#palestine should be free and israel should stop sieging gaza i dont know the things to say this is way out of my knowledge
i can't believe i grew up at the heart of some of the evangelical zionists. when i moved away i thought i was never gonna hear about any of that craziness again. i thought it was fringe beliefs and i had no idea how far reaching some of it is. there wasn't even anyone i could talk to about it outside from home that even knew what the fuck i was talking about if i ever brought it up, i usually never did because no one i met outside of home held remotely any of the same beliefs, even if they were also a christian.
i grew up terrified of the thought of ww3 breaking out and the second coming of christ happening because Israel is supposed to be the epicenter of the war that triggers it or something like that and i was afraid of the so called being "left behind" because that's all i had been taught. like i attended these huge events at mega churches that played out the scenarios of the post second coming. people dressed in military garb carrying fake weapons throughout fake streets entering fake homes and fake executing christians for praying in their homes and mark of the beast and much more.
i thought this was all "normal" by the way. i had like no clue of the outside world so to speak. i thought id never have to think about any of it again once i moved away. seeing zionism and israel talked about on here started breaking cracks some number of years again, i think when the march of the return protests happened, that was when i actually started to learn about palestine. the people of palestine are conveniently left out by the protestant evangelical zionists, they simply speak of israel and her "enemies". i did not know much about palestine before this but i knew much about israel, i know many many people who personally went to israel often. they spoke so much of israel and of the land, never mentioning palestine or palestinians. sometimes they would speak of praying for israel and her people because of the terrorist attacks or the attacks from her enemies how the US protects israel because the US is a godly nation or whatever.
i dont really know the point of this post, i never expected any of the above to ever be relevant, i didn't know how horrible the world was until i left home. it's crazy all the different things i was led to believe growing up.
i don't have the language to express what i wish i could. i just know it's all so wrong what's happening, so very terribly wrong. others have expressed it all much better than i ever could. the moment i heard about the hamas video i knew what was to come, i knew israel had been waiting for something like that to justify against palestinians and of course the US was so ready and willing to back it all up.
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