#page 4226
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Roxy Lalonde, Jake English
Act 6, page 4225-4226
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT] at 6:53
TG: holy shit jaaaje
TG: lol *k
GT: Heh heh.
GT: Howdy!
GT: What is all this commotion about?
TG: nothin
TG: just your basic run o the mill holy shit
TG: and also
TG: hi
GT: Ah ok then. Hello it is!
TG: also
TG: want 2 know
TG: what do you want for ur wigglin day
GT: Im not really abreast of the raddest jargon that the cool kids toss about these days.
GT: Maybe because i live alone on an island? I dont know but in any case are you referring to my upcoming birthday?
TG: ys
GT: I see. Very thoughtful of you to consider so early!
GT: I dont wager i could advise with much specificity but i can all but assure you i will find any gesture of yours to be totally capital!
TG: eeaauuuuurghh you are so fuckin adorable
GT: Um... *wrings at kerchief with perspiring mitts*
TG: YOINK nabs kerfief an stops RPing for rest of chat
TG: i was only bringing it up so much in advance because
TG: of the end of the world about to happen and all
TG: and then
TG: i wouldnt get the chance
TG: unless we play this game like a bunch ofsuckers obviously
TG: and all meet up in there and everything
TG: which would toytes kick ass
TG: *totes
TG: but
TG: if you want 2 know what i think..........
GT: Yes?
TG: do ya?
GT: I do want to know what you think!
GT: I always want to know. Because you are always smart and sassy.
TG: best dude ^^^
TG: neway
TG: i really dont think we should
GT: Should what now?
TG: play the game
GT: Why not?
TG: the barnoness wants us to
TG: * baroness
TG: i dont know why
TG: everything i know about it says it should be a good game and real important and itll let us all get togehter and do somethin great and be besf friends for maybe eternity?
TG: but she took all that and twisted it somehow
TG: all i know is shes banking on us doing this and if she needs us to do this than its got to be to make somethin fucking hoorible happen
TG: * horbible
TG: * whore bible
TG: ^ bullseye
GT: Well...
GT: Whore bibles notwithstanding i have it on terrific authority that playing this game will be incredibly important!
GT: So perhaps youre right maybe we are part of her evil plan? But does that also necessarily rule out that good will come of it?
TG: i guess not
TG: i just have a bad feelin
TG: maybay im just like this nutty ass bitsh twirling yarn from a shitwizards nappy brown beard but i cant bring myself to trust a cake sellin genocidal alien overlard sea queen
TG: * overl...
TG: n/m that santence chx out
GT: Agreed. :D
TG: so what is the itinerary again
GT: Intinerwhosit?
TG: regarding the game
TG: whosplaying in what order etc
GT: Oh. Is there such an itinerary?
TG: yeah i think so i think its going like
TG: i start with jane and bring her in the session
TG: then ds brings me in and you bring him in and them jane does you and closes the loop
GT: Where are you getting this intel? Did you guys make a plan or something?
TG: nah dont wory about it
TG: do you want me to set u up w the files now
GT: Ooh, these illicit hacked warez which i heartell were recently jimmied piping hot off the interclouds?
TG: ahahah i love that you were barely even joking with that statement bup yeah basically
GT: The silicon pickpocket strikes again!!! Whom is the wiser? Nobody.
TG: ffffffffff <3
TG: k ill send it but
GT: Yeah?
TG: jake
GT: What?
TG: jjjjjaaake
GT: !!!!!?
TG: youre wearin one of ur dumb computers now arent you
GT: Uh...
TG: you are all thinktyping at me right now while wearing something rudiculous
TG: * RUDEdiculous (hi five 2 self)
GT: Hogswallop! Why would you even think that?
GT: Thats so stupid.
TG: im not letting either of you run this file on your shitty brainwashy propaganda helmets or anything else u got to wear to run
TG: tis my one condition
GT: Fair enough. When i get back from my errand ill situate myself at the trusty old husktop. Acceptable?
TG: ys
GT: Then you have decided to play in spite of your reservations?
TG: i dunno i guess
GT: Bravo!
TG: dont all bravo @ me man youre just bravoing a big ass shrug
TG: i mean maybe
TG: i have every reason to want to play it
TG: im actually dying to play it ok
TG: i mean
TG: you believe me right
TG: about the bad shit that could hapen
GT: Of course i do.
GT: What sort of friend would i be if not?
TG: ok well
TG: dont say that to jabe
TG: *n
GT: She has her ways. I believe they are not incongruous with those of an intelligent and discerning young woman.
TG: ahh CHRIST waht a geneltman
TG: *fixfix
TG: i mean god daaaaaaaaamn
GT: Heh. I guess.
TG: but thats the thing with you
TG: you belvieve in people and also the things they tell you
TG: jane never believed my crap
TG: never any of my warnings about the baroness
TG: didnt believe any of the stuff about my mom
TG: and so on and so on and soon
TG: til after awhile i just stopped even trying to convince her hard or bring up any crazy shit
TG: because u know doing a lot of songs and dances to convince somebody who thinks youre jush shitting them all the time kind of wears on a friendship
TG: and who even needs that
TG: but you believe in stuff
TG: probbly because the more crazy fake shit you believe in the more open the world gets and the more chance there is for adventures being real right
GT: Right o! If a man believes hard enough in imaginary things then i dare say that makes them slightly less fake!
TG: yeah
TG: exaxly what im talkin about
TG: *exsexily *wonk
TG: *wink
TG: its one of those things jane likes about u so much
GT: It is?
TG: which
TG: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im not supposed to talk about 2 u evr so nm
GT: Talk about what?
TG: nope
GT: You mean how um...
GT: Well a way in which i suppose...
TG: no nope
GT: Jane is prone to looking upon me with what i fathom to be more than just friendly affection?
TG: nope nope nope nope nope nope
TG: hey look who didnt say nothin about that why it is this silly fuckin drunk girl over here
GT: Its a tricky issue. And you know i adore jane and please dont think i havent given some thought to...
GT: Well that angle on our relationship i guess.
TG: ooof jake jake no please
TG: this is a conversation that cant happen cause i started it and i blew it by saying stuff so u have to foroget it
TG: * 4get it
GT: Oh. Yeah i can see the dilemma this causes for your friendship with her.
GT: Ill drop it.
TG: whew
TG: ok ont this topic
TG: i am now an forever
TG: miss zupperlips
TG: * zupperlups
TG: * ziperlups
TG: sjkhfskjf
TG: fuck
TG: k this is me 4 futref
TG: ^+++++++^
GT: Haha oh my.
GT: Nothing is escaping that lovely ladys whistlemaker! Its shut tight as a drum!!
TG: mmmmrrmmmnnmmm
GT: Whoa wait i hope that didnt sound dirty...
TG: mrrmmrmmnnnmnmnmnmrnrmrnmmmm!!!!!!
GT: Ok but may i say this?
TG: mrm?
GT: If in the future i would like to bring up certain topics completely unsolicited by one who may be sworn to secrecy on those very matters...
GT: And im in need of i guess neutral and totally non compromising advice from a friend do you think that miss zuipperpips might unseal those scandalous metal choppers for a bit?
GT: Fuck that also sounded kinda dirty!!! God dammit.
TG: rm
TG: unzip yeah of course
TG: im totals your bee eff effsy jake
TG: i am like
TG: AT PEACE with that reality fromerly known as a raw fuckin deal for what avenues it closes betewen u and i that bein your bffsy has got to mean but yeah
GT: Wait what?
TG: i am just chill as fuck about being a pale friend to all varieties of cute and eligible as hell peeps
TG: do you see my shoulder and how it says hey friend plz deposit tears here?
TG: that is a LEGIT invite and is like sincere as fuckin BANANAS
GT: Oh. Im sure it is but i dunno how much crying im going to be doing...
GT: Probably none i think.
TG: no i know im just saying
TG: that
TG: ok im now spinning my wheels like a motherfucker but yeah the answer is yes
GT: Great!
TG: and not that im back pebbling but what about your best bro
TG: dont you get 2 talkin to him about girl troubles ever
GT: Yeaaaah...
GT: Well.
GT: Like i said the whole thing is complicated. Best not to get into it all until im ready to you know...
GT: Really start manhandling these bushel loads of prickly pears.
TG: prinkly pears
GT: The pears being the tricky subjects in question.
GT: Metaphorically.
TG: riiiight
TG: snickrz
TG: poor jake
TG: up to his neck in
TG: all the wopes
TG: * woes
GT: Nah its cool.
TG: speaking of which
TG: i heard hes making u track down his roboself
TG: to kill it or something for uranimum
GT: Sigh...
TG: and
TG: the AR disabled the novice setting???
GT: Yes.
TG: hahahahahahhahahahshshshjsjsj
TG: *hahaha
TG: u r so fucked
GT: Oh most certainly.
GT: I was actually just getting all of my final affairs in order when you messaged me.
GT: I was to bequeath to you all my WAB posters.
TG: wab wut
GT: Weekend at bernies dammit!!!!!!
TG: oh fuck yeay
TG: im always in need of something to put under my cats shit box
GT: :(
TG: ok tell you what
TG: as an early wigglin day thing u know what ill do
GT: I still dont really get the wiggling thing but no what?
TG: ill enable the brobots novice setting again for you
GT: Wow...
GT: Thanks i think???
TG: but that dont count as the whole thing ill think of something better too
TG: 4 now peace o jake & gl on your robroquest heheheh
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT]
0 notes
Free Palestine designed by Jacob de Graaf of Modern Folk Embroidery.
Today I want to share a pattern with you that uses Tatreez embroidery elements in support of the people of Palestine struggling through one of the most difficult times in their lives. I am aware that this is a highly divisive and contentious issue for a lot of people. Some people might be shocked or hurt by me sharing this design. I do hope on the other hand that by speaking out, others will do the same and will not be afraid of any backlash that might be there. Sadly, the world has become more and more polarised – you are either this or that, and if you’re pro-this, you must be anti-that. The world is a more complex place and though I might be pro-this, it does not mean that I am anti-something-else. I hope you can see that side of me. We should not be scared to stand up for what is right, and to speak about such things without the fear of polarisation getting the better of us. For now, the text below as it appears in the booklet plus download links for the pattern.. Rotterdam, May 8th 2024 Lately, my great-uncle Jacob de Graaf and his wife Trijntje de Kroon have been on my mind. Three years ago, they were posthumously awarded the Yad Vashem award for bravery displayed during the Second World War by hiding Jewish citizens in their homes and saving them from certain death at the hands of the Nazis. I never got to know them as they passed just before and after my birth, but I admire their bravery in doing what they felt was right at a time when it was not only difficult but potentially life-threatening. They stood up for people they could help. I thought of it again yesterday when I saw a young man (@samih.madhoun on Instagram) playing a borrowed oud and singing songs in the refugee camp in Rafah, lifting the spirits of fellow refugees through his art. As I tearfully watched the video, I got angry at myself for not doing more besides weeping at my phone. For months, I have been shocked into a state of numbness by the genocide playing out on my TV, computer and phone. The annihilation of Palestine by the Israeli army is being broadcast to us live, and for too long, I have been struggling with how to express my fear, my anger, my frustration, and my support for the Palestinian people.We cannot turn a blind eye to what is currently happening. Our political leaders need to take action and speak out against the current genocide. I do not have the bravery of my great-aunt and uncle, but I can design patterns and share them with others—and hopefully inspire folks to speak out, too. My great-uncle did what was right during WWII. Will we do the same for our brothers and sisters in Palestine? ABOUT THE DESIGN This design uses Tatreez motifs found on traditional Palestinian dress. The central motif, called Scissors and Roses (Muqass wa Ward ), comes from Gaza. As the land is torn apart, I split the design into two, placing the question “Are we not their brothers and sisters” between them. On the sides is a rose border found on a dress from Ramallah. The doves at the bottom are found on many Palestinian embroideries. TECHNICAL DETAILS This design uses two colours: Black (2224 crosses) and Red (4226 crosses). It measures 113 crosses in width and 153 crosses in height. It features only full crosses and no specialty stitches. From the second page of the pattern onwards, you will notice a greyed-out area of 3 crosses wide — this indicates an overlap with the previous page to make it easier for you to continue stitching. The graph below gives size- and floss estimates for a wide range of materials. Floss calculations are based on working with 2 strands on 28- to 36-count linen (14- to 16-count aida). Higher counts use a single strand. You are free to stitch with as many strands as you like. The first floss estimate is for black, the 2nd for red. For instance, on 32-count linen, you would require 1.1 skein of black floss (standard 8 metre length skeins such as DMC and Anchor), and 2.1 skein of red floss.
I charted this in black and red, but feel free to choose your own colours. If you stitch on white, you could add some green to the design for instance to reflect the colours of the Palestinian flag. Thank you so much for downloading this free pattern and showing your support for Palestine. If you can, please make a donation to organisations who are actually doing amazing work in physically helping the Palestinian people. Two organisations that I have donated to are unwra.org and pcrf.net – but there are many bigger and smaller initiatives worthy of your support. Click on one of the links below to download your pattern. Feel free to share, print, and redistribute this design. When you do, I would ask not to change the booklet itself. Free Palestine – A4 format Free Palestine – Letter format With love, Jacob de Graaf
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January's crew - Page 297
(Kalle Blomkvist) [] {} ♂ Kalle Blomkvist
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Ida Blomkvist
[] [51572 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [4226 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [6091 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Kamil Blomkvist
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Iris Blomkvist
[] [46698 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3712 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4946 newborn babies]
[] {} ♀ Eva-Lotta Lisander
[] {} ❤️ ♂ Emil Lisander
[] [46083 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3643 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4873 newborn babies]
[] {} ♀ Emilia Lisander
[] {} ❤️ ♂ Ernst Lisander
[] [45123 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3576 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4746 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Anders Bengtsson
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Lina Bengtsson
[] [44596 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3451 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4684 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Amir Bengtsson
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Lori Bengtsson
[] [42856 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3393 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4537 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Sixten
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Majke
[] [42055 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3273 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4421 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Z-Bähn
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Kariy
[] [41386 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [3113 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4253 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Benka
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Lusia
[] [40615 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2987 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [4019 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Mob*A-i~1'le
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Xaida
[] [40313 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2842 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [3911 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Jonte
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Lottä
[] [39673 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2763 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [3706 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ M4G3nT4
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Maxia
[] [39064 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2553 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [3545 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Rasmus Rasmusson
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Ida Rasmusson
[] [38696 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2468 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [3430 newborn babies]
[] {} ♂ Rene Rasmusson
[] {} ❤️ ♀ Åsa Rasmusson
[] [38230 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[] [2342 newborn cousins and siblings]
[] [3271 newborn babies]
(Shoebox Zoo) [35561] {14225} ♀ Marnie McBride
[35562] {14226} ❤️ ♂ Milo McBride
[35563] [3046 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35564] [313 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35565] [314 newborn babies]
[35566] {14227} ♀ Melanie McBride
[35567] {14228} ❤️ ♂ Mike McBride
[35568] [2933 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35569] [296 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35570] [309 newborn babies]
[35571] {14229} ♀ Karen McBride
[35572] {14230} ❤️ ♂ Clarence McBride
[35573] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35574] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35575] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35576] {14231} ♀ Kirsten McBride
[35577] {14232} ❤️ ♂ Kirk McBride
[35578] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35579] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35580] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35581] {14233} ♀ Wanda Avstraliette
[35582] {14234} ❤️ ♂ William Avstraliya
[35583] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35584] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35585] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35586] {14235} ♀ Bettina Canberra
[35587] {14236} ❤️ ♂ Fritz Canberra
[35588] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35589] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35590] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35591] {14237} ♀ Julia Valletta
[35592] {14238} ❤️ ♂ Zack Silvestro
[35593] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35594] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35595] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35596] {14239} ♀ Valentina Auckberg
[35597] {14240} ❤️ ♂ Don Logan
[35598] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35599] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35600] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35601] {14241} ♂ Kyle Stone
[35602] {14242} ❤️ ♀ Katy Stone
[35603] [2720 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35604] [296 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35605] [304 newborn babies]
[35606] {14243} ♂ Kevin Stone
[35607] {14244} ❤️ ♀ Christie Stone
[35608] [2566 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35609] [294 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35610] [298 newborn babies]
[35611] {14245} ♂ Cedric Stone
[35612] {14246} ❤️ ♀ Glaydys Stone
[35613] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35614] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35615] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35616] {14247} ♂ Aurian Stone
[35617] {14248} ❤️ ♀ Candice Stone
[35618] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35619] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35620] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35621] {14249} ♂ Dave Schembri
[35622] {14250} ❤️ ♀ Amy Schembri
[35623] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35624] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35625] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35626] {14251} ♂ Sam Schembri
[35627] {14252} ❤️ ♀ Wendy Schembri
[35628] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35629] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35630] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35631] {14253} ♂ Timothy Vella
[35632] {14254} ❤️ ♀ Zira Vella
[35633] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35634] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35635] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35636] {14255} ♂ Trevor Vella
[35637] {14256} ❤️ ♀ Vella Vella
[35638] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35639] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35640] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35641] {14257} ♂ John Roberts
[35642] {14258} ❤️ ♀ Julie Roberts
[35643] [1658 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35644] [218 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35645] [225 newborn babies]
[35646] {14259} ♂ Jamie Roberts
[35647] {14260} ❤️ ♀ Jenny Roberts
[35648] [1594 newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35649] [218 newborn cousins and siblings]
[35650] [224 newborn babies]
[35651] {14261} ♂ Raymond Roberts
[35652] {14262} ❤️ ♀ Maya Roberts
[35653] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35654] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35655] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35656] {14263} ♂ Cory Roberts
[35657] {14264} ❤️ ♀ Valerie Roberts
[35658] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35659] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35660] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35661] {14265} ♂ Mike Gusman
[35662] {14266} ❤️ ♀ Darla Gusman
[35663] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35664] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35665] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35666] {14267} ♂ Chris Gusman
[35667] {14268} ❤️ ♀ Stephanie Gusman
[35668] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35669] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35670] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35671] {14269} ♂ Ralph Valeda
[35672] {14270} ❤️ ♀ Betty Valeda
[35673] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35674] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35675] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[35676] {14271} ♂ Connor Valeda
[35677] {14272} ❤️ ♀ Darla Valeda
[35678] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[35679] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[35680] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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Goldco Complaints
What is Goldco Precious Metals?Goldco Locations, Timings, Email, Phone, Services
Goldco Precious Metals is a precious metals merchant located in Calabasas, California. Their office is located at 24025 Park Sorrento Suite 210 in Calabasas, California, 91302. They can be reached at +1 855-754-4226, which is similar to that. Goldco, which has been operating in the market for more than 15 years, was created by Trevor Gerzst. Their primary focus is helping clients open self-directed IRAs. Over time, the company has built up a substantial consumer base. Their internet presence, which has more than 1000 positive reviews on websites like Google, BBB, and ConsumerAffairs, is a reflection of their wide-ranging customer base.
Furthermore, the company has received numerous celebrity endorsements, including those from Chuck Norris and Sean Hannity. Thanks to collaborations with other companies, Goldco may be able to provide you with bullion storage and IRA custody services. Furthermore, at their facilities, you can add a range of gold and silver products to your precious metals IRA. They also have a large range of non-IRA precious metals products in their catalog. So if you're looking for priceless rare coins, they have a variety of options. Since its founding, Goldco has received various accolades and awards. The Los Angeles Business Journal named them as the 22nd fastest-growing firm in LA, and they were on the Inc 5000 list of the greatest American businesses. For detailed information read Goldco Reviews.
Goldco Complaints, Reviews and Complaints: What Their Clients Say
It is best to read online reviews of any precious metals dealer before making an investment. You can learn what the majority of their customers think of them and whether they are worth your money by reading their reviews. Online, there are more than 1000 reviews of Goldco, the most of them are immensely favorable. The business has garnered favorable reviews on a number of independent review sites, including BBB, Trustpilot, and ConsumerAffairs. The Goldco reviews are broken down more specifically per platform below: Goldco BBB: The highest possible grade on the BBB platform, an A+, has been given to the Goldco profile. Additionally, the business has a 4.83 out of 5 star rating based on little under 400 client reviews.
The majority of consumer testimonials on BBB commend the easy purchasing process and the staff's help with the investment process. For instance, Mylinda claims that she had a good experience overall with their business. She claims that the personnel was friendly and incredibly helpful. Mylinda expresses her gratitude to the Goldco staff for assisting her in securing her retirement money.
Robert similarly discloses that he has transferred money three times from his IRA to a gold IRA. He received helpful support from Goldco's representatives on each transfer. All of his inquiries were addressed by the business.
There are hundreds of such reviews on the Goldco BBB page. Transparency is Important Goldco Trustpilot: According to the Goldco Trustpilot page, the business has gotten more than 800 reviews, and 91% of those reviews have given them a rating of 5 out of 5. As a result, the company has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars, which is nearly ideal. The business is rated "Excellent" by Trustpilot.
The company's professionalism and friendly attitude towards gold IRAs and rollovers are praised in these reviews. Albert Hendricks, for instance, claims that the agents he dealt with when forming his Goldco IRA were incredibly helpful. During their interactions, they shown a very high degree of professionalism and knowledge, according to Albert.
Additionally, he claims that the reps continued to follow up with him and kept him updated on all of his business dealings with the IRA company. He concludes by expressing his gratitude to the crew. Barry Brock, another satisfied customer, gave the business 5/5 stars. He claims he made the company's choice on a whim and is happy he did.
Barry collaborated with a representative to transfer a portion of his 401(k) into a precious metals IRA. Barry claimed that it was a pleasant and painless experience. Additional Goldco Complaints, Reviews and Ratings: Numerous Goldco evaluations can be found on websites other than BBB and Trustpilot. These include BCA, TrustLink, and ConsumerAffairs. Based on more than 1000 reviews, ConsumerAffairs gives the business a rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.
Reviewers appreciate the company's excellent customer service and professional help here, as they do on other review sites. On TrustLink, the company has received just over 250 reviews and all of them give the firm a perfect 5 out of 5 score.
The organization also has a Business Consumer Alliance AAA rating. The best rating a company may receive on BCA is a AAA rating. Since 2011, the business has belonged to the enterprise there.
Are There Any Goldco Complaints? Should You Be Concerned About Them? I came across a few complaints about Goldco, but they weren't regarding the company's products or customer service. As seen by the numerous Goldco complaints of receiving unsolicited calls from the company's staff, it appears that the corporation instead employs aggressive sales practices. It's important to note, though, that the business reacts to each and every complaint it receives across several platforms. For instance, the individual who follows had complained that he receives calls from the business while not being interested in their services. The client approved the remedy after the business quickly rectified the problem:
Although the business undoubtedly has issues, its customer care team is quite responsive. You may be confident that their help will make every effort to fix any issues you may have.
Goldco Complaints: Conclusion
To find a detailed analysis of the company, I suggest checking out Goldco Reviews. Opening a precious metals IRA is a major decision. That's why I suggest checking out our top gold IRA providers list. There, you can find the best precious metals dealer in your state and choose accordingly. Also, the list will help you understand what the industry's best has to offer. Also, it helps with what you might miss out on. If you're unfamiliar with gold IRAs, check out this free guide: Find the best Gold IRA company in your state Read the full article
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Fic: Debut, Part 2
AO3 Link
Word Count: 4226
Summary: The Becile bots meet their Walter counterparts for the first time.
Content warning: One accidental misgendering (corrected), some emotionally abusive language
Hare had already started scheming by the time they returned to the estate from their first show. The next morning, he walked into Pops' office with a cheerful step.
"Morning, Pops!" Hare said, flashing a grin. "Keeping it gloomy in here, huh? Sunshine helps you wake up, you know!" He threw open the curtains and Pops winced against the light. Before he could protest, Hare was already opening the window and leaning out, his hands on the sill. "Gorgeous day, ain't it?"
"I see your attitude has improved since last night," Pops grumbled, eyeing him suspiciously.
"A hundred percent! Hard to stay upset, finally getting to see a piece of town." Hare kept his gaze fixed on the treeline that filled the bulk of the estate. "There's the view from the attic, but up close... it's bigger than I ever thought."
"Yes, that is how perspective works," Pops said.
“Speaking of perspective,” Hare said slyly, turning around. “You wouldn’t happen to have something like a, I dunno, a guide to the city? Sights to see? Places of interest?”
“A map?” Pops asked dryly.
Hare snapped his fingers, pretending he’d forgotten the word. “Yeah, one of those! I wanna know what else is out there-- where we’re gonna go next, you know?”
Pops walked over to a shelf and ran one metal fingertip across the spines of the books at eye level. He pulled away a thin paper-bound notebook, almost a pamphlet, and glanced between Hare and it. Hare’s grin widened and he stepped forward, only for Pops to twist his wrist back toward his body, the notebook moving away from Hare’s reaching hand.
“This is a roadmap from before I went overseas,” Pops said warningly. “It may not still be accurate for something such as… navigation.”
“I hear you loud and clear, Pops,” Hare said with a wink. “We’ll have to grab you a new copy one of these days.”
Pops stared at him calculatingly, then slowly handed him the map. “Return it by this evening,” he said. “And Hare, be mindful. You embarrassed me greatly last night.”
Hare nodded, expression growing appropriately sober and chastised. “Real sorry, Pops. I’ll keep my head on straight from now on, promise you that.”
But Hare was already grinning again as he walked out of the office, flipping through the pages of the map book and looking for large, green patches.
“The kid said they played in a park, see?” Hare said to The Skull, pointing at one section of the map. “And if you’re gonna play music for people, you’re gonna go where all the people are, which means the big parks, which means this one!” He jammed a finger at a patch of green labeled City Park.
“Makes sense!” The Jack chirped.
“Do we have permission to go?” The Skull asked. “The truck could get us there.”
Hare hesitated, his grin straining with a hint of reluctance. “Well… If we just walk there and back real quick, Pops will hardly notice we were gone, right?”
The Skull looked aghast at the suggestion. “Hare, that’s breaking the rules!”
“Just a little!” Hare lifted his hands in a placating gesture. “Just a quick walk! Maybe they won’t even be there, and we can come right back! Jacky, you’re with me, right?”
The Jack looked surprised to be drawn into the conversation. “Um, well,” he stuttered. “I would like to see more of town…”
“There you go!” Hare said with a smirk. But The Skull remained unconvinced and tense, and Hare’s shoulders slumped. “Skull, you don’t gotta come with us,” he said, closing the map book. “I thought we ought’a do this together, you know, like a unified front kind of deal. But me and Jack can handle this. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m already worried,” The Skull mumbled. He thought for a moment. “And if something goes wrong, you’ll need help. I’ll go, but if we get in trouble, you have to admit it was your idea.”
“Deal!” Hare’s sharp smile was determined. “Then let’s go! You two ready?”
The Skull passed a hand over his head self-consciously, then grabbed a hat from the closest closet--a black Stetson forgotten by some long-ago guest-- and put it on. Hare himself wore a dark cabbie he’d pilfered in the weeks earlier, and The Jack had a bowler and a large red bow under his collar Hare had tied for him.
Hare all but marched out the door, map still in one hand, with The Jack at his heels. The Skull slowed down to close the door carefully behind them, making sure it didn’t lock. The gate at the end of the drive had no padlock, because there was no groundskeeper to attend to it. Hare flipped to a map page that had the estate marked in handwriting similar to Pops’ and boldly pointed them down the street.
They got lost almost immediately.
They scuttled from street corner to street corner, their direction good enough to keep them from going in circles, but sending them deeper into the heart of downtown instead. People were looking at them, too, which made them stand closer together, walk a little faster. Eventually, Hare gave up his pride and asked for directions from the only person in the vicinity not giving them a twenty foot berth or a terrified look: an old woman sitting patiently on a bench for her date to arrive.
“You poor boys must be from out of town,” she tutted, squinting at the map Hare had handed her. “They renamed that park Balboa just a few years ago. Head on down that way a spell until you see signs on the corners.”
They tipped their hats politely and scurried down the road, very aware of how far the sun had moved in the sky already. The signs proved accurate, and they came to a long, long bridge. They could see greenery and buildings on the far side.
“Piece of cake,” Hare said, trying to bolster their spirits. The Skull looked dismayed; The Jack, nervous. “Come on, fellas, we’re here now, right? It’d be a waste to turn around without even checking!” Hare cajoled before striding off, hoping they would fall in step behind him. The other two exchanged looks, and they followed.
There was a lot going on in the park. It was almost as confusing as downtown, but people here gave them fewer looks, like they were more used to seeing metal folks walking around. There was music, here and there, but it was the sound of steam escaping that caught their attention as they rounded a corner. Three metal people stood a little down the way: a copper one, talking excitedly; a brass one, rocking on his heels; a silver one, arms crossed.
“That’s them!” Hare hissed, pulling the other two down behind a large hedge. The Skull struggled to crouch low enough to stay hidden, putting a hand on the top of his hat to steady it.
“Shouldn’t we go talk to them?” The Jack asked before Hare shushed him, motioning for him to keep his voice down.
“We need a plan,” Hare said quietly.
“Why didn’t we make one ahead of time?” The Skull asked.
“Why do we need a plan to talk?” The Jack asked.
“Why’s this bush on fire?” someone else asked before leaning over the hedge to look at the three. They stared at him—one of the Walter robots, the one with brass plating and curly hair—and he stared right back.
“Go away,” Hare said after a pause. “We’ll be over in a minute.”
“Okay,” the Walter bot said with a smile before walking back to his group. The Beciles peeked over the hedge to watch him talk to the other two Walter robots.
“Now what?” The Skull asked Hare quietly.
“Why did he have hair?” The Jack whispered. “Can robots have hair?”
“Maybe it’s a wig?” The Skull said uncertainly.
Hare shushed them, more forcefully this time. “Okay, so, maybe we don’t have time for a plan,” Hare said quickly. “I just gotta figure out which one is Rabbit--” He craned his neck over the hedge for another look. The copper one was looking toward him and waved. Hare’s heart sunk a little; he could see a resemblance between himself and her. “That one,” he said to himself. “Come on, guys. Just follow my lead.”
Hare dropped the map book on the grass as he stood, pulling the brim of his cabbie down seriously. The Jack and The Skull followed suit, and they awkwardly made their way around to the other side of the hedge, standing across the lane. Hare filled his bellows and strode forward, straight toward the one that must be Rabbit. “You’se three the Steam Man Band?”
“The one and only!” the copper one said brightly. “My name’s Rabbit, and this here’s The Spine,” she gestured to the silver robot, who looked very confused by their appearance. “And this one don’t got a name, but we call him Number Three!” She gestured to the brass robot, who had picked up his guitar and resumed rocking on his heels.
“Nice to meet’cha,” Number Three said.
“Other robots?” The Spine frowned at their black smoke. “There shouldn’t be any other robots.”
The Skull caught his disapproving look and folded his arms. “We thought the same thing,” he said to The Spine, letting his annoyance slip. They glared at each other.
“Rabbit-- I’ve been looking for you.” Hare put his hands on his hips and stood up straight, looking her right in the face. “The name’s Hare.”
Rabbit’s mouth split into a wide grin. “Really? That’s funny.”
She stepped forward and snatched the hat off Hare’s head. “’Cause you ain’t got any!”
Hare gaped, then reached his claws out. “Gimme that back!”
Rabbit held the hat out of his reach, reaching up and pulling her own coachman's hat off and plonking it down on Hare’s head, sliding it over his eyes. “You can have mine!”
“I don’t want your stinkin’ hat!” Hare snapped, stumbling back and grabbing the brim of the coachman with both hands, yanking it up and glaring at Rabbit, now wearing the cabbie.
“So… where are you from?” The Spine asked slowly, moving the guitar he carried to his right side in a holstering motion.
“The other side of town,” The Skull said. He glanced at Hare and Rabbit’s fight. “This wasn’t my idea.”
“We didn’t know there were any other robot inventors in town,” The Spine said. “Or Blue Matter Cores the Walters didn’t make.”
The Skull’s brows lowered. “Blue?”
The Spine’s hand tightened on the neck of the guitar. “I can only think of one other kind.”
“—And we live in a big house—” The Jack was excitedly rambling.
“We live in a big house too!” Number Three cut in, grinning.
“Wow! Maybe we could visit each other’s houses sometime!”
“Don’t make friends with ‘em!” Hare snapped. The Jack grinned sheepishly, scooting away from Number Three. “We ain’t here to make friends, we’re here to make a point. We’re musicians, too, and good ones at that! And I ain’t about to let you’se bunch of blokes show me up!” Hare said indignantly, puffing out his chest.
“Not really much of a bloke,” Rabbit said. “What else you got?”
Hare blinked. “Oh. Um. Dame?”
Rabbit perked up. “That’s better!” she said brightly.
The Spine dropped his face into one hand wearily. “Rabbit, we shouldn’t be humoring them.”
“And who are we humoring, The Spine? New friends?”
Two nearly identical men in identical outfits were staring at them. The one on the right, who had spoken and was holding his cane like a prop, looked curious; the man on the left, who leaned on his cane out of necessity, was more tempered and cautious.
“What’s it to you?” Hare asked, earning a scathing look from The Spine.
The man on the right smiled at the one on the left. “Our reputation still doesn’t proceed us. I’m Peter Walter II,” the man said, then gestured to the man on the left. “And this is my brother, Col. Peter Walter III.”
Hare narrowed his eyes. Walter. “And how many Peter Walters are there?”
“Currently, three,” Peter III said dryly.
“Until one of us has children,” Peter II said. “Firstborn of the next generation will be Peter IV, be they boy, girl, or otherwise. But enough about us,” he said, stepping forward and opening his hands to the Beciles. “I’m extremely curious where you three have come from. You’re definitely not any of ours!”
Hare pushed out his chest, ready to launch into his own introductions, but caught a glimpse of The Skull straightening his shoulders, raising his head so the brim of his hat tipped back.
“Our maker,” The Skull said proudly. “Is Thadeus Becile.” He paused. “The First.”
Things got very quiet.
Peter II’s expression died like a guillotine blade had been dropped on it, replaced by shock and fear that melted into a mask of resolve. “I see,” he said evenly. “So the old man is still prowling around.”
“We need to go, now,” Peter III hissed, stepping up and grabbing Peter II’s arm.
“Wait a minute.” Peter II held up a hand. “We’re assuming they’re going to tell Becile about everything that happens here, right?” Peter II’s tone was light, but his eyes were steely. “Then let’s give them something to tell him about.” He lifted his chin at his father’s robots, and they snapped into formation. Rabbit’s mischievous expression had decidedly cooled, and The Spine was barely concealing his disgust. Number Three continued to smile without so much as a hint of malice. Peter II tapped out a beat with the tip of his cane, and The Steam Man Band began to play.
The Beciles listened silently to their playing. Hare’s frown deepened, because it was good; The Skull, equally unwilling to admit they had skill, disengaged his face plate so that no expression crossed it. At the end of the song, Number Three added a little flourish and bow. The Jack clapped excitedly, and Hare and The Skull elbowed him from opposite sides.
“Not bad, ey?” Rabbit asked. She took off the cabbie and flipped it back to Hare, who begrudgingly returned her coachman. “Next time, though, you gotta tip,” she continued, tapping the inner brim of her hat. “I’m serious, these instruments ain’t cheap.”
“We’ll be on our way, now,” Peter III said through his teeth. “Pack up, everyone.”
The Skull reengaged his face to lower his brows, offended and confused. “What’s the problem with my maker?” He shot at The Spine. “He’s a respected gentleman and a brilliant inventor.”
The Peters flinched and Rabbit laughed nervously.
Only The Spine responded. “Your creator is a bad man,” The Spine said quietly. “And nothing he makes could ever be good-- including you.”
No-one had taught The Skull how to throw a punch. It came to him naturally, as if he’d thrown a hundred before. The Spine fell heavily, crushing his guitar, his nose bent to the side.
Peter II started forward, trying to reach The Spine; his brother grabbed him and yanked him back, yelling, “Wait! He’s still armed!”
The Spine was getting up, the band of his guitar falling away with the broken pieces. His right sleeve was torn up-- still was tearing up, something was ripping it from the inside-- and there were actual sparks flying from his eyes. He lurched toward the Beciles, and his electrified arm lashed out at The Skull; only by grabbing the back of his coat together were Hare and The Jack able to yank him out of its path.
“Run away!” The Jack screamed. The Beciles bolted, tearing down the promenade with clouds of smoke trailing behind them.
“Bye!” Number Three called after them, waving. “See you later!”
“I hope not,” The Spine growled, coiling his weapon.
“Oh, this ain’t the last we’ve seen of those three,” Rabbit said. “This is gonna be reeeeal interesting.”
The three robots flinched at the acidity in Pops’ voice. None of them met his eyes as he stood up from the chair behind the desk in his office, practically baring his teeth. “I knew you were planning to sneak off, Hare, but I thought perhaps you other two had a little more sense!”
They had gotten back late, the sun halfway down the horizon. They had tried to be quiet coming in, but whether it was their clunky footsteps or the smell of coal smoke, Pops had appeared at the banister above the entry hall and ordered them to his office before any of them could hide. He had peeled the truth out of them with a piercing, damning glare, and now he was angrier than any of them had ever seen.
“You risked all the work I’ve put into you, leaving with neither supervision or permission--”
“Didn’t tell us not to go see ‘em,” Hare muttered.
“What was that?” Pops eyes locked onto Hare, bored into him. Hare shifted his shoulders and looked away. Pops let the moment drag, raking it through broken glass, before slowly turning his attention back to the group. “Not only did you disobey my rules,” he said darkly. “But you’ve involved yourselves in business that you were not ready for-- endangering me in the process. Walter knows I’m back, now, and that I’ve created you three. He could easily march his army here and destroy everything.” He jabbed a finger at The Skull, who has holding his hat in both hands and looking down at it. “You even said the robot you attacked was still armed.”
“Yes, sir,” The Skull said softly.
“Pity you did so little damage,” Pops said. “At least if one of them were gone, this wouldn’t have been a total loss.”
The three robots stirred uneasily at the suggestion. The Jack had started to cry.
“Enough of that,” Pops snapped at The Jack. “Dismissed, all of you. I have a lot to consider, including suitable punishment. Go.”
Outside the office, The Skull turned away from Hare and walked off on his own without a word. Hare tried to say something to his back, maybe apologize, but there were no words in his throat. Instead, he turned to The Jack, took out the same handkerchief he had used last night, and passed it to him.
“Don’t beat yourself up, Jacky,” he muttered. “This wasn’t your fault.”
Pops set them to a rigorous schedule of music practice and work. When they weren’t preparing for their next performance, just two weeks away, they were cleaning rooms and learning grounds-keeping. They scrubbed the floors and pulled ivy off the brickwork, and one day they took a ladder out to the big copper skeleton in the backyard and cleaned as much of it as they could reach safely.
“What is this thing, anyway?” Hare called down, using the guise of turning to talk to his brothers to actually look out over the estate, toward Balboa Park.
“Maybe it was a greenhouse?” The Jack suggested, pointing to the remaining panes of glass that hung between the ribs.
“I saw a diagram in one of the old workrooms,” The Skull said. “I think it was an elephant.”
The days dragged, but at least the manor looked nicer, they all agreed. But Hare especially was still unhappy, still feeling bested by Rabbit.
“Come on,” The Jack said a week later, taking one of Hare’s hands. “Look what we made out back!”
It was almost night, the sky still more purple than black. The Skull was standing just under the shadow of the elephant’s ribs, a shovel laying nearby. Hare walked up to his side and looked down at the wide pit The Skull had dug in the dead dirt. He’d layered it with sand found in a storage shed, and now a few of the bundles of dry branches and brush they’d made were sitting in it.
“We making a bonfire?” Hare asked. The Skull nodded and pulled out a box of matches, striking one after the other and placing them strategically around the bundles. Soon they were alight, and the three traced the path of the embers up, up, until the sparks danced against the half-dome above them. But soon the embers were outshone by the reflection of the fire against the ribs and the glass, shining back down on the robots and the wall of the manor. The entire spaced glowed.
“You two are pretty bright, you know?” Hare said approvingly, watching the firelight gleam off his arm. “Pops ain’t gonna get upset?”
“He said it would be a good way to get rid of the wood,” The Skull said.
“And I noticed how well the metal ornaments in the study caught the light,” The Jack said shyly.
“Well, this is one heck of an ornament,” Hare said.
They stood in silence for a while, each with his own thoughts, hopes, wonders.
“I wanna go back,” Hare said at last. The Skull and The Jack looked at him in surprise. “You guys don’t gotta come with me, but, I can’t leave it at that. I didn’t even get a chance to sing. I want them to know I’m just as good as them. Not just good, but different. That I’m not just… Not just a half-baked copy.”
After a moment, The Jack smiled. “I’ll go with you,” he said. “Maybe if we get them to respect us, we can fix things. Be friends!”
Hare laughed. The Skull glanced between them.
“Maybe someday,” The Skull said doubtingly. “But first, I want an apology. That Spine guy didn’t just insult me, he insulted our maker. If we’re proving anything, we’re proving him wrong.”
“Yeah we are!” Hare said, punching The Skull in the arm. “The three of us, we’ll show everyone in town-- there’s no keeping down these Becile bots! The Walters, their robots, heck, even Pops-- they’re all gonna see us for the champs we are.
“They’re all gonna see.”
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Two Of Us – Lyric Video – LOUIS TOMLINSON
. 1. Black 1-3 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8jxxcppxffnlvx8/AACNx1odaD0IjFzcuwD1xs0La?dl=0 . 2. Page 1 – Two of Us – Intro 4-8 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fwowtu2k5wvag82/AABcEzS4pR2ntLD8rGtufOLXa?dl=0 . 3. Page 1 – Intro – Louis’ Hand 9-33-> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cnzx5wdeq3j5bds/AABK7yq1WydQxS8gjLprmVxca?dl=0 . 4. Page 2 – It’s been a minute 34-129 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pbb8vsi3kfarw94/AAAXbc6n0p-Py12BN4yUhpPva?dl=0 . 5. Page 2 – Just to hear 130-205 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h4z2bywwx0vvgnq/AACt_lo3KiVwyeRngZ_0Y3GVa?dl=0 . 6. Page 2 – Yeah I know 206-320 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vxwa9x8ff3y9x5d/AACtzWb7074xUk9krK_sR1Hza?dl=0 . 7. Page 2 – But I’ll leave 321-428 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9cv3f1bsdkzdh6n/AADBbbs5JLUhRL9ye5kGlrdpa?dl=0 . 8. Page 3 – This morning I 429-520 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vcclyadnq3dnspu/AADzO6zOoMHuo7jNYfXcmgF7a?dl=0 . 9. Page 3 – With memories playing 521-597 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gtj230ue32yqwd2/AABf85ubrz1pFMGVDalByjISa?dl=0 . 10. Page 3 – You’ll never know 598-687 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v8n8ze4rtxex5vn/AACneDXIKfeFn5Fw_kvVeHQYa?dl=0 . 11. Page 3 – The day that 688-785 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/06ff0isg3xfhypd/AAC0tJKOhQg8XdjZymrQBJOCa?dl=0 . 12. Page 4 – But you once 786-888 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ypozxjm5ebkthfr/AADimFwi9rur1NT8y5sg7E3_a?dl=0 . 13. Page 4 – You can do it 889-993 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ogss984i3il05wp/AABtPIuJssotjsTDwiKldW9Za?dl=0 . 14. Page 4 – And diamonds they 994-1099 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xhw0fzak9h1k2br/AADoT9d71rQshoJDXuzH5W56a?dl=0 . 15. Page 5 – So I will keep 1100-1258 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/79gt9tbr5fdi2c6/AAACONOBXU4IRo1NYdy2QQ94a?dl=0 . 16. Page 5 – I’ll be living 1259-1344 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qhrbzr4jthkclj9/AAAS-x81mpnkGP1076anQaLJa?dl=0 . 17. Page 5 – I will be 1342-1383 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c6a3neukknf63xx/AAD7lnY8nhmMkWKD74uFagEda?dl=0 . 18. Page 5 – Always have you 1384-1439 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3wwlfjtsnora8hh/AADGY8CXr_3AImLhqSjBnv5la?dl=0 . 19. Page 5 – I’ll be living 1440-1535 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dw5xmzpdejs3wjl/AAB3aWkIVuSFqq74b5zNG7y7a?dl=0 . 20. Page 6 – Even when I’m 1536-1639 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/83xs0hrmu8olxjy/AAD4Be12oogOSuUke69LApJfa?dl=0 . 21. Page 6 – Tattooed on my 1640-1729 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2hf3w258q309f3p/AAAaVLZ-b89TpYcbxBI-0vpea?dl=0 . 22. Page 6 – I know you’ll 1730-1774 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/34hcc95spixh0rr/AADFJV334zoLAMemcHdiUMdZa?dl=0 . 23. Page 6 – Swear I’m gonna 1775-1819 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h4qx4zwmtxzrkdt/AAApOLHnGknDZJdcFg-Z_fV9a?dl=0 . 24. Page 6 – I’ll be living 1820-1929 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/16czq6jp6rm6ymd/AACbzqluI5D5bXUWTaLe7oota?dl=0 . 25. Page 7 – I can feel 1930-2024 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/efewab2eq7isd8q/AACWgQVUfvPirPWilN5T-9Uxa?dl=0 . 26. Page 7 – You’re written in 2025-2117 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lno6hveq0wis8d3/AADzzTcwKiO1HSimQLOmJC3na?dl=0 . 27. Page 7 – Looking back in 2118-2214 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/28ymjbloezip13w/AABJmHDiu_r27tl-nzwUmVm5a?dl=0 . 28. Page 7 – I know you’ll 2215-2251 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/quvw0e8ura8jjs9/AAD0kmhmHPDtr1H_vKinMGaxa?dl=0 . 29. Page 7 – I’ll see you 2252-2299 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m0mfkz8zvavs81k/AAD4vTvaPU9CBSKkZAcPIr5Da?dl=0 . 30. Page 8 – But you once 2300-2399 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dptj2dwz0i91eda/AAAUM81YZkd2rVe9x2ZouPTya?dl=0 . 31. Page 8 – You can do it 2400-2499 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k5kjy12q4enm9io/AAD9ssdoMc8F7YS9_YuvAWCNa?dl=0 . 32. Page 8 – And diamonds they 2500-2668 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7k9rlxy7h8l8lbp/AABx9a8k-iKkIq4aOuJLy6C5a?dl=0 . 33. Page 9 – So I will keep 2669-2720 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aispmjsgf7ayffb/AACFwyMnARsBxL6LtaZNwvURa?dl=0 . 34. Page 9 – Here until the 2721-2762 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/36ol123psf8pb6d/AAA3VnsSSM1VoIv08-gHPy7wa?dl=0 . 35. Page 9 – I’ll be living 2763-2864 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z2fycngkr89bw2k/AAAjEKnsftf21lo5m_TZXl6va?dl=0 . 36. Page 9 – I will be the 2865-2910 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/txs94ua87gy8twu/AAAs8GnRjYXovNU-GjeIzW6Va?dl=0 . 37. Page 9 – Always keep you 2911 – 2956 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bftyuvh89417gbn/AABn1xJeWSMs3w-ijKF_wvP4a?dl=0 . 38. Empty on Purpose -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wtqzxpjzypmyzn2/AABAroYc3eq1sk2W9zC175iua?dl=0
. 39. Empty on Purpose -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tu09m4rg3cq4nlb/AAAqBNw9CR7Nb0WobHcXvysYa?dl=0 . 40. Page 9 – I’ll be living 2957-3047 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gnbf179xb13sm3g/AABrFXnyvVn_ClbdfsK7Ai9sa?dl=0 . 41. Page 10 – Even when I’m 3048-3097 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2q5g8qgtynv1ohi/AAAoOXXVNl_EGfszV-elnW6Xa?dl=0 . 42. Page 10 – I know I 3098-3137 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gco4xl4jaae388o/AAAvycuuu_z782CxkMDDs5GUa?dl=0 . 43. Page 10 – Tattooed on my 3138-3237 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1yzkdr6k74ez8au/AACOKcvFB25YtLTVunzQTCBha?dl=0 . 44. Page 10 – I know you’ll 3238-3279 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ojf5wu6hnblwacw/AACAJBO84DUtfcPxtCSnpbrra?dl=0 . 45. Page 10 – Swear I’m gonna 3280-3344 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tlp6pptsqiao04r/AACHr-hAU6FJhf1Z-v8W12Lqa?dl=0 . 46. Page 10 – I’ll be living 3345-3429 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/njnu9ycvmuake7z/AADAEncUgO558O-QZVZWZ0fja?dl=0 . 47. Page 11 – I promised you 3430-3504 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t9o6ks6xcfjz9ty/AABbY_FPIZ_x4Uz40Wls1UXCa?dl=0 . 48. Page 11 – So all of 3505-3627 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5mk4zpexel70ofi/AAB1QvS35Z2w6yOn8WIYO2jAa?dl=0 . 49. Page 11 – Oh I swear 3628-3707 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j4mss15y5e6u2ti/AACyz2E93mJ75KmSBtHGgx3ga?dl=0 . 50. Page 11 – Through everything I’ll 3708-3789 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aegmapywtc1cme8/AADOrE_EA_AXGkQ6lhJlm2x2a?dl=0 . 51. Page 12 – So I will keep 3790-3854 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dhv61m14uog2dc8/AAC4lV_5YDjES2N1tGppkHK-a?dl=0 . 52. Page 12 – Here until the 3855-3899 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yj6ljvosihp8wpw/AAAC5sL7EYpGjg8H1NkB2wpga?dl=0 . 53. Page 12 – I’ll be living 3900-3979 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1en1wptpqlzhoml/AADdH2CI3DxIy5ssLyLaEiuca?dl=0 . 54. Page 12 – I will be the 3980-4039 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4ajyq6wtwusypaf/AACbiN4cdwSb0CJ7Px1ARWvya?dl=0 . 55. Page 12 – Always keep you 4040-4089 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/44vd0bvluci72o3/AADqVCSZfrgDTLRIQux9OeKra?dl=0 . 56. Page 12 – I’ll be living 4090-4177 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wn6jv1bh5jbbh92/AAB1rZpr4hmgY704w2OMrl4la?dl=0 . 57. Page 13 – Even when I’m 4178-4226 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aqcdi30eqpucl46/AAD3Nufp23cK_v2CjX8GpqFpa?dl=0 . 58. Page 13 – I know I won’t 4227-4269 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l5zthcj17dhnuuo/AADKowMMKni3d-ANXoVV0NURa?dl=0 . 59. Page 13 – Tattooed on my 4270-4371 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hytk76340y3ukm9/AACnLjeGVSbyabUxplUaclH0a?dl=0 . 60. Page 13 – I know you’ll 4372-4420 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/81f0xtrb0ryvfhp/AABKv9wER1cM2SQGDEe8oUQNa?dl=0 . 61. Page 13 – Swear I’m gonna 4421-4469 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/atd000s0pe3blky/AAB7hehys3J-ajvEOYUOiYv-a?dl=0 . 62. Page 13 – I’ll be living 4470-4551 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cr516hf1jbih3xe/AAA_My7ZooY86Z92ehDejkQUa?dl=0 . 63. Page 14 – Ohhhhh 4552-4676 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l1yz3ybw9sd6yza/AACoRVGfyQQFxWMorgut4JiMa?dl=0 . 64. Page 14 – One life for 4677-4745 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/joz4jc8ggd4c2p2/AADphe6BKWcNFaLd9K40CP80a?dl=0 . 65. Page 14 – Ohhhh 4746-4833 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zk3onnrrc8b8ff4/AAAUHr5bp5rKLcI3cVUX5niMa?dl=0 . 66. Page 14 – I’ll be living 4834-4947 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wx2m9omznn55o4u/AACTA6mzgj52tlFZTMKp_JLfa?dl=0 . 67. Page 15 – We’ll end just 4948-5037 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bydr1qz692o42jd/AAASldClwfu2qtAHSlk25ONXa?dl=0 . 68. Page 15 – Just you and me 5038-5141 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8wjsrl9tbz87eh2/AADTeGdBuf-drcBB3mT8sqCHa?dl=0 . 69. Page 15 – I will hold 5142 – 5229 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/go3hjx1nuegdhd7/AADsrri_xFpaMogqI-7kKcDla?dl=0 . 70. Page 15 – One life for 5230-5306 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ljnz4dq1oaoyrv1/AAAnnut3lEMYlR5VGsWAsRF6a?dl=0 . 71. Page 15 – Louis 5307-5353 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dm2hxmy4qae41ck/AABKm1J7JJqjWoHRbG-y2BDha?dl=0 . 72. Page 16 – Thank you 5354-5559 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aeg0ngbnuqnihvg/AAAOwRwJfoYcxDZ3gKRkGR1ha?dl=0 . 73. Black 5560-5561 -> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x02undzy3lfknlo/AAB6kffJ3wMuZBASk5mMQH5za?dl=0 .
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Best Renovators Gold Coast
Gold Coast Classic Renovations
Name: Owen
Entity name: The Trustee for Gold Coast Classic Renovations Trust
Business Name: Gold Coast Classic Renovations
Address: QLD 4226
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone No: 0411486808
BSA License: 60217
Waterproofing License: 128 Bostik
Australian Business Number (ABN): 56434858615
Website: https://www.goldcoastclassicrenovations.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gold-Coast-Classic-Renovation-270205206748193/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldcoastrenova
Google+: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bathroom+Renovations+Gold+Coast.+Bathroom+Repairs+%26+Waterproofing+Gold+Coast/@-28.0360671,153.4940943,9z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8dc6292b1fb8a7c1!8m2!3d-27.9724919!4d153.3540831
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/goldcoastrenovation/
Business Type: Renovation
About Us:
Gold Coast classic Renovations is a company that specialises in Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations, Leaking Shower Repairs and tiling services in Gold Coast, our team prides themselves on offering the highest quality in products and workmanship in today’s competitive world. We at Gold Coast Classic Renovations like to fix leaking showers the old fashion way, we remove the tiles and get back to the original structure and apply two coats of waterproofing membrane. We only use glues recommended by those manufacturers. To get a lasting Job at a best Price possible! Call us now and let’s get your Leaking Showers repaired. Fill your details in the contact us form we will contact you within 24 hrs.
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Balcony Repairs Gold Coast
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Bathroom Renovations Gold Coast
Kitchen Renovations Gold Coast
Name: Andrew Walter-Girout
Business Name: Buildavate Pty ltd
Address: ROBINA QLD 4226
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone No: 0411314748
Website: https://www.buildavate.com.au/
Business ABN: 86628134092
Business Type: Renovation
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/buildavte/
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/buildavate01/
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/buildavateau/
Pinterest Page: https://in.pinterest.com/buildavateau/
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-walter-girout-94769046/
YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7qHmG1lN3viGg7lmY4QXg
Google Maps: https://g.page/buildavte?share
Google Review: https://g.page/buildavte/review
About UsBuildavate Pty ltd is a building and renovation company specializing in designer kitchen and bathroom renovations, alteration and extension. With a keen eye for detail whether it be an interior paint job or concrete slab we have our client’s best interests at heart. We treat every job as if it were in our own personal home or office. We offer prompt and friendly service and aim for superb job satisfaction.
Home renovations, Home extensions
Kitchen renovation, Cabinet making
Laundry renovation
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Office fit out
Home Renovations Gold Coast
Bathroom Renovations Gold Coast
Kitchen Renovations Gold Coast
Office Fit outs Gold Coast
Waterproofing Gold Coast
Equinox Homes
Name: David Kellas
Business Name: Equinox Homes
Address: Po Box 375, North Beach, WA 6920
Mail: [email protected]
Phone: 0418515636
Builders Reg: 12018
Website: https://www.equinoxhomes.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/equinoxhomeimprovements
Google Review: https://g.page/equinoxhomesau/review
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/equinoxhomeimprovements_wa/?hl=en
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/equinoxhomesaus/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/110142032810375912860
About Us:
Equinox Homes prides itself on being established custom home builders who deliver a service that encourages clients to be involved in all aspects of building, home design and construction to achieve quality, practical and functional designs. When you plan on changing or making over the bathrooms in your house in Perth, then you want the bathroom renovation service to be the best and of great quality. And this where Equinox Homes can be of great help. Right from the design phase to the different tradesmen, the woodwork, colour schemes, the fixtures and the supplies are all taken care of by our builders. We are the builders and renovators come with a vast experience in offering a range of renovation services including kitchen renovations in Perth. So, whatever it is you are looking for a custom kitchen design, a new bench top kitchen, luxury kitchen or kitchen resurfacing, rely on us for any type of renovation ideas and more.
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Name: Edwin Yesid Bran Botero
Address: 163 Todman Avenue, Kensington NSW 2033
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone No: 0428119186
Website: https://www.branprojects.com.au/
Business ABN: 75143 229 583
Business Type: PTY LTD
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/branprojects/
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/BranProjects
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/branprojectsau/
Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com.au/branprojectsau/
YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeMcIX8HgwwnitXkymbMa2g
Painting Sydney. Bran Project Painting is professional painting company in Sydney. Our Painting Contractors offers an interior and exterior painting services for residential and commercial properties in Sydney. At Bran House Cleaning Sydney we love to clean and offer you a better service that’s value for money. Whatever name you may call it by house cleaning Sydney, or residential cleaning Sydney or say even domestic cleaning Sydney, you need domestic cleaners from reliable cleaning services like say, Bran Projects to take care of it for you. Bran Projects engages in office cleaning, commercial cleaning, industrial cleaning and more and our cleaner’s only motto is to ensure that whatever work is undertaken, the result is that it leaves behind the ‘touch of clean’.
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For more services about Renovations
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Name: Andrew Walter-Girout
Business Name: Buildavate Pty ltd
Address: ROBINA QLD 4226
Email ID: [email protected]
Phone No: 0411314748
Website: https://www.buildavate.com.au/
Business ABN: 86628134092
Business Type: Renovation
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/buildavte/
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/buildavate01/
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/buildavateau
Pinterest Page: https://in.pinterest.com/buildavateau/
LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-walter-girout-94769046/
YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7qHmG1lN3viGg7lmY4QXg
Google Maps: https://g.page/buildavte?share
Google Review: https://g.page/spencer-street-apartments/review
Buildavate Pty ltd is a building and renovation company specializing in designer kitchen and bathroom renovations, alteration and extension. With a keen eye for detail whether it be an interior paint job or concrete slab we have our client’s best interests at heart. We treat every job as if it were in our own personal home or office. We offer prompt and friendly service and aim for superb job satisfaction.
Home renovations Home extensions Kitchen renovation Laundry renovation Bathroom renovation Office fit out Cabinet making Painting Plastering Waterproofing Plumbing Carpentry Electrical Tiling
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Glow Church Gold Coast is a fresh and vibrant Christ-centred church. Are you are looking for a church on the Gold Coast to connect with God and with people?
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When There Was No Dream of Mine, You Dreamed of Me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BhAFI9
by LavenderAvenue
Rantaro Amami tries to befriend the weird kid at school, Korekiyo Shinguji. Although he's quite closed off, Korekiyo quickly finds himself fascinated by Rantaro, and Rantaro is curious to learn more about Korekiyo and his hidden past. Shenanigans ensue as the two figure out how to be friends. Just friends. Nothing more.
Words: 4226, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Amami Rantaro, Shinguji Korekiyo, Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Akamatsu Kaede, Momota Kaito, Harukawa Maki, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Iruma Miu, Yonaga Angie, Shirogane Tsumugi
Relationships: Amami Rantaro & Shinguji Korekiyo, Akamatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi, Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito, Iruma Miu/K1-B0
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, slow burn-ish??, Past Abuse, Pining, Mutual Pining, Dancing, Study Date, Oblivious, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Oma Kokichi Is a Little Shit, amaguji is RAMPANT in this fic, it's the main ship but yknow, mentions of saimatsu, Kaito is a himbo, Eating Disorders, korekiyo is so traumatized, Shinguji Korekiyo Needs a Hug, projecting onto korekiyo for comfort reasons, korkeiyo i'm so sorry you didn't deserve this, Amami Rantaro Needs a Hug, rantaro might go through stuff too but we'll see, kokichi is painfully single and painfully flirty, Shinguji Korekiyo's Sister Being an Asshole, this is a sister shinguji hate page, Shinguji Korekiyo's Sister's Name Is Miyadera, korekiyo has sensory issues, neurodivergent korekiyo shinguji, no beta we die like men, ignore all the typos i tried, Childhood Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3BhAFI9
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[Document sent by Dr. Arcus, head of Project “Sunken City”: an attempt to explore and document a previously unknown abandoned city hidden deep underground beneath a desert.]
“...silence. Dead silence. When we entered the chamber, we knew something was off...[static]...statue in the center. Anyone who enters the chamber is immediately cut off from all forms of communications.”
[15 minutes of static]
“...entering the chamber. It’s time we get a better look at the statue.”
[24 minutes of silence]
“The stat- STATUE. IT IS ALIVE.”
[sounds of frantic page flipping]
“The symbols on the wall...[static]... THE SILENT GOD...[static]...ripped through...[static]... into dust...[static]...the silence...”
Official Statement by the Vocitarium:
“It is clear that we are not dealing with the regular creatures we normally interact with. Though the Vocitarium has dealt with extraordinarily dangerous creatures in the past, with its fair share of casualties, but this looks to be something different. We have committed a great deal of our resources to follow up on this archaeological project. In addition to this, we are mobilizing our armed forces department in order to conduct a rescue operation for our agents in the field.”
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Antigua Winds Serial Number Chart
Antigua Winds Serial Number Chart. Posted on 8/20/2018 by admin. Vector Nti Advance 11 Cracked. Filed down or missing serial number; A case that has a school's name.
Antigua Winds: Serial Number: A7016762: Condition: Used - Excellent Condition: Photos: Asking Price: $700.00: Trade Preferences: This ad will automatically expire on Mar 24, 2019 06:54 PM unless marked as SOLD before that date. To keep the site current, traidng post ads expire after 45 days. Expired ads can then be renewed.
I got my hands on a used AW alto serial# A6126524 I was wondering if anyone can tell me which model this is. It has a black thumb hook and engraved with the antigua plants, and name on the bell. Also what is it worth? I can post a photo if need be.:treble.
BUESCHERSerial#Year50001905112501910251031915612551920175275192525525019302690001935291000194030300019453320001950350000195536000019603810001963Bought out by Selmer40881819655200001970630000197578500019808750001983
SELMER (PARIS)Serial#Year100001929120001930Cigar Cutter140001931170001932180001933190001934200001935Balanced Action220001936240001937250001938270001939300001940330001947Super Balanced Action350001948370001949400001950430001951Low A Baritone460001952500001953520001954Mark VI5700019556200019566600019577100019587600019598100019609000019619400019621030001963110000196412000019651290001966137000196714900019681600001969171000197018200019711920001972204000197321800019742310001975Mark VII243000197625600019772720001978282000197930000019803273001981Super Action 8034020019823538001983366400198437880019853910001986Super Action 80 II4060001987
MARTINSerial#Year17221191919482192019933192123781192129942192234838192340644192448489152342192554853678521628521926172051792541927866871928*19253610271929*first digit dropped on most serial numbers98324298219301016227119193110509619321065461933108301193410758111253193514526116551193615396118038193718861126998193820563132070193923231136040194024572140199194126643144455194214532219431944145352194515428919461615201947165326194817039519491722151950172449 first Imperial175140195141693179317195245824 Indiana183125195349586 Indiana187614195419374719555616219621319566671920380919576672720191719587098820537719597622420908919608188521167519618785021399919622188551963
HOLTONSerial#Year1190125419024761903526190411511905187219063345190746301908607119099474191012,402191115,950191220,807191321,100191431,622191533,671191637,909191741,070 – 43,972191855,000 – 55,249191843,973 – 47,600191955,250 – 57,040191947,601 – 49,817192057,041 – 58,499192070,000 – 70,549192049,818 – 54,999192158,500 – 59,499192170,550 – 73,199192159,500 – 60,599192273,200 – 76,099192260,600 – 61,649192376,100 – 81,000192361,650 – 62,199192481,001 – 85,600192462,200 – 62,899192585,900 – 89,849192562,900 – 63,149192689,850 – 92,799192663,150 – 63,299192792,800 – 97,199192763,300 – 63,549192897,200 – 101,399192863,550 – 63,8491929101,400 – 105,199192963,850 – 64,0491930105,200 – 108,399193064,050 – 64,1491931108,400 – 111,0491931111,099 – 113,8991932113,990 – 114,9991933115,000 – 117,2991934117,300 – 118,5991935118,600 – 120,5991936120,600 – 122,8991937122,900 – 125,8491938125,850 – 132,7991939132,800 – 140,0991940140,100 – 151,2991941151,300 – 154,1991942154,200 – 154,6991943154,700 – 154,8991944154,900 – 156,0991945156,100 – 165,5991946165,600 – 181,9991947182,000 – 198,2991948198,399 – 210,2991949210,300 – 220,4991950220,500 – 232,5991951232,600 – 243,3491952243,350 – 254,0991953254,100 – 268,9991954269,000 – 281,3991955281,400 – 293,6991956293,700 – 307,3991957307,400 – 315,6991958315,700 – 326,0991959326,100 – 337,5991960337,600 – 348,3991961348,400 – 358,4991962358,500 – 373,6991963373,700 – 388,9491964388,950 – 403,3501965403,351 – 435,9991966536,600 – 455,7491967455,750 – 467,0991968467,100 – 483,0991969483,100 – 496,7991970496,800 – 504,2001971504,201 – 519,2991972519,300 – 524,5991973524,600 – 529,8991974529,900 – 535,1991975535,200 – 541,9991976542,000 – 548,4291977
On Antigua Winds serial numbers; they must have copied this idea from. Jan 13, 2018 - Antigua Winds Serial Number Chart. Vintage Saxophones There are many brands of saxophones! Within those brands exist several types. Serial number search. Check your saxophone serial numbers with this chart and find out the year of manufacture for vintage. Antigua Winds Serial Number Chart Understanding Exposure Bryan Peterson Ebook Pdf Torrent Arya 2 Malayalam Movie Torrent Download Depeche Mode Best Of Rara Driver Usb Psii 2 Player Converter Swap Magic 3 8 Ps2 Iso Loader Igi 5 Pc Game Download Chiranjeevi.
YANIGASAWASAXOPHONESDuring the 1970′s, the 3rd and 4th digit of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture.1972 – 12729030 1973 – 12731254 1974 – 12745400 1975 – 12753382 1976 – 12764553 1977 – 12775790 1978 – 12781317 1979 – 12791801 1980 – 00102143 1981 – 00106981 1982 – 00111892 1983 – 00117142 1984 – 00122663 1985 – 00128485 1986 – 00134903 1987 – 00141658 1988 – 00148774 1989 – 00156006 1990 – 00162968 1991 – 00170073 1992 – 00177116 1993 – 00184318 1994 – 00189050 1995 – 00197400 1996 – 00205400 1997 – 00213000 1998 – 00219500 1999 – 00228250 2000 – 00235000
SML SAXOPHONESSerial#Year1? – 30001934 to 19403000 – 55001940 to 19455500 – 80001945 to 19508000 – 120001950 to 195512000 – 160001955 to 196016000 – 190001960 to 196519000 – 220001965 to 197022000 – 240001970 to 197524000 – 260001975 to 198026000 – >270001980 to 1982
Nov 24, 2017 - Does anyone know if there is such a thing as an Antigua Serial Number Chart. Serial #: Product Status: Contact For Price: Antigua Winds Power. I don't exactly know about sopranos, but i own an antiqua winds alto. Where did you get your antigua winds soprano for $550 and would I be.
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