panopticonrpg · 2 months
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Your new home...
You’re off the cruise ship - but where are you? There’s nothing else in the horizon but deep ocean; inland, the beach gives way to thick wilderness, and a raised plateau with small, bungalow-style houses peppering the landscape. They all look exactly the same, and are scattered like a small village - or like someone tossed them on the land like dice on a board. To the east, a large brick and stone building squats in a field. Something about the building hums; closer inspection reveals generators situated around the back. The same with a warehouse building to the east - in fact, generators seem to power all electricity around the empty village…but what was powering the generators?  No gas tank, no batteries, no solar panels even.  But they chugged along nonetheless.
The cameras on the tall poles lovingly follow your movements, everywhere. What catches your senses - particularly your nose - is the scent of food.  On the coast overlooking over the ocean is a wooden patio, spacious enough to hold over 200 people.  The patio is empty, save for one long table near what looks like a barbeque-and-bar counter.  Under covered nets to protect it from wandering critters, are dishes and dishes of food. Hot and cold food, non-alcoholic beverages in large dispensers, dishes to please every palate and dietary needs.  Given how empty this place is, it's unclear how the food - freshly made and beautifully arranged - even appeared.  Was it here before you woke up, or did it manifest somehow during the panic of waking up on the Odyssey? The loudspeaker message glitches, garbles up and then suddenly changes to a woman’s soft and cheery voice: COME CHECK OUT THE BUFFET AT THE HUB! You must be S̡̧̧̡̨͔̜̲̞̖̥͚̦̎T̡̜̦͖͈̥̈́̈́̓͐͘A̻̘̜̣̱̫̳͖͉͊̃̅́̄̑͘Ŗ͕̞̜̩̟͑͆͂͐̐̊̑̀̊͝͠͝͝V̛͙͍̘̟̞̓͛͒͐̇̀͑̐̋̿̈́Í̧̻̗͊̃̎͆̍̅̕͜Ņ̧̧͙̲̬̳̞͇͇̊͆́͒̋̊̔̽̕͝Ḡ̡̦͕͔̘͎̥̻̅̾̉̂̅̎̄̋͌́͝͠ (starving) after your long travel to get here.
OOC info below the cut!
The rest of the island has opened up for exploration!  Within immediate access (about a 15 minute walk from the beach) are the community areas.  The top point of the Tower is in the distance, and might be tricky to reach, as there’s a strip of wilderness and a crooked old bridge separating the community from the Tower. The black-sand beach is about a half-hour walk, and the volcano island is a ten-minute swim (by a strong swimmer) to reach it.   Within the bungalows and medicenter, there are electric sockets.  (Hint: need a phone charger?  Your character might want to head back to the Odyssey).  All bungalows have plumbing and electricity, powered by the mysterious generators.  NOTE: Breaking apart a generator comes with risks - if you don’t understand the power source, can you put it back together successfully?  There are no generators to replace the ones in use. The medicentre is basic, but fully functional.  Inside the brutalist building, it looks incredibly sterile, like no one has used it since it was built.  The technology in there looks like it came from before Y2K. The warehouse is fully stocked with perishable and non-perishable food.  There are also some other basic supplies:
 somewhat shapeless clothes made of natural fabrics, heavy coats (despite the island seeming tropical)
some small household appliances, including toasters
plenty of toiletries and cleaning supplies
a few books and magazines
some cassette tapes, CDs, and old music players.  No music from after Y2K.
there are no televisions
a variety of repair and household garage small tools, mostly non-powered 
a stand-up dolly, some wheeled wagon-carts for carrying heavy things, and five bicycles.  
FINAL NOTE: The bracelets do not work yet! Patience…
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lucymaeson · 30 days
Event 01 – Salt in the Wound
The sun is a cruel reminder of a world unrecognizable. Lucy squints against its brightness, her eyes straining as they try to adjust. The taste of salt hangs in the air, carried on the breath of the ocean, a relentless wind that whips at her hair and tugs at the hem of her red velvet dress. The fabric clings to her skin, heavy with sweat and salt, an oppressive second skin that has no place here.
Her mind is a jumbled mess of fractured memories—glimpses of her past life blend with the surreal horrors of the present. The last thing she remembers is the gala, the way Winston's hand felt cold and frail in hers as they drifted through the crowd. Now, the memory feels like a lifeline, tethering her to a reality that no longer exists.
She stumbles across the tilted deck, her heels sinking into the splintered wood with each step. Around her, the world hums with a strange, dissonant energy. The ship creaks under the strain of its position, threatening to give way at any moment, as if it too, is straining to comprehend its fate.
Lucy is not alone, but she might as well be. The others—those who woke up in this nightmare alongside her—move like ghosts, their faces pale and drawn, their eyes wide with disbelief. They murmur to each other in hushed tones, but their words are drowned out by the voice on the loudspeaker. That voice, so disturbingly chipper, echoing through the air, "Welcome to paradise... Do not be afraid!"
Each repetition of the phrase digs deeper into her psyche, a twisted lullaby that contrasts sharply with the sheer panic gripping her chest. She grabs the railing as the ship lists slightly, sending a wave of vertigo through her. The white-strap bracelet on her wrist catches her eye, the stone—blue lace agate—glimmers with an otherworldly sheen. It feels foreign, like a shackle binding her to this place, a mark of some invisible hand that has orchestrated this madness.
She glances at the others, her gaze drifting to Maria, a woman with dark curls framing a face that might have been beautiful in any other circumstance. Lucy can’t bear the thought of approaching her, or anyone else for that matter. She is paralyzed by fear, her confidence stripped away by the sheer absurdity of this place. The cameras, perched atop poles, seem to track her every move, their glassy eyes unblinking and cold. They remind her too much of the men she danced for, men who never truly saw her, only the surface, only what she allowed them to see.
She descends from the ship, her bare feet sinking into the sand with each step. The warmth of the grains is oddly comforting, a contrast to the chill that has settled deep in her bones. She walks aimlessly, her mind a tangle of thoughts, her eyes scanning the horizon for something—anything—that might make sense of this.
The smell of food wafts through the air, a tantalizing mix of spices and roasted meats. Her stomach growls, a painful reminder of how long it’s been since she last ate. But she doesn't trust the food. How could she? Everything about this place feels wrong, distorted, like a dream teetering on the edge of becoming a nightmare. Instead of succumbing to hunger, she turns her back on the feast, the scent lingering in the air as she continues her lonely exploration.
Hours pass, the sun dipping low in the sky, casting long shadows across the island. The voice on the loudspeaker slows, warping in a way that sets her nerves on edge. The silence that follows is almost worse. It leaves her alone with her thoughts, with the oppressive weight of uncertainty that hangs over her like a storm cloud.
Exhausted, Lucy finally collapses on the shore, her knees drawn to her chest as she stares out at the endless expanse of water. The waves licked the shore, a rhythmic pulse that contrasts with the chaotic beating of her heart. She thinks of her mother, of the years spent navigating a world that never made sense, a world where survival meant playing a part. But here, there is no script, no stage, only the raw, unfiltered reality of her situation.
Her thoughts are interrupted by a piercing wail on the loudspeakers. The sound is almost unbearable, like nails on a chalkboard, digging into her brain and sending shivers down her spine. The bracelet on her wrist tingles, a strange sensation that feels both familiar and alien. She looks down at it, the stone glinting in the dim light, as if it knows something she doesn’t.
And then, Maria speaks. Her voice is soft, a question half-formed on her lips. “O que—?” But the words are cut off, swallowed by the air as Maria’s body disintegrates before Lucy’s eyes. One moment, she’s there, whole and real, and the next, she’s nothing but a cloud of fine grains, drifting away on the breeze.
A scream tears from Lucy’s throat, raw and primal. Her body shakes with the force of it, her mind refusing to comprehend what she just witnessed. The sand where Maria once stood is eerily still, as if the island itself has claimed her.
Lucy’s tears fall freely now, hot and bitter against her cheeks. She cries for the loss, for the fear that grips her, for the realization that whatever this place is, it’s not paradise. It’s a prison. And she, like Maria, is just another grain of sand, waiting to be swept away.
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alexpanganiban · 2 months
location: beach triage set call sheet: @elijahbell
"--now, you just make sure you keep your head covered and stay hydrated, okay?" Alex gave the hat he'd placed on the older woman's head a sympathetic pat, which likely would have had more of a heartwarming effect if it wasn't a toque that said "Suck Deez Nuts" on it, but beggars couldn't be choosers and anyhow, who was to say a little offbeat Tarantino style levity would go amiss right now?
"My leg hurts," the old lady croaked, but Alex was pretty much already moving on at that point so he pretended she'd made a joke and laughed merrily and said, "Good one! Oh, Beryl, you kill me," as he took himself out of earshot and headed towards a man he caught sight of walking with purpose along the sand. That seemed like a good person to hitch his wagon to, so Alex approached, taking in the broad, heavy shoulders and the gorgeous hair and the ... everything else that was pretty great too, and waved. "Hey there!" he said. "D'you need any help with anything?
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tejvirani · 2 months
Cruise ship: Galley w/ @zaidshair
Screams. Shrill yowls, sad sobs, long wails. The cries in the dark stuck to him, sticky as the saltwater. The worst nightmare Tej had in awhile. Another deep whine came from the... ship? Angled into deep water, the boat rolled slightly. Not on the waves, but as if to turn over in its sleep.
Tej slung his backpack over a shoulder, the one he'd clutched before opening his front door. But how the hell did he end up here? (It couldn't be real, none of it.) The urge to escape a sinking ship spurred him on (when the fuck would he wake up?? what the fuck was on his wrist?). Tej clawed and crawled his way over an incline with waterlogged hands slipping along the floor that had become a wall. Voices shouted from around the corner. The partially capsized boat tilted the galley on its side. Tej knelt down to look through the door at the people below. They bobbed and treaded water to stay afloat in the middle of a rush of rising ocean water and various kitchen items, like pans and pots, splatters of buoyant colorful vegetables.
'Here!' A woman yelled frantic to see Tej, with her hand jutted upwards. 'Help us, please!'
A fever swept through him, one that eradicated old feelings and infected Tej with a new anger that ached terribly. Yet he could not resist to twist directly into those chills of dull pain. "Zaid!" A bark of an unpleasant surprise and bitterness. It had been months since they'd seen each other.
A shock of ice water ran through his chest. Zaid could drown. (Zaid could drown!) A tendon jumped and tensed at the hinge of his jaw. Tej wanted to watch Zaid gasp and sputter. Look on as those large brown eyes filled with terror, and with the memory of someone else who didn't stand a fighting chance in the ocean. Then fall lifeless as an anvil to the bottom of this watery little kitchen-coffin. The woman splashed closer and matched Tej's deeply furrowed brow. 'Hey! Don't just stand there, help us out of here! Give me your hand!'
"I'll help you." Deliberate words, a line drawn. He'd help her, but Zaid was on his own. "There's shelving there," he pointed out, located underwater and against the wall. "Swim to it. You can climb up and reach my hand, I'll pull you up." He held a small handle near the frame of the door to anchor himself first, then leaned over to try and grasp the woman's arm above the wrist.
(Now the racing of his heart, the pounding in his head that this was real. Still a nightmare, but fucking hell, this was real.)
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dirtygaro · 1 year
MONEY Q WRIST - Smeseni Signali (Official Video)
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surnumanaja · 2 years
kui ma näen kedagi silmi pahupidi pööramas ja taeva poole tõusmas, siis mul hakkab peas mängima running up that hill
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
"The processing of election papers continues. The final results of the vote are expected to be announced by Thursday", according to Associate Professor Tsvetozar Tomov from the CEC. Then the exact voter turnout will become clear.
The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has published the final data from the counting of votes from yesterday's early parliamentary elections. At 100% processed protocols, the difference of about 5 percentage points between the top two political forces is preserved. GERB is with 25.33%, and "We Continue the Change" - with 20.20%. DPS is the third political force with 13.56%.
"Vazrazhdane" ranks fourth with 10.17%. BSP follows with 9.3%, and "Democratic Bulgaria" wins 7.44% of the votes. The last party to find a place in the parliament is "Bulgarian Rise" with 4.62 percent.
"There Is Such a People" remains below the barrier to enter the National Assembly, after collecting 3.83% of the vote. 87,634 people voted "I do not support anyone".
Allocation of seats in the 48th National Assembly:
GERB: 67
"We Continue the Change": 53
Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS): 36
"Vazrazhdane" (Revival): 27
Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP): 25
"Democratic Bulgaria" (DB): 20
"Bulgarian Rise": 12
"Vazrazhdane" doubled its votes compared to the November 14, 2021 election, while the former ruling party, "We Continue the Change", lost a quarter of the support it received then.
With "There Is Such a People", the drop is about 60 percent of the vote for the party in November. GERB, DPS and "Democratic Bulgaria" are growing, although not drastically, while BSP continues the trend of shrinking its support.
175,338 Bulgarian citizens voted abroad. "We Continue the Change" and "Democratic Bulgaria" lost their electoral positions among Bulgarians abroad at the expense of the pro-Russian formation "Vazrazhdane", which added more than 10 thousand votes to its result from November.
“From the data so far, it is clear that a little over 2.5 million people voted. These data will change a little more, but I can already safely say that these are the parliamentary elections with the lowest voter turnout of all those held since 1990,” said Associate Professor Tomov.
If NSI had announced the census data earlier, it would have affected the distribution of mandates in electoral districts, commented Tsvetozar Tomov.
The National Statistics Institute announced the results of the latest population census today. Therefore, the data from the previous NSI census were used for the distribution of mandates in the past elections.
“Now that there are new data on the number of the population, it will probably be necessary for the CEC to review the allocation of mandates before the next elections”, Tomov also commented.
With 99.98% processed protocols in the CEC, 7 parties enter the next parliament. Here are the data as of 12.00 p.m. on October 3:
GERB-SDS - 634,525 votes - 25.33%
"We Continue the Change" - 505,914 votes - 20.20%
Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) - 344,605 votes - 13.76%
"Vazrazhdane" - 254,725 votes - 10.17%
Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) - 232,932 votes - 9.30%
"Democratic Bulgaria" (DB) - 186,474 votes - 7.44%
"Bulgarian Rise" - 115,837 votes - 4.62%
"There Is Such a People" remain below the line with 3.83% or 95,989 votes. "I do not support anyone" was indicated by 87,595 people.
As of 6:00 a.m., the protocols in 24 and 25 MIR Sofia have been processed 100%
In the metropolitan 25 MIR, where there was one of the leadership battles, GERB - with leader of the list Boyko Borissov, collected 28.35%, and "We Continue the Change", led by Hristo Petrov, received 24.36% of the votes.
"Vazrazhdane", whose list was led by Kostadin Kostadinov, collected 11.67% of the votes. 11.30% voted for DB, led by Vladislav Panev. BSP, led by Kornelia Ninova, follows with 8.43%. "Bulgarian Rise", led by Georgi Shamandov, collected 4.92% of the vote.
25 MIR Sofia
GERB-SDS - 28.35%
WCC - 24.36%
Vazrazhdane - 11.67%
DB - 11.30%
BSP - 8.43%
Bulgarian Rise - 4.92%
24 MIR Sofia
WCC - 26.54%
GERB-SDS - 24.47%
DB - 17.29%
Vazrazhdane - 10.07%
BSP - 7.18%
Bulgarian Rise - 4.98%
23 MIR Sofia (with processed 98.89% protocols as of 6:00 a.m.)
WCC - 28.63%
GERB-SDS - 21.74%
DB - 19.65%
Vazrazhdane - 9.18%
BSP - 7.47%
Bulgarian Rise - 4.58%
The election results do not give a clear answer as to whether it is possible to form a regular government
The election results do not provide an answer to the question of whether it is possible to form a regular government in the 48th National Assembly.
GERB leader Boyko Borissov has not yet made an official statement after the GERB-SDS coalition won the most votes and will be the first to be tasked with forming a new cabinet.
This morning to BNT, Kiril Petkov stated that he will refuse an invitation from GERB for coalition negotiations, but it is not clear whether, if the first term is unsuccessful, "We Continue the Change" will try to form a cabinet with the second term.
"We will not form a coalition with GERB and DPS, we are consistent. The first political force bears a great responsibility. We refuse to negotiate with GERB," he said.
Without naming specific political forces, DPS leader Mustafa Karadayi announced with whom his party would hold coalition talks:
"We can talk with all those who are responsible for solving the problems of the people and overcoming the crises in the country in search of different formulas for forming a stable majority in the National Assembly and a stable government".
The "Vazrazhdane" party, which took the fourth place in the result, will not join any coalition, party leader Kostadin Kostadinov told BNR:
"Our voters don't want that! Everyone else wants Bulgaria to be gone. They are working for it actively and successfully".
The first official statement of BSP leader Kornelia Ninova is expected in the afternoon. Until now, no one from the leadership has spoken after the party remained fifth in the results.
"Democratic Bulgaria" stated that they will wait for the final results before commenting on the merits of the elections. On Facebook, the co-chairman of the coalition, Hristo Ivanov, said that an even more fragmented parliament is looming and it's time:
"For all of us to pay the price for the political short-sightedness that pushed our country to elections and missed the opportunity for a timely unification of the parties of change".
The "Bulgarian Rise" party, which will be represented in the parliament for the first time, would become part of a coalition, its leader Stefan Yanev said, without specifying desired partners:
"I hope we will be part of a coalition that will give solutions and not deal with harsh words and insults to others".
“There Is Such a People”, which currently remains below the four percent barrier, have not made any official statements so far.
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mrmathis · 2 months
Objevte nejlepší pánev wok pro vaše kulinářské dobrodružství Hledáte dokonalou pánev wok, která ohromí vaše hosty? Máme pro vás TEN správný průvodce! Objevte nejlepší pánve wok na trhu a staňte se profesionálem asijské kuchyně.
nejlepsi panev wok na trhu
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ruthyempire · 2 years
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Type AMEN if you believe! 🙌🏾 Follow @ruthyempire #SWIPE: I was invited to a wedding in 2022 as a regular guest but 3 days before the wedding , the bride reached out to me to ask if I could be her bridesmaid last minute. The normal me would’ve been upset and probably declined but my spirit asked me to just accept and join in her joy. I was going through a lot that period but decided I’ll go out and have fun because in the midst of my storm I found out that I passed my exams and would be a Chartered Accountant. I attended the wedding with the intentions of dancing my sorrows away and boy! I did just that! I made sure I had a good time and eventually went home. Fast forward 2 weeks later, the bride sent me a message saying, “There’s one of my husbands friends that has been disturbing him to get your number, can I give him your number?” And I replied, “Biko no oo!” Honestly speaking, I didn’t want to hear “pim!” from the male gender. #ForeverMAINE🤵🏽‍♂️👰🏽💍😍 Follow @ruthyempire Give Credit if You Repost 🔐 Follow @ruthyempire for MORE 😎👰‍♀️💞 . . Bride: @asanwa.baby Groom: @kchuks_01 Planning & Coordination: @panevents Makeup: @zitabeautie Black Dress: @maka_eze Ankara outfit: @bxfrox Stylist: @premium.pie Photography: @teemorestudios . . All Work is Copyrighted © Likea I Follow I Comment I Share | 𝖣𝖬 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗂𝗍/𝖱𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗏𝖺𝗅 😇 . . 𝖳𝗎𝗋𝗇 𝖮𝖭 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖿𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 💕 . . . . . . #RuthyEmpire #Wedding #weddinganniversary #brideandgroom #bride #godlyrelationships #proposal #engagement #shesaidyes #weddingproposal #proposalstory #blacklove #reels #fyp #explore (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpczgZbuPPB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eventtitans · 2 years
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vis-iii · 4 years
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panopticonrpg · 1 month
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The looped voice and muzak on the loudspeaker slows so gradually, at first it's barely noticeable. But that continuous cadence imprinted on your mind for hours now, is out of sync with reality. The voice and music slows...sloooowwwws, groaning and stretched in an agonizing way, until it suddenly cuts out. Then silence. Nothing else has changed, but the dull tune and chipper voice is gone. It's evening now, and the only noises around you are the occasional thunks and whines from the tilted Odyssey, the hum of the weird generators, and the sounds of nature. It's difficult to know what to do next. Your phones have no connection to home. No rescue has shown up. It's just you, alone...with everyone else. Some people might end up sleeping from exhaustion, others might stay awake. Regardless, night is inevitable, and the stars above provide little comfort. They look crooked, as warped as the loudspeaker recording on its last breath. The night is long, or maybe it's too short. Because the moment the sun peeks over the horizon, you're met with a loud, piercing howl from the loudspeakers. It's hard to tell if it's a sustained human scream, or a warning siren, or nails down a chalkboard. The louder it gets, the more uncomfortable your mysterious bracelet feels - tingly for some, hot for others, or spiky, or ice cold. When it all calms down, you look over at one of the others - a woman named Maria, from Portugual or maybe Brazil. She starts to speak, "O que--?" Maria suddenly explodes into a billion grains of salt, and dissolves into the sand. Not all of you can tell, but your special ability has triggered.
OOC Information
This marks the end of Event 01!
All characters have now been granted their special powers! Keep in mind that these powers are brand new and completely unfamiliar. Some characters might have an easier time adjusting than others. Some characters might not even understand what their powers are. This is all up to the muns to decide how your character gets to discover their special ability.
The loudspeakers no longer play any sound, but the cameras still work.
Characters can continue current threads! Muns can transition their ongoing threads to fit the Finale, or close old threads and start new ones. Whatever works best for you and your writing partners!
Before Event 02 (date tbd), the Mods will be offering mini-plots to Muns who want to pursue clues or game-specific lore of the island. This will roll out over discord, so keep a look out, starting next week!
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mesechini · 7 years
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alexpanganiban · 2 months
location: bungalow row costar: @lindiwe-in-camelot
"Yes," Alex said, though he was by himself -- well, physically by himself, by himself in terms of nobody else was standing with him. But in a more accurate way of looking at it, he wasn't ever going to be by himself here, wherever, was he? Not with the regular studding of cameras around the place, providing constant surveillance for an as-yet-unidentified person or persons.
And very likely, there was nobody else who'd come off the Odyssey who understood what it was like living constantly in the camera's eye like Alex Panganiban. So!-- "Yes," he said again, with more conviction, "this will do very nicely for me." The corner bungalow had the best situation, and as Alex forged ahead into it, he realized with a rude shock that somebody else was entering from the other door. "HELLO!" Alex brayed, rushing forward into the little house. "I'm here! This is taken! Occupado!"
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tejvirani · 2 months
The Tower w/ @tempestaslokni
Was anyone even on the cruise ship? 
A thought that kept crawling back. From the direct conversations and the bits and pieces overheard, the chat around a ‘feast’ he’d rather not try– so far no one said they were actually on the ship before it wrecked. Like Tej, they were plucked out of the routine of their day or evening, without warning. Left with a gap between a final mundane memory, in some other part of the world (which begged another question) and waking up on a ship they never planned to be on in the first place.
Trudging away from the feast probably wasn’t the brightest idea. But higher ground might offer some answers, more possibilities. 
Or, the chance to confront whoever was responsible for the inconvenience. DO NOT BE AFRAID, those damned speakers blasted. A command in a situation where it seemed there was plenty to fear. 
A tower loomed and Tej was getting closer. Yet he felt eyes on him. Thought he heard footsteps. Tej was a city boy but stumbled his way home completely shitfaced more times than he could count. Still alive, somehow.
He came to a stop and saw at a camera aimed down at him. Tej grumbled before shooting the middle finger, and hoped his irritation was captured in 4K.
But he swore he heard something... Tej glanced around. “Anyone there?”
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mariannelunahouston · 3 years
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