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LIVE w Coach Andi Paleo Shopping On A Budget Part 2
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Think eating Paleo is expensive? Wellness Coach Andi Petty from Paleo Secret offers life hacks on how to shop Paleo on a budget in the second part of this important topic. Being healthy doesn’t have to break the bank. And just remember that you can’t put a price on your health. After all, consider how much having heart disease or diabetes costs.
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More from my site
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Is The Paleo Diet Healthy? with Michael Klaper
How Healthy is The Paleo Diet? with Michael Klaper, M.D.
from Best Keto Diet http://best.ketodietfactorfiction.com/diet-plans/live-w-coach-andi-paleo-shopping-on-a-budget-part-2/%20
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Benefits So Far
I've been on Paleo roughly a month, with far from strict habits. The occasional pizza, beer, hamburger bun, and ice cream have all snuck in. Moreover, I'm poor enough where buying perfect meat hasn't been possible all the time. Until I get a chest freezer I won't be able to buy large amounts of good meat. The biggest thing I make sure to buy is preservative-free bacon. I tried some of the cheap stuff and couldn't get it down. But I can go through a pack of the good stuff (Open Nature brand) in a day.
So far, here's my list of improvements:
10 pounds down
generally stable energy levels
more easily pulling myself out of gloomy moods
no PMS
seasonal allergies not as bad as my yard full of dandelions would suggest
usually less swelling of ankles and wrists... but it's hard to tell because of the heat waves we've been having
sweets cravings more easily overcome
sleeping better
happier poops—this means no five-minutes-cleaning-up, no straining, and only rarely the occasional bout of diarrhea when I cheat
better heat tolerance (it's currently 90 outside where I'm writing this)
less easily sunburned
But really, the best thing is the stable energy levels and mood improvement. It could just be that I'm eliminating hormone-filled foods, but I don't think so. While I did switch to Paleo from a rather extreme fast-food-filled diet because of my travel schedule, before that horrible ten weeks I ate fairly well: pasta with red sauce, homemade burritos, oatmeal, omelettes, pizza with lots of veggies. It could also be that just eliminating gluten has helped—my sister has celiac and so I'm a likely candidate.
The worst thing about this diet is that my mother's boyfriend, who is a religiously fanatical lean-meats-and-whole-grains type, has apparently been telling my mother that I'm going to die doing this thing, and that she should intervene and stop me. Um, no. It's my life, it's my body, and I wasn't getting any healthier on a whole-grains-and-lean-meats diet.
I still feel concern about eating meat when there are so many environmental concerns even about sustainable farming, particularly when I find myself buying ground wild boar that was shipped from Australia. Where is the eco-consciousness in that?
I think that once I finish my schooling, find a job, and am able to afford a few large investments (like a quarter of a cow and a chest freezer), I'll start really feeling the benefits of this diet and feel less guilty about my shopping trips.
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Tumblr! I've missed you! Sorry I've been away....I've been super busy and totally spaced.
I'm working on a new blog post { actually a few } So you'll be seeming some awesomeness asap! <3
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Yummy #sundaydinner of roasted #londonbroil with steamed #greenbeans and fried #plantains. Steak cooking is not really my forte but found this super #easy #recipe by @smartypantsmama at: http://smartypantsmama.com/smart-food-the-easiest-yummiest-london-broil/ and got rave reviews from the resident #steak lover I live with. 😊 Another diet note. Green beans are a #paleo "gray-area" food, but they are full of nutrients, they're inexpensive (these were frozen, #organic store brand from my local Super @target), my family loves them, and I handle them fine. Again, I don't eat according to a label, a fad, or anything like that. I just focus on good, REAL food that fits into the family #budget. (The London Broil and plantains were more finds at @sprouts.farmers.market today.)💲 The plantains were fried in #coconutoil with just a little #seasalt on top. To the green beans, I added some #grassfed #butter, more sea salt, and a little dried onion. Simple but so good. 😋 #whatsfordinner #aipreintro #glutenfree #grainfree #cleaneating #realfood #food #instagood #instafood #instahealth #livewell #healthychoices #paleoonabudget #realfoodonabudget #sunday #familytime #madewithlove
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Breakfast after 11 am but have almost obliterated today's to-do list. #momlife Plain #greekyogurt (@traderjoes brand) with #fresh #peach and #homemade #granola. Started with the #recipe for Cranberry Walnut Granola by @cookeatpaleo. I was out of walnuts and very low on almonds. I usually get my nuts in the bulk section of a local natural market but found a bag of mixed raw nuts at my nearby @target yesterday (#walnuts, #almonds, #cashews, and #hazelnuts ~ just raw nuts and the #cartwheel app had a coupon!). I soaked them all afternoon then dried them out overnight and we had #granola this morning! Otherwise, I followed this recipe and it's quite yummy! Find it at: http://cookeatpaleo.com/cranberry-walnut-paleo-granola/ #whatsforbreakfast #latebreakfast #sahm #housewife #businessowner #primal #glutenfree #grainfree #cleaneating #realfood #food #foodpics #instagood #instafood #instahealth #livewell #healthychoices #traderjoes #supertarget #cookeatpaleo #unsponsored #realfoodonabudget #paleoonabudget
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Be excited
I updated the blog last night! woohoo. I love my blog :) Anyways..it's an awesome recipe {spicy sausage salad}. Check it out, lemme know your thoughts.
I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day Weekend!
You can find the blog post here
P.S. I totally think my blog entry titles are getting more and more epic as we keep going... I know your super excited! :)
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