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colacorvus · 1 year ago
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when the pals make a cove or something
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tedcicle · 1 year ago
Official Palcove Propaganda Post
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[ID: Text with a fire effect that says "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.] Now you may be asking... Who?
Palcove is both the name of the iconic duo of Ted Nivison (of Rainforest Cafe/Margaritaville/400mg edible fame) and Charlie Slimecicle (professional gay sex roleplayer, at least that's what he should be known for) and the area they lived in during their brief time on EpicSMP (a modded SMP created by, uh... *cough* Matt SuperMega *cough*. You can hazard a guess as to why this SMP didn’t really take off.)
Okay, why should I care?
I shan't lie and say EpicSMP is like, crazy good, or a hidden gem, or YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS — really, it's basically TekkitLive but there's way more people on it. It's a largely forgotten SMP, overshadowed by more popular and successful SMPs that happened before or around it. (OriginsSMP, for example.) There's a bunch of interesting duos trying to start their own businesses, and while nothing happened happened, at the end everybody died, which is interesting to think about. (Actually, wait... yeah, it’s just like TekkitLive.) But it was fun. There were some good bits, some light roleplay, and enough seedlings of a plotline to get an average viewer Andy like me invested in. There was some kind of season 2, but it never took off. I'm sure MCYT fans are accustomed to the disappointment of non-existent fandoms, unfinished stories, or lacking narratives by now (Shadow of Israphel was my first heartbreak, but maybe yours was something else). Another one wouldn’t hurt, right? Why Palcove specifically? Well, as a former SMPLiver— (I am escorted off the stage to a chorus of boos) I just really like Ted and Charlie's dynamic. They’re the perfect comedy duo. Charlie works best when he has someone to bounce bits off of, and Ted knows exactly how to pick up what Charlie is putting down and elevate it to the next level. (The adverb and adjective bit in the first VOD had me DYING.) Story-wise, Charlie had a satisfying character arc. He’s a pivotal character and I liked how he plays off of Schlatt and Swagger, too. Not to mention, this is the last time Ted has uploaded or streamed any Minecraft content... I miss him, chat. Also, it makes me happy. Isn't that enough?
Well, okay, you got me interested. How do I watch?
I'm glad you asked (even if you wouldn't fucking say that, I don't care). Firstly, a primer. Sometimes we start a new thing, but it ends up not being to our liking, and that's fine. Maybe you want to walk around and see how it fits before you commit. That's fine! All I ask for is 14 minutes of your time. That's like, 4 songs.
This video is the first day edited down into a nice, palatable, taste-tester, courtesy of unknown energy on YouTube. It's so nice and cozy and comfy, it's the equivalent of a mug of hot chocolate curled up in an armchair with a warm blanket wrapped around you. As for continuing, I highly recommend starting with Charlie's POV. It's probably who you're most familiar with, and he bothered to edit down his streams (even if the videos are like, an hour long). If you like listening to men argue and make the unfunniest jokes imaginable, then definitely try the full VODs. All of these have been archived by the channel EpicSMPVods.
Charlie's POV Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | End of S1* Ted's POV Episode 1 (Yes, he really only did one episode) VODS Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
*This VOD is Swagger's POV, as Charlie didn't upload the finale at all, and the VOD of it either doesn’t exist or wasn’t archived. The relevant Charlie section starts around 15 minutes in.
And if you want more of the story, well, Swagger has one of the most comprehensive EpicSMP POVs.
Final Thoughts
Like many other “stream only” SMPs, a lot of content regarding them simply gets lost and forgotten. There's plenty of reasons why EpicSMP wasn't very successful (in-depth analysis post pending). I’m just glad that not only did Palcove exist, but it's archived. It just so happened to survive against surmountable odds and even have what I consider a satisfying narrative ending (in-depth analysis post pending). And I’m insane about it. And everyone else should be, too.
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[ID: Text with a fire effect "WATCH PALCOVE NOW" in red capital letters. /.End ID.]
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lukasspookas · 10 months ago
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like the hero’s journey i heard the call to adventure and i refused it, but at long last i have decided to pursue my calling. ted nivison x slimecicle fanart. why has god appointed me to do this
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You interrupted them. Rude
Anyways I missed them so I decided to draw them. Enjoy the food my fellow Palcove enjoyers
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qsmpted · 1 year ago
my idea for qcharlie and ted goes
epicsmp ----> qsmp
charlie gets kidnapped (again) to go on a special trip, and ted never sees him again
until.. he ventures out to the island to find him again
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floatingcomet · 2 years ago
missing the palcove for no reason rn even though it only lasted a weeek like 2 years ago i just miss them
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jay-lied · 1 year ago
in my english class
no one knows im writing palcove angst......
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milkshackk · 2 years ago
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the void .
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ctedcicle · 1 year ago
ted works all day as a milkman running errands and charlie stays home
he gets lonely and gets over excited when ted comes home :)
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wackywheel · 2 years ago
as another smplive guy anon i can really only point you to charlie's epicsmp pov bc out of everything that happened in the first iteration of it. that was kind of it lore-wise?? idk what really even happened outside of that partially bc i didnt watch any other povs but also because, like most smps, about 90% of the povs are all now lost media bc twitch vod decay
hey idk if you're just the smplive guy but do you think that epic smp would be worth a watch?
no because epic smp is barely a server
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mcytblrconfessions · 10 months ago
epicsmp palcove yaoi
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colacorvus · 1 year ago
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I despise whiteboard as much as I love it
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codecicle-archive · 7 months ago
what the heck is epicsmp? /genq
Epicsmp was a modded minecraft server that started in early 2021 and got revamped for a second season in 2022. Personally I watched charlie's pov, and still miss the palcove/palduo to this day LMAO :-) Here's a playlist of all his slmccl videos + unedited vods about it if you wanna get interested:
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hlas-slobody · 19 days ago
Je dôležité to vedieť! Klíma nás postavila na jednu stranu | Výzva Alexandrovi Dvorkinovi | #5
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Podrobnú klimatickú správu o svete, ktorý visí na vlásku kvôli klimatickej katastrofe, predstavil dobrovoľník ALLATRA  vo videu KKlíma nás postavila na rovnakú stranu | Výzva Alexandrovi Dvorkinovi | #5.
Prečo potrebuje Alexander Dvorkin počuť tieto informácie?
Alexander Dvorkin - hlavný ideológ ruskej proreligióznej protikultúrnej organizácie RACIRS, ktorá pôsobí s požehnaním Ruskej pravoslávnej cirkvi (RPC), označil dobrovoľníkov ALLATRA a zakázal túto organizáciu v Rusku, takže svet visí nad priepasťou. 
PREČO? Pretože dobrovoľníci ALLATRA boli nútení demontovať zariadenia, ktoré obsahovali klimatické kataklizmy na území Ruska aj v krajinách susediacich s Ruskom. 
Už za pol roka bolo Rusko vystavené klimatickým katastrofám. A to je, žiaľ, len začiatok....
Je dôležité vedieť, že najnebezpečnejším miestom na Zemi je Sibír.
B. Vykurovanie pôdy
Výročné správy spoločnosti Roshydromet obsahujú mapy zmien teploty pôdy. Na analýzu sme použili správy z rokov 2021, 2022 a 2023. V každej správe sa analyzovali údaje o teplote pôdy v hĺbkach 31,5 palca, 63 palcov a 126 palcov (80 cm, 160 cm a 320 cm). Najinformatívnejšie boli mapy zobrazujúce trendy za obdobia 1976 - 2021 a 1976 - 2023.
Porovnanie týchto máp odhalilo výraznú anomáliu, ktorá sa objavila v priebehu dvoch rokov (2021 - 2023) južne od polostrovov Gyda a Tajmir. Táto anomália, zvýraznená červeným kruhom na spodnej mape, sa zhoduje s oblasťou, v ktorej boli predtým v seizmických tomografických modeloch zistené anomálie v rýchlostiach litosféry.
Vzhľadom na to, že táto anomália sa pozoruje v hĺbke približne 10 stôp (3 m), na základe údajov zo 466 meteorologických staníc v celom Rusku možno usudzovať, že zvýšená úroveň ohrevu pôdy súvisí s aktiváciou procesov spôsobených prienikom sekundárneho magmatického plumu nad „hlavu“ primárneho plumu.
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Obr. 7: Mapy trendov ohrievania pôdy odvodené z údajov Roshydromet.
Horná časť: 1976 - 2021
Spodná časť: 1976-2023
Je dôležité vedieť! Klíma nás postavila na rovnakú stranu | Výzva Alexandrovi Dvorkinovi | #5
C. Teplota vzduchu pri zemskom povrchu
Ďalej sa analyzovala prízemná teplota vzduchu.
Najviac informatívnych údajov sa očakávalo z máp pre zimné obdobie 2023 - 2024. Mapa priemerných teplotných anomálií za obdobie od decembra 2023 do februára 2024 ukazuje teplotnú anomáliu v oblasti polostrovov Gyda a Tajmir, pričom nárast sa pohybuje od 3,6°F do 8,1°F (2 °C do 4,5 °C).
Vzhľadom na to, že táto časť územia vykazuje výrazné oteplenie počas zimného obdobia napriek tomu, že sa nachádza v severných zemepisných šírkach, možno usudzovať, že tieto teplotné anomálie môžu súvisieť aj s prienikom magmatického plumu.
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Obr. 8: Mesačné anomálie prízemnej teploty vzduchu počas zimného obdobia
Za zmienku stojí, že na mapách priemerných mesačných teplôt pre január a júl v období rokov 2001 až 2022 táto oblasť tiež vyniká.
To naznačuje, že teplotná anomália v tejto oblasti sa na základe spriemerovaných údajov nepretržite pozoruje nielen v posledných dvoch rokoch, ale už 23 rokov.
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Fig. 9: January
Hydrometeorology and Ecology: Scientific-Theoretical Journal (Issue 70). St. Petersburg: RSHMU. 
Retrieved November 27, 2024, from 
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Je dôležité to vedieť! Klíma nás postavila na jednu stranu | Výzva Alexandrovi Dvorkinovi | #5
Naši (ALLATRA) špecialisti tiež navrhli hypotézu o možnej súvislosti medzi procesmi prebiehajúcimi v plášťovej plume pod Sibírou a seizmickou aktivitou na Kamčatke.
V rámci analýzy geodynamických súvislostí medzi sibírskym plášťovým plášťom a aktivitou na Kamčatke naši (ALLATRA) špecialisti preskúmali obdobia maximálnej seizmickej aktivity na Kamčatke za posledný rok. Najvýznamnejšia udalosť sa vyskytla 18. augusta 2024 o 7:10 UTC s epicentrom na Kamčatke. Išlo o zemetrasenie s magnitúdou 7,0 v hĺbke 18 míľ (29 km), ktoré sa nachádzalo 56 míľ (90 km) východne od Petropavlovska-Kamčatského.
Analýza teplôt vzduchu v auguste 2024 ukázala, že teplotná anomália v tomto období zasiahla nielen oblasti Gyda a Tajmir, ale aj podstatne južnejšie, vrátane oblasti Bajkalu a ďalej. To naznačuje, že akustická vlna vyvolaná hlbokým vnútrozemským výbuchom mohla súčasne spôsobiť seizmickú aktiváciu na Kamčatke a uvoľnenie tepla v oblasti pozdĺž hranice západnej a východnej Sibíri.
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Obr. 10: Priemerná mesačná anomália v auguste 2024 na základe údajov Goddardovho inštitútu pre vesmírne štúdie NASA
Je dôležité vedieť! Klíma nás postavila na rovnakú stranu | Apel na Alexandra Dvorkina | #5
Analýza máp priemerných teplôt pre ostatné mesiace v rokoch 2023 a 2024 odhalila, že miesta teplotných anomálií sa v jednotlivých mesiacoch výrazne líšia. Na základe týchto údajov nebolo možné identifikovať žiadny konzistentný trend/
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Obr. 11: Mapy priemerných mesačných teplôt v roku 2024
Viac o Alexanderovi Dvorkinovi vo videu: Klima nás postavilo na stejnou stranu | Výzva Alexandru Dvorkinovi | #5 na kanáli Dušan Valeček.
climate report 'On The Progression Of Climatic Disasters On Earth And Their Catastrophic Consequences).
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Missing them (the Palcove at Mt Cool) hours
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tedcicle · 1 year ago
watching the palcove post reach its intended audience (people with ted and charlie urls/icons)
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