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iitroorkee · 1 year ago
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Exciting Announcement! Join us for a captivating UDAN (Understanding the Dynamics of the Natural Hazards in the Himalayas) Lecture as part of the Co-PREPARE project: " Paleofloods in the Himalayas" by Prof. Pradeep Srivastava from IIT Roorkee 📅 Thursday, 22 February 2024 🕑 2:30 p.m. (IST) Register now: https://lnkd.in/gi_ueGZq Explore Previous UDAN Lectures: https://lnkd.in/gygA3abT All interested individuals are welcome! Please spread the word and join us for an enlightening session.  
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churchsideblog · 7 months ago
started infodumping about geology and accidentally freaked out all my siblings by implying that the Noah story might not be 100% literally true
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vullabies-and-skeledirges · 3 months ago
Some researchers have recently proposed that the Unovan paleoflooding event ca 3000 years ago was caused by an awakening of Kyogre! Although other researchers think there's insufficient evidence of contemporaneous flooding elsewhere in the world. It's a major point of contention in the Unovan archaeology scene right now.
So an interesting thing is, despite knowing for centuries that Groudon and Kyogre existed, scientists never really took them into account in their calculations. There's plenty of historical evidence to back up their existence, everything from Sky Pillar to written records from the time of Sir Aaron, but people not from Hoenn didn't really seriously take this into consideration cause they didn't have context. It's a lot easier to dismiss something as nothing more than the mad ramblings of a king or the interpretation of a normal phenomenon through a supernatural lens when you're not from that region.
But now that they broke free again and in order to deny their existence you'd have to be willfully ignorant, so many things have to be rewritten. The very premise of Groudon and Kyogre's existence overturned so many scientific papers. Years worth of research needs to be re-evaluated and redone because it turns out, yeah, we were right, the gods are fucking with out weather!
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mehdizareiran · 6 years ago
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At least 5 #paleofloods in a alluvial terrace of #meshkat #river #flooding , 21 May 2019 حداقل پنج #ديرينه_سيلاب #سيل در يك ترراس آبرفتي رودخانه #مشكات #كاشان ديده مي شود ، بازديد در ٣١-٢-٩٨ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx1mSehDgRL/?igshid=1ba7rh8krwjq
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asrisgratitudejournal · 4 years ago
It struck me so hard especially in these last few days what home is to me. Well, to be exact, what and where home is. To put into context, from last Sunday evening to today, I've stayed in a campus accommodation called The Hub which is in the Royal Holloway uni complex. The first time I arrived here, I was so surprised by the non-existence of people. Turns out it is now out-of-term time and plus, because of covid-19, despite the lifted restriction on July 19th, people don't have any reason to be around. Well, it's a pretty similar situation we'd find back in ITB when it's out of term. However, there's always students' social thingy in ITB back then (pelatihan oskm lah, osjur, persiapan wisuda etc2), so it's not a zombie apocalypse situation, unlike here.
It's not that I don't like quietness (I'm very much into a calm and serene situation rather than a busy one), but this is just too much. Being alone in a new place (?). Not only that, the HEAT. The summer heat is crazy and I only got a not-so-bad fan actually, but still, I believe my room back in Headington would feel so much cooler than this room now I'm staying. I miss being close to Tesco/Sainsbury's/Waitrose just to buy snacks and drinks (anaknya suka banget jajan). These whole 4 days I can't wait to go back to Headington, which now I pretty much called home.
The only things I love from being here are the forest and the pond (the other day I even saw a small deer? Googled it, it's called Muntjacs), and the fact that I got to buy Iced Caramel Macchiato so easily. And of course, the hospitality of Alex and James. AH! And also the isotope lab with a 17C degree AC on full blast. Well, now that I listed what I like here, it's not so bad though.... (the power of journaling).
Ah yes, back to the title post. Home. So, what's home to you? What's home to me? Can't believe what I'm going to say, but after not being in Headington for so long, I now can confidently say that 9 Woodlands Close is definitely my home. Heck, I've lived there for 10 months, how can I not call that place my home? It's definitely a comfortable space for me. It's a place where I feel safe doing anything I want without having to worry about a thing. I have spent my 27 years living and sleeping in >50? different beds and rooms, but I don't know why this one I'm sleeping in right now just feels so... wrong? Let's blame it on the heat, then.
*swith mode ke Bahasa Indonesia*
Terus berhubung lagi di RHUL juga dan tadi lihat foto-foto di dinding SEA-RG (ada Mas Igun, Mas Alfend, Mas Ega, wow banyak banget ya orang-orang geodin di RHUL ini), jadi keingetan how it was back then in Timor. Ini sebetulnya part of reflection juga sih, dari kemarin selalu mikir "kenapa ya kok w ga betah di sini, padahal tinggal di rumah kepala desa, di hotel di antah berantah, di kamar asrama sekolah sekamar sama ibu guru, di sleeping bag dalem tenda, di musola, pokoknya segala macem experience tidur tuh udah pernah ngerasain tapi nggak pernah ngerasa se..nggak nyaman ini. Padahal ini dipikir-pikir ya not bad juga: kasur empuk, bantal ada 2, kopi teh lengkap (tapi ya emang lebih ke panasnya ajasihya kayanya mah). Iya! Jadi pas di Timor juga ngerasain hal yang aneh tapi ku berani bilang: hotel timor megah di Soe was indeed my home. Ada waktu-waktu di mana kita split team (tim ku nginep di mobil/nyari hotel sambil jalan ke Betun dan Atambua, sempat nginep yang bareng Bang Nanda juga di desa mana tapi lupa yang hampir keseret sungai itu) dan pas lagi split team itu betul-betul can't wait to go back to Soe.
Pada akhirnya kesimpulan dari mikir-mikir dan ngomong-ngomong sendiri ini adalah: rumah itu ada tingkatannya.
Ada yang rumah betul-betul rumah di hati (basically place where we're growing up), in this case for me berarti adalah rumah kemuning.
Ada rumah yang di level nggak sedalem rumah tempat kita tumbuh, tapi we usually can't wait just to go back to that place when we're away for too long. In this case, sekarang bagi saya adalah 9 Woodlands Close, dulu pas di IFP berarti adalah IFP Residence 204 (selalu ga sabar ingin pulang kalau lagi field trip atau lagi ngetrip sendiri ke Itali waktu itu atau ke Jerman), kemudian kosan Bandung Cisitu Lama 1 kamarku yang kecil tapi sangat ngangenin, mana lagi ya... udah kayanya so far yg I'm attached ya baru 3 tempat ini untuk di level ini
Ada rumah sementara. Yang ditinggali tidak lebih dari 1 bulan tapi cukup membuat kangen karena sheltering us enough, tapi kalau disuruh milih mau tinggal di sini apa pulang ke rumah beneran ya mendingan pulang ke Jakarta: tadi si Hotel Timor Megah di Soe, kayanya Karsam bisa masuk grup ini, rumah Mbah Putri di Karanganyar, rumah Tante Nana (Mbah Putri Pedan), rumah Bude Reni, kosan di Balikpapan (ini lebih dari 1 bulan sih, tapi yang bikin ga nyaman sebetulnya lebih ke kondisi psikologis sayanya sih instead of physical tempatnya), wisma kartini!, P4TK jogja!, Hotel Bunga-bunga, si vila yang dekat Boscha itu apa sih namanya (Barusan ngecek google maps pake street view terus ketemu namanya adalah Pondok Buah Sinuan 2! Senang banget), Lotus Hotel, Dago's Hill. Iya udah sih itu aja kayanya yang inget untuk "home" di level ini.
Bukan "rumah" tapi lebih ke tempat yang pernah dikunjungi. No hard feeling or anything tapi kalau bisa milih banget mendingan nggak tidur di sini atau PP: sekarang di The Hub RHUL ini!, tempat-tempat ku menginap kalau lagi ngajar olim full 5-6 hari (ini ku-list dengan sambil liat google map, of course w ga hapal): hotel di Medan (Garuda Citra Hotel), hotel di Padangpanjang (namanya Wisma Pangeran rupanya), hotel Srikandi di Kendari, Wisma SMA Barana di Rantepao (OMG I submitted my Oxford application here! Inget banget itu mendekati 24 January 2020 deadlinenya), Muara Hotel di Ternate, rumah di MAN IC Sambas! (OMG w main tu jauh2 banget ya), KNO hotel di Lubuk Pakam, LPMP Sumbar di Padang (ini bagus btw kamarnya, w suka, seru bgt juga karena di sini rame ada Dewi dan Isna), Grand Zuri Padang, Premiere Pekanbaru, OYO Palembang waktu itu acaranya ISPG, Archipelago Carita acara student exchangenya UI sama UTP, MAN 4 Jakarta, Hotel Benua diminta ngisi SMA8Bandung ngesot ke TSM, Airy Buah Batu NGAMBIL DATA PALEOFLOOD CRI, Ardan Hotel ngisi pelatnas + wisudaan Mita, Hotel Mutiara Purwokerto, Semesta Semarang (lol jaman-jaman mendekati diputusin 2013), Hotel Siliwangi Semarang jalan kaki ke Lawang Sewu, Hotel Horison Kota Lama Semarang berenang sm Isna beres kelas + bela-belain ke sbux ngegojek, Villa Taman Eden Kaliurang OMG!, Hotel New Saphir Jogja (IESO dan terakhir acaranya FMIPA), MMUGM buat tes jadi dosen UGM ditemenin Papa, Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo (ini juga dianter jemput Papa apa ya kalo gasalah ke bandaranya), MAN 2 Malang (lupa nginep di MAN-nya apa gimana, kayanya w masi kecil bgt dulu), Bali Bay View Hotel! (ICES 2019 sesungguhnya adalah kenangan yang ingin kulupakan), yes udah itu aja kayanya yang w ingat. Ada crumbs2 macem pas OSN nginep di dekat BPK Penabur 1 dan dekat stasiun Senen juga, dan Mataram OSN jaman kapan lupa, + Medan OSN sebagai peserta juga, dan tempat-tempat fieldtrip jaman di IFP gitu, plus traveling2 yang nginep2 tapi ya udah yang lupa ya biarkan saja. Intinya kalau dihitung-hitung mungkin ada kali ya 1/7 waktu hidupku dihabiskan untuk tinggal di "rumah" level yang ini. Tapi ini juga yang bikin bingung, I mean, I'm not typically very picky in terms of sleeping place dan yaudah adaptasi aja, makanya kalau sampai ga betah dan pingin pulang tu sesuatu banget berarti.
Yaampun bikin post ini berujung 2 jam reminiscing places. Ya intinya jadi refleksi diri aja sih. Bagi 27-year-old Asri yang masih belum punya rumah sendiri ini, definisi home masih amat sangat ambigu. Dan mungkin akan masih terus ambigu entah sampai kapan(?) To be honest, settling down as in beli rumah terus tinggal selamanya di tempat itu sampai sekarang belum menjadi opsi hidup yang kubayangkan di masa depan. Masih pengen explore, mau ke US nyobain tinggal 1-2 tahun di sana, mau ke Middle East juga, mau coba tinggal di Korea juga, atau Japan? Melbourne looks like a pretty great place gara-gara kemarin habis nonton tripnya 2PM back then in 2016 itu. Yasudah mari berdoa saja semoga di mana pun kelak "rumah" itu nanti buat saya, yang penting adalah saya bahagia dan nyaman. Dan tentu saja juga: sehat, baik fisik maupun mental.
21:09 pm 22 July 2021// 3-08 The Hub Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK in a scorching 27C evening
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churchsideblog · 7 months ago
i am so glad that my immediate seems to be on board with evolution because it would be really awkward to study paleontology otherwise
started infodumping about geology and accidentally freaked out all my siblings by implying that the Noah story might not be 100% literally true
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