#page 2731
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Kanaya Maryam, Rose Lalonde
Act 5, page 2726-2731
-- grimAuxiliatrix [GA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
GA: Okay This Will Probably Strike You As An Odd Moment For Me To Mention This
GA: But Actually
GA: There Are Not Many Moments Ive Observed On Your Timeline Which Wouldnt Qualify As Odd
GA: And Somehow
GA: Your Idle Moments Seem To Invite Interruption The Least
GA: And This Is A Difficult Topic For Me To Broach
GA: For Reasons That You Probably Wont Understand
TT: You're rambling again, Kanaya.
GA: Okay Sorry
GA: Ive Just Been Meaning To Say
GA: That I Read Your Instructional Guide
TT: Oh?
GA: Yeah
TT: Sorry to hear you were subjected to that.
GA: Why
TT: It was a little melodramatic in retrospect. Heavy-handed.
TT: But now it's stuck on that server forever, broadcasting the notes of very confused girl sifting through the aftermath of just another pedestrian apocalypse somewhere in paradox space.
TT: Have you ever written a message you regretted instantly upon sending?
GA: Lately
GA: Almost Perpetually
TT: That line included?
GA: Wow Yeah Kind Of
GA: Also
GA: That One
TT: I'm sure you must regard the walkthrough as pretty quaint.
TT: As a veteran of the game.
GA: Actually
GA: At The Time Of Reading It Lent Some Useful Insight
GA: Into The Nature Of The Game I Hadnt Yet Considered
GA: And
GA: The Author I Guess
TT: At the time?
TT: When exactly did you read it?
GA: Uh
GA: By The Way
GA: What Are You Doing Here
GA: Is This Part Of Your Ongoing Investigation
TT: Yes.
GA: Are These Tactics Really Necessary
TT: It's faster this way.
TT: If there's one thing you and your friends regularly remind us, it's that time is not on our side.
GA: I Know
GA: But I Thought Our Methods Earlier Were Effective
GA: In Illuminating The Underpinnings Of The Game
GA: You Ask Some Questions
GA: And I Answer
GA: If I Can
TT: Yes, that has been effective.
TT: But you don't know everything, do you?
GA: No
TT: My current strategy is comprehensive.
TT: Your notes have been helpful, but the facts you've supplied are being cross-referenced with understandings I already have, and data gathered by the sort of means presently on display.
TT: I still have more questions for you, which I will ask in time.
GA: Okay
GA: But These Means Presently On Display
GA: Are Making Me A Little Nervous
GA: I Think Its Kind Of A Reckless Use Of
TT: Of what?
GA: These Forces
TT: Dark magic, you mean?
GA: Yes
GA: Well
GA: Influence By The Gods From The Furthest Ring
GA: The Communion You Seem To Have Developed With Them I Find Kind Of Troubling
TT: I don't think they are as nefarious as you might imagine.
TT: Many of them seem to be intent on helping us.
GA: How Exactly Do You Know That
TT: From their whispers in my dreams.
GA: How Much Time Have You Really Spent Sleeping
GA: Since You Began Playing
TT: Not much.
TT: But quite a lot in a failed timeline.
TT: And now and then, memories surface from that alternate reality.
TT: Vague memories, but unmistakable in familiarity, like spontaneously remembering a dream from years ago by some inexplicable catalyst.
TT: In that reality, they spoke to me in my sleep and told me much of what I needed to know.
TT: Including what to do to reset our timeline and create the present reality.
GA: That Makes Me No Less Nervous
GA: Our Understanding Is That Influence From Doomed Timelines
GA: Though Seemingly Necessary To Advance In The Alpha Reality
GA: Is Generally Inauspicious
GA: Travelers From Such Branches Are Marked For Death
GA: And Though It Was Only An Insubstantial Part Of You Which Traveled
GA: Just Memories I Suppose
GA: Its Still Troubling
TT: I have assurances I'm on the right track.
TT: Surely you must have spoken to the gods by now.
TT: What did they tell you to make you so suspicious?
GA: Actually
GA: I Havent
GA: I Have Never Visited Derse Or Traveled Beyond The Veil
GA: Prospits Moon Was My Home
GA: For Most Of My Dreaming Life
TT: It was?
GA: Yes
TT: This surprises me.
GA: Why
TT: ...
TT: Good question.
GA: Skaia Was Always The Foil For My Curiosity
GA: But It Only Showed Me What I Needed To See
GA: It Very Much Had The Presence Of Something Sentient
GA: And
GA: Benevolent
GA: But Silent
GA: Not Something To Converse With Or Be Instructed By
GA: Or Anything With An Agenda Beyond Which It Knows To Be Manifest Already
GA: Like A Very Clear Mirror
GA: That Has Everything There Is To See Inside It
GA: But Only Some Things Are Visible At Any Given Moment
GA: I Always Trusted It
GA: And I Dont Trust Gods That Would Eschew Its Light
TT: You didn't actually answer my question.
TT: When was it exactly that you read my walkthrough?
GA: Oh
GA: A While Ago
TT: Before you first contacted me?
GA: I Have To Confess That
GA: Ive Been Experiencing Something Like
GA: Impression Whiplash
GA: Since That Time
TT: What do you mean?
GA: At First I Thought You Were Foolish And Incompetent
TT: My apologies for whatever misstep I may have taken to dispel that impression.
TT: It was an honest mistake, I swear.
GA: You See Thats What Im Talking About
GA: That Was A Very Snarky Remark That Happened Just Now
GA: Stratified By Your Signature Varieties Of Insincerity Which Cut Through The Literal Meaning Of The Statement Like Colorful Ribbons
GA: And The Net Intent Is Something Maddening To Try To Know
GA: Its Meaning I Think Exists At The Inscrutable Nexus Of Semantic Space Where Humor Chafes Against Soft Malice
GA: A Place Perhaps The Human Mind Occupies More Comfortably I Dont Know
GA: Xenopsychology Isnt My Strong Suit
GA: Or Even A Real Word
TT: ...
GA: Uh Yeah I Know Im Babbling Again
GA: The Point Is Its Not The Type Of Behavior A Very Stupid Person Can Perpetrate
GA: And So My Impression Has Thrashed Around From Conversation To Conversation
GA: And Now
GA: Rather Than Suspecting You Of Incompetence
GA: I Have Begun To Fear Just The Opposite
GA: I Think You Might Be Dangerous
TT: To whom?
GA: Maybe Not Knowing That Is What Really Bothers Me
GA: Why Dont You Put The Turtle Ruins Down
GA: And Return To Your House
GA: I Have Sketched Some New Outfits For You That I Think Are Nice
GA: We Could Try To Make Them
GA: It Will Be Fun
TT: You seem to have taken quite an interest in my wardrobe decisions.
TT: Are all trolls so fashion-minded?
GA: Urrgh No
GA: Sadly
TT: Maybe later.
GA: What If There Isnt A Later
TT: Well, we already know there won't be.
TT: That's nothing new.
GA: I Mean
GA: There Not Being A Later Might Happen Sooner Than You Think
TT: Wow, what?
GA: I Mean
GA: For You Specifically
GA: Okay
GA: This Was Something Else I Wanted To Say
GA: Or Ask About
GA: But Im Afraid My Asking Might Play A Role In The Outcome
GA: And I Dont Know If I Want That
TT: The outcome will happen one way or another.
TT: Whether you have something to do with it or not.
TT: You might as well ask me.
TT: At least when it happens, you'll understand what it is that's happening.
TT: And just maybe, if we're really lucky, so will I.
GA: Um
TT: I have a question for you too.
TT: Let's swap ignorance, ok?
GA: Alright
GA: I Cant See You In The Future
GA: The Viewport Wont Let Me After A Certain Point
GA: Its Black
GA: But Only For You
GA: Not The Others
TT: When?
GA: Several Hours From Now
GA: Do You Know Why This Could Be
TT: I have no idea.
TT: I can't see the future.
TT: I'm a disreputable Derse Dreamer, remember?
TT: But I promise that if I have a hand in it, it won't be because you told me.
TT: Does that make you feel better?
GA: Sort Of
GA: But It Remains Ominous
TT: Is that why you want to dissuade me from my admittedly zealous investigation to go play dress-up again?
TT: Because our time here is almost up?
TT: And you hope what's on the other side of the dark curtain for me is not some sort of corruption or damnation?
GA: Also Sort Of
TT: That's thoughtful of you.
TT: To strive to pacify me as I scuffle down this black corridor.
GA: Wait
GA: Is That What Im Doing
TT: Is it?
GA: On Second Thought
GA: Thats Not What I Want To Do
TT: Oh.
TT: That's a pity.
TT: Who will make sure my soul isn't forfeit in service of gods then?
GA: Well
GA: I Hope That Doesnt Happen
GA: But Id Rather Not Get Stuck In That Kind Of Pattern Again
GA: So If You Want To Wreck Turtle Villages And Tear Your Planet Apart On The Counsel Of Dark Gods
GA: Fine With Me I Guess
TT: What do you mean, "again?"
GA: Ur
GA: Ill Do The Thing You Do When You Dont Say Anything
GA: "..."
TT: One simple word can so easily begin a story in a very thick book.
TT: But I guess we won't open this one?
GA: What Was Your Question
GA: I Believe Youre Owed Some Compensatory Ignorance
TT: Yes.
TT: I was wondering.
TT: What do you know about the Green Sun?
GA: Ive Never Heard Of It
TT: Thank you.
TT: The transaction was very tidy.
GA: Agreed
#homestuck#kanaya maryam#rose lalonde#homestuck act 5#page 2726#page 2727#page 2728#page 2729#page 2730#page 2731#homestuck act 5 act 2
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The Tutor Ch. 1 | Letitia x Reader
Summary: You are a broke graduate student hustling through college when you unexpectedly land a job tutoring an actress in your native language—a language you've nearly forgotten. Instead of teaching, you find yourself becoming the student in this unexpected journey. As you fall in love for the first time, you begin to uncover profound truths about yourself and the world around you that you never knew existed.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, fluff, slow-burn, comedy
Word Count: 2731
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! If anyone wants to be added to my taglist, the link is in the pinned post on my page Taglist: @lyfeofbilly @prettymrswright
To be fair, you would—and almost had—done just about anything for money. Seriously, your resume of odd jobs looked like a carnival sideshow gone wrong. Washing cars? Check. Bagging groceries? Double check. Babysitting? Let's just say those kids still have flashbacks. Braiding hair? Sure, if they wanted a lopsided mess. Writing reports for books you never read? CliffNotes are your best friend. Music lessons for instruments you didn’t play? “Fake it 'til you make it” was your anthem.
Most of these ventures ended in irate customers hurling strong words at you, and you narrowly dodging potential assault. But hey, $40 is $40. And right now, you needed a whole bunch of those $40s, like, yesterday.
You’d printed and shared so many fliers for so many different gigs that you were like a human Rubik's Cube, colorful but often hopelessly scrambled. By now, you had no idea what the person on the other side of the phone was even talking about.
"So, is there an office address for this service?" the woman on the other end of the line asked, her voice dripping with the enthusiasm of someone waiting at the DMV.
After a thoughtful pause that was less "thoughtful" and more "panicked rummaging through mental chaos," you carefully responded, "Yes, you can trust that I have preserved a location most appropriate for our..." you leaned forward as if to coax the words out of her.
"This is the foreign language tutor, correct?" she quipped. You bit your lip to contain your celebratory noises, fighting back the urge to scream, "Jackpot!"
"Oh yes, ma'am, that is me. Totally, so yep... I do lessons at the University library or I can travel—with reimbursement included, of course," you added, trying to sound as professional as a used car salesman handing off a lemon.
She hummed thoughtfully as you spoke. "That will be $40 an hour for the first four hours and $35 afterward when you buy multiple sessions at once."
"Oh really? That's great, the flier said $60. Are you free this Saturday?" You swallowed a profanity at the realization you’d lost out on some money and pushed through with the booking. Inside, you were both cursing your past self and doing a victory dance. A gig's a gig, after all.
So there you were, the jack-of-all-trades, master of none, and not above doing something strange for some change. Because in your world, $40 could buy a lot of things—like loud shoes to wear indoors for your neighbor that liked to poke at the ceiling with a broom when you coughed or enough of the fancy Belgian chocolate you liked to eat yourself into a small coma. A lot of things...
On Saturday, you ventured out to the more upscale part of town. It was the kind of place that looked like it had springed straight out of a magazine. Each building practically whispered, "My mortgage could feed a small country."
You'd been wired enough money for two classes a week for two months, plus bus fare, which was a small victory in your book. As you stepped off the bus and onto the manicured sidewalk, you couldn't help but feel a mix of bewilderment and bitterness at the sheer luxury around you.
Looking around, you saw freshly washed windows, pristine sidewalks, and not a single piece of trash in sight. A roofless sports car purred by, driven by a guy who looked like he'd never known a day of financial stress in his life.
"Must be tough being a professional trust fund manager," you muttered under your breath, eyeing the back of the vehicle.
An impeccably dressed woman with a tiny, overly groomed dog strolled past you. "Dog Instagram influencer, probably," you thought, rolling your eyes at the absurdity.
Further down the street, a couple emerged from a boutique, laughing as they juggled bags from what must’ve been high-end stores. "Ah yes, professional yoga mat testers," you mused sarcastically. "Or maybe artisanal kombucha consultants."
As you walked a few blocks deeper into the neighborhood, you approached the address sent to you for work. It was a huge historical brownstone that filled you with intimidation. You couldn't help but marvel at the ornate door and the brass knocker shaped like a lion's head. "Sure, why not? Lion-head knockers. Probably enough to pay off student loans for my entire graduating class," you snarked internally.
Ringing the doorbell, you waited, feeling like an imposter in your own shoes. The door opened to reveal a woman who looked like she’d stepped out of a lifestyle blog, all polished and perfect. She was of a medium height, but her long, toned legs made her seem modelesque. The woman was a dark brown color and had a chicly shaved head partially obscured by a multi print silk scarf. She wore an expensive looking linen short set and minimalistic gold jewelry.
“Welcome! You must be the tutor,” she greeted you warmly. “Come on in.” She waved her thin hands to gesture inside of her home, her dark pink lips widening to reveal a set of perfect white teeth. You feigned politeness while bitterly thinking to yourself about the iniquity of someone being both so rich and so attractive while people like you were left with flabby arms, hairy toe knuckles, and crippling debt.
Stepping into the foyer, you tried not to gawk at the marble floors and grand staircase. "Just your average entryway," you thought wryly. "Nothing says ‘welcome’ like a ceramic bust."
You followed her to a spacious study, filled with leather-bound books and more mahogany than you thought existed in the world. Sitting down, you mentally prepared for your first lesson, hoping your makeshift knowledge of the language would hold up.
In the days leading up to this tutoring gig, you thought you were being proactive. After all, you couldn't just waltz into a foreign language lesson without a clue, could you? So, you did what any desperate person would do: WhatsApp video call your cringey cousin from back home.
Your cousin was the kind of guy who thinks he's fluent in English because he once binge-watched a season of "Friends" with subtitles on. His grasp of English and your grasp of your family’s native language was about as solid as a Jenga tower in a hurricane. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.
The conversation was a comedy of errors from the get-go. You tried to explain what you needed help with, but every sentence he uttered was a linguistic train wreck. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion, but with words.
"I need help. For teach… uh… English… speak person. You speak... uh... En-guh-lish, yes?" you attempted, your own language suffering under the weight of your desperation.
"Ah, English! Yes, yes! I know Eng-guh-lish!" he exclaimed triumphantly, his confidence only slightly overshadowed by the fact that he couldn't pronounce the word correctly.
What followed was a painful exchange of broken sentences, awkward pauses, and a lot of hand gestures that made you question whether you were communicating in semaphore or a spoken language.
By the time you hung up, you felt like you knew even less than before. If anything, you'd regressed linguistically. Welp, time to wing it, you thought grimly, resigning yourself to the fact that this tutoring job was going to be a wild ride. Who needs language proficiency when you have sheer determination and a healthy dose of delusion, right?
The woman fluttered around the study murmuring to herself until she retrieved a loose stack of papers from a bag.
“A-ha!” she chimed, turning to wave the papers at you with that same smile. She sauntered over and to your surprise, sat right next to you on the leather sofa instead of across the coffee table at one of the matching armchairs.
Up close, you noticed she had the slightest dimple in the lower left corner of her mouth and eyes that naturally set low in an effortlessly sultry gaze. There was something very classic and timeless about her looks. Like perhaps you had seen lots of women like her in commercials or in those huge luxury clothing brand displays at Macy’s.
She placed the papers on the table before turning and facing directly towards you, extending a thin, manicured hand. “Hi, I’m Letitia,” she spoke. Her voice was soft, a bit smokey, and had a bit of an encapsulating feel.
You shook her hand and formally introduced yourself as well. “I suppose you spoke with my manager Lashana on the phone about my goals. I have a casting audition in about 2 months and think having some exposure to the language beforehand could get me a leg up, y’know? Uh… these are just some things she sent for you to sign…” she said, running off into a murmur as she handed the stack of papers to you with a fountain pen. As she moved around you caught a whiff of her dark, woody perfume. It smelled more like an expensive men’s cologne.
For a moment you scoured your brain for any information you knew about this Letitia. You thought you might have heard Lashana mention the actress thing on the phone, but that was while you were on your other $40 gig moonlighting as an expert dog groomer. She interrupted when you were braiding the neighbor’s poodle- Fifi’s cornrows required utmost concentration so Lashana's words went in one ear and out of the other.
You signed the papers with a flourish, then handed them back to Letitia, raising an eyebrow as you joked, “So, what exactly did I just sign away? My soul? Firstborn child?”
To your surprise, Letitia burst into laughter, a genuine, hearty sound that filled the room. It caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but notice how her whole face lit up when she laughed. Her dimple deepened, and her eyes crinkled at the corners, giving her an adorable, almost childlike quality. At that moment, she seemed less like a polished actress and more like a regular person who didn't care about looking perfect.
“You're hilarious!” she said, still chuckling as she tucked the papers back into her bag. “I think this is going to be a lot more fun than I expected.”
You felt a flush creep up your cheeks at the compliment. “Thanks,” you said, trying to play it cool. “I aim to please.”
Letitia leaned back on the sofa, her gaze curious and open. “So, tell me about yourself. How did you end up doing... well, this?”
You shrugged, deciding to be honest. “Oh, you know, just trying to make a living. I’ve done a bit of everything. Today, I’m a language tutor. Tomorrow, who knows? Maybe I’ll be wrangling llamas at a petting zoo.”
She laughed again, a light, musical sound that made you smile. “I admire that,” she said. “It takes a lot of guts to do what you do.”
“Yeah, well, it’s not exactly glamorous,” you replied, though you couldn’t help but feel a little humble amidst the fancy room. “But it keeps things interesting.”
Letitia nodded thoughtfully. “I get that. I’ve had my share of odd jobs too. Before acting, I was a waitress, a dog walker- I even dressed up as Minnie Mouse at kids�� parties once.”
You tried to imagine her in a pink polka dot dress with gloves and big, round ears, and the mental image made you laugh. “Now that I’d like to see.”
She grinned, a twinkle in her eye. “Maybe if you teach me this language, I’ll show you some of my old mouse tricks.”
“Deal,” you said, feeling more relaxed than you had all day. “Let’s get started then, shall we?”
As you began the lesson, you realized that maybe this job wouldn’t be so bad after all. Letitia’s enthusiasm was infectious, and her genuine interest in getting to know you made you feel like, for once, you weren’t just a means to an end. Maybe this gig would be a turning point—something more than just another $40 in your pocket.
The lesson flew by in a blur of laughter, stumbles over pronunciation, and unexpected moments of connection. Before you knew it, the clock was signaling the end of your session. Letitia gathered her things, still giggling over a joke you'd made about mispronouncing a word in a way that turned it into something hilariously inappropriate.
As she walked you to the door, both of you were still caught up in the infectious energy of the lesson. “I can’t believe we spent half the time laughing,” Letitia said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
“Next time I’ll have to invoice you my rate for standup as well,” you replied, grinning.
Both of you stopped, laughter trailing off as you locked eyes, the air thick with an unspoken connection. You extended your hand for a handshake just as Letitia leaned in for a hug, and your misplaced hand awkwardly jabbed her ribs. As she toppled forward, her pillowy lips connected with your forehead in a soft, accidental kiss that sent shivers down your spine.
Time seemed to stand still. The world outside ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you in that moment. Her eyes widened in surprise, the rich depths of her gaze reflecting your own astonishment. You could feel the warmth spreading across your cheeks, your face burning with a mix of embarrassment and something more profound, something that made your heart race wildly in your chest.
Her breath, soft and warm, lingered against your skin, and for a heartbeat, everything else faded away. The delicate scent of her woody perfume enveloped you, creating an intoxicating haze that made you dizzy with longing. Her nearness, the accidental intimacy, sent a thrill through you, a sensation both terrifying and exhilarating.
The spell was broken by the sudden roar of a fast car zooming by outside, yanking both of you back to the present. The world rushed back in, loud and intrusive, yet you remained rooted in that brief, unforgettable moment.
Letitia pulled back slightly, her own cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. She laughed nervously, a melodic sound that made your heart skip a beat. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” she stammered, her voice a soft murmur of embarrassment and amusement.
“No, no, it’s fine!” you stuttered as she also spoke some unintelligible babble, the awkwardness dissipating into a shared chuckle. “That was... unexpected,” Letitia added, her eyes twinkling with mirth.
“Yeah, totally,” you agreed, trying to steady your racing heart. “Guess we need to work on our goodbye coordination as well.”
“Absolutely,” she smiled, a dazzling expression that made your knees weak. As she opened the door, the moment lingered in the air between you, a fragile, beautiful thing.
“Thanks again for today. I’m really looking forward to our next lesson,” she said softly, her voice like a caress.
“Me too,” you replied, your cracking voice barely above a whisper, your heart pounding. “See you next time!”
As you walked away, the memory of her accidental kiss lingered, a tender echo that made your pulse quicken and your thoughts spin. It was a moment you knew you would replay over and over, a small, perfect touch that left you breathless with anticipation for something- anything.
You mindlessly followed the sidewalk, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration. As you boarded the bus, you couldn’t stop thinking about that moment. Your heart was racing, and every time you closed your eyes, you could see Letitia’s face, the surprise and humor in her eyes.
You tried to distract yourself with phone games, but your fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. Before you knew it, you were googling Letitia’s name, falling down a rabbit hole of biographies, interviews, and reviews of her films. Each article and video only added to the whirlwind of thoughts spinning in your head.
Engrossed in reading about her, you completely missed your stop. When you finally looked up and realized how far you’d gone, you cursed under your breath, quickly pressing the button to signal the next stop.
As you walked the extra blocks home, you couldn’t shake the mixture of embarrassment and excitement from your mind. The day had taken a completely unexpected turn, and you knew it was going to be all you could think about until your next lesson with Letitia.
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Life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - Part 89 -
Striving for Certainty –
During his final years in Mecca before migrating to Medina, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was taken on the miraculous Heavenly Journey. He was taken first to Masjid Aqsa in Jerusalem and then up to the seven Heavens during a small part of the night. Chapter 17 Al Isra, verse 1:
“Exalted is He who took His Servant [i.e., Prophet Muḥammad (peace and blessings be upon him)] by night from al-Masjid al-Ḥarām to al-Masjid al-Aqṣā, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs…”
This has been discussed in Imam Ibn Kathir’s, the Life of the Prophet, Volume 2, Pages 66-68.
As indicated by the above verse, one of the main reasons the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was granted the Heavenly journey was to strengthen his faith through witnessing the signs of Allah, the Exalted.
Therefore, it is important for Muslims to strive to obtain certainty of faith.
All Muslims have faith in Islam but the strength of their faith varies from person to person. For example, the one who follows the teachings of Islam because their family told them to is not the same as the one who believes in it through evidence. A person who has heard about something will not believe in it in the same way as the one who has witnessed the thing with their own eyes.
As confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 224, gaining useful knowledge is a duty on all Muslims. One of the reasons for this is that it is the best way a Muslim can strengthen their faith in Islam. This is important to pursue as the stronger one’s certainty of faith the greater the chance they will remain steadfast on the correct path, especially when facing difficulties. In addition, having certainty of faith has been described as one of the best things one can possess in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3849. This knowledge should be obtained by studying the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, through a reliable source.
Allah, the Exalted, did not only declare a truth in the Holy Quran but He also provided evidence for it through examples. Not only examples which are to be found in the past nations but examples which have been placed in one's very own life. For example, in the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted, advises that sometimes a person loves a thing even though it will cause them trouble if they obtained it. Similarly, they might hate a thing while there is much hidden good in it for them. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 216:
“…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.”
There are many examples of this truth in history such as the Pact of Hudaiba. Some Muslims believed this pact, which was made with the non-Muslims of Mecca, would completely favour the latter group. Yet, history clearly shows that it favoured Islam and the Muslims. This event is discussed in the Hadiths found in Sahih Bukhari, numbers 2731 and 2732.
If one reflects on their own life they will find many examples when they believed something was good when it was actually bad for them and vice versa. These examples prove the authenticity of this verse and help one's faith strengthen.
Another example is found in chapter 79 An Naziat, verse 46:
“It will be, on the Day they see it (Judgement Day) as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.”
If one turns the pages of history they will clearly observe how great empires came and went. But when they left they passed away in such a way as if they were only on Earth for a moment. All but a few of their signs have faded away as if they were never present on Earth in the first place. Similarly, when one reflects on their own life they will realise that no matter how old they are and no matter how slow certain days might have felt overall their life so far has passed in a flash. Understanding the truthfulness of this verse strengthens one's certainty of faith and this inspires them to prepare for the hereafter before their time runs out.
The Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, are full of such examples. Therefore, one should strive to learn and act on these divine teachings so that they adopt certainty of faith. The one who achieves this will not be shaken by any difficulty they face and will remain steadfast on the path which leads to the gates of Paradise. Chapter 41 Fussilat, verse 53:
“We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth…”
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Live : Satsang | Sadhna TV 05-10-2023 | Episode: 2731 | Sant Rampal Ji S...
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गीता जी के गूढ़ रहस्यों का खुलासा❓
𒊹︎︎︎• अधिक जानकारी के लिए ""ज्ञान गंगा"" पुस्तक फ्री में ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
𒊹︎︎︎• पुस्तक और डिलीवरी चार्ज बिल्कुल निःशुल्क (फ्री) है। ⤵️
• संत रामपाल जी द्वारा लिखित ""ज्ञान गंगा"" नि:शुल्क पुस्तक मंगवाने के लिए मिस कॉल करें- 8193819381 📞
• अपना नाम ,पूरा पता, पिनकोड ,मोबाइल नंबर हमें 🥏 Whatsapp करें +91 7496801825
𒊹︎︎︎• सुनिए जगत गुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜ Nepal 1 �� सुबह 6:00 से 7:00
➜ श्रद्धा MH ONE 📺 दोपहर 2:00 से 3:00
➜ साधना चैनल 📺 शाम 7:30 से 8:30
➜ पॉपकॉर्न मूवीज 📺 रात 7:30 से 8:30
𒊹︎︎︎• आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से Install करें App :-
"Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj"
𒊹︎︎︎• Visit - "Satlok Ashram" and "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" Youtube Channel on YouTube.
𒊹︎︎︎• अवश्य देखिए मंगल प्रवचन ""Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji"" Facebook Page पर ....
#KabirIsGod #SantRampalJiMaharaj
#youtubechannel #Satsang
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Live : Satsang | Sadhna TV 05-10-2023 | Episode: 2731 | Sant Rampal Ji S...
𒊹︎︎︎ #MustListen_Satsang
गीता जी के गूढ़ रहस्यों का खुलासा❓
𒊹︎︎︎• अधिक जानकारी के लिए ""ज्ञान गंगा"" पुस्तक फ्री में ऑर्डर करे ⤵️
𒊹︎︎︎• पुस्तक और डिलीवरी चार्ज बिल्कुल निःशुल्क (फ्री) है। ⤵️
• संत रामपाल जी द्वारा लिखित ""ज्ञान गंगा"" नि:शुल्क पुस्तक मंगवाने के लिए मिस कॉल करें- 8193819381 📞
• अपना नाम ,पूरा पता, पिनकोड ,मोबाइल नंबर हमें 🥏 Whatsapp करें +91 7496801825
𒊹︎︎︎• सुनिए जगत गुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज के मंगल प्रवचन :-
➜ Nepal 1 📺 सुबह 6:00 से 7:00
➜ श्रद्धा MH ONE 📺 दोपहर 2:00 से 3:00
➜ साधना चैनल 📺 शाम 7:30 से 8:30
➜ पॉपकॉर्न मूवीज 📺 रात 7:30 से 8:30
𒊹︎︎︎• आध्यात्मिक जानकारी के लिए PlayStore से Install करें App :-
"Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj"
𒊹︎︎︎• Visit - "Satlok Ashram" and "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" Youtube Channel on YouTube.
𒊹︎︎︎• अवश्य देखिए मंगल प्रवचन ""Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji"" Facebook Page पर ....
#KabirIsGod #SantRampalJiMaharaj
#youtubechannel #Satsang
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I had a thought which I wanted to share. I was pondering over the following verse of the Holy Quran: Chapter 41 Fussilat, verse 53:
“We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth…”
All muslims have faith in Islam but the strength of their faith varies from person to person. For example, the one who follows the teachings of Islam because their family told them to is not the same as the one who believes in it through evidence. A person who has heard about something will not believe in it in the same way as the one who has witnessed the thing with their own eyes. As confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 224, gaining useful knowledge is a duty on all muslims. One of the reasons for this is that it is best way a muslim can strengthen their faith in Islam. This is important to pursue as the stronger one’s certainty of faith gets the greater the chance they will remain steadfast on the correct path, especially when facing difficulties. In addition, having certainty of faith has been described as one of the best things one can possess in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3849. This knowledge should be obtained by studying the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, through a reliable source.
Allah, the Exalted, did not only declare a truth in the Holy Quran but He also provided evidence for it through examples. Not only examples which are to be found in the past nations but examples which have been placed in one's very own life. For example, in the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted, advises that sometimes a person loves a thing even though it will cause them trouble if they obtained it. Similarly, they might hate a thing while there is much hidden good in it for them. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 216:
“…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.”
There are many examples of this truth in history such as the Pact of Hudaiba. Some muslims believed this pact, which was made with the non-muslims of Mecca, would completely favour the latter group. Yet, history clearly shows that it favoured Islam and the muslims. This event is discussed in Hadiths found in Sahih Bukhari, numbers 2731 and 2732.
If one reflects on their own life they will find many examples when they believed something was good when it was actually bad for them and vice versa. These examples prove the authenticity of this verse and help one's faith strengthen.
Another example is found in chapter 79 An Naziat, verse 46:
“It will be, on the Day they see it (Judgement Day) as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.”
If one turns the pages of history they will clearly observe how great empires came and went. But when they left they passed away in such a way as if they were only on Earth for a moment. All but a few of their signs have faded away as if they were never present on Earth in the first place.
Similarly, when one reflects on their own life they will realise that no matter how old they are and no matter how slow certain days might have felt overall their life so far has passed in a flash. Understanding the truthfulness of this verse strengthens one's certainty of faith and this inspires them to prepare for the hereafter before their time runs out.
The Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, are full of such examples. Therefore, one should strive to learn and act on these divine teachings so that they adopt certainty of faith. The one who achieves this will not be shaken by any difficulty they face and will remain steadfast on the path which leads to the gates of Paradise.
@shaykhpodpics - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog - Short Blogs on Good Character
PodThought: Certainty of Faith: https://youtu.be/O_MdVTF3jzU
PodThought: Certainty of Faith: https://fb.watch/3YAxIpjzOk/
#Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Yaqeen #Prophet #Muhammad #Sunnah #Certainty #Faith #Iman
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When We Collide (Part 43)
Pairing: Assistant!Y/N/CEO!Luke
Rating: NC-17
Masterlist: Here
Summary: He is the definition of high class smart ass, swimming in Dom Pierre Pérignon champagne and has never seen the shadow of poverty. She is underprivileged, lives in a messy dorm room on sale and struggles working as an assistant after being thrown out of college. But how will they collide when Luke makes Y/N pregnant after a drunkenly one night stand
When We Collide on Wattpad
"Is this just how we're gonna roll? Me chasing you all the time with no words left behind?"
Rolling your eyes you barely glanced over your shoulder with a word being said. The only thing that was on your mind was to get this over with as fast as possible.
"Y/N for the love of god!" Luke exclaimed almost frustrated, he was pretty amazed by how fast you could walk down the hallway without trying to catch your breath.
"Can we at least talk about what happened?"
Stopping in track completely he had to avoid not bumping into you directly. You turned around forcefully and crossed your arms with a raiseds eyebrow. If he wanted to talk fine, it just had to be done now.
"There's nothing to talk about, Luke." You disagreed casually.
"Okay, so that kiss was for nothing?" He spoke back, lowering his voice, "It just happened out of the blue?"
"Yes, it did." You answered and loosened your arms. The way he was walking closer to you made you almost want to catch your breath. The tension between you couldn't compare to the walk you had just passed at the hospital.
"You know your eyes are saying something different. I can tell." He whispered and placed a hand to your cheek.
"You wanna know what they're saying?" You whispered back and smacked his hand away from your cheek.
"You're a fucking wimp."
Rolling your eyes even more than before you settled with walking away again. Out of all the times Luke had decided to open this discussion it had to be done right here at the hospital. You were here for your last scanning and since Holly had showed up last night you didn't really get the chance to proper speak about what happened.
Not that it was something you wanted to. To be honest you had no clue what so ever because it all just felt like a dream. Or a nightmare. You didn't want to categorize it.
Luke raised his hands in disbelief but still decided to catch up with you. There was no way he was giving up with the conversation now and with his stubborn attitude it helped him along.
"And why am I a wimp?" He asked but it only made your irritation for him bigger.
"You know well enough why you're a wimp." You almost wanted to yell back over your shoulder but you didn't even want to look at him.
"No, please tell me why." He begged and grabbed your hand again to stop you. Deep inside he had a theory why but he had already given so much of him he wasn't sure of what else to do. There was only one thing left.
"If you really are in love with me try to prove it better than just giving me a kiss. Try using your mouth for something else." You looked at him seriously as you spoke because there was no way else this would go right. He either had to listen to you or he would lose you completely.
Luke looked at you with almost defeated eyes because he didn't even have to understand what you were hinting towards. But it was a mouthful that he had to swallow and he wasn't sure if he was able to do it.
"Now if you would have me excused." You waved your hand out of his again and pointed towards the familiar door, "But we have to be parents for just a short moment to see what's going on inside of me."
Without further ado Luke nodded his head in agreement and headed towards the room with you. As politely as he still was he opened the door for you to walk in and without saying anything you were welcomed inside.
A smile broke onto Dr. Sullivan’s face once she saw the two of you walk inside.
“Y/N! Luke! What a pleasure to see you both.” She smiled and stood up from her chair to shake both your hands.
“Wouldn’t want to miss it.” Luke agreed after shaking her hand and ignored the glare you were sending him. You had to act professional but you couldn’t help still feeling a bit pissed about it.
“Of course. If you could take a seat we will talk about a few things before the scanning appears.” She instructed and you both took a seat on the available chairs in front of her desk.
“So let’s see Y/N. As it seems you’re 36+1. Can you feel anything different from now besides the heavy weight in front of you?” She asked with a hint of joke in her tone because it was pretty obvious how large you had grown.
“I can definitely feel my temper becoming worse. I just think I’m starting to become a bit impatient.” You shrugged, caressing your hand up and down your bump.
“Heard.” Luke mumbled more carefully but only you heard it.
“Shut it.” You whispered back, eyes still focusing on Dr. Sullivan as she found your journal.
“Well yes, mood swings won’t disappear before the baby is born. It might as well continue from the process from all the stress and change of life that comes with giving birth to a new life.” Dr. Sullivan explained with a nodding head.
“I just hope it’s going to happen soon. It’s hurting my feet to walk and I can’t walk around with peeing at every toilet I see.” You told and she nodded her head again.
“It’s pretty normal. The baby is so far down now and preparing for the last bit it’s so close to your bladder even the smallest movement can cause some friction. Some even suffer from cystitis but lucky you, you haven’t.”
“Yet.” You spoke because with the luck you had it wouldn’t be a surprise if it came along as well with the rest of crap you had been through.
Dr. Sullivan chuckled quietly by your words. She fully understood what you were talking about because seeing your journal wasn’t he funniest thing. You had been through a lot during the pregnancy it was a luck you didn’t have to go through such things like Pelvic girdle pain or things worse.
“So what we’re going to talk about today are a few different things such as your umbilical cord. Your placental position and measure the amount of amniotic fluid inside of you. It’s not going to be a long scanning but we’re of course also going to measure the weight of your baby girl to see if she’s still following the right path. It’s almost getting too late to change anything so let’s hope she has stayed on course.”
You nodded your head and stood up from your chair to follow her instructions.
It sounded like a lot but better being on the safe side than just having a quick scan and leave it that way. You were also offered a scanning two weeks later but you wanted one now just to be sure.
You could never get enough of them because even though you were close to birth everything could go wrong last minute.
Luke shrugged off his blazer meanwhile standing up from his chair and followed you towards the bed. The scanner was ready and prepared, she had even made sure to warm up the gel before spreading it on your stomach.
“It’s always so cold.” You mumbled this time with a small smile and she nodded her head.
“I thought I’d warm it this time, you always complain about it.” She wiggled the bottle in the air and you lifted up your shirt. It was actually one of your favorites you were surprised you could still fit it.
“I appreciate it very much.” You giggled and leaned back to look up at the screen.
Dr. Sullivan laughed as well after finishing with the bottle and sat it back on place. Meanwhile Luke had taken a seat on the chair next to you after resting his blazer on the armrest of it.
You weren’t sure what he was up to but as he reached his hand forward to grab yours you didn’t reject it.
The way he was looking at you softly and a little bit apologizing only made you shrug your shoulder. There was a soft gaze from you as well but without spoken words you both decided to look up at the screen.
“Let’s see.” Dr. Sullivan said after turning on the machine and spread the gel with her transducer.
You couldn’t help but feel the buzz through your veins when she appeared on the screen. It was every time you saw her you were a step close to reality. It was insane to think about less than weeks from now she would be right there in your arms instead of on a screen.
“She looks like she’s been growing, hasn’t she?” Luke was quick to notice but it was also the thing he was hoping for.
“Yes, she has in fact gained a whole lot of weight.” Dr. Sullivan nodded her head and made the measures she had to do, “She weighs 2731 grams. A little over the standard for her weeks but it’s perfectly okay. Just shows she has a nice appetite.”
You smiled brightly by her words and it kind of made sense considering of your eating habits. You had been a bit out of control the last couple of days.
“She seems to be 48 centimeters precisely, that’s also a nice number. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary and the heartbeat is racing as normal. She looks perfectly fine.”
So far so good. That was the first news you needed to actually relax.
“Have you been taking the birth classes you needed?” She asked and you nodded your head in agreement.
“We went to a few here and there when we had the time and we also got books at home to prepare everything. Not that I’ve read all the pages but I’m trying to catch up.” You explained and felt how Luke squeezed your hand a bit.
“It’s just like time flies so fast. Before I know it she’s going to be right here for her first vaccine.” You admitted and Dr. Sullivan nodded her head understanding.
“Yeah parents say that a lot. Before you know it she will be a teen considering how she’s going to hide her first boyfriend.”
“Hell no.” Luke was quick to exclaim, “No boys until she is at least 25.”
You rolled your eyes by his words and looked up at him in disbelief. You hadn’t had this conversation before but Luke seemed pretty decided about it.
No time for arguments with the look he had in his eyes.
“And you’ve decided that?” You asked, trying not to laugh because he seemed so settled about it.
“Of course I have I’m her father.” He replied back instantly and leaned back in his chair to look back at the screen.
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but chuckling inside of your head. Dr. Sullivan also looked pretty amused by your small conversation and made sure to check the last things.
To your surprise everything seemed to be okay. All the things she had to check seemed to be alright the only problem there was, was the fact that your baby girl was resting a bit odd in your stomach.
But as Dr. Sullivan said hopefully she would change her direction once the birth was coming up. It was the only way you could avoid C section and to be honest you couldn’t feel more desperate.
There was no way you wanted to feel that much pain after a large scar on your stomach.
“Have you made the last checkups? Made sure to prepare the nursery, packed the baby bag and such?” She asked casually after printing out pictures for you to have.
You both looked at each other by the mention of nursery. It wasn’t soften you had paid more attention to after Luke showed you the room he wanted it to be in.
“That’s actually a very good idea.” Luke said with a nod, looking down at you with furrowed eyebrows.
You looked down at your fingers nodding your head in agreement. You still hadn’t talked about your sudden outburst about wanting to move out. It was just the thing that felt best right in the moment.
But then the kiss came and you had never been this torn in your life. You weren’t sure why it happened but it did and you couldn’t change it.
There was just something different about it that made you so confused.
“And don’t you worry Y/N. The Braxton hicks are very normal. They will just continue in and out until you start going in labor.” She explained as she removed the gel from your stomach.
You nodded your head and stood up from the bed as well as Luke standing up from his chair. You folded down your stomach and watched him walk over to shake her hand.
“I will see you next time for the birth. Pretty exciting.” She smiled and shook your hand before waving a goodbye.
You took a deep breath and headed towards the door because it was somehow a milestone. You had the pictures in your hands and you couldn’t help but noticing that you were shaking.
It wasn’t until you were out of the door again that you looked at each other fully.
It wasn’t like before where you had been standing almost shouting at each other. He was looking at you in a way like he wanted to read your face but there was just something about him that was wrong.
“You didn’t say it back.” He suddenly said and you furrowed your eyebrows.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” You mumbled but it was obvious because of the redness on your cheeks.
You knew just exactly well what he was talking about.
“You know it wasn’t fair?” He said and you kept quiet to hear what he had in mind.
“I walk up and tell you how I feel about you and fair if you’re not in love with me but to kiss me? That was kind of a douche thing because it’s basically toying with my feelings and I don’t think that’s fair. You knew well enough how I felt about you after opening up to you.”
“You think I just used you? You think that was what the kiss was about?” You spat, crossing your arms.
“You really think that low of me?”
“What else do you want me to believe?” He baffled his arms in the air to express his frustration.
“I kissed you because that was needed right in the moment. I needed the comfort, I needed the passion and most importantly I needed to feel that the love was real from you. Not some sudden words that you randomly just said trying to make the situation better.”
“Okay but what changed it afterwards?” He asked and took one step closer to stand right in front of you.
What a stupid idea to stand having this conversation right in the middle of the hallway at a hospital.
“Reality came back.” You said quietly and looked up at him with a frown.
You both knew what you were talking about, the fact that Holly showed up was the biggest mood-killer that could possibly be made. After all she was always doing it so it shouldn’t have been a shock on your behalf.
Luke tightened his lips trying to think of what to say but he clearly was just frustrated about everything. So he did the most logical thing he could.
Pressing his lips against yours you carefully banged against the wall behind you, feeling one of his hands on your hip and the other on your cheek.
You couldn’t help but dig your hair into his curly locks, it just happened.
At any other point you would probably have pushed him away because that would be the most logical thing to do but you just couldn’t. You needed to feel him close even if it was just for a second.
“You can’t just kiss me every time we argue.” You whispered in a soft tone when you pulled away.
“It works perfectly this way doesn’t it?” He asked back and caressed your cheek.
You looked up at him in the eyes and tried to figure out what was going on in his mind. He was looking at you the exact same way and when he moved away from you he had thoughts behind it.
You weren’t sure what was going on but within seconds he grabbed his phone and started dialing a number.
He walked a bit away from you to speak in a very small voice you weren’t even able to hear any of it. You were so confused you didn’t understand a thing of it but you still decided to wait until he was ready to walk out of the hospital.
“You ready to leave?” He asked when you had ended the call like nothing had just happened.
You nodded your head silently and followed him down the hallway. You were so confused of his actions you didn’t even say anything. You could feel something coming and that was the reason why you waited a bit.
“Aren’t we supposed to take the back exit as per usual?” You asked when you came down to the lobby.
You had always done it, it was the easiest way to avoid paparazzi and other people following Luke. It was a deal you had made with the hospital not only for your own benefit but also in respect of all other patients.
“Today is going to be something different.” He replied and headed towards the doors with a confused you in his heels.
You weren’t sure what he was talking about but once you came outside and looked down at the stairs a million flash lights were going on at once.
“Luke what is going on?” Your tone sounded a bit nervous and you couldn’t help but taking a step back towards the entrance.
“What I should have done months ago.” He finally said and made a motion for you to stay behind. There was no way he would let you down in the mess of so many people.
“Luke Hemmings! Are we looking into an affair here? Are you cheating on Holly Fitzgerald with your assistant?” A paparazzi questioned instantly and your eyes widened.
“Luke you don’t have to.” You tried to say but he wouldn’t listen.
For once, he did the selfless thing.
“No I am not cheating on Holly.” He announced, not even looking bothered by the many flashing lights.
“In fact, it’s not even possible for me to cheat on Holly because we have never been together.”
This seemed to wild up the crowd completely. Some were even so seriously shocked they had to stop for a moment with their cameras and looked at Luke with wide eyes.
“What are you saying? Are we talking about some of the familiar but secret Hollywood PR stunt that goes around between celebrities?”
“That is indeed correct.” Luke announced and folded his hands together behind his back.
“What you’ve been seeing has all been fake. Nothing of it has been true it has all been a mission to achieve the best population for my film as possible. We tried our best to make it look as real as possible but in the end that just couldn’t go that way.”
“Are you saying that Holly isn’t actually the girl of your dreams?” One of the men asked and Luke shook his head.
“Believing in love is something so weird. But you will know when there’s a huge contrast between actually loving someone for what they have physically and what they have inside. And I’ve truly figured that out.”
He looked over his shoulder and made a small motion with his hand to lead you closer. You were too stunned to even say anything and even because of that you weren’t much for walking forward.
Their eager faces seemed to scare you for a bit and Luke noticed.
“Just focus on me okay. Just block everything else out.” He whispered the best he could to you and you nodded your head in agreement.
“You’ve all seen my lovely assistant Y/N.” He introduced and wrapped his hand around yours.
“Young, talented at her work, dedicated and caring. She has always been there for me both work wise and personally. I’ve always known she could be there when I needed it the most and not just because she’s been working for me. Because she has this heart that wants to.”
You couldn’t help but feel your blush spread even harder on your cheeks but what he said worked. Focusing on just him made everything else blur out completely.
“And what is even more wonderful about her is that she’s caring my very healthy child. She has taught me that the secret of life is actually living it. You can’t do it without pain, you can’t do it in fully secret. Life is too short to be in constant war with yourself. You just have to get through the good and bad things.”
If it was possible your jaw was read to touch the floor. But there was also a stone on your chest that had been holding you down for so long it was suddenly gone.
Luke’s face also changed and he sighed in relief. He didn’t believe that the secret had been dragging him down for so long but he felt free for once. He could finally live without a barrier.
“And that is it for the questions. I won’t answer more for now as the only thing I want to focus on is my family.” He said without doubt, probably the biggest climax to date.
You didn’t say anything you just looked at him stunned. He was expecting your reaction because after a stone cold face he smirked just a tiny bit.
Grabbing your hand tighter he pulled you towards the parking lot and ignored the many questions that were yelled from behind. He was so not into it that he just drove out and back to the apartment with a satisfied smile on his face.
And with you being so surprised you had no words to say. You were left so speechless.
“You just did that?” It was the first word you said after a long pause, looking at the cars in front of you on the busy road.
“I just did. Do you need more convincing?” He asked, hinting about his love.
You shook your head with a smile growing on your face, feeling how your heart was beating faster right in the second and it wasn’t just because of the kicks coming from your belly.
The rest of the ride home was enjoyed in silence. It was weird but also amazing to see how much little words could affect everything. It was like a new era between you that couldn’t be described.
Neither did it take that long to get out to the news. All Instagram profiles were talking about it not to mention MTV on Facebook and Twitter. There wasn’t a single media not talking about the sudden news from Luke.
You didn’t understand how it came out that fast or why the paparazzi had showed up all of the sudden like they expected you would be there.
But it made sense with Luke’s phone call.
It felt so weird getting back into the apartment. It was like you could feel it was the start of something new because for once you were smiling when you walked inside.
“You’d like some lunch? I can fish something out from the fridge.” He suggested and you nodded your head.
“As long as it’s not fish.” You commented with wide eyes and placed your bag onto the couch.
“I assure it won’t.” He smiled and shrugged off his jacket.
You exchanged small laughs and turned around but then both your eyes widened. What you had not expected was a blond haired girl standing with her back facing you and a glass of red wine in her hand.
“Holly?” Luke asked like he didn’t know it was her but it was obvious. He just didn’t expect she was here now.
“Pregnant with his assistant.” She said through gritted teeth, you could see the glass of wine was shaking in her hand.
“PR my ass!” She turned around with fire in her eyes, you had never seen Holly this angry before. In fact you had never seen her actual angry because she was always living on a rainbow of sunshine.
“Holly I know this is hard to understand.” Luke raised his hands in the air trying to calm her down but there was no way he was walking closer to her.
“Understand? What is to understand?” She spat, almost spilling wine during the process.
“You’ve fucked garbage! That’s what you’ve done! I’m sorry but were you on drugs or something don’t get me wrong Y/N I’m not saying you’re ugly I’m just saying that it’s the same as picking one out from the creepy alley down by the subway!”
“Holly, watch your tone.” Luke wasn’t even joking about his words he looked at her dead serious. For once he could actually fight back without thinking he needed to grow some balls.
“No you can fucking watch your tone Luke! You played me for a fool!” She almost wanted to scream that was how frustrated she was.
“Holly we were never actually together it was all just fake!” Luke yelled back, watching you take a step back to try avoid being in the discussion.
“Yes but look at the future we could have gotten!” She exclaimed and baffled her arms in the air, “We could have gotten the nicest future together and without some stupid project baby in the middle of it!”
“Holly we would never have had a future because in the end we had to break up at some point! You need to understand that none of this were ever real. I’ve never actually loved you.”
It seriously looked like Holly was actually offended by Luke’s words. Like she truly believed that everything she had been going through with him for so long wasn’t just a lie.
Silence fell upon the room and you watched what her next move was going to be. It was like a ticking bomb.
She looked down at the glass of wine almost frustrated, fire was clear in her green eyes but what she did was something Luke didn’t expect.
Throwing the bottle of wine frustrated right towards Luke he didn’t have the fast reflects to react. She managed to hit him square across the head and afterwards fell to the ground in a loud bang.
Your jaw fell and your eyes widened as she groaned loudly with her foot stamping to the ground.
“Luke Hemmings, revenge will be bitter sweet!” She forced towards him while he was almost falling to his knees, the large stain on the carpet spreading in a dark color.
“Argh you’re such a fucking loser!” She spat as she walked past him, trying to act as cool as possible but it wasn’t happening the least.
You watched her with wide eyes marching towards the door and smacked it loudly. If this day could go any weirder it had to be written in some sort of book because this was hard to believe.
“Stupid she is but she does throw well.” Luke commented almost impressed and touched his forehead lightly.
A small bruise was forming but he also had blood leaking so you decided to walk into the kitchen to find the first aid kid.
“Are you okay?” You asked while looking, glancing over your shoulder shortly, “Does it hurt?”
“No, it’s fine. I’m more worried about the carpet.” He mumbled, not wanting to look over his shoulder to see what kind of mess Holly had created.
You rolled your eyes by his priorities and found a few tissues you could clean his forehead with. Meanwhile he had sat down on the carpet in case of becoming a bit dizzy and waited for your help.
“I thought she was ready to kill you. You seemed to survive that pretty well.” You commented and sat down in front of him to start clean it.
“I don’t think I’ve heard the last from her. She’s probably going to hunt me while I sleep.” He joked, watching you slowly clean and ignored when he felt it being a bit itchy.
You couldn’t help but giggle a bit by his words and when the blood was moved away you looked down at him to see him already staring at you.
“You okay right?” You were aware you repeated the question you just had to be sure.
“I’m perfectly fine.” He smiled, leaning down to grab your free hand and intertwined your fingers.
You sighed carefully by so many things happening at once. It was a long day but you just knew how to end it better than it had started out in the first place.
Letting go of the tissue you placed your hand on his cheek and pressed your lips briefly against his.
But it didn’t take him long to grab your waist and pull you closer before you could move away, a long sigh coming from him in respond and he couldn’t help but smiling into the kiss.
This was just what he needed.
#I LOVE THIS CHAPTER#SOOOO MUCH#5sos#5sos imagine#5sos imagines#5sos preference#5sos preferences#5sos au#5sos aus#5sos writing#5sos writings#5sos story#5sos stories#5sos fanfiction#5sos fanfictions#5sos blurb#5sos blurbs#5sos smut#5sos smuts#when we collide#ceo!5sos#ceo!luke#5 seconds of summer#5 seconds of summer preference#5 seconds of summer preferences#5 seconds of summer imagine#5 seconds of summer imagines#5 seconds of summer fanfiction#5 seconds of summer smut#luke hemmings
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“…and He shows you His signs that you might reason.” Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 73.
All muslims have faith in Islam but the strength of their faith varies from person to person. For example, the one who follows the teachings of Islam because their family told them to is not the same as the one who believes in it through evidence. A person who has heard about something will not believe in it in the same way as the one who has witnessed the thing with their own eyes. As confirmed in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 224, gaining useful knowledge is a duty on all muslims. One of the reasons for this is that it is best way a muslim can strengthen their faith in Islam. This is important to pursue as the stronger one’s certainty of faith gets the greater the chance they will remain steadfast on the correct path, especially when facing difficulties. In addition, having certainty of faith has been described as one of the best things one can possess in a Hadith found in Sunan Ibn Majah, number 3849. This knowledge should be obtained by studying the Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, through a reliable source.
Allah, the Exalted, did not only declare a truth in the Holy Quran but He also provided evidence for it through examples. Not only examples which are to be found in the past nations but examples which have been placed in one's very own life. For example, in the Holy Quran Allah, the Exalted, advises that sometimes a person loves a thing even though it will cause them trouble if they obtained it. Similarly, they might hate a thing while there is much hidden good in it for them. Chapter 2 Al Baqarah, verse 216:
“…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not.”
There are many examples of this truth in history such as the Pact of Hudaiba. Some muslims believed this pact, which was made with the non-muslims of Mecca, would completely favour the latter group. Yet, history clearly shows that it favoured Islam and the muslims. This event is discussed in Hadiths found in Sahih Bukhari, numbers 2731 and 2732.
If one reflects on their own life they will find many examples when they believed something was good when it was actually bad for them and vice versa. These examples prove the authenticity of this verse and help one's faith strengthen.
Another example is found in chapter 79 An Naziat, verse 46:
“It will be, on the Day they see it (Judgement Day) as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.”
If one turns the pages of history they will clearly observe how great empires came and went. But when they left they passed away in such a way as if they were only on Earth for a moment. All but a few of their signs have faded away as if they were never present on Earth in the first place.
Similarly, when one reflects on their own life they will realise that no matter how old they are and no matter how slow certain days might have felt overall their life so far has passed in a flash. Understanding the truthfulness of this verse strengthens one's certainty of faith and this inspires them to prepare for the hereafter before their time runs out.
The Holy Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, are full of such examples. Therefore, one should strive to learn and act on these divine teachings so that they adopt certainty of faith. The one who achieves this will not be shaken by any difficulty they face and will remain steadfast on the path which leads to the gates of Paradise.
@shaykhpodpics - Infographics on Good Character
@shaykhpod-blog - Short Blogs on Good Character
PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah - Part 227: https://youtu.be/0bXb_yEk1iQ
PodTafseer: Al-Baqarah - Part 227: https://fb.watch/v/2Yozyh-Er/
#Allah #ShaykhPod #Islam #Quran #Sunnah #Prophet Muhammad #Tafseer #Tafsir #Piety #Taqwa #Reflection #Certainty #Yaqeen #Faith
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All You Need To Know About Winston Churchill Paintings Prints | Winston Churchill Paintings Prints
All You Need To Know About Winston Churchill Paintings Prints | Winston Churchill Paintings Prints – Friend Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 – twenty-four January 1965) was the British politician, army officer, and writer. He has been Prime Minister of typically the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, when he led Britain to success inside the Second World Battle, and again from 51 to 1955. Churchill displayed five constituencies during his career as a Member of Parliament (MP). Ideologically a fiscal liberal and imperialist, for the majority of of his profession he was a member of the Conservative Party, which usually he led from 1940 to 1955, but coming from 1904 to 1924 has been a member of the particular Liberal Party.
Of blended English and American parentage, Churchill was born within Oxfordshire into a wealthy, aristocratic family. He joined the particular British Army in 1895, and saw action inside British India, the Anglo-Sudan War, plus the Second Boer War, gaining fame because a war correspondent and writing books about his / her campaigns. Elected an MEGA-PIXEL in 1900, initially as a Conservative, he defected to the Liberals in 1904. In H. They would. Asquith’s Liberal government, Churchill served as President regarding the Board of Business, Home Secretary, and First Lord in the Admiralty, championing prison reform and workers’ social security. During the First World War, he or she oversaw the Gallipoli Marketing campaign; after it proved the disaster, he resigned from government and served inside the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the Western Front. In 1917, he returned to government under David Lloyd George as Minister of Sac, then as Secretary of State for War plus Air, and finally for the Colonies, overseeing the particular Anglo-Irish Treaty and Britain’s Middle East policy. After two years out of Parliament, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Stanley Baldwin’s Conservative government, returning the pound pristine in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-war parity, a proceed widely viewed as creating inflationary pressure and depressing the particular UK economy.
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Skincare Kiehl Brighten Up Your Days Sweepstakes – Enter To Win
Open only to legal residents of the United States. Just submit your entry in Skincare Kiehl Brighten Up Your Days Sweepstakes before July 27th, 2020 and get a chance to win Kiehl Since 1851 Products. (the total ARV of all of the prize(s) awarded in this Sweepstakes is three hundred fifty nine ($359)).
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3755 Live Oak Dr, Pomona, CA 91767 - Assessorsdata.com
3755 Live Oak Dr, Pomona, CA 91767 – Assessorsdata.com
Discover 3755 Live Oak Dr, Pomona, CA 91767. The subject property is considered as a “PUD” located in Los Angeles County. As per Assessor’s office data of Los Angeles County, CA, this property has 2 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 1370 sq.ft. of living space. The lot size for this property is 2731 sq.ft. & year built: 1980. For further details on this property please scroll down to the bottom of this page…
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Potentially new approach to factoring big numbers
I've been working on this problem for a long time, read great books on the topic, and came up with the following. I am wondering if my approach could result in a very fast algorithm for factoring big numbers.
1. Algorithm
As an illustration of how it works, let's apply it to factoring a very modest number, $z=x\cdot y = 1223 \times 2731$. It involves the following steps.
Step 1. Compute $z_p = z \mbox{ Mod } p$, for $p=2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,\cdots, p_z$. In this case, the upper bound can be as low as $p_z = 127$ (see section 2 about the choice of $p_z$). Check values of $p$ generating many identical $z_p$ values. Here, $z_p = 5$ or $z_p = 23$ for instance.
Step 2. We have $z_{59} = z_{85} = z_{111} = 23$. Thus if $b = 59 \times 85 \times 111$, because of Theorem A listed below, we have $z_b=23$. Not sure if this is of any help.
Step 3. Find the set of $(x, y)$ with $x<y$, with $x, y$ odd, and $x\cdot y \leq z$ satisfying all of the following:
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 59$
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 85$
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 111$
You need to create 3 multiplication tables to identify the full list (intersection of 3 infinite lists) of candidates, and ignore those $(x, y)$ that result in $x\cdot y> z$ or $x$ even or $y$ even.
Step 4. The result is $(x, y) \in \{(61,36503),(173,12871),(211,10553),(829, 1327),(1223,2731) \}$.
Step 5. Among all the 5 above candidates, check if one yields $x\cdot y = z$. Here $(x=1223, y=2731)$ does and we've factored $z$.
The big question is: how difficult it is to perform step 3? The following elementary theorem could be useful. Could you find a reference for this theorem, or at least prove it? I discovered it myself, but I am sure it must be at least 300 years old.
Theorem A
Let $p_1, \cdots, p_k$ be $k$ co-prime positive integers, and $a>0$ an integer. If $z= a \mbox{ Mod } p_i$ for $i=1,\cdots,k$, then $z= a \mbox{ Mod } (p_1\cdots p_k)$. Also, let $$q = \arg \max_{p<z} \{z= a \mbox{ Mod } p\}.$$ Then $q+a = z$.
2. Choice of $p_z$
In practice, in step 1, you can choose the smallest $p_z$ such that $2\cdot 3 \cdot 5\cdot 7 \cdots \cdot p_z > M z$ where $M$ is an absolute constant, maybe as low as $M=30$.
Then you have more than enough choices for step 3. In our example in section 1, we have $z= 3,340,013$ while $59\times 85 \times 111 = 556,665$. It results in only 5 candidates in step 4.
If instead, we consider
$x\cdot y = 5 \mbox{ Mod } 21$
$x\cdot y = 5 \mbox{ Mod } 47$
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 59$
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 85$
$x\cdot y = 23 \mbox{ Mod } 111$
then there would be only 1 candidate in step 4, resulting in factoring $z$. Note that the product $21 \times 47 \times 59\times 85 \times 111 =549,428,355$ is big enough (much bigger than $z$ itself) and this is what causes the candidate in step 4 to be unique, thus removing the need for step 5.
Another example also producing a single candidate (the correct one) is
$x\cdot y = 2 \mbox{ Mod } 3$
$x\cdot y = 3 \mbox{ Mod } 5$
$x\cdot y = 5 \mbox{ Mod } 7$
$x\cdot y = 6 \mbox{ Mod } 11$
$x\cdot y = 1 \mbox{ Mod } 13$
$x\cdot y = 6 \mbox{ Mod } 17$
$x\cdot y = 3 \mbox{ Mod } 19$
Again only one candidate in step 4 (thus no step 5) because $3\times 5 \times 7 \cdots \times 19 = 4,849,845$ is big enough, bigger than $z$.
3. Working with non-primes and conjecture
Weirdly enough, this choice works too, resulting in 4 candidates in step 4, including the correct one:
$x\cdot y = 30445 \mbox{ Mod } 2^{15}$
$x\cdot y = 63213 \mbox{ Mod } 2^{17}$
$x\cdot y = 194285 \mbox{ Mod } 2^{18}$
$x\cdot y = 1242861 \mbox{ Mod } 2^{21}$
The result is $(x, y) \in \{(3,414287),(97,12813),(291,4271),(1223,2731) \}$. Remember, $z = 1223 \times 2731$.
This leads to the following conjecture.
If $z$ is not a prime number, then the following system, with $x \cdot y \leq z$, uniquely determines two non-trivial numbers $x, y$ such that $x\cdot y = z$. The system is as follows:
$$x\cdot y = m_i \mbox{ Mod } p_i, \mbox{ with } i=1,\cdots, k$$ where $p_1,p_2$ and so on are the prime numbers, $m_i = z \mbox{ Mod } p_i$, and $k$ is the smallest integer such that $p_1\times \cdots\times p_k > C z$ where $C$ is an absolute constant. I don't know what would be the lower bound for $C$, maybe $C=10$ works.
The congruence system in the conjecture could be solved using the Chinese Remainder Theorem. See page 88 in the book Prime Numbers - A Computational Perspective (2nd Edition), by R Grandall and C Pomerance (Springer, 2010). A careful choice of the moduli (rather than $p_1, \cdots, p_k$) could lead to a faster algorithm.
from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange from Blogger https://ift.tt/3fWRONf
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P67M supplemental budget para sa COVID-19, ipinasa ng SP Lucena City
#PHinfo: P67M supplemental budget para sa COVID-19, ipinasa ng SP Lucena City
LUNGSOD NG CALAMBA, Laguna, Mayo 4 (PIA) --Ipinasa kamakailan ng Sangguniang Panglungsod ng Lucena ang isang appropriation ordinance na inaaprobahan ang supplemental budget na nagkakahalaga ng P67,936,481.00
Ayon sa FB post ng Public Information Office (PIO) ng Lucena City, ang nabanggit na halaga na supplemental budget ay para sa mga iba't ibang gastusin para sa operasyon ng pamahalaang lungsod ng Lucena sa pagtugon sa krisis na dala ng coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic.
Maliban sa supplemental budget, may pitong pang ordinansa ang 'anonymously approved' ng SP Lucena na pawang may kinalaman sa COVID-19.
Kabilang sa mga ordinansa na inaprobahan ang anti-discrimination for COVID-19 related cases, mandatory use of face masks and stringent practice of physical distancing, extending deadline of transfer taxes, extending the deadline of payment of amusement tax, at extending the deadline of payment of lease rental in the Lucena City Public Market.
Sa pamamagitan ng FB post ng PIO Lucena, ipinarating ni Lucena City Mayor Roderick 'Dondon' Alcala ang pasasalamat sa bumubuo ng SP Lucena City.
"Salamat po ng marami sa Legislative Department sa pangunguna ni Vice Mayor at Presiding Officer Philip Castillo gayundin sa lahat ng mga miyembro ng konseho na nagsagawa ng mga special sessions nitong mga nakalipas na araw para maipasa ang nasabing mga ordinansa," ayon sa FB post ng PIO Lucena City.
Samantala, bilang pabatid publiko ng PIO Lucena, narito ang kumpletong titulo ng walong (8) ordinansa na may kinalaman sa COVID-19 ang ipinasa ng SP Lucena City.
Appropriation Ordinance No. 007-18-04 "An Ordinance approving the Supplemental Budget No. 1 General Fund (BGCM) Series of 2020, involving the amount of Sixty Seven Million Nine Hundred Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred Eighty One (67,936,481.00), covering various expenditures for the operation of the City Government of Lucena for Fiscal Year 2020 to respond to crisis brought about by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (CoViD-19) PANDEMIC and appropriating the necessary funds for the purpose."
Ordinance No. 2728 "An Ordinance prohibiting any person from committing any act of discrimination against persons confirmed to be positive for CoViD-19, PUI's and PUM's, health workers and frontliners, and imposing the appropriate penalties thereon."
Ordinance No. 2729 "An Ordinance requiring the mandatory use of face masks and stringent practice of physical distancing by all persons in public places within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Lucena during the public health emergencies".
Ordinance No. 2730 "An Ordinance condoning the interest on real property tax after March 31, 2020 and providing for moratorium on such payment up to June 30, 2020".
Ordinance No. 2731 "An Ordinance extending the deadline of payment of business and franchise tax due for the second quarter for the year 2020 from April 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020".
Ordinance No. 2732 "An Ordinance extending the deadline of payment for transfer tax to June 30, 2020".
Ordinance No. 2733 "An Ordinance extending the deadline of payment of amusement tax for March 30, 2020 and April 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020". (CPGonzaga, PIA-4A with report from PIO Lucena FB Page)
Ordinance No. 2734 "An Ordinance extending the deadline of payment of Lease Rental in the Lucena City Public Market for the month of March 20, 2020 and April 20, 2020 to June 30, 2020". (CPGonzaga, PIA-4A at ulat mula sa PIO Lucena FB Page)
* Philippine Information Agency. "P67M supplemental budget para sa COVID-19, ipinasa ng SP Lucena City." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1040235 (accessed May 04, 2020 at 12:03PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "P67M supplemental budget para sa COVID-19, ipinasa ng SP Lucena City." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1040235 (archived).
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was the case and ended up being that. The g . p certainly doesn’t agree that the diet pills had something to do with it and offered Jake some viagra to obtain him going again. Jake totally rejected this suggestion and, very annoyed he decided to refer to Dr B and then Dr Deborah. When Dr C also suggested Viagra Jake thought i would see a specialist, an endocrinologist. Time for wheel on the Experts says Jake to himself.A folder that Hound Dog Hacker likes to purchase an ancient nosy around on web site is your wp-admin folder – products the storage place for all the your blog’s most sensitive data. So here’s stunning tip to secure ezinearticles.NOTE: Approach might be the pain your past neck that you if will not want to have a static IP address, however, if tend to be with an internet service provider that features a range, many add garden.You don’t need to possess a ‚list’ to a successful internet business owner. Most, if not all, of the gurus in the internet marketing business today started absolutely no customer list.There are several possible symptoms, I can place a few here. Hot flashes, irritability, irregular heartbeat, mood swings, trouble sleeping, changes in menstrual flow and timing, loss of libido, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, incontinence and depression are fairly normal symptoms for perimenopause.Most WordPress blogs display a little warning globe Dashboard that tells you when the brand new version is released and a link with regard to you to click to download it. If yours doesn’t, then it’s worth checking the WordPress website fairly regularly for updates. They will invite anyone to sign up for email notification of updates.Erectile dysfunction pills genuinely are a simple solution to hide big problem of impotence. Namely the plaque and the flow of blood problem that is causing the impotence issues. Though impotence medication will make you think that you have cured the issue, you might be only tricking your body into synthetically pumping more c http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/best-prices-for-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/take-viagra-everyday/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/why-would-a-woman-take-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/brain-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/buying-generic-viagra-in-canada/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/how-to-ask-for-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/levitra-side-effects-vs-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/how-to-get-viagra-without-prescription/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/revatio-viagra/ http://mmiblog.com/uncategorized/viagra-or-sildenafil/
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