#paid advertising companies
digitalmowgly · 9 months
Digital Mowgly: A Leader Among Paid Advertising Companies
Experience excellence in paid advertising with Digital Mowgly. Let us take your brand to new heights
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obiyaninfotechdelhi · 2 years
When it comes to Search Marketing firms, Obiyan Infotech is among the best. Our PPC experts have a proven track record of expanding existing businesses while providing exceptional customer service. Detailed checklists will be provided to help you get things done more quickly.
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vaspider · 2 months
If you don't mind me asking, is the finasteride you're using for your hair a compound medication? Like, did you have to go to a special pharmacy for it? I've been on spirinolactone and minoxidil for my hair loss for a while, but since I'm starting T soon, I asked my dermatologist to switch me to topical finasteride and oral minoxidil, since the spirinolactone will interfere with the T too much. He was totally willing to do it, but he said he didn't know anyone who had topical finasteride, so he sent me a link to a website where I could buy a finasteride/minoxidil mix. Which is all well and good, but since it's technically OTC, I have to pay out of pocket, and it's... not cheap. So I was wondering if you also buy yours out of pocket, or if all I have to do is find a compounding pharmacy (which I've already done, since I'm hoping to get my T as a cream). No worries if you don't feel comfortable answering!
I tried to find a local compounding pharmacy that would do it for me, and I couldn't, so I ended up biting the bullet and ordering it out of pocket from Hers, yeah. IDK if that's where he sent you to, but that's the most common one that I hear of people using. (I fucking hate that I have to order it from a place called 'Hers', it makes me so annoyed.) It is not cheap, but the stuff lasts.
After talking with my doctor, he said that while they tell you to apply it every day, I could try five days out of seven and see if I liked the results, because it should be pretty close to the same and allow me to extend the out-of-pocket costs. So far, I am happy enough with the results I've gotten at doing 5 out of 7 days (like, I'm not jumping for joy period, but I'm definitely seeing improvement, I don't hate looking at my hairline anymore, I am admittedly vain about my hair) and it is alleviating that price.
(Also, stickers adhere really well to the bottles, FYI, so you can cover up the big HERS on the bottle and not have to look at it. I put some cute fox stickers on mine.)
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hb-but-portal · 8 months
Ch. 13 "Rebirth"
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This is fanart of Cave Johnson from the lovely @sciencewife's "Schrödinger's Cave" !
I couldn't stop thinking about the newest chapter and I just had to start drawing this scene.
-- closeup of Cave below the cut --
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(sorry if anything is blurry, click on it and it should be better)
Not gonna lie, this is probably the best drawing of light effects I have done so far, I am very happy with this! although I'm not sure about the rest of the drawing (it feels almost too cluttered)
btw cave's eyes are static. but it doesn't show up very well
(side notes: I tried doing some other effects but I couldn't get the plugin in krita to work. I also planned to have a glitched out cave with the jumpsuit and portal gun looking angry but I felt it wouldn't fit without it being confusing. Still have the drawing tho)
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mirthandir · 5 months
Not to openly dunk on popular youtubers on main, but Subjectively making a contrarian-ass video shitting on national sensation Palworld after spending about 3 years doing nothing but Pokemon shit to the point of neglecting the rest of their content, and doing it immediately after announcing their own mon-like game, and doing it because Palworld had asked him to do a sponsor absolutely fucking reeks of sour grapes
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glitter-and-be-gay · 8 months
YouTube forcing ads on me like that's not going to make me so annoyed I stopped watching anything at all
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ennobletechnologies · 9 months
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It’s a new year, and that means you’re probably thinking about ways to improve your business in 2023. Your marketing plan may not be the first thing on your mind, but it should be! If your goal for the year is to grow your business, it’s important that you take steps to make sure that happens. What are some of the best digital marketing services for B2B companies? A key factor in digital marketing success is having a variety of options at your disposal so that you can choose what works best for your business.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/digital-marketing/digital-marketing-services-for-b2b-companies-what-works-best/
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
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oh thank god some good fucking subtitles
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xceanlynx · 6 months
Starbucks paying kpop idols to "lowkey" advertise them is tragically funny to me
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codgod-moved · 1 year
hate that i can’t watch any streams for a few days because i’m on data ✌️ hell on earth
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sponsoredlinx · 1 year
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ruizgomez3d · 1 year
Diseño generado por inteligencia artificial
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itwebandcloud · 1 year
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Pay per click is a digital advertising model wherein marketers pay for every click of their online ads. There are a variety of Pay Per Click Ads. Out of the many PPC Ads types, paid search advertising is the most common one. These kinds of advertisements appear while users search for things on the internet utilizing a search engine such as Google or Bing. An optimized landing page has the potential to increase conversions of your pay per click operation. Our experts help the most outstanding landing page option via targeted A/B testing of content and CTA buttons to guarantee higher conversions.
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imaturedebdeb · 2 years
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This fucking site is a self-fulfilling prophecy onto itself istg
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