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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years ago
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Window of Palacete Visconde de Sacavem, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
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saopauloantiga · 1 year ago
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Palacete de Jorge Street - clique na foto para conhecer a história deste imóvel.
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pearcaico · 2 years ago
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Mansão Henry Gibson, também referida como Palacete Baptista da Silva e Palácio de Ponte d'Uchoa, Av. Rui Barbosa, Bairro das Graças - Recife Em 1948.
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insiderzx · 2 months ago
Palacete Riachuelo - SP
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cubojorbr · 27 days ago
Natal artístico: UFMA promove exposição de presépios no Palacete Gentil Braga
A mostra contará com as obras de Izabel Matos, Jean Charles, Ângela Ferreira, Ana Dias, Vitória Maria, Rosângela de Fátima Froes e Marcia Brito.
A comemoração natalina em São Luís conta com a tradicional Exposição de Presépios promovida anualmente pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), por meio da Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cultura (PROEC), da Diretoria de Assuntos Culturais (DAC).  A abertura da exposição está marcada para o dia 4 de dezembro (quarta-feira), a partir das 19 horas, na Galeria Antônio Almeida do Palacete Gentil…
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mastermaverick · 2 months ago
Casas Conceito e SujVidros promovem sunset exclusivo no Palacete Tira-Chapéu
Um dos ícones da história arquitetônica de Salvador, o Palacete Tira-Chapéu será o palco do sunset da SujVidros, empresa líder em vidraçaria na Bahia, em celebração à participação da marca na mostra Casas Conceito 2024. O evento, exclusivo para convidados, será realizado nesta segunda-feira (28), às 17h, no Restaurante Pala7, no rooftop do prédio, ao som da DJ Chell Aguiar. A SujVidros assinou…
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rc-alves · 5 months ago
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zemaribeiro · 9 months ago
Documentário sobre Lupicínio Rodrigues será exibido em São Luís, seguido de roda de música
Sessão acontece nesta quinta (4), às 19h, no Cineteatro Aldo Leite (Palacete Gentil Braga) “Lupicínio Rodrigues: Confissões de Um Sofredor”. Cartaz. Reprodução Ano passado, para o Farofafá, escrevi sobre o documentário Lupicínio Rodrigues: Confissões de Um Sofredor, de Alfredo Manevy, que então percorria o circuito de festivais, antes da estreia no de salas de cinema. Ao lado dele, outros…
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davidgv53blr · 9 months ago
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Un Museo, palacete casa con jardín, riad, expo-museo de objetos, Trabajos -bodados, muebles y decoración ................. >Fotografía original > PHOTO-DGV
21 Imagenes de la 206 a 226 Palacete Museo Oficial y
 Escuela de Artes y Oficios. TETUAN
Fue creada en el año 1919 por el pintor Mariano Bertuchi. Pero su actual ubicación se inauguró, en los aledaños de la Puerta de la Reina, en el año 1928, después de haber pasado por la calle Luneta. En esta escuela se están enseñando nueve especialidades de oficios artesanales a unos 100 alumnos. Otras tres o cuatro especializaciones se han dejado de impartir por ausencia de profesores, que ven en la producción privada mejores formas de ganarse la vida, ya que los maestros de estas especialidades están considerados en la escala administrativa marroquí en el último escalón. Una verdadera pena.
Cuando la hemos visitado esta escuela estaba en funcionamiento parcial puesto que los alumnos estaban en las aulas y talleres que estaban en funcionamiento y atendidas por los maestros, otras estaban cerradas. Luego visitamos la salas de exposición de los trabajos realizados, el precioso jardín y otras dependencias de la escuela, todo ello de la mano de un "amable guía" que, por casualidad, se encontraba en la puerta de la Escuela cuando preguntamos por la posible visita guiada a las instalaciones del Museo. Como todos los museos oficiales de Marruecos, el precio de la entrada es de 10 Dh, poco menos de un Euro. Para mí, el haber tenido la oportunidad de visitar el Palacete decorado y las instalaciones de este recinto expositivo cultural, ha sido una maravillosa experiencia y recomiendo su visita al conjunto por la calidad de sus piezas, objetos y por la excelente labor educacional de producción que están realizando los maestros con los jóvenes de esta escuela de la bella Ciudad de Tetuán - Marruecos.
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adribosch-fan · 1 year ago
Un palacete europeo en Cuba
La hacienda Cortina en Cuba, cuyos terrenos abarcaban tres municipios pinareños, es similar a un palacete europeo CDMX, México.- Hay en Cuba un castillo rodeado de una hermosa vegetación. Al llegar a él, un enorme pórtico con dos torres al estilo medieval y la inscripción “Cortina” da la bienvenida. Luego el visitante puede seguir un sendero de mármol que lo conduce a la vivienda principal. En…
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elenaferrando · 2 years ago
¡Cómo me gustaría visitar el Palacete Burgos una vez se hayan terminado las obras de rehabilitación! Lástima que vaya a ser una vivienda particular.
Ninguna sorpresa el hecho de que el nombre del arquitecto Javier Goerlich esté detrás, puesto que lo está en la mayoría de edificios importantes y maravillosos de Valencia, realizados en la primera mitad del siglo XX.
Mi sorpresa ha venido al ver el nombre del edificio, puesto que yo siempre lo he conocido como "La casa del médico" ¿por qué, si fue mandado construir por una mujer, María Burgos, viuda de Olmos, quien heredó de su marido una empresa maderera y la fortuna familiar?
María falleció sin descendencia y la casa la heredó su hermana Amparo, pues bien, la hija de esta se casó con un médico, mira tú por dónde ya ha aparecido el médico que dio nombre a la casa y quitó de un plumazo el de la mujer promotora de la misma. El médico Isidoro Álvarez Souto, cuyo único mérito (al menos para dar nombre al Palacete) fue casarse con Carmen Ricart Burgos, sobrina de María, la verdadera artífice de la construcción.
Probablemente Isidoro era una bellísima persona, entregado a su profesión. Y lo más seguro es que lo del nombre de la casa fue cosa de la sociedad pero es que siempre pasa algo para que una cosa que ha hecho una mujer quede silenciada.
A ver si conseguimos que el nombre Palacete Burgos sea el reconocido por el pueblo y así le hacemos un homenaje a María 😍
Una mujer de la que me apetece saberlo todo.
📷 Flat Magazine
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saopauloantiga · 9 months ago
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Vale do Anhangabaú em 1952.
Destaque para o então edifício sede da IRFM (atual prefeitura) e mais ao fundo outros edifícios como Palacete Prates, Sampaio Moreira, Martinelli, Banco do Brasil e Banespa
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pearcaico · 2 years ago
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Palacete em Ponte d'Uchoa, Mansão Henry Gibson - Avenida Rui Barbosa, Bairro das Graças: Fotografia Antiga Década de 1940, Fotografia Atual Janeiro de 2023.
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ligiawrites · 13 days ago
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Your life as an alchemist has been safe and comfortable so far... but when your sister makes you one last wish before passing away, you'll embark on a dangerous journey that might change your life—and the lives of your two companions—forever.
game link || all about the dev
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YOUR SISTER HAS CARRIED the mantle of "Peregrine" for more than two decades. Twelve years older than you, she saw and wrote about the lives of common people, the birth and fall of foreign noble houses, the discovery of plants and animals, and the complex politics of your home kingdom. She lived a life of dangers and excitement, of travels, passions, and experiences you can't even begin to imagine.
And now that she's dead, this mantle (and her newborn child) is yours. 
Ghosts, zombies, fantastic animals, arcanes, and criminals. Fool the monster hunting you, the bandits trying to kidnap you, and your own fears while you travel from South Safira to the very heart of Dead Water.
Thank Goddess, you won't be alone. But with a conniving liar at your left and a deluded "Knight" at your right, will you be able to fulfill your sister's last wish? Will you go back to your niece? And will you allow yourself to love for the first time?
Develop your personality, see how your choices build, and change your bond with Yulie and Tobias (and yourself).
Hopefully, you'll also learn to see the world in a new light after this Trek to Dead Water.
🍂 Full game release: Autumn 2025 🍂
If you want to support the development of this game and access exclusive rewards, please consider supporting me on ko-fi!
About the game:
This story is set 53 years before the beginning of Love the Guard, Be the King.
Experience the world of Five Kingdoms in a completely different way, learning the hidden lore of Opala and Safira as one of the most influential (and non-highborn) figures in their society.
This is a game about the power of story, the powers that *change* history, and the impact that fleeting relationships may have in our lives. Enjoy this mix of Visual Novel and text-based Interactive Fiction!
This short game will have three chapters, and I have almost half of it already. :) Right now, you can play one out of three chapters (~9k words), and they are only available for my supporters on ko-fi. 
So, if you're seeing this, thank you for being amazing and for believing in my career! :)
If you have any comments, suggestions, problems, or worries, please let me know on ko-fi or in this forum.
AGE SUGGESTED: 16+ for erotic nudity, non-explicit sexual scenes, and mild violence and gore.
Main Characters:
Yulie of No House - The deluded "Knight" - 27 - She / Her
Born in Safira to a Topazian ambassador and a Safiran barman, Yulie saw her world crumble when she was six and a half, and her mother dared to question the Safiran nobility's interference in Topazian politics. Queen Juliana of House Inara did her best to protect Yulie's life, but there was little the Queen could do for her parents.
Stripped of her family and her surname, she lived under the Queen's care in a secretive palacete in the South, but as soon as she turned fourteen, Yulie knew she needed to leave the care of the people who ruined her life.
Now, at twenty-seven, Yulie's dream and main objective is to become a Knight of the Opalean Dragon Order—but focusing on this might be way harder than she thought, mainly when she manages to hold certain Safiran Peregrine in her arms.
Tobias Cidreira Dasherner - The Conniving Liar- 29 - He / Him
Tobias is a trans man born and raised in the biggest capital of Safira. With an immense talent for the Arcane, Tobias was taken under the wing of Great Arcane Master Domingos of Safira when he was only five. 
The Arcane College of the Balanced Arts is an expensive place, though, and despite the Arcane's great fortune, Tobias changed over the years. Once studious and quiet, Tobias grew tired of the absurd rules in the Safiran College and the kingdom's abusive laws. He tried to do good. He tried to change things for the better. Still, thanks to a grave mistake on Tobias's part, the Great Domingos lost everything.
Now, the only thing Tobias wants is to make enough money for the greatest con of all: a nice tavern of his own, so he can recover at least part of the money his old master lost.
… And YOU! - The newest Peregrine in Safira
Child of a long line of alchemists who lived their whole lives in The Village, you never felt the need to travel. Your sister did, so it felt just and good (for you and for her) when she was chosen as the new Safiran Peregrine. But this happened twenty-three years ago, and now she's dead after giving birth to your first niece.
Your task (for more than one reason) is to travel to the dangerous Dead Water, so your sister's soul will finally rest and stop coming back to haunt you.
Build your Peregrine and your relationship with your companions, and discover the hidden history that brought you to this point.
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cubojorbr · 1 month ago
São Luís recebe a 14ª Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos
Programação acontece de 26 a 29 de novembro, com sessões acessíveis e gratuitas
De 26 a 29 de novembro, a 14ª Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos ocorre no Cineteatro Aldo Leite, no Palacete Gentil Braga (Rua Grande, 782), em São Luís, com realização do Ministério dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania e produção nacional da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Na capital maranhense, a produção é da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). O tema deste ano é “Viver com Dignidade…
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sgiandubh · 28 days ago
Anon rebelde.
Primero felicitarte por la paciencia infinita para explicar ese mundo complicado de las implicaciones legales que suponen un nombre en un cargo.
¿Con fans devotas como Caittony, quien necesita Cait como enemigos? Doy por supuesto que Cait está encantada de como sus fans más entregadas a la causa Tait, consiguen poner en medio de la escena a su tímido marido con el resultado, de que por elevarle el status, solo consiguen dejarlo en la más completa evidencia y miseria. No creo que esta fan en concreto reciba una proxima invitación al palacete para el té de las cinco 🤓
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Mi país está en llamas ahora mismo, y por eso llego muy tarde con mi respuesta. Pero fuego o no, primero traduciré lo que me enviaste:
'First of all, I would like to congratulate you for your infinite patience in explaining the complicated world of legal implications that come with having a certain position [in a company].
With devoted fans like Caittony, what enemies would Cait need? I assume that Cait is delighted with the way her most dedicated fans of the Tait cause manage to put her shy husband in the middle of the scene, with the result that by elevating his status, they only manage to leave him in the most complete shame and misery. I don't think that this particular fan will receive an invitation to the mansion for afternoon tea in the near future 🤓'
You would be surprised of how some of those most devoted fans are still willing to deny the evidence simply (but quite obviously) provided by papers themselves. They chose to believe what exists is a 'ruse', when in reality all I did was to sum up and translate in everyday language a couple of legal things that I have always backed up with precise, unbiased reference, inviting my readers to draw their own (logical) conclusions. It is not my fault that the GLA Taj Mahal was designated as an 'investment property' on that particular balance sheet. Were it otherwise, I am sure that HM Revenue and Customs' agents would be already banging on that door, asking for more explanations. But I suppose this is what happens when you live in a carefree world, where you have zero knowledge about how things really work and you think your own reality must necessarily be everyone else's.
In that particular person's case, I would simply say it must be really, really sad being them. I mean, it must be tedious having to talk to your two or three clones every single time you post something, in the hope to finally become relevant.
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