編直擊:11月新開幕日本吉卜力樂園|一票難求!海外遊客購票攻略!|一文睇晒3大園區神還原《千與千尋》、《龍貓》經典場景 【兔年必去:京都兔仔神社】 踏入兔年,相信唔少人都會搵下有咩應節嘅地方可以去,日本人都唔例外!日本有旅遊平台就統計咗十個最熱門有關「兔」嘅景點,今次就同大家介紹第三位嘅京都「兔仔神社」��� 呢個被稱為「兔仔神社」嘅地方其實係位於京都嘅「東天王岡崎神社」。因為以前附近一帶係野兔嘅棲息地,再加上東方所對應嘅天干地支係「卯」,而「卯」又代表十二生肖裏面嘅兔,所以兔仔就被視為呢個神社嘅神使。因為神社內充滿可愛嘅兔仔雕像、擺設,又以祈求懷孕、安產、求姻緣靈驗而聞名,所以一向都係相當人氣嘅神社。呢度連繪馬、御守都有兔仔造型,非常可愛。有機會嘅話兔年內一定要去下! 相關優惠:【全新日本酒店】5間大阪新酒店推介!日本首間W酒店!環球影城全新官方酒店!名設計師型格新酒店! 【貢茶京都二年坂店開幕】 日本人對珍珠奶茶嘅狂熱拍得住香港人,所以好多連鎖台式飲品店喺日本都有設立分店。京都就有間新嘅貢茶分店開幕,不過睇落同一般貢茶好唔同! 呢間貢茶「京都二年坂店」以日本家屋為外觀,改建自大正時代初期嘅建築,仲融合咗二年坂周圍嘅景觀,希望藉此宣揚京都嘅魅力。 店內運用咗柔和色調嘅木材、和紙藝術等元素,非常有特色!呢間分店提供兩款限定飲品,分別係宇治抹茶奶茶、黑糖宇治抹茶奶茶。分店位置鄰近清水寺、八坂神社,以後行完景點可以過去坐低飲杯野! 相關優惠:【慳錢攻略】去日本Shopping必睇!2023日本各大商戶優惠券整合|松本清、BicCamera、Joshin上新電器、Edion愛電王、Sofmap、KOJIMA、PAPASU、青山洋服 唔少人都會將大阪、京都放入同一個旅程入面,如果你都諗住會去埋大阪,就即刻睇下大阪有咩好玩啦! ▼大阪市中心最美溫泉!打卡打到手軟|空庭溫泉梅田出發10分鐘邊日幾點入場最抵玩? ▼大阪最新大型商場三井LaLaport堺|Food Court先係本體|必食漢堡扒、大阪築地海寶飯、Antiqulture古著店、Onelove寵物用品店 ▼比551蓬萊好食嘅大阪豬肉包?2800円牛治?!2022難波心齋橋必食美食|551HORAI、二見豬肉包、わなか章魚燒、心齋橋三文治、不易糊軟雪糕 The post 【持續更新】日本京都2023旅遊資訊|自由行必睇|兔年必去兔仔神社、京都市巴士一日周遊券9月起停售、最有特色貢茶二年坂店 appeared first on Flyday.hk.
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happyfunnycoolgirl96 · 5 years ago
One time my parents were driving around somewhere on a borrowed zip car upstate i dont even know my dad was driving us to a vedanta retreat i think it was vivekananda retreat ridgely w/e but we saw this place called the groovy blueberry and it was magical it was glitter and spunk and purest cornea funk- my corneas. and I was like lets stop at the groovy blueberry but my dad wanted to get straight to the retreat which was anything but (groovy) and i could hear this music and i was like HOLY SHIT THATS LOOP GURU like have you ever heard of loop guru ? no yeah then you see why i was so psyched over whoever was in there playing papasus by loop guru. The groovy blueberry is this hippie clothing shop btw where the people tie dye their small white animals and huff the leftover fluids if you didnt get that b4. Like 3 hours later we come back from the retreat and as soon as we pull up to the groovy blueberry the woman running the store is locking the door and telling us that they are closed. But at least i got to see her
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recentanimenews · 6 years ago
Hero's Journey Begins in "Dragon Quest: Your Story" 3DCG Anime Film Trailer
  A new trailer and the main cast have been revealed for Dragon Quest: Your Story, an upcoming 3DCG theatrical anime film that is based on Square Enix's classic JRPG, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride.
  �� The main cast for Dragon Quest: Your Story includes:
  Takeru Satoh as Ruka.
Kasumi Arimura as Bianca.
Haru as Flora (known as "Nera" in English).
Kentarô Sakaguchi as Henry (known as "Harry" in English).
And Takayuki Yamada as Papasu (known as "Pankraz" in English).
  Other cast members announced include Kendo Kobayashi, Ken Yasuda, Arata Furuta, Suzuki Matsuo, Kōichi Yamadera, Arata Iura, Chikako Kaku, and Kōtarō Yoshida.
    Square Enix describes the story of Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride as follows:
  Our hero begins the game as a small boy, travelling the world with his father, Pankraz. Over the course of his many adventures, the lovable lad learns and grows...[a]nd when he finally becomes a man, he resolves to continue his father's unfinished quest - to find the Legendary Hero...
  Dragon Quest: Your Story features general direction and a screenplay by Takashi Yamazaki, direction by Ryuichi Yagi and Makoto Hanafusa, music by Koichi Sugiyama, and distribution by Toho. The film hits theaters in Japan on August 02, 2019.
  Source: Comic Natalie
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
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peeporoons-notes · 1 year ago
back —— go outside —— talk to Momodi
💬 Flavor text: Tutorial - Steps of Nald, Ul'dah
Ul'dahn starting tutorial - inside the Quicksand
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Botulf "If you'd like to earn a bit yourself, best go speak to Momodi about getting started. You'll find her just behind that counter, there." ————————————————
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Elviane "I think it's time I replaced my tired old wand. And since we have the Alchemists' Guild right here in Ul'dah, I might even treat myself to one of those more expensive, custom-made types."
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Papasu "Hello there, adventurer! You new to town? Best direct all your questions to Mistress Momodi then─she'll take care of you."
💬 If you walk near the two men perusing the board behind her: Axe-wielding one: "Cut the ropes to the bridge, send the beast plummeting, save the princess." Armored one: "Sounds simple enough. What's in it for us?"
* Note: Since the game is made in Japan, the two bubbles are to be read right to left!
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💬 Proximity flavor text: Nondescript Hyur: "You won't believe what I have planned for today." Miqo'te spellcaster: "Wait, let me guess. Another trip to the ruins?" Roegadyn Marauder: "<sigh> here we go again."
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Marteire "Watch yourself, adventurer. These people obsess over coin and ever scheme against their brethren.
Even nature conspires against us here. The heat is unbearable, and the sand—gods, the sand! It finds its way into every crack and crevasse!"
💬 Proximity flavor text: Sloshed Hyuran mage: "Nothin' like a warm ale after a day of maimin'!"
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Memenaru "I've dined at many of Ul'dah's finer establishments, but none hold a candle to the Quicksand. Somehow the ale tastes sweeter when drunk in her presence…"
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The Smith "As one of the Smiths, I provide guidance for those just starting out on the path of the adventurer. For the present, I suggest you learn your way around the city—an endeavor with which Momodi shall no doubt wish to aid you."
back —— go outside —— talk to Momodi
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hernameismanda · 8 years ago
PAPA SU IS ULTIMATE FORM BAE. I love you bro!! 😭❤️👏🏻👏🏻🎸 #papasu #zaxas #returnsthemachine #ohana @lambs_mandolins
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
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Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - VIKING FLIP. (Method grab flatspin) 観てくれてる人が喜んでくれているのが分かる写真!凄い嬉しいです。 📷 @satoshi_saijo_photography . #sawagosa #さわごさ #vikingflip #usdskates #aeon80 #usdaeon #goodskates #papasu #senaramp #deeport #divisionpad #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo4YHYkhi52/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vxhj21avy2f1
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patinadoresoficial · 5 years ago
Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - Little bit higher than last one, But I want to fly more🔥 この前より少し上がった!けどまだいける! 気持ちは熱く頭は冷静に。 @usdskates @goodskates_inc @canamonroad_japan @lzbn_official @papasu1048 #usdskates #usdaeon #aeon72 #goodskates #papasu #senaramp #deeport #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 #AIR - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B5N5KSuhUxQ/?igshid=6uaiii3j1kz0
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patinadoresoficial · 5 years ago
Se é patins está no ar @usdskates - Repost By @takeshiyasutoko: One line at #gskatepark . With BLADER Tee from @soulvisionworks 🙌 🎥 Yusuke. @usdskates @goodskates_inc @canamonroad_japan @lzbn_official @papasu1048 #usdskates #usdaeon #aeon80 #goodskates #papasu #deeport #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 #soulvisionworks #blader @isseisato さんTシャツありがとうございます! #usdaeon #usdskate #usdskates - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B2S_mHtBitr/?igshid=tohtfsuq6xt7
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - RIDE YOUR WAY. 🎥 @shintaro_nakayahman . @canamonroad_japan @goodskates_inc @usdskates @lzbn_official @papasu1048 @virus.japan #canamonroad #canamryker #brpjapan #rideyourway #usdskates #usdaeon #aeon60 #goodskates #papasu #deeport #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 #カメラワーク #最高 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv0-FhDBzzS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17fswbw51vsmv
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - LONG D grab⚡️ やっぱりハーフパイプは難しいし楽しい。 @goodskates_inc @goprojp @usdskates @lzbn_official @canamonroad_japan @papasu1048 @virus.japan #goprohero7 #GoProJP #魚眼無効で撮影 #これも便利な機能 #longd #usdskates #usdaeon #aeon60 #goodskates #BRPjapan #papasu #deeport #virusjapan #inlineskate #rollerblading #keeprolling #インラインスケート #ローラーブレード #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 #vert #ハーフパイプ #滑れば滑るほど味が出てくる - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BvWzC03BzBN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15ju83a9kif37
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
Se é patins está no ar @takeshiyasutoko - Team Japan Fun session🇯🇵 Thank you @redbullcrashedice 🙏 今日の午前中は全選自由に練習できる時間だったので日本チームでワイワイやってきました! なんて贅沢な時間。天気も良くて最高に気持ちよかったです。 マティのイチ、ニー、サン、ゴー!が何回聞いてもギャグにしか聞こえません笑 with @toma_yamauchi @suzuki_masahito @arisayoshida17 Thank you for... @goprojp @goodskates_inc @lzbn_official @canamonroad_japan @papasu1048 @virus.japan #GoProHERO7 #GoProJP #goodskates #LZBN #BRPjapan #papasu #virusjapan #takeshiyasutoko #安床武士 #RedbullCrashedIce #fenwaypark #boston #IceCrossDownhill #アイススケート #この動画からも仲が良いのが伝わるかと - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt2v3OhBYfv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ujcq0bhq8e52
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