#paolo baldini
moochilatv · 1 year
Paolo Baldini DubFiles meets Mellow Mood: ‘Mañana Dub
La Tempesta Dub presenta su nuevo lanzamiento
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Sale a la luz Mañana Dub, la declinación dub del sexto álbum de Mellow Mood, realizada por el productor italiano Paolo Baldini DubFiles, desde siempre arquitecto sonoro de la banda.
En la base del trabajo de Baldini está la voluntad de dar nueva vida a los temas originales, articulando su exploración musical en dos direcciones: por un lado, una limitación técnica autoimpuesta, que permite superar una especie de horror vacui artístico a través de la selección centrada en una serie no infinita de efectos y outboards de la vieja escuela; por otro, la superación de esta limitación gracias al hábil uso de la tecnología MIDI, que permite a Baldini trastocar riffs, armonías y melodías.
Las pistas se empujan hacia territorios claramente orientados a los sound systems y casi en la frontera con la idea misma de remezcla; y esta intervención es doblemente funcional ya que Paolo Baldini y Mellow Mood presentaron el disco como adelanto en el International Dub Gathering y llevarán su espectáculo dub a una serie seleccionada de ciudades europeas, en las que esta reinterpretación se llevará a cabo directamente sobre el escenario, en el otoño de 2023.
Han pasado cinco años desde que Large de Mellow Mood, lanzado en abril de 2018, fue seguido por Large Dub, también editado por Baldini. De nuevo, en el caso de Mañana Dub, el productor "rebobina" los temas en el mismo estudio donde se grabó y mezcló el disco y grabó sus dubs en vivo. Y una vez más se vuelve a proponer la fórmula DubFiles, que prevé que estas operaciones sean filmadas y publicadas online, haciéndolas accesibles.
Mañana Dub es editado por La Tempesta Dub y está disponible en plataformas digitales en la versión masterizada por Giovanni Versari, mientras que el vinilo, masterizado por Nick Manasseh, se distribuirá después del verano.
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La Tempesta Dub
La Tempesta Dub es la rama reggae del homónimo y más famoso sello independiente italiano La Tempesta. La dirección artística del sello está a cargo de Paolo Baldini DubFiles y Mellow Mood, quienes publican sus trabajos discográficos bajo este catálogo desde 2015. El nacimiento del sello se celebra con un mini-festival itinerante que trae las realidades del sello y una serie de invitados internacionales de Europa y Jamaica a las ciudades italianas más importantes. A lo largo de los años, el sello ha lanzado y distribuido un número selecto de álbumes y sencillos de artistas como Forelock, Dan I e Imperial Sound Army, así como, por supuesto, Mellow Mood y Paolo Baldini DubFiles.
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am-reggae · 2 years
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Al Brown and Inner Force, Paolo Baldini DubFiles – Dub Cuts Sello: Pressure Sounds - PSLP 112 // LP / Vinilo // 2023 /// =================== ESTADO: ==================== LP Nuevo - Precintado // ============ 27€ ============
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9misoundsystem · 2 years
Paolo Baldini with Andrew I feat. Reggie Amma - Ask Them
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Wendell & Wild (2022, Henry Selick)
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garadinervi · 1 year
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From: Gastone Novelli, Hilarotragoedia, [1964]; in Gastone Novelli, Histoire de l'oeil. Il viaggio in Grecia. Hilarotragoedia, Baldini&Castoldi, Milano, 1999, p. 109 [© Archivio Gastone Novelli, Roma]
Foreword: Achille Perilli Essay: Piergiovanni Castagnoli Texts: Adriano Altamira, Paolo Iacchetti, and Claudio Olivieri
Exhibition: Spazio Labs, Milano, February 4 – April 3, 1999
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teatrogag · 2 months
Spettri di Clint. L'america del mito nell'opera di Eastwood.
Clint Eastwood è stato celebrato dalla critica solo nel passaggio del secolo. Fenomenale davanti alla macchina da presa, nei panni del regista ha saputo misurarsi coraggiosamente con i grandi drammi della storia, senza aderire a estetiche alla moda. Il s
Mariuccia Ciotta e Roberto Silvestri dialogano con Franco Porcarelli Messo all’indice per la violenza del suo personaggio nella serie dell’ispettore Callaghan, Clint Eastwood è stato celebrato dalla critica solo nel passaggio del secolo. Fenomenale davanti alla macchina da presa, nei panni del regista ha saputo misurarsi coraggiosamente con i grandi drammi della storia, senza aderire a estetiche…
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frances73 · 6 months
Robert De Niro fake small child in films ranked
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(Awakenings 1990, portrayal by Anthony J. Nici): mole is included, looks dorky enough, baby face and brows present
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2. (The Godfather Part II 1974, portrayal by Oreste Baldini): very adorable and notable performance, mole is present, sad eyes present
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3. (Once Upon a Time in America 1984, portrayal by Scott Schutzman Tiler): a bit too pointy, future rapist, mole present
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4. (Novecento 1976, portrayal by Paolo Pavesi): no mole, looks devious
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myborderland · 12 days
«La battaglia contro la coglionaggine comincia da se stessi», scrive Raffaello Baldini. Lo scrive in un monologo, che si intitola La fondazione, dove la chiama anche stupidaggine. E a me viene in mente quel che dice Ricky Gervais, che quando sei morto tu non lo sai, è doloroso solo per gli altri. La stessa cosa, dice, succede quando sei stupido. Ecco. Cominciamo pure.
Paolo Nori
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sonicjustbecause · 10 months
Sonic Italian voices. What I think. What are my favourites:
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Nine doing the well known Italian hand gesture 🤌. I smiled when I saw it.
I'm Italian (for this my English sucks, at least, I hope it is readable). I tend to wathc shows in italian, English and Japanese. Usually I enjoy Italian and Japanese dubbing, English... not so much, I don't like the choices of VA usually. Sonic Prime is one of the few exceptions. I'm glad to not hear RCS as Sonic. Is voice is terrible for him. Kirk's Shadow also is bad. I can say is the only Shadow I prefer to avoid to listen.
In 30 years Sonic series changed the VA but for some voices only from Boom and in videogames we are finally getting there.
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Italian Sonic VA have been four as far as i remember: Pietro Ubaldi, Fabrizio Vidale, Daniele Raffaeli and Renato Novara.
Pietro Ubaldi is known to be the dubber of virtually all cats characters, both anthro and four legged such as Michael (What's Michael) to Giuliano (Love me Knight) to Artemis (Sailor Moon) to the blue scottish fold Doraemon but he also dubs funny villains. He dubbed Sonic in Sonic SatAM and AoStH. it sounded a bit weird in that role I must say.
Fabrizio Vidale dubbed also Shadow, going as far as making Shadow talk exaclty the same way Sonic talks, same speech pattern and inflection to underline their likeness. He was not much appreciated in that role and was also weird as Sonic though he managed to show his personality. Fabrizio Vidale was also the Italian VA of the inspector Gadget.
Daniele Raffaeli dubbed Sonic in Sonic Boom (serie). I think he has the cutest Italian voice for Sonic, I love that. He also dubbed Shadow (of course) but I have no idea about how he dealth with him, I only was able to watch about 10 episodes of Sonic Boom that were dubbed in italian. I was surprised to enjoy Sonic Boom, since I didn't give it credits. Shadow with a cute voice? Mmmh, I'm curious...
Renato Novara, the official Sonic VA (also in Videogames and in Sonic Movie) has a pleasant voice too. I think it sounds youthful and gives the impression of a strong yet funny character.
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Tails also had four VA in my country: Veronica Pivetti, Federica de Bortoli, Maura Cenciarelli and Benedetta Ponticelli.
Veronica Pivetti was for Sonic SatAM and AoStH. She has a versatile voice, shge dubbed Megara from Disney's Hercules making her sound like an adult woman (of course), but she also dubbed Dende from Dragon ball and Tails, giving them an innocent childish voice. One thing I like about Italian voices choice is that children are virtually always dubbed by women, never by men. I hate to hear a 8 years old child talking with the voice of a 30 years old man. Few men can dub a child in a convincing way (we had Paolo Torrisi, his voice sounded easily like the one of a 10 years old kid. Unfortunately he died few years ago)
Federica de Bortoli dubbed Tails in Sonic X. Is long i don't watch Sonic X but I remember a nice childish yet determined voice.
Maura Cenciarelli didn't give me a strong impression. If I can tell Sonic's voice was cute, I can't tell what i think about Tails, apart from 'its fine as a kid voice'.
Benedetta Ponticelli has a very cute voice for Tails. She is also the official VA for videogames, she dubbed Tails in the movies and Nine, Mangey, Sails. While keeping the cuteness, I can tell Nine is spot on and can be scary with a cute sounding voice.
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Knuckles had three VA here: Davide Garbolino, Oreste Baldini and Maurizio Merluzzo.
Davide Garbolino dubbed Sonic in Sonic Underground. He is one of the few men who is able to properly dub a kid (most of the character he dubbed were kids, indeed), but I never watched Sonic Underground so I have no idea about how he sounded as Knuckles.
Oreste Baldini dubbed Knuckles both in Sonic X and Sonic Boom. I kinda liked his voice but thinking about that, it didn't left me a strong impression, although i laugh when he i remember him screaming: 'Oh no! The curse of the moose' in Italian from Sonic Boom.
Maurizio Merluzzo is a GENIUS! I don't like, that's reductive, I LOVE his interpretation for Knuckles. Is a while he dubs Knuckles but he did his best in Sonic movie and following. he is also the VA in videogames.
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Amy only had two VA: Antonella Baldini and Serena Clerici.
Andonella Baldini dubbed Amy in Sonic X and sonic Boom, while Serena Clerici dubs Amy in videogames and in Sonic Prime. Both of them represent what I love about Italian dubbing. Most of the time, Italian dubbers try to keep the voices as close as possible to the original voices. In shows that they respect particularly (like the Simpson) they go as far as choosing VA wich voice are virtually identical to the originals.
Serena Clerici uses a high pitched voice for Black Rose and Amy, while she sound more adult while dubbing Rusty and Thorn. Maybe my favourite is her Thorn interpretation.
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For Shadow we got three VA, two of them shared with Sonic. Fabrizio Vidale, Daniele Raffaeli and Claudio Moneta.
I didn't hear Daniele Raffaeli yet, so I can't say how his voice sounds on him. But I can say, as far as I know, Shadow is not as soft spoken as in the English version. On the contrary, he talks loud and clear.
Fabrizio Vidale dubbed Shadow in Sonic X making him sound like Sonic. Terios, the reflection in short. I think this robbed some of Shadow's characterization. Shadow and Sonic shared the same voice in English version too, but Jason Griffith and Ryand Drummond were good to make them sound different. More like two identical twins who have also identical vocal folds, but due to their different personalities, they also have a different speech pattern and inflection. so they seem to have two different voices.
Claudio Moneta opted to show Shadow's emotions through his voice. he is an actor who prefer to put his personal twist on character he dubs rather than giving a perfect imitation, making him sound very strong, determined and no-nonsense but he sounded cheerful when he did steal all Sonic's regulators. Honestly I would have preferred to hear a soft voice in my language. He also dubbed Goku and Zarbon (the latter was dubbed as soft spoken).
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Eggman got six VA, but I didn't hear all of them: Toni Fuochi, Riccardo Lombardo, Dario Penne, Gerolamo Alchieri, Roberto Pedicini and Aldo Stella.
I like most of them but I would talk about two in particular: Roberto Pedicini is the VA for the movie. More than the VA of Eggman he is the VA of most Jim Carrey interpretation, and he sounded dangerous, although funny in the movie.
Aldo Stella is Eggman in the videogames and in Sonic Prime.He also dubbed Guldo from Dragon Ball. his voice sounds nasty, rasp and high pitched and I like it. It makes me think what Eggman is, a mad scientist.
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culturedub · 2 years
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🔥🔥🔥 Dubinator – Police In Helicopter (Remixes) – Le label Echo Beach continue de faire vivre ce titre légendaire de John Holt ! 🔥🔥🔥 Après la sortie de l’album « Police In Helicopter » du très énigmatique Dubinator, le label ECHO BEACH continue de faire vivre ce titre légendaire de John Holt avec dix nouveaux remixes allant du Dub à la Jungle en passant par la Drum’n Bass et le Future Dub, toujours en compagnie du chanteur Seanie T, signés Paolo Baldini DubFiles, Chassy, Dub Pistols, BlackMarket Dub, Oliver Frost, Kleer, New Blade Runners Of Dub, Lil Obeah & Marius Costache et Rob Smith, à découvrir inna Culture Dub avec le mix vidéo de Paolo Baldini DubFiles : https://culturedub.com/blog/dubinator-police-in-helicopter-remixes/ Large Up, Alex Dub #dub #electro #drumandbass #jungle #remix #remixes #policeinhelicopter #reggae #futuredub #chronique #review #soundsystem #music #culture #sound #bass @echobeachlife @dubfiles @marius.costache148 @obeahbucureci @dubpistolsofficial @dubpistol @seanie_t @newbladerunnersofdub @blackmarket_dub @culturedub https://www.instagram.com/p/CkVMIVmpI-Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antennaweb · 3 months
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reggae-vibes-com · 6 months
Paolo Baldini DubFiles - In The Shell
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Paolo Baldini DubFiles - In The Shell. Departing from his previous dub style, his new solo album features collabs with international artists. #anthonyb #kabakapyramid #mellowmood #PaoloBaldiniDubfiles #QueenOmega #InTheShell #NewRelease Read the full article
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garadinervi · 1 year
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From: Gastone Novelli, Hilarotragoedia, [1964]; in Gastone Novelli, Histoire de l'oeil. Il viaggio in Grecia. Hilarotragoedia, Baldini&Castoldi, Milano, 1999, p. 112 [© Archivio Gastone Novelli, Roma]
Foreword: Achille Perilli Essay: Piergiovanni Castagnoli Texts: Adriano Altamira, Paolo Iacchetti, and Claudio Olivieri
Exhibition: Spazio Labs, Milano, February 4 – April 3, 1999
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ubuntufm · 6 months
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Paolo Baldini (Dubfiles) - In The Shell
Unlike his previous albums in which the approach was closely linked to Jamaican #Dub tradition, "In The Shell" was created from a blank sheet with original music and a host of vocal collaborations resulting in a sound collage where vestiges of the past, realities of the present and projections to the future coexist.
Whether this album signifies a change in musical direction in Paolo Baldini's career time will tell.
True to form it would not be unusual when a (Dubfiles) 'versions' album would follow up this release. Either way we expect Paolo Baldini to deliver high quality releases.
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Singles La Tempesta Dub Eu - Andrew i Reggie Amma Paolo Baldini - Ask Them Ethiolio Riddim
reggae shop NEWS Singles La Tempesta Dub Eu - Andrew i Reggie Amma Paolo Baldini - Ask Them Ethiolio Riddim http://www.rastavibes.net/reggae-shop/?lang=en&p=catalogue&format=7p&item=17518 http://dlvr.it/T4QJpS
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jamaicansdotcom · 7 months
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