#paolo virzi
thishadoscarbuzz · 2 years
226 - The Leisure Seeker
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When the 2017 Golden Globe nominations were announce, the question on everyone’s mind was “What the hell is The Leisure Seeker?!” Starring Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland as an aging couple having one last getaway in their eponymous Winnebago, the film debuted in competition at Venice before also playing a TIFF gala and went entirely under the radar. Sony Classics quietly gave the film a qualifying release, successfully netting Mirren a Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Golden Globe nomination despite so few seeing the film. The nomination was a head-scratcher to most, but was predicted by none other than our Joe Reid.
This episode, we discuss Helen Mirren’s vast history with the Golden Globes and assess the current diagnosis on the Globes and their often amusing nomination history. We also talk about Sutherland’s famously surprising lack of an acting Oscar nomination, other possible comedy leading actress contenders from 2017, and another round of Alter Egos.
Topics also include what famous festival jurors think of the movies they have to watch, the film’s half-baked look at the 2016 election, and surprise Danielle Deadwyler.
The 2017 Oscar nominations
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sparviero44 · 3 months
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Donald Sutherland
Addio a Donald Sutherland, l'amato attore Oscar onorario che ha recitato in decine di film da Quella sporca dozzina a MASH alla saga Hunger Games è morto a Miami. Aveva 88 anni. Lo annuncia il figlio Kiefer sui social.
"Con il cuore pesante, vi dico che mio padre, Donald Sutherland,è morto. Personalmente lo ritengo uno degli attori più importanti della storia del cinema. Mai scoraggiato da un ruolo, buono, cattivo o brutto. Amava ciò che faceva e faceva ciò che amava, e non si può mai chiedere di più. Una vita ben vissuta".
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Nato nel 1935 da una famiglia di origini scozzesi a Saint John, una cittadina canadese nella provincia del Nuovo Brunswick, ma cresciuto ad Halifax, Donald Sutherland nella sua lunga carriera di attore ha preso parte a più di 180 film e ha vinto l'Oscar nel 2017.Il debutto nel cinema è avvenuto in un film italiano, Il castello dei morti vivi, del 1964 e diretto da Luciano Ricci e Lorenzo Sabatini.Nel 1968 appare nella nota pellicola 'Quella sporca dozzina' di Robert Aldrich ma il successo vero e proprio avviene nel 1970 con il film M.A.S.H. di Robert Altman dove interpreta il Capitano Benjamin Franklin ambientata in un ospedale da campo Usa durante la guerra in Corea.Indimenticabile la sua partecipazione, nel 1976, all'opera di Bernardo Bertolucci, Novecento accanto a Robert De Niro e Gerard Depardieu. Federico Fellini, nello stesso anno, lo vuole per interpretare Giacomo Casanova ne Il Casanova, girato completamente nel teatro 5 di Cinecittà.
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Tra le altre interpretazioni si ricordano i film Animal House del 1978 di John Landis, Terrore dallo spazio profondo di Philip Kaufman, La Cruna dell'ago del 1981 di Richard Marquand. E ancora Fuoco assassino del 1991 diretto da Ron Howard e, dello stesso anno, JFK di Oliver Stone.Altre interpretazioni per Virus letale (Outbreak) di Wolfgang Petersen, Virus di John Bruno.Con Anthony Hopkins interpreta Instinct- istinti primordiale. Diretto da Clint Eastwood in Space cowboys. In The Italian job del 2003 per il remake di Un colpo all'italiana del '69. Poi ancora ritorno a Cold Mountain, Lord of war, orgoglio e pregiudizio, An American haunting. Nel 2007 e' stato il protagonista della serie tv Dirty sexy money. Infine nel 2017 il film drammatico Elia & John, the leisure seeker di Paolo Virzi'.Si e' sposato tre volte e due dei suoi figli, Rossif e Kiefer, avuti con Shirley Douglas, hanno intrapreso la carriera di attore.
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Goodbye to Donald Sutherland, the beloved Oscar honorary actor who starred in dozens of films from The Dirty Dozen to MASH to the Hunger Games saga has died in Miami. He was 88 years old. His son Kiefer announced it on social media.
"With a heavy heart, I tell you that my father, Donald Sutherland, has passed away. I personally consider him one of the most important actors in the history of cinema. Never discouraged by a role, good, bad or ugly. He loved what he did and did what that he loved, and you could never ask for more.
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Born in 1935 to a family of Scottish origins in Saint John, a Canadian town in the province of New Brunswick, but raised in Halifax, Donald Sutherland in his long acting career took part in more than 180 films and won the Oscar in 2017. His debut in cinema took place in an Italian film, The Castle of the Living Dead, from 1964 and directed by Luciano Ricci and Lorenzo Sabatini. In 1968 he appeared in the well-known film 'That Dirty Dozen' by Robert Aldrich but the real success takes place in 1970 with the film M.A.S.H. by Robert Altman where he plays Captain Benjamin Franklin set in a US field hospital during the war in Korea. His participation, in 1976, in Bernardo Bertolucci's work, Novecento alongside Robert De Niro and Gerard Depardieu, was unforgettable. In the same year, Federico Fellini wanted him to play Giacomo Casanova in Il Casanova, shot entirely in theater 5 of Cinecittà.
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Other performances include the 1978 films Animal House by John Landis, Terror from Outer Space by Philip Kaufman, and The Eye of the Needle by Richard Marquand in 1981. And again Killer Fire from 1991 directed by Ron Howard and, from the same year, JFK by Oliver Stone. Other interpretations for Lethal Virus (Outbreak) by Wolfgang Petersen, Virus by John Bruno. With Anthony Hopkins he plays Instinct - primordial instincts. Directed by Clint Eastwood in Space cowboys. In The Italian job of 2003 for the remake of Un coup all'italiana of '69. Then again I return to Cold Mountain, Lord of war, pride and prejudice, An American haunting. In 2007 he was the protagonist of the TV series Dirty sexy money. Finally in 2017 the drama film Elia & John, the leisure seeker by Paolo Virzi '. He has married three times and two of his children, Rossif and Kiefer, with Shirley Douglas, have undertaken an acting career.
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peponotsipaki · 9 months
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🎥 Ovosodo (dir. Paolo Virzi)
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agrpress-blog · 7 months
“Un altro ferragosto”, l'attesissimo sequel del cult “Ferie d’agosto” di Paolo Virzì Il Cinema Troisi si prepara ad ospitare... #cinematroisi #Feried’agosto #PaoloVirzì #UnaltroFerragosto #ventotene https://agrpress.it/un-altro-ferragosto-lattesissimo-sequel-del-cult-ferie-dagosto-di-paolo-virzi/?feed_id=3535&_unique_id=65e5fb784383d
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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vvalliu · 3 years
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iamjrank · 6 years
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Movie #2302 - The Leisure Seeker (2017)
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billykidd · 7 years
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Helen Mirren was shot by Billy Kidd.
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Monica Bellucci en el 79 Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia con la película “Siccità”. Foto ©M. Angeles Salvador
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unetealombre · 6 years
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memoriafilmica · 3 years
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Tutti i santi giorni.
(2012) Paolo Virzì.
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farminglesbian · 7 years
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Valeria Bruni Tedeschi in La pazza gioia (2016) Paolo Virzi
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behcette · 4 years
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The Leisure Seeker (Paolo Virzi, 2017)
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bluecollarfilm · 7 years
The Leisure Seeker (2018)
A runaway couple go on an unforgettable journey in the faithful old RV they call The Leisure Seeker, traveling from Boston to The Ernest Hemingway Home in Key West. They recapture their passion for life and their love for each other on a road trip that provides revelation and surprise right up to the very end.
Directed by:   Paolo Virzi
Starring:   Donald Sutherland, Helen Mirren, Christian McKay, Janel Moloney
Release date:   January 19, 2018
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rollingstonemag · 5 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/nuits-magiques-chronique/
"Nuits magiques" : Rome As You Are
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Lorsqu’un producteur de renom est retrouvé mort dans le Tibre, les premiers suspects sont trois jeunes aspirants scénaristes… Découvrez notre chronique du film Les nuits magiques, disponible en salle
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Chronique du film Les nuits magiques. Il ne fait apparemment pas bon faire un plongeon dans le Tibre un soir de demi-finale de Coupe du Monde de football, a fortiori quand l’Italie est sur le point de se faire sortir de la compétition aux tirs au but par l’Argentine de Diego Maradona. Le risque est en effet que tout le monde ou presque s’en foute. Ceci étant, le producteur de cinéma dont la splendeur était derrière lui depuis des lustres n’aura pas à l’apprendre à ses dépens puisque, on l’apprendra plus tard, il était déjà mort à l’arrière de la voiture au moment de la virée aquatique de celle-ci.
Derrière la trame de polar qui va servir ici de fil rouge, c’est une ode à l’âge d’or du cinéma transalpin que décline Paolo Virzi à travers le parcours de trois scénaristes en herbe qui vont se frotter aux souvent arthritiques vieilles gloires du genre désormais plus habituées aux interminables discussions dans les cafés et restaurants que les plateaux de tournage. Pour peu que l’on veuille faire fi de l’hystérie qui en accompagne trop souvent la narration, ces nuits romaines – comme leurs lendemains – conservent bel et bien une magie inaltérée, le regard posé sur eux ici n’étant pas sans rappeler parfois la loufoquerie contrariée de Paolo Sorrentino.
Xavier Bonnet
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billykidd · 7 years
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Helen Mirren was shot by Billy Kidd.
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