#pandemic singapore travel restrictions
pamy92 · 2 years
4 Dec 2022 | Asato Yuya 35th Birthday Event
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Yuya’s birthday event has always been a special fan event that I look forward to in December each year since being his fan. I've participated my first birthday event in 2018, and the second in 2019.
Ever since the pandemic struck in early 2020, I have not physically met Yuya as borders closed to overseas travellers.
Although I have participated in several online fan meetings (2020 Photobook 1-to-1 Virtual Chat, 2021 Code 1515 ZOOM call), I am glad that border restrictions lifted somewhat this year so I could fly to Japan and participate in person AND on the actual birthday itself too!
~ 2nd Session ~
As I could not reach the venue in time for the 1st session, I only applied for the 2nd and 3rd session.
We had to report to the venue in two batches according to our assigned number (mine was 70) so I decided to chill at the nearby cafe with coffee to calm my anxiety.
When it was about time for me to head to the event hall, I confidently showed my Singapore identity card and I managed to head in with no issues!
The gifts were collected by the staff and taken away immediately to the back room, but I have no doubt that the gifts were safely received by Asaty.
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At the start of the event, the MC reminded us of the house rules before calling Asato Yuya out from backstage.
I was bracing for myself to start crying but instead, his infectious energy brought a huge grin to my face and it made my cheeks hurt!
Assay came out in his bright green screen suit (lmao) which I found super amusing because I started thinking of what I can photoshop over the fabric oops!
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① Cross-talk
Asaty and the MC had a little banter about his hoarse voice, and his birthday NicoLive broadcast the night before.
It was then cake time, and we all wished him happy birthday!
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②Fan Q&A
The emcee had a list of questions shortlisted for this section. And the 1st question selected was his kanji of the year: 興 (which he forgot how to write and the MC had to come over to teach him how to write it.)
Question 2 was from an fan-friend of mine, “Which country would you like to visit? For myself, I would like to visit Australia and Singapore." --- Asaty said he'd like to visit Europe. And that although there were lots of museums, he is not a fine art person. He then demonstrated his short attention span looking at art. However, he said interactive museums like Zoos or Aquariums interest him more.
And to my surprise, my question was picked! "Asato-kun's English pronunciation is really cute. Please hold a conversation with the MC in English!"
MC: What time did you go to bed last night? Asaty: 3...o'clock! AM! MC: What time did you wake up? Asaty: 6...o'clock! AM! No more please!
At this time, the whole hall was laughing so hard because he was struggling to hold the conversation. Asaty then talked about how he loves translator apps, and when he was talking about the soccer match with his western uncle, his uncle was kind enough to write in English and provide a Japanese translation below each line to help him.
There were other questions asked but I could not remember them because I was already excited my question was picked.
③ Nintendo Switch with Asaty
After the Q&A session, it was game time. In the past, we used to play rock-paper-scissors and gesture games but this year it was Nintendo switch!
4 fans are picked by lottery to come up to challenge Asaty in each mini Mario party game. There were a total of 6 rounds or so.
Asaty shared that in the first session, he was defeated by his fans who were eager to thrash his ass in the game, and he told us to play nice because it was his birthday.
And some of the games were absolutely hilarious because Asaty is very vocal when he games, so he was jumping, shouting “Oi!!!!“ and staring at the daring fans who made him lose. I think this was the best segment they have ever done since I joined his birthday event! The chances of getting picked was about 15%, so many fans got to play!
On the 4th round, my seat number was called to join as the last player, and because I was kinda zoning out from the lack of sleep, my mind didn't register the Japanese number (70).
So I sheepishly scuttled to the front and was seated closest to where Asaty was standing, and took Birdo's game controller. Our game was quite hard and I didn't understand the game rule instinctively, so I started freaking out.
The patient staff was helping me throughout while I made all sorts weird distressed noises.
When I finally figured out the controls by accident, I shouted "oh my god!" when the face stretched - and Asaty snapped his head so fast to look at me.
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Unfortunately I lost round 1 because I didn't realise that we were supposed to copy the sample face. I think Asaty sensed my distress and he offered to do round 2, saying that "It's too short! This game is hard!" Bless him!
I scored a bit better in the 2nd round but still got the lowest score, and the emcee ushered us back to our seats. I exchanged glances to silently thank Asaty with my eyes on my way back to my seat, but he was staring so hard (with a smile) instead.
④ Aisatsu (Greetings) Time
Before Aisatsu, there was also a lucky draw of an autographed event postcard for 5 lucky fans! Unfortunately I did not get picked.
Finally, to wrap up the event, Asaty gave a short thank you speech for us coming today, and that he was glad to celebrate his birthday with all of us this year.
The emcee then thanked Asaty and invited him to exit the hall, and he briefed us on the photo-taking session. All poses are assigned and we could choose 1 out of the 3.
Pose 1: Double peace sign
Pose 2: 35 pose
Pose 3: Finger hearts
I selected the 35 pose to commemorate his birthday!
⑤ Phototaking
We were ushered row by row outside the hall to wait for our turn to take photos with Asaty. We had to sanitize our hands before taking the letter paper of the pose we want.
I already knew what I wanted to say to Asaty, and rehearsed it a million times in my head. It really felt like I was going to meet a long-lost friend, rather an Oshi, so I wasn't as nervous as my first meeting in 2018 (I was so scared back then).
When the girl went up first in front of me, I could watch their conversation and got really nervous. I distinctively remember watching her and how she interacted with Asaty, it was a very polite conversation.
When she was done and Asaty watched her leave before turning his attention to me, I gave my biggest wave and shouted "Long time no see!"
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I remember his eyes going wide and he leaned forward, almost off his seat, "Pame-chan?!" he asked as if to confirm and as I nodded my head, he gave the biggest grin, replying "Thank you!" and his smile was so blinding!
Pamy: Long time no see! *waves wildly* Asaty: *eyes widen* Pame-chan?!! Pamy: Un! Long time no see! Asaty: *breaks out into the happiest smile* Thank you!! Staff: 35 pose please! Pamy: *holds up 3 fingers in left hand, 5 in right* Staff: No no, just 5! Asaty: *turns over to check* I do 3, you do 5! Pamy: OH!! Sorry! Staff: 📸 Pamy: (in English) I'm coming for the 3rd part! Asaty: Ah! *nods nods* Thank you! (I found out a few days later through the fan waiting behind me that Asaty pretended to understand my English, oof! That was brutal!) Staff: Okay, time is up! Pamy: *gets up and walks off* Your English conversation was super cute just now haha~! MC/Staff: *laughs* (walks off the photo venue) Asaty/Staff: YOUR POLAROID!!!! Pamy: OHHH! Thank you!!! Eheh! Asaty: *laughs and waves*
I then waited at the lobby for a fellow fan (our first time meeting), and we went for tea to wait for the next session to start.
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~ 3rd Session ~
My seat was 34 this time round, so I was in the third row! The programme was largely the same as the 2nd session, and the MC reminded us of the house rules before ushering Asaty out.
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① Cross-talk
This time, Asaty changed into a dark navy suit with a turtle-neck sweater, and his hair was slicked back. He did a twirl and asked if we liked this outfit choice, and it felt very formal.
During the cake session, Asaty finally took a bite of the strawberry and a huge forkful of cake. It was really funny to see him stuff his face.
I think the cake ended up being too sweet so he had to ask for water to wash it down.
I can't remember what they spoke about during the cross-talk. But I do remember that he spoke about how he has been in Tokyo for 16 years, that he considers himself more of a Tokyoite than Okinawan.
② Fan Q&A
My question didn't get picked for this round unfortunately, and some of the questions he answered were covered in previous years' events - eg. his parents wanted to call him "Tokiya" but it only stuck around for 2 weeks before they changed it to "Yuya".
③ Nintendo Switch with Asaty
This time round, Asaty selected all the princess characters (Princess Peach, Rosalina and Daisy) while he played as Birdo (who annihilated him in Session 2) It was super funny because he got thrashed by his fans again, some of them had super aggressive gameplay!
In one game, it was some tank shooting game and one fan blasted his tank non-stop, and ended his game within seconds. We were all laughing so hard because she was brutal.
Because all the fans didn't hold back, Asaty was literally shouting: "Oi! Daaaaisy!! Oi!! Peeechy!! Oi! Rosalina!!"
My two Asaty fan-friends got lucky and could play with him again for the 3rd session!
④ Aisatsu time
Before Asaty gave his thank you speech, he drew five lucky numbers to receive the autograph postcard. Again, maybe my lucky streak has worn off and I didn't get picked but I got to watch him interact with the lucky fans!
When he hands over the postcard, he bows at his fans and really stares at them (with a smile) in thanks. It was really cute to watch! Again, thank you Mama Asato for bringing up and reminding Asaty to thoroughly appreciate fans.
Asaty gave his thank you speech, and thanked us for supporting him till now.
⑤ Phototaking
Once again, we were ushered out of the event hall row by row for the phototaking. I was in row 3 so I didn't have to wait long.
I selected the finger heart pose this time round because it looked cute.
Pamy: Asato-sensei, Thank you for teaching me Japanese! *deep bow* Asaty: 😆 Thank you! Staff: Finger heart pose please! Staff: 📸 Asaty: *leans over the Covid splash screen with serious look on face* Thank you very much for everything as always! Pamy: I'll support you from abroad! Asaty: When did you return back? Me: 2 weeks ago… (**I must have heard him wrongly because he shook his head) Asaty: No, when are you returning back? Staff: Okay, time is up! Pamy: Soon! I'll support you online okay! (Asaty was really scrambling to talk as I got up to take the polaroid and leave.) Asaty: Be careful when you return back okay? Pamy: *turns back to wave* I will! Asaty: 😊👋🏼
(** Return in Japanese, depending on the speaker could either mean return to Japan or in my instance return back to Singapore, so I misheard and the staff was also listening to our conversation so I panicked.)
I read in many fan accounts (and also observed with my eyes) that Asaty will watch your back as your leave.
So I turned and gave him the wildest wave and he smiled dazzlingly and waved back.
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It's really been such a long time since I last saw Asaty in person, and I forgot how tall he was. His happy energy just spreads out when he smiles, and I really felt he was genuinely appreciative of his fans, especially those that stuck around for years.
I could recognise his regulars, and those who attended multiple sessions. Another fan was telling me unlike Rin Rin's birthday event (that you have to ballot for and they book a even bigger venue which made it very formal), Asaty's event was about 100-odd fans and has a more friendly-feeling.
Because of that, I'm grateful that a smaller event meant a cosier one, which we get a chance to play games with Asaty and also chat with him a bit.
I myself did not expect him to remember my name, maybe "Singapore fan" might jog his memory, but he caught me by surprise because I didn't have to even say my country or my name.
He remembers.
As he does to all his fans.
It was really an unexpected surprise, and something that I will remember for a long time.
Happy 35th Asaty!
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dan6085 · 15 hours
Here’s a breakdown of **annual Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) remittances** to the Philippines from **2010 to 2023**, in US dollars, with some key notes about each year:
### **2010**
- **Remittances:** $18.76 billion
- **Notes:** The Philippines started to recover from the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. Despite the slowdown, remittances continued to rise steadily, bolstered by OFWs in the Middle East, North America, and Europe.
### **2011**
- **Remittances:** $20.12 billion
- **Notes:** There was strong growth in remittances, with demand for Filipino workers remaining high in countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The government also expanded job opportunities abroad, particularly in healthcare.
### **2012**
- **Remittances:** $21.39 billion
- **Notes:** The rise in remittances was driven by increasing deployment of OFWs, particularly in skilled sectors like engineering, healthcare, and domestic services. The continued strength of remittances helped support the Philippine economy.
### **2013**
- **Remittances:** $22.97 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances grew despite natural disasters in the Philippines, such as Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). OFWs continued to provide much-needed financial support to their families back home during difficult times.
### **2014**
- **Remittances:** $24.63 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances saw steady growth, accounting for about 9% of the country's GDP. The continued outflow of workers to key destinations like the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and the UAE remained a major contributor to the economy.
### **2015**
- **Remittances:** $25.61 billion
- **Notes:** The growth of remittances slowed slightly, reflecting economic difficulties in oil-rich Middle Eastern countries due to lower oil prices. However, remittances from North America and Europe provided resilience.
### **2016**
- **Remittances:** $26.90 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances rebounded as oil prices stabilized, and new markets in Asia, such as Japan and South Korea, began to absorb more OFWs. Domestic economic growth also benefited from sustained remittance flows.
### **2017**
- **Remittances:** $28.06 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances continued to grow as the Philippine government strengthened bilateral labor agreements with countries in the Middle East and Asia. The Middle East remained the largest source, followed by North America and Europe.
### **2018**
- **Remittances:** $28.94 billion
- **Notes:** Growth in remittances came primarily from Asia and the Middle East, with an increasing number of Filipinos seeking skilled labor jobs in construction, engineering, and healthcare. OFW deployment remained high.
### **2019**
- **Remittances:** $30.13 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances reached a new high, surpassing the $30 billion mark for the first time. This was driven by continued demand for Filipino workers in countries like the U.S., Canada, and the Middle East. Remittances became even more critical as inflation in the Philippines rose.
### **2020**
- **Remittances:** $29.90 billion
- **Notes:** The COVID-19 pandemic caused a slight decline in remittances, as many OFWs faced job losses, pay cuts, or were repatriated due to global lockdowns. Despite this, remittances remained resilient, with the decline less severe than initially expected.
### **2021**
- **Remittances:** $31.42 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances rebounded in 2021 as the global economy started to recover from the pandemic. The Philippines saw a strong resurgence of remittances, driven by recovery in key markets like the U.S., the Middle East, and Europe. Many OFWs sent more to help their families cope with the economic effects of COVID-19.
### **2022**
- **Remittances:** $32.54 billion
- **Notes:** Remittances continued to rise, reaching a new all-time high. The easing of travel restrictions allowed more Filipinos to resume work abroad. The U.S. remained the top source of remittances, followed by Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Japan.
### **2023** (Estimate)
- **Remittances:** $33.50 billion (estimated based on trends from BSP data)
- **Notes:** Remittances are expected to hit new highs in 2023 as economies fully reopened and demand for foreign labor in healthcare, construction, and domestic services increased globally. However, inflationary pressures and rising costs of living globally have influenced OFWs to send more money back to their families.
### **Key Observations:**
- **Resilience**: Despite economic downturns, natural disasters, and global pandemics, OFW remittances have remained a critical and stable source of support for the Philippine economy.
- **Diversification**: Over time, Filipino workers have diversified in terms of skills and destinations, with an increasing number working in healthcare, IT, and skilled trades, particularly in Asia, the Middle East, and North America.
- **Economic Contribution**: Remittances account for about 9-10% of the Philippines’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP), underscoring their significance in driving consumption and supporting economic stability.
This consistent inflow has helped the Philippines maintain foreign exchange reserves and supported families’ incomes across the country.
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media360 · 6 days
Post-Pandemic Recovery of the Asian Aviation Industry: Trends and Challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the global aviation industry to a standstill, and Asia was no exception. As countries in the region begin to reopen their borders and air travel picks up again, the Asian aviation news landscape is evolving rapidly. Airlines are navigating a complex set of challenges while also embracing new trends that are shaping the post-pandemic recovery.
🔥 Trends Driving the Recovery of Asian Aviation
Surge in Domestic Travel One of the biggest trends reported in Asian aviation news is the rise in domestic travel across key markets like China, Japan, and India. With international travel restrictions still fluctuating in many regions, domestic routes have become the lifeblood of many airlines. Countries like China, in particular, have seen a significant uptick in demand for domestic flights as consumers opt for travel within their own borders.
Reshaping of Business Travel The pandemic has permanently altered the business travel sector, with many companies shifting to virtual meetings and remote work. As a result, Asian aviation news reports indicate a slower recovery for business travel compared to leisure travel. However, there is a gradual resurgence, driven by industries that still require face-to-face interactions, such as manufacturing and international trade.
Increased Focus on Cargo Cargo has become a critical revenue stream for many airlines during the pandemic, and this trend continues in the recovery phase. With disruptions in global supply chains, the demand for air freight has surged, and Asian carriers are investing heavily in cargo operations. The latest Asian aviation news highlights how airlines like Singapore Airlines and Korean Air are expanding their cargo fleets to meet growing demand.
Health and Safety Measures To restore consumer confidence in air travel, Asian airlines have implemented stringent health and safety protocols. From contactless check-ins to enhanced aircraft cleaning procedures, these measures are now part of the "new normal" in air travel. Asian aviation news frequently covers the ongoing efforts by airlines to ensure passenger safety, which has become a key factor in the industry’s recovery.
Low-Cost Carrier Boom As travelers become more budget-conscious, low-cost carriers (LCCs) in Asia are experiencing a resurgence. Airlines like AirAsia, Indigo, and Scoot are capitalizing on this trend by offering competitive prices and expanding their routes. Asian aviation news has noted a significant shift toward LCCs, especially among younger and leisure travelers seeking affordable travel options.
🔥 Challenges Facing the Industry
Fluctuating International Restrictions While domestic travel is rebounding, international routes remain a challenge. Fluctuating travel restrictions, quarantine requirements, and vaccination policies have made it difficult for airlines to plan long-haul routes consistently. According to Asian aviation news, many airlines are adopting a "wait and see" approach, focusing on flexible scheduling to accommodate the unpredictable nature of international travel.
Pilot Shortages and Staffing Issues Another major challenge reported by Asian aviation news is the shortage of pilots and other essential staff. The pandemic led to widespread layoffs, and as airlines ramp up operations, they face the difficulty of rehiring and retraining employees. This shortage could potentially slow down the recovery, particularly for smaller regional carriers.
Rising Fuel Costs As oil prices rise, airlines are grappling with increased operational costs. This is especially concerning for low-cost carriers, which rely on keeping fares low. Asian aviation news highlights how many airlines are exploring fuel-efficient aircraft and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) to mitigate the impact of rising fuel costs.
🔥 The Future of Asian Aviation
Despite the challenges, the future of Asian aviation looks promising. With strong government support, growing demand for air travel, and innovative strategies being implemented by airlines, the industry is on the path to recovery. The Asian aviation news community continues to monitor the region’s key players as they navigate this transitional phase and emerge stronger in a post-pandemic world.
In the coming years, we can expect to see continued advancements in technology, a focus on sustainability, and an ever-evolving approach to meeting the needs of travelers in Asia. As the industry rebuilds, Asian aviation news will play a vital role in providing insights into how the region’s airlines adapt to the new normal, setting the stage for a more resilient future.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Today’s Current Affairs: Singapore Faces New Covid-19 Wave with Over 25,900 Cases Recorded Singapore is currently grappling with a new wave of Covid-19 cases, with authorities reporting more than 25,900 cases from May 5 to 11. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung has advised the reinstatement of mask-wearing as a precautionary measure. The Ministry of Health (MOH) stated that the number of Covid-19 cases in the mentioned week rose significantly compared to previous weeks, prompting concerns about hospital bed capacity and the need for additional measures such as reducing non-urgent elective surgeries. Ong also urged those at high risk to consider receiving an additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. With the situation expected to peak in the upcoming weeks, Singaporean health officials are closely monitoring the situation to prevent overwhelming the healthcare system. Although no strict restrictions are in place at the moment, vigilance and responsible behavior are highlighted as crucial in combatting the ongoing pandemic. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] 1) What was the average daily ICU cases in Singapore during the week of May 5 to 11? - A) 250 - B) 181 - C) 3 - D) 2 Answer: C) 3 2) What did Health Minister Ong Ye Kung advise in response to the new Covid-19 wave? - A) Washing hands frequently - B) Social distancing - C) Wearing masks again - D) Travel restrictions Answer: C) Wearing masks again 3) Who is advised to receive an additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine? - A) Children under 10 years old - B) Individuals aged 20-30 - C) Individuals aged 60 years and above - D) Healthcare workers Answer: C) Individuals aged 60 years and above 4) What percentage of the local population in Singapore have completed their initial or additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine? - A) 60% - B) 70% - C) 80% - D) 90% Answer: C) 80% [ad_2] What is the current Covid-19 situation in Singapore? Singapore is facing a new wave of Covid-19 cases, with over 25,900 cases recorded from May 5 to 11. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung has advised the wearing of masks again as the number of cases is steadily rising. How is the Ministry of Health (MOH) responding to the surge in Covid-19 cases? The MOH has asked public hospitals to reduce non-urgent elective surgeries and move suitable patients to transitional care facilities or home through Mobile Inpatient Care@Home to protect hospital bed capacity. They are also urging those at high risk to get an additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. What is the prediction for the peak of the current Covid-19 wave in Singapore? Health Minister Ong Ye Kung stated that the wave is expected to peak in the next two to four weeks, between mid- and end of June. Is there any plan for social restrictions or mandatory measures in response to the surge in Covid-19 cases? As of now, there are no plans for social restrictions or mandatory measures in Singapore. Covid-19 is being treated as an endemic disease, and additional measures would be considered as a last resort. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later.
function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's Current Affairs brings the news of Singapore grappling with a new wave of Covid-19, with over 25,900 cases recorded in just a week. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung has advised the wearing of masks again as the number of cases continues to rise. Authorities predict the wave to peak in the next two to four weeks, with measures being taken to protect hospital bed capacity. Ong urged those at high risk to receive an additional dose of the Covid-19 vaccine if they haven't done so in the last 12 months. Singapore is preparing for the increasing cases, with no immediate plans for social restrictions but emphasizing the need for vaccination to combat the virus effectively. [ad_1]
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fuzzygardenercrusade · 8 months
Resilience in Uncertainty: How Smartworks Weathered the Second Wave of the Pandemic
In April 2021, the world is dealing with the uncertainty created by the second wave of the epidemic. Smartworks co-founder Neetish Sarda found himself in a difficult environment. Sarda co-founded Smartworks, a co-working space that started in Delhi-NCR in 2016 and has seen steady growth throughout its journey. But things changed dramatically when the COVID-19 pandemic spread, turning the concept of an office into an unrealistic concept and forcing businesses to rethink their ideas.
As builders look at a meager revenue of Rs 279.6 billion for FY21, the key question that arises is: "Will the office survive?" This uncertainty worries not only Smartworks, but the entire industry. Sarda, which received US$25 million in Series A funding from Singapore's Keppel Land Ltd in 2019, now faces the challenge of exploring uncharted territory.
Smartworks' journey through the second wave of the global pandemic is a testament to resilience, adaptability and vision. The story unfolds as the company transforms from a co-working space into a giant office space.
The Origins of Smartworks: Establishing a Shared Office Smartworks began its journey as an operating company in 2016. - Startups are committed to providing strong and collaborative workplaces. In the first year, the company experienced steady growth and managed to capture a significant market share in the National Capital Region of Delhi. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 created unprecedented challenges and caused Smartworks to re-evaluate its business model.
Choosing Hosted Office Space In 2019, Smartworks recognized the needs of the business and transitioned from shared office space to office space. This change allows the company to offer office solutions that meet the changing needs of the business world. Little did they know that this feedback would play a key role in their ability to recover during a pandemic.
Riding the storm: Smartworks' resilient response During the pandemic, working from home has become the norm and the concept of a physical office is being questioned. Smartworks is rising to the challenge of navigating the uncertainty caused by quarantine and travel restrictions. The ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions and the willingness to move to an office environment will be critical to Smartworks' survival.
Financial Challenges and Financial Services With revenue of Rs 279.6 billion in FY21, the financial impact of the pandemic is inevitable. However, Smartworks managed to secure funding from Keppel Land as a major player in the 2019 Series A round. The $25 million capital injection provides continuity and flexibility by providing the financial know-how needed to weather the storm.
Innovation in Crisis: Transformation During Lockdown As the lockdown continues, Smartworks embraces innovation to stay afloat. The company is exploring digital solutions to improve customers' remote operations. Virtual collaboration tools, advanced connectivity and flexible workflow solutions have become the foundation of Smartworks' strategy to meet changing business needs during the global crisis.
Human Life: Managing Stress The epidemic caused mental health problems as well as financial problems. Neetish Sarda, like many other entrepreneurs, finds himself fighting evil spirits. The importance of employee health has become a priority for Smartworks. We have implemented many measures to improve the health of our employees and recognize the importance of re-employment for both the organization and the individual.
Preview: The Future of Smartworks As the storm begins to calm, Smartworks finds itself strengthened. “Will the office survive?” turned to thinking about the future of the workplace. The office management model was born out of necessity and has now become a testament to flexibility and insight. Smartworks is poised to play a key role in improving operations post-pandemic.
Finally: The Journey to Prevention Smartworks' journey into the second wave of the epidemic exemplifies how to rework on the wrong side. From the initial difficulties of signing up to its successful competition for office space, the company has demonstrated the ability to not only survive but thrive when there is a crisis. As businesses around the world re-evaluate their workplace needs, Smartworks serves as a beacon of change, proving that poor work doesn't mean stormy weather, but instead also means getting out.
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pearlsmith25 · 10 months
Duty Free Retailing Market Odyssey: Navigating the Seas of Tax-Free Retail Opportunities
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Duty free retailing refers to the sale of goods without payment of certain local or national taxes and duties. Typically, these goods are sold in airports and on board commercial aircraft and ships. Duty free shops allow travelers to purchase alcohol, tobacco products, perfumes, and cosmetics among other items at a lower price by waiving off the applicable taxes and duties. Duty free retailing has become quite popular among air travelers as it provides an opportunity to avail international branded goods at discounted prices. The global duty free retailing market is estimated to be valued at US$ 38.95 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.6% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Opportunity: The key market opportunity for duty free retailing market lies in the increasing international air passenger traffic. According to International Air Transport Association (IATA), the number of global air passengers is expected to witness robust growth in the coming years. IATA estimates that the annual passenger traffic is estimated to double and reach 8.2 billion by 2037. This consistent rise in air travel will fuel sales in airport duty free shops. As duty free shopping has become an integral part of air travel experience for passengers, the high traffic volume is likely to translate into greater sales potential. The growth in international tourism also bodes well for duty free retailers operating in airports and on international routes. Thus, the rapid expansion of global air travel presents a lucrative market opportunity for duty free retailers over the forecast period. Porter's Analysis Threat of new entrants: The duty free retailing market requires high capital investments to establish and maintain duty free shops at airports or seaports. Presence of established brands with strong brand equity also poses barrier for new entrants. Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power due to availability of alternatives and brand options. However, time constraints at airports/seaports limit buyers' ability to compare offerings and negotiate. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have moderate bargaining power due to presence of multiple raw material/product suppliers. However, established duty free retailers can choose from a large number of premium/luxury brands. Threat of new substitutes: Limited threat as duty free shopping offers unique proposition of tax savings. However, online channels are emerging as alternatives. Competitive rivalry: Intense due to presence of global and regional retailers competing on service, product range, pricing and promotional strategies. SWOT Analysis
Strength: Wide product assortment, premium brands, favorable locations at airports/seaports, reputed brand image. Weakness: High operating costs, vulnerability to challenges in tourism/travel industry, regulatory restrictions. Opportunity: Emerging regional travel hubs, new seaports, expansion in Asia Pacific. Threats: Economic slowdowns curbing travel, stringent regulations, substitutes like online/domestic shopping. Key Takeaways The global duty free retailing market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period supported by revival in global travel and tourism industry post pandemic. Asia Pacific region holds the major share currently led by travel hubs like Singapore, Thailand etc and is likely to remain the fastest growing region supported by infra developments, rising incomes and expanding regional travel. Regional analysis focuses on airports/seaports in major economies like China, Japan, South Korea which are witnessing heavy investments in airport expansions and upgradations. Domestic travel is a key driver in Asia Pacific region. Key players operating in the duty free retailing market are Dufry AG, LOTTE Duty Free Company, DFS Group Limited, Gebr. Heinemann SE & Co. KG, The Shilla Duty Free, The King Power International Group, James Richardson Corporation Pty Ltd., Duty Free Americas, Inc., Flemingo International Ltd., Dubai Duty Free, and China Duty Free Group Co., Ltd. These players are focusing on expanding their international footprint, strengthening e-commerce channels and enhancing offerings.
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snugsodium · 1 year
A Business Destination, The Benefits of Investing in the Philippines
With the lifting of the pandemic restrictions, the real estate business in the country is experiencing an upward trend. The Philippines is one of the best countries all over the world as a business destination for investment. At the same time, the Philippines has a big opportunity to flourish since among Southeast Asian countries, the Philippines shows the major potential to be a tourist attraction and business hub. Crown Asia's house and lot for sale will have great investment opportunities since the locations of the property show significant convenience with a serene landscape while maintaining its prestige standard.
On the bright side, For a foreign investor, he or she won't have a problem communicating with Filipinos as the country shows excellent proficiency in the English Language. The Philippines has become a desirable location for both domestic and foreign investors due to its diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and rapidly expanding economy. President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has effectively promoted the country as a welcoming business location, with envoys backing him in bringing investments. Marcos' international travels are expected to attract investments that will create jobs, with the Department of Trade (DTI) estimating that around $88 million worth of investments could come to fruition this year. The business community has a wish list for the second State of the Nation Address, which includes measures on apprenticeship, tax easing, and public-private partnerships (PPP). PPP initiatives will contribute to the nation's long-term economic growth and create the necessary infrastructure.
The Philippines has become a desirable location for both domestic and foreign investors because of its varied landscapes, rich cultural legacy, and quickly expanding economy. The archipelagic country offers a wide range of options across many industries, making it an appealing option for individuals looking to diversify their financial holdings.
According to Kris Crismundo (2023, Philippine News Agency), Edgar Chua, Chair of the Makati Business Club (MBC), mentioned that President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has effectively promoted the Philippines as a welcoming business location for foreign investors.
Chua claimed that the envoys he had spoken to would back him wholeheartedly in bringing investments to the Philippines.
He thinks that the President has also been able to successfully advertise the country as a place to do business. They've been talking to a number of ambassadors and they have been impressed by the President, Chua told reporters at an MBC event over the weekend.
According to the senior executive of MBC, Marcos' international travels will be able to attract investments that will create the nation's urgently required number of jobs.
The DTI estimated that investments worth around $88 million from Marcos' international travels might come to fruition this year.
As they previously said, they have a pipeline that they were able to build up amounting to about $70 billion, according to DTI Secretary Alfredo Pascual. "It's not so large as of yet, but the potential is as they announced before, they have a pipeline that was able to build up amounting to around $70 billion," he said in a briefing. They will support our manufacturing, renewable energy, and IT-BPM sectors, and are projected to produce about 17,800 direct jobs.
Singapore, Indonesia, the United States, Thailand, China, Japan, and European nations are just a few of the countries that the Chief Executive visited during his first year in office.
The business community has a wish list for the second State of the Nation Address that includes measures on apprenticeship, tax easing, and public-private partnerships (PPP).
The PPP should be seriously pushed, according to Chua, "given the very limited fiscal space that the government has, so that we don't slow down the country. We need to continue and even expand our growth rate."
PPP initiatives, according to the MBC, will contribute to the nation's long-term economic growth and be crucial in creating the infrastructure that is required. (PNA)
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Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market Share, Industry Size 2028
The global aircraft aftermarket parts market size is expected to gain momentum by reaching USD 47.33 billion by 2028 while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.12% between 2023 and 2028. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights in its latest report, titled, “Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market, 2023-2028.” The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 29.44 billion in 2020. Factors such as the increasing number of phasing out of the aging aircraft and the estimated growth in air travel in near future is expected to favor the product’s demand. For instance, according to Airbus SAS, the growth of the passenger fleets will double from 21,000 aircraft in 2019 to 45,000 by 2035 due to the rising air travel worldwide.
The global pandemic, COVID-19, has resulted in several economies facing unprecedented loss. Owing to the lockdown announced by the government agencies globally, several manufacturing facilities have been at a standstill with limited operational activities. However, a collective effort from the government and the industries to bring the economy back is expected to boost the market growth during the forecast period. 
Market Segmentation:
Based on parts type, the market is bifurcated into MRO parts and rotable replacement parts.
Based on parts type, the MRO parts segment held a market share of about 66.9% and is expected to dominate during the forecast period. This is due to increasing demand for maintenance of next-generation aircraft worldwide.
On the basis of component type, the market is categorized into engine, airframe, interior, cockpit systems, and others. Moreover, on the basis of platform, the market is segmented into narrow-body, wide-body, and regional aircraft. Lastly, on the basis of region, the market is divided into Rest of the World, Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe. 
What does the Report Include?
The global market for aviation PMO parts report includes qualitative and quantitative analysis of several factors such as the key drivers and restraints that will impact growth. Additionally, the report provides insights into the regional analysis that covers different regions, contributing to the growth of the market. It includes the competitive landscape that involves the leading companies and the adoption of strategies to announce partnerships, introduce new products, and collaborate to further contribute to the growth of the market between 2021 and 2028. Moreover, the research analyst has adopted several research methodologies to extract information about the current trends and industry developments that will drive the market growth during the forecast period.
Browse Summary:
Increasing Number of Phased Out Aircraft to Propel Market Growth
The COVID-19 has disrupted the aviation industry due to reduced demand for air travel. The government worldwide had put traveling restrictions to contain the spread of the disease. Therefore, the coronavirus resulted in several airlines phasing out their aging airlines across the globe. This is expected to drive the demand for aircraft disassembly, dismantling, and recycling services that will contribute to the global aviation PMO parts market growth in the forthcoming years.
North America – The region is expected to dominate the market and hold the largest global Aircraft Aftermarket Parts market share during the forecast period. This is attributable to the increasing investment by the companies to expand their aftermarket service facilities in countries such as the U.S. North America stood at USD 11.45 billion in 2020.
Asia-Pacific – The region is expected to showcase significant growth backed by the increasing focus of the manufacturers to establish aftermarket hubs in countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Australia that will drive the adoption of aviation PMO parts in the region.
Facility Expansion by Major Companies to Amplify Their Market Positions
The market is segmented into several major companies striving to maintain their dominance by expanding their aviation PMO parts facilities to cater to the growing demand for aircraft maintenance applications. Additionally, the adoption of strategies such as merger and acquisition, collaboration, and partnership by other key players is expected to boost market growth during the forecast period.
Industry Development:
January 2021- SR Technics announced the launch of STRADE, a trading platform for commercial aircraft spare parts. The platform aims at providing component sale, lease, and exchange services to its customers in the aircraft after-service domain.
List of the Companies Profiled in the Global Market for Aircraft Aftermarket Parts:
The Boeing Company (The US)
Collins Aerospace (The US)
Honeywell International Inc. (The US)
General Electric Company (The US)
Eaton Technologies (The US)
Meggitt PLC (The UK)
UTC Aerospace Systems (The US)
AJW Group (The UK)
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f1 · 1 year
F1 returning to China in 2024 as part of major schedule change
Shanghai in China last hosted a Formula 1 race during the 2019 season China is set to return to the Formula 1 calendar for the first time since the pandemic in a major revision of the schedule for 2024. The season starts with races in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to be held on Saturdays, because of the impact of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. In the quest for greater sustainability, the Japanese race moves to 7 April from its usual autumn date. And Azerbaijan will be twinned with Singapore in September. The calendar features what would be a record 24 races - exactly the same number as were due to be held this year before the cancellation of the Chinese and Emilia-Romagna Grands Prix. Earlier this year, Australian Grand Prix organisers announced that Saudi Arabia would hold the opening race of the 2024 season. But F1 has found a way to fit both Bahrain and Jeddah in before Melbourne by making the Middle Eastern events Saturday night races. Ramadan starts on the evening of 10 March, the day after the Saudi event. China was due to return this year but had to be cancelled because of the uncertainty over the Covid situation in the country at the start of the year, when there were riots as a result of continued social restrictions. These have now been lifted. The move towards greater regionalisation - which is an attempt to reduce carbon emissions from flights as F1 strives to become net-zero carbon by 2030 - has been partly stymied by Canadian organisers resisting F1's attempts to twin the Montreal race with Miami in May. Instead, the Canadian Grand Prix retains its traditional June date, forcing teams to fly across the Atlantic twice in just over a month. F1 chairman Stefano Domenicali said: "Our journey to a more sustainable calendar will continue in the coming years as we further streamline operations as part of our Net Zero 2030 commitment." FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem added: "We want to make the global spectacle of Formula 1 more efficient in terms of environmental sustainability and more manageable for the travelling staff who dedicate so much of their time to our sport." Pre-season testing is due to be held in Bahrain on 21-23 February but those dates are still subject to approval from the FIA world motorsport council. Full 2024 F1 calendar 29 February - 2 March - Bahrain 7-9 March - Saudi Arabia 22-24 March - Australia 5-7 April - Japan 19-21 April - China 3-5 May - Miami 17-19 May - Emilia-Romagna 24-26 May - Monaco 7-9 June - Canada 21-23 June - Spain 28-30 June - Austria 5-7 July - United Kingdom 19-21 July - Hungary 26-28 July - Belgium 23-25 August - Netherlands 30 August - 1 September - Italy 13-15 September - Azerbaijan 20-22 September - Singapore 18-20 October - USA (Austin) 25-27 October - Mexico City 1-3 November - Brazil 21-23 November - Las Vegas 29 November - 1 December - Qatar 6-8 December - Abu Dhabi via BBC Sport - Formula 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/
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alliedcreation · 1 year
Outbound MICE Market Everything You Need To Know Forecast, 2021–2030
 “Outbound MICE Market," The outbound mice market was valued at $225.90 billion in 2021, and is estimated to reach $1272.2 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.3% from 2022 to 2031.
Business tourism has a niche called MICE tourism. However, it is important to use a broad definition when talking about business. In addition, it covers all kinds of organizations, including associations, universities, non-governmental organizations, and public & semi-public agencies. The expansion of the corporate sector, an increase in FDI activity, and the development of small & medium-sized businesses are just a few of the causes supporting the growth of the global outbound mice market. Moreover, the growth of international business travel, global tourism, and an increase in the frequency of mouse events such as meetings around the world have fostered the outbound MICE market growth during the forecast period.
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However, governments stopped all domestic and international planes, and the MICE and tourism sectors also imposed travel restrictions to stop the spread of corona virus. Governments had to enact stringent regulations on travel and tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to stop the virus's spread. This put a stop to MICE (business incentive, conferencing, and exhibition) travel.
For market analysis, the outbound MICE market is segmented into event type and region. By event type, it is segregated into meeting, incentive, convention, and exhibition. On the basis of region, it is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, Spain, France, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Singapore, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Rest of AsiaPacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa).
According to the outbound MICE market trends, on the basis of event type, incentive segment was the significant revenue contributor to the market, with $27.8 billion in 2021, and is estimated grow at a CAGR of 16.1% during the forecast period. Employees are usually rewarded with incentive travel. A non-work-related vacation intended to maintain performance motivation. It is advantageous if a company that offers MICE services is situated in a nation that attracts leisure travelers and has a pleasant climate. The requisite airports, hotels, and airline connections are probably already in place. Thus, above mentioned factors are likley to boost the outbound MICE market demand during forecast period.
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They draw incentive travelers to their location. A notable example for such an incentive location is Tanzania. In order to get the best performance from their employees, business owners may be encouraged by a growing economy and the expansion of the service and manufacturing industries to invest in their employees through incentive travel. This is expected to help the outbound MICE market growth during the forecast period.
According to the outbound MICE market opportunities, region wise, Asia-Pacific garnered a significant outbound MICE market share in 2021, and is expected to maintain its market share throughout outbound MICE market forecast period. Asia-Pacific has been gaining significant traction in global outbound market owing various factors such as rise in the manufacturing and service sector, infrastructural development, and free trade agreement between India and other countries. Furthermore, Government is actively taking interest in promoting MICE market in their respective countries by forming ministries and policies. For instance, the tourism policy for Gujarat, introduced by former Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, aims to position the state as the top tourist destination in the nation with a focus on investment and employment possibilities. Gujarat is to become a "MICE" tourism hotspot as a result of the initiative.
In this policy, the government proposed an incentive of $63.01 for the event organizer per foreign participant staying over, up to a maximum of $6,301.16, to encourage international events. The players operating in the global outbound MICE industry have adopted various developmental strategies to expand their market share, increase profitability, and remain competitive in the market.
Purchase enquire:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/14831
The key players profiled in this report are 360 Destination Group, Access Destination Services, ATPI LTD., BCD GROUP (BCD MEETINGS & EVENTS), BI Worldwide, Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT Meetings & Events), CIEVENTS, Conference Care Ltd., Creative Group, Inc., CSI DMC, IBTM, ITA Group, MARITZ, Meetings & Incentives Worldwide, Inc., ONE10, LLC, The Freeman Company, and The Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc.
Key findings of the study
The global outbound MICE market size was valued at $225.9 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach $1,272.2 billion by 2031, registering a CAGR of 13.3% from 2022 to 2031.
On the basis of event type, the exhibitions segment acquired $17.7 billion in 2021, exhibiting 7.8% of the global market share.
On the basis of region, China was the most prominent market in Asia-Pacific in 2021, and is projected to reach $138.1 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 19.0% during the forecast period.
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clicksrealeestate · 1 year
The Impact of COVID-19 on Rental Property in Singapore
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of our lives, including the rental property market in Singapore. Free property listing Singapore websites have become the preferred option. In this blog post, we will explore the trends, challenges, and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the pandemic and provide tips for landlords and tenants to navigate the new normal.
Trends in the Rental Property Market
The pandemic has had a significant impact on the rental property market in Singapore, with many landlords experiencing a drop in demand and rental prices. According to data, rental prices for private condominiums and apartments in the city-state fell by an average of 0.4% in 2020, while rents for HDB flats remained relatively stable.
One trend that has emerged as a result of the pandemic is an increased demand for rental properties in the suburbs and outlying areas of Singapore. With remote work becoming more common, many tenants are looking for rental properties that offer more space and a quieter, less crowded environment.
Challenges for Landlords and Tenants
The pandemic has presented a number of challenges for both landlords and tenants in the rental property market. For landlords, the drop in demand and rental prices has made it difficult to maintain profitability and cover expenses such as property taxes and maintenance costs.
For tenants, the pandemic has made it difficult to conduct property viewings and move into new rental properties due to social distancing restrictions and travel limitations.
Opportunities for Landlords and Tenants
Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, there are also opportunities for both landlords and tenants in the rental property market. For landlords, this may include upgrading their rental properties with amenities such as high-speed internet or outdoor spaces that cater to the needs of tenants who are working from home.
For tenants, the pandemic has created opportunities to negotiate lower rental rates or secure rental incentives from landlords who are eager to attract new tenants. Tenants may also consider moving to rental properties in suburban or outlying areas of Singapore, where rental prices may be lower and the lifestyle experience may be more conducive to remote work.
The trend, which has become the most prominent is growing of property listing websites Singapore.
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market-insider · 2 years
Advancements In Digital Infrastructure And Rising Penetration Of Telehealth
The global telehealth market size is expected to reach USD 455.26 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.0% over the forecast period. The rising penetration of the internet and the evolution & development of smartphones are factors that contribute to the growth of the industry. Advancements in digital infrastructure allow users to monitor their health and fitness, avail of medical assistance, and book appointments. For instance, several applications and platforms, such as Doctor on Demand, Lemonaid, and MDLive, allow their users to book appointments, monitor personal health, track consultations, and store healthcare information.
Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and teleconsultation. The pandemic exposed the shortcomings in the healthcare systems while also burdening the healthcare resources and facilities, which accelerated the adoption of the solutions. The government-imposed travel restrictions and lockdowns to curb the spread of the virus, which led to patients and healthcare institutions shifting toward teleconsultations and telemedicine. In addition, insurance companies and healthcare payers are collaborating with key industry players to provide free consultation services to patients. For instance, AIG and Cigna announced a partnership with Doctor Anywhere in Singapore.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Telehealth Market Report
Under this partnership, the companies will provide free consultation services to patients across Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam. Moreover, the rising number of public-private partnerships, advancements in digital infrastructure, rise in government initiatives, and growing advancements in digital health technologies are anticipated to boost the demand for virtual care applications and services. Several key players, such as GlobalMed, Siemens Healthineers, and Doctor Anywhere, reported a significant rise in revenues and active users during the pandemic. The services segment held the largest share of the global revenue in 2022 due to the rising preference for telemedicine and teleconsultation to reduce healthcare costs and physical visits to hospitals.
Moreover, the development of digital infrastructure is expected to boost the growth of the services segment. The web-based delivery mode segment dominated the global industry in 2022 on account of the higher adoption of web-based solutions by patients and healthcare institutions. The healthcare providers end-use segment accounted for the highest share of the overall revenue in 2022. The high share of this segment can be attributed to the increased adoption of teleconsultation and telemedicine platforms by providers to reduce the burden on healthcare resources and facilities.
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Singapore officially deactivates contact tracing system, to 'refurbish' wearables
Singapore is officially turning off its COVID-19 contact tracing system amidst plans to further ease travel restrictions, as the country exits the “acute phase” of the pandemic.  Plans also are in place to retrieve millions of Bluetooth-enabled wearables, distributed nationwide to detect and monitor user proximity, so these can be “refurbished and recycled” for future use when…
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whattheabcxyz · 2 years
This is why I don’t buy clothes from fast fashion retailers - other than being environmentally-unfriendly, everyone will be wearing the same thing as you
This is why you shouldn’t believe those positive reviews - AI can now generate a glowing critique of your product in an instant
Tesla offers discounts in Singapore on cars in inventory
Thailand rescinds requirement for visitors to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination - vaccines don’t prevent transmission so what’s the bloody use?!
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^ New Year’s Eve tradition of firing flares from ships here halted after authorities flag safety concerns - CAAS issued a notification to the maritime community in Dec 2021 which stated that the firing of flares for non-emergency purposes are now offences under the Air Navigation Order
Private property rents for 2022 at highest level since 2013
Hawkers, postmen & shopkeepers to keep an eye on the elderly in Cheng San-Seletar
Over half of kids & teens here do not hit physical activity targets
Ong Ye Kung says Singapore has not seen surge in COVID-19 cases from China arrivals - government explains why it is not imposing restrictions on China travellers here ...they forgot to mention they just want the mainlanders’ $$$, lol
Man held woman at knifepoint in Yishun during standoff with police - he’s a known drug addict
Flat owners to be presumed guilty of high-rise littering unless proven otherwise under proposed law - this is complete BS
18 property agents disciplined in past 5 years for marketing HDB flats that breached MOP rules
HK approves more than 200 work passes a day under new scheme - trying to make up for brain drain during pandemic
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aj3282 · 2 years
The Pandemic caused many of us to pivot to online learning, and this is how I entered the virtual world and eLearning. Despite being forced into online learning due to the pandemic, I can honestly say that it has been a positive shift for me.  First and foremost, virtual world learning experiences have been fun for me. I really enjoy the flexibility eLearning lends to my busy schedule.  I am no longer confined into a traditional class where I need to physically be in a classroom each week.  I am now able to study when and where I want and no longer have to build my schedule around school, but rather build school into my ever-changing schedule.  
But there are so many more benefits to working and learning in a virtual world:
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1.Building Social Networks Across Time and Space: working and learning online allows participants to collaborate from all over the world and across different time zones.  People in Asia can collaborate with us in Canada.  Next, people now are not bound by physical restrictions or time.  Online platforms also allow people the freedom to by-pass traditional in-person meetings and can therefore, navigate their busy schedules by cutting down on travel time and costs by merely logging into a digital meeting or lecture. This is very cost and time effective.  Finally, online work and learning platforms allow broader social networks that were not possible before.  I can now mingle and learn from other students halfway across the world and this only serves to broaden my perspectives as well as networking ability.  
Here is a classic example: A family member who has recently opened up a boutique of South Asian beauty and health products.  His collaboration team was scattered all over Asia (product teams in India and Sri-Lanka, packaging and design in China and marketing team in Singapore).  He has also networked for the last two years with other diasporic companies in Europe and North America. None of this networking would have been possible without the online business networking he did.
2. Navigation Anytime and Anywhere: Working and studying online also allow me access to content 24/7.  I no longer have to rely on a professor’s lecture or my boss’s verbal instructions.  I can access information, instructions and results in real time. This is critical because of the type of learner I am.  I need to see things written down as I am a visual learner.  Thus, when things are posted online, this allows me time to process information and instructions allowing me to be far more successful than merely hearing things in a meeting or lecture.  Again, I have all of this information at my fingertips which allows me to work at school or my job anytime and anywhere.
3. Building and Creation:  The ability to construct and develop in virtual environments is one of greatest features of online learning and working. Teams can take on different roles and collaborate in planning, executing, testing, revamping and assessing.  Not one person needs to be an expert in everything, you can actually specialize in your own niche while having experts. Online work and school allows us to create powerful collaborative teams that make work and school fun, engaging and less stressful as there are many hands to make for lighter work!
5. Assessment: Getting feedback in real time is critical when it comes to today’s society. When multiple people can be working on a project together, assessing, editing and finalizing its components allows for deadlines to be met, its cost-effective, can be done 24/7 or in real-time, fosters collaboration and is fun and interactive.
6. Delivery of Final Product: Online learning and work makes delivering the final product so much easier.  Sending and receiving assignments and final products is as easy as a click.  It is so much safer too because there is always a way to track its delivery.  Again everything can be tracked, sent and received in real time making timelines much more manageable.
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Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market Share, size 2028
The global aircraft aftermarket parts market size is expected to gain momentum by reaching USD 47.33 billion by 2028 while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.12% between 2023 and 2028. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights in its latest report, titled, “Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market, 2023-2028.” The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 29.44 billion in 2020. Factors such as the increasing number of phasing out of the aging aircraft and the estimated growth in air travel in near future is expected to favor the product’s demand. For instance, according to Airbus SAS, the growth of the passenger fleets will double from 21,000 aircraft in 2019 to 45,000 by 2035 due to the rising air travel worldwide.
The global pandemic, COVID-19, has resulted in several economies facing unprecedented loss. Owing to the lockdown announced by the government agencies globally, several manufacturing facilities have been at a standstill with limited operational activities. However, a collective effort from the government and the industries to bring the economy back is expected to boost the market growth during the forecast period. 
Browse Summary
Market Segmentation:
Based on parts type, the market is bifurcated into MRO parts and rotable replacement parts.
Based on parts type, the MRO parts segment held a market share of about 66.9% and is expected to dominate during the forecast period. This is due to increasing demand for maintenance of next-generation aircraft worldwide.
On the basis of component type, the market is categorized into engine, airframe, interior, cockpit systems, and others. Moreover, on the basis of platform, the market is segmented into narrow-body, wide-body, and regional aircraft. Lastly, on the basis of region, the market is divided into Rest of the World, Asia-Pacific, North America, and Europe. 
What does the Report Include?
The global market for aviation PMO parts report includes qualitative and quantitative analysis of several factors such as the key drivers and restraints that will impact growth. Additionally, the report provides insights into the regional analysis that covers different regions, contributing to the growth of the market. It includes the competitive landscape that involves the leading companies and the adoption of strategies to announce partnerships, introduce new products, and collaborate to further contribute to the growth of the market between 2021 and 2028. Moreover, the research analyst has adopted several research methodologies to extract information about the current trends and industry developments that will drive the market growth during the forecast period.
Increasing Number of Phased Out Aircraft to Propel Market Growth
The COVID-19 has disrupted the aviation industry due to reduced demand for air travel. The government worldwide had put traveling restrictions to contain the spread of the disease. Therefore, the coronavirus resulted in several airlines phasing out their aging airlines across the globe. This is expected to drive the demand for aircraft disassembly, dismantling, and recycling services that will contribute to the global aviation PMO parts market growth in the forthcoming years.
North America – The region is expected to dominate the market and hold the largest global Aircraft Aftermarket Parts market share during the forecast period. This is attributable to the increasing investment by the companies to expand their aftermarket service facilities in countries such as the U.S. North America stood at USD 11.45 billion in 2020.
Asia-Pacific – The region is expected to showcase significant growth backed by the increasing focus of the manufacturers to establish aftermarket hubs in countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Australia that will drive the adoption of aviation PMO parts in the region.
Facility Expansion by Major Companies to Amplify Their Market Positions
The market is segmented into several major companies striving to maintain their dominance by expanding their aviation PMO parts facilities to cater to the growing demand for aircraft maintenance applications. Additionally, the adoption of strategies such as merger and acquisition, collaboration, and partnership by other key players is expected to boost market growth during the forecast period.
Industry Development:
January 2021- SR Technics announced the launch of STRADE, a trading platform for commercial aircraft spare parts. The platform aims at providing component sale, lease, and exchange services to its customers in the aircraft after-service domain.
List of the Companies Profiled in the Global Market for Aircraft Aftermarket Parts:
The Boeing Company (The US)
Collins Aerospace (The US)
Honeywell International Inc. (The US)
General Electric Company (The US)
Eaton Technologies (The US)
Meggitt PLC (The UK)
UTC Aerospace Systems (The US)
AJW Group (The UK)
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