attollogame · 3 years
the archivist and the hierophant #27 pls<3 they are all I think about😩
Belgium to Bordeaux by Canteen 😭😭
"We are pushing the limit." Their voice draws as a soft hum through the warm air that embraces them both. He doesn't bother opening an eye to glance up at their face; he can feel their fingers combing through his hair at a slow, rhythmic pace, letting him know that they were still with him.
His lips quirk into a slight grin. "We always push the limit, dearest. This is nothing new."
"They are catching on. Seven years is a long time to remain unchanged in appearance to humans, you know." He feels the tickle of his partners hair as they lean in and brush their lips across his forehead. "We should figure out a destination."
"Mm, did you have one in mind?" He reaches up—eyes still closed in contentment—to rest his hand on the back of their neck, holding them against him. "Germany? Russia? Belgium?"
"You pick this time. You're my Archivist, are you not? You should know the best place."
Their Archivist. He feels a rush of warm affection fill him as he finally opens his eyes. Their gaze is still covered by a veil, but he can feel the adoration behind it. He gives them a soft smile in response.
"Very well. I'll choose somewhere beautiful for us to live next."
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attollogame · 3 years
i'm curious, could u tell us a bit more about the archivist and the hierophant?
Archivist and Hierophant aren't Cosmic Horrors, but they have been around as long as Sysba
They came into Attollo a year before the Rapture and are blamed for it's happening; most people say because Hierophant spoke a prediction of the Rapture, it occurred, hence their imprisonment and subsequent loss of speech
Archivist and Hierophant have always travelled and been together. Hierophant's imprisonment is the longest they've been apart.
Archivist has always been the more compassionate and warm of the two, hence why he's taken over the Library. It allows him to interact with the families of Attollo while being around knowledge
Hierophant was Carcosa's first prisoner and the only one to never leave or escape
Archivist frequently tries to contact Hierophant and writes letters—they rarely get delivered, and when they do, Hierophant rarely gets a chance to respond
Hierophant has always worn mask covering their eyes
Vasilisia became friends with Archivist after managing to get a letter from him to Hierophant; they've been close ever since, and Vasilisia often keeps Archivist informed on how Hierophant is doing
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