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xmorbidnerdx · 2 years ago
Pokemon Dialga Alchemy Artwork
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paradoxiii · 1 year ago
Man, I haven't drawn anything since I set up my computer. I haven't made any progress on cleaning my room other than moving my bed across the room. Haven't made any progress on that RPG sideblog. My sleep schedule is wrecked from staying up late playing BG3. The Teal Mask dlc for Pokémon SV just came out but I have no interest in playing it right now because of BG3.
And yet, for all the time I've put into this game (Steam says I've got like 50 hours on it, but the first 10 were on my laptop & I don't think count bc of my laptop being so slow & crashing the game so much), I haven't even finished Act One. I've spent most of my time fucking around in the character creator or figuring out what clothes from Basket of Equipment and Transmogrifocation Camp Clothes to use (and yesterday I used Bag of Sorting & Pouch of Wonders so I could sort all my clothes/equipment).
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pyrot3ch-nick · 8 months ago
Friend describing to me their in-game home: I made this, and this and this, the rug and bathtub I had to get in the black market.
Me a forever DM: why are rugs and bathtubs black market items? I want to know the lore here.
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crack-canon · 1 year ago
Pallia’s gotta let us sell our furnitures and building objects
The amount of basic sawmills I’ve accidentally made thanks to glitches
On top of the furniture I don’t want
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slyakoch-undead-tavern · 3 months ago
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Palliya of infinity....or Infinite Palliya?? i don't know!
about her under the cut:
it makes sense for my friends who know her lore, but if in short: Pallinormi, being young dragon was obsessed with mortals, their lives and adventures. And often hanged out with them, and secretly used her time poer for fun or other not really deserving reasons, which is no good and can fuck up timeline. So she got "detention" from Nozdormu, and started to use her powers more mindful.
But this version of her did not listen, on the contrary, decided that she has the right to dispose of her forces as she wants. And that it was "unfair and stupid to forbid dragons from using their birthright powers." So she started using her power for her own benefits and entertainment - not for the sake of helping or saving mortals, as the original Pallia does.
okay and to be honest i made this explanation just o justify me drawing this coll as design of her. Sometimes girls just want 1263672 AUs and designs of their mains ok??
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444names · 3 months ago
Names generated from the List of empires on the English Wikipedia
Acenishu Acente Afavin Afracy Afria Afrianan Afshai Afsharan Akkari Akonger Akonic Akontrese Akontuʻi Akorea Akory Akwamugha Akwarmand Akwassyrid Ariannic Asalleucid Asarman Assamonfed Assian Assyriana Atecha Athity Aughabulo Augush Aulian Aurraza Aurysincid Aussoulta Avarthu Avieth Avietnazil Avijapal Ayunepal Azmian...
Babulou Babylo Bamany Bamitanian Bamonfed Bamongha Baterman Baths Beles Belga Benish Benoes Benthit Benti Bermen Betanisha Borde Boreattold Borebian Bracen Braneian Brazi Brian Britan Brunid Bulgarchal Bulgian Bulikan Bulikh Bulof Bulor Bulou Buria Buryeo Burépec Bylof Byzan Cartharic Cedian Cedoman Cenoesean Chaem Chazil Chornu Conian Coninem Contrid Danavarian Danicaluk Denti Duchese Duchold Ducian Ducid Duryeo Duryeoryeo Duttan Dutthenial Duttin Duttiquith Duttiquity Duttola Egyptan Elassyri Eljuk Emermens Empite Ethenid Ethes Etnarid Firachal Firacy Firan Firavian Firazan Firebial Firencan Frallic Frazil Fraznamai Frenor Fressyrea Frited Fritiquit Fulganate Fulgarid Fulonger Fulor Fulte Funemer Funepan Fungdonic Funghaeati Funghal Funish Ganan Ganian Garal Garian Garic Garthaga Genorg Geordenlu Geordent Germar Germara Gevijapalo Ghaburi Ghaica Ghassin Ghazil Goguese Gogurkic Golerbian Goleuchy Goral Gorgialli Gotharit Gothes Gottond Grajapahia Granavi Gravian Grenian Grenican Grepal Grepublite Grese Guese Gustrat Haempian Halmyrepur Hania Hanian Harican Hiopira Holdenia Holder Holes Holof Horthaic Hortuʻi Horysan Hosican Hoyungevia Hoyunghaya Hoyutchy Hunaths Huneman Hunew Hungorea Huniannid Hunnican Ibenoesean Ibetallity Ibeth Ibetna Itanagazi Itinchai Japahionic Japahite Japal Japarite Jayuna Jayunic Jayutton Jolat Joltan Kadian Kadiana Kadish Khaga Khitish Khmede Khmedia Khmen Khmexic Khwar Khwarlem Kinga Kondannian Konfed Kongenia Konian Konid Kontrica Koratec Korazi Korazte Korthity Korya Koryeo Kosia Kosini Kospal Kospaloni Kospitai Kospite Kulitti Kussikarid Kussyrean Kustecolof Kustedian Kustrenla Lamurg Lasam Macenian Maica Maitand Majapal Majapan Majaya Majayan Managianew Mania Manian Maniong Maracy Maria Marid Marth Maryand Masafsh Massannish Massia Maulof Maulte Maush Media Mediane Meninagian Menlamanca Mentish Mermeni Mexic Mexica Monfedoman Mongoltany Moniana Monica Monid Montinina Montrat Moraj Mordenew Morgin Murkic Muryeornu Neianish Nemerbiand Nemexic Nianamu Nishu Noesec Noeser Odryeo Odryeorya Odrysafsh Oltan Omacedon Omallica Osingol Ospira Ostrozvia Oysal Oyunid Oyutch Pagany Pagiani Pagin Pahimorea Palican Pality Pallia Palonid Palukust Parysalith Pongaran Poniali Ponid Pornu Poryeo Prean Prephtha Publi Publite Qarch Qaria Qariante Qarmaj Qoyunia Qoyutchy Ranamitti Ratec Rathai Ratinican Ravia Raviethit Razil Razna Raztechian Rogolte Roguessin Rogur Rogurran Romaraj Rozvid Rozvin Rungan Runlu Runni Rustrid Rustrozvia Safrian Safsh Safshuan Salukyan Samajapan Saman Samaran Samian Samur Sanandan Sanannid Sanantrid Sanianican Sarala Sarazte Sarchalic Sassinian Sechan Seconish Selgal Selgan Senchite Senem Seran Sermany Siana Siani Sical Sikaria Singa Songa Spahitai Spali Spalikh Spian Spirst Spirstrit Sultan Sulte Sultec Sumedish Sumen Sumenian Sumerate Sumerithai Surkin Suryeo Swedenia Swediant Thianew Thitant Tibenoese Tibeta Tinciand Tinga Tolasal Tolornu Toltan Toltang Tomacedia Tonghazte Tontec Trian Tromai Tughaeater Tughai Tuguryeo Tukyan Turian Turrazil Tussou Tustrozvi Uniallernu Unningara Vietala Vietalic Vijapagan Vinghaitan Waman Waral Waran Warchorn Warchy Warian Wassian Wassin Wassyria Wedebian Wedencid Wedia Wedianate Wesea Westria
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ask-a-bot · 7 months ago
Hey, Bee! Played any new games with Star and Hot Rod? What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Same question for Star, Rod, Megs, and Prime if the two are able.
I personally like any flavor that doesn’t contain dairy or nuts. I have a dairy and nut allergy that can make me very sick to my stomach.🤒
Hi! We've played Among Us with Kup. That was fun. Star showed us all Pallia too. That's a pretty relaxing game.
We all had a go at the new EarthSpark game too – that was fun.
Yeah... surprised you liked that, Rod.
Why? It was fun!
Favourite ice cream? Anything with marshmallow in it.
Ooh! Wait... that's an Earth thing.
A little bit doesn't hurt.
When have you ever only had a little bit, though?
Stop ganging up on me!
Look, all we're saying is that there are Cybertronian ice cream flavours.
Yeah! I like pinkberry oilcake flavour.
Now you're talking!
I like chocolate flavour.
Chocolate flavour does go very nicely with sliced hydrafruit.
Or oil cake.
I like bobble flavour (it's a kind of fruit).
They look a little like turquoise cherries. They taste like... like...
Bobbles. I like anything fruit flavoured, I guess.
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aautiemiller-rockcenter · 10 months ago
JUMP Anaheim Senior Solo Results '24
Caleb Abea & Keira Redpath (Larkin)!!! YRJ
Drew Rosen (Danceology) YRJ
Dyllan Blackburn (Mather) YRJ
Emma Donnelly & Caroline Skrable (Danceology) YRJ
Angelika Edejer (Evoke), Kaitlyn Ortega (Mather), Charly Frost (Bobbie's School), Natalie Bowen (Bobbie's School) YRJ
Kennie Shen (Mather), Piper Camm (Evoke), Jagger Starr (Elite Dance Center), Noah Ross (To The Pointe), Sophia Luu (Revolution Dance Center), Erynne Mangsat (Evoke), Shaelan Baldwin (Mather)
Lielle Cohen (Dance Dimensions), Grayson Skarsvaag (Danceology), Charlotte Gestring (Evoke), Ellen Wang (Xingjian Dance)
Gianna Mojonnier (Danceology), Dempsey Foxson (Mather), Brooke Mirkovich (To The Pointe), Abbey Stahl (Mather)
Tanner Shih (Studio 1 Dance), Izzy Rivera (K2 Studios), Jessie Levasheff (DanceLova Dance), Naomi Fontal (To The Pointe)
Taylor Pallia (Danceology), Angelica Keamy (Elite Dance Center), Sofia Sawaya (Mather), Daniel Stankovich (OCPAA), Zoey Garcia (K2 Studios), Sivan Kanitz (CHS Dance Team)
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volumina-vetustiora · 1 year ago
I did an English translation of Poem 104 from Book 11 of Martial's Epigrams. I think it's quite good
it is however rather NSFW (like, smuttily so) and therefore may be found under the cut
"Dear Wife" Martial 11.104
Honey, it's my way or the highway: I'm not Curius, Numa, or Tatius. I like nights that stretch into drinking and fun: You’ve had your water, you get mopey and can't wait to leave. You want the dark: I like to play in full view of the lamp And let its rays illuminate my form. Cloths and clothes and modest robes cover you: But a girl can’t get nude enough for me. I adore hot steamy kisses: You give me the kind you’d give your grandma in the morning. You don't deem the deed worthy of moving, or help out by moaning Or fingering yourself; you fuck like you're preparing wine and incense: Trojan servants used to start wanking outside the door Every time Andromache sat on Hector’s cock and rode him, And even while Ulysses snored, faithful Penelope used to Always have her hand on her sweet spot. You won't let me fuck you in the arse: Cornelia let Gracchus, Julia let Pompey, and didn't Portia let you, too, Brutus? Before that particular attendant started mixing sweet wine for him It was Juno who let Jupiter Ganymede her! If you want respectability, you can be Lucretia all day: at night I want Lais.
Uxor, vade foras aut moribus utere nostris: non sum ego nec Curius nec Numa nec Tatius. Me jucunda juvant tractae per pocula noctes: tu properas pota surgere tristis aqua. Tu tenebris gaudes: me ludere teste lucerna et juvat admissa rumpere luce latus. Fascia te tunicaeque obscuraque pallia celant: at mihi nulla satis nuda puella jacet. basia me capiunt blandas imitata columbas: tu mihi das aviae qualia mane soles. Nec motu dignaris opus nec voce juvare nec digitis, tamquam tura merumque pares: masturbabantur Phrygii post ostia servi, Hectoreo quotiens sederat uxor equo, et quamvis Ithaco stertente pudica solebat illic Penelope semper habere manum. Pedicare negas: dabat hoc Cornelia Graccho, Julia Pompeio, Porcia, Brute, tibi; dulcia Dardanio nondum miscente ministro pocula Juno fuit pro Ganymede Jovi. Si te delectat gravitas, Lucretia toto sis licet usque die: Laida nocte volo.
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jackalopeisaac · 1 year ago
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My Pathfinder character Pallia. She's a leshy monk.
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paradoxiii · 1 year ago
My Dark Urge file broke ._.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years ago
What would mewtwo ash doo or the other ash aus, what would they do when meeting one of the god Pokémon? Like garatina, pallia,dialga, or even god himself arcceus?
Also might have butchered their names but oh well lol
It follows like canon - other than him being a godly figure as a Mewtwo he won't do anything extreme.
he makes more firends and gets to goof off with them more tho XD
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cruger2984 · 1 year ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT AGNES OF ROME The Patron of Betrothed Couples Feast Day: January 21
"Christ is my Spouse, He chose me first and His I will be. He made my soul beautiful with the jewels of grace and virtue. I belong to Him whom the angels serve."
According to tradition, Agnes was a member of the Roman nobility, born in 291 AD and raised in an early Christian family. Agnes, whose name means 'lamb', was a beautiful Roman girl who refused marriage because of her dedication to Jesus Christ.
She answered her suitors that she had consecrated her virginity to a heavenly spouse, who could not be seen by mortal eyes. Those young men, finding her resolution unwavering, accused her of being a Christian.
In 304 AD at the age of twelve, she was brought before a judge, the prefect Sempronius, and remained unshaken by either his kindness or threats.
When fires and instruments of torture were placed before her eyes, she resisted with courage and faith. She was sent to a house of prostitution, but the young man who ventured to touch her, lost his sight. Shortly thereafter, she was led out and bound to a stake, but the bundle of wood would not burn, or the flames parted away from her, whereupon the officer in charge of the troops drew his sword and beheaded her, or, in some other texts, stabbed her in the throat. It is also said that her blood poured to the stadium floor where other Christians soaked it up with cloths.
Agnes was buried beside the Via Nomentana in Rome. A few days after her death, her foster-sister, Emerentiana, was found praying by her tomb; she claimed to be the daughter of Agnes' wet nurse, and was stoned to death after refusing to leave the place and reprimanding the pagans for killing her foster-sister. Emerentiana was also later canonised as a saint.
Before Agnes was executed, she said: 'You may stain your sword with my blood, but you will never be able to profane my body, which is consecrated to Christ.'
Every year on January 21st, two lambs are blessed at the Sant'Agnese fuori le mura (Saint Agnes Outside the Walls) in Rome. Their wool is then woven into pallia that, on the vigil of the feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, are laid upon the main altar in St. Peter's Basilica. These pallia are given to the archbishops as a token of their jurisdiction and pastoral service, which they derive from Peter and his successors.
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visceralhit · 1 year ago
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3/8 of the Gods in this campaign. Azur the god of ice and vessel. Jadeine the god of water and the mind. Pallia the goddess of lightning and chaos.
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scarfacemarston · 1 year ago
Just curious, does anyone play Pallia? If so, dm me or comment so we can add each other!
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"I think I'm going to play as Pallia today"
*spends the next few hours trying to Frankenstein various mods together to make Kay's armor set, then deciding to take it slowly & just use the Sample Magic Ring Mod to figure out how to make Kay's hourglass ring*
Edit: So when I posted this, I had gotten the ring in there with the descriptions & whatnot but hadn't changed the spells out from the sample ring I copied. Now I got the spells in there & gave it a different icon, but *none* of the rings from this sample mod have names/descriptions now (it just says "Not Found"). Since I didn't change the localization file except to add the description for a modified prestidigitation (so it has a larger area, it's so frustrating trying to clear away tangled vines when this spell only clears a very small area at a time so I have to spam it) I'm not sure why; two of the spells I added are from the "5e Spells" mod & I wonder if it might be that? But I don't understand why that would cause this to happen.
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