#page 214 of 216
pesterloglog · 7 months
Harry Anderson Egbert, Vrissy Maryam-Lalonde, Tavros Crocker, Vriska Serket, Reporter 1, Reporter 2, Reporter 3
Page 213-217
HARRY: ok, i think i'm as ready as i'm ever going to be.
HARRY: which isn't really saying very much.
HARRY: how about you guys.
VRISSY: Well, in simple terms, We're Fucked.
VRISSY: We still don't have a way out, and more and more Reporters are showing up every second.
VRISSY: And the moment we step outside, we're Targets for the Crocker Cops.
TAVROS: We must evade them at all costs,,,
TAVROS: They are,,, with some certainty,,, under orders to capture vrissy,,, and,,, also me,
TAVROS: And,,, i'm not sure whose punishment is likely to be worse,,,
HARRY: how are you holding up, tavros?
TAVROS: M, me,,,?
TAVROS: I'm,,,
TAVROS: I'm quite well,,, harry anderson,,, thank you for asking,,,
HARRY: ok...
TAVROS: However,,, i must admit,,, the thought of our impending pursuit,,, and potential capture,,, makes my blood run cold,,,
HARRY: yeah. the more i think about it, the more nervous i feel.
HARRY: i've had stage fright before, but this is ridiculous!
HARRY: haha...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: ...
HARRY: look, tavros.
HARRY: in case we don't make it out of this,
HARRY: i just wanted to say,
HARRY: that
HARRY: i'm so--
VRISKA: Alright, are we done here?
HARRY: um.
VRISKA: Forget it.
VRISKA: I've been stuck in this room for what feels like a month and I'm at my fucking limit.
VRISKA: I'm outta here.
TAVROS: B, But,,,
HARRY: you can't just-
VRISSY: Vriska, we're Tr8pped!
VRISSY: How are we supposed to Le8ve?!
VRISKA: You guys are free to do whatever you want, 8ut I'm just going to use the front door.
VRISSY: *Excuse Me*????????
VRISKA: L8r 8itches.
HARRY: oh my god?
TAVROS: T, There she goes,,,
VRISSY: Vriska!
VRISSY: I'm coming too!!!!!!!!
HARRY: oh fucking christ.
REPORTER 1: ...join live from a neighbourhood in the Carapacian Kingdom, where the perpetrators have finally decided to show their faces...
REPORTER 2: ...are alleged to have killed the beloved salvational figure Gamzee Makara, may his boots jingle forever in paradise...
TAVROS: (T, this is awful,,,)
REPORTER 3: ...denounced by government sources as a band of violent rebellion extremists...
REPORTER 1: ...children of creators, themselves rebellion leaders...
REPORTER 2: ...outfits could at best be described as only moderately fashionable...
HARRY: (oh god oh god oh god)
REPORTER 3: ... Hey, excuse me?
REPORTER 3: Miss Terrorist?
REPORTER 3: Care to give a statement?
VRISSY: (No, don't....)
VRISKA: Thought you'd never ask, 8uddy.
VRISKA: You want a st8tment? Got one right here.
VRISKA: (Ahem.)
VRISKA: Hey!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Hi, humans!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: What’s up!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Get all your fucking news gru8s turned up to the max 8ecause I’m only going to say this once.
VRISKA: Do you want to know who I am?
VRISKA: My name is VRISKA SERKET, and I'm the cre8tor this world never knew it had.
VRISKA: I left my home behind and put a stop to the demon who 8urned two universes for fuel, all so that this plan8 could come into existence.
VRISKA: Without me, none of you would even 8e here.
VRISKA: Capiche????????
VRISKA: Now, you may have heard people saying a lot of things a8out us.
VRISKA: They want you to 8elieve that we are violent terrorists, who want to destroy your religion and your very way of life on this planet you call home!
VRISKA: So I just wanted to take a moment to clarify the situation.
VRISKA: *deep breath*
VRISKA: I've done and seen things that would make every single one of you piss yourselves dead, so I've seen enough to know that this planet is a FUCKING DISGRACE!
VRISKA: It's a joke!
VRISKA: This planet is a sad little joke of a world squatting inside of the 8IGGEST, LAMEST JOKE in the HISTORY of EXIST8NCE!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Hahahahahahahaha...
VRISKA: Haaaaaaaa.
VRISKA: ........
VRISKA: You know...
VRISKA: I 8et no8ody here even knew who I was.
VRISKA: Everything I did, I did for you.
VRISKA: You didn't need some idiot clown to redeem you.
VRISKA: Everything you needed was already here!
VRISKA: 8ecause I fucking 8UILT IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: And after all that, you couldn't even have the decency to 8e 8oring and nice to each other.
VRISKA: So guess what.
VRISKA: The carnival is over!
VRISKA: I killed that harlequin son of a 8itch, and I hope he 8urns in clown hell forever.
VRISKA: 8ut for the crime of falling for his disgusting lies?
VRISKA: Your society... no, your whole planet... it deserves to 8urn str8 to MEGAhell, and I'm gonna 8e the one to fly it there!
VRISKA: I'm gonna shatter your paradise into pieces with my 8are hands and SHIT IN ITS GRAVE!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: ********VRISKA********
VRISKA: ********SERK8T********
VRISKA: HAS *HAD*!!!!!!!!
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ask-the-meteor-crew · 1 month
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seeyounexttime · 7 months
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An official twitter for Rumiko Takahashi was created in 2021. From chapter 95 onward, almost every tweet about a new chapter of MAO includes a sketch of one of the pages from that chapter.
Chapter 215, page 2 (tweet: 16 Jan. 2024)
Chapter 216, page 2 (tweet: 23 Jan. 2024)
Chapter 217, page 2 (tweet: 30 Jan. 2024)
Chapter 218, page 4 (tweet: 20 Feb. 2024)
Chapter 219, page 2 (tweet: 27 Feb. 2024)
Previous: Chapters 210-214
Next: Chapters 220-224
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
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Guardian Angel Neil AU- page 3
Neil Josten died at the hands of his father a few months before canon begins. After his death, he was made into a guardian angel. He’s tasked with keeping Andrew Minyard safe at all costs. When they meet on the roof for the first time, Andrew thinks he’s imagined Neil. And he worries both about his mental health and his love life because this boy is perfect. But he’s not real.
─────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────────
Part 195, Part 196, Part 197, Part 198, Part 199, Part 200, Part 201, Part 202, Part 203, Part 204, Part 205, Part 206, Part 207, Part 208, Part 209, Part 210, Part 211, Part 212, Part 213, Part 214, Part 215, Part 216, Part 217
list updated on 08/14/24
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 245. brb x oc
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a/n: * sprinkles in drama and then walks away *(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Beatrice taps the pencil on her notebook, holding her head up with a hand, the repetitive crunching coming from her left was distracting but she could ignore it…until the shadow loomed over her shoulder and created a shadow down her page, “Shells.” another crunch, followed by an even bigger shadow, “You are my parrot now?”
“What?” her friend questions, then sighs heavily before flopping on the chair closest to Bea, popping another pretzel into her mouth and then tilting her head, “I’m just curious about what you are doing.”
“I’m making a list of things for Rooster.” she explains, “I’ll go back to work soon,so,” she shrugs, “I need to keep everything ready once I go back to the bar.”
Shells continued to munch on her pretzels as she leaned back in the chair. She regarded Beatrice with an eyebrow up. "Making a list for Rooster?" she repeated, her voice laced with interest. "What kind of list?"
Beatrice glanced at Shells, a small smile playing on her lips,adding a few hearts on the page. "It's a list of things I want to prepare before I go back to work at the bar," Beatrice explained. "You know, to make things easier for Roos when I'm not around as much."
Shells nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "Ah, I see," she said. "’Cause of Nikki."
Beatrice sighed, her gaze drifting to the notebook in front of her. "Yep," she admitted, her voice softening. "But we've got a good support system, and Roos is an amazing father. I just want to do my part to make things smoother for him."
Shells grinned, reaching over to pat Beatrice's shoulder. "Ugh, you two, fucking sweet you are.” she plops another one into her mouth, “Sickeningly cute, going to give me cavities…but you are only going back to the bar in a week.”
"Yeah," Beatrice replied, her smile warm, "but you know how it is. It's never too early to start planning ahead, and I want to make sure everything is in place for Roos and Nikki."
Shells leaned forward, still holding her head up, ‘You left him alone with Nikki before, so why do it now?”
Beatrice just shrugged with a small grin, “I like leaving him little notes.” and she smiled more, making more little hearts on her page. Shells chuckled softly, then leaned back on her chair, crossing her arms with her jaw still crunching down the salty snacks, “Don’t say you don’t do the same with Bob.”
“Sometimes.” Shells mutters, “I like leaving him text messages though,it’s better that way and it’s not…embarrassing when my aunt shows up to my place.”
Beatrice blinked, looking back at her blonde friend,”...wait…what did Penny see?”
Shells grinned mischievously, savoring the dramatic pause before she answered. "Oh, just a few sticky notes with, you know, sweet little messages," she replied with a wink. "Nothing too scandalous."
Beatrice laughed, furrowing her brows. "Come on, Shells," she urged. "You? Leaving only cute messages? Come on.”
Shells leaned in closer, her voice hushed as she shared the playful notes she had left for Bob. "Well, there was this one time when I left him a note on his bathroom mirror," she began. "It said, 'You're the jelly to my peanut butter.' And another time, I put a note on the fridge that said, 'I love you more than pizza, and that's saying a lot.'"
“...you did not.”
“I did!”
The brunette crossed her arms, this time fully turning to face her friend, narrowing her eyes, “I know you way too well. You’d never do that, you are literally too horny for that.” Shells gasped in fake surprise, placing a hand on top of her heart.
“How dare you.” but the façade broke immediately, “Yeah, true,I did leave him some nudes and such. He loves it! You should try it with Rooster.”
"Oh, Shells," she chuckled, "you never fail to surprise me. But seriously, nudes? That's bold. As in…polaroids?"
Shells grinned playfully, popping one last pretzel into her mouth. "Hey, a girl's gotta keep things interesting," she replied with a wink. "But yeah, it's all about having fun in the relationship, right?"
Beatrice nodded, her smile warm. "Absolutely," she agreed. "And it sounds like you and Bob have that down pat."
Shells leaned back in her chair, a satisfied expression on her face. "Oh, we definitely do," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "But enough about us. Don’r avoid my suggestion missy"
Beatrice turned her attention back to her notebook, her fingers lightly tracing the hearts she had drawn earlier. "I don’t know what you mean." she murmurs, “Besides, I don’t think it’d change too much, Rooster is still…” and she pauses, cheeks warming about all the times they shared together, “V-Very interested…um…a lot of the time.”
The chair scoots closer and Shells’ face appears next to hers, “Listen,Bumblebea,I love you, you are my bestie so take this suggestion will ya?” she taps her friend’s hand, “Take some pics, leave them around the house in places where he’d find them and then…you know, make something interesting. His birthday is coming up,right?”
“What? Oh fine,” she huffs, rolling her eyes, “What else you have on that list then?”
Beatrice, mentally glad they were no longer talking about her and Rooster’s personal life, immediately picked the paper up and smiled, “Well, it’s just a little something such as recipes for him and Nikki.”
"What kind of recipes?" she asks, “Can Nikki eat ramen or something already?”
Beatrice's smile widened as she began to explain her plans, ignoring Shells’ question for a second. "I thought I could compile a list of easy and delicious recipes," she said. "You know, dishes that Roos can quickly prepare when he's taking care of Nikki. It'll make mealtime a breeze for them." she pauses, “And will also help us out a lot.”
“Oh!Oh, like,” she flips the page, “Nikki loves potatoes, they could have something like mashed potatoes and-” she looks back up at Shells, who is just blinking slowly at her, ‘Aw come on, it’s cute.”
“It is cute,I’m not saying it isn’t, but besides recipes, what you got there?”
Bea looks back down, “Um…” she checks her list,chewing the end of her pencil before smiling,”Oh just…a few love notes that’d be it.” she closes the notebook then pushes herself to her feet, “You want something to drink?”
“Wine? It’s two in the afternoon!”
Shells clicked her tongue against her teeth, “You got pomegranate juice?” her friend nods before disappearing into the kitchen, “I’ll have that then.” and Shells follows Beatrice in there, leaning her shoulder on the door frame while pursing her lips, “Listen,I gotta ask.”
“Yeah?” Beatrice has her back to the blonde while pouring some juice in the glasses.
“That weird neighbor of yours, that Miranda,” she juts her thumb over her shoulder, “Does she often jog around the neighborhood?”
“Hmmm…I dunno,why?”
“Because she kinda walked by the house at least twice.” Shells replies, looking back at the windows that showed the outside, “Is that normal?”
She turned to look at her friend with a puzzled expression. "Miranda?" she repeated, trying to recall if she had noticed their neighbor jogging around the neighborhood before. "I can't say I've seen her jogging around here much. Are you sure it was her?"
Shells shrugged, sipping her pomegranate juice once Beatrice handed it over to her. "It's just a bit strange," she mused. "I mean, I know people like to exercise, but it's weird she did often you know?”
Beatrice couldn't help but feel a slight unease at the mention of Miranda's unusual behavior. "Hmm," she said, her brow furrowing in thought. "I'll keep an eye out. Maybe she's just decided to take up jogging."
Shells hummed,clearly not believing her, setting her glass aside. "Maybe," she agreed. "Or maybe she's secretly training for a marathon and doesn't want anyone to know." she pauses, “Or she’s just being a creep.”
“Listen she is a creep, from the short time you guys told me about her and her husband, something is off.” Shells gestures to Bea with her glass, “Come on, don’t you think it’s weird??”
"I mean,I do find it a bit strange," Beatrice admitted, her voice hushed as she rubs her neck. "And there's definitely something off about them. But we don't have any concrete evidence, so we can't jump to conclusions."
Shells nodded, her expression serious. "True," she conceded. "But it doesn't hurt to keep an eye out and make sure everything's okay. You never know. And we–” three knocks on the door, followed by the doorbell ringing, “Oh no, is it the Grim Reaper?”
Beatrice swats Shells’ arm as she walks around her friend, pulling out her phone to check who it was on the camera app, “It’s probably the mail or something of the sort and– no, no that is definitely Miranda.”
“What I said?” Shells props her chin on Beatrice’s shoulder from behind, “The grim reaper.”
“What does she want?” Beatrice mutters, narrowing her eyes and trying to see what she was holding on her hand, “Looks like…an envelope or something?”
Shells watched the feed over Beatrice's shoulder, her expression equally intrigued. "Should you answer the door?" she asked, her tone low.
Beatrice hesitated for a moment, weighing her options. The situation felt peculiar, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Miranda's visit. However, curiosity and concern got the better of her, and she decided to see what Miranda wanted.
"I think I should," Beatrice replied, her voice filled with uncertainty. "It's better to find out what she needs, right?"
Shells nodded in agreement. "I guess, better safe than sorry," she said, though she still seemed uneasy about the situation. "Just remember I’m right here if you need someone to beat her up."
“Let’s hope it doesn’t get to that point,please.”
He was waiting for Maverick outside just like he asked, back leaning on the Bronco and his arms crossed. He did send Bea a message detailing he’d be a bit late because of Mav. She gave him a reply within seconds and told him to not worry, she’d be at home waiting for him and that she ‘loved him!! <33’
His smile widened as he reread her message, only looking up when he heard Maverick’s footsteps approaching, his helmet under his arm and his sunglasses on top of his head, “Mav.”
“So,” his nephew began, pocketing his phone, “What do you want to talk about?”
Mav placed his helmet on the motorcycle’s seat, looking around for a few seconds then licking his lips as he crossed his arms, “I might’ve learned something about Lt.Halton.” he begins, “He has…family within the Navy,more precisely within the higher ups.”
Rooster's curiosity was piqued by Maverick's revelation about Lieutenant Halton. With his promotion still fresh and his new responsibilities looming, any information about influential figures within the Navy was worth exploring. "Family within the Navy's higher-ups?" Rooster repeated, his brow furrowing as he processed the information. "Mav. What exactly did you find out?"
Maverick hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and guarded.
"I overheard a conversation," Maverick began, "between a couple of officers during a meeting. They were discussing Lieutenant Halton and his connections. Apparently, he's got some family members who hold high-ranking positions within the Navy, like admirals and such."
"That's... unexpected," Rooster admitted, his mind racing with the implications. "Do you think this…had to do what happened?" mentioning the possible meddling of something they weren’t sure was really dangerous, it was all a common convo for all he knows.
Maverick shrugged, his expression thoughtful. "It's hard to say for sure," he replied. "But having family connections in high places can certainly open doors and influence decisions. It might be something to keep an eye on."
“...why would he do that?” Rooster questions just as quietly, “I mean,the hell, the man just met me a few weeks ago.”
Maverick shrugs, “We don’t know if he influenced it in any way, but it does…raise red flags doesn’t it?”
Rooster chews his lower lip, then rubs his chin for a few seconds before replying "Yeah, it does," Rooster admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I mean, it's just strange how everything happened so suddenly."
Maverick scratched his chin thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on the ground as he considered the situation. "It's definitely unusual," he conceded. "But we can't jump to conclusions without more concrete evidence.It’s…really complicated to accuse someone like that,” he pauses, “Especially within our line of work.”
Rooster agreed with a nod."You're right, Mav," he said. "Let's be discreet about this and see if we can find out more without raising any suspicions."
Maverick nodded in agreement, his eyes meeting Rooster's as he smirked. "We'll work together on this, Brad," he said. "And for now, relax, your promotion is on it’s way. Just wait a bit.” he hugs his nephew one last time before sliding the helmet on “Say hi for Bea and Nikki for me.”
“Will do.” Rooster just waved at him,waiting until his uncle rode off to finally enter the Bronco. Once inside he sat there in silence, pursing his lips, trying to think why would Halton mess with his promotion.
If that was true.
They could be accusing an innocent man for all he knows.
But it was very weird.
Rooster sighs, turning the car on and deciding that right now, he should just go home and see Bea. Maybe she could shed a light on this whole situation.
Rooster's thoughts swirled as he drove back home, and as much as he wanted to not do that it was a puzzling revelation, one that raised more questions than answers really.
As he pulled into the driveway of their home, Rooster couldn't help but feel relax immediately. Beatrice was waiting for him, and he knew that her presence would provide both comfort and clarity in this uncertain situation. Weirdly enough she wasn’t by the door?
He walked out of the car, grabbing everything within his reach and making his way inside. He stops when he sees Beatrice in the kitchen table, holding a paper on her hands, “Hi.”
He frowns, “You okay?” nevermind what the hell he was thinking, his wife looked worried, drop everything immediately Lieutenant. He pet the dogs on the way over to her after shutting the door with his foot, “What’s the matter?”
“Um…” she scratches the back of her head, “Well.” she taps the piece of paper against her fingers, “We…um…we…” she chews her lower lip, “We were kind of invited? To a dinner?”
“...a dinner?”
“Yeah…” she frowns, “By the uh,by the Haltons.”
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sunderedstar · 27 days
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absolutely could not find the table of contents for Keith A. Smith's Non-Adhesive Binding Volume II: 1- 2- & 3-Section Sewings online anywhere, so here it is. for all your ILL/resource sharing/page scan request needs.
Part 1 1-Section Sewings
24 DOT-DASH SEWING (machine stitch)
26 THE TWIST Exit Backward
28 THE TWIST Exit Forward
29 DOUBLE DASH Alternating Exits
30 THE TWIST Exit Backward and Link
35 BOW TIE Running Stitch Sewing
36 THE HITCH Exit Backward, Lap and loop
42 SEWN CHAINS (linking to form a chain)
82 Xs
102 ALPHA Alternating Loops
104 THE WATERFALL Twin Link Stitch Sewing
107 CROSSED SNOWSHOES Intersecting
Chain Stitch Sewing
110 THREAD EYE A Link Stitch Sewing
113 THREAD EYE WITH X's A Link Stitch
SEWING 1-Needle Sewing
SEWING 2-Needle Sewing
165 G's
168 H's
170 BROKEN H's
190 S's
198 Ks
202 SEVEN 7's
208 V's
208 V's I
212 AEROS Arrows
234 +s
236 +'s and X's
238 CONTIGUOUS X's (even number)
242 CONTIGUOUS X's (odd number)
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bookaddict24-7 · 10 months
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
213. How to Pronounce Knife by Souvankham Thammavongsa--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I don't have the physical book, so I won't be reviewing these story by story, but I wish I did. Each story was such a great exploration of immigration and how each experience is truly different.
The stories themselves were bite-sized and held a punch in their pages. I definitely liked some more than others. I wish I had had a physical copy while reading to mark it up, but alas. Let's just say I highly recommend this for those looking for short story collections with a focus on the immigration experience!
214. The Secret by K.A. Applegate--⭐️⭐️⭐️
This one was a bit of a blur, but I did think it was interesting to see a bit more from this character's perspective. I found this one a little harder to connect to, I think because there were mentions of how some of these characters were getting closer (i.e. the MC and her love interest) but they acted like strangers in this--like there was barely any scenes of them talking or trusting each other. Or just, conversing beyond the confines of the group. It's weird to me because it felt like someone different wrote this one, especially because we notice these moments more from an outside perspective (that could also be it, tbh.)
Other than that, I found the adventure to be fun and the same high stakes as usual! I won't lie, I read this last month and save for the weird inconsistency between the characters and the adventure, I don't remember much.
Oh, but I do remember the beautiful exploration of the MC's complicated emotions when it comes to the fight she has to take part in, and how complex relationships are between animals and humans, and how there is more than black and white ways of dealing with emotions. I was surprised with how in depth and well-done this part was because it challenged her naive perspective. I think we will slowly be seeing these characters grow both emotionally and mentally.
215. A Taste of Torment by Stacey Trombley--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The way this book had me in its GRIP.
Okay, I first found out about A TASTE OF TORMENT from a random tik tok comment. I was curious and dived in. I never expected to fall into it like I did with the ZODIAC ACADEMY series. And that book series had me in a strangle hold. I couldn't stop reading it and the same thing happened with Trombley's book.
The way the MC frustrated me, but kept me intrigued enough to not stop my reading experience. The way the love interest was just a complete cinnamon roll with her? Melt. I loved these two, even if they literally were so incredibly frustrating.
The friendships were another amazing part of this book and I loved and laughed along with them as they all grew closer.
Is this a perfect read? Absolutely not. But it was a fun, angsty, and addicting read with a great ending. And even though the MC is always reminding us of how weak she actually is and how morally grey she has the potential of being, you will be hooked from page one because, seriously, WILL THEY OR WON'T THEY?
Also, this and book two had me impulse buying the physical copies of all three books because I have no control sometimes.
216. The Hidden Staircase by Carolyn Keene--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I had fun listening to this one because it had a spooky edge to it and because Nancy was a little more of a badass in this than the first book.
I kind of guessed the conclusion to the mystery mid-way, but I enjoyed the experience and the suspense thrown in there. It makes me want to read the rest of the long series just to see how she develops as a character and how she comes to know some of the people we meet later on in the series.
217. A Drop of Anguish by Stacey Trombley--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book. Oh gosh, this book.
I was both hooked and so wildly frustrated. I wanted them to just COMMUNICATE because everything felt so obvious, but the MC is SO STUBBORN. I wanted to slap some sense into her. I did like, however, that we got to know more about her personality and the people that surround her. Also, as weird as it is to say because this is a YA novel, I liked seeing the tension between the characters.
The twists were great and the side characters are memorable and sweet.
I was hooked and I couldn't put it down until the very end. Like I said with the first book, this definitely gave me that same high that I got when I was reading ZODIAC ACADEMY. I personally think this shouldn't be a YA novel, but to each their own.
Read this series and feel the frustration and addiction with me.
I still need to read the last book because...reasons.
218. The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I will readily admit that this is the only series (so far) by Armstrong that I think I will keep coming back to with every new release. The slow burn, bad ass detective skills, intriguing mysteries, and the characters will (hopefully) always be something that keeps pulling me back.
THE POISONER'S RING was another great instalment because not only do we get another well-thought out mystery, we get to learn more about the characters surrounding the MC. We also get to see some more of that building tension between her and the doctor and I just know it's going to be explosive when they finally fall to their attraction.
I liked the exploration of how men treated their wives in that moment in history and how some women took the power back into their hands. Or even the allusion of how women took care of themselves when their position was challenged or mistreated by the men in their lives. While the MC is stuck in a world that sees women as lesser than, we have characters who show us (the readers) how there were women in history actively fighting against this powerlessness.
I can't wait for the next book and the answers we might get. I want another great mystery and some more tension. I highly recommend this for readers of OUTLANDER--there's just less to zero smut, but the time travel and murder mysteries are top notch!
219. The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm not going to lie, this one was a bit of a blur. I don't know if it's because I read it a couple of weeks ago, or because I just wasn't that into it.
I think the robot is adorable and I loved her escape plans and how the family grew to love her (she is incredibly easy to love), but I feel like this series was great with just the first book.
I'm going to try the third book, but I'm in the minority here.
220. Dead As A Doornail by Charlaine Harris--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read in October 2023!
While Sookie has more and more love interests, we also see her growing as a character. She's still as sassy as ever, but she's growing a pretty good backbone when it comes to the supernaturals around her.
This is the kind of series that if you read it and then take a slight break from writing the review, you will promptly forget everything that happened. Light and fluffy and sometimes spicy af, this is definitely a mindless read. BUT I do remember some of the pivotal points in this and that we get to meet a character that makes a bigger appearance in the next book (and who I've been waiting for since I began my re-read.)
By this point, I HAVE read the next book, but will review later. Even though my brain barely remembers a thing from this one, I think it was one of my favourites so far because of some of the characters and because Jason is finally growing into the man he's supposed to be (he's nothing like the TV show Jason--mainly because we only get glimpses of him.)
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts!
Happy reading!
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undertale-museum · 9 months
“Papyrus Domination”
Comic / @/amortem-kun
Content Warning: non-con, dub-con, soul fondling, downstairs plumbing, s3x, foncest, fellcest, etc
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[117] part 33 [120] part 34 [122] part 35
[123] part 36 [124] part 37 [125] part 38
[127] part 39 [209] part 40
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[211] part 42 [212] part 43 [213] part 44
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[217] part 48 [218] part 49 [219] part 50
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[221] part 52
[222] part 53
[223] part 54
[224] - skip
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[275] part 105
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1. Pacifier 2. Package 3. Pact 4. Padlock 5. Pages 6. Paid 7. Painful 8. Paint   9. Palace 10. Paladins
11. Pampered 12. Pancakes 13. Pandemonium 14. Panic 15. Paparazzi 16. Papercut 17. Paradise 18. Paradox   19. Parallel 20. Parallel 21. Paranoia   22. Paranormal 23. Parasite 24. Parenthood 25. Park 26. Parking 27. Parlour   28. Parodies 29. Particular 30. Parties 31. Parting 32. Partner 33. Passenger 34. Passing 35. Passion 36. Passive 37. Password 38. Past 39. Patchwork 40. Pathetic 41. Pathology 42. Pathways 43. Patience 44. Patient 45. Patrolling 46. Patronage 47. Pattern 48. Pause 49. Paved 50. Pawn 51. Payback 52. Payment 53. Peaceful 54. Peach 55. Pearl   56. Pedal 57. Pedestals 58. Pedigree 59. Peeping 60. Pegasus 61. Penalty   62. Pendulum   63. Pentacle 64. Peppermint 65. Perception 66. Perchance 67. Perfectionist 68. Performance 69. Perfume 70. Perish 71. Periwinkle 72. Perks 73. Permanent 74. Permission 75. Persistence 76. Personal   77. Perspective 78. Persuasion   79. Perversion 80. Pessimistic 81. Pestilence 82. Petals 83. Petitions 84. Petty 85. Phantom   86. Pharaoh 87. Phenomenon 88. Phoenix 89. Phone 90. Photograph 91. Physical 92. Piano   93. Picnic 94. Picture 95. Piece 96. Piercing 97. Pilgrimage 98. Pillars 99. Pillow 100. Pinch 101. Pinpricks 102. Pirate 103. Pity 104. Pivot 105. Pixel 106. Pixie 107. Pizza 108. Plague 109. Plain 110. Plane 111. Planet 112. Planetarium   113. Planning 114. Plastic 115. Plateau 116. Platform 117. Player 118. Playful 119. Playground 120. Pleasant 121. Pleasurable 122. Plenty 123. Plight 124. Plotting 125. Plucked 126. Pocket 127. Poetry 128. Point 129. Pointless 130. Poisonous 131. Poke 132. Polaris 133. Police 134. Policy 135. Polished 136. Ponder 137. Pool 138. Poor 139. Popsicle 140. Popularity 141. Porcelain 142. Portal 143. Portrait 144. Positions 145. Positive   146. Possession 147. Possibilities   148. Postcard 149. Poster 150. Potato 151. Potential   152. Potion   153. Powerful 154. Powerless   155. Practical 156. Practice 157. Praise 158. Prank   159. Precarious 160. Precious 161. Precision 162. Precursor   163. Predator 164. Predestined 165. Predictability 166. Preference 167. Premise 168. Premonition 169. Preparation 170. Presence 171. Present 172. Pressure 173. Prestige 174. Pretence 175. Pretend 176. Pretty 177. Prevail 178. Preview 179. Price 180. Priceless 181. Pride 182. Primal 183. Primrose 184. Principles 185. Priorities 186. Prism 187. Prison 188. Prisoner   189. Private 190. Privilege 191. Prize 192. Problem 193. Proclaimed 194. Procrastinate 195. Prodigal 196. Professor 197. Profile 198. Profit 199. Prognosis 200. Programming 201. Progress 202. Prohibited 203. Project 204. Prom   205. Promiscuous 206. Promise   207. Promotional 208. Proof 209. Property 210. Prophecies 211. Proposal 212. Proposition 213. Protagonist 214. Protect 215. Prototype 216. Proud 217. Prove 218. Providence 219. Proximity 220. Pseudonym   221. Psyche 222. Psychic 223. Psycho 224. Publicity 225. Puddles 226. Pulled 227. Pulse   228. Pumpkin 229. Punching 230. Punctuality 231. Punished 232. Puppet 233. Purgatory   234. Purify 235. Pursuit   236. Pushover 237. Puzzle 238. Pyjamas 239. Pyramid 240. Pyromania
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lapseudosphere · 29 days
11. Opérations secrètes - Partie 2 (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt
6. Troisième type
Pseudocomplément : le mystère Oummo
7. Abductions
8. Multiples interprétations
9. Cover-up américain
10. Opérations secrètes - Partie 1
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Je me suis globalement inspiré de l’ouvrage suivant pour ce chapitre : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010
Base de Dulce : Bimestriel Ikaris n°8, Gémini édition, avril-mai 2019 (pages 12 à 29) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz François Parmentier, 60 ans de désinformation, Éditions du Rocher, 2004 (pages 214 à 216) https://www.howandwhys.com/christa-tilton-shared-secrets-of-underground-alien-bio-lab-at-dulce-base/
Rencontre avec des aliens en 1954 à Muroc et en 1955 à Holloman : http://www.ufocrashbook.com/eisenhower.html https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_q_d.htm https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_q_4.htm https://www.newswire.com/news/the-kate-valentine-ufo-shows-guest-author-art-campbell-discusses-56556 https://elishean777.com/explorer-les-rencontres-rapprochees-du-president-eisenhower/
John Lear et William Cooper : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lear https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_William_Cooper
Émission « UFO Cover Up? Live » : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXCdaBu0Now
Zone 51, Bob Lazar et J-Rod : (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51 Bimestriel Ikaris n°11, Gémini édition, octobre-novembre 2019 (pages 42 à 57) https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2023/02/pourquoi-la-legende-de-la-zone-51-nous-fascine-t-elle-toujours-autant (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Lazar https://fr.viss.me/fallout-shelter-hack
John Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe et les ovnis : Bimestriel Ikaris n°12, Gémini édition, décembre-janvier 2020 (pages 54 à 56) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat_de_John_F._Kennedy https://www.inexplore.com/articles/marilyn-monroe-extraterrestres-sucide-theorie-CIA https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Kilgallen (en anglais) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1378284/Secret-memo-shows-JFK-demanded-UFO-files-10-days-assassination.html
Edgar Mitchell et Gordon Cooper : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Mitchell https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Cooper Bimestriel Ikaris n°13, Gemini Éditions, février - mars 2020 (pages 48 à 55)
Michael Wolf : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (pages 309 - 310)
Sergent Clifford Stone : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (pages 305 - 307)
Lacerta : http://messagesdelanature.ek.la/le-dossier-lacerta-un-entretien-avec-une-reptilienne-p1377144
Crop Circle Crabwood : https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/homme-crop-circles-extraterrestres-sont-ils-artistes-12334/
Projet Serpo : Bimestriel Ikaris n°15, Gemini Éditions, juin - juillet 2020 (pages 26 à 37)
Gary McKinnon : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_McKinnon
0 notes
measuringbliss · 5 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 063 Then We Shall Both Be Betrayed (ASM 214-216)
So the last time, Peter was horny, he got in a huge fire, and he's been an ass to Debra (who in the meantime got some character development in SSM).
In this post...
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Namor, a mysterious seductress, and a few twists!
One thing quickly becomes clear: Peter's gonna have to move. Where's he going to go? Is he going to have a roommate? With Steve? *hopeful sigh*
I'm curious to see what comes of it.
So Spidey and the homeless person escape the burning building, and far away, our mysterious villain is not happy with the Wizard's lack of usefulness. It's time to get revenge on *his* foe!
Anyway, Peter's been relocated to "the fanciest hotel in town" (really???) and is depressed when the same singing man resumes his vocals. He's Peter's true nemesis!
Suddenly, knocks on the door. It's his sexy neigbour!
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I love his little outfit (watch me say "I'm cosplaying Peter on page 8 of ASM 214" at Halloween). Purple pants always work! And I really enjoy seeing him flustered like that. I don't think it even happened. He was weirded out by MJ, sure, but not incredibly horned up like that. He really needs to get some. Which makes me think she might be a trap, set by a foe or something. I don't know. But they sure give her importance! Could we at least have a name?
Talking about Ryker's Island Prison, the Frightful Four (sans Electro) are reunited after an audacious and very watery escape plan. Namor is quickly informed and isn't very happy. Continuity! Hell yeah! I was gonna mention Len Wein negatively, but then I remembered that his run is actually one I'd reread with pleasure if I skipped the fight scenes, because the actual plot was great.
Also, apparently, our mysterious villain is a woman. Hm! Maybe it's the neighbour, who can duplicate herself or something.
My guess gets closer to correct, as while Spidey's swinging in the city to "... clear [his] head" (has he not heard of self-pleasure, I wonder. Actually, quite a bit gets more understandable if you take that idea into account), he witnesses Namor fly right into his hotel and attack our mysterious lady.
The two heroes fight because as usual, they can't talk ever, until...
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Wow, Spidey's *savage*.
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So... she's completely in the wrong, right?
Anyway, our villains incapacite our heroes. What will happen next?
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Don't worry, they don't explain much in Spectacular either.
In #215...
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Sandman, what are you *doing*?!
The two heroes eventually escape thanks to an accidental distraction by the cops. Namor's ego is extremely hurt, he's quite dramatic. As for Peter...
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Yeah, I'm sure you do. Glad the Sandman made you discover some things about yourself.
Peter wants some love, but his gorgeous neighbour isn't here anymore. He naturally goes to Debra, who's about to leave the dream: Peter Parker, whumped to hell and back, barely standing, collapsing on her. Oh no, she has to take care of him, this is terrible!
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Peter, you absolute dumbass, I love you. At least eat the fucking breakfast!!!!
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Yeah, the team is definitely more... overt than before.
Peter's personality change/character assassination (glass half-empty?) is very intriguing to me, because it's been going for a while now, and I don't know how intentional it is (even though SSM just proved to me that at least some of it, the writers are aware of).
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She's dressed in black and has very obvious lipstick. He shouldn't have been surprised.
Turns out the Wizard's gun he used on our heroes swapped their powers, so Spidey's subject to weird gravity and the foes fully intend to send him to space. Because why not!
Namor saves him though, and together, they fight their foes. Except they can't find the evil lady, and resort to going to Reed Richards to reverse their power-swapping. He succeeds!
Spidey then... goes back to his lady...
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Is... Is this supposed to be a twist? It's been very clear throughout the whole issue. Why do you end on this? This is laughable.
Except it doesn't end here. Llyra says to Spidey that he's weak (nah) and stupid (kind of), and says she'll "leave him to his humiliation".
However, Namor arrives to save the day! He quickly takes her back to his kingdom.
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I mean, we've been through that a few times now. She'll probably forgive him eventually. More importantly, that racer guy from Wein's run?!
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#216 has a gorgeous first page.
So Peter spends a while hyping himself to go see Debra to apologize (and because he's both horny and needs some love), but when he finally gets there...
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There's... things missing from this page. Like... questions. Who is he? What happened? I guess these two panels would be enough for normal people, but not for me. Maybe he's just a friend or something.
(Wasn't there a guy named "Biff" in Back to the Future...?)
Is communication still too hard for our little spider?
Peter is so depressed he swings through the city without even putting on his costume. He's very introspective too. Alright, I'll let you cook...
At the hospital, he gets a checkup and overhears some bandits talk about killing someone at the upcoming marathon...
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Peter wears boots???? It's probably a mistake, but still.
The issue not-very-subtly foreshadows that the new congressional candidate is the actual target, but Madame Web doesn't read these pages and has nothing to say to Pete. Oops.
He finally gets back to his apartment.
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Doing his best? Trying not to hurt anybody?
Oh, Peter needs introspection alright, because he's been an ass to Debra ever since she appeared in the magazine. Is it plain cluelessness or misogyny? Does the difference matter?
Anyway, during the race, Spidey saves about 500 hundred people from death, give or take, until he receives a call...
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I love how silly this is. ThE pSyChIc VeCtOrS hAvE aLiGnEd~
As expected, Madame Web tells Spidey that the target is the new congressional candidate. Turns out the "race" in question wasn't the marathon, but the political elections! That's a neat trick, I like it.
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Neat ending. A bit underwhelming though.
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I completely get it. The magazine is clearly very different. I think it's no wonder that all these characters don't enjoy any semblance of popularity nowadays.
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naominotaisho · 5 months
Shōsetsu InuYasha:
Translation By: Patches
Page 213
Chapter 10: Dilemma 1 When Inuyasha saw the reincarnated miko engulfed in the flames of “Onibigushi”, despite handling all the pain up until now in a collected manner, his face showed signs of distress for the first time. (Oh, how interesting.)  Yura loved watching someone being forced to show emotion.  She preferred watching anger, sadness, and hatred, however. “There aren’t even bones left of that woman."  She figured she’d try saying something to prod him even further. As she’d expected, Inuyasha shouted, "You bitch!” which pleased Yura immensely to see him boiling with anger.
Page 214
“Are you sad that that woman is dead?  Aww, poor thing."  Naturally, it’s not like she actually felt sorry for him.  Yura generally had no understanding of feeling "sorry” for anyone other than herself.  “Don’t worry.  Soon enough I’ll be sending you to the next world to join her!” When Yura rushed at him with Benigasumi drawn, Inuyasha curled the fingers of his right hand.  The sharp claws glinted. (Hah, still trying to resist) thought Yura, but, Inuyasha made an unexpected move.  He stuck those sharp claws into his own chest.  Yura was startled momentarily to see his blood stain his clothes. (Don’t tell me he’s so upset at that woman’s death that he’s trying to kill himself, But that wasn’t it.  Inuyasha drew his blood-stained fingers from his chest and shouted, “Take this!  Hijin Kessou!!” and swung down his right arm.
Page 215
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Page 216
The spray of blood flew through the air in a crescent shape. (Blades of blood?!)  Yura hurriedly tried to dodge, but she was a moment too late.  The blades of blood came flying with a howl and sliced off Yura’s sword-wielding right hand at the wrist. “…!  My hand…"  Yura looked at her right arm, which now had nothing beyond the wrist, and felt a bit sad.  She felt sorry for herself that this had happened to her.  And that she couldn’t forgive that terrible hanyou who did this to her. "Heh, without your hand, you can’t control your hair, either.” The hanyou’s words stung her heart.  “You… should play nicer with girls."  As she said that, Yura put the red comb from her left hand in her mouth.
Page 217
2 “You… should play nicer with girls.”     Inuyasha glared at Yura as she placed the red comb from her left hand in her mouth.  “The hell are you talking about?!  What you’ve done is something unforgivable for either a man or a woman!” Yura held the comb in her mouth.  She dragged her left hand along the comb.  It seemed she was combing through the bundle of hair entwined about her left hand. Then, the skulls hanging by hairs from Yura’s nest began to chatter their teeth.  “…?!"  Yura moved the comb further.  Her nest began to collapse.  The multitude of skulls writhed within the long hairs and came charging at Inuyasha all at once.
Page 218
A torrent of hair like an avalanche or tsunami pummelled Inuyasha. “Ugh!  Get off me!"  He swung his claws, crushing the skulls charging him.  He destroyed them one after another as they continued to press in. Until Inuyasha sensed a lethal force rapidly approaching behind him.  He hurriedly turned around, and a sharp pain ran across his shoulder. "Eh…?!"  He’d been cut.  Blood was spraying out.  When he looked, he saw that Yura’s right hand that he’d cut off earlier was flying around holding Benigasumi.  Yura was undoubtedly manipulating it with some invisible hairs. "So close.  Just a little more and I’d have had your head."  Yura looked at Inuyasha regrettably.  "How about another go?!"  She moved the fingers of her left hand nimbly.  Her right hand holding Benigasumi came flying. "Hijin Kessou!"  Inuyasha thought he could turn the tables on her, but the countless bundles of skull-bearing hairs moved between Inuyasha and Benigasumi like a curtain, acting as a wall to stop Hijin Kessou.
Page 219
“Tch."  Just as he clicked his tongue, a heavy shock and a sharp pain pierced his back.  Yura had used his momentary distraction by the skulls to manipulate her right hand and stab him through the back with Benigasumi. "Now now, where are you looking?!"  Yura made a large sweeping motion with her red comb.  The skulls charged from all directions, wrapping Inuyasha’s body in bundles of hair and swinging him around. "Dammit!"  Inuyasha gritted his teeth.  He wanted to fight back, but with the bundles of hair and Yura’s right hand, Inuyasha’s body was tightly bound and he was becoming unable to move. "Hmph.  So a hanyou really is just half-baked,” Yura mocked while approaching him.  She delicately placed her red comb in her sash and said, “You poor thing.”
Page 220
With a face that didn’t show a bit of pity at all, she reached into her cleavage and gave him a glance of the bag containing the Shikon no Tama.  She was just teasing him with it.  “You wanted to use this to become a real youkai, didn’t you.”   She came close and gazed at Inuyasha haughtily, holding Benigasumi in her left hand.  “Now don’t move.  If I don’t get a clean cut on your neck, that beautiful hair will get stained in blood,” Yura said with a glimmer of a smile, raising Benigasumi high above her head.  When she swung the sword down, the blade glinted coldly in the moonlight. “Hmph… quit jerking me around!"  Inuyasha put all his strength into his right arm.  As if someone like her could cut off his head!  What a joke! Thunk!  He’d punched Yura straight through her chest. ”….!“  Yura’s eyes went wide.  Inuyasha’s right hand was sticking out her back.  When he retracted his hand, there was a gaping hole in Yura’s chest that he could see the mountain through. "Keh… that’s what you get,” Inuyasha said as he did so.
Page 221
Suddenly, there was a sword stuck through the back of his hand.  “…?!” It was Yura.  Yura had pierced Benigasumi through his hand.  Even though she had a gaping hole in her chest, she was unperturbed.  “How brazen of you.  Sticking your hand in a woman’s chest right after meeting her.” (She’s… she’s fine?!)  He stared in disbelief as Yura wiggled the fingers of her left hand, manipulating the blood-stained hairs.  The bag containing the Shikon no Tama that Inuyasha had clutched in his right hand lifted into the air, returning to Yura’s hand. “Hmph.  Looks like you grabbed the Shikon no Tama while you were at it.  You just don’t know when to quit.” Where is it?!  Inuyasha searched frantically.  (Where is her weak spot?!) “Hm?"  Yura scowled abruptly.  It seemed like she was feeling the hairs on her left hand tug at her on their own. Yura turned around and gasped.
Page 222
When Inuyasha followed her gaze, he saw red cloth fluttering in the wind.  Since it had been used to attack Inuyasha earlier, Yura’s nest was no longer a ball, but a scattered mess of separate streams of hair.  The red cloth was in the process of scurrying up one of those streams. Inuyasha knew what it was.  The red cloth was the fire rat cloak.  That woman - the one who was the reincarnation of Kikyou - was boldly climbing Yura’s nest. “That woman!  She should have burned to death!” Yura said in a low voice.  Her face was unlike any she had shown until now: grim.
Next Chapter >>
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Primes en Europa League : Combien gagnent les clubs Français ?
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Alors que la phase de groupes de la Ligue Europa 2023-2024 approche de sa conclusion, l'OM et le Stade Rennais peuvent d'ores et déjà se frotter les mains. Les deux clubs français se sont assurés une place en barrages, un pas de plus vers une aventure européenne prometteuse. Une nouvelle qui suscite non seulement l'enthousiasme des supporters, mais qui représente également un enjeu financier majeur pour les caisses des clubs, compte tenu des Primes en Europa League. Primes en Europa League : 1,2 M € pour les huitièmes et 500 000 € pour les barrages. Chaque étape franchie dans la compétition européenne ajoute une pluie de primes financières. Les huitièmes de finale offrent une manne financière conséquente de 1,2 million d'euros, une incitation supplémentaire pour les équipes à se surpasser sur le terrain. Les barrages, quant à eux, représentent une opportunité financière avec une prime de 500 000 euros, une somme non négligeable qui pourrait faire la différence dans les finances d'un club. Lire aussi :  - Primes en Ligue des Champions : Combien Lens a empoché ? Les primes en fonction de leur classement Le parcours des clubs ne se limite pas seulement aux phases éliminatoires. La performance en phase de groupes est par ailleurs cruciale sur le plan financier. Les équipes se voient récompensées en fonction de leur classement dans leur groupe respectif. Les premiers bénéficient d'une prime alléchante de 1,5 million d'euros, tandis que les seconds ne sont pas en reste avec une somme de 550 000 euros. Les résultats en poules et le classement au coefficient. Au-delà des primes liées aux performances directes, les clubs ont déjà engrangé des gains substantiels. Une prime commune, les résultats obtenus en phase de groupes et le classement au coefficient UEFA ont contribué à renflouer les coffres des équipes engagées. Un savant mélange de succès sportifs et de gestion financière qui permet aux clubs de jouir d'une stabilité économique. Un bonus de 5 millions d'euros suite à leur élimination en Ligue des champions. Le destin en Ligue des champions n'est pas toujours clément, mais même dans l'adversité, certains clubs peuvent trouver un éclat financier. Ceux qui ont été reversés en Ligue Europa suite à leur élimination en barrages de la Ligue des champions bénéficient d'un bonus exceptionnel de 5 millions d'euros. Une manière pour l'UEFA de compenser les déceptions et de récompenser la persévérance. Voir ensuite :  - Qui est Faiq Bolkiah ? Le joueur 40 fois le plus riche que Cristiano ! Primes en Europa League : plus de 235 millions € pour la campagne 2023-2024. L'UEFA, organisme régissant la compétition, distribuera au total une somme colossale de 235 millions d'euros aux équipes participantes. Un pactole qui, bien utilisé, peut non seulement renforcer les effectifs des clubs, mais également pérenniser leur présence sur la scène européenne. Les prochains matchs des clubs français ne seront pas seulement des batailles sur le terrain, mais aussi des opportunités cruciales pour consolider leur assise financière dans le monde du football européen. Primes totales gagnées par club Rangers FC = 13 214 000 € Molde FK = 12 080 000 € Leverkusen = 10 608 000 € Liverpool = 10 374 000 € AEK Athènes = 10 262 000 € Panathinaïkos = 10 130 000 € Maccabi Haïfa = 10 028 000 € AS Rome = 9 690 000 € Rakow Częstochowa = 9 602 000 € Olympique Marseille = 9 240 000 € Villarreal = 9 216 000 € Slavia Prague = 9 186 000 € Atalante BC = 9 108 000 € West Ham United = 8 922 000 € CP Sportif = 8 874 000 € Stade Rennais FC = 8 394 000 € Real Betis = 8 160 000 € AFC Ajax = 8 142 000 € Olympiakos FC = 7 902 000 € Brighton & Hove Albion = 7 842 000 € SC Fribourg = 7 734 000 € Sparte Prague = 7 608 000 € Qarabag FK = 7 476 000 € Viktoria Plzen = 6 868 000,00 € Club Bruges KV = 6 845 500 € Toulouse FC = 6 762 000 € ________ Retrouvez toute l'actu foot sur notre page Facebook et sur notre page Twitter ! Read the full article
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wyrdoh · 10 months
Gold Saucer - Card Packs
Page 9 #267: Archaeotania (DREAM)
Page 2 #39: Gilgamesh & Enkidu (MYTHRIL)
Gold Saucer - Buy
Page 3 #63: Nanamo Ulnamo (400K MGP)
Page 6 #169: Gigi (90k MGP)
Page 7 #197: Raubahn & Pipin (400k MGP)
Page 8 #228: Strmbld Tataru Taru (96k MGP)
Norvrandt - Gemstone Trader
Page 10 #271: Gnoll (Lakeland)
Page 10 #273: Forgiven Obscenity (Kholusia)
Page 10 #274: Huaca (Rak'tika)
Page 10 #277: Therion (Tempest)
Page 3 #86: Nidhogg (The Aery)
Page 4 #97: Progenitrix (Pharos Sirius Hard)
Page 4 #103: Charibert (The Vault)
Page 4 #107: Archbishop Thordan VII ( The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign)
Page 6 #160: Lava Scorpion (Sohm Al Hard)
Page 6 #163: The Griffin (Baelsar's Wall)
Page 6 #177: Susano (The Pool of Tribute)
Page 6 #178: Lakshmi (Emancipation)
Page 7 #193: Hrodric Poisontongue (The Drowned City of Skalla)
Page 7 #200: Guidance Node (The Fractal Continuum Hard)
Page 7 #202: Genbu (Hells' Lid)
Page 7 #203: Byakko (The Jade Stoa)
Page 7 #208: Qitian Dasheng (The Swallow's Compass)
Page 7 #209: Tsukuyomi (Castrum Fluminis)
Page 8 #219: Tokkapchi (Saint Mocianne's Arboretum Hard)
Page 8 #220: Mist Dragon (The Burn)
Page 8 #229: Prometheus (The Ghimlyt Dark)
Page 8 #230: Seiryu (The Wreath of Snakes)
Page 8 #238: Stormblood Gilgamesh (Kugane Ohashi)
Page 9 #246: Titania (The Dancing Plague)
Page 9 #257: Hades (The Dying Grasp)
Page 9 #265: Seeker of Solitude (The Grand Cosmos)
Page 10 #276: Ruby Weapon (Cinder Drift)
Page 10 #279: Varis yae Galvus (Memoria Misera Extreme)
Page 10 #286: 2P (The Puppet's Bunker)
Page 10 #287: Shadowbringers Warrior of Light (The Seat of Sacrifice)
Page 10 #291: Mother Porxie (Matoya's Relict)
Page 10 #292: Emerald Weapon (Castrum Marinum)
Page 10 #295: Eden's Promise (Eden's Promise: Eternity)
Page 11 #304: Lunar Bahamut (Paglth'an)
Page 11 #307: Diamond Weapon (The Cloud Deck
Page 3 #72: Fat Chocobo (vath deftarm/FATE)
Page 4 #111: Darkscale (Master Mogzin/FATE)
Page 5 #133: Kal Myhk (Master Mogzin)
Page 5 #134: Waukkeon (Linu Vali)
Page 5 #140: Hraesvelgr (Master Mogzin)
Page 10 #280: Dwarf (Cobleva)
Page 10 #281: Rolling Tankard (Cobleva)
Page 3 #87: Midsgardsommar (Triple-deckerIV)
Page 7 #186: Krile (Triple-deckerVIII)
Page 8 #211: Gosetsu (Triple-deckerVIIII)
Page 9 #255: Shadowbringers Urianger (Triple-deckerIX)
Page 10 #284: Shadowbringers Thancred (Triple-deckerX)
Page 10 #296: Phoenix (Open and Shut I)
Page 8 #212: Wanyudo & Katasharin
Page 8 #213: Hatamoto
Page 8 #214: Hiruko
Page 8 #215: Yukinko
Page 8 #216: Happy Bunny
Page 8 #217: Louhi
Page 8 #225: Pazuzu
Page 8 #226: Penthesilea
Page 8 #235: Dvegr
Page 8 #236: Ejika Tsunjika
Page 8 #237: Provenance Watcher
Page 10 #289: Dawon
Page 10 #290: Adrammelch
Page 11 #310: 4th-make Shemhazai
Page 11 #311: 4th-make Cuchulainn
Mor Dhona - Merchant
Page 11 #306: G-Warrior (3 totems)
Zadnor - Merchant
Page 10 #298: Trinity Seeker (3 Bozja Cluster)
Page 10 #299: Trinity Avowed (3 Bozja Cluster)
Page 11 #312: Diablo Armament (7 Bozja Cluster)
Level 60 Blue Mage: Buy from Latool Ja
Page 10 #297: Great Azuro (100 Allied Seals)
Page 11 #302: Gogo Master of Mimicry
Page 10 #300: Azulmagia
Page 11 #301: Siegfried
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anosci · 1 year
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(211-226 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16])
names and thoughts below cut
211/ VA - STAFFcirc vol. 8 - circle (2023) was worried that there'd be a single track that i didnt like, breaking the circle. good news: no such issue! if i had to pick a fav section… "calculations" hits particularly good. slappy.
212/ GRiZ - Say It Loud (2015) oh its funky! absolutely wild basslines (and textures!) in "Need This" "Stop Trippin'" is finger pinching perfect use of sax in a groove. overall a good selection of party tunes, though i find myself still picky about the vocals…
213/ Motoi Sakuraba - Passage (2013) a fun prog rock romp with piano intermissions. filled with motoi's delicious baroque sauce
214/ John Louis Kluck - Astro Voyages (2023) chillout with a smooth edge. lots of floaty stuff. opening track "Fragile Space" is my fav i think? stepsequencefilter smth second fav "Far from Home".
215/ Wolff Parkinson White - Gonaïve (2014) wtf this is cubist reggae flavored! i didnt think there was anything else like it! its not quite the same flavor, trending more towards insane drums. sounds like real skills + tasteful chops. super nice!
--- July ---
216/ Ott - Fairchildren (2015) broadly a psychill adventure, but not purely chill. psyadventure? special shoutout to "Harwell Dekatron" for its ukdubsteppy tude special shoutout to "Unit Delta Plus" for the funky swingy groove
217/ Copy Your Idols - There's Beauty In Being Broken (2023) lush soundscapes that aren't necessarily chill but aren't really energetic either. see "Finding Order in Chaos" and "Nowhere Is Safe Anymore". "musings" is how i think i'd describe these tunes. just ok overall, for me.
218/ Knife Party - Trigger Warning (2015) "PLUR Police" is somewhere between too silly for me and unassailably massive. "Kraken" is the tune that does the most for me.
219/ ROLROLROL - MUSIC (2023) funky pop rock candy popping away in a canvas that is a little bit too large for the subject but hypnotizing for it. favs? "Wheeler Dealer" or "Sedan" perhaps. love cool stac funk
220/ Flanger - Lollopy Dripper (2015) usually i can cleanly divide an album into "music for day" or "night", but this one kinda fits both for me. it has the feel of a brush kit but entirely without the brushes.
221/ Anthemic Tapes - Anthemic Beliefs (2023) sunbleached techno, an airy chilled timbre. personal fav "Ritzy"
222/ Aleksi Perälä - The Colundi Sequence Level 11 (2015) dubby intro track????? sweet piano bass t2 and absolute delightful lofihiphop "UK74R1513030" fav?? it becomes more bleepy "idmy" over time but wtf those openers bang peak chillout vibes
223/ VA - Touched By Silence 2 (2023) was somewhat worried that this wouldnt capture me, but plenty of tunes did! "The Living Green" says beatless but its actually a hella rockin beat. standout! "I'll Have A Coat Float" delightful spinning! "Space & Time" nice funny little tune.
224/ Hundred Waters - The Moon Rang Like A Bell (Remixed) (2015) mostly just alright to me. "Cavity (Shigeto Remix)" is a a fascinating meditation. "Inncocent (Illangelo's Confessional Remix)" is THE standout for me. this push and pull feel hits right. the formants too.
225/ The Jaffa Kid - Polysynthesis pt. 2 (2023) this fills me with the mood and vibes of the emergence of warp's "artificial intelligence" "movement" (for lack of a better word of what happened then). chill and electric but pure
[next page]
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 243. brb x oc
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a/n: listen......i don't even know if this is common or legal,I just want drama and im so t i r e d so b ear with me pls(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
It wasn’t news that he was good at his job, he was good, he was good enough to be promoted to Lieutenant-Commander. As he walks past a few other officers towards Cyclone’s office, he wondered what exactly they could talk about that was so…hurried.
He saw the email on Sunday afternoon, minutes before the girls left with Leonardo and he and Beatrice went to Marcus for that…photoshoot…thing. It was weird, but also really fun? It took him some time to get used to the idea, but he’s glad that he did.
He knocks on the vice-admiral’s door, he hears the quiet ‘Come in’ and then finally enters. He stops by the door when he sees a brand new picture on Cyclone’s desk, his grandson, in all his red peach faced glory, squinting at the camera and giving the onlookers a confused frown.
Well, that’s interesting.
Rooster blinked in surprise, hardly believing his eyes as he took in the unexpected sight of his uncle, Maverick, sitting in Vice-Admiral Cyclone's office. He couldn't help but grin at the sight of his younger, albeit scruffy and casually dressed, family member.
"Mav?" Rooster, his voice filled with disbelief and genuine happiness. "What are you doing here?"
Maverick leaned back in the chair, offering Rooster a cocky smile. "Can you believe I was invited?” he smirks, “By Beau nonetheless.” Cyclone just sighed heavily from his chair, flipping some pages in a folder, “I felt honored,honestly.”
"Invited?" he repeated, his mind trying to make sense of the situation. He knew that Maverick and Vice-Admiral Cyclone had a history, but he hadn't expected his uncle to be invited to a meeting like this.
Especially by Cyclone who did not look that excited.
Maverick chuckled, his casual demeanor contrasting sharply with the formal setting of Cyclone's office. "Yeah, Beau called me up and said he needed my input on something," he explained, his voice laced with amusement. "Said it was a 'family matter.'"
Cyclone finally set the folder aside and leaned forward, his expression serious. "Gentlemen, I appreciate you both coming," he said, his voice carrying the weight of authority and completely ignoring how casual the conversation was. "Yes, even you Maverick.” 
“It must be something insane for you to allow me in here.” Maverick smiles, “I think being a grandpa is doing good for you. I mean,it did for me. Rooster’s kids are great.”
Cyclone purposefully ignored that information, “Bradley your promotion ceremony is coming,” he says, pulling his glasses off his face, “A few weeks, if I’m not wrong.”
Rooster nodded, acknowledging the upcoming event. "Yes, sir," he replied, hands behind his back, “Just…a few days after my birthday,actually.” and he let out an awkward laugh…one that his uncle did reciprocate, but his superior…well…
If he squinted he could see his lips twitching.
Cyclone continued, his gaze shifting between Rooster and Maverick. "As you both know, promotions in the Navy are based on merit, performance, and potential," he said, his tone serious. "And while Rooster's record is exceptional and he's more than deserving of his promotion, there's another factor at play here."
Rooster exchanged a puzzled glance with Maverick. "What do you mean, sir?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.
Cyclone leaned back in his chair, his hands steepled in front of him. "I've received some...interesting information from the higher-ups," he began, choosing his words carefully. "It seems they aren’t that fond that you two-” he points at them, “Are together in the same base.”
Rooster's eyebrows shot up in surprise at Cyclone's revelation. He hadn't expected the conversation to take such a turn. He exchanged a quick, worried glance with Maverick before turning his attention back to the vice-admiral.
"Sir, with all due respect, our relationship hasn't affected our performance or professionalism in any way," Rooster stated firmly, his voice steady.
Maverick nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "We've always maintained the highest standards, both as Navy officers and as individuals," he added.
Cyclone sighed, his gaze fixed on Rooster. "I don't doubt your professionalism, Bradley," he said, his tone sympathetic. "But you know how the higher-ups can be. They have concerns about the appearance of impropriety, especially with both of you being…family."
Rooster couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration at the situation. He had worked hard to achieve his current rank, and the idea that his relationship with Maverick could jeopardize his career was disheartening. "Sir, I understand their concerns, but we've kept our personal and professional lives separate," he argued. "I don't see how our relationship should be an issue."
“Listen,Beau,”Maverick stands up, “He’s my nephew. But there’s no nepotism in place here,I don’t have any saying on what happens to him.”
Cyclone nodded in acknowledgment of Maverick's statement. "You're right, Maverick," he said, his expression thoughtful. "But I wanted both of you to be aware of the situation and the potential challenges it might present. The higher-ups are watching closely."
Seldom were the times when he saw Maverick angry, actually angry. But when his eyes narrowed and he leaned down to Cyclone’s level, he could see how he was seething, “Watching me closely,huh?”
“They are threatening my nephew because of me?” he asks quietly, “Is that the truth,Beau?”
Cyclone sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he met Maverick's intense gaze. "Maverick, it's not a direct threat," he explained, choosing his words carefully. "But it's a concern they've raised, and it could potentially impact Bradley's career."
“It feels like one.” and the two men stared at each other for a few seconds, before Cyclone broke the silence.
And while his words were heavy, they had truth in them, “...Maverick, you knew Admiral Kazansky’s protection would only last so long.” he says quietly, “You knew they’d still be on your ass even after he passed.”
Rooster watched the exchange between Maverick and Cyclone, a mix of emotions swirling within him. He felt like..he didn’t know what to feel. He was so conflicted. "Mav, it's okay," Rooster interjected, stepping closer to both of them. "We'll figure this out. Okay?” he saw how his uncle’s knuckles were white when he pressed them on the desk’s surface, keeping him upright.
“I will not allow them to do it.” he whispers, “They will not hurt him because of me,Beau.”
Cyclone’s jaw moved before he spoke again. "Maverick, I appreciate your concern for Rooster," he said, "But we need to tread carefully. We don't want to give them any more reason to scrutinize Bradley's career."
“There shouldn’t be any!” Maverick almost shouts, making both his nephew and the vice-admiral stare at him wide eyed, “What is this? Punishment? For some fucking reason? Why? No,” he points at Cyclone, “No, they won’t do this, not to him, not anymore.”
Cyclone sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm going to have a meeting with the higher-ups," he said, his tone resigned. "I'll try to convince them that Bradley's promotion should proceed as planned. But we'll need to be prepared for any outcome."
“There will be only one outcome.”
“We don’t know that.”
“...no, we do.” Maverick muttered, stepping back to look at Rooster. And Rooster felt his heart hurting because that was the same look he gave back when they started talking again. After Phoenix and Bob got hurt, after he questioned him about his papers.
Why did you stand in my way?!
“Is it over?” Maverick asked, “Can we get out of here? We are both busy.” the atmosphere was so tense and thick it was almost suffocating. Rooster could only stare at his uncle in silence, hands behind his back as he waited.
Cyclone nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, you're both dismissed for now," he replied, his voice heavy with the weight of the situation. "I'll keep you updated on any developments, Rooster."
Rooster gave a brisk salute, his thoughts racing as he followed Maverick out of the vice-admiral's office. The tension in the room seemed to linger even after they had left, leaving Rooster feeling a sense of unease, it clung to his uniform like oil.
As they walked down the corridor, Maverick's earlier anger had transformed into a steely resolve. He glanced at Rooster and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Mav?" he calls softly, “Mav, you okay?”
“Me?” his uncle scoffs, “I should be the one asking you that? Are you okay?”
Why did you stand in my way?
Both men stood in front of each other, the taller pilot opening his mouth, then closing. Then opening and repeating the whole ordeal again…he felt…guilty, but he shouldn’t. Right? He shouldn’t feel guilty but he also felt angry and disappointed and just…he couldn’t pinpoint one single emotion.
He sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "I...I don't know, Mav," he admitted, his voice heavy with uncertainty. "I'm…really surprised of how things…turned out." and he laughs quietly, more out of discomfort than humor, “...but,I mean it, are you okay?”
Maverick's gaze softened as he looked at his nephew, his concern evident in his eyes. "I'm more worried about you right now," he replied honestly. "You've worked so hard for your promotion, and I don't want to see your career suffer because of me."
Rooster gave a weary smile, his brain rattling with past conversations he wished wouldn’t come back now, “I know.” he whispers, “I know,Mav…we-we will figure it out, somewhat.” he could feel the claw going up his spine, the anxiety of somehow his promotion being revoked was…scary.
He worked so hard for this, so hard.
And he couldn’t blame Mav, as much as somehow past Rooster wanted to, he couldn’t. This wasn’t him playing with his papers, the fact they were family - not exactly by blood - shouldn’t be such an issue, “...they really get on your ass,huh,Mav?”
Maverick chuckled dryly, crossing his arms over his chest, “Always did.” he frowns, “Always,did,Brad.”
“I’m home.”
His smile was immediate, no matter how shitty his day could be, no matter if he was in the worst situation…that voice made his entire body relax, “Kitchen? What are you makin’?” he calls, leaning down to pet each of the dogs as they rush over to greet him, “Is Nikki with you?”
“You bet she is.”
Rooster chuckled, running his hand through his hair as he walks to the kitchen, inhaling quietly, trying to ease his mind because he knew Beatrice was going to ask about this meeting. He knew it’d happen and he had to prepare his answers.
Rooster stepped into the kitchen, his fatigued shoulders gradually relaxing as he inhaled the savory aroma wafting through the air. Beatrice stood by the stove, a welcoming smile illuminating her face as she looked down at Nicole who was happily seated on her high chair at a safe distance from her mother.
"Look who's here, Nikki," Beatrice announced, playfully gasping, “Is it dada?”.
Nikki eagerly reached out for her father, her tiny arms stretching towards him. Rooster happily swept her up into his embrace, showering her chubby cheeks with affectionate kisses that elicited even more laughter from the little one.
"Hey there, my little birdie," Rooster whispered, his nose nuzzling Nikki's soft cheek. “Oh,” he swipes her face, “You got some sauce on your cheek, were you helping mama with dinner? Yeah?”
Beatrice leaned in once she lowered the temperature, her lips meeting Rooster's in a tender kiss. "Welcome home, babe," she greeted him warmly.
Rooster returned the kiss, smiling against her mouth, “Thanks babe, missed you.”
Beatrice gently caressed his cheek, her eyes filled with adoration. "We missed you too, Roos," she replied softly, looking back at the stove. "Dinner is almost ready. I made your favorite."
Rooster's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Oh boy, the options are endless. I wouldn’t know what it’d be…what is it?" he asked,craning his neck to check the boiling pot with his brows arched, “Tomato sauce…hmmm…could be anything. Gimme a hint.”
“It’s pasta,Roos.” she giggles, “More precisely spaghetti all'amatriciana.” she smiles more, “I thought about it, it’s been so long since we had it and I know how much you loved it back then.”
“Still do.” he says, sitting on the kitchen chair and placing Nicole on his lap, kissing her forehead, “Thanks babe, that sounds great.”
“Don’t mention it! How was work?”
Rooster settled into the chair, balancing Nicole on his lap as he recounted the events of his day. "It was a long day," he admitted, his voice tinged with exhaustion,holding his head with his free hand, “Long day.”
Beatrice looked at him from the stove and frowned at how his expression shifted to a somber, almost upset look, “...you wanna talk about it?” she asks softly, giving him a small smile when he met her eyes, “If you feel comfortable enough to?”
Rooster met Beatrice's concerned gaze, and for a moment, he hesitated. His day had indeed been challenging, and he had a lot on his mind. He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he considered her offer. "...maybe after dinner?”
Her gaze softened, “Okay.” she says, “No worries.”
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