attollogame · 3 years
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The CAP's Powered Classifications (Updated)
A concise classification system for all known levels of powered abilities present in the city of Attollo (post-Rapture). Documented by Detective Vasilisa SOLOVIEVA, Ms. Hypatia CROWE, Detective Alastair ROSS, and Mr. Azizi ABARA for all civilians use.
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attollogame · 3 years
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What a pity you will never hear it performed.
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attollogame · 3 years
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Side Romances: Archivist & Hierophant
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
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attollogame · 2 years
um. um. if you’re still taking kiss prompts…could we mayhaps have some archivist x hierophant? 🥺 i don’t quite know which would be the most ✨them✨, but here are some ideas that make me sad:
1. small kisses littered across the other’s face
8. laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand
38. whispering ‘i love you’ before a chaste, delicate kiss
39. kissing tears from the other’s face (😔)
if a different prompt in particular inspires for them, tho, pls feel free to use that instead 😚
Put on Lark Ascending on repeat for this 😔
Age has worn away his memory like a portrait exposed to the sun; colours that were once so vibrant have become unsaturated, fragrances that were once so profound now are lingering afterthoughts, and sensations of touch are mere ghosts brushing across his skin. He can vaguely remember the taste of the sweetest of fruits on his tongue and the sounds of a hundred languages being spoken in his ears. He can imagine suns kiss and winters bite—things he once knew so well—and how beautiful the birds looked flying over the open sea.
So many moments, so many memories, lost to the passage of time.
But them. Ah, them. They are as clear as untouched waters, despite it all. Their touch on his skin is the most solid, their voice in his ear the loudest, their fragrance the strongest, and their smile. That smile is one he can never forget.
There was a time once—before the end—when it was just them and the world. Two voyagers—two fools, to be exact—following the stars and their own hearts to whatever location called to them next. For so many years he guarded his feelings close to his heart, too afraid of what he could lose to entertain what it is he could gain.
It was on a boat during a still-watered ocean night that they told him why they never left his side, and a thousand stars served as an audience to sound of a whispered 'I love you' before a kiss was robbed from his lips. He wasn't ashamed to admit he had wept; that he had dug his fingers into his hair and kissed them again. It was sloppy, it was unpracticed, it was definitely not as he planned, but it was so wonderfully them that he didn't care.
Many others followed afterwards. It was as though a barrier was broken, as though a new level of freedom was already added. They were lovers laughing at the world and throwing themselves at the sun. They snubbed reality, but it was this careless pride in themselves that allowed them to inevitably cross the wrong person. Black eyes glared and black liquid was spat in fury as a curse far worse than death was laid upon them both.
Their punishment was no end to their days. Years passed, friends died, homes were found and homes were left, and yet they never strayed from each others sides.
Even on that terrible, terrible night, when a factory leaked black and blue barriers cut through the dark; when he held his lovers face in his hands and kissed away every tear, every babbled apology for what they had done, he did not leave their side.
He sits alone now, a fading painting of a man, writing in a book to a readership of none. Looking out the window, he can see Carcosa in the distance; he can picture them there, alone in that white room, an elegy of a lover he once had.
His hand twitches, and he averts his gaze.
Two lovers, two fools, and the never ending sun.
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attollogame · 3 years
the archivist and the hierophant #27 pls<3 they are all I think about😩
Belgium to Bordeaux by Canteen 😭😭
"We are pushing the limit." Their voice draws as a soft hum through the warm air that embraces them both. He doesn't bother opening an eye to glance up at their face; he can feel their fingers combing through his hair at a slow, rhythmic pace, letting him know that they were still with him.
His lips quirk into a slight grin. "We always push the limit, dearest. This is nothing new."
"They are catching on. Seven years is a long time to remain unchanged in appearance to humans, you know." He feels the tickle of his partners hair as they lean in and brush their lips across his forehead. "We should figure out a destination."
"Mm, did you have one in mind?" He reaches up—eyes still closed in contentment—to rest his hand on the back of their neck, holding them against him. "Germany? Russia? Belgium?"
"You pick this time. You're my Archivist, are you not? You should know the best place."
Their Archivist. He feels a rush of warm affection fill him as he finally opens his eyes. Their gaze is still covered by a veil, but he can feel the adoration behind it. He gives them a soft smile in response.
"Very well. I'll choose somewhere beautiful for us to live next."
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attollogame · 3 years
✏️ for Vasilisia? 👀👀
❨1333❩ ❛ You can’t love yourself if you want to hurt things like that. ❜
The water runs in slow rivlets as she observes, like an uinterested audience, the shards of broken glass scattered on the ground. He observes as well. They both do, in an unfamiliar silence between them.
"I know it hurts." She breaks it as she steps back, moves towards the closet and takes out a broom with practiced steps. "But you can't keep doing this."
"Doing what?" His voice is oddly detached as he sits back on the bar stool. He looks as though he carries the weight of too many worlds on his shoulders. She wants to reach out and relieve him of that burden—but it is his to carry. Instead, she sweeps up the shards that he created.
"This. Allowing your frustrations to get to you. I know you're better than that. They know you're better than that."
"Do they?" Now he sounds angry as he sits up straight. "Or have they reckoned I abandoned them by now? It's been years since they heard from me directly. They don't love me—and I can't love myself for that fact."
Hierophant. The name sits heavy in her mind as she dumps the shards into the garbage. Once it's clean, she returns to her side, rests her hand on his arm. It's the same story every year—and it only grows worse.
"You can’t love yourself if you want to hurt things like that, be it yourself or that glass." She squeezes his arm once before withdrawing. "They love you still, even if they haven't heard from you. They know it in their heart that you care—and that's what you need to remember."
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attollogame · 3 years
please give us the complete des rocs/attollo crossover we need.
Anything for Des Rocs (who I am still manifesting a Canadian tour from). Are almost all of these from his new album? Yes, but that album slaps so
Pariah: Don't Hurt Me — Lyric that works: [ I would brave the darkest night / To make you a promise / Oh that's some real cruel devotion ]
Vasilisia: Rabbit Hole—Lyric that works: [ Maybe not now but one day you'll regret it / Your whole life is ahead I hope you got to see it ]
Op: Hanging by a Thread—Lyric that works: [ These lonesome nights were living hell before we met ]
DW: Born to Lose—Lyric that works: [ How's anyone else gonna love you, if you don't love you too? / I'll figure it out, but for the moment just use me like you do ]
Sysba: Imaginary Friends — Lyric that works: [ Give in to the fire and the fear, the liar in your ear / And you'll never be lonely again ]
Suha: Ruby with the Sharpest Lies — Lyric that works: [ You told the sharpest lies / Yeah you carved them in my skin / And when we say goodnight / I know you'll kill me with a kiss ]
Ovo/Crowes: MMC — Lyric that works: [ We'd really like it if you sang a song like this / Or else you'll make me sew your mouth shut / It's such a chore to find another mannequin ]
Gasper: The Devil Inside—Lyric that works: [ Do you need the god above? / Me neither, me neither ]
Archivist & Hierophant: Used to the Darkness—Lyric that works: [ I'm just a man, I'm only flesh and bone / I can't blame it back on everything I've done ]
Attollo in gen: This is our Life—Lyric that works: [ This is our life / This is when everyone is vicious to you ]
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attollogame · 4 years
omg “ any adjective can be true if you cry hard enough ” with the archivist? also hope you have a great day!
“Hygienevangelist. That’s an adjective.” 
“That’s not even a word, let alone an adjective!” 
“Nonsense, it’s someone who tries to synchronously save your teeth and your soul. I looked it up myself.” 
Archivist traces his finger along the surface of his desk as he eyes up the crossword puzzle in front of them. To his right sits Operator, slouched down so low in his seat that he’s practically on the floor. Both of them are well aware how ridiculous they look, with their serious expressions and the bright pink papers strewn across the desk. 
“Very well, what about peacockish? People use boorish to describe others, so why not peacockish?” 
Operator shoots him an exasperated look as he twiddles the pencil between his fingers. “Someone who acts like a peacock? Come on, how many people does that actually fit?” 
“Oh, plenty around here, I’m sure.” Archivist sits up and adjusts his collar, barely keeping the mischievous grin from splitting across his face. “Most of them run nightclubs downtown.” 
As Operator scribbles something on the paper, he looks away to the upper floors of the building. Usually on saturday mornings the library is silent, save for a few parents who arrive with their children for the crafts class. He catches the eye of one such parent—a father who often attends with his three girls—on the second floor and sends him a cheerful wave. It’s reciprocated with significantly less enthusiasm as he trails after his daughters.  
Ah, to be the parent of triplets. 
“—Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?” His attention is drawn back by the irritability in Operator’s tone, and he can’t help but give a sheepish smile in return. 
“Sorry, you said that you’re putting peacockish down, correct?” 
Operator lets out a noise that sounds like a cross between a shriek and a snarl as he furiously erases something on the crossword. “We need a real adjective, Archivist, not ones you’re pulling out of thin air!” 
Archivist’s smile slips into a warmer one as he reaches out and pats the younger man on the head. Even as he swats the hand away, it doesn’t do anything to lessen Archivist’s appreciation for his energy. 
“Ah, but you’re failing to realize the valuable lesson here, my young apprentice. Any adjective can be true if you cry hard enough!”
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attollogame · 4 years
The Hierophant and The Archivist
I had an anon who had a great many q's about these two, and instead of answering each ask individually, I decided to compile the replies into one post <3 some are unaddressed due to spoilers, as you will have the opportunity to speak to Archivist and to see Hierophant in-game
Does what The Hierophant says come true by itself, or does it need to be written down? Is there a difference between them writing it v. The Archivist? Also is that why in their pics The Hierophant has a stripe over their eyes and The Archivist has a strip over his mouth? Was this something they could do before coming to Attollo?
Beautiful, beautiful spoilers!! However I can tell you that this is something they could both do long before they came to Attollo.
How long have The Archivist and The Hierophant known each other? Has the 34 year separation been as rough for The Hierophant? And is it like “the longest last 10 minutes of your shift” in the grand scheme of their life spans or is 34 years actually substantial? And was that first “I love you” snippet from when they were in Attollo together?
1. Quite literally their entire lives.
2. It's been hard on the both of them; they've never been separated before, so the adjustment has been something akin to a shock. However, they're both older than Sysba, so it isn't a huge deal; it's just that the absence is noticeable.
3. Yes it was.
Does The Hierophant write letters too? How much do they keep in touch, and how often do the guards let them? What does The Hierophant do all day in their cell? Why do they wear a veil/mask? Do they think they’ll get out of Carcosa at some point or are they resigned to staying there?
1. The Hierophant doesn't write because they aren't permitted any writing utensils in Carcosa (especially them). Archivist can only get a letter to them once in a while because of how strict the rules and regulations around Hierophant are.
3. The Veil symbolizes mourning in many cultures, and in some cases it symbolizes atonement for prior crimes/sins. This is as much as I can give <3
4. This is spoilers, sorry!
The Archivist sometimes slips and talks about visiting places outside of Attollo, did he travel a lot with The Hierophant? How long has The Archivist been the head librarian? Why did he choose to do it, and is he even qualified?
All of these can be learned when you get to speak with Archivist, but I can tell you that he and Hierophant have been travelling for a very long time.
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attollogame · 4 years
ooo “ i wake up and i realize you’re not there. ” with The Archivist, because I really want to pick your/his brain about things with/his feelings about The Hierophant 👀👀
It rained again last night—the sound of the droplets hitting against the glass and the flowers outside had quite a calming effect. When I opened the window this morning, the smell of the pollution was almost entirely washed away.
His hand glides swiftly over the sheet of paper, stopping only when he shakes out another ache in his wrist. It's 6 am; he needs to be at work in approximately 40 minutes. His other hand clenches and unclenches on the desk as he continues to write.
I hope you slept well last night. I can't imagine it being too comfortable in there, with the cots they keep you on, but I hope the rain provided you some comfort as well. I, personally, didn't sleep the best.
Another pause; his gaze goes to the cat that sleeps on his desk, it's tail lazily flicking in the early dawn. The window is still open, allowing the scent of petrichor to be carried in on a gentle breeze. Outside, he can hear cars starting in the distance. He reaches out to scratch the cats ear before continuing.
It's the anniversary, you know, when you and I were parted. 34 years later and still I-
The pen stops, its ink stretching farther and farther the longer he keeps it pressed down.
I wake up and realize you're not there. I don't think I'll ever get used to it; we've faced many trials, you and I, but we always had each other to fall back on. These 34 have been, I think, the hardest I've ever had to endure.
The cat stretches out and opens one green eye to observe Archivist's hunched form. He offers a slight smile in response, already knowing that the hour of her feeding is drawing near. His hand shakes as he holds the pen.
I miss you. I keep imagining waking up to you again, to the sun reflecting on your face, before they made you wear that veil. I imagine your touch, your smile, how life was before we fell like fools to the empty promises this city gave. I count the nights and wonder how much longer I'll need to wait in this darkness before I can see your light once more. It's as though a great hole has been carved out of my chest and it yearns for the missing piece. I'm sure you can guess what that is.
He hesitates, but still pushes for the final few lines.
I hope you think of me this anniversary. I know we are kept apart by walls and obligations, but know that you are never absent from my thoughts—and I wait for the day that we can celebrate together once again.
The pen comes to a stop, and a drawer is pulled open from the desk. The letter is neatly folded—far before the ink can dry—before being placed onto a stack of similarly folded papers. Then, the drawer is shut, and Archivist sits back with a sigh.
The cat continues to watch him, and he feels his lips quirk into a tired grin as he reaches out to scratch under its chin.
"Shall we get some breakfast, then?"
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attollogame · 4 years
🖤 for Suha, Vasilisia, Desdemona, Hypatia, and Archivist?
🖤— Random romantic headcanon
She loves at-home dinners compared to going out. A restaurant is nice once in a while, but home dates are far more intimate, and therefore more her style. 
She likes experiencing things with her partner. She’ll take you on dates to try things she’s never tried herself [like a crazy amusement park ride] just so you can have the shared experience together. She likes doing things with others vs alone. 
Unfortunately, Desdemona isn't the type to enter a relationship! She only cared about someone once and that kind of hit the rocks. 
To be her partner, she’d have to regard you as an equal first. If you get to that point, she’s going to make sure everyone knows just how capable you are (basically, she’s a bragger)
Like Desdemona, Archivist would probably not enter a relationship with anyone due to an issue of feelings for someone in particular. However, he’s a romantic kind of guy—he’d be the storybook partner. 
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attollogame · 4 years
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The Archivist is an oddity in Attollo in that his upbeat and eccentric personality greatly contrasts a majority of what the city seems to consist of. The Archivist (real name either unknown or well-forgotten) is the head librarian at the Attollo Library, where he frequently plans events for the families and communities of Attollo as an “escape from the reality of the times we live in”. 
The Archivist himself is, in fact, one of the incredibly few Null-powered individuals to exist in Attollo. Because of this, he’s kept under constant observation by the C.A.P. What this means is that Vasilisia spends a majority of her free time planning events with him in the basement of the library as part of her “duties” to ensure he isn’t “acting out of line”. 
A connection between The Archivist and The Hierophant is also known to exist. The Archivist arrived in Attollo the same time as The Hierophant and was the individual who wrote down The Hierophants prediction of The Rapture. When The Archivist and The Hierophant were separated, The Hierophant ceased making predictions, leading many to believe that these two need to be together for The Hierophant to vocalize what they know is going to occur. The Archivist has offered no insight on how this dynamic works and seems otherwise unbothered by the separation, although he will occassionally bemoan and mope over the loss of his friend. 
Because of his role in the community, The Archivist has successfully established the library as a neutral-zone when it comes to inter-gang wars, including the ongoing feud between The Crowes Court and Ovo. Members of both sides respect this establishment and do their best to avoid outbreaks of fights within the libraries walls as a courtesy to the civilians not involved in the strife. 
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attollogame · 3 years
I would like to know 14 and 20 from the list of asks. You can choose which character for both!!
Oooooo a dealer's choice!
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
Archivist absolutely would agree with the term guilty pleasure, especially when he's spent half of his break reading through a harlequinn romance novel instead of actually eating his lunch <3
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
Imogen is a huge fan of obscure German metal. Like, 1980's hardcore punk that literally no one knows or understands. She collects vinyl albums that find their way into Attollo from the outside, and has yet to find someone to share this passion with.
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attollogame · 4 years
Would love to see “I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater” for Vasilisa?
“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater” 
“Please don’t say it like that, people will think we’re eloping or something,” Archivist groans, stabbing at his pancake with a knife, “It’s not my fault that coffee mugs are a hazard.”
Vasilisia can hardly keep the grin off of her face as she props her chin in her hand, watching her friend with amusement. She had invited him to come to Ruthie's last night for an early morning breakfast, something that they both usually ended up skipping, and had been more than delighted when he’d come stumbling in five minutes late with fury in his eyes and coffee on his shirt. 
He was fortunate that she carried an extra sweater in her bag. He was unfortunate that the sweater she carried was her beloved ‘cat’ sweater. 
“It’s your fault for bringing coffee to a diner.” She waves her fork in his general direction before popping a piece of waffle into her mouth. “Which is kind of rude, given that they serve coffee here. That you can pay for. To support their business.” She gives him a pointed look as she says this. 
“One,” he counters, brandishing his knife at her, “Don’t talk with your mouth full. I’m going to judge you for that. And two, that was a very special kind of coffee that I was looking forward to drinking throughout the day.” 
“Did it have Bailey’s in it?”
His lack of response, alongside the way that he’s suddenly become quite interested in the decor of the diner, is enough of an answer for Vasilisia. She appreciates the other man, truly; his wry sense of humor, his obvious love for his job, and his willingness to sit with her for hours as she pours over notes for The Bone Collector has made him one of her closest friends in a very short period of time. What she doesn’t like, though, is the way that he’s resorting to treating his anxieties through detrimental means, such as putting alcohol in his coffee. She eyes him up from across the checkered table. 
“Archie.” She uses the nickname she’s given him in a bid to show that she isn’t mad, just disappointed. He cuts another piece of his pancake and pops it into his mouth, still refusing to grace her with a response. 
As the sunlight filters its way through the glass windows above them, she wonders if it’s even worth voicing her concerns again. She could, by all means, do something about the alcohol in the drink as a police officer. But this is her friend. He isn’t at fault for his condition, and she’d rather help him in her own way instead of the way the law dictates she should. 
So she simply gives him a smile, which holds faint traces of melancholy behind it, and pushes her now empty plate aside. His posture relaxes significantly when he realizes that she isn’t going to pursue the subject, and he absently reaches up to fold back the sweater’s sleeves, doing his best to keep them from dragging into the syrup.
“You know, if you put the hood up, it has cat ears on it. I think it would be a super cute look.” 
The expression that Archivist sends her causes her to burst out laughing, completely uncaring if the other customers stare at them. They’d work on this together. For now, they had breakfast to worry about.
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attollogame · 4 years
064/Foreign for The Archivist or Operator?
64. Foreign. OPERATOR. 
The Operator collects post-cards of places outside of Attollo that he calls ‘foreign locations’; these include areas in America, even though Attollo technically is in America, simply because he’s never been to them and can’t fathom what they’re like. Although he can easily pull up images of these places online and look at them, postcards and polaroids have a more sentimental value. Luckily, there are enough abandoned houses in Attollo where people have left their possessions behind that he can find them. 
64. Foreign. ARCHIVIST. 
Sometimes, without even realizing it, The Archivist will recount stories of foreign places he’s been to outside of Attollo. This often leads to a flurry of questions (’What do you mean you’ve been to Berlin? How did you get there? Did a Skipper let you go?’) and he’ll be forced to find some excuse to change the conversation. The more people who know he’s lived outside of Attollo before, the more inconvenient his life in Attollo will become. 
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attollogame · 4 years
🎵 - the archivist !
Just reread the Holiday Special so 🎵 for The Archivist please?
A double feature!! For him, Touch Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon and Misery Fell by Tally Hall
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