#pandora mmzx
enosai · 4 months
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Was commissioned by @shinysamurott9 to draw Pandora from MMZX in a cute outfit!
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The twins?
Yeah, they arrived here and settled in a while ago - they keep to themselves and stay out of trouble for the most part. Can't fault some young people for finding work and making something of themselves.
The lovely lady - y'see, that's Pandora. She's a nurse, creating them tonics and pastes for wounds like a witch making her brews. Heard from her patients that her work is good and she's mighty polite, but she hardly ever talks. A bit eerie if ya ask me.
The gentleman next to her? Her twin brother, Prometheus. He's much louder and much bolder than you'd think for a guy workin' with the dead - funeral parlour, morgue, if you need it embalmed he can help you out. I don't want to know where he learnt how to do that but our funeral director is mighty appreciative!
Still, sometimes I catch em looking sad, like they've lost something or are running away. Wonder why they came here in the first place...?
Presenting Pandora and Prometheus in the Old West AU (affectionately calling them Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbass)!
They seem to everyone to just be twins who have settled in the town and are integrating nicely - but it's these two. Of course there's some other nonsense going on that they get suckered into. For now, they're just doofuses trying to live their best lives somewhere new!
Fun facts about the designs!
Pandora has terrible, horrible face blindness, so Prometheus wears the bright red eyeliner for her to ID him faster. Her eyes are also kinda crap.
Both of them have naturally silver hair like Grey's and dyed it - you can see it growing out.
Prometheus gets a little stubble. As a treat.
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spamtonass · 10 months
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shinysamurott9 · 2 months
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Prairie got a fancy dress in the Audio dramas, I feel like the others deserve one too.
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I was actually inspired by this post with the Phantom Thieves in masquerade outfits, they're really good designs and I wanted to do something similar with the ZX characters.
It's been a fun idea tbh, plus a good exercise in outfit design and posing with Ashe in particular. That's an area I think I really need to work on so with Ashe I wanted to try and draw a less stiff pose. I based it on Eunie's pose from her concept art. I feel like a confident pose like that really suits Ashe.
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milaisa · 8 months
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Rocktober 2023 Day 31: Together
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puyonlilah · 4 months
Well... Motivation dont want to do digital art, but carving traditional art so....
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she is holding totally nothing but air xd (also this is my new sketchbook! Thanks to my dad for buying it for me :3 )
(don't ask about the pandan leaves, it a joke i made with my brain :'p )
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
”Eight biometals? That’s a technical foul!”
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I am sorry this is my way to say I’m back on the mega man grind and in the worst way possible. (I have no idea if this trend leaked out to tumblr from twitter but I’m cursing you fools anyways)
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tworedplants · 1 year
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zx doodles
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delightful-69 · 2 years
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couldn’t draw anything lately soooo, take a look at my old sketches
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zerokivahavoc · 2 years
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HER... Pandora... Got her a my personality Quiz result. I can relate to her..
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A work in progress, because apparently the AU where the Trouble Twins are switched with the Model A duo won't leave my head.
Not sure if it'll be finished tho.
(this is Pandora, hope she's recognisable with shorter hair)
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modelxis · 2 years
One funny headcanon i have is, there is one shortcut that Aile sometimes takes whenever she go delivering, the shortcut pass through a few broken buildings, indicating there was a small town here before Mavericks completely took over.
This same place also the one in which Promethues and Pandora currently stay for cover. And Aile isn't aware of that. Instead of ambush her. They just watch Aile pass, sometimes guessing what packages she is delivering. It was kind of like a normal fun game for Promethues and Pandora.
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shinysamurott9 · 5 months
Since I've been thinking about the series again after replaying some of the games, I wanna share some Megaman Headcanons I have bouncing around. In no particular order:
-X isn't very fond of his armors due to how they serve to upgrade him into a more effective weapon of war, but one of the only ones he actually has a fondness for is the Falcon Armor because he enjoys simply flying with it.
-Zero has the idea to have himself sealed away after the events of X6 but doesn't actually act on it specifically because initially there's reconstructing the world to take care of, but after that he wants to make sure he leaves the world in good hands, or more specifically he wants to make sure X and later Axl will be able to handle things on their own.
-All of Prairie's plushes in her room are custom made by her, including the boss plushes you get for Lvl 4 Victories. This is a hobby she picked up after Zero 4 because she wanted something to give to Ciel whenever she was feeling down. And she later improved her craft and just kept doing it fir herself.
-Ashe regularly holds onto treasures she finds on her adventures if they can't fetch a high price or they come to have some kind of sentimental value. Sone of her notable treasures include: A double gear refresher pickup, a weapon container from X8, a Magnet Beam projector, Magma Dragoon's beads and a Rare Metal from X8. Most of these she doesn't really know what they are so she just calls them whatever she comes up with.
-Ciel is still alive by ZX Advent as she has the same mechanicsl upgrades as the Sage Trinity, she's just still in hiding. Specifically she's hiding in Cyberspace with the help of the Mother Elf, hence why no one has been able to find her.
-Part of Prometheus and Pandora's early life was being used as test subjects for early Model Ws as Albert knew it would be mentally taxing for them and if they died in the process it would still be early enough in their lives that he could just make new ones.
-Prometheus and Pandora, if given the opportunity, would have the ability to use Model A. In canon, only a descendent of Albert can have enough of his DNA to actually use it, Grey being an exception as he was created with the DNA requirement already met to properly fulfill his purpose. However because they were direct creations of Albert, created so early in his plan, he made them as if they were actually his children. So they actually have the DNA prerequisite. It would be cool and I feel like there's enough wiggle room and ambiguity to justify that working.
-Like the Archie continuity, Axl survived until the Elf Wars but died either during or shortly before the final battle with Omega.
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dragonix2002 · 3 years
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Pues quise dibujar a Prometheus y Pandora en sus formas civiles tanto en mi estilo anime con expresiones que uno no se espera y el estilo de los juegos con expresiones que uno si se espera (aunque algo mal hecho)...
Well, I wanted to draw Prometheus and Pandora in their civil forms both in my anime style with expressions that one does not expect and the style of the games with expressions that one does expect (although badly done) ...
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Miren, me gustan sus diseños, pero el hecho de que solamente tengan esto como referencia es triste.
Look, I like these designs, but the fact that they only have this as an oficial reference is sad.
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quietlydiabolic · 4 years
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Rockman 30th Anniversary art
Right to left:
Vile, Bass.exe, Nero L Solo / Rogue, Bass, Harpuia Pandora, Servobot, Tron Bonne
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