fancykraken · 5 years
hailvady replied to your post “I know I don’t have to explain (because my blog and I post what I...”
it may not be my thing but i am so happy you're doing better and i will enjoy that
paganstormqueen replied to your post “I know I don’t have to explain (because my blog and I post what I...”
drown us in Reddie stuff! I love it!
pedeka replied to your post “I know I don’t have to explain (because my blog and I post what I...”
Be well and welcome to the colors
Thank you, guys, I legit teared up when I read these. <3
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valkyriesquad · 6 years
hi there. I've been following your blog for quite a while now and never found the time to ask to be added to the safe list. I mostly reblog nature pictures, stupid memes and pretty things.
You’re added, welcome :-D
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erdbeercupcake · 6 years
paganstormqueen replied to your post: RULES: TAG TEN FOLLOWERS YOU WANT TO KNOW BETTER!...
hey du hast gar nichts bei den sounds geschrieben! ;)
Gucks noch mal >.>; 
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the-agent-carter · 6 years
a fact that's probably true: you say hi to animals more than to other people :D (at least that's what I do)
It’s true, it’s all true! 
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petitsakon · 6 years
paganstormqueen :
aawww ich liebe "Der geheime Garten" so sehr *___*
Jaaaa *____* Hab ihn schon ewig nicht mehr gesehen, muss aber immer flennen xD
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fraeulein-elster · 4 years
I changed my URL (previously paganstormqueen)
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jindoshriddle · 7 years
@sumomomochi tagged me! (Sorry I'm shit at doing these in a timely manner. Always want to, usually forget.)
1) What are your favorite songs to sing/hum?
Currently I am obsessed with singing to Hold Me Tight (Or Don't) by Fall Out Boy because that's just who I am as a person... I will also typically sing to anything on the radio that annoys my boss in the work van. /shrug emoji.
2) What are your favorite flowers/trees/plants?
Roses, Peonies, and Forget Me Nots are some of my fave flowers... And I really just love trees in general. I love just wandering around in the woods and spending time with nature. Lol.
3) Favorite colors?
I have been obsessed with teal for the longest time, but a lot in the blue family pleases me. I also have a deep fondness for neon and emerald greens.
4) What do you always doodle?
Shaded spheres. 😂😂 Honestly. I sometimes scribble them on work documents when I'm writing logs for the day and I just... I dunno. It's a thing.
5) How do you take your coffee/tea?
It depends on what is in season at my typical coffee shop... Lol. They like experimenting with flavors all the time so, I usually end up obsessed with a flavor for a month or two until it gets discontinued. Tea I am very open to trying anything and everything that sounds good, but I will always crawl back to peppermint with just a little bit of sugar or cinnamon apple.
6) Favorite candle scent?
My mother has ruined me for everything that isn't cinnamon based. Lol. Cinnamon apple, holiday spice... It all makes me feel super nostalgic and good.
7) Sunrise or sunset?
Sunset. I have a lot of good memories of sitting on roofs watching the sun go down with friends. It's all very nostalgic.
8) What perfume do you wear, if any?
My typical go-to is Kat Von D's Sinner. I've been addicted to it since she started her foray into makeup and was stoked when she recently re-released it.
9) What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone?
I don't dance. I flail like a dying animal. As such, dancing isn't done often unless prompted by my niece.
10) Favorite quote?
"Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” Carrie Fisher.
11) Favorite self-care things or routines?
My big thing is always taking a bath with a good smelling bath salt or bubble bath or something. I am a being of the water and it always feels good to just sink into the tub and relax... Sometimes with a glass of wine and a book.
12) Fuzzy socks or house slippers?
Socks are the devil, I would much prefer house slippers. But only if I'm really, really cold (Which isn't often) because I prefer to be barefoot more than anything.
13) What color are your eyes?
They're gray for the most part. Lol. Kind of green-gray but they oftentimes reflect a bit of the main color I'm wearing if it's a bright enough color.
14) What is your favorite eye color on others?
This is gonna sound really weird but... I just love eyes in general? I don't have a favorite color because they are all my favorites for different reasons? I am just absolutely fascinated by all the different shades and variations and eye color is one of the first things I notice on anyone.
15) Favorite season and why?
Winter. Simply because I like the cold, lol.
16) Cheek, neck, or nose kisses?
In practice, cheek kisses. Simply because I have only ever been kissed in the cheek. In theory, neck. Just because it's definitely a weak spot.
17) What does your happy place look like?
Curled up in bed with my dog and a book.
18) What is your favorite breed of dog?
Rottweilers. I had a very special rottie in my life that saved my miserable ass and I miss him dearly every day of my life. Boxers (My Natasha is a Boxer. 💕), English Bulldogs, and Pitties also have special places in my heart.
19) Do you ever want to be married? If so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme?
Maybe? I wouldn't be against it if my future partner wanted to get married but it isn't necessary for my happiness. As long as I know I am loved, that's all that matters.
20) Silk or lace?
21) Favorite weather?
Thunderstorms. There is just something about them that makes me feel comforted and alive. It sucks living where I am because they are rarer and nowhere near what they are where I grew up.
I tag... @paganstormqueen @remustheravenclaw @spamsterlady @enjoltush (if you wanna) and anyone else who'd like to answer.
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fancykraken · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Bonnie! I hope you'll be having a fantastic one!
Thank you!!! While my birthday has just started so far it is very good.
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erdbeercupcake · 6 years
for the autumnal ask: wool socks, smelly candles, cozy blankets, fuzzy boots, hay rides
Thank you so much for asking!! 
wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
Pumpkin spiced anything! Sweater Weather! 
smelly candles :what’s your absolute favorite scent?
Freshly brewed coffee and clean sheets. 
cozy blankets:  where do you feel the most safe and at home?
Actually in my flat. Or when I am surrounded by my closest friend. 
fuzzy boots : if you could live in any year/era, which would it be and why?
1920 Germany: also the years after were terrible I would love to see Weimar 1920 Berlin. Especially the night life. 
hay rides:  if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be? 
Well teleporting …zip! and I am at my friends. Perfect!!
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the-agent-carter · 6 years
7, 10, 14, 20 & 22 :)
Favorite book of all time?: “American Gods” by Neil Gaiman.
Do you believe in soulmates?: I don’t necessarily believe in that concept, but surely you can find someone that is oddly perfect for you.
What’s your favorite flower or plant?: Cherry blossoms are so pretty!
How would you describe your style?: Somewhere between a witch and Peggy Carter.  Maybe a Samantha Stephens? ;) 
Favorite fictional character?: Bucky Barnes; I would kill for him.
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erdbeercupcake · 6 years
26: Who did you last see in person?, 41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
26: Who did you last see in person?
a student of mine. wasn´t a nice encounter. she hit puberty really hard and acts like a brat so I had to be strict today. I hate it, when I have to be like this. 
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
Cooooonstantly. Hapyy grown-up life. I worked in customer services for 2 years: constantly had to keep my mouth shut. 
Now I work with children: constantly have to keep my mouth shut
But thanks to that I try my very bes to always be honest to my friends otherwise I´d explode someday 
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erdbeercupcake · 6 years
TAGGING : nearly forgot to tag some sweetheart @stellalovesbones, @the-thorster, @janjan-the-ninth, @nina-skywalker
HEIGHT: 1,70 m
Uh...I don´t have one of these ....of to spotify I guess 
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
Chop Suey! - System of a Down
Da Draussen - Fettes Brot 
Wenn die Wespen kommen - Pohlmann 
Steine im Weg  - Pohlmann 
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU PLAYED AIR GUITAR? Just today in my car, next to playing air drums, Traffic was going very slow
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? uhm ...nobody. I rarely crush on people ...especially not people I don´t really know. 
Sounds I Hate: crying animals ...it just makes my heart break
Sounds I love: freshly made coffee pouring into a mug, laughter, purring cats 
DO YOU DRIVE?  Yes....but I don´t like it thaaat much. I live in relativley big city. Traffic usually is horrible.
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? Ha. No! and very proud of it. 
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? Time and Time again by Ben Elton
(It wasn´t very god. I like the time-travely plot but the characterization und uneccessary romance plot annoyed me)   DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE? No 
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? Oceans 8 and it was glorious!!!
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? ...I once nearly cut of my finger while I tried to half a bread rolle with a blunt knife. It didn´t bleed but needed stitches.  DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? I wish I had one. Though I am proud to say I manage to get more and more politically acitve. But I really wouldn´t call that an obsession. .
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? Unfortunately not. I find it exhausting to stay angry for a long time. 
IN A RELATIONSHIP? Haha no. Cause I am stupid and shy!!! 
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petitsakon · 6 years
Me Memes!
Tagged by: @paganstormqueen
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: 25
Birth place: Kempen, Germany
Current Time: 10:21 pm
Drink you last had: water
Easiest person to talk to: @kumoriluna
Favorite song: This “Eeny meeny miny moe” song by 8P-SB
Grossest memory: hmm nothing comes to my mind :/
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (I took a test a few months ago and it said Ravenclaw? I should have known when I cried in 10th grade because I wasn’t allowed to take all the classes I wanted to lol)
In love?: hahaha no
Love at first sight or walk by again: only attraction at first sight, for love please walk by again
Middle name: Janita
Siblings: one older sister
One wish: to be able to stay in Japan
Person you called last: my coworker
Question you’re asked the most: lately it’s probably “have you applied for jobs yet?”
Song you last sang: “Er lebt in dir” from The Lion King 2
Time you woke up: it was 9:38 am when I looked at my phone
Underwear color: pink panties, black bra
Vacation destination: sadly nowhere... I don’t get enough money at my internship and like to spend what I get on other things
Worst habit: picking on break outs and these tiny pieces of skin around my nails, thinking lowly of myself, putting a lot of things off (feel free to pick one)
X-rays: jaw
Zodiac Sign: sagittarius
I tag: Nobody, just do it if you want to!
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petitsakon · 6 years
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@paganstormqueen tagged me to post a selfie about two weeks ago but i was on vacation and every time i thought of taking one the lighting was baaad. I’m back since last week but this is only the second day i’m wearing make up~ anyways, enough excuses, you probably thought i wouldn’t do it but hahahaaa got ya!!!
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petitsakon · 7 years
I got tagged by @paganstormqueen thank you!! <3
1) What are your favorite songs to sing/hum? hmm idk whatever song is stuck in my head at that moment? 2) What are your favorite flowers/trees/plants? i like fuchsia and weeping willows! 3) Favorite colors? pastel pink, black, turquoise 4) What do you always doodle? eyes 5) How do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t drink coffee and it depends on the tea. recently i drink a lot of east frisian tea with milk and rock sugar 6) Favorite candle scent? vanilla 7) Sunrise or sunset? both 8) What perfume do you wear, if any? "platinum egoiste” by chanel 9) What’s your go-to dance move when you’re alone? i don’t have one 10) Favorite quote? i have a hard time remembering quotes :/ 11) Favorite self-care things or routines? i’ve been sitting bored at home most of the time for the past few weeks i don’t need self-care i need something to occupy me with 12) Fuzzy socks or house slippers? fuzzy socks 13) What color are your eyes? brown 14) What is your favorite eye color on others? i don’t have a preference 15) Favorite season and why? winter because snow! 16) Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? neck i guess omg when has been the last time i’ve been kissed there?? 17) What does your happy place look like? tokyo lol 18) What is your favorite breed of dog? this is so hard all the dogs are cute omg 19) Do you ever want to be married? If so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme? I don’t need to get married at all. it’s really not a must for me. but if I ever happen to have a partner that would like to get married I wouldn’t say no (if I feel it’s The One™) (copying bibi here i feel the same way). gosh i never thought about colors for my wedding theme... i think something pastelly maybe but i’ll think about it if i’m ever planning my wedding okay? 20) Silk or lace? lace 21) Favorite weather? snow!!!
I don’t tag anyone but feel free to answer these questions anyway!
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petitsakon · 6 years
meet the blogger:
tagged by: @paganstormqueen ♥
Relationship status: been single for the past 11 years
Favorite Color: turquoise and pastel pink
Top 3 ships: i don’t think i have any ships i’m really invested in right now so it’s hard to come up with a top 3...
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
Last song: i don’t remember when i listened to some music consciously but the radio in our kitchen is playing all day so i think it was Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
Last Movie: Baymax
Top 3 shows: Vikings, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones
currently reading: nothing, my sister needs to bring around some new books
I tag: everyone who wants to do this tag :3
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