derrickb-atl · 7 years
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Tomorrow, I'll be racing my 4th, and probably will be my hardest, Half Ironman, 70.3 miles, in gorgeous Lake Tahoe, CA! The altitude is around 6,000 ft, with loads of hills on the bike. I haven't seen the run course. The lake is crystal clear, in the upper 70s. I'll be wearing my wetsuit. I did a practice swim, bike and run today. Now it's time to prepare my nutrition: Heed and Bars before the race, Hammer Perpetuem and Gel on the bike, Gel on the run. Wish me luck! It will be a very tough day, but I feel ready. #laketahoetri #triathlon #triathlontraining #ironmantraining #swimbikerun #howihammer #blacktriathlete #painistemporaryquittingisforever (at South Lake Tahoe, California)
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nmacmouronho-blog · 7 years
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Volta de amanhã! Tomorrow’s bike ride!! No pain no gain!! Powered by #tacticportugal #mocodosvinhos #moçodosvinhos #bikelover #barcelos #portugal #burningfat #maçanitavinhoscyclingteam #painistemporaryquittingisforever (at Barcelos, Portugal)
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iamreneewatkins · 11 years
a portion of today's leg workout ONLY A PORTION listen those knee circles look goofy BUT THAT ISH BUUUUUUUURNS PLEASE HEAR ME had me all types of uncomfortable and when I'm uncomfortable I'm a crybaby lol #kneecircles #stillsquats #lungesquats #sidebentkneeleglifts #legdayAGAIN #pushthroughthepain #ifucrylikeididitsworking lmboooo #painistemporaryquittingisforever #ifithurtsurontosomething #justthinkaboutitbeingover
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