#pagan media
chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
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i can't stop making these
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Do you have more fae!Dick headcanons, but from the batfam or his friends pov? 🥺
Check out this awesome post for a phenomenal addition to the Fae verse!
But in case you wanna stick with only Dick being fae, here’s some more headcanons for you, hehe ✨ I can never say no to doing more 👏
I don’t know enough about Dick’s friends to do a good pov for them, but here’s Bruce and Jason for now 💚
Bruce knew something was other about Dick from the moment he started screaming when his parents fell and every single animal inside the circus went wild
Dick is a strange child. he never lies, but he’s got this uncanny ability to maneuver around the truth and make it bend to his will. It comes in handy during his Robin days, but Bruce will be the first to admit it creeps him out a bit. Even thinks that sound like a lie on surface level and up being truthful. To the letter.
Contracts. During their time as Batman and Robin, Bruce unknowingly enters into multiple little deals with Dick without being aware of it. Dick never takes advantage, but there’s one instance where Bruce finally realizes how important it is to leave absolutely no loopholes in orders or wordings when Dick nearly kills someone and it still falls into the terms of their agreement
The manor. Things have never been completely normal about the ancestral home, but with Dick around the walls seem to breathe. There’s always a light on behind some window even when it’s late and Alfred is long asleep. At night something scratches along the walls and the scent of rain and mushrooms lingers in the air. Neither Bruce or Alfred ever find its source. Hallways become long and winding when you’re half asleep. The walk to the restroom ends up being at least ten minutes.
Bruce yells at Dick and uses his full name for the first time and Dick just— folds. It’s not his true name, but he treats it as such. And Bruce is horrified at the way Dick’s entire form seems to warp and gain new joints and twist itself outside the human imagination. But then he blinks and it’s just Dick again, glaring balefully, hissing at Bruce not to use his name in anger. Ever. Bruce is too startled to do anything but promise he won’t.
Promises. Dick uses them sparingly, but when he does he upholds them with a vengeance. Bruce learns to never, ever make Dick promise something that will endanger him. Because dick would still follow through on it blindly.
Promises made by other people. Dick becomes vindictive if he thinks someone isn’t upholding their end of the bargain. The first time it happens, a simple thing about being home in time for dinner, Bruce got assaulted by rabid deer with curiously sharp teeth on his way to the car. In the middle of Gotham City. Bruce and Dick have a serious talk afterwards.
Dick is less than thrilled when Jason is declared Robin. Fae are possessive. That’s his name Bruce gave away. That’s his family Jason is infiltrating. Dick wants Jason gone. (Bruce barely manages to stop the murder of crows from shoving Jason off a roof)
Jason doesn’t realize there’s a pissed off fae out for blood. Bruce has a hard time rallying Dick, but he manages. Ergo; Jason thinks the manor is the best thing since sliced bread and he’s super excited about meeting Dick. He joins Alfred in making Dick’s favorite meal for his official visit and unknowingly ends up winning Dick over with it. An offering of favored food to fae creatures goes a long way in earning their favor. And Dick is no different. It helps that the food is genuinely delicious and Jason jumps at the chance to refill his plate. Jason unknowingly dodged a bullet there.
Dick becomes protective of Jason. Jason is his now in the same way Bruce and Alfred are. They’re human. He’s fae. They’re so very vulnerable and susceptible to injury and manipulation.
Jason avoids wandering the halls of Wayne manor alone for the longest time because he always feels there are eyes following him. (They are.)
The manor, reacting to Dick’s inherent magic, shortens each of Jason’s routes. It creeps Jason out even more
Sometimes there are feathers at the foot of Jason’s bed. He doesn’t know what kind of bird they could be from. When he shows them to Bruce the man just sighs
Jason has a temper tantrum and retreats into the woods behind the manor. He can’t find his way back until he calls out for Dick and suddenly the manor looms behind the next tree
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The main reason it's important to be at least somewhat literate in historical paganism and folk magic isn't so you can make your own practice exactly like it; it's to be able to recognize when someone is making historically inaccurate claims, because "asserting made-up shit about history as real fact" is a sign you're possibly looking at a cult and/or scam.
For the same reason, it's a good idea to be somewhat literate in pop culture media. Because being able to look at something a person is trying to pass off as Genuine Ancient Tradition or something and recognize that it's nothing like anything people actually believed or did back in Ye Olden Times but it sure as heck resembles something from a popular TV show or TTRPG is a valuable discernment skill.
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goldenwolfen · 1 year
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Egyptian sky god Horus, who has the head of a Lanner falcon and wears the double crown of a united Egypt. His right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and his left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing. Horus was associated with kingship, and pharaohs were considered his manifestation on Earth.
"Supremacy" Watercolor and Colored Pencil on 12" X 4.5" smooth Bristol paper. Art direction by Sandra SanTara ORIGINAL and Prints available here (clicky)!
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you finally take a day of rest and suddenly see Dionysus everywhere
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unusual-suspects · 25 days
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some candle designs i'm working on
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"Hag Stones."
A Stone with a hole in it's center, or as the Celtics reffered to it as a "Hag Stone." A seeing stone.
Seen in popular media such as "Coraline." and "Spiderwick chronicles."
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In Coraline it was used to find 'Lost' things, helping Coraline find the three missing ghost eyes to beat the other mothers game. But when first told Miss Spink and Forcible and two differing opinions. "It's good for BAD things." > April "It's good for LOST thing." > Miriume.
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"In Spiderwick chronicles, it was a tool used to help a human see Fearies. Because only people with the sight or allowed to see the Fea can see them while most of the time they remain hidden. Only a "Seeing stone." Can help someone see the Fea clearly.
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But thats in Fictional Media, what about real Hag Stones and their superstitions in real life?
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"Celtic in origin. Referred as Hag Stones. Also known as Holey Stones or Witch Stones, are stones that have naturally occurring holes and usually found near oceans or other bodies of water. They are said to be powerful protection tailismans and when worn or carried they protect the bearer from curses, hexes negative spirits and harm. They have also been used to prevent nightmares, being strung on a bedpost or placed underneath pillows. It is also believed that if you peer through the hole of the stone that you can see the Fae Folk and otherworldly entities. If one broke, it is thought to have used its power to protect life.
*With that last addition, it makes sense on why this was used in media such as Spiderwick Chronicles and Coraline from it's tie to the Fea and other supernatural entities.
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gekkerbeast · 18 days
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I drew Apollo for the first time
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
E-yo! It looks like it's getting close to that time of year where I have to remind people that the movie Midsommar (dir. Ari Aster) is not only a critique on how easy it would be to get sucked up into a cult- but how easy it would be to get sucked up into a cult with White Supremacy at the center of their framework and world view.
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bugwolfsstuff · 2 months
I dont usually post about my religion or my traditional art because this is first and for most a riordanverse blog but i made something discreet to have the Aro flag in for my room and decided to make it a devotional piece to Aphrodite, Artemis and Dionysus
and im really proud of it
The dog is meant to be a Greyhound to represent the gray part of the flag and Artemis and by some extent Dionysus
Arrow for Aromantic, also representing Artemis
Roses in the corner to represent Aphrodite
My poor attempt at drawing ivy among the roses to represent Dionysos
Border was meant to be the Lesbian flag but the white didnt exactly come out
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Text in the corner and incase you cant read my writing it says:
Of Artemis Philomeirax, Aphrodite Pothon Mater & Dionysos Soter Eleutherus ♥
It was done with black marker and watercolor paints
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margravelucian · 11 months
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POV I have just told you, Enyo, the god of memetic warfare, an overly long and ultimately disappointing joke
Doing prints. Two questions: one, where do uk people get their bits done now awesome merch is dead, and two, A4 or A3?
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chthonic-sorcery · 1 month
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An ancient Greek Phylactery for protection ⛧
"as a bodyguard against malicious daimons, against phantasms, against every sickness and suffering, to be written on a leaf of gold or silver or tin or on hieratic papyrus. When worn it works mightily for it is the name of power of the great god and [his] seal."
Example shown above is mine, written on hieratic (Egyptian) papyrus with traditional myrrh ink written with a bronze cuneiform stylus and then consecrated under Hekate. Censored parts are names as written in the ancient formulae.
-PGM VII. 579-90 (Greek Magical Papyri)
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witchescollection · 9 months
coming back from my retirement to just pipe on here and remind y'all that a lot of witchblr is generic and rooted in consumerist culture.
example: you do not need mass-produced correspondences tables that some other witch (no matter how reputable) put together. look at the damn thing. you already have your own associations with colours, shapes, etc. just write down you think the rock is pretty and it's for when you need an outside look bc it's sky blue (which reminds you of when you look up at the sky and feel like an ant).
another example: no one can tell you how to work with your deities. look up some academic sources, read some ancient literature, sure. but also just do it. stop sitting around waiting for someone tell you it's okay to give this deity chocolate - it's your craft for fuck's sake.
i'm not saying everything on tumblr is bullshit, but most of it is people taking what works for them and then using that to write a guidebook. you are the witch. you are at the centre of your craft. it's your ancestors, your gods, your tools, and your life.
decide what you want for yourself.
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Hey I’m not trying to be rude but I noticed you mentioned w*ndigo as some thing you wanted to write in the future? The Algonquian and other tribes are very clear that their culture is closed and people aren’t supposed to say, write, or even think that word. I’m not trying to call you out or shame you, a lot of people don’t know since it’s been appropriated so much in media. While people outside of these tribes just see them as something on the same line as vampires or mermaids, it’s really a much bigger deal than that. One of the strongest responses from a member I’ve seen was something like “I wish we’d never let them learn that word.” This is a highly controversial topic that causes a great deal of pain to many members of the community, and even seeing or hearing the word can be deeply triggering. If you do want to write about similar creatures, Crypt Tv created a similar creature called the Mordeo and their horror shorts are on YouTube
Hi, I know this is out of genuine concern, but I also want to emphasize that this is a controversial topic.
I have done some research on this, and there are equally as many people saying it’s okay to say/write/read about it, as there have been people abolishing its use.
Fact is, this creature is featuring in quite a number of modern media to date. Most notably the Supernatural fandom and the Until Dawn fandom (that I know off the top of my head at the moment). Not to mention numerous songs. Or the very real, psychological phenomena named after it. Though obviously we could argue about the accuracy of its depiction in relation to the original lore.
It is a folklore, a fascinating one, that I take to be mostly about human greed, selfishness, and circumstance. (A lot of times now mixed with the modern depiction of antlers/rotten deer with too sharp teeth.) People know about it. People will invariably find it fascinating. People will write/talk/sing about it. It’s human nature.
Personally, I think it becomes a problem the moment you try to pass it off as something of your own creation rather than trying to encourage people to learn the original folklore. So even if I do end up using the broad inspiration and go with calling it a Mordeo instead, the core of it will always remain with the folklore of the Wendigo. And I will always point back to it, because knowledge of the original version is better than running around thinking that my abstract version is the right one.
But like with all things online, I cannot stress enough that you curate your own experience and can decide on what to see and what not to. If this is something you absolutely do not agree with, please feel free to block me or otherwise filter my content.
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Hi all!
So recently I opened up a shared Redbubble store with my mum. She does abstract paintings, and I do occult artwork of daemons, sigils, and other various Pagan things!
Here are some examples of my mum's work on different products:
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And here are some examples of my own designs of the Ars Goetia daemon sigils, in pastel rainbow colours:
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I'll see if I can add more products soon, but in the meantime, it would mean a lot if you could support me over on Redbubble.
~ Link To Redbubble Store ~
Thanks! Xx
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ninevehsage · 11 hours
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Wheel of the year, 2020
Mixed media on paper
Autumn equinox & Mabon are coming! 🥰🤎🍁🍂🧡🍂🍁🤎
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