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alexlim16thbb · 7 years ago
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#undi #MalaysiaElection #Timetochange #inikali #pakatanrakyat #changeforHope #proudasmalaysian
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hokalohnews · 7 years ago
Hokaloh News Updated: Warna-warni di Parlimen Titiwangsa - Hokaloh Berita
SELESAI proses penamaan calon hari ini, tiga calon disahkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bertanding merebut kerusi parlimen P119 Titiwangsa.
Sebagai wartawan, saya merakamkan warna-warni proses tersebut terutama membandingkannya dengan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13) pada 2013.
Sebagai pengundi berdaftar P119, saya teruja dengan tiga lambang dominan yang menyerikan jalan-jalan hinggalah ke lorong-lorong perumahan di sekitar Sekolah Aminudin Baki (SAB).
Kerancakan amalan demokrasi ini tentunya membuka mata dan sepatutnya merangsang keinginan untuk menunaikan amalan murni mengundi bagi memilih calon yang terbaik bagi mewakili nasib, aspirasi dan kemajuan masyarakat setempat dan nasional.
Ini bukan kali pertama saya menyaksikan kerancakan penamaan calon. Namun kali ini jelas terasa dinamika yang berbeza.
Lima tahun lalu, hanya perlu berada di jalanraya di hadapan sekolah dan anda dapat menyaksikan semua parti dan pihak yang terbabit.
Dulu, di hujung sebelah stesen minyak Petronas jelas lautan warna biru Barisan Nasional (BN).
Sementara di sebelah Kompleks Sukan Kg. Pandan pula gabungan Pakatan Rakyat dengan dominasi warnas hijau Pas dan biru muda PKR berkibaran.
Dulu pilihan hanya dua, biru tua atau hijau.
Kini kerana pertembungan tiga penjuru, berada di hadapan SAB saja tidak memberi gambaran keseluruhan lagi kerana hanya kelihatan warna hijau di hujung sana dan biru muda di hujung sini.
Biru tua beralih ke lokasi lebih ke belakang SAB di Taman Maluri.
Biarpun agak ke dalam, namun gah BN jelas terkedepan.
Ribuan penyokong degan bendera dan logo biru tua meriuhkan suasana dari Taman Maluri hingga ke SAB.
Jentera BN di sini menganggarkan 5,000 ahli-ahli mereka menyahut seruan berkumpul sehingga melampaui jumlah yang disasarkan.
Pas yang pernah memenangi kerusi ini pada 2008, berkumpul di simpang Jalan Perwira dan Jalan Kg. Pandan.
Di mata kasar saya ratusan penyokong-penyokong mereka menghijaukan suasana.
Seperti tradisinya, ucapan yang disahut laungan takbir menjadi tumpuan perkumpulan Pas di sini dengan suasana yang mesra kepada semua termasuk kanak-kanak dan mereka yang kurang upaya.
Keakraban jentera Pas nampak kukuh dan bersemangat.
Beralih ke gabungan baru Pakatan Harapan di tempat lama BN berhimpun berhampiran stesen Petronas. Seperti PAS di sini juga ratusan penyokong berkumpul namun kehadirannya lebih majmuk dan siap dengan pentas dan pidato-pidato pemula tempoh rasmi berkempen.
Namun juara meriah dan ramai hari ini di Titiwangsa memanglah BN.
Persoalannya ialah sama ada ini akan turut diterjemahkan kepada undi.
Yang tersurat dan tersirat lebih rencam daripada hanya perkumpulan penyokong.
Seperti coklat yang cantik berbungkus tidak menentukan rasanya. Rasanya pula belum tentu menepati citarasa setiap insan.
Di kerusi yang beza kemenangan lalu hanyalah 866 undi, ini persoalan yang memberi maksud setiap undi kali ini tentunya lebih meriah lagi untuk diraih.
Sebagai wartawan ini memberikan saya petunjuk fokus editorial. Sebagai pengundi ini memberikan saya iltizam lebih tinggi untuk meraikan tanggungjawab demokrasi dengan mengundi.
Menu terhidang dengan tiga citarasa.
BN diwakili buat kedua kalinya oleh penyandang kerusi ini Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani.
Pas diwakili calon tiga kali untuk kerusi ini, Pesuruhjaya Pas Wilayah Persekutuan, Mohamad Noor Mohamad.
PKR pula diwakili calon kali pertama di kerusi ini Ketua Wanita PPBM, Rina Harun.
Jadi 1, 2 atau 3, pilihan jelas tersedia.
Titiwangsa letaknya begitu strategik di Kuala Lumpur.
Kerusi bandar yang ketara infrastruktur pembangunan modennya namun turut mengandungi kelompok bawah 40 dan menengah 40 yang dihimpit arus pembangunan.
Yang pasti kita sebagai pengundi berdaftar yang memastikan siapa yang terbaik mewakili aspirasi dan nasib kita di masa depan.
Jom undi.
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sudutkiri · 11 years ago
The Kajang Morality
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It is baffling when moral agents are asked to decide between two outcomes, the answer would sometime resemble to that of amoral agents. The answer will more often or not, if the moral agents have decided and act upon it, be in a utilitarian fashion. It is baffling because when agents are pounced and tested with real-life decisions, they could not reason and there appears to be a trade off between the future and the present i.e. which situation is more ideal, the protection of civil liberties or the potential threat of instant destruction to take place. This is always referred to the ticking time bomb situation where most authors would ask whether state should warrant for example torture in order to save millions of citizens’ lives from the bomb they believe to be implanted by the accused. Baffling because when morality is questioned at the most critical time, we cannot morally reason. What is the point of believing and breathing morality if one could not use it when it is called for?
Fair treatment A lot of people are confused. They want to see a new government in power or at least for the optimists, the current government, Barisan Nasional to practice good governance and accountability but when their favourite opposition team, Pakatan Rakyat is playing their cards, it appears to the many that this is unnecessary, unruly and uncalled for. Some quarters even believe that ‘Anwar must have a very good reason for doing so’. In mentioning this, it seems like Ambiga accepts that there must be or there is in fact, an exception for him to get away with this. The person does not say ‘Anwar cannot do this’ in the press but claims ‘Anwar must have a good reason for doing this’. It appears that the situation is conditional waiting upon Anwar’s press statement. If the person really believes in the fair and transparency in exchange of power between government and opposition be it in federal or state level, then surely, she would oppose the move based on her belief on equal treatment applicable to both sides of political parties. Her explanation does not really answer the question as to whether it is right or wrong because it rests on the matter of approval. If the person believes treating Anwar’s case differently, she might be accused of being unfair which is quite rightly so. The problem here with these people in this scenario is they give leeway to the need and at the same time, presume it is wrong in the first place. Optimistic legitimacy If the opposition party in Selangor, Barisan Nasional decide to contest, they would certainly either shame Anwar for being power crazy or going with the usual tactic of attacking his personal life. They cannot really talk too much about the legitimacy of vacating the seat because by relishing on the legitimacy issue, surely the voters in Kajang will be reminded of the Perak crisis and the constituents will look at what Barisan did to get the state of Perak back. At the same time, Pakatan cannot bring the issue of legitimacy by saying “look at what happened in Perak, it is about to happen in Selangor right now”. It would be stupid on their part because even if it is really needed, it does not guarantee that it is the right move. Putting the blame on Barisan’s ingenious tactics to get Selangor back will not ensure confidence in voters.
As we can see here, the issue of legitimacy hangs on to the ticking time bomb scenario with the exception that here, the bomb will explode if both sides try to touch it. The current Selangor government seems to be more desperate in terms of committing the act because they believe if they do not do this, the results would be catastrophic as race relations would deteriorate and their failure in securing their place as the head of state of Selangor. Moreover, it is a time bomb for Pakatan because the strategy is to increase their credibility lest in the next general election, the mood for change will lessen. Right What would be the right thing to do here? Hayek for instance, would object to Pakatan’s move. He claims utilitarians, be it act (one who calculates utility based on action) or rule (one who adheres rules to obtain utility) utilitarians, forget one aspect of human defects that is ignorance of the future. He asserts that utilitarianism assumes everybody is omniscient to what is going to happen in the future but ignores our very own limitation to the future. Thus, even if Pakatan does some reshuffling in Selangor, it does not guarantee that Anwar would be a better Menteri Besar than Khalid Ibrahim. On the other hand, if we take Rawls for example, he correctly states that the weakness in utilitarianism lies as we mentioned before, when morality is traded with utility. Kajang by-election showcases Pakatan’s diminishing profile of always doing the right, not disobey to do the right even when it is needed. However, they cannot follow the rules any longer because the momentum for change that we saw post 2008 might just run out. Pakatan Rakyat might have just realised that they have to rethink their tactics in capturing Putrajaya. This is the first time we’ve seen Pakatan considering seriously doing whatever it takes to improve their image and performance to win in the next General Election. It is true that no one can expect Pakatan to follow the rule when Barisan is not adhering to the rule. That is why at least, act utilitarianism seems to be more reliable and rule-utililtarian calculation will not stand in Kajang for Pakatan. However, Rawls continues by offering the fundamental mistake with utiltarianism as he claims that even when one produces maximum utility, it is unsettling in terms of the distribution of utility. Hence, even if Pakatan wins the by-election, foregoing their previous morality, it does not result in quantifiable distribution of utility. Any government, in this case, Pakatan, can vacate the seat for Anwar Ibrahim but there is no guarantee of voters and Selangor citizens to get any form of benefit. For example, they might just improve race relation in terms of the law or in the media but they will still not touch the inequalities between race and the preference for religion. The bulk of the advantages or utility still goes to securing a better future for Pakatan Rakyat’s performance in the next Election. The ultimate issue here is just Pakatan dismissing the right.
Need Is it needed? A lot of people see this as a distasteful act by Pakatan. It is just that many people are bewildered by the timing and the move. The ticking time bomb is basically the act of choosing the lesser of two evils. In usual circumstances, it is between letting the bomb explode which is detrimental to the state or torturing the accused, which is condemned. The big difference here is Pakatan has to choose stability or loss of power. Both examples are despicable but differ in degree. Pakatan is choosing the right political move. They wouldn’t want to lose power. I don’t think it is an issue of stability for citizens but perhaps an issue of stability in their part of securing Selangor for a greater deal. We have to realise that Pakatan is not unlike Barisan. You can’t expect them to have clean white clothes to the length of their arms, they too plunge their hands in the dirt. Questions such as why didn’t they do it last year after the General Election or is Anwar asking for too much are irrelevant because Pakatan, just like Barisan can get away with issues like this. There is no such thing as fair between them. For example, IDEAS who commemorates their idol, Tunku in the press statement calls for Barisan to be more accountable is just miserable rhetoric. Getting fed up with the current government and expecting Pakatan to play fair is too demanding and unrealistic. Pakatan might explain the Kajang move as needed but surely, if we say Perak crisis is not right, Kajang would not certainly feel right. Dirty In his article, Walzer puts this issue of choosing the lesser of two evils at the right angle when he says ‘in most cases of civil disobedience the laws of the state are broken for moral reasons, and the state provides the punishment. In most cases of dirty hands moral rules are broken for reasons of state, and no one provides the punishment’. By this, the right thing to do is punish the ones who break rules for reasons of state and this Kajang example should not be an exception. We have to recall the justification made by Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) of the need to ‘enhance’ or improve something that is already acquired i.e. the state of Selangor to limit race/religion tensions and see that these two issues have two different aims. They could always do the latter even without the by-election. Unfortunately, with the former, they cannot. They just started to make plans for the next general election and Kajang seat was one step towards making Selangor a model example for Malaysia if they win in the next Election. The conflicting aims will always be between the need and the right. A lot of people would have conflicting aims which cancel out a clear dividing outcome as most believe it is not right but there may be a possibility of urgency. Whatever it is in the case of Kajang, Walzer’s call for punishment in either situation must be followed. Breaking moral rules for reasons of state should be punished when they commit the act. This move made by Pakatan cannot be seen to be innocent and without fault. From now on, it is a slippery slope for Pakatan. Malaysians suddenly realise the moral absolutists exist but cease to exist when the need and the right come pressing. In the case of Kajang, it appears to be so. "I have dirty hands right up to the elbows. I've plunged them in filth and blood. Do you think you can govern innocently?" – Sartre
- Shazni Hamim
References: 1. F.A. Hayek, The Mirage of Social Justice Vol 2 2. John Rawls, A Theory of Justice 3. Michael Walzer, The Politics of Dirty Hands 4. Jean Paul Sartre, No Exit and Three Other Plays: ‘Dirty Hands’ 5. http://ideas.org.my/?p=7786 6. http://www.nst.com.my/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/ambiga-anwar-must-explain-move-1.473593
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aminlandak · 12 years ago
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mydebat · 12 years ago
Media alternatif dengan isu-isu politik semasa dan berita terkini untuk dikongsi bersama demi masa hadapan rakyat malaysia. Ayuh bangkit kita ubah!!!
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escapadeofmine · 12 years ago
Palestin pun ditindas & selalu kalah walaupun berada di pihak yg benar. In sha Allah. Masih panjang lagi perjuangan kita. Jangan mengalah, jangan bersedih. Allah kan ada :)
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thethisz · 12 years ago
wishing us luck and stahp the politics thingy. the youth nowadays been talking about politics 24/7. such in twitter. c'mon lah, you're just 14, 15, 16 and 17. you're talking crap and shit. sorry i can't handle with it and it is so annoying. i am not in BN side, either PR side. just wishing to see #BetterNation and Malaysia become more peaceful. Tanah Tumpahnya Darahku. 
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mydebat · 12 years ago
Media alternatif dengan isu-isu politik semasa dan berita terkini untuk dikongsi bersama demi masa hadapan rakyat malaysia. Ayuh bangkit kita ubah!!!
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cheepengyow · 12 years ago
Malaysia GE13
Malaysia has always given me strength, and hope. There's an intense humanity within us that years of fear-mongering, institutional prejudice, and communalism has chipped away at, but spectacularly failed to erode. - I am in Singapore, but my heart and soul is in my tanah air.
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mydebat · 12 years ago
Media alternatif dengan isu-isu politik semasa dan berita terkini untuk dikongsi bersama demi masa hadapan rakyat malaysia. Ayuh bangkit kita ubah!!!
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