#page 21 of 356
scripted-pleasures · 11 months
Fourth Wing Review
1.5-2/5 stars
I would like to thank everything for giving me the strength to finish this book. It took less than a week and 14.5 pages of notes but we're done! To put it bluntly, this book was bad. Like, garbage. After talking about it for a while I get so angry that I lose the ability to form rational thought anymore. Anyways, I hope this is entertaining and/or informative! This will be hidden cuz it's a long one!
I would like to start off by saying that even though I don’t agree with the general rating of the book, I can say that I see how people enjoy this book. If this is a first fantasy book for someone, it makes an ok low barrier to entry for the genre. I think this would be mid-fantasy? I will say I wasn’t a fan of the romance, even if Yarros took her time and saved the Big Bang for way too late in the book to try to ‘flesh out’ the connection. (Spoiler alert: it was wack). For better or worse, I’m a lore person so in terms of a meaningful story with solid characters, plot, and setting, it’s no more than a 2. I do have to give credit where it’s due, and there were some parts that I enjoyed (mainly Tairn) and if I wasn’t going into this so critically, I’d give this a solid 3. The story is fine, though it is full of contradictions and weird sentences that are hard to ignore even if I was reading for fun. Violet was more interesting at the beginning of the book and things got kind of jumbled together toward the middle whenever the focus wasn’t on how horny Violet was for Xaden. The flying scenes were fun when they were actually written out. As for characters, Tarin is the best by far, no competition. I know that was bland but that’s how I felt if you wanted a short review if I was reading for fun. Honestly, this book is nothing to write home about.
 Though, I am home, and I will be writing about it, so here’s the full 2 star (more like 1.5) review:
A major non-in universe problem with this book is the use of Scottish Gaelic words/names that are being bastardized. The name of the college, dragons, and some characters’ last names use Scottish Gaelic that, as confirmed by Yarros, are not pronounced properly and are instead pronounced however she finds easiest. There are wonderful creators on TikTok that have read the book and know of/speak Scottish Gaelic that air their own grievance on her use of the language and are a wonderful source of how to properly pronounce the names/words in the book. I urge all who read this to check them out.
I absolutely love the fact that Yarros is actively not following the rules that she set up! 
The earliest show of this is on page 21 where there’s a quote from ‘Major Afrenda’s Guide to the Riders Quadrant’ that says “there’s a misconception that it’s kill or be killed in the Quadrant unless there’s a dragon shortage or a cadet is a liability”. A similar rule is found on page 27 where the Codex states that ‘it’s unlawful for a rider to cause another harm.’ Both of these rules are broken literally on the Parapet where Jack, an antagonist, throws someone into the ravine below and suffered no consequences. Jack also killed someone in training for funsies and nothing came of that either. Most importantly, there isn’t a shortage of dragons, there’s too many riders. The school says rider candidates volunteer yet make no moves to control the amount of applicants when they know the amount of dragons willing to bond in advance.
There was the rule that states cadets with rebel relics can’t be in groups of 3 or more, otherwise it’ll be seen as a capital offense (pg 77) though Xaden tells the group to travel in 3s
On pages 159, Violet was surprised that Jack knew information about feathertails and wondered where he got the information despite spewing the same information earlier in the book
Violet wanted to get Jack angry so that he makes mistakes in the match (pg 293) despite this plan backfiring on her against Imogen earlier in the book
On page 356, Violet is given her saddle and says “When did I ever give you the impression that I give a fuck what people think of me?” even though the page before she was bemoaning how people are going to know that she can’t keep her seat (despite her falling a dozen times every lesson)
Minor thing, but on page 475 Violet is trying to keep Liam on Taiwan’s back even though her shoulder got messed up earlier in the fight though that wasn’t brought up again
Okay, this isn’t a specific pinpoint but it looks like Bás Giath is the military, college, the national archives, and also the church….? That’s not very clear which is a problem
Other than the inconsistencies, Yarros has a bad habit of telling, not showing and even not writing or acknowledging whole scenes. This is shown on page 310 where Sgaeyl, Tairn, and Andarna are supposed to train together with Violet and Xaden. At this point we had seen Tairn and Xaden interact, Violet/Tairn/Andarna, and a wee bit of Xaden and Sgaeyl but not Violet and Sgaeyl or Xaden and Andarna, let alone all of them together. This lost scene along with the majority of the Squad Battle on the next page, mind you misses an incredible amount of character interaction and growth that this book desperately needs. This story also lacks depth in any place outside of Bás Giath/Violet which can be seen in the beginning and toward the end. The furthest back this story goes is 5 years when the Sorrengails moved to Bás Giath and there’s no mention of their life before that. Like, even a little bit. Toward the end when Mira, Violet, and Rhinonnan go to Rhi’s village, the interaction with the family is completely cut out, focusing only on a conversation between the Sorrengails. We do get to see that Rhinonnan has a nephew and that’s as far as the meeting of the main character’s ‘best friend’s’ family goes before they run into Xaden as soon as they step outside. Fantasy really isn’t the type of genre where things are secular if there’s no good reason for it for which this story has none. Quite literally nothing happens in this book and I have no idea how this story will stretch across 5 books. I had a Science Fair project once where the project was to watch paint dry in various conditions and that was somehow more interesting and full of substance than this book.
Extra tidbit: The fact that she wrote white guilt into this story, was willfully ignorant of the idea that an oppressed people would want to revolt and side with the ‘enemy’ (aka. The only people who are willing to stand up against their oppressors), and thinking that any sort of militaristic choices are made ‘for the good of the people’ while War College actively tries to kill the students fills me with so much rage. This book is huge on social media, meaning tons of people are being exposed to these views where the book says these are the morals of the characters you’re supposed to root for. Dangerous and irresponsible. There’s also the fact that Xaden and Rhinannon, both of whom are noted as darker/dark-skinned the whole book are hyper-sexualized, feeding into stereotypes, shows that Yarros and her editing team (if she has one), have never met anyone darker than a cafe-au-lait and it shows.
All in all, I rate this a 1.5-2 out of 5 stars. The only reason why I don’t rate this lower is because there were moments where I did have fun and there were flashes of what this could be. Had I not been reading this as critically as I was or read only fantasy/sci-fi books, I could see the appeal for this. Unfortunately, Yarros might give new readers the impression this is how fantasy, beginner or not, is supposed to be and that’s a disservice to the genre. I’m almost 100% sure Yarros has no plans for this story/universe because Fourth Wing can’t stand on its own, answers no questions, and brings no inquiries. I’m happy for the people who like this book, really, but this isn’t the best it can be and I hope you find actual literature after this.
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tsoanatural · 2 years
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I posted 1,544 times in 2022
167 posts created (11%)
1,377 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,357 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#q - 356 posts
#tagged ! 🏷 - 139 posts
#911 spoilers - 71 posts
#sr - 49 posts
#signal boost !! - 32 posts
#i got mail!! - 29 posts
#prev tags - 25 posts
#to read later - 21 posts
#911 spoilers  - 20 posts
#yes - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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383 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
“He wanted so badly to help and wanted so badly to fit in and I think we can all identify with that and that’s what made the character so loveable. At the end Castiel finally felt like he belonged.”
Misha is trying to fucking kill me.
474 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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alright y’all this has been a really wild week but i’m so fucking lucky that the incredible ceecee @evanbucxley did me the honor of letting me turn her incredible fic ripples all the way down into a paperback
With some coercion, Buck allows Maddie to set him up on a date. Surprisingly, the date goes well — and it keeps his mind off the unnamable feelings he’s been studiously ignoring for his best friend.
Until Christopher’s science report on gentoo penguins — no, seriously — sets off a series of events that has him somehow spending more time at the Diazes’ side, and he feels like he’s going just a little bit insane trying to juggle a burgeoning relationship, his jealousy over Eddie’s own new relationship with Ana, and his inability to move on from the place that’s been his for three years in the Diazes’ lives.
Oh, and Eddie keeps looking at him like he has something to say — except he never says it.
This is the tumultuous road to finding out what Buck truly wants, paved by pebbles.
or; christopher partakes in some parent trapping
it’s 414 pages on size a5 paper, and for sale for the printing price plus shipping ( below is proof that neither ceecee nor i will make money off the sales )
See the full post
539 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
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diaz : 2
sleepy buck : 0
973 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,686 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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elusivemellifluence · 2 years
Read 2022
We've reached the wonderful time of year where I make graphs analysing my reading habits like I'm some sort of science experiment.
In 2022 I read 102 books / 30,760 pages.
Keep reading for much, much more detail.
(My charts look less spiffy this year because I switched to a different chart making tool. This one doesn't let me customise colours. But the prettier options I found had the infuriating habit of just leaving out the data labels if a chart got unwieldy, and did not have an option I could select for "if you can't fit them on the chart itself, use a key". I picked function over aesthetic.)
First, and I can't believe I never thought to do this before, here is a graph of my total books over each year since I started tracking.
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My lowest book count so far this year. But to be fair, I also wrote over 50,000 words of fic and started learning Mandarin Chinese. Plus my mum died and I could barely read for weeks.
And here is a similar graph of my total pagecounts.
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The Books
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The majority of my reading (62%) was in the form of ebooks, followed by paperbacks, audiobooks and hardbacks. It's pretty much the exact same proportion as last year.
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This year most of the books I read were my own (70%), with the rest borrowed from the library. It was a more even split last year.
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The longest book I read was The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee at 592 pages. The shortest was The Future God of Love by Dilman Dila at 55 pages. The average length was 301 pages.
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This is my average book length over the years. Not a whole lot of variation, but this year was the lowest so far at 301 and 2015 was the highest at 356.
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The oldest book I read was The Art of War by Sun Tzu, originally published around 450BC. The most recent was The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik, published 23 September 2022. Most of the books I read were from the 2020s and 2010s.
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My average rating was 3.9/5. There were 15 five star books, which is fewer than last year, and the lowest rating was a single 2. There's a much bigger gap this time between the number of four star books (57) and three star books (22). I was trying to move away from the mindset that DNF (did not finish) is the ultimate sign of disdain, because it made me feel kind of obligated to finish a lot of solidly average books because I didn't actually hate them. This year there were a bunch of books where I was like "I could keep reading this and it probably won't be bad. Or, I could stop reading right now and probably not regret it." Often, I did, and so I ended up with a lower proportion of 3 star reads.
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The vast majority of books were new reads, not rereads.
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My favourite genre is (as always) fantasy, followed by historical fiction, science fiction, nonfiction and romance, with a few mystery, horror and contemporary, and a handful of magic realism, literary fiction and thriller.
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I read mostly adult books (72), and some young adult (21) and children's (9). I also read some baby/toddler books for babies/toddlers I know, but didn't record them for my stats. I really liked Sometimes Cake by Edwina Wyatt and I'm Not Cute! by Jonathon Allen.
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It's my second year keeping track of the original language my books were written in, with a vague goal of 'some translated works'. 95 of the books were written in English, but I also read some translated from Japanese, Chinese, Portugese, Spanish and Swedish.
The Authors
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Most of the authors (63) were cis women. I said last year that I'd aim to read more by trans and nonbinary authors but didn't end up doing that. I'll give it another go next year.
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(The key couldn't quite fit in the stupid image, Ukraine should be listed after Hungary (also with 1 author))
The American hegemony is evident as always, but hey, this time it's just barely over 50%, that's something! And Australia was the second most common nationality, which is nice for me as an Aussie.
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In my fifth year of aiming to read two authors of colour for every white author, that ratio is still going strong.
The Protagonists
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Like with the authors, the majority of protagonists were cis women. Also like with the authors, I was aiming for a higher proportion of trans/nonbinary characters this year and didn't end up getting there. (I did read some short story anthologies with lots of trans characters, but that doesn't show up in the stats because short stories collections have too many characters to count for these purposes.) Oh well, I'll try again next year.
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More protagonists were people of colour than not. That's nice. There was also one character whose race/appearance was never described, and three where the question of "is this character a person of colour?" can't really be answered in a meaningful way (a dragon, an alien and a wolf).
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I'm thrilled to announce that straight protagonists are not the majority! At 44%, they're outnumbered by queer or indeterminate characters.
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nohoperadio · 8 months
When you hover over a link to another article on a Wikipedia page, it pops up a small preview window displaying the first few sentences from the linked article and its topmost image.
I say the first few sentences--it's actually a slightly cleaned-up version of the first few sentences that omits the parenthetical containing e.g. pronunciation info and dates of birth/death that often directly follows the subject's name in the opening sentence. For example, where the full article may begin: "Alexander III of Macedon (Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος, romanized: Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great...", what will appear in the little hover window is: "Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great...".
Which is a shame, because literally the only times I've ever used this feature on purpose are when the article I'm reading mentions a person and I want to quickly situate that person chronologically, so I hover on their name to check birth/death dates and then am suddenly reminded that it doesn't work like that and I have to click through anyway.
I have had this exact experience a lot of times, it must be comfortably into double digits by now. Which is partly because I'm an idiot, but it's also because that feature is an idiot.
0 notes
pearbody-squareheads · 9 months
21/12/23 (359 words)
104.088 words, 356 pages
I caught him outside of the room. We chatted stayed togheter for a while- we had 20 minutes before our classes would start. Turns out I djd buy his same backpack, even though I didn't mean to do that,though he has the bigger version and I the smaller. "Otherwise it would have been too big for my back." and he agreed and said "you would have looked like a sherpa." And we laughed. Hugged. It's probably our last hug and meeting before January, and I wish I had thought about this in that moment so I could have squeezed just a bit. Nevermind. Party Saturday evening! At Mads' house! To which he won't probably come, but as his man said, whatever. I look forward to it, but in a mild way. Probably because of his absence.
0 notes
anosci · 1 year
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(347-362 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25])
names and thoughts below cut
347/ (all music compos at Deadline 2023) the bangers are in the tracked music compo "lost_in_brutalism" prolly my fav but also! i do like the feel that "mind control" manages to add to dnb
348/ anosci - visions from dsp 23 (2023) ive decided to put my own releases in here too :) i made drums. i rapidly alternate between loving and hating this but i am infatuated with the results from these techniques
349/ Dario Zenker - Reflection (2023) dubby??? beats??? this is pretty much the ideal soundtrack for driving at night listen to "Jah True" and try to NOT see the streetlights passing by. also "Round Ritmo" hits some kinda nostalgic bone, the way it mangles that housish texture.
350/ VA - Funk it UP (2017) this is kinda funny because "funk" is a very broad umbrella term and the entries here touch every corner. what is "Luxurious"? idk. still slaps tho. most funky funk: "funky boy"? "Quicksand Telescope"? "Bep Bop" has a very tito trackery feel
351/ easyFun - ACOUSTIC (2023) not as much my tea as ELECTRIC. definitely feels like it'd appear on a radio wait a second… "Damaged III" goes hard in a non-accoustic way! ive been lied to! this rules but yea, fav tune actually "They’re So Smart" i think. fun one.
352/ VA - The Sound of SceneSat Volume 7 (2023) huge bag etc naming a few hilights: Infamous kicking ass here esp with "Chaos Theory"! "Strolling in Okinawa" what in tarnation! this rules! "Bright Velvet" :O!!!! loving the hifi rendition of "Good Thing"! "2050 Or 2051" hits hard
353/ ZULI - Numbers (2017) delightfully mangled. "What You Do" highlight maybe? massive.
354/ Appo Sound Project – Digital Trip Dirty Pair Synthesizer Fantasy (1985) lol why is this "Lovely Mugi" arrange 20000x better than the ost version "Silent Inspiration" too but not by as much it kinda tapers after that, to my taste. glad to have given this a spin on a whim tho
355/ greenhouse - arc,regn (2023) ok this may sound silly but: in the 90s, necros (among others) were making some rad tracker music with a very very specific synth sound and overall vibe that i simply havent heard since. this hits that for me. it's sleek and clean and beautiful
356/ The Black Dog - My Brutal Life (2023) some of these pass me by entirely. some of these grab me: "Hey Serry", "It's Not Enough"
357/ Howler - Initio (2023) this one just doesnt quite hit me. it's clean but. idk. "Fagin It" kinda vibes tho that and the wobbling filters of "Oh Yeah" became the only tracks i kept
358/ VA - Winter Chip XII (2017) all over the place ofc standouts / thoughts: "ILLOGIC" The Good Stuff :D possibly fav? "Beneath The Ice" is a worthy winner tho. v banger "Sega Channel" is a hell of a bop "SMStep" idk how "old" this gets, i love the wob. on old systems too!
359/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 1 (2023) the wild textures of ae threeJay etc, but with beautiful tones. feels like a fresh fun take on "chaotic beats over a sine synth" oldschool idm. it hits good!! t7 feels like a clean tigerbeat6 thing :O favs? t3, 5, 2, 8… lots to digest.
360/ Sinjin Hawke & Zora Jones - Vicious Circles (2018) lots of rly cool textures in here, grounded by trap(?) beats. the title track esp. i think "Lurk 101" is my fav of the bunch tho
361/ Patricia Taxxon - TECHDOG 2 (2023) t2 goin off tho t4 maybe [representative] highlight? t6 oh holy shit, what a texture. tigerbeat6 TWO t10 wild mix of textures. md flashback very funny to end a highly harmonic album with the abstracted beats of t11
next page
0 notes
trickstercheshi · 3 years
A chronological reading of Harrow the Ninth
Note: this guide assumes htn has already been read and is not spoiler free.
This is my best guess as to the order of the events of the book chronologically. Since some things very clearly happen simultaneously (harrow in the river bubble and Gideon in her body for example) I have chosen an order to read those events in. This is fairly arbitrary and I will note that where possible.
The general timeline will be:
River bubble events at Canaan house up to and including the AUs
Present day events (Erebos and Mithraeum) up to Harrow getting stabbed
River bubble after Harrow becomes conscious
Gideon in Harrow's body
6 months after the emperors murder
All page numbers are for the paperback edition.
River bubble Canaan House
chapter 3 pg. 47-54 Harrow's childhood
chapter Parodos pg. 19-23 (14 months before) the summons
chapter 5 pg. 68-72 shuttle to Canaan
chapter 8 pg. 108-115 Canaan intro
chapter 10 pg. 127-135 Ortus reading Noniad
chapter 18 pg. 180-185 Deuteros' body
chapter 21 pg. 197-206 Pal and Cams bodies
chapter 26 pg. 236-238 Silas kills Corona
chapter 28 pg. 248-354 Harrow admits her madness
chapter 35 pg. 323-330 teacher leaves
the AUs
Given that we have no info on the timing of these I am placing them in the order they are presented in the book. At the very least they should be read before harrow awakens in the river bubble due to this line: "we have no idea of the limitations in those other scenarios" (379)
chapter 40 pg. 367-371 Harrow Nova (reverse roles)
chapter 41 pg. 372-374 Divine Highness arranged marriage
chapter 42 pg. 375-378 cohort coffee shop
I'm not actually totally sure if the lobotomy happens on the Erebos or at Canaan house but it's the earliest thing in the book so it goes first.
chapter Epiparodos pg. 360-364 (9 months and 29 days before) the lobotomy
chapter 1 pg. 27-31 (9 months before) Jod gives her the sword
chapter 2 pg. 32-46 Jod tells her about revenants
chapter 4 pg. 55-67 (ambiguous time) Ianthe gives her the letters
chapter 6 pg. 73-100 mercymorn shows up
chapter 7 pg. 101-107 travel through the river
The Mithraeum
chapter 9 pg. 116-126 funeral on the Mithraeum
chapter 11 pg. 136 harrow stabs Cytheria with the sword
chapter 19 pg. 186-192 (10 months before) G1deon attempts to kill Harrow for the first time*
chapter 16 pg. 162-175 (in the first few weeks) harrow takes notes on Ianthe and Augustine
chapter 17 pg. 176-179 harrow takes notes on mercy and G1deon
chapter 20 pg. 193-196 harrow asks god about who he buried
chapter 14 pg. 152-159 (ambiguous time) harrow talks to god
chapter 15 pg. 160-161 (ambiguous time) harrow and the body
chapter 12 pg. 139-145 (6 months before) Harrow kills her 13th planet
chapter 13 pg. 146-151 (same night) Harrow talks to Ianthe
chapter 22 pg. 207-210 (night after) harrow sees Cytheria's body walking
chapter 23 pg. 213-219 (4 months before) harrow sees G1deon with Cytheria's corpse
chapter 24 pg. 220-226 (after her 18th bday) G1deon breaks Harrow's wards
chapter 25 pg. 227-235 (6 days later) harrow makes soup :)
chapter 27 pg. 239-247 (some days later) harrow makes Ianthe an arm
chapter 29 pg. 255-271 Augustine plans a party
chapter 30 pg. 272-281 everyone gets drunk
chapter 31 pg. 282-294 the incinerator
chapter 32 pg. 297-300 (2 months before) harrow goes to kill her 14th planet
chapter 33 pg. 301-315 harrow meets cam and pal (8 months since he exploded)
chapter 34 pg. 316-322 harrow meets corona and Marta
chapter 36 EXCERPT pg. 332-334 (1 month and 1 week before) the body leaves
chapter 36 pg. 331-332, 334-341 (1 week before) discuss killing the beasts
chapter 37 pg. 342-350 harrow talks to Jod
chapter 38 pg. 351-356 harrow finds Cytheria's corpse
chapter 39 pg. 357-359 (the night before) the Heralds arrive
chapter Prologue pg. 13-18 Ianthe begs harrow to revert
*according to the chapter header this is ten months before and should go before the lobotomy but in text it's after the first few days on the Mithraeum so I'm placing it here.
River bubble exorcism
Given that Harrow knows shes been stabbed I'm placing this after the stabbing. I'm choosing to place this section before Gideon wakes in her body for vibes but it could be read after instead.
chapter 43 pg. 379-386 harrow wakes in the bubble
chapter 45 pg. 394-403 the plan
chapter 47 pg. 414-427 the summoning
chapter 49 pg. 438-463 Nonius is summoned
chapter 53 pg. 501-504 harrow stays
Gideon's Turn
chapter 44 pg. 387-393 (the night before) Gideon fights some bees
chapter 46 pg. 404-413 Gideon meets mercy
chapter 48 pg. 428-437 Gideon meets Ianthe
chapter 50 pg. 464-475 (30 min before) the confrontation
chapter 51 pg. 476-485 the emperors murder
chapter 52 pg. 486-500 surprise bitch
The Epilogue
chapter Epilogue pg. 505-507 (6 months after) mystery girl
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Deutsche Soldaten
Uniforms, Equipment & Personal Items of the German Soldiers 1939-45
Agustin Saiz
Casemate, Drexel Hill 2008, 356 pages, 22,5 x 31 cm., Hardback, full color throughout ,ISBN 978-1-932033-96-0
euro 70,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
 Deutsche Soldaten is a stunning visual history of the German soldier and provides a unique reflection of how the men lived, ate, and washed themselves on the front, or behaved when at rest, what were their pastimes, ambitions, worries and how they spent their leave, through the collections of personal items and other artifacts they left behind. 
Lavishly illustrated with thousands of color photographs, this large format book is being jointly produced by Casemate and Andrea Press in Spain.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Pokemon Gold/Silver Beta Pokemon: The April 2020 Leak
Look, 2020 was a rough year. So maybe I shouldn’t be so surprised that the April 2020 Gold/Silver source code leak flew almost entirely under my radar. If you Google about it, you’re find it’s very rare for news outlets to cover it. This is probably because many folks are hesitant to cover leaks. Also, the US was warming up to a truly awful pandemic around that point, not to mention other civil unrest, so it’s no surprise some people were a tad distracted. 
But the fact is, another leak turned up in April of last year, following a recent trend of huge Nintendo leaks. And this one was a doozy. I’ve only truly realized its full extent in the past few days. As such, I’d like to do a post that covers some of the new information. In particular, I’m focusing on beta pokemon that were cut or heavily reworked.
Now, back in 2018, the Spaceworld ‘97 Pokemon Gold/Silver Demo was leaked online. I made a post about some of my favorites. So, from this leak, we already knew of a while slew of beta pokemon. However, as it turns out, there were still more new faces to find-- and a lot of them! I list 45 new beta pokemon here, in fact!
In the April 2020 leak, several sprite sets were found as internal files, each at different phases of game production. The sprite sets were dated May 6, 1998, June 13, 1999, June 21, 1999, and September 17, 1999. The August 17, 1999 Spaceworld ‘99 Demo build was also found, so we have information on that as well.
Essentially, if you want to see this information at The Cutting Room Floor, then head to this page for the sprites discovered as internal backups/sprite banks. Head to this page for the Spaceworld ‘99 demo information page. And, if you need a refresher for the older leak, you can go to this page for the Spaceworld ‘97 demo build.
For this post, we will focus on the May 6, ‘98 set of sprites, which contain the vast majority of new faces. So, without further ado, onward to the pokemon!
(#300) Kokopelli Pokemon/Celebi
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(May 6, ‘98)       (Spaceworld ‘99 Demo)
This first pair of sprites looks very much like Kokopelli, a fertility deity of some Native American cultures. This deity can be seen in ancient Native American petroglyphs, as a humpbacked flute player with feathers on the head. Surprisingly, we find that Celebi in the Spaceworld ‘99 Demo seems to be an updated version of this design, making Celebi’s design origins much different than expected. However, its fertility diety inspiration is still somewhat apparant in the modern Celebi, as a creature that causes plant life to flourish.
(#301) Eel Pokemon
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While the sprite files did not reveal a name or other data, this eel’s sprites were numbered right beside the Gurotesu (Grotess) and Ikari (Anchorage) sprites, suggesting it once was the start of their evolution chain. 
(#304) Fire Fox Pokemon
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This little fellow is a fox that seems to have a fiery tail. It’s possible this fire fox was inspired by kitsune (just as Vulpix/Ninetails were) and that it was later redesigned as Fennekin. 
(#305 - 308) Snow Bunny Evolution Line
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These four pokemon seem to belong to the same evolutionary line. The second one seems to based on the Yuki Usagi, a ‘Snow Bunny.’ In Japan, these cute little critters are made in the snow (using leaves for the ears). They also sometimes make these Yuki Usagi as little marshmallow or mochi treats. So this pokemon line could be inspired by either of these. Considering the leaves and the snow, I would guess these would have been Grass/Ice. 
(#309) Elephant Pokemon
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You might wonder if this chonky boy-- looking tough with horns on his head and back-- was an early version of Donphan, but Donphan and Phanpy were present in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo. Indeed, this elephant and Phanpy/Donphan both exist in the same set of sprites from May ‘98, so it was simply a case of two types of elephants. This pokemon also calls to mind a glimpse of a cut beta pokemon we saw from Generation 1 (from ‘Satoshi Tajiri: The Man Who Made Pokémon’):
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Same fierce eyes, at any rate! Alas, these both never saw the light of day. However, it’s possible this elephant was reworked into Piloswine, which is not in the May ‘98 collection but does appear in the June 13 ‘99 collection (although Swinub is absent). While Piloswine and Swinub are more akin to wild boars, there is also some relation to mammoths (an inspiration more heavily leaned on with Mammoswine in later games). Then again, there’s another pokemon you’ll see a little further down this list that might have inspired Piloswine instead.
(#311) Natu/Xatu Mid-Evolution
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What is clearly a mid-evolution (its file number sits between the two). Has a peacock-like tail. Honestly, I think this works really good as a mid-evolution, and I don’t know why it was cut. I want to name it “Watu.”
(#313) Drunk Kiwi Pokemon
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This one is just hilarious to look at. It appears to probably be a kiwi-bird? A very crazy-eyed, loopy one. I can see why this one was cut. The goofy, simple design kind of looks like a knockoff cartoon character for children. 
(#314) Scorpion Pokemon
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A pretty badass-looking scorpion, although a rather basic design. I dig the funky head, though. It seems like it has a single, beady eye and is rather menacing. This pokemon may have been later reworked into Gligar, a pokemon that first appears after this sprite set, in the June 13 ‘99 group:
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Admittedly this is rather different from the Gligar we know, but it is an early design.
Or, who knows-- maybe this little fellah was later reworked into Skorupi. (If so, it’s a shame, as I don’t dig the weird accordian-like design of its limbs and its evolution.)
(#315) Quail Pokemon
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A pudgey little quail pokemon. Doesn’t seem related to the kiwi pokemon. It’s a very cute little thing, and has lots of potential to evolve into something interesting, but it seems they scrapped it pretty quickly.
(#316) Music Note Bird Pokemon
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Although these sprites are numbered right after the quail, and they are both birds, the designs are very different, so they seem unrelated. It seems the beta pokemon were simply blessed with a lot of birds. This little bird is in the shape of a clef, giving this bird a musical theme. It seems very likely it was later reworked into Chatot, a bird with a music-note shaped head and metronome tail.
(#319) Boar Pokemon
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A cute, grumpy little boar with antlers. Probably what eventually led to Piloswine found in the June 13 ‘99 group. A bit of a shame, in my mind, as I kind of prefer this design.
(#325) Spikey Dog Pokemon
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The curious thing is that this dog looks very similar to “Pudi,” a pokemon we saw in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo, which was intended to be a pre-evolution of Growlithe. But Pudi is also in this same collection of sprites!
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Perhaps they were toying with the idea of re-designing Pudi (and had already scrapped a bunch of baby pokemon) and just hadn’t bothered to remove the old Pudi yet. It’s hard to say. Ultimately, these both were scrapped, but at least we still have Subbull/Granbull.
(#331) Yūrei Ghost Pokemon
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This little ghost has two things that are common in Japanese folklore: the hitaikakushi (the white cloth headband it wears) and the two little balls of fire called hitodama. It is unknown why this ghost pokemon was scrapped, but perhaps they thought the little fellow wouldn’t translate well overseas? 
(#344) Viking Ship Pokemon
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Look at this beauty! A pokemon based off some sort of Viking ship. I absolutely adore this one. It’s creative and charming. I hope to see it in the future.
(#349) Wooly Dog Pokemon
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This canine-like creature is fluffy as all out. Honestly I think it’s a tad odd, with how tangled and disheveled its fur looks. I can’t help but compare it to the early desings of the three Legendary Beasts, since they also are very canine-like:
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These three designs are present in this same May 6, 98′ sprite collection as the representations of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. Were they possibly playing with a different design idea for the Legendary Beasts? Perhaps Suicune. The Wooly Dog is just such an imposing sprite, that I can’t help but wonder. All pure speculation, of course. 
(#350) Rabbit Pokemon
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This rabbit has a rather intense look about him, and it makes me curious what the ideas were behind it. TCRF suggests it’s a possible pikachu clone.
(#351) Snake Pokemon
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This cute little worm or snake seems to be wearing a feather headdress, suggesting its design may also be Native American inspired, like the Natu line. On the other hand, this could be inspired by Quetzalcoatl, a feathered serpent deity in Aztec culture. I would have loved to see this little guy’s evolutions.
(#352) Scarecrow Bird
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A bird with a hat that kind of looks like a scarecrow. Honestly, it’s a super-cute idea.
(#353) Gargoyle Pokemon
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This crouching beastie sort of looks like a gargoyle with a long, sharp tail. I can’t quite tell if those bits on the side are little wings or just a part of its legs. It would be interesting to see this creature standing in a different position-- I feel like that would give us a better understanding of what it looks like. Interestingly, there are striking similarities with Aerodactyl:
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I wonder why they are so similar?
(#354 - 356) Manbō Evolution Family
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The first of these three fishies was someone we already met in the Spaceworld ‘97 demo-- it was named ‘Manbō 1.′ In the demo, it evolved into  Ikari (Anchorage) and then Gurotesu (Grotess). It seems it’s now been split off from those and given a new evolution family here. While I find that neat, and I quite like the expressions on these fish, they are admittedly a little bland. 
(#360) Flying Squirrel(?) Pokemon
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TCRF guesses this is a flying squirrel, and it seems to be wearing a sheathed sword. Not sure about the headgear it’s sporting. Is that a ninja star? 
(#364) Early Cyndaquil
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So, this May 6, ‘98 collection is really exciting. The original Gold/Silver fire starter line we saw in Spaceworld ‘97 (Honooguma’s line) is still present in this collection (as is the water-type ‘Cruz’ line and Chikorita’s line). So, what we have here seems to be an early Cyndaquil before they decided to turn it into a fire type and make it the fire starter! In fact, those spikes might even be icicles (like Alolan Sandslash), for all we know. If so, Cyndaquil’s typing pulled a 180.
(#377) Early Furret?
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Possibly an early Furret. Looks pretty awkward, not gonna lie; I’m glad it was probably refined into modern Furret, with more body definition between the head and tail.
(#378) Stork Pokemon
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It’s a stork, based on the myth of where babies come from. A cute idea, although its curly ‘hair’ looks a little funny to me. 
(#380) Squid Pokemon
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A squid with drills for its mantle and arms. Since that’s kinda Beedrill’s thing, I’m glad they scrapped the idea. The backsprite lacks drills so it’s probably from a different design stage. 
(#382 - 383) Early Burmy/Pineco
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Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim is based off the bagworm. Bagworms are grubs that use silk and lots of bits of leaves, bark and other objects to create a camouflaged cocoon. When they turn into adults, some species of female bagworms just look like their larval stage, while the males turn into winged moths. That is why Burmy/Wormadam/Mothim have their unique evolution situation. Clearly, these two beta pokemon are playing around with the bagworm idea. They probably went on to inspire both Pineco (another pokemon based on bagworms!) and the Burmy line in gen 4.
(#386) Koala Pokemon
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It’s so cool to see they were thinking about a koala pokemon this early. We would not finally get one until gen 7′s Komala.
(#387) Tanuki Pokemon
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A Tanuki that is carrying campfire kindling on his back, but the kindling has caught fire. Apparently based on the Kachi-Kachi Yama folktale, which is a surprisingly violent story, but I suppose folktales often are. Who knows why it was cut, but Sentret is the closest thing we have to a tanuki pokemon for now.
(#392) Megaphone(?) Bird Pokemon
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Yet another bird pokemon! There sure were a lot of beta birds. This one appears to have a megaphone-shaped beak. Or, possibly, its head is shaped like a gas mask (the strange eyes seem  to support this idea). Honestly I really dig the look of this one.
(#397) Frog Pokemon
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It’s tough to tell but it has a small horn on its head. It has a long tongue and is probably shouting “ribbithhhhhh!” It’s cute, but a little plain.
(#400) Tiny Hippo Pokemon
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Look at this little weirdo. I think it’s a tiny hippo? With a mohawk and a big grin and wild eyes. It doesn’t really seem to have a head, its mouth/eyes/ears are just stuck directly to a body. Looks pretty awkward, probably needed some polish. No idea what they were going for with it, but it’s interesting.
(#401) Skeleton Pokemon
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A very spooky, bipedal, living skeleton beast. It has a long snout and sharp teeth, almost like a crocodile or a dinosaur-like creature. Its head and shoulders have bony spikes and the front of its snout has markings that seem to be a nasal cavity. Very detailed. It also reminds me of Missingno, as some Missingno used the fossil skeletons as their front sprites. I would have loved to have this pokemon, and it’s a real shame they didn’t use it.
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(#402) Rodent Pokemon
A mouse or bunny with gigantic, spotted ears and no arms. Those are some serious ears; it almost looks like it could fly with them. 
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(#403) Fly Pokemon
A bug-type!! It has a huge, creepy face, curly antenna and wings strangely really close to its head. I love it?? But it’s a bug, so of course I do.
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(#404) Plant Pokemon
The Snow Bunny was likely part grass-type, but other than that, this is our first grass beta! It has one eye, a spikey head, and almost foot-like roots. I love how grumpy it looks. There’s a possibility it was a pre-evolution for Sunflora, before they had created the idea of Sunkern (which is not present in this collection).
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(#405) Ant Pokemon
Another bug!! This one looks a lot like a winged ant. (Those do exist-- usually a temporary thing for mating flights) It’s possibly related to the fly pokemon above, sporting very similar wings. However, it doesn’t really seem like an evolution.
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(#406) Dinosaur Pokemon
A little dinosaur-like pokemon, looking up at you. It’s unclear if that’s a tough, bony skull, or if it’s maybe a hat. The clubbed tail makes me wonder if it’s related to #415 below, but it’s probably unlikely. However, it is pretty likely that this later became Cranidos.
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(#407) Early Cherrim
This clearly was a design that was picked up later, in gen 4, to create Cherubi/Cherrim’s sunshine form. I am glad the design was improved, because the lips on this one scare me.
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(#412) Early Dunsparce
Dunsparce looking quite different. No wings, no drill tail, with a much more typical snake-like face. 
(#415) Dinosaur Pokemon
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It looks like an aquatic version of an Ankylosaurus or something similar. It’s possible it’s related to the Viking Ship pokemon (as a pre-evo), but there’s no way to know. I quite like it, though.
(#416) Flying Fish Pokemon
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This magnificent beast, this miracle of creation, is surely my favorite beta pokemon of all time. Revel in its glory. You may not like it, but this is the ideal pokemon body. What a perfect way to round off our collection of betas.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 7 March 1839
7 40
12 ¾
much snow on the ground snowing hard and wind whistling at 7 40 and ever since till now 8 35 at which hour F33 ½° inside and 29 ½° outside – breakfast at 9 and sat reading alternately A- and I  from p. 21 to 77 vol. 2 Murrays’ summer in the Pyrenees – his account of passing the Cambiel  [Campbieil ]to Gèdre and his ascent of Mont Perdu – I had read the first 21pp. of this volume before breakfast – came upstairs at 10 10 – had Riley the little tailor from the new bank to measure George Wood for stable suit – to be done next week – making 24/. or 25/. stuff (beaverteen) at 1/8 per yard – then had Booth brought me back the Nelson-papers I gave into his charge yesterday – N- very much dissatisfied would have his father over and remeasure today – wanted B- to meet them – B- thought this unnecessary unless I particularly wished him to go – no! I think he did enough by going yesterday – N- said Mr. Harpers’ settlement and prices would not pay the mens’ wages – it was like robbing on the highways etc. etc. Nelson going to have a trial at York with Mr. Carr respecting the new part he built for him at Godley – wants £50 more than he ought to have and Mr. Carr resists – mentioned b- taking down cutting away a recess from the housekeepers’ room and maids sleeping room above so as to leave the upper kitchen gabel clear – B- agreed with me in thinking £5 or £6 would do the job, and then the upper kitchen window and the whole gabel might be repaired – mentioned my idea of a [plinthing] all along the front of the house 5 or 6 in. above the flagging – B- much approved this – B- went 11 or 12 times to Butterworth end – but the roof turned out so bad, and the job so exceeded what he expected (cost above £100) that he charged only £3 for all his trouble -  which, in fact, as he had a horse everytime did little more than pay his expense – told him he ought in future on these occasions to charge 10/. a day for his time 5/. for his horse and corn 1/6 and his own dinner 2/. = 18/6 a day – it had struck 12 when he went away – then wrote the above of today then had A- till 1 10 with her Sunday schools’ accounts – and wrote her copy of note to Miss Wilkinson Poor A-! I believe she is now heartily glad to get rid of the business – then on a [6th] ½ sheet making long extract respecting Egyptians Greek and Roman carriages from p. 350-356 – till 2 10 having had A- again in the meantime for a few minutes – to shew her note written – shall send back tonight vol. 1 Wilkinson received Wednesday night 27 February – dedicated to the duke of Northumberland.
Saturday 2 March returned Thursday 7 February
Saturday 23 and returned Sunday 24 March
‘Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manufactures, religion, and early history; derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the account of ancient authors – Illustrated by drawings of those subjects By J.G. Wilkinson, F.R.S  M.R.S.L. etc. author of a general view of Egypt and topography of Thebes etc. In 3 vols. vol. 1 London John Murray, Albemarle street 1837’
‘London printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-street square’ 8vo. vol. 1 pp. 406 + xxxii. vol. ii. p. 446+xxiv. vol. iii
wrote to the foot of the last page and sent off Wilkinson vol. 1 (received on Wednesday 27th ultimo) and vol. 1 Murrays summer in the Pyrenees – then till 4 reading over in the last quarterly review the very favourable article on Wilkinsons’ work, and skimming the review of Lord Lindsays’ travels in Palestine, and lighted my fire which had gone out while I had Booth this morning – then with Robert the joiner and about in the house till 4 40 when George brought back vol. 2 Wilkinson read the 1st 84pp. and made several notes till dinner at 7 5 – A- read French – coffee – read the newspaper till 9 55 vide p. 6 column. 6 (above) at the middle Uses’ dictionary of arts and manufactures very  well spoken of – the 7th no. published – note tonight from Mr. Parker – Mr. Abbott will sign the paper respecting the window blocking and would be glad to make a drain at his own expense in my ground to carry of his cottage sink-water – yes! yes! but I must think about this drain-making – till 11 read and made notes to p. 109 Wilkinson vol. 2 – snowy day with short gleams – F34° inside and 25 ½° outside at 11 5 pm
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MET Gala List Part Two
I made a part two. 😊 Also, the gala is TODAY!
(Remember, this is just a list of celebrities I would invite if I was in charge of it.)
201. Sara Paulson 202. Julia Roberts 203. Brandon Maxwell 204. Pierpaolo Piccioli (designer for Valentino) 205. Yara Shahidi 206. Gemma Chan 207. Laverne Cox 208. Lucy Boynton 209. Naomi Campbell 210. Penelope Cruz 211. Salma Hayek 212. Gwyneth Paltrow 213. Rami Malek 214. Sienna Miller 215. Aurora James 216. Carey Mulligan 217. Charli XCX 218. Alexa Chung 219. Stella Maxwell 220. Sofía Sánchez Barrenechea 221. Dapper Dan 222. Aquaria 223. Normani 224. Camila Coelho 225. Deepika Padukone 226. Tommy Hilfiger 227. Violet Chachki 228. Nasiba Adilova 229. Shailene Woodley 230. Ansel Elgort 231. Joe Jonas 232. Megan Fox 233. Laura Haddock 234. Orlando Bloom 235. Willow Smith 236. Jason Sudeikis 237. Ewan McGregor 238. Coco Rocha 239. Ralph Lauren 240. BTS - Jungkook, V, Park Ji-min, Jin, Suga, RM, J-Hope 241. Blackpink - Jennie, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo 242. Doja Cat 243. Sam Claflin 244. Kiera Knightley    245. Alexina Graham 246. Rachel Zegler 247. Sophia Lillis 248. Sam Smith 249. Mimi Cuttrell 250. Aubrey Plaza 251. Adam Driver 252. Kate McKinnon 253. Aidy Bryant 254. Thomasin McKenzie 255. Maddie Ziegler 256. Kristen Bell 257. Idina Menzel 258. Michelle Dockery 259. Chris Evans 260. Peter Dinklage 261. Luke Evans 262. Liam Hemsworth 263. Robert Pattinson 264. Christian Louboutin 265. Stuart Weitzman 266. Nicola Glass (designer for Kate Spade) 267. Michael Kors 268. Manolo Blahnik 269. Alberta Ferretti 270. Kim Jones (designer for Fendi) 271. Viktor Horsting 272. Rolf Snoeren 273. Richard Madden 274. Giorgio Armani 275. Isabel Marant 276. Nicky Zimmermann 277. Simone Zimmermann 278. Gimmo Etro 279. Austin Butler 280. Abigail Breslin 281. Lana Del Rey 282. Natalia Dyer 283. Molly Ringwald 284. Adele 285. Giambattista Valli 286. Tamara Ralph 287. Michael Russo 288. Isla Fisher 289. Anastasia Soare (founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills) 290. Charlotte Tilbury 291. Allan Avendaño 292. Danielle Priano 293. Pier Gelardi (founder of Refinery29) 294. Philippe von Borries (founder of Refinery29) 295. Christene Barberich (founder of Refinery29) 296. Justin Stefano (founder of Refinery29) 297. Sara Moonves (editor-in-chief for W Magazine) 298. Arnaud de Contades (CEO of Marie Claire Magazine) 299. Anne Fullenwider (editor-in-chief of Marie Claire Magazine)  300. Lauren Conrad 301. Miles Socha (editor-in-chief of Women’s Wear Daily) 302. Jay Penske (CEO of Women’s Wear Daily) 303. Jessica Pels (editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan Magazine) 304. Rob Zangardi 305. Mariel Haenn 306. Michael Fassbender 307. Elliot Page 308. Betsey Johnson 309. Jonathan Groff 310. Anna Faris 311. Meryl Streep 312. Brie Larson 313. Renée Elise Goldsberry 314. Jasmine Cephas Jones 315. Cindy Crawford 316. Nicholas Hoult 317. Zac Posen 318. Taraji P. Henson 319. Joan Smalls 320. Samira Nasr (editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine) 321. Lily James 322. Thandiwe Newton 323. Ciara Bravo 324. Mary Elizabeth Winstead 325. Phoebe Dynevor 326. Allison Janney 327. Daniel Levy 328. Claire Foy 329. Lisa Eldridge 330. Kale Teter 331. LaQuan Smith 332. Lacy Redway 333. Alexandra DiRoma 334. Alex White (fashion director for Elle Magazine U.S.) 335. Carine Roitfeld (founder and editor-in-chief of CR Fashion Book) 336. Carine Backoff 337. Zoey Grossman 338. Tyler Shields 339. Greg Williams 340. Cass Blackbird 341. Timothée Chalamet 342. Virgil Abloh 343. Owen Gould 344. Tobi Henney 345. Marc Eram 346. Charlotte Prevel 347. Romy Soleimani 348. Rebecca Minkoff 349. Joseph Altuzarra 350. Gabriela Heart (designer for Chloé) 351. Hedi Slimane (designer for Céline) 352. Phoebe Philo (designer for Céline) 353. Jonathan Anderson (designer for Loewe) 354. Saweetie 355. Kelsey Deenihan Fisher 356. Lorde 357. Demna Gvasalia (designer for Balenciaga)
For this list, I include some makeup artists, fashion photographers, hairstylists, editor-in-chief for magazines, and the CEO of magazines. I still don’t understand the point of inviting athletes, so I left them off.
Now, here is who I would NOT invite...
59. Machine Gun Kelly 60. 21 Savage 61. French Montana 62. Chris Pratt 63. Bella Thorne 64. Scarlett Johansson 65. Jennifer Lawrence 66. Emma Watson 67. Vanessa Hudgens 68. Sacha Baron Cohen 69. Dylan Sprouse 70. Barbara Palvin  71. Ashton Kutcher 72. Sarah Jessica Parker 73. Zayn Malik 74. Olivia Jade 75. Channing Tatum 76. Paris Hilton 77. Nicky Hilton
♡ September 3, 2021 September 13, 2021 ♡
8 notes · View notes
skgway · 3 years
1823 Aug., Thurs. 28
5 3/4
11 1/4
Did not hurry myself got my breakfast in comfort, took George in the gig, and set off to Rochdale at 7 40/60 – Walked all the way to H–x [Halifax]. 
A little drizzling rain so thick a mist on the top of Blackstone edge (got out of it in about 20 minutes) could scarce see 2 or 3 yards before us – A smartish shower for 3 or 4 minutes at Littlebro’, – The descent upon which place from Blackstone edge is fine scenery – Cleared up as we came within a couple of miles of Rochdale, and pretty fine when we stopped at the Wellington Inn at 11 10/60 –
Just 3 1/2 hours in coming – 17 miles from Shibden i.e. about 5 miles an hour – I had to let Caradoc feel the rein and whip a little in Rochdale streets to get him forward – Surely he cannot be tired – I drove him very gently to the top of Blackstone edge – Just 2 1/2 hours in getting to the Inn at the top – Walked and made George walk (1/4 hour) from the turnpike (about 8 miles from Rochdale) to the top of the hill –
“It has been remarked by the celebrated Haller, that we are deaf while we are yawning The same act of drowsiness that stretches open our mouths, closes our ears” volume 1 34/356 
“The Friend: a series of Essays, in 3 volumes to aid in the formation of fixed principles in politics, morals and religion with literary amusements interspersed By S. T. Coleridge, Esquire a new edition” …. London 1818 
“Avolent quantum volent paleæ levis fidei quocunque afflatu tentamonium! eo purior massa frumenti in horrea domini reponetur. Tertullian. Let if fly away, all that chaff of light faith that can fly off at any breath of temptation; the cleaner will the true grain be stored up in the granary of the Lord" 97/356 
“a good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life” Milton’s speech for the library of unlicensed printing 108/356 
Napoleon’s “close imitation of Charlemagne was sufficiently evident by his assumption of the Iron Crown of Italy, by his imperial coronation with the presence and authority of the Holy Father; by his imperial robe embroidered with bees in order to mark him xxxx as a successor of Pepin, and even by his ostentatious revocation of Charlemagne’s grants to the Bishop of Rome” 136/356….. 
“unless above himself he can erect himself, how poor a thing is man!” Daniel 166/356 
“who has not, a thousand times, seen it snow upon water? who has not seen it with a new feeling, since he has read Burn’s comparison of sensual pleasure, to snow that falls upon a river, a moment white – then gone for ever!” 184/356
“Our bodies had their morning, have their noon, And shall not better – the next change is night; But their far larger guest, t’ whom sun and moon are sparks and short-liv’d, claims another right – The noble soul by age grows bustier, her appetite and her digestion mend; we must not starve nor hope to pamper with women’s milk and pap unto the end. Provide you manlier diet! Donne.” 179/356 
All the above of today written at the Wellington Inn Rochdale. Shut up my book at 15/60 having written about an hour, and thought but a few minutes – (Manghester) ordered the gig – George gone out, and not returned – Near dead he return of 1/2 hour – Asked him the reason of this when I had ordered him to be ready in 2 hours – his “watch was wrong” – bade him not do so again, and drove off from Rochdale at 2 40/60 – 
Got into Manchester – Stopt at the Bridgewater arms at 3 50/60 i.e. 11 miles in 2 10/60 hours – A hilly stage – Caradoc came better than before, and was less heated – He is unaccustomed to busy streets I was obliged here also (Manchester) to give him the whip once or twice –
Mrs. Lacy did, or I fancied she did, look a little surprised at my walking in alone. The gig could not get to the door for a carriage and four but she was very civil. Yet I have a very small room on the third floor and the bar parlour –
Ordered dinner at 6 – Washed and made myself comfortable – It was 4 40/60 before I set off to Mr. Simmons George St., having previously written a note to leave if he was not at home – It was 5 55/60 when I left him that I must have been a full hour with him – A plain-appearing, plain-mannered man – I told him the same story I had told Doctor Simpson save that my friend had been thrown from a curricle, not horseback. Enlarged on my suspicions but he said supposing it was originally a gonorrhoea that must be new worn out and it was a gleet or leucorrhea that now remained.
The discharge of whites if virulent or any other mucous disch[arge], if ditto, might be infectious. When I told him the immense exercise I had taken in Craven he agreed the complaint could not be weakness but something rather inflammator[y]. Perhaps astringents would not answer. As yet advised my taking capivior copaiba balsam but it would affect my breath and urine and this would not do till I returned from Scarbro etc. Thought I had better take lodgings here for three weeks. He could then do better for me. Said [I] would put myself entirely under his care and would not consult Doctor S[impson] anymore. I shewed him his presc[r]iption but said I had not tried it. 
He knows the literary people here. Dalton would give me lecture in chemistry if I liked this. I said would make me not begrudge my time. He talked of organic disease. I was anxious to know that the complaint did not go beyond the vagaina. He hoped not. Asked if I had had many children from the impulse of the moment, I said ‘Lord, bless you, no. I never was married but my life was of too much consequence to my family for me to hesitate to do anything likely to be of service.’ 
He then proposed an examination. A [I] said I should not think it right to refuse to submit. Unbuttoned my drawer and he put his finger up. Then lay on my left side on the sopha and he put his finger high up and pressed. Desperately, said I, once or twice, ‘that hurts exceedingly’ However, he said there was no organic disease and very little discharge. Bade me not make myself uneasy and not think much of it. In fact, he did not then seem to think me very bad. I told him I had only just washed –
He thought my tongue furry and that a little gentle opening medicine would do me good. Might take warm sea water but not bathe – He thought proper diet and care would set me right. I might be subject to slight returns, but should know how to keep them off. Should lie with my hips supported so that the syringe being withdrawn, the contents should remain half hour. A sponge saturated with the injection being applied to keep all in. 
I might take olibanum at Scarbro. This would not affect my breath nor render me liable to anything disagreeable. His prescription for me is different from π [Mariana]’s lotion of chamomile, hemlock, and purified sulphate of zinc and olibanum. To take inwardly. The handling hurt me and I felt it quarter or half hour afterwards, but otherwise I did not mind it much. These things are chiefly in idea, for strictly speaking there is no real indelicacy in submitting to a thing of this kind when so necessary –
Dinner not ready till 6 40/60 then sat down to boiled salmon, mutton chops, boiled potatoes, plum tart, a pint of very tolerable port and biscuits – Enjoyed my dinner and afterwards wrote the last 8 lines of the last page and all this so far –
For the weather vide the beginning of this journal of today – Beautifully fine all the way from Rochdale here, and very fine evening – I feel rather warm – (‘Tis now 8 20/60 p.m.) – Then wrote out the draft of the index to this volume from 25 to 29 this month, and copied wrote out the index into this volume from 15 to 21 this month which took me till 10 5/60 – 
Came upstairs at 10 1/4 having paid my bill, determining to be off before breakfast at 7 in the morning. E [two dots, treating venereal complaint] O [two dots, signifying middling discharge] Several drops, thickish and yellowish –
[sideways in margin] Manchester Rochdale
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ok to settle the debate: number of movies (according to wikipedia) filmed in: alberta 98 (38 in calgary, 37 edmonton), bc 231 (577 vancouver), 34 in manitoba (95 winnipeg), 15 in nb, 34 in n&l, 8 in the northwest territories, 101 nova scotia (20 halifax), 16 in nunavut, 168 in ontario (42 greater sudbury, 83 hamilton, 3 kingston, 35 ottawa, 20 sault Ste. Marie, 538 toronto), literally 1 in prince edward island, 200 in qc (356 in mtl + 21 documentaries), 31 in saskatchewan, 10 in yukon. but idk how this wiki page works since some cities in provinces have more than the province total?, and the ones from the cities aren't all on the province page? like some are and some aren't i checked for qc and mtl it makes no sense at all? and there's a movie i am 1000% sure was filmed at my school (i can recognize the rooms) but it's not on the mtl page soo... who knows how this exactly works..
it was never a debate you just started yelling at me ahsjdjdkdk but I appreciate u going to the trouble to write this all out from what I can deduce toronto and vancouver are no longer part of their respective pronvinces they’re just doing their own thing and also how could i have forgotten nova scotia 🤦🏻‍♀️ the american film industry needs somewhere to film their indie maritime films
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 years
Just for fun, I decided to add a table of contents now that I have everything fully copied over, and. Dude. My ToC alone is 7 pages
I’ll post it below the cut to give you guys a lil sneak peak about what’s to come ;)
January 2019
Strings of Fate 9
Crimson Peak AU 21
Southern Gothic AU 21
ABO Angst (First Fic) 32
Genie/Demon Slave AU 40
Maker AU 40
Construction AU 41
A/B/O & Teen Parents 42
Nude Modeling/College AU 44
Vampire Academy AU 45
Gym AU W/Emily 47
Mitch/Peter Canon Meta 57
Panther AU 59
Stiles/Mitch/Peter Void AU 69
Drifter/Amnesia AU 70
Point Break AU 71
A/B/O Spy AU 72
Single Dad AU W/Amelia 74
Siren Highschool AU 77
Werewolf AU (Mitch Goes Missing) 79
Mob/Panther AU (Peter/Mitch) 81
Criminal Minds AU 83
February 2019 83
Reincarnation AU (Stiles/Peter/Mitch) 83
Exorcism AU 85
Dorian Gray AU 87
Mini AUs (Mitch/Derek) 91
Priest AU (Steter) 93
Siren/Selkie AU 95
Angsty Band AU 96
Babysitter AU 97
Stiles Gets Sick 98
Runaway AU 99
Teen Angst 102
Undead Mitch (Mitch/Peter) 132
Southern Transfer Student AU 133
Professor/Stripper AU 134
Eichen House AU 136
Psychic Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 137
ABO Escort AU 138
Faerie Ring AU 140
(Lame) Bartender AU 140
Prohibition AU 141
Time Travel AU 141
Umbrella Academy AU 142
Stripper/Hitman/Runaway AU (Katrina/Mitch/Stiles) 142
Online Relationship AU 145
Mitch/Nogitsune/Stiles AU 145
John Wick AU 148
March 2019 148
Pornstar AU 148
Drifter AU 149
Drifter/Hooker AU (Sterek) 149
Hometown AU 150
Void Stiles AU (Steter) 151
Post-Nogitsune Body Horror AU 152
Country AU 153
Diego/Klaus Meta?? 156
Mitch/Chris Casual Sex AU (Ft. Interdimensional Travel) 158
Equilibrium 158
Survivor’s Guilt 159
Summer Roadtrip AU (Stetopher, Mitch/Katrina) 169
Massage AU 170
Conspiracy Theory AU 173
That Time They (Almost) Fucked* 176 *note for readers, it’s part of the Conspiracy AU
Stardust AU 178
Mitch/John AU 179
1500s(?) AU 181
Mitch Raised Little Brother Stiles (Platonic) 182
Snowed In AU 182
Camboy AU 183
Opposite Time Travel AU 183
Family Fight (Mitch/Peter) 185
Mitch/Void AU 188
Fantasy AU w/Dragons 194
House AU (S. 6 Ep. 4) 195
House AU 2.0 Single Dad w/Sick Daughter 197
Chronicles of Nick AU 198
Game Designer/YouTuber AU 202
April 2019 202
Peter’s Anchor AU 202
Hunter Mitch AU (Mitch/Peter) 203
Eichen AU (Mitch/Peter) 209
Teen Angst But WORSE 210
Restaurant AU 215
House AU 3.0 Stiles Gets Sick 216
Neighbors AU 217
Supernatural AU 219
Magic Mike AU 220
Hunter AU (Mitch/Peter) 221
Misc. AUs 222
- Elemental AU 225
- Angel/Demon AU 225
- Doppelganger AU 225
- Sordid Catholic Happenings AU 226
- Stoner AU 226
- Yogi/Body Builder(?) AU 226
- “I don’t love you” AU 227
- Avian AU 227
- Supernatural Detectives AU 227
- Mini Cyberpunk AU 228
- Domesticated Crptid 229
- Katrina Tops AU 229
- Mitch Being Abused (& Adopted by Hurley) 229
Death AU 230
ReplicantCloud Atlas AU 231
Serial Killer/Psychologist AU 233
DID/Nogitsune AU 234
Chambers AU 236
May 2019 246
Parole AU 246
Talia Takes Peter’s Memories (Meta) 247
Forced to Mate AU 247
What You Sow (ABO) 248
Service Dog AU (Peter/Mitch) 249
Victorian ABO AU 251
Beyond Reasonable Doubt 253
Accidental Puppy Acquisition 254
Mitch/John AU 257
Night Angel AU 257
Trafficking AU 258
Demon/Witch AU (Mitch/Katrina & Stitch) 259
Post-Apoc (Original) 259
Speech Counselor AU (Mitch/Peter) 261
Medieval Cult ABO 262
HS/College AU (Spin the Bottle) 265
Single Dad w/Bailey 266
June 2019 
Roadtrip AU 272
Werewolf War AU (Mitch/Laura, Stiles/Derek) 273
Lake Siren/Monster AU (Original) 275
Neighbors AU (Mitch/Stiles, Allison/Scott) 275
Stardust AU 276
Cyberpunk Post-Apoc AU 277
Highschool ABO 278
Priest/Sinner AU 279
Crossdressing/Historical Convention AU 282
Love Sacrificed AU (Mitch/Stiles/Peter) 284
Fake Dating AU 285
Devil AU 285
YouTuber AU 286
Vintage Porn AU 289
Prohibition Porn AU 289
WW1 Prostitute AU 290
Artillery 290
Stiles Kills Someone 297
Morning After AU 298
Captured By Hunters AU (Mitch/Peter) 299
July 2019 299
Necromancer AU (Stiles/Peter) 299
Rape Recovery (Mitch/Peter) 301
Vampire AU 303
Altar Boy/Sinner AU 304
Emissary Mitch AU 306
Agent Provocateur (Original) 308
Post-Nogitsune Wandering 308
Hippie/Punk AU 309
Mom’s Roadtrip Horror Stories 311
Renaissance AU (Stiles/Peter) 312
Harem AU (Mitch/Peter/Stiles) 312
The Hobbit AU 315
Buzzfeed Unsolved AU 318
Ice Skating AU 319
Non-Serious BDSM 320
August 2019 321
Dad Fic/Child Abuse* (Mitch/Peter) 321 *note for readers, Mitch and Peter aren’t the ones doing the abuse, they adopt the kid being abused and kill their dad. 
Unstable (Stiles/Derek, Mitch/Peter) 328
Christmas AU 334
Hunted 338
GoT Inspired/Birthday Fic 340
AHS: Coven AU 342
Stiles Kills Donovan 346
Stranger Things AU 349
Allison Angst (Wings of a Butterfly) 352
God/Mortal AU (w/Reincarnation) 353
Crimson Kiss 355
Mitch Saves Peter (Unrequited Love, Peter/Stiles) 356
Jigsaw AU 358
Kid Fic (Inspired by that one PtV Song??) 359
Blood Drive 360
Summer Camp AU 361
Succubus/Cupid AU 364
Human/Sex Demon AU 365
Rescue Me (Mitch Saves Stiles from Rogue Werewolves) 366
September 2019 367
AHS: Murder House AU (Mitch Sees Dead People) 367
Disney Cast Members AU 368
Winter Soldier AU 368
Definitely Not Haunted 369
Elemental AU (inspired by a Steter fic) 369
Fever Dream 370
Halloween Pumpkin Carving (Mitch/Peter) 373
Mitch Raises Cora 373
Naughty Bits 386
Dad Mitch (Not sure which au??) 396
Kill Shot/Strip Club AU 396
Sims AU 397
Mercy 404
Ghosts Katrina & Mitch 410
Musician/Long Distance AU 413
AA Girls/Lydia 416
Marionette Meta (GoT) 417
Cold War AU 419
Unicorn AU 419
Mitch Sleeps With An Informant (Jack Ryan-esque) 420
Vampire AU (Museum Edition) 422
Snowed In AU 423
Medieval Tourney AU (Peter/Chris) 423
October 2019 429
Crown Prince AU (Mitch/Peter) 429
Peter Has A Kink For Being Picked Up 431
Creepy Boarding School AU 431
Damaged Bois 435
Dracula AU (Mitch/Katrina/Stiles) 436
The Last Time 437
Worst Fears AU (Stiles/Peter, inspired by Jae/Allistair) 440
November 2019 444
Eichen House (Political Prisoner Mitch) 444
Dragon AU 444
Transfer Student Mitch Usurps Jackson 446
Locker Room Slut Stiles 447
Petopher AU 447
Rebound 448
Princess and the Pauper AU 467
Rival College Sports Teams AU 481
Teen Dad/Lawyer AU (Mitch/Peter) 482
Childhood Best Friends AU 487
Culinary AU 489
Rival/Married Teachers AU 490
Angel/Demon AU 491
December 2019 492
Christmas Fake Dating/Wedding AU 492
Vikings AU 495
Artist/Muse AU 498
CIA Escort Agency 498
Mitch Can’t Die 499
Hooker Mitch/Act of Treason (?) 500
Long Live the King 500
Mitch Gets Wrecked (Triathlon Aftermath) 504
The Mirror’s Curse (Original) 504
Angel/Reaper AU 505
January 2020 508
Bystander Effect 508
Melting Point 509
Vampire AU "I'll bet you're hungry." 512
Vampire AU - Katrina Turns Mitch 514
Witch/Incubus Bookshop & Sanctuary AU 517
Cottagecore Wish Fulfillment (Fae Stiles) 518
Ace Mitch 520
Monster Menagerie 521
Vampire Venom Black Market 523
Florist/Tattoo Artist 524
Gentle Angst AUs 524
Counselor/Praise Kink 526
Hanahaki AU 527
There is something bitterly funny about the last idea I told my ex about, being a Hanahaki AU, only for her to break up with me a month later bc I’m aromantic...
When I realized that last night while looking at this, it really made me see hanahaki AUs in a different light lmao. Maybe there’s a reason they’ve always been one of my favorite.
If there’s an AU that sparked your interest, feel free to ask me about it! I love talking about my fics : 3
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carrionkid · 5 years
here it is, the transcribed highlight reel of novel bullseye moments… this post is going under a cut because it’s gonna be like. long :(
“The magic of kevlar!” Bullseye crowed. “It’s a shame you’re not wearing any, Dario. But let’s make it fair. If you can put a bullet through one of my eyes, I’ll die for sure. Go ahead, take a shot.” Pennetta didn’t move. “Bullseye, listen, I’ll give you the disc. I’ll give you whatever you want. Just please don’t kill me,” he begged. “I’ll pay you twice what you’re getting for this job. Three times!” “God!” Bullseye said, waiving away Pennetta’s words. “That doesn’t even work in the movies.” (page 15)
The man was getting far too much pleasure from his allusions and political metaphors, and in the meantime, was confusing the hell out of Bullseye. (page 19)
He stood, staring at Miller, tossing the sai into the air and catching it by the blade, over and over again. It was calming for him, and likely near hypnotic for Miller, who waited to find out whether he was going to die. (page 19)
Bullseye’s mind was racing, several different voices having their say inside his skull, and he needed to shake some of them out so he could hear himself think. He needed to slow down. Ignoring Miller, he uncovered the gnocchi, which was thankfully still hot, and sat down on the edge of the bed as he lifted a forkful to his mouth. (page 20)
“Take it?” Bullseye shouted, leaping to his feet and holding an arm in the air like a politican preparing to lie. “Of couse I’ll take it!” Miller began to give him the details of the job and his first assignment, a sanction in Cairo. But though he looked Klaus Miller directly in the eye, though he tried to pay close attention, he could hear only every other word. Bullseye was going home. (page 21)
“This is gonna be fun,” he whispered to himself. In fact, the only thing that Bullseye was not happy about was that he was not wearing his costume. (page 93)
The man tried to pitch his wares in English, unaware that Bullseye spoke Arabic… a fact that Bullseye himself had been unaware of, or forgotten, until the previous day. (page 94)
Then another man emerged from the passenger side of the sedan, and Wiezak stopped thinking about the cops. If he hadn’t seen pictures, he would never have believed that this blond, average-looking citizen was one of the world’s deadliest assassins. He just looked too normal. At least, until you saw his eyes. They ruined the whole picture. Bullseye had crazy eyes. (page 104)
“You’re awfully quiet, Mr. Poindexter,” Wiezak said. “Something wrong?” “Other than the glass all over my lap, not a thing,” Bullseye said with a smile. “And my name isn’t Poindexter.” “Oh? Well, what shall I call you then?” Wiezak said condescendingly. “You know what to call me,” he answered with a sneer. (page 105)
Bullseye pushed through the door of the pub, a waitress screamed and dropped a tray of drinks. The bartender’s face blanched, and he started to reach under the bar, obviously going for some kind of weapon. “Not if you want to live,” Bullseye snarled, rain dripping from the tip of his nose. The two goons guarding Mallory were so surprised to see him, they were paralyzed for a moment. “Well,” he said, imitating Clint Eastwood, “You boys going to stand there and whistle Dixie, or are you gonna pull them pistols?” (page 217)
He walked out laughing, his back to the room in an insulting display of diffidence. Bullseye wanted to get back to Manhattan quickly; there was a lot more killing to be done today. Back on the street, he sang softly in the rain, a tune from a Broadway show he couldn’t recall. (page 219)
Diemer stepped carefully toward Bullseye’s still form, pistol aimed directly at his head. She nudged the body with her toe. Once, twice, again. Without turning, she said to Bryce, “I don’t see any…” “Blood?” Bullseye asked with a laugh, even as he arched his back and kicked her weapon away, grabbing her and holding her as a shield in front of him. It was an impossible move, and Bryce never got a clear shot. He couldn’t risk shooting Diemer, but he ought to have known the killer wouldn’t be taken down so easily. “Kevlar is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” Bullseye said with a smile. (page 237)
“You’re lucky I’m feeling particularly lucid today, buckaroo,” he hissed. “Otherwise I might not have remembered to leave someone alive. See, somebody’s got to tell the press that I was responsible for this so Daredevil will know and come after me. That someone just happens to be you. But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean I won’t come back and kill you later.” Bullseye hauled back his right arm and slapped Bryce hard across the face. “That’s for shooting at me,” he said in a huff. (page 239)
It was just after nine o’clock. Bullseye sat on the roof of an old apartment building across from the one in which Karen Page had shacked up with her old flame, blind boy Matt Murdock. Bullseye snorted and hung his legs over the edge of the building. He was really enjoying himself tonight. Normally, on a job of this nature he was much more erious, more circumspect. Even now, knowing that Daredevil had a special interest in Murdock and Page and might come by, Bullseye was not nearly as alert as he would usually have been. (page 290)
The night was breezy and cool. He was warm enough in his costume, but the chill felt nice on his face. Every breath was exhilarating… On top of Page and Murdock’s building sat a water tower. More than likely, it was no longer in use, but the simple fact of its presence was a comfort to Bullseye. Whatever you want to do, sir, go on ahead, it seemed to say. I’ll still be here in the morning. Not as if he needed its permission. (page 291)
Then her arm flashed out, the pair of shuriken he’d hit her with buzzing towards him. He jerked his body to one side even as the stars whispered past his head, one thunking into the cement and the other just glancing off his cheek, dragging a thin slice through his skin. Astounded, Bullseye missed the next stair, and fell. (page 301)
Bullseye had seemed impatient throughout the night, with time itself, and with Wiezak’s power trip. Karen had come to realize that the crimelord was nearly as unstable as the assassin he’d hired. Bullseye stood at the sliding glass doors that led out onto the penthouse patio, barely paying attention, never speaking to her. He was waiting, she knew. Waiting for him. (page 355)
From time to time, she would hear murmuring and look over to see that it was Bullseye. He was apparently singing, or humming to himself, nonchalantly whiling away the time until his greatest enemy, the man he so desperately wanted to kill, would arrive. And Bullseye said Daredevil would come. Wiezak appeared uncertain and unconcerned. (page 356)
“Put that away,” he’d said sternly. “What?” Wiezak said, taken aback. “What the hell are you…?” “I said put it away,” the assassin had insisted. “She’s bait, you idiot. When Daredevil is dead, you can kill her. Not before.” “You work for me!” Wiezak had declared. “You can’t pay me if you’re dead. Put it away for both of us.” Wiezak had looked as if he were about to argue, and then Bullseye slapped him. Gary Wiezak’s head rocked back, his eyes wide with shock even as he went for the gun at his back. Bullseye held the sharp point of a sai to his chest and said, “Don’t even think about it.” (page 357)
“Deal with Bullseye?” the assassin was saying, “You can barely stand, how are you going to deal with me?” (page 361)
The hero’s head was ringing from several blows he’d been unable to avoid, but he’d had better luck with his enemy’s sai. Bullseye had tried half a dozen times already to feint in one direction and stab in the other and each time he’d received a kick in the gut or head or a tumble to the ground for his troubles. (page 365)
Daredevil backed up to the hot tub, and Bullseye must have imagined he saw an opening for he thrust then, left hand up to parry and right hand slashing a sai towards Daredevil’s heart. Daredevil sidestepped, the sai sliced through his costume and the skin of his side, just above where the glass had punctured him earlier. The hero reached out and laid hands on Bullseye, forcing him to continue his momentum straight into the side of the hot tub. “You’re trying to make a fool of me!” Bullseye screamed. “You’ve done it before, but no more! You hear me! It’s time for you to die!” (page 366)
All the air left Bullseye in a huff, but he twisted from Daredevil’s grasp and stumbled away. He pulled his remaining sai from behind his back and hurled it at Daredevil’s face. No tricks, just a straight-forward, panicked throw with deadly perfect aim and a speed a normal man would not have been able to notice, much less avoid. (page 367)
He heard a click, and his radar scoped ahead to find that Bullseye had unsnapped his holster and was pulling his gun.  Daredevil got angry. “What’s wrong, killer?” he asked, venomous sarcasm in each word. “Can’t win a fight man-to-man, can’t even win with hand held projectiles? You’ve got to have a gun, eh? I always knew you were a loser!” “Loser!” Bullseye shrieked, pulling the gun and beginning to take aim. “Loser?” (page 368) 
The patio, on the other hand, was empty.  Twenty-three stories up, Bullseye had somehow escaped. Daredevil was not surprised. (page 375)
Matt pressed the play button, and heard the tape rewinding. “Hey Murdock,” the voice began, and he knew it instantly as Bullseye’s. “Just wanted you and your ladyfriend to know that it’s not over. You can pass that on to your horn-headed buddy as well. This time was just target practice. So keep looking over your shoulder. I’ll be back.” (page 381)
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luulyme · 5 years
All of my Remus/Hermione fic faves
A Little Flip  reviewsThe Order of the Phoenix sends adult Hermione into the past with a mission, but it's not to change history or have fun. Time turner fic. Remus/Hermione. Now Complete.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 29 - Words: 42,154 - Reviews: 1425 - Favs: 2,144 - Follows: 977 - Updated: Jul 26, 2012 - Published: May 5, 2011 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Ad Sanandum  reviewsTheir eyes locked again, cinnamon on amber and he once again had to remind himself that he needed to take this slow- that he needed to figure out himself still before he got lost in her- because his traitorous mind told him that he could drown in her quickly if he would open himself up. (Remione) Post-war AU. TWOSHOT.Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,374 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 51 - Published: Aug 14, 2016 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
After War comes Love reviewsRemione One-Shot. Post-War. It's Christmas and Sirius is hosting a fancy dress party. Also, Remus is high. Nothing goes wrong. Rated R. EWEHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,497 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 20 - Published: Sep 4, 2016 - [Hermione G., Remus L.] Sirius B. - Complete
All I Want For Christmas  reviewsAfter finding out Hermione will be spending Christmas alone, Remus invites her to spend it with him and Teddy instead. Feelings develop between Remus and Hermione - ones they can't fight for long. 31 chapters - Written for the Christmas Collection Challenge. COMPLETEHarry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 34,638 - Reviews: 355 - Favs: 413 - Follows: 250 - Updated: Jan 18, 2016 - Published: Dec 3, 2015 - [Remus L., Hermione G.] Harry P., Teddy L. - Complete
All Of Him reviewsRemusHermione Remus hadn't meant to do it. It's just that it had been so easy. She had made it easy. And things were going to change.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,672 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 630 - Follows: 101 - Published: Feb 4, 2010 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
As You Were reviewsValentine's Day - the bane of Hermione Granger's existence. Until someone unexpected shows her the finer points of the day of lover's bliss. SMUT'N'FLUFF! Do not read if you're underage. RL/HG oneshot!Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,317 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 417 - Follows: 49 - Published: May 13, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Blind  reviews GrandeVanillaSkimLatteShe raised her hand and lightly touched his shoulder. His body heat practically radiated from his heavy robes but she didn’t pull away, instead, with gentle pressure she turned him around to face her. "Kiss me". Gift for remuslives. RemusHermione.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,015 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 189 - Follows: 30 - Published: Dec 5, 2008 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Bound to the light   reviews By: KristeristerinJust because your actions fall into a grey area doesn't mean your motivations do. When faced with the choice between losing someone you love and the fate of a world that believes you're a monster, you would think the choice would be an easy one. Werewolf!HermioneHarry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 49,824 - Reviews: 276 - Favs: 263 - Follows: 304 - Updated: Feb 3, 2018 - Published: Feb 1, 2017 - [Hermione G., Remus L.] Fenrir G. - Complete
Detention, Miss Granger reviewsBy: GrandeVanillaSkimLatteI'm free now... if you want me," she said, walking around the desk to stand by his chair, looking down at the obvious tent in his robes before bringing her gaze up to his face. RemusHermione.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,935 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 356 - Follows: 55 - Published: Aug 1, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Exes and Ohs reviewsBy: angelically-devilishHermioneRemus - Hermione asks an unexpected question, with interesting consequences.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 13,678 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 251 - Follows: 60 - Published: Dec 20, 2017 - Hermione G., Remus L. - CompleteFeelings in denial reviewsBy: greyspotterfictionAU oneshot about Hermione and Remus after the war. Rated MHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,279 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 14 - Published: Sep 16, 2017 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
I'll Hold My Breath  reviewsBy: Nautical ParamourHermione is reading a romance novel, and is embarrassed to let anyone else see what she's reading. Unfortunately, Remus's curiosity gets the better of him. When they both touch the book, they get sucked into it's pages, forced to live through the plot. Remus/Hermione. Post War, EWE, AU. COMPLETE!Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 21,131 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 461 - Follows: 201 - Updated: Apr 8, 2016 - Published: Mar 21, 2016 - [Remus L., Hermione G.] - Complete
Indecent Exposure reviewsBy: angelically-devilishWINNER OF THE TWIN EXCHANGE AUGUST 2009 CHALLENGE! It reminded her of seventh year. Ron always had issues of Playwizard & Harry sometimes needed firewhiskey to sleep, so she was essentially where she was now-surrounded by halfnaked men, porn and alcoholHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,211 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 591 - Follows: 86 - Published: Aug 14, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Moonlight reviewsBy: Kittenshift17*ONE SHOT* Coming to call on a werewolf hours before the full moon rises has unexpected consequences for the brightest witch of the age. Hermione never expected that Remus would ever let her get so close, but the allure of moonlight finally proves too much for the lycanthrope to resist. Remione.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 18,046 - Reviews: 232 - Favs: 1,424 - Follows: 309 - Published: Aug 5, 2017 - [Hermione G., Remus L.] - Complete
More Than a Game reviewsBy: GrandeVanillaSkimLatteWho said Quidditch isn't fun in the rain? Hermione, Remus and Sirius's perfect private box seats aren't much good when they can't see anything, so they are forced to entertain themselves. Gift for angelically-devilish. RemusHermioneSirius.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,674 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 321 - Follows: 50 - Published: Jan 17, 2010 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
More Treats & Less Tricks, Please  reviewsBy: Resa AureusBirthday fic for onebigscribble! Sirius has some tricks of his sleeves this Halloween for a certain werewolf, bookworm, and young metamorphmagus. What will happen to the two book-lovers find themselves in an awkward situation and when Teddy just eats too much candy?Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,706 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 30 - Published: Oct 31, 2012 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Overclocking  reviewsBy: EuphoniumGurl0Hermione Granger is an Unspeakable specializing in time. After collaborating with co-worker Percy Weasley to decrease the number of casualties from the war, she is in a constant battle against the Keeper of Time, who wishes to restore the original timeline. Her final test involves traveling back to 1979, where her mission is horrifying yet hilariously simple.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 78,863 - Reviews: 251 - Favs: 732 - Follows: 234 - Updated: Nov 18, 2012 - Published: Oct 17, 2012 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Seasons Change   reviews By: xScenexDuring the Formal Halloween Ball, Hermione has a run in with Draco. After an unfortunate event, Hermione is sent back in time twenty years to the Marauders era to fulfill a prophecy of her own. Eventual HGRL, JPLE shipping and character death. COMPLETEHarry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 26 - Words: 126,863 - Reviews: 522 - Favs: 490 - Follows: 203 - Updated: Nov 19, 2006 - Published: Oct 11, 2005 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Shared Destinies   reviews By: amightypenguinMarriage Law fic. Not HBP/DH compliant. Forced together because of a law Voldemort has put into effect, Hermione and Remus try to hold onto their friendship while faced with Dark Lords, jealous friends, and more werewolves.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 31 - Words: 98,844 - Reviews: 1010 - Favs: 1,773 - Follows: 627 - Updated: Jan 5, 2010 - Published: Nov 12, 2008 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Sleepless Night  reviews By: love.u.always.momWhat happens when Hermione can't sleep and runs into Remus Lupin in the library of Grimmauld Place late one night? Hermione/Remus lemons, rated 'M' for a reason! One-shot. If you recognize it, it's not mine. R&R!Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,767 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 174 - Follows: 47 - Published: Dec 8, 2013 - [Hermione G., Remus L.] - Complete
The Last Marauder   reviews By: Resa AureusIn the wake of the war, Dumbledore's portrait gives Hermione a task that could change the course of history if she succeeds, but unravel time itself if she fails. 1ST PLACE WINNER of the Energize W.I.P. Awards for "Most Promising Harry Potter Fan-Fiction"! IN THE PROCESS OF BEING BETA'D.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 78 - Words: 238,062 - Reviews: 2893 - Favs: 3,627 - Follows: 1,287 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012 - Published: Jun 19, 2012 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
The Sinews of Thy Heart   reviews By: AmarielleThe war altered nothing at Grimmauld Place. The house stayed the same, but its inhabitants changed. Against every natural law, Remus Lupin found a place where he belonged inside one of the largest hearts he'd ever known: the heart of Hermione Granger.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 16 - Words: 68,677 - Reviews: 314 - Favs: 601 - Follows: 223 - Updated: Mar 18, 2008 - Published: Jun 24, 2007 - Remus L., Hermione G. - Complete
The Taste of Magic  reviews By: Rowena Hill*Part Two of the 'Aesthetic of Magic' series* After Halloween Hermione and Remus have settled into an easy routine. Now Christmas is upon them and they work to make sure that everything is perfect for little Teddy. But getting into the holiday spirit comes with distractions, and Remus can't seem to forget just how wonderful she tastes. **Be sure to read 'The Scent of Magic' first.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,400 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 32 - Published: Dec 24, 2016 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
The Winding Road   reviews By: erm31323*2019 Enchanted Awards Finalist* - After the war, Remus must learn to navigate his life without his wife by his side. Though she's always thought she knew what she wanted, Hermione struggles with the path her life has taken. A story about the aftermath of war, healing, and the long road it takes to get there. Initial Ron/Hermione. Eventual Remus/Hermione. Slow burn. EWE.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 92 - Words: 671,539 - Reviews: 1649 - Favs: 817 - Follows: 997 - Updated: Feb 8 - Published: Jan 5, 2017 - [Hermione G., Remus L.] Harry P., Andromeda T. - Complete
The Wolf and Little Red: A Hogwarts Love Story   reviews By: angelically-devilishThe golden trio return to Hogwarts seventh year with their favorite werewolf professor. But before love conquers all, Hermione and Lupin have to deal with each other, the affections of another Marauder, and the constant threat of darkness. HG/RL HG/SBHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 109,873 - Reviews: 584 - Favs: 1,044 - Follows: 320 - Updated: Aug 6, 2009 - Published: Mar 5, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
To Have And To Hold   reviews By: amightypenguinWhen a new law created by the Wizengamot threatens not only Hermione’s research on lycanthropy, but can possibly set back Remus' health, Hermione makes an offer that can save both her research and Remus, but will also change their lives forever.Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 17,216 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 34 - Published: May 24, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
To Let You Go   reviews By: CharloBlackOn the morning of Remus and Tonks wedding Hermione falls victim to one of the Weasley twins’ experiments and is accidentally thrown 20 years into the past. Only one thing remains certain, horrible things happen to those who meddle with time… RLHGHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 37 - Words: 65,177 - Reviews: 869 - Favs: 1,615 - Follows: 374 - Updated: Nov 2, 2007 - Published: Sep 3, 2007 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
To Love a Werewolf   reviews By: remuslivesRemusHermione yes it's a time turner story but it's Remus that goes forward to present day Hogwarts. My first fic please R&R-COMPLETE! yah! but you can still leave me a review.Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 12 - Words: 22,185 - Reviews: 346 - Favs: 674 - Follows: 173 - Updated: Jan 14, 2008 - Published: Dec 14, 2007 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Unable to Resist   reviews By: NeonDominoRemus is back Teaching Defence against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, so who better for his teaching assistant Hermione to consult when she suspects she's being targeted by an Incubus? Hermione is nineteen in this story.Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 28,266 - Reviews: 295 - Favs: 648 - Follows: 492 - Updated: Dec 7, 2014 - Published: Jan 26, 2014 - [Remus L., Hermione G.] - Complete
Unexpected Consequences   reviews By: Kimberlee18Hermione has been living with Sirius and Remus in Grimmauld place for a year. Everything has been going well until one fateful full moon when the wolfsbane potion fails and Hermione gets bitten. How will she handle her new life? Mature. HG/RL,HG/SBHarry Potter - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 46,719 - Reviews: 239 - Favs: 1,084 - Follows: 316 - Updated: Feb 11, 2010 - Published: Nov 11, 2009 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
Your Hands Are Music  reviews By: KissThisFive years postHogwarts there's a New Year's Eve party going on in the teacher's lounge. The newly recovered Sirius is drunk & the Professors for DADA and History of Magic start the new year off right with a welldeserved snog. Remus x HermioneHarry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,607 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 144 - Follows: 22 - Published: Jan 1, 2005 - Hermione G., Remus L. - Complete
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