rival-ado · 4 years
I draw on my iPad and it’s pretty convenient for me! Haven’t had a proper tablet though so I can’t say I know much
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AHHH this is very good info tysm !!!! i def think ill try to save up for one , the hand disable sounds perfect but it sounds good even if i cant get it to work ...
im prolly gonna try to get the bigger ipad bc i like more space , but this is very helpful tysm !!!!
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betterbemeta · 5 years
pahein replied to your post “the really bad fanfic was like, an “indian in the cupboard” situation...”
I don't know exactly why, but your grappling with this fanfic reminds me of the time I came across a REALLY SEXIST and gross Pokemon fanfic and I just... can't forget it? Like on the whole my experience with PKMN fanfic had been so wholesome until that point, that it was like finding a shitfire bag on my porch... but the experience is a lil' different
I mean, warhammer 40k is an intensely toxic fandom at times so I knew what i was getting into, whereas pokemon at least has a large population of fans concerned with being non-horrible. So it wasn’t so much as finding a poo fire on my porch, it was more like I was dumpster diving for restaurant leftovers and found a poo fire.
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heart-of-vecna · 5 years
pahein replied to your post: pahein replied to your post “Tell me about Vecna...
it’s more a matter of “when can i convince a whole GROUP to do shit that wild… i wanna fuck up the gods lmao” and/or finding a group that would be willing to sit back and eat popcorn while greyless. does that. >w>
TRUE... Who would be willing to do trash with us. I mean we had at least teh chat from before if you wanted to check in there, and I imagine Liet would still be down with it because we fucking talk about Greyless and Rix doing dumb shit all the time anyways but. 
C’MON where the folks out who wanna go screw everything up. Join us on this Hellscape Adventure
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inevitablesurrender · 6 years
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pahein replied to your post: Really, truly, my least favorite part of the...
As a needlefelter, I have a hard time imagining the problem. Is it like filling a cup as you build it up?
It is... very much like that.  Except that you have to fill the bottom of the cup a few times to figure out exactly how you want to do it.  Then as you build the cup up, you have to be careful not to shift what you’ve already filled too much, and have to learn exactly how much to fill at once so you can make smooth transitions between fill points so you don’t have a bunch of obvious lumpy transitions.  And the end bit, right before you seal it up is.  The.  Worst.  Trying to get every last tiny bit looking right, just.  Ugh.
What I’m saying is, stick with needle felting.  Which presents its own challenges, but... not this.  (I actually need to get another set of needles at some point because... they sure break easy, don’t they.)
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rethy · 6 years
pahein replied to your photoset: Tried bringing my ancient 8-tab watercolour set...
the most fun i ever had in figure drawing was with my copic sketch brush marker hoard
I got a couple grey copics from an art kit I’ve never touched, I should crack those out for life drawing over the summer.
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just throwing out ideas here... bob for akio? colton or julian for dios? filbert & mint for miki & kozue? tia b/c tea?? twiggy for tsuwabuki? chief for touga? felicity or peggy for wakaba? amelia, freya, or whitney for juri? gloria for shiori? ...
I was actually thinking Colton or Julian (Julian <3) as a princely type character, i.e. Dios or Touga, and Amelia as a potential for Juri! I was also thinking Olivia/Kitty for Juri as a couterpart for a bird-villager for Shiori. I like the idea of having Twiggy and Bob as Akio is perfect lol. Though I’m not sure I actually want an Akio in my happy utena town. Then again that would fit the narrative that Utena is projecting Akio onto someone, too... hmmmm
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cosmopoliturtle · 7 years
Shiny Pokemon Info
pahein replied to your post :
even your shinies are better O.o i mean, looks...
Shinies were originally just the same value-pixel-canvas (darkest, dark, medium, light) with the next “palette” from the list of palettes. Which is why we don’t get specific-spot shinies until one of the most recent gens… and also why so many of them are truly strange color choices.
More informative answer to what I was trying to say about Shiny Pokemon. Thanks for info! C:
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llimus · 7 years
@pahein replied to your post: I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how I...
maybe time to seek out less-energy consuming online spaces? idk friend it’s hard. s'why i had to drop harvest pokemoon
s’not really my problem bc I don’t interact anymore because I’m tired %D;;; I want to, I just can’t
tired bc of other shit tbh
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i gotta say I'm just plain Chuffed with all the asks u get! i'm gay and i like D&D and i'm very glad to see all these lgbt characters existing!!!
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betterbemeta · 6 years
Oh gee happy birthday! Mine was yesterday and good; I hope yours is as wonderful. ✨
I had to go to work but I had pizza, and God used Sunny Day so overall it’s been pretty all right
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heart-of-vecna · 5 years
pahein replied to your post “Tell me about Vecna and your D&D character!”
i sO wanna run that campaign for you...... ehuheuhehughughuhguh let me gm a very confused vecna
CRIES I would still absolutely love that. Maybe someday... hhhhhh
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ponett · 7 years
HEY you seem to have been getting a lotta Not Fun asks lately. so! your art is awesome. i'm super duper excited about all the game updates i see. i don't really know how you survive Florida weather (honestly, still confused as to how anyone does that, muggy heat n' all) but! i'm glad you do because you help make the world a better and more kind place. i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
florida weather is suffering (also thank you)
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i like following various "shit-privileged-people-say" blogs because it helps me keep my privilege in check. but a lot of them-- even as i agree wholeheartedly-- are super depressing, and as someone w/ Major Depression™, i usually burn out and have to stop following after a while. but y'all are the best kindest mods and your commentary makes this blog a really nice positive space. ;u;/
Aww, thank you!! I try to balance out the negativity with at least some positivity, as the theme of the blog is negative and obviously we have a lot of depressed people following the blog (plus both mods are depressed) so it’s nice to remember that not everything is bad!!
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pahein replied to your post: [[This blog is currently a WIP! It should be up...
wait is anyone following besides me and my secondary account?? if so: you popular dang
[[Nope it’s just you aha. I just like having something like that on my blog when i’m not ready to go;;;; ]]
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pahein · 2 years
Hey, so, tumblr has finally updated the app so that you can turn off two factor authentication via the app. Which means I have complete access to my account again. Which means I’m no longer living in fear of losing this account and all my sideblogs! Which means I will be getting more active again! And I will be cleaning my accounts up! I have my work cut out for me.
That includes this blog ( @pahein ), my primary art blog @k-times-two , my sketches blog @pahein-sketches (renamed from katherine-sketches), my rambles blog @pahein-rambles (renamed from katherine-rambles), my splatoon sideblog @squidget-toy, and maybe potentially @elsewhere-cafe, an eldritch roleplay sideblog for some of my little fellas.
So this is a notice for those who happen upon it that there are changes a’comin’. Listed below are some other places you can find me!
Instagram: k.times.two
DeviantArt: k-times-two
Art Twitter: k_times_tw0
Personal Twitter: pahein_rambles
Pillowfort: pahein
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jeffreyss · 5 years
Hi, friend! I have a question and a favor to ask? I used to make my own gifs and edits (poorly, about 5-7 years ago), and when I tried to get back into it recently I couldn’t because Netflix has this new ban on screenshots/recordings???? How do you get around it? Is there a good streaming site that you use instead? Thanks and have an awesome day; love the blog 💖
hey! i don’t have netflix so i download all the episodes from pahein or some other torrent sites but pahein always uploads them with no logo and at least 720p quality so i always tend to download from there! :] i hope u have an awesome day as well and i hope i helped!
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