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Meenah Peixes, Aranea Serket, Vriska Serket, John Egbert, Tavros Nitram, Aradia Megido, Sollux Captor
Act 6, page 5951-5980
MEENAH: ey its the blue buoy again!
MEENAH: sea him there just off the starboard shit
MEENAH: yo watch how far away i can fork him from
ARANEA: Meenah, put the trident down.
ARANEA: Don't make me conchfishscate it again.
MEENAH: conchfishscate
VRISKA: Hey, it's John!
JOHN: vriska, is that you?
VRISKA: Yeah! Get over here!!!!!!!!
JOHN: alright.
VRISKA: Nice to see you again, John. It's 8een too long.
JOHN: yeah...
JOHN: actually hasn't it been exactly a year?
JOHN: i think it was my birthday last time we met too, heh.
VRISKA: A year for you, may8e. Who even knows how long it's 8een out here, 8ut who cares.
VRISKA: The point is, as you can see the plan I descri8ed to you 8efore is in full swing.
JOHN: you mean the big treasure hunt, with all those black maps?
VRISKA: Yes. 8ut they aren't 8lack anymore! Not totally.
VRISKA: Everything's gone exactly as I intended. English has taken the 88, hook line and sinker.
VRISKA: He's 8een chasing our "extended party" around the ring, 8lowing shit up with his monster 8reath, thus revealing the path to the treasure in the process.
VRISKA: I must say, for an evil mastermind, the guy is kind of a dope.
VRISKA: Supposedly his every move is a carefully calcul8ted ploy to assure his existence in the first place, yet here he is wrecking the joint like an oaf, unwittingly helping the hero find the weapon that will finally take him down.
VRISKA: And we're almost there, too! Although 8y now it's 8ecome em8arrassingly o8vious that the treasure was hidden right around where we started all along.
VRISKA: These maps have just 8een leading us all in a 8ig stupid circle!
VRISKA: I should have seen it coming. I guess that's my 8ad. In terms of 8onehead moves, that's English: 1, Vriska: 1, so I guess we're even. 8ut may8e we don't have to mention that detail when we document my heroism in the annals of gr8tness.
JOHN: uh... mention what, exactly?
VRISKA: Exactly!
VRISKA: Haha, I almost forgot how deceptively quick you are on the uptake, John.
VRISKA: Tavros, if you're going to interrupt, don't mum8le. And even then, don't.
VRISKA: Anyway, I really don't mind the fact that these cryptic treasure maps have led us all on a wild honk8ird chase.
VRISKA: I've never once complained a8out a good long treasure hunt, and I'm not a8out to start now.
VRISKA: 8esides, with the way spacetime works out here, who can say for sure we would 8e a8le to find the treasure at all unless we traced this exact path?
VRISKA: No8ody can say that, is who. Least of all English, who as far as I know, can't actually speak so much as issue 8lood curdling roars that cleave the found8tions of reality itself.
VRISKA: You're of course welcome to join us on our adventure, for as long as you're asleep.
VRISKA: We could use another hand on deck. I'll even give you a rank and title!
VRISKA: Wrong.
VRISKA: Tavros, who's the captain here?
VRISKA: Last time I checked, it wasn't Swa88y Nitram, Poopmaster Extraordinaire.
JOHN: by the way, hi tavros.
JOHN: how have you been?
JOHN: cool pirate outfit you have there.
JOHN: i wasn't going to.
VRISKA: We all look amazing as pir8tes.
VRISKA: This is non-negotia8le.
JOHN: no argument here!
JOHN: what about the rest of your crew?
JOHN: i remember her, the punky one who always likes to stab me with her spear...
JOHN: but i really hope she doesn't do that this time.
MEENAH: (dream on blue nerd)
MEENAH: (you in my crosshairs sucka)
MEENAH: (gotch u right where i want)
MEENAH: (just biding my time)
MEENAH: (biding and biding)
MEENAH: (gonna hunt you til we both double dead)
MEENAH: (you are my obsession lil bluefish)
MEENAH: (my shrimpiest of whales)
MEENAH: (my mobiest of dicks)
MEENAH: (call me)
MEENAH: (fishmael)
JOHN: but i don't know the one who looks kind of like your sister.
JOHN: what is your name?
ARANEA: Aranea. ::::)
JOHN: hi.
JOHN: and what about those two over there?
VRISKA: These are my friends, Aradia and Sollux.
VRISKA: I have recruited them for this expedition as specialists.
VRISKA: They aren't really here to do any fighting. 8ut their a8ilities will 8ecome useful once we retrieve the treasure.
ARADIA: hello.
JOHN: hey.
JOHN: are you alive?
JOHN: your eyes do not look spooky and ghostly.
ARADIA: thanks!
ARADIA: yes im alive
VRISKA: Yeah, and apparently she intends to stay that way?
VRISKA: Hence her principled if somewhat lame commitment to pacifism.
VRISKA: 8ut considering our history together, I'm willing to let 8ygones 8e 8ygones. I'm happy to have her on my crew in whatever capacity she likes.
JOHN: your history? what happened?
JOHN: wait, that's a rude question. sorry.
VRISKA: Hey!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: What did I say a8out 8ygones 8eing 8ygones? That's like rule fucking ONE of this ship.
VRISKA: Anyway, she 8ecame a ro8ot and killed me 8ack, so o8viously we're cool now.
JOHN: jeez, why does everyone always die so much?
SOLLUX: (l0l, like this guy's 0ne t0 talk.)
ARADIA: (sollux dont make our guest uncomfortable)
SOLLUX: (he's already unc0mf0rtable, and he sh0uld be. we all sh0uld be.)
ARADIA: really i havent thought about any of that in a long time
ARADIA: ancient conflicts dont mean anything to me anymore but i was more than thrilled by the opportunity to go on another adventure like this
ARADIA: we used to enjoy such campaigns together all the time when we were younger
ARADIA: of course now the teams are a little different :)
VRISKA: Yeah! Man, those were the days.
JOHN: what about you... why do you have double eye patches?
SOLLUX: uh, because i'm blind, stupid?
JOHN: i can't tell if you're alive too or not, because i can't see if your eyes are spooky.
SOLLUX: they're sp00ky as shit, but yes, i'm alive.
SOLLUX: 0k, here's the sh0rt versi0n. i used t0 be able t0 see, but then i went blind.
SOLLUX: then i used my p0wers t00 hard, and died. but it turned 0ut i was 0nly half dead.
JOHN: half dead?
SOLLUX: let me finish. s0 the gh0st half 0f me c0uld see again, s0 i was 0nly half blind.
SOLLUX: but then s0meb0dy pr0t0typed my c0rpse, which i guess sucked the gh0st half 0f me 0ut 0f my b0dy, t0 make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.
SOLLUX: and n0w the gh0st part 0f my s0ul is sharing a sprite b0dy with FUCKING ERIDAN 0f all pe0ple.
JOHN: who's eridan?
SOLLUX: just the d0uche wh0 blinded me in the first place, it d0esn't even matter.
JOHN: um, alright. but i don't think i quite followed all of that.
JOHN: what does being half dead mean?
SOLLUX: y0u kn0w, f0rget it.
SOLLUX: i'm s0 sick 0f telling this st0ry t0 pe0ple 0ver and 0ver, and n0b0dy understanding what the hell i'm talking ab0ut.
SOLLUX: it's all s0 simple. n0, actually, it isn't, it's a fucking stupid st0ry that makes n0 sense, maybe that's the pr0blem.
SOLLUX: my marginal existence is fraught with s0 much p0intless duality and c0mplicated n0nsense, s0 i'm d0ne even trying t0 explain it.
SOLLUX: fr0m n0w 0n i sh0uld just wear a shirt that says d0n't ask me ab0ut my disability 0r my m0rtality. then everything w0uld be fine.
VRISKA: It's really kind of a shame Gamzee prototyped Eridan's torso parts and swiped his ghost from the afterlife.
VRISKA: I 8et he would have had a gr8 time on this voyage. I used to own him during our nautical campaigns all the time!
SOLLUX: if he was 0n this ship, i'd walk the plank and plummet thr0ugh the fake ass water thr0ugh infinite n0where f0rever.
SOLLUX: besides y0u act like y0u haven't already recruited at least fifty fucking eridans fr0m d00med timelines in y0ur army.
SOLLUX: y0u really are shamefully prejudiced against 0ur alternate reality gh0st selves, they're just as real as we are and have the same em0ti0ns and everything.
VRISKA: Gimme a 8r8k, Sollux. As if you don't view them the exact same way.
VRISKA: You've got real Eridan, and then pretty much a whole 8unch of pretenders out there.
SOLLUX: they're all real!!! SHIT, i d0n't even LIKE eridan, but here i am sticking up f0r his c0pies.
VRISKA: See? You just called them copies. Even you can't avoid accidentally using a pro8lematic slur which reveals that no matter what you 8elieve a8out your morals, deep down you're always gonna favor the original, while viewing all the others as duplic8tes of lesser value.
SOLLUX: 0h whatever. just WHATEVER, rati0nalize the "c0llateral damage" t0 y0ur army all y0u want.
SOLLUX: and t0 think, bef0re i j0ined y0ur party i heard rum0rs that y0u might have changed, like learned t0 be a better pers0n 0r s0mething, HEHEH, YEAH RIGHT!
VRISKA: Oh pleeeeeeeease. I hardly think I'm a 8ad person for failing to give a shit a8out a 8illion meaningless dead Nepetas, do you?!
SOLLUX: n0, y0u're n0t a bad pers0n f0r THAT PARTICULAR reas0n, i guess.
VRISKA: What am I seriously supposed to do? Fly around and 8efriend each one individually?
VRISKA: Sorry, I have 8etter things to do with my time. Let's try to 8e at least somewhat practical here.
ARADIA: ive met most of those nepetas theyre all very nice
VRISKA: Oh shut up.
JOHN: and what about all those ships up ahead?
JOHN: are they part of the treasure hunt too?
VRISKA: Of course!
VRISKA: That's my army.
VRISKA: Ok, I mean OUR army.
VRISKA: 8ut like, on 8oats.
JOHN: isn't an army on boats usually called a navy?
VRISKA: John, help me out. I seem to 8e having trou8le remem8ering which one of us is the captain.
VRISKA: Was it the dork in 8lue pajamas, or was it the veteran sailor in the rad captain's coat?
VRISKA: That's right, the captain was me! And I say it's an army that happens to 8e on a 8unch of 8oats.
MEENAH: (no but for reel it pretty much is a navy)
MEENAH: (just sayin)
JOHN: who's in the army?
VRISKA: Thousands of ghosts. Primarily those of old friends and acquaintances.
VRISKA: We've amassed a coalition of eager volunteers ready to lay down their ghost lives for a worthy cause.
JOHN: you mean fighting lord english?
VRISKA: When we're ready for that, yes. 8ut we need the treasure first.
VRISKA: So for now they're sailing well ahead of us in large num8ers to attract his attention, so he can do more damage to the ring and fill out the rest of our maps.
VRISKA: We should 8e very gr8teful for their 8ravery. They are making a no8le sacrifice for us all.
VRISKA: We really don't need your play 8y play commentary on everything!
JOHN: wait, you're mind controlling all those ghosts?
VRISKA: Well, not all of them.
VRISKA: Once you group enough together, others tend to latch on to the mo8 out of curiosity. We trolls have a way of clustering together naturally.
VRISKA: You've got to understand, John. Most of these people are pretty self a8sor8ed. They just needed a little 8it of persuasion to join the cause.
MEENAH: word
JOHN: yeah, but...
JOHN: isn't that still kind of, um...
JOHN: dickish?
VRISKA: 8ut all these stu88orn jackasses are going to dou8le die anyway if we don't all work together and kill this guy!
VRISKA: This is WAR, John. In times of war, difficult decisions have to 8e made with the lives of many.
VRISKA: Just think of me as a general giving orders to my troops. It just happens that the orders are a little more direct in this case.
MEENAH: hey serket deuce
MEENAH: lets not lose track a whos actually in charge of this shit mkay
VRISKA: Yeah yeah.
VRISKA: All hail Her Imperious Teen Condescension, the fresh new face of tyranny, Supreme Admiral Peixes.
VRISKA: At this time I would like to motion for a fifteen minute 8owing 8r8k so that we may demonstr8te our reverence for this 8old, spunky leader.
MEENAH: yessssss
VRISKA: Tavros, stop 8owing. That was a joke.
MEENAH: no keep doin that
MEENAH: lower swabby
MEENAH: face on the fuckin deck
MEENAH: yes just like that perfect
JOHN: how do you mind control so many ghosts at once?
JOHN: isn't that kind of hard?
VRISKA: Well, I do have a little help.
VRISKA: John, did I mention?
VRISKA: My ancestor........
JOHN: she is?
ARANEA: I must admit, I was not in favor of the idea at first.
ARANEA: 8ut Vriska made a very strong case for using our com8ined powers in this way.
ARANEA: In a perfect reality, no one would have to get hurt. 8ut the stakes are too high to 8e shying away from such measures.
VRISKA: See what I mean??
VRISKA: The 8est.
JOHN: uh.
ARANEA: It has 8een wonderful spending so much time on this adventure with my descendant.
ARANEA: Not just 8ecause it's helped me get to know her 8etter, 8ut 8ecause it's opened my eyes to things a8out myself I was never really in touch with.
ARANEA: There are certain capa8ilities within me I have never quite 8een a8le to face, and she's helped me realize I've 8een hiding from them all my life, and well 8eyond.
ARANEA: It must 8e true what they used to say on my world. That if you really want to know who you are, look to the legacy left 8ehind 8y your ancestor.
ARANEA: I think that wisdom works in 8oth directions!
VRISKA: Well put, Marquise. I've always felt the exact same way!
MEENAH: oh my glub the serk twins bein adorbubble again
MEENAH: nitram get your mop ready for swabbin up all this vomit comin out ma mouth
MEENAH: can you two stick a fork in the sentimental carp
MEENAH: maybe pretend you aint hit it off so good
MEENAH: you ever stop and think how this makes me feel
ARANEA: There's no reason to 8e jealous, Meenah. You know nothing has changed a8out our friendship.
MEENAH: jealous
MEENAH: bitch no
MEENAH: just makes me think about my kid descendant
MEENAH: an how instead of having this cool friendsy relation with her i just got this uncontrollable urge to stab her to death so she dont threaten my supremacy
MEENAH: which is a shame cuz she so cute 38(
MEENAH: cod damn my royal blood and the cray junk it makes me have to do
MEENAH: aw well
MEENAH: maybe some day ill find an heiress who my genes dont instinctively make me wanna murder on sight
MEENAH: then i can teach her the badass ways of being a boss n shit!
JOHN: (god, trolls are so weird.)
JOHN: hey!
JOHN: you snitch.
MEENAH: yeah but
MEENAH: arent we
TAVROS: uH,,,,,
MEENAH: moral of the story is blue kid is a dumb nerd but is right when he says stuff
MEENAH: look at that its like me and him are becoming fast fronds thus lulling him into a sense of false confidence already
JOHN: what?
MEENAH: (soon my lil whale...)
MEENAH: (soon...)
ARANEA: It is true. To a human, the ways of trolls from 8oth Alternia and 8eforus will seem very strange.
ARANEA: In fact, prior to uniting in the afterlife, even the two groups of trolls were reasona8ly alien to one another.
ARANEA: I've had a gr8 deal of time to study the cultures of many species throughout paradox space. No matter which race you 8elong to, one can always find another whose ideals pose a challenge of comprehension to even the most open minded.
ARANEA: And though the ethical standards of those from Alternia may seem unpalata8le to you, rest assured there are 8eings elsewhere in the cosmos whose violent 8ehavior would 8e considered extreme even to most trolls.
ARANEA: Actually John, I'm very glad you 8rought this up.
ARANEA: 8ecause I was in the middle of a wonderful story a8out this very su8ject, which you interrupted when you 8oarded our ship.
JOHN: oh.
JOHN: sorry.
ARANEA: No, that's fine!
ARANEA: Really, I'm quite pleased that you did.
ARANEA: This way I get to start over from the 8eginning!
ARANEA: There were some rough patches in my original telling which I can go 8ack and fix.
ARANEA: This time it will 8e much 8etter!
JOHN: ok.
JOHN: what's the story about?
ARANEA: It is a tale a8out a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s.
ARANEA: Let us 8egin.
ARANEA: Once upon a time........
ARANEA: There was a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s!
MEENAH: aranea i thought you said youd fix the shitty parts of the story
MEENAH: you started with that crappy line the first time too
ARANEA: The opening line is fine!
MEENAH: its aight i guess
MEENAH: knot
ARANEA: Oh shut up and let me tell my story.
ARANEA: Now where was I?
JOHN: there was a very mysterious alien race called cherubs.
ARANEA: Right.
ARANEA: There was a very mysterious alien race called cheru8s.
ARANEA: 8ut there was one cheru8 in particular who, for at least the first half of our story, will 8e our heroine.
ARANEA: She spent eons roaming her galaxy, completely alone. 8ut the time had come for her to find a m8.
This is no small task for a cheru8. 8eing an asocial species, they spend virtually no time in each other's presence at all. Aside from when it is time to m8, they may go their entire lives without encountering another. And so they scatter their num8ers throughout space, each staking a territory spanning many lightyears.
8ut like a predator is a8le to track the scent of its prey, a cheru8 can sense the presence of another near8y. This sense is especially strong if that cheru8 shares the same qualities its other half once had long ago, 8efore it experienced the matur8tion process known as predomin8tion.
You see, when a young cheru8 hatches, it would appear that only one creature has 8egun its life. 8ut the appearance is not to 8e trusted. The young cheru8 actually consists of two completely distinct 8eings, a male and a female each sharing one 8ody. The two halves are endowed with polar opposite predispositions as well. One predisposed toward malevolence, another toward 8enevolence. Good or evil, if you prefer to deal in simplistic terms, or at least those which are convenient for the sake of this story! I prefer to view the dichotomy as a kind of moral alignment, like an attri8ute that dict8tes the choices a character makes in certain types of games I used to play. The male and female halves can 8e aligned either way, as long as they differ from each other. The resulting conflict 8etween the two personalities is central to life as a cheru8, 8oth 8efore and after predomin8tion.
Shortly after hatching, the two halves 8egin vacill8ting, taking turns controlling the 8ody. The only physical differenti8tion 8etween the two is the color8tion of their cheek swirls, which indic8tes alignment. There is otherwise no way to tell male and female apart 8efore a cheru8 predomin8tes. The vacill8tion process is demarc8ted 8y sleep. When the male goes to sleep, the female wakes up. And when the male wakes up, again the female sleeps. And so it goes, 8ack and forth like this, as the two identities vie for dominance over the other, and ultim8tely, permanent control over the 8ody. They grow to detest one another, and develop a view of social interaction centered entirely around animosity and confront8tion. For good cheru8s, this readies them for a long life of isol8tion, as they will prefer to avoid the sort of conflict that comes with social interaction as they have 8een conditioned to understand it. 8ut for evil ones, the contentious up8ringing only serves to fuel their inclin8tion to harm others.
And though this duality makes for a tormented childhood, the inner conflict it cre8tes is an extremely important part of a young cheru8's life. The defining part, actually. It is the struggle a cheru8 must overcome to mature, and this process culmin8tes in predomin8tion.
One half will prove to have a stronger will than the other. The less dominant half will then weaken over time, and it will eventually 8ecome clear to 8oth that one will not survive. The dominant personality will then completely consume the other, integr8ting it in such a way that only one is left. The cheeks will 8ecome solidly colored, and the cheru8 will grow to maturity as a single 8eing, endowed with the alignment of the dominant half, and with all his or her personal qualities at the forefront of the union.
In the case of our heroine, she was the good half, and the day of her predomin8tion was in a sense the day her 8rother died. And though it was to her 8enefit and personal growth, 8ecause of this loss she would always live with a sense that something was missing. Every sexually mature cheru8 lives with this feeling. It drives them to seek out another cheru8 similar to the half they lost, the part of their 8eing which they grew up in perpetual conflict with. The desire to travel the universe in hopes of reigniting that conflict is very important to their species. It's the force which compels them to procre8.
So she set out to track his scent, as it were. And soon, she found a physical trail as well. A path of carnage left 8ehind 8y a particularly destructive male cheru8. She followed the de8ris from civilized worlds and star systems he left 8ehind, as if to mock her, to make it clear he knew of her pursuit and was all 8ut paving her way with the dead. His 8rutality made her more furious, thus setting the mood, so to speak, for their imminent courtship.
A cheru8 of his alignment is seemingly motiv8ted 8y little other than to conquer and destroy. From a 8ioexistential perspective, they 8ehave somewhat like viruses attacking the system from within. 8ut as with all sym8iotic organisms living within a universe, there are 8alancing factors. While those inha8iting an evil cheru8's territory will regard it as an unpredicta8le tyrant, those in the territory of a good cheru8 will likely come to view it as a protector, waiting quietly for millenia in deep space, ready to attack any encroaching threat. In that sense, they are not unlike cells in a universal immune system.
This 8alance of forces allows sta8ility, such that life and new civiliz8tions can 8lossom and thrive within a universe, thus assuring the possi8ility of its own ela8orate procre8tion process. 8ut if that 8alance was ever distur8ed, it would lead to chaos in that 8iosystem. The universe could not survive for long. And if 8y some means a cheru8 with such destructive tendencies were to achieve unprecedented power, the resulting im8alance would 8e catastrophic for paradox space itself. And though the heroine of our story could have no way of knowing, this is exactly what would result from the pursuit of her kismesis.
Like humans, cheru8s perceive romance through only one quadrant. Unlike humans, their rel8tionships are exclusively 8lack. 8ut their m8ting ritual is much more violent than any practice trolls would, or even physically could engage in. And though it is critical to the perpetu8tion of their race, the confront8tions can sometimes 8e lethal to one or 8oth cheru8s. Regardless of the outcome, the stakes are always high. The winner of the duel will assume control of the other's territory, while the loser will slink away to 8ear the offspring. So as she toured the planetary wreckage, she knew her quest for a m8 was not just a8out the propag8tion of her species, 8ut the li8er8tion of 8illions from a monster.
She pursued him for many sweeps with mounting o8session, until one day the trail came to an end at a 8lack hole. Cheru8s typically seek out 8lack holes as the setting for their m8ting ritual. 8ut not any 8lack hole. Once long ago it was a star, and circling that star was a planet. That planet was home to one of the presently sparring cheru8s. The male in this case returned to the site of his hatching to m8, a loc8tion now conspicuously occupied 8y a truly massive 8lack hole.
This was where she found him. And this was where they would duel.
While an adult cheru8 is a fearsome creature, and would 8e a formida8le opponent to anyone in its unaltered st8, this is not the form in which they do 8attle with each other. The ritual is more extreme and physically demanding than any other kind of courtship or duel in the universe. The moment they meet, they will 8oth undergo a dramatic metamorphosis.
The m8tes will then duel as two vast frightening serpents, each an astronomical unit in length.
The tangled struggle 8etween the green aus is exceedingly 8rutal and can last for sweeps. While dueling in such a monstrous form, their energy is inexhausti8le. The transform8tion taps into the cheru8s' latent connection with the enigmatic forces presiding over all that is eternal, and perme8ting all those endowed with immortality. Normally this power is only accessi8le to them during m8ting. In this form, they are only a8le to 8e injured 8y one another, and are otherwise indestructi8le. Hence the ritual can never 8e stopped 8y an outside force until it is complete.
It should come as no surprise that in this story our heroine was victorious. Upon defeating her m8 she initi8ted the interlocking form8tion to complete the coupling, while assuming the dominant position, a stance undetecta8le to all 8ut the most astute o8servers of the zoologically du8ious. Consequently, the male was fertilized with the young.
He then slithered away in disgrace from the territory he'd just lost. A cheru8 looking to nest will search for a dead planet situ8ted near a massive dying star. The egg is deposited on the planet's surface, and the rising temperature from the expanding red giant will incu88 the egg until it is ready to hatch. Later in life, the cheru8 will grow wings, assuming it has matured properly. And if it has learned to fly well enough to reach a safe distance from the nest 8efore the star goes supernova, soon the hungry cheru8 will return and feast on the resulting stellar energy. Doing so allows it to gain enough strength to travel gr8 distances, and claim its own territory. The star will then collapse into a 8lack hole, serving as a distinct gravit8tional 8eacon to the cheru8 l8ter in life, so it may return there to m8.
As it happens, our heroine's m8 discovered Earth, long after it had journeyed to a new sun, and long since new civiliz8tions had risen and fallen. Now on the 8rink of destruction from its dying star, its 8arren accommod8tions were ideal for a young cheru8. There he deposited his single egg and flew away, never to return. No cheru8 ever spawns more than one offspring at a time, for it is every cheru8's destiny to grow up alone. Or alone on the outside, at least.
From that egg hatched one very special cheru8 with two names - one that few will ever know, and one that few should ever say. A fascin8ting thing a8out cheru8 reproduction is how the parent's alignment is passed on to the young. If the male lays the egg, the alignments of the child's two halves will 8e the same as the parents. If the female lays the egg, the alignments will 8e flipped, and the young male and female halves will 8e endowed with opposite alignments of the parents. As such, the male half took after his father. Perhaps the son even exceeded him in violent tendencies. It is hard to imagine there has ever 8een a cheru8 more willfully destructive or as stu88ornly dedic8ted to conquest than the monstrosity he would grow up to 8ecome.
Due to his indomita8le nature, I 8elieve victory over his sister was a foregone conclusion. 8arring a highly impro8a8le glitch in causality, it would 8e almost impossi8le for her to predomin8te over someone like him. And even so, he didn't have the patience to w8. Unfortun8tely for everyone to ever exist, he discovered a way to predomin8te early. Yet it was not this act alone that would prove ominous, so much as the means through which it was achieved. He was allowed to 8ecome the solo player of a game which his kind was never meant to play.
And so, it is with the predomin8tion of her son that our heroine's story ends, and the story of our villain 8egins.
ARANEA: Hey!!!!!!!!
ARANEA: Meenah, where are you going?
MEENAH: im takin a gaper break
ARANEA: 8ut the story isn't over yet!
MEENAH: girl your stories never end my bladder cant even deal
MEENAH: just keep talking while im gone
ARANEA: No, that's ok. We can w8!
MEENAH: i already heard the damn story though!
ARANEA: Not all of it!
MEENAH: glubber fuck cant you just keep yappin about snake sex while i hit the lil grubs room already
ARANEA: I'm afraid not. Everyone must listen to the full story.
MEENAH: omfg
MEENAH: you really are turnin evil arent ya
MEENAH: i would be proud except of how terrible and boring the actual consequences are for me personally
JOHN: wait...
JOHN: does that mean when you're a ghost you still have to pee?
MEENAH: none a your business blue kid
JOHN: that's so weird.
JOHN: am i the only one who thinks that's weird?
VRISKA: No, John. It's definitely pretty weird that ghosts have to pee.
VRISKA: You get used to life as a ghost pretty fast, though.
JOHN: but weren't you already pretty used to peeing when you were alive?
VRISKA: Yeah. That's why you get used to it pretty fast, dummy!
JOHN: this is kind of a stupid conversation.
JOHN: can we hear more about the snakes and whatnot? it was a pretty cool story.
ARANEA: Yes! ::::D
ARANEA: As soon as Meenah returns from her visit to the load gaper.
ARANEA: I think we could all stand to take a 8rief intermission from the story regardless, to let all these intriguing facts a8out cheru8s sink in.
MEENAH: you and your intermissions
MEENAH: what is with your intermissions they aint even intermissions most of the time
MEENAH: they just an excuse to tell another dumb story inside a longer dumb story
ARANEA: Yes, Meenah. You are correct, and your reserv8tions are noted.
ARANEA: However, would it change your mind if I were to propose not an intermission, 8ut........
ARANEA: An interfishin?
ARANEA: ;;;;)
MEENAH: fine
MEENAH: lets do the interfishin thing you said
MEENAH: cuz of fish
MEENAH: brb u scrubs
#homestuck#meenah peixes#aranea serket#vriska serket#john egbert#tavros nitram#aradia medigo#sollux captor#homestuck act 6#page 5951#page 5952#page 5953#page 5954#page 5955#page 5956#page 5957#page 5958#page 5959#page 5960#page 5961#page 5062#page 5963#page 5964#page 5965#page 5966#page 5967#page 5968#page 5969#page 5970#page 5971
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can you rip john from page 5960?
From what I can tell that rip is just this rip without the open mouth and less artifacted. Instead of spending 20 minutes on that, I'm just gonna save myself some time and give this version to you. Hope you enjoy!
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Hello guys and rc cars fans we want show together with Gpm Racing something really cool for tekno rc cars
Code how can find this parts easily on GPM website : MT2022-B
Price : $30.90
Colors :
Weight 68g
Info about parts :
Packaging Includes:
Rear Hubs
Ball Bearing 6x15x5
Original Name / Part No:
Part location:
outside rear arm
Does this product replace a specific part or function:
Product major functions & usage:
stabilize universal joint and bearing
Major advantages of upgrading to this part/product:
(1) Material upgrade to 7075 alloy
(2) Precise bearing position and enlarged bearing make CVD rotation more stable and smooth.
(3) three different holes in upper part of the knuckle arms allow tyre angle to be freely adjusted
Suitable Model:
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The warranty also applies to products that are purchased on the ebay platform. However, we strongly recommend ordering parts from the official website. Then you are sure that you will receive original GPM Racing parts. I hope I have explained it sufficiently, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. If possible please always order from www.gpmracing.com.hk/en
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gpmracing1st
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Five steps of Wikipedia for Sunday, 4th February 2024
Welcome, أهلا بك (ahlan bika), vitajte, croeso 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Sanaa Shebbani" to ".ao". 🪜👣
Start page 👣🏁: Sanaa Shebbani "Sanaa Shebbani (Arabic: سناء شباني) is a Lebanese children's writer and translator. She wrote one play and has published more than 90 children's books. In 2010, UNESCO, Regional Bureau, Beirut, published her story book for youth " Hatta Ankoulouka Ila Alami" as she was chosen after attending a..."
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Lebanese American University "The Lebanese American University (LAU; Arabic: الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية) is a secular private American university in Lebanon. It is chartered by the board of regents of the University of the State of New York and is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE). It has two..."
Step 2️⃣ 👣: Lebanon "Lebanon ( LEB-ə-non, -nən; Arabic: لُبْنَان Lubnān pronounced [lɪbˈneːn]), officially the Republic of Lebanon, is a country in the Levant region of West Asia. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east, by Israel to the south, and by the Mediterranean Sea to the west; Cyprus lies a short..."
Image by Traced based on the CIA World Factbook with some modification done to the colours based on information at Vexilla mundi.
Step 3️⃣ 👣: .lb ".lb is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Lebanon. ..."
Image by LBDR LLC
Step 4️⃣ 👣: .af ".af is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Afghanistan. It is administered by AFGNIC, a service of the UNDP. As of 26 August 2020, .af was used by 5960 domains.Registration is made directly at the second level, or on the third level beneath various categorized subdomains at the..."
Image by Ministry of Communication of Afghanistan
Step 5️⃣ 👣: .ao ".ao is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Angola. It was originally administered by the college of engineering of the University of Agostinho Neto before being redelegated to the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies. ..."
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FLOW GLAZE CERAMIC SUCCULENT FLOWER POT: 35% OFF! Searching for the perfect Flow Glaze Ceramic Succulent Flower Pot? Take a look at our curated selection of products -- and purchase for 35% off. Inventory is running low, so act fast. Our store guarantees quality and a selection like no other -- all with a 100% satisfaction policy. So, ADD TO CART now! FLOW GLAZE CERAMIC SUCCULENT FLOWER POT DETAILS Material: Ceramic As you can see, we offer you a high-quality item for a decent price. Moreover, it'll become yours for only $21.98, so grab it before we run out of stock! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Does this item meet manufacturing standards of the industry? We work with serious manufacturers. Therefore, we can assure you that when purchasing our Flow Glaze Ceramic Succulent Flower Pot, you get a product that meets all the manufacturing standards in this niche. I got a question about the Color. Is this all the options I have? You can see all the available variations of our Flow Glaze Ceramic Succulent Flower Pot on the product page. However, before confirming your order, make sure to double check it. The price is lower than I expected. What’s the catch? We work directly with the suppliers. Thus, we are able to cut down the expenses on logistics. Will I have to pay extra fees when buying your Green Plants Bonsai Pot? When placing an order, you can see the final price. After that, no extra fees are necessary. Which advantages did your previous customers indicate in this product? Customers stay satisfied with our Green Plants Bonsai Pot and remark on its exceptional quality and catchy design. So don't hesitate when ordering! I hope you allow your clients to leave reviews of your products. We respect our customers’ opinions. Therefore, feel free to share your experience to help us get better. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Is it necessary to use the address of my residence for shipment? Can I order it for my friend? Glad to inform you that it’s of no importance to us where and to whom to send the package. Therefore, you can freely indicate an address different from your place of living. Can I buy several different products in one order? Please, order as many products as you want because there are no limitations. How can I get in touch with you to learn more? Feel free to contact our Support team with any query you have: just use the contact details listed at the bottom of the page. OMG! I've placed an order, but I think i’ve picked the wrong color! What do I do? You just need to let our support team know about the problem, so that they could change or cancel your order. Can I find the same Green Plants Bonsai Pot in a regular store? You might see similar items in regular stores, but the price will most likely be higher than ours. Ok, I really like the Flow Glaze Ceramic Succulent Flower Pot, but can you prove your shop is real? Check out our refund policy, payment methods, shipping and delivery terms, and you will certainly see that you can trust us. In addition, don’t forget to read the previous buyers’ feedback! https://just6f.com/fashion-ins-flow-glaze-ceramic-succulent-flower-pot-creative-green-plants-bonsai-pot-with-tray-balcony-home-gardening/?feed_id=5960&_unique_id=652e5547d19d9
0 notes
Writing Side of Things
So the funniest thing about writing A Voyage Out to Sea is sometimes having to skip the Grillby parts of the chapter because he goes into monologues so effortlessly! So I skip that and come back once the chapter is fleshed out enough that I know he’s not going to derail me. It’s fun and keeps writing it interesting.
That being said next chapter is going to be a long one. It’s 13 pages (5960 words) and I’m just now getting to the Swap!by part of the chapter ^^’
#writing side of things#swap!by being himself#he is a blessing and a curse#a Voyage out to Sea#swap!by
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How old are each of the freelance good guys canonically?
This answer is a little complicated, since the series takes place over the course of many years. If you want to find out how old they are story-by-story, you'll have to do some math. Just subtract their birth year from the current year and that will tell you their age. Their birthdays are listed on each of their profile pages on the masterpost.
Below I will list their birthdays and what age they are as of the latest story "As Nature Intended" (which takes place in Autumn, 6008)
Evan: Spring, 5967 (41)
Lukas: Summer, 5965 (43)
Glenvar: Winter, 5978 (29)
Alaine: Autumn, 5976 (32)
Jeimos: Summer, 5930 (78)
Isaac: Summer, 5990 (18)
Balthazaar: Winter, 5962 (45)
Linde: Summer, 5960 (48)
Skel: Autumn, 5961 (47)
Javaan: Spring, 5966 (42)
Elska: Autumn, 5982 (26)
Mr. Ocean: Summer, 4904 (1,104)
Zeffer: Spring, 5964 (44)
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Ikemen Revolution: Alternate Ending (Kyle Ash)
One-Shot Statictis: Pages: 3 Word Count: 1061 Characters: 5960 Characters (without spaces): 4934
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution Characters: Lancelot Kingsley, Kyle Ash, Ray Blackwell, Amon Jabberwock, Alice the Second Pairings: Kyle Ash/Main Character Summary: The duty of a doctor is to save lives, but the duty of the Seven of Hearts was to save every life that was threatened by a grievous injury. However, when Cradle’s biggest threat faced the country’s greatest saviour, he couldn’t allow the good doctor to breath another saving grace...
Notes: SPOILERS!This is an alternate universe ending based on Kyle’s main route. If you don’t want the main points of Kyle’s route being spoiled, don’t read this. I highly recommend downloading the game if you already haven’t and experiencing Kyle’s route for yourself.
“The fighting has lasted for days now. But the number of patients we’re getting is steadily decreasing.” Kyle explained.
“Yes, and their injuries have been getting less severe.” Alice agreed, smiling happily, knowing that the strategy was working. She hoped that everything was going to go according to plan and that they didn’t have to make any sacrifices.
Just then, two flustered soldiers came stumbling into the tent.
“Everyone, listen up!” The one clad in crismon announced, pushing ahead of the Black soldier accompanying him.
“The battle is over! Victory is ours!” The Black soldier called through the wounded, causing Alice to gasp in shock.
“Really?” Kyle asked from his place in the back of the tent. As relief washed over her, and her heart became so light she wanted to jump for joy, but the soldiers who had given the report remained solemn.
“But we can’t drop our guard yet. When we got word of our victory, we also heard-- someone has been gravely wounded at the top of the Magic Tower.” The Red soldier reported.
“There’s a serious injury?” Kyle tried to confirm, all wound up to get the equipment he needed and get to the patient as quickly as possible.
“Is it Lancelot or Ray?” Alice asked, knowing they were leading the charge against Amon.
“I don’t know. Things are still pretty chaotic there, so we weren’t able to get any details.” He frowned, wishing he could have been more helpful, but regardless, if someone was suffering, they had to do something about it.
“Yes. It doesn’t matter who the patient is--” grabbing his medical bag, Kyle headed for the exit. “Let’s go, Alice.”
“Right behind you!” She smiled, stepping closer as it to prove her point.
The two soldiers led them to the top of the tower, where they found evidence of an intense battle. Lancelot and the rest were able to defeat so many opponents. The marble floor was littered with immobilized Disciples wearing robes. Two men were still in the process of tying them up to make sure they couldn’t escape.
“Alice, Kyle--” Ray gasped, clearly surprised to see them.
“What are you two doing here?” Lancelot asked with the same curiosity.
“Ray! Lancelot!” Alice smiled, happy they were both okay. She breathed a sigh of relief and ran up to them. It was clear they both took a few hits, but it was nothing too serious.
“We heard someone was gravely wounded. Where are they?” Kyle pressed, fully away from the severity of the situation.
“Someone who’s gravely wounded?” Lancelot questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. He shared a tense look with Ray, who hummed thoughtfully. “I think they must mean him.” They followed Lancelot’s gaze to the center of the room, where someone was sprawled face-down on the floor, a pool of blood spread all around him. “That’s the leader of the Magic Tower, Amon Jabberwock.”
“I see. So that’s how it is.” Kyle spoke shortly, gazing at his patient, and when Kyle went to his side, Amon’s eyes fluttered open.
“Uh--” he groaned. His heavy, purple robes and his fine, silvery hair were soaked with blood, and there was a look of anguish on his face.
“He’s lost too much blood. If we don’t do something immediately, he won’t stand a chance.” Kyle assessed. “Alice.”
“Yes?” She questioned, crouching down beside the Good Doctor, who was just about to open his medical bag when--
“Don’t touch me.” Amon hissed. His breathing was ragged, but he still managed to glare up at Kyle. “If I can’t create my ideal world, then there’s no point in living. I don’t need your pity or your charity.”
“How dare you.” Kyle snapped back. “You need to survive so you can be punished for your crimes.” The doctor gave the man a scowl. “I don’t care if you’re the enemy, I won’t have you dying on me, you fool!”
“Hah. You’re the fool.” Amon scoffed. “Do you really enjoy tying your own noose? If I survive this, I promise I will destory everything with my own two hands.”
“That’s tough talk for someone who can’t even lift a finger at the moment.” Speaking in an unconcerned tone, Kyle continued his treatment,
“What an ironic occupation being a doctor is.” Amon’s sneer was as sharp as a knife. “By saving me, you ensure that others will die by my hand in the future.”
“Mm--” Kyle’s hands froze. His eyes wavered with indecision as he looked at Amon. Amon had already stolen countless lives, and as Alice imagined those same tragedies repeating, anger and sorrow bubbled up inside of her. Many tragedies had transpired, but she had seen Kyle perform just as many miracles. Without a word, she placed her hand on Kyle’s back. “Alice--”
“Don’t worry, Kyle. You haven’t done anything wrong. No matter what you decide, you have my support. Just continue following the path you believe in,” She gazed at Kyle reassuringly, hoping he could sense her faith in him. He sat in silence for a moment, until finally nodding.
“You’re right. Thanks.” Pressing his lips together, he let out a shallow breath.
However, the rest of the air in his lungs choked out with a flurry of blood, His hand gripped the hilt of the dagger that had been plunged into his side, and he looked down before slipping back, quickly losing strength. He could feel Alice at his side, but it was the call of his old comrade that deafened his ears.
Ray, overcome with rage, gave up on Amon, driving his sword into the tyrannt’s chest one last time, twisting it mercilessly just as Lancelot collapsed by his old friend.
But it was already too late. No matter Lancelot’s efforts to remove the dagger from his body, no matter the pressure he applied to the wound, no matter the begs he whispered in Kyle’s ear for him to hold on...
It was just too late...
There were many more soldiers with permanent or long-term injuries that day, but nothing could compare to the ache in their hearts that yearned for the gentle touch of the Hungover Doctor, and his goofy smile that no one could help but return.
And, deep in the Red Territory, a lonely, drunk man mourned the death of his second and last son, forced to bury his child once more...
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The Heart of our Galaxy [OC] [4070 x 5960] http://bit.ly/2HodRND
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Canon imageclass mf6530 toner cartridge
Our toner cartridges are precisely engineered with brand new parts at our manufacturing facility to ensure the same print quality as OEM cartridges. imageCLASS MF-6180DW BLACK Refill Kits: Each kit includes toner plus all refill tools and instructions needed to easily refill your 3479B001 (Canon-119) cartridge Single Refill Kit-25.95 This kit contains 120 grams of black toner powder (1 refill), one replacement chip plus all refill tools and instructions. We specialize in providing toner cartridges for any Canon printer. This leads me to believe that something is causing the issue on the internal track/lock mechanisms at the Magenta cartridge stage.🖨 Canon ImageCLASS MF-4420W Laser Toner '}įunction addLoadEvent(e)ĮlById("notify"+r)&(y=elById("notify"+r),y.innerHTML=""),o. is proud to offer wallet friendly prices on high quality toner cartridges for Canon ImageCLASS MF4270 printer. Buy Ang 337 Toner Cartridge for Canon ImageClass MF244dw Black Ink Toner only for Rs. With the magena cartige in place but no yellow cartrige it will close 3/4 of the way. Open the cartridge over a sink or garbage can to avoid any messes in case of a powder leak as sometimes, factories tend to overfill toner cartridges.
Our courteous customer service representatives will provide every customer with professional and patient assistance for the Canon ImageClass MF6530 compatible toner cartridges. We offer a one year quality warranty on our Canon ImageClass MF6530 compatible toner cartridges. With the yellow cartridge in place It will only close 1/2 of the way. Get your new CompAndSave Canon imageCLASS MF642Cdw toner cartridge and gently shake the toner sideways for about 5-6 times before opening it from the package. Purchase Canon ImageClass MF6530 Compatible Toner Cartridges from Toneronline.ca. Without them the drawer rolls all the way in. It's like they are catching on something and not allowing the drawer do roll all the way in. Now I'm having the issue of not being able to slide the drawer all the way back in if I have the Magenta or Yellow toner cartrideges inserted. Print Star Canon 3010 Compatible Toner Cartridge for Canon MF3010, MF 3010 Monochrome Multi-Function Laser Printer (Pack of 1) 173 569.00 569. Nice 337 Black Toner Cartridge Compatible for Can.
MTI printing products are ISO 9001 certified, ensuring that page yield and print quality match. Save up to 70 with Remanufactured Toner: Lowest Priced Remanufactured Toner: Page Yield Meets Or Beats Originals: 2 Year Satisfaction Guarantee : Genuine Toner: Our Toner: Select: View Details: 106 (FX11) toner cartridge: 197.95: 98. Canon 3479B001AA MICR Toner Cartridge for check printing, designed for Canon ImageClass LBP6300/6650/6670, MF5850/5880/5950/5960 printers. Canon ImageClass MF6530 Toner Cartridges. Available Offers (2) Instantly Save 10 off 2, 15 off 3 or 20 off 4 imageCLASS Toners. I was also able to remove the envelpoe that cause the paper jam that set about this whole mess. Canon CRG-119/ 3479B001AA Compatible MICR Toner Cartridge. imageCLASS Cartridge 046 Black High Capacity. I was able to gently press the black plastic piece into its housing and that gave me the clearance to reinsert the white plastic peg. UPDATE: I was able to get the drawer to open-The hinge had come out of the mechanism on the lefthand side of the printer and wouldn't disengage the release mechanism for the toner cartridge drawer.
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Ideal senior home care East Liverpool OH
Respite care is service we offer to families that are solely responsible for the care of their loved one. Call Us: (330) 385-5960 #seniorhomecareEastLiverpoolOH
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Five steps of Wikipedia for Wednesday, 31st January 2024
Welcome, ողջու՜յն (voġčuyn), fàilte, tervetuloa 🤗 Five steps of Wikipedia from "Eugene Sverdlov" to ".af". 🪜👣
Start page 👣🏁: Eugene Sverdlov "Eugene Davidovich Sverdlov (Russian: Евгений Давидович Свердлов; born November 16, 1938, in Dnepropetrovsk) is a Russian biochemist, Doctor of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1997), Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (since 1991),..."
Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by Пресс-служба Президента Российской Федерации
Step 1️⃣ 👣: Candidate of Sciences "A Candidate of Sciences or Candidate of Science (Russian: кандидат наук, romanized: kandidat nauk, Ukrainian: кандидат наук, romanized: kandydat nauk, Belarusian: кандыдат навук, romanized: kandydat navuk) is the first of two doctoral level scientific degrees in Russia and some of the Commonwealth..."
Image by AnonymousUnknown author
Step 2️⃣ 👣: Commonwealth of Independent States "The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional intergovernmental organization in Eurasia. It was formed following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. It covers an area of 20,368,759 km2 (7,864,422 sq mi) and has an estimated population of 239,796,010. The CIS encourages..."
Image by The original uploader was Denelson83 at Wikimedia Commons. Redrawn from scratch by MapGrid in 2021.
Step 3️⃣ 👣: .md ".md is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Moldova introduced on March 24, 1994. The price of domain registration is 450 lei or US$39 (including VAT) per year. The TLD is currently administered by STISC (Service for Information Technology and Cyber Security); before being merged..."
Image by Serviciul Tehnologia Informației și Securitate Cibernetică
Step 4️⃣ 👣: .an ".an was the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the former Netherlands Antilles. It was administered by the University of the Netherlands Antilles. The domain was phased out after the Netherlands Antilles were dissolved in 2010. As of November 2010 the .an domain remained live with..."
Step 5️⃣ 👣: .af ".af is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Afghanistan. It is administered by AFGNIC, a service of the UNDP. As of 26 August 2020, .af was used by 5960 domains.Registration is made directly at the second level, or on the third level beneath various categorized subdomains at the..."
Image by Ministry of Communication of Afghanistan
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Local Magic Review – Alert ! Should AVOID
Welcome to my Local Magic Review. First let me ask you a question. Why you’ve come to read Local Magic Review ? May be you have received high promising email promotions from multiple affiliate marketers. Or may be Facebook Ads or you are Warrior+Plus member, right ?
It doesn’t matter why you come to read Local Magic Review, It’s sure that you want to know that is Local Magic suitable for you or not ?
Is Local Magic worth to buy or not ? Does Local Magic Works as they are claiming ?
I have been finding more about Local Magic and now I’m ready to share !
Before I start !
If you’re tired of junk and not working products/systems and want a REAL solution for making money online, check out my no 1 proven recommendation.
It’s helped me to change my life, I have made $5960 in my first 30 days and making $10,000/monthnow with this proven strategy. I will share everything with YOU !
Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online
Local Magic is launched by Art Flair on Warrior+Plus Marketplace. It’s launched on 28th August. And it’s front end price is $16.95 to $19.95. Its basically software product with training.
Local Magic promises to solve traffic problem for anyone ! They claim as their software can find leads for you ! They also claim that they provide DFY tools and training ! This software is client getting package.
As we know traffic is the most need thing in internet marketing. Without traffic no affiliate marketer can survive. This is true. But Can Local Magic can give you that solution.
TRUE to say, there is no magic ! There’s no magic exists ! You have to build your traffic or you have to pay for traffic.
These are TWO universal truth. Accept it or not !
So, without falling in greed , try my no 1 recommended system to build a REAL online business in REAL World.
How It Works – Does It Really Work ?
So, what local magic offers :
According Local Magic :
It includes a 1-Click Lead Finding Software
It includes a DFY System for converting leads into paying clients
It includes a Premium Marketing Package to sell
No headaches – everything is 100% Done-For-You – just Copy & Paste
It guarantees Happy Clients – over & over again
But in real world, thing not like this fancy words and false promising !
Don’t worry ! I am not saying these without any explanations. Let me explain !
So, you now know that Local Magic has a software and 10 step video.
Now see their video titles in 10 steps process. You will understand how it will work and how this software will give you leads and clients in 1 CLICK ?
So here you are seeing that :
Step -1 : Finding your niche .
Step -2 : Fine Tune your niche.
Step -3 : Create a product or service —– You need to create products or services, understand ?
Step – 4 : Video marketing services
Step – 5 : Pricing your product or services
Step – 6 : Building your brand —– even you need to build your brand.
Step – 7 : Creating reference materials —– what if you are newbie or don’t know these stuffs ?
Step – 8 : Setting up appointments —- you need to be fixed by time – not free anymore !
Step – 9 : Schedule meeting with client — and you need to have client meeting for getting client , what ??
So, these are the training steps involved in the members area.
So, how they can call it newbie friendly and 1 click leads/client getting software ?
A BIG false promises. Don’t fall for it !
Go to see my no 1 recommendation to start a solid business if you are total newbie
Local Review Features – As per their claimed :
Use their 1-Click Lead Finding Software to find potential clients in minutes
Their Done For You System converts these leads into paying clients
Offer a unique, proven, premium video service that every single business out there wants and needs
Charge up to $1,000 per client
Rinse & Repeat
They claimed on sales page as using their 2 steps , anyone can solve problems :
Step – 1 :
They created a 1-Click Lead Finding Software, which finds hordes of potential clients in minutes – it’s 100% DONE FOR YOU.
This eliminates HOURS of manual work – trying to use Google and/or social media to find potential clients – and most importantly, it’s BATTLE TESTED & highly optimized.
Step – 2 :
They have created the ULTIMATE & PROVEN TO SELL Video Marketing Package that clients pay up to $1,000 for and then thank you for it! With it you’ll be able to deliver Massive Value to every single new client you get.
Step 2 is all about DELIVERING MASSIVE RESULTS for your clients.
But with my breakdown of their video training you know that these are not true at all !
So, without wasting time, go to see my no 1 recommendation to minimize your error.
What You will get inside Local Magic Members area :
DFY 1-Click Lead Finding Software
The software we created generates dozens of leads in minutes that you can potentially turn into clients paying up to $1,000 a pop. It saves you hours of work and provides the best pre-qualified leads you can find online. It’s like having a full time employee finding new leads for your business – only without the cost and without the headaches.
DFY System For Turning Leads Into Paying Clients ($1,000 a pop)
Our PROVEN TO WORK system for converting freshly found leads into clients that will gladly pay you up to $1,000 and then will thank you for it. Having the leads to sell to is one thing – being able to actually close the deal is another and we solved both of these problems for you.
DFY Premium Video Service to deliver Massive Value
You have the leads, you know how to convert them into buyers – now you need a High Quality Service you can deliver to them – and that’s exactly what we’re providing you with. A Premium Video Marketing Service any Online or Offline Business Owner needs.
Step-by-Step Video Training
We’re including all the video training you’ll need to start using the software, to know what to do with the new leads, to deliver the service to new clients and even how to outsource it all. It’s all in there!
Here’s again problem arises !
To get DFY packages, you have to upgrade or buy OTO’s /up sells .
OTO 1 – Value $37
OTO 2 – Value $29.95- $39.95
OTO 3 – Value $1 Trial
OTO 4 – Value $67
OTO 5 – Value $147
And all with these , you will be in stuck ! If you have read this honest Local Magic Review from the first, you should now clearly understand that this is not going to work !
So, If you’re tired of junk and not working products/systems and want a REAL solution for making money online, check out my no 1 proven recommendation.
0 notes
Shortwave Radiogram, 7-12 April 2022: With another reason Greece should stay on shortwave
If you have not done so already, please note the new transmission schedule of Shortwave Radiogram, which is listed below. We are no longer broadcasting Saturday 1330-1400 UTC. And the "red-eye" show has been moved from Sunday to Monday, same time, 0800-0830 UTC, on 5850 and (recently changed) 7780 kHz. The Sunday 2330-2400 broadcast has changed from 7780 to 7730 kHz. Many shortwave listeners are familiar with the Voice of Greece. We usually receive a good signal here in North America on 9420 kHz, with programming that includes very nice Greek music. Greek public radio broadcaster ERT had made the decision to close the shortwave service on March 31. However, "at the request of the Ministry of Defense, the Avlida shortwave broadcast centre will remain active until May 31, when re-evaluating the conditions for further continuation or not of its operation." Those "conditions" may be related to events in Ukraine, where the invasion is disrupting the internet, and in Russia, where many Western online news sites and platforms have been blocked or restricted. This weekend on Shortwave Radiogram, we will provide the Greek Ministry of Defense a factor to consider in its evaluation of shortwave. We will transmit an excerpt of a press release in Greek from the Ministry of Defense, along with an accompanying photo. Text and images are the main components of a web page, but in this case they will be sent with no help from the internet. (If Fldigi displays rectangles instead of Greek characters, copy those rectangles to a word processor, and they might display correctly.) There is no video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (there was no adequate reception in Toronto for Scott, our primary videographer.) The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is prepared by Roger in Germany. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 251, 7-12 April 2022, in MFSK modes as noted: 1:38 MFSK32: Program preview 2:45 MFSK32: Greek Defense Minister meets US diplomat (Greek)* 10:29 MFSK64: Solar cells that also work at night 12:50 MFSK64: This week's images* 28:44 MFSK32: Closing announcements * with image(s) Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners' results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
Shortwave Radiogram Transmission Schedule
| UTC Day | UTC Time | Frequency | Transmitter | |----------|---------------|------------------|-------------------| | Thursday | 2330-2400 UTC | 9265 kHz | WINB Pennsylvania | | Friday | 1300-1330 UTC | 15770 kHz | WRMI Florida | | Friday | 1500-1530 UTC | 15750 kHz DRM | WINB Pennsylvania | | Saturday | 0230-0300 UTC | 9265 kHz | WINB Pennsylvania | | Sunday | 2330-2400 UTC | 7730 kHz | WRMI Florida | | Monday | 0800-0830 UTC | 5850 7780 kHz | WRMI Florida | | Tuesday | 1430-1500 UTC | 9955 kHz | WRMI Florida |
The Mighty KBC transmits to North America Sundays at 0000-0200 UTC (Saturday 8-10 pm EDT) on 5960 kHz, via Germany. A minute of MFSK is at about 0130 UTC. Reports to Eric: [email protected] . See also http://www.kbcradio.eu/ and https://www.facebook.com/TheMightyKbc/. “This is a Music Show” Most of the show is a music show, but the host transmits some MFSK-64 text and image near the end of the broadcast. It’s transmitted on WRMI, Thursdays at 0200-0300 UTC on 5850 kHz (Wednesday evening in the Americas). Also look for a waterfall ID at the beginning of the show. [email protected] www.twitter.com/ThisIsAMusicSho/ @ThisIsAMusicSho https://thisisamusicshow.com Pop Shop Radio from British Columbia, Canada, includes "a whole variety of pop music, such as records from the 1960s and 1970s that were played on Top-40 radio stations not only in North America but also on offshore radio and stations like Radio Luxembourg." The programs now include some MFSK32 text and an image. Website: popshopradio.ca. Twitter: @popshopradio1 Email: [email protected].
We don't receive many reports of trans-Atlantic reception of the 0800-0830 UTC broadcast, but F4ELJ in the west of France received these images 4 April 2022, 7780 kHz from WRMI Florida ...
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you can and will keep your promises to yourself
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السلام عليكم الان ولفترة محدودة للبيع بسعر الجملة (نقاط البيع) جميع ادوات الكاشير مؤسسة طيف الالماس التجاريه وكيل معتمد لكبرى الشركات برامج( محاسبية / ادارية / طبية ) تناسب جميع المجالات "البرامج تدعم القيمة المضافة" عروض من مؤسسة طيف الالماس التجارية ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ✹ برنامج اداراة المبيعات والمشتريات والعملاء والموردون ونقاط البيع وادارة المطاعم والحسابات والمخازن ✹ دعم الاسم العربي والانجليزي للصنف. ✹ دعم الباركود وطباعة باركود للأصناف من خلال البرنامج. ✹ دعم تنبيه حد الطلب عند وصول الصنف لكميه محدده. ✹ دعم اكثر من مستخدم واكثر من جهاز واكثر من فرع. ✹ إعطاء صلاحيات مختلفه لكل مستخدم علي حسب صلاحياته صلاحيات للشاشات و صلاحيات العمليات و صلاحيات للمخازن وصلاحيات للمبيعات والمشتريات. ✹ دعم اكثر من لغه, وجود قاموس خاص بالبرنامج لتسمية الشاشات والقوائم والعمليات كما يريد المستخدم بكل سهوله ويسر. ✹ سهولة البرنامج في التعامل. ✹ دعم أكثر من طريقة دفع لنفس الفاتوره مثل دفع جزء نقدي وجزء بالبطاقه وجزء آجل. ✹ لاتوجد رسوم سنويه مرة واحده فقط ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● برنامج المبيعات APEX لنقاط البيع هو برنامج متكامل لإدارة المنشئات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والذي يخدم مجموعة متنوعة من مجالات العمل مثل : ✹ محلات السباكة ومواد البناء . ✹ محلات الملابس والأحذية . ✹ محلات قطع الغيار . ✹ متاجر السوبر ماركت والتموينات . ✹ الصيدليات . ✹ محلات الكماليات والخردوات . ✹ محلات الإكسسوارات . ✹ محلات التجميل والعطور . ✹ محلات الجوالات و إكسسوارات الجوالات . ✹ محلات الدهانات والبويات . ✹ محلات بيع الأجهزة الكهربائية . ✹ محلات الأواني المنزلية . ✹ محلات بيع المفروشات . ✹ ورش الحدادة والألمنيوم . ✹ محلات بيع الأدوات الصحية . ✹ محلات بيع الإلكترونيات . ✹ ورش الصناعية . ✹ محلات بيع كاميرات المراقبة وأجهزة الشبكات . ✹ المكتبات ومحلات بيع الكتب المستعملة . ✹ محلات التصوير والخدمات . ✹ محلات بيع إطارات السيارات . ✹ محلات بيع الدواجن واللحوم . ✹ محلات زينة السيارات . ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● السعر 3999 ريال الاسعار لاتشمل ضريبة القيمة المضافة ( شامل التركيب والتدريب ) ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● لمعرفة المزيد من التفاصيل والعروض يرجي التواصل علي الرقم (اتصال او واتساب) : 0533002139
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