#papa v speculation
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iamthatlamb · 1 day ago
What are they talking about yall
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allegedlyemma · 21 days ago
The new Ghost Instagram pfp
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Papa V in 4K
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ficandkaboodle · 21 days ago
🎶He will tremble the nations
Kingdoms rot to the floor
Victim to fall for temptations
If he could just get through the door🎶
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marcherpiedsnus · 21 days ago
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Quick sketch before i get 2 hrs of sleep and then get up for the premiere.
Salve, pater novus!
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pandasleepy07 · 18 days ago
Papa V Theories
A reflection, Papa V has moonish vibes. What lights up the moon? A reflection of the sun. He follows Copia, whose colour scheme very much matched the sun, as did his songs. What if Papa V is a mix and a reflection of all the good and bad the papas had? I have this whole feeling that Perpetua is just them all living on through him. I've had a whole conversation with my roommate about him. He has something of everyone else before him. He has Primo's glittery robe front, Secondo's staff, Terzo's purple and claws and Copia's chest jewelry and cape style. Looking at his face, he has similar eye structure as Primo, the same nose as Secondo, some of Terzo's face paint, and Copia's lip style. Or maybe I was staring at this for too long. 
Perpetua is Latin, pulled from "perpetuus" which meanings "everlasting" or "eternal". So in my mind it's going "they all live on through him".
@ourfatherwhoartinhell I know you mentioned something about him not really knowing he was in the satanic ministry and there's a saint with the same name who wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity which was a journal that told the story of her trial and imprisonment along with other Christians, including Felicity who was a pregnant slave. What does my mind do with that information? Papa V is a reincarnation of her and doesn't realize that he's in the wrong place but still has a message to spread. But what if, after she died, instead of going to heaven, something happened and she was sent to hell? What if Satan gave her a second chance because she was wronged and reincarnated her? Who knows
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ss from @/im_ghostified on instagram
Now these are just my silly little thoughts, I'm sure they'll change as we get more of our new Papa, the new album and when I see him live in concert.
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cowbell-ghuleh · 1 month ago
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The second time I've done a spider themed Papa V.
The spider webs weren't part of the original idea. But I felt the piece needed something else...
Detail shots below the cut.
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sparrow-olli · 17 days ago
Alright Ghost fans! It is THEORY TIME!! I'm mainly talking about character plot line and themes
I find it interesting that some people think Papa V Perpetua's themes and storyline will be themed around "forever" because "perpetual".
HOWEVER, Saint Perpetua was a martyr. Her diary is one of the earliest firsthand accounts of a martyrdom. She had visions of her own martyrdom, cared for her infant son and was killed in the gladiatorial ring for her christian beliefs which were different than her father's roman polytheistic beliefs.
Basically I'm wondering if Papa V Perpetua will work around some of the themes from Saint Perpetua's story.
Maybe Papa V will see visions? Or be a even more maternal/paternal figure? Maybe have a deep internal struggle between family and beliefs?
Also it is interesting to think about Saint Perpetua's last words which were, “Stand fast in the faith and love one another and do not be tempted to do anything wrong because of our sufferings.” 👀👀👀👀
TOBIAS please tell me you are cooking with these themes and this lore. I'll explode.
Feel free to join the conversation!! I have more thoughts and I must scream
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silly62 · 21 days ago
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(new songs fire btw)
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iamthatlamb · 22 days ago
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hey so what is this
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zanoc · 20 days ago
The cyborg, dronecore (far right ghou)l, and Baron Samedi reference (in the left most ghoul) makes me more confident that this is Papa 3 who's been brought back to life with satanic tech.
Plus it looks like he's got the same face paint from what we can see from the nose down. Combined with that in the video where they embalmed the first three when Copia showed up, you can see Tertio's foot wiggle but not the other two.
Plus from the perspective of "the church" it would make sense to keep Tertio around since he was the only one to win a Grammy.
I called this shit ages ago and while I may be coocoo for cocoa puffs, I seem to have been vindicated and that makes me very happy/excited.
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allegedlyemma · 22 days ago
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Guys there’s also BATS and RATS
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ficandkaboodle · 2 months ago
…And did they really just reveal this bitch’s name
On the fucking FIFTH?
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surrealzen1th · 14 days ago
yapfest warning
I am a FIEND for Ghost content & have been back on the train, finding takes of all sources since the Satanized drop. Below the cut is my main theories (Twin Theory, Antichrist Perpetua Theory, & Betrayal Theory), but I'll cover opinions on some other theories (suggestions open) & my overall predictions soon! While this covers a small amount of lore, I'd love to do a major post for all of the Ghost lore/each era if there's interest!
Copia is basically confirmed to have a fraternal twin, with being confirmed as Sister & Nihil's son in RHRN, and her flashback of the two children. She is also confirmed to have twins run in her family. The Antichrist theory links directly into her flashback.
The Eclipse. There are ideas that Romulus & Remus were born under an eclipse. There have been several theories that this specific clip of the solar eclipse links back to March 7th, 1970, which aligns with the timeline of the KTGG, MOAC, & TFIAFL music videos that take place in 1969. Of course, March 7th is also regarded as St. Perpetua & St. Felicity's day.
The Outstretched Arm & The Ghouls. These are directly taken from the Year Zero MV, which correlates with the mounting themes of Infestissumam & the Antichrist theory.
The Capitoline Wolf. I find Romulus & Remus to be the most relevant about where Perpetua & Copia's story has been and where it may lead. We know that Perpetua & Copia, if twins, are most likely not aware of each other because of the suddenness of this lore & how disguised Copia's origins were by Sister. It's most likely that they were birthed by Sister Imperator, then raised separately for reasons I presume will be revealed through her upcoming comic issues. Somehow, they've ended up back to their parents and each other.
Infestissumam details the birth & aftermath of the Antichrist's presence, and it's presumed the baby on the front cover is the Antichrist. What leads me to believe Perpetua's design (& thus Perpetua overall) correlates to this is the mask. There were several old theories regarding Copia as the Antichrist, which I wouldn't doubt conveys over to Perpetua, thanks to Copia as his twin & his name meaning "Copy."
Themes of Betrayal, with Copia & Perpetua.
Romulus & Remus' story ends with the death of Remus at Romulus' hand, after an intense series of quarrels over where to build their empire.
Amadeus (as referenced in the Infestissumam cover art), although yet to be watched by myself, imagines a rivalry between Mozart & Salieri of intense jealous obsession. There are also rumors that Salieri poisoned Mozart.
Caligula (as referenced in the Mary On A Cross (slowed) & [MESSAGE FROM THE CLERGY] Compilation cover art) is assassinated by his closest advisors.
While it may not be close, for only the beginning of Perpetua's era, I fear that Copia is far from being out of danger of death.
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carbonpressure · 21 days ago
Here’s my sleep-deprived Perpetua theory:
So it’s bothered me throughout this whole promotion cycle that he’s referred to as V, despite the fact that he isn’t Papa Emeritus V, and nor is he just fifth in the line of all (known) Papas, since Nihil would be first. He’s the 6th Papa overall, and the first of his name. So why V?
But the Satanized music video got me thinking, because it’s clearly set in the past. Specifically, I looked up when the cornettes worn by the nuns were in use, and though information on a cursory internet search was sparse and not the most credible, it seems they were most widespread during the 19th century.
So… what if that’s when Perpetua is from? What if he’s referred to as V because he was the fifth Papa in all of history, back in the 1800s, and he’s now been resurrected?
(As an aside: based on Tobias playing the priest in the music video, and on Perpetua’s costume being similar to the priest’s, I think Perpetua’s origin has something to do with the main character in the music video either fusing or body-swapping with the priest.)
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ridley-emeritus · 21 days ago
// So in light of the Papa V reveal/watch party tonight (Catch me in there with the name Ridley E), if the theory of Papa V being Secondo's son is right?
Even if the Secondo's child theory not being true
I'm just happy to have Papa V and be a part of the beginning of the new Era. :D
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sparrow-olli · 13 days ago
Do we have a close up of the new ghoul mask yet?
And if so can someone send it to me, I'm working on something 👀
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