#padre pio prayer group meetings
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years ago
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Padre Pio Prayer Groups and Spiritual Children - September Meetings
If you are interested in becoming a spiritual child of Saint Padre Pio and would like to join a Padre Pio Prayer Group - either in a spiritual manner or in person - we have initiated this page wherein you can choose either to pray along with us as a spiritual member of one of our six prayers groups or join us in person at one of the meeting sites. You can choose which group best suits your particular situation. Once you have decided to join a group - and if you are unable to attend the meetings - please send us your contact information using the contact form at the bottom of the home page in order for us to register you as a member of that prayer group and also as a spiritual child of Padre Pio. If you live in the Boston area and would like to attend our Prayer Group meetings below are the times and places when the meetings are held.​
We are official Padre Pio Prayer Groups under the auspices and guidance of the Archdiocese of Boston - Cardinal Sean O'Malley​
The dates and times that the prayer groups meet are as follows - All are Eastern Standard Time​
1. First Tuesday of The Month from 7 - 9 PM EST​
METHUEN, MA 01844​
Questions please call the parish 978-683-1193.​
2. First Wednesday of The Month from 7 - 9 PM EST​
Questions please call the parish 781-665-0152​
3. First Saturday of The Month from 12:30 - 2 PM EST​
The Carmelite Chapel in the Northshore Mall
PEABODY, MA 01960​
Questions please call the Gift Shop 978-531-8340​
4. Third Saturday of The Month from 12:30 - 2 PM EST​
Questions please call Brother Thomas at the Chapel Gift Shop: 508-583-8357 ext 4.​
5. Fourth Sunday of The Month from 1 - 3 PM EST​
NEWTON, MA 02464​
Questions please call the parish 617-244-0558​
6. Fourth Thursday of The Month from 7 - 9 PM EST (Except in November and December when we meet on the third Thursday of the Month because of Thanksgiving and Christmas)​
St. Anthony of Padua Parish (Chapel) 250 Revere St Revere, MA 02151 ​
Questions please call the parish 781-289-1234​
The following prayers are recited at Every Meeting:​
1. The Rosary based on the Meditations of Padre Pio:​
Click here for meditations
The Five Joyful Mysteries are traditionally prayed on Mondays, Saturdays, and, during the season of Advent, on Sundays:​
1. The Annunciation 2. The Visitation 3. The Nativity 4. The Presentation in the Temple 5. The Finding in the Temple​
The Five Sorrowful Mysteries are traditionally prayed on Tuesdays, Fridays, and, during the season of Lent, on Sundays:​
1. The Agony in the Garden 2. The Scourging at the Pillar 3. The Crowning with Thorns 4. The Carrying of the Cross 5. The Crucifixion and Death​
The Five Glorious Mysteries are traditionally prayed on Wednesdays and, outside the seasons of Advent and Lent, on Sundays:​
1. The Resurrection 2. The Ascension 3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit 4. The Assumption 5. The Coronation of Mary​
The Five Luminous Mysteries are traditionally prayed on Thursdays:​
1. The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan 2. The Wedding Feast at Cana 3. Jesus' Proclamation of the Coming of the Kingdom of God 4. The Transfiguration 5. The Institution of the Eucharist​
YouTube - Glorious Mysteries​
YouTube - Joyful Mysteries​
YouTube - Sorrowful Mysteries​
YouTube - Luminous Mysteries​
Praying the Rosary - Familiarize yourself and/or your group with the prayers of the rosary.​
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.​
The Our Father
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen​
The Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.​
The Glory Be (The Doxology)
Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.​
The Hail Holy Queen (The Salve Regina)
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.​
Reciting The Rosary - You May Also Follow With YouTube Presentation Above:​
Make the Sign of the Cross.
Holding the Crucifix, say the Apostles' Creed.
On the first bead, say an Our Father.
Say one Hail Mary on each of the next three beads.
Say the Glory Be
For each of the five decades, announce the Mystery (perhaps followed by a brief reading from Scripture) then say the Our Father.
While fingering each of the ten beads of the decade, next say ten Hail Mary's while meditating on the Mystery. Then say a Glory Be.
(After finishing each decade, some say the following prayer requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of your mercy.)
After saying the five decades, say the Hail, Holy Queen, followed by this dialogue and prayer:​
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: O God, whose Only Begotten Son, by his life, Death, and Resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech thee, that while meditating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.​
Diagram On How To Recite The Rosary - See Below​
2. Chaplet of Divine Mercy​
Click here for the Chaplet
3. Prayer Before The Crucifix
Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, while before Thy face I humbly kneel and, with burning soul, pray and beseech Thee to fix deep in my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity; true contrition for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment.
While I contemplate, with great love and tender pity, Thy five most precious wounds, pondering over them within me and calling to mind the words which David, Thy prophet, said of Thee, my Jesus: They have pierced My hands and My feet, they have numbered all My bones." Amen.​
Then - The following may be recited - (Prayers for the Holy Father) -​
Our Father: ​
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.​
Hail Mary:​
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.​
Glory Be to the Father (Doxology)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.​
First Saturday Prayers: For those who observe the First Saturday of the month in honor of the Blessed Mother - the following prayers may be recited:​
1. First Saturday Devotional Prayers
Monthly Lessons: ​
Each month we discuss various topics of interest with the members of the prayer groups.
For September - below are the stories selected for the month:​
1. Litany of the Exaltation of The Holy Cross
2. Litany of St. Pio of Pietrelcina
3. Devotion to The Holy Cross of Jerusalem
4. Sermon on The Cross of Jesus Christ Is Precious and Life-Giving
5. Story about Padre Pio
Link to Prayer Group Page for more details - music - diagram on how to recite the rosary.
From: https://www.pamphletstoinspire.com/
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catholicartistsnyc · 5 years ago
Meet Nashville-based Artist Rae Hering
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RAE HERING is a Nashville, TN-based musician and songwriter. 
Official Website | Patreon
CATHOLIC ARTIST CONNECTION (CAC): Where are you from originally, and what brought you to Nashville?
RAE HERING (RH): I’m originally from Minneapolis, MN and moved to Nashville to study piano and composition at Belmont University. 
CAC: What do you see as your personal mission as a Catholic working in the arts?
RH: My mission as a Catholic working in the arts is to create what is true, good and beautiful. Sometimes a song is simply fun and lighthearted, sometimes a song explores self-discovery and growth and sometimes a song focuses in on imperfections and failings. I don’t think every song needs to spell out a moral or include a pretty bow to wrap up the “ideal” way of being. In fact, I think art is often more effective if you let the listener decide what to think.
While my primary genre isn’t Christian music I have to say that I recently released my first Christian-themed song! So, I’m now exploring what it means to be a singer/songwriter who sometimes writes explicitly about Christian Faith and sometimes writes about “just life,” as seen through the eyes of a Christian.
CAC: Where have you found support in the Church for your vocation as an artist?
RH: I have found tremendous support in being a part of the ecclesial movement Regnum Christi (RC). In fact, the Holy Spirit had a chance to move me to write my first Christian song, “Closer to Me,” because of my involvement in RC. I was asked to prepare five worship songs for our annual retreat and when I had worked up four I thought, “well, maybe I could write one?”
Before this moment I hadn’t been very open to the idea of writing Christian music, so I know that God was working on my heart here. I also believe that through the prayers of RC members and through my commitment to being an apostle through RC, God was able to use this simple moment to open me up to writing in this new way. 
CAC: Where have you found support among your fellow artists for your Catholic faith?
RH: There’s a group here in Nashville called Catholics United for the Arts. They aim to bring together Catholic artists for prayer, camaraderie and to help deepen our mission as Catholic artists. I was fortunate to be a part of their 40 Days for Life fundraiser this past year where they brought in Catholics speakers who work in various artistic fields to give down-to-earth, practical talks about being a person of faith in their artistic industries. These kinds of talks are so needed!
Also, Love Good is a wonderful Nashville-based movement that promotes and supports wholesome secular music. Their mission is to change the culture - to change how we perceive good art. What an awesome mission!
CAC: How can the Church be more welcoming to artists, and how can the artistic world be more welcoming to artists of faith?
RH: Just a thought: what if we didn’t put songs of faith in a box and separated them from secular music? Must we choose between being a Christian artist and a secular artist? These are thoughts I am currently working through and I don’t have the answers right now…
Thinking back to the time in my life where I stepped away from the Faith, there was nothing attractive to me about worship music; it felt totally un-relatable. This memory is what motivates me now as a practicing Catholic to create Christian-inspired music that IS relatable to someone like my former self. I’m not saying to do away with worship music because it is indeed a beautiful form of prayer. But I think there is a gap that needs to be filled here. Why is there such a chasm between Christian and secular music? Is there an in-between spot where we can sing about the Gospel in a way that is intriguing and not overbearing to people who may have lost their faith along the way? I think so.
CAC: Where in your city do you regularly find spiritual fulfillment?
RH: I’m a member of St. Edward parish. One of my favorite groups there is the Padre Pio Prayer Group. St. Pio is one of the saints who helped me come back to the Church and is so active in our world today if we just ask for his help! St. Pio, pray for us!
Also, as I mentioned above, I’m a member of Regnum Christi (RC). Like all apostolate movements, RC came from and is led by the Holy Spirit. In these movements God brings believers together through a common charism or style of living out our faith. The structure of these movements is often likened to early church communities where Christians gathered in small, organically-formed communities. I love RC because it strives to give each member the essential tools needed to live and grow as a Christian in union with the authority of the Catholic Church: prayer, formation, apostleship, accompaniment and community. It has truly been my launch pad as an apostle of Jesus Christ.
CAC: What is your daily spiritual practice? And if you have a spiritual director, how did you find that person? If you go on retreats, where do you like to go?
RH: Along with regular Mass, Adoration and Confession I meet with an RC spiritual director each month. I urge everyone to seek out a spiritual director - in my opinion, it’s the “secret sauce” to living out a spirit-filled life!
I attend an annual RC Spiritual Exercises Silent Retreat held at the Bethany Retreat Center in Dickson, TN. I HIGHLY recommend this retreat center. It’s run by the Dominican Sisters and let me tell you, Christ’s Peace is overflowing there! They host many retreats throughout the year so do see if you can visit!
What I’m honing in on in my spiritual practice lately is that daily prayer is the true battlefield. As a person who is always ready to get going on the next project or activity I have a tendency to justify why I don’t have time for personal prayer. In reality prayer is where I am able to allow God to work in my life. This is where He gives me all my good ideas! If I don’t show up for prayer I am turning away from my personal relationship with God. If I don’t show up for prayer Satan has already taken the upper hand on my heart. Prayer is a battlefield and is the true food of the soul.
CAC: What is your daily artistic practice?
RH: I find it’s helpful to get into creative mode first thing in the morning (well, after a cup of coffee, of course!) If I don’t do this I really diminish my chances of tapping into the “creative zone” because all the practicalities of the day start taking hold.
With that being said, I need practical days, too, where I intentionally DON’T try to write a song. If I have too many days where I allow myself to be primarily wrapped up in the creative process I end up with anxiety because I haven’t been keeping up with the more practical side of life.
CAC: Describe a recent day in which you were most completely living out your vocation as an artist.
RH: Playing house concerts is a great example of this! I’ve always felt that performing “completes the circle” as a songwriter because sharing the songs I write really is the whole point of writing them. My goal is to move others and be a witness to them through my music! House concerts have the added element of providing an environment where you are very up-close with the guests. You have an extra opportunity to bond and connect. As we know from our faith, relationship is at the heart of Christianity, so I am thankful for these house concert opportunities.
CAC: How do you afford housing as an artist?
RH: My husband and I were fortunate to be able to buy a house this past August! We were very motivated because we knew my sister-in-law needed a place to live so we decided to look for a house that would be suitable for all three of us. Living with my sister-in-law not only makes it easier to afford a better living condition but it is also such a blessing to be around family. 
CAC: How do you financially support yourself as an artist?
RH: All my income comes from music in one way or another. Many independent artists find that it’s smart to widen our income stream variety because each source is likely to provide smaller amounts. For me these things include:tips from livestream shows, merchandise sales, Patreon contributions, house concerts and tours, music lessons, royalties, streaming revenue and studio musician work.
A large chunk of my income comes from tips and donations. This can inspire both deep gratitude and, admittedly, frustration. If the donations are not coming in I can be tempted to de-value myself and my work. This is such a huge pitiful for us artists because we tend to center our identities around our talent and output. I have to remember that my value is in being a Child of God, not in the amount of money I make from my art. But I would be lying if I said this is not a constant battle!
CAC: What other practical resources would you recommend to a Catholic artist living in your city?
RH: If you are in the music industry check out the weekly meet up group Balanced Breakfast. Actually, there are BB groups that meet all around the world, so there may be one in your city. There is always a discussion topic of the day but I think the best part is simply meeting and connecting with other artists.
CAC: What are your top 3 pieces of advice for Catholic artists post-graduation?
RH: 1.) You are never too busy for prayer.
2.) Offer your talents up to God as a sacrifice on His altar, especially at every Mass you attend.
3.) Invite the Holy Spirit into your creative work regularly.
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Christmas Eve Night, 2016- St. Anthony and the Donkey Statue at the Franciscan Shrine of St. Anthony. 
My Shrine of Solitude- The Place of Miracles....An Angelic Voice In Jeopardy. 
Since my last post worked so well on trying to find a link of Padre Pio and Sunflowers [insert eye roll], I am for, who knows why, attempting to do this, again. As I said the first time, I don’t know how to do this site. Maybe this is not for asking, maybe people can’t help? I don’t know, but I’ve got to do something!  
I may appear pious and prayerful, but I am not. I am in a rush to try and just start Christmas shopping, make mass, get in Confessions, pray, to pray and pray for my beloved friend, for her health and conversion.With so little time, little sleep, wanting to give up, I can’t. And I know it’s all up to Jesus, but I have to pray, that’s all I can do. And I get mad because more problems happen that I suddenly don’t know about, I lash out at someone because I am trying to fix it and am exhausted, have gotten no where, so I have to go make amends, and back to the confessional I go. But this woman who means the world to so many in the world that was diaganosed out of the blue with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, on the day of historic terror- September 11. Or, as I will know call it, “The Day My World Went Purple (that’s the awareness color for pancreatic cancer).”. I did not know what a pancreas even was before I learned of her diagnosis, which came at the worst time, not that any time would be appropriate. But, I mean I was going through it, really, and a week before an ending that I thought would end torture (that was only just beginning, which I’ve had to separate from and give to Jesus for my friend, but ultimately for myself), is when I find out this woman, who was  my first co-worker in my first “real-world” job out of college, along with her sister. 
To make a long story short (as this isn’t on this topic and I tend to write lengthy these days that makes no sense as I’m up all night doing or praying, and not getting anywhere!), after getting a B.A. degree in Sociology, otherwise known as “pessimism”, but with a concern for the social welfare of others- to the extreme (blame Mitch Albom and Tuesday’s with Morrie, I wanted to be him, I wanted what he had, and I did get it, except a love of sports, ability to play piano, the ability to write like him and the ability to make a difference despite any efforts without going nuts), I naively, and perhaps even with pride, thought I would have people knocking on my door to offer me a position now that I had a degree. I had worked in politics in college, learned fundraising, campaign lingo, legislative initiatives, drafting various correspondence, etc., as that was what I originally was going to get into- I wanted to be an adopted Kennedy, only I don’t have the jaw line. And while our politics are not the same, while I am much more Catholic than I was at first, though always was an elephant due to our Governor at the time, but the job I was at never asked and I never told!  And truthfully, I was in the middle, happily like Switzerland. But, I pathetically thought with that experience, in a recession, unlike any we had ever faced, I would have to do nothing. And then, once Obama was elected, and the country was happy, and then the excitement wore off, I was still at home. Then came looking for a job, and looking. Then desperation and depression. Until, I finally, after almost 2 years stumbled upon what seemed perfect- an advocacy like job working with those with intellectual disabilities, running a department where I’d write funding plans and and speak up for benefits these individuals needed. NOPE! Not it. My first day on the job, along with 2 others,  was the first of a 6 week orientation where I met the Director of Nursing, who came in, took out a bowl, a Tupperware of cereal, and milk and ate her breakfast, as she had been on duty all night, while explaining that we had to have our Med Tech Certification since we would be working in the building with those with intellectual disabilities and be on an on-call rotation, so we needed it “just in case.” I thought she was absolutely insane- and I had just received a message on my phone about another job (when I had heard nothing for 2 years, and desperately needed to call these people back!). But, I stayed, and on about the 2nd or 3rd day of her training she took us to the building down the street, and introduced myself, the new residential coordinator and one of the young girls that would be working in the Day Program to this laid back, tall blonde, who was the Day Program Coordinator, whose name, was “Woody.” And again, I thought, I need to leave. But, that was a nickname...from childhood, as it turns out they were sisters, and the Day Program Coordinator was rather new herself. After the training, which I didn’t know I needed any of that and still am scarred from it, and cannot look at a grapefruit without thinking of an enema (don’t ask!), I got to work. My position was a coordinator that ran what one would think was easy- a department for those that had mild intellectual disabilities, could live on their own with mentor hours, or staff I supervised that gave a few hours a week to take one grocery shopping, running errands to keeping them occupied. Or, it also meant, children, those under 21, living at home in the care of their parents, who were still getting special education services at school. But, it wasn’t that simple. 10-15% of my time was writing funding plans which I loved! There were other issues, most staff was out on leave due to babies or family leave. But the clients, as mild as their intellectual disability was, all the more was their mental illness. I have a deep sympathy and empathy for anyone with a mood disorder and that is a cause I will advocate for, as I, too, have one. I started antidepressants that November, after waiting so long and arguing to not want to take them. I then needed anti-anxiety meds, and I’ve been on them ever since. The job was a nightmare, I saw horrors no one should see, or experience. And I had no choice but to quit. If it was not for the woman whose office was next door, I would never have made it through any day of the week. She had a grace about her. And the crazy sister, well, they both are crazy, but they were the most normal in a place that wasn’t operating things correctly. The Director of Nursing, because she knew what went on and with whom and what was right called the higher ups, always in another building out on their violations, and was wrongfully demoted and she left. I followed suit, but it took gusto to get out, because the guilt to leave the clients was the worst. They were a handful, in my department, they could have killed me with kindness, with heartache, with a sharp tongue to a shovel, but I loved them. And 2 weeks before I was to depart, giving 4 weeks as a supervisor, one had to be admitted to the psychiatric hospital and I requested to extend that 2 more weeks, to make sure that client that really wore me down, to drinking a bottle of vodka every night, was okay. It was granted, and she was okay. And I left, but not a week later I ended up in the hospital for my first suicide attempt.
It is NOT the job that did it, while yes it played a part, I was a depressed person. The idea of leaving to go sit at home and apply for jobs didn’t sit well with me, or the idea of another additional medication, as it made it seem like I failed everything. But you find out things quickly when moments like that happen, who cares and who doesn’t. Who are your friends, and who are not. When the world walked away, when there was not a soul in sight, it was my co-worker, turned friend, turned family, who plopped herself down and didn’t leave. Annoying as that was. It was her, that was there in my darkest, and not my only one, moment. And as if that wasn’t enough, after family a brutal, and mandatory, though I was an adult, meeting, when you have lovely and wonderful parents who just don’t get it, but promise a stress free home, no annoyances, and some rest, the day of discharge, your Mom finds out after a bunch of negative tests, that she does in fact have a very rare form, one that only 1% of the population gets, of Breast Cancer. So, while my Mom’s health is certainly important, all those promises- out the window. But, the ones to keep them, as well as care for my Mom, make sure she had answers on medicines after a mastectomy to anything she needed, while making sure I got out of the house for weekends away to the beach or “Girls’ Night” was my family- the two crazy sisters. And when I needed a primary doctor, my next door office co-worker turned beloved friend, convinced the most popular doctor to accept me when she could no longer take on new patients, it was who her and her sister went to, who we sadly are losing, as of 12/31 because while young and top-rated, it’s too much paperwork and too many rules on how a physician can treat a patient. And that was a project, I should have been able to fix, but I didn’t have time, not with my sick friend and praying and deaths to all these other disasters. My appointment was last Monday, and it was AWFUL. See, I’ve gone on too long, this is never going to work- but no one can describe this beautiful soul and everything she has been through. That’s not her story, not in the least. And pancreatic cancer, I’ve done the research, I’ve joined the groups and it’s awful. No advances, the statistics are crazy, the median survival rate for stage 4, well look that up, I can’t. And all she can get is chemo, because her cancer is on the tail, she cannot get something called a whipple, she cannot get radiation, she can just get chemo. And it’s already spread, to her kidneys, and lymph nodes (if that’s how you spell?) And that’s all I will say, as this wasn’t meant to be on here, but, you know, this is about St. Anthony and his miraculous intercession, so if someone is inclined, here is a link to a GoFundMe page for her medical expenses, that I am not responsible for making up, the credit belongs to someone else. And prayers always work, too. I’m maxed out, financially, not prayer wise, but God gives us all we need, so I have to give that worry up, too.   Until then, I will be getting healed and forgiving and seeking forgiveness as quickly as I can, from the code of one of the greatest mystics of our time. For more on the mystic, you’d have to read my first post, and if you do know the link on sunflowers and Padre Pio, please by all means, as that’s for another friend. 
But, the real meaning behind this post was because, years ago, after this work situation, after being a binge drinker and crashing into a table one night before a family wedding, my oldest cousin who was getting married for the 2nd time after having a baby with her now husband and having recovered from drug addiction. It was not that reason for what was going to be the cause of lots of complaining from judgmental and opinionated, maternal aunts, mostly just two, who I can only pray for, but that it was a bi-racial wedding. Which doesn’t make any sense, at all. I really had scared my parents. And it wasn’t just the wedding, my Mom was still dealing with cancer, well recovery now (Thanks to God!), with one more surgery to go. And I had no job. Our family goes way back with a walking saint, a prison chaplain, a minister to the homeless and one who has literally nothing- he gives everything away to others. When my Mom and her family met him, he was a seminarian, assigned to their family church across the street. So, he performs everything,from weddings, to baptisms of all the grandchildren. Now, its weddings of grandchildren and baptisms of great-grandchildren. The last thing he presided over for our family was this past June, my grandmothers funeral. But, he also helped those in our family in moments of crisis, an aunt (a judgmental one), the cousin whose wedding he presided and that night as he went to leave I knew I needed help, and he gave me his number. It took being drunk to call him and a couple weeks, but I did. And I owe him my life (side note: because I’ve been up all night, trying to type this and figure what to say, I just remember, he gave me his favorite prayer, because I’m such a worrier. I have it in my old wallet, as he will be a saint, but it was his favorite! And, I don’t recall what it was, but it was a St. Anthony one...I will have to go find it now to see, how odd, yet, not).
And who he has brought in it, including a woman, a convert who was an atheist who became pious, way more than a girl educated in the Catholic School Systems her whole life that took me randomly one day to a festival, a celebration honoring St. Anthony of Padua’s Feast Day, in which I went to humor her. But, my gosh I fell in love! And that became my new home, my sanctuary, my resting place. I love all the friars, I love the grounds and it is truly a place of miracles. You can’t belong to a shrine, but I go regularly, a two hour drive because it’s my church family. And I could go on about so many wonderful, miraculous things that happened. But, I can easily tell you my first miracle, it was hearing the voice of, what do you call it, a lector, music minister? Most churches have okay music, though I’ve found exceptional ones in the last few years! Exceptional! And it makes a big difference. If you’re in the states and go to Steubenville Conferences, the Franciscan University, how can one not appreciate Bob Rice, or Dr. Bob Rice, as he is known now? If the speaker list doesn’t entice you, his music will! But, at this place, there was the heavenly woman who stood up with a guitar and belted out songs...and I had never heard anything like it. And that is why I bothered returning. She’s more than that...her resume is remarkable. I think she can play anything! She teaches music, she is a dialect coach, she gets involved in producing plays, or the actors, to being in shows herself. I have a special name for her, which I won’t say, as everyone know’s that’s what I call her.  So, if someone did get on here, they couldn’t know it was me posting, as I don’t know if this is supposed to be out of the bag, or what. But, I bought her CD’s, and I finally had to look her up and I sent her an e-mail to let her know just how phenomenal she was. It’s funny how the world of computers work, nowadays we have to worry about cyber bullying, but when I was young and computers were first starting to get into people’s home, with dial-up, I met one of my dearest friends that way. I had a love for musical theatre from my Grandmother, who took me to my first live show, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, but had me watching classics when I was a toddler from My Fair Lady to Camelot. In middle school, while watching an Andrew Lloyd Weber Special, I fell head over heels for a UK singer, tracked him down as nothing was available in the states, joined a fan club, some mailing list that was too overwhelming to check and had to order everything overseas. Then one random day, I learn that very singer, the one whose head was imprinted on my pillow sheet, was coming to the states, and to my state and some woman got me in to the Public Television pledge thing, with the next day, this woman who was sending all these messages from the mailing list contacted me, an energetic woman from WA state who held get togethers in NYC every year for American fans, but come to find out she was my grandmothers age! But, it didn’t matter, because she loved what I did, and we began to e-mail multiple times a day and would mail each other playbills and when she got the chance she’d call on a special Sunday she was headed to Seattle to see a how (when cell phones costs extra to call half way across the country). She became one of my best friends. And my parents, as skeptical as they are, were in complete agreement to go to the gathering that following August in NYC, along with my grandmother, to celebrate our favorite singer, see shows, meet up with actors she supported-particularly one young man who I still support to this day in her honor and because he has talent and be friends, be present to one another in person. And the years that followed. Until she passed away, Valentine’s Day, 2005- which was fitting, as if anyone departed on a day of love, it would have been her. I took it not so well, didn’t listen to anything, didn’t want to see shows at the theatre, etc., until the angelic voice at the friary. She brought back the gift of music, and now look, as you’ll see post above (which that is much shorter than this turned out, so answer if you have a slight clue where to find the info, please!), while I’m no singer, or I don’t play a guitar, I now have another friend who wrote a musical that is brilliant, I’m helping as best I can to promote and market that and she is the one I knew to go to for direction on anything! And, I pledge a loyalty to this amazing talent, to do whatever I  can, though I don’t know yet what that is, as so much is being dumped on...and yes, selfishly, I need her music, especially now, too. 
Things change, I get that. Friars leave on new assignments, but some you cannot part with. One friar, I keep track of, though he doesn’t communicate through e-mail or computer and he is serving in a Spanish parish. We called him Padre Pio II. But he always has a place in my heart. And, this summer, a blow came when the Director, who as long as I’ve known about the friary, has been there, announced a big promotion- meaning he was leaving his post, though his new residence was just down the street, he’d be traveling. And that was hard to swallow, but I did. And he’s come back, and I keep tabs on where he’s at. A new director came in, and I grew to like him, was impressed by him, then went to a seminar, mini-retreat and did not like him, did not like his answers and refused to return. But I apologized, I did a Holy Hour and I did my best to make amends as he does do things that seem special, even humble. And I misunderstood the message, especially at the time I’m going through, it was not the time to go to such a lecture/teaching when you have a sick friend. And he was off the list, but in finally getting to this angelic voice and e-mailing her as she should be out there more, she’s super talented! I casually said something about her meeting with the new director and sarcastically said I hope this doesn’t mean you’re cut back any...but she is going to be. In a tiny chapel, this director, who has already brought changes that I don’t know if people do or do not like, depends on if they are a “regular” or a “pilgrim,” he wants to fit in an organ and a choir because it’s his dream. The faithful friar is young, and has well-meaning wishes, ambitious and wonderful ideas, tremendous devotions and even more than that to offer. But, if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. And if it is his dream, not the dream of the others who buy her records in the gift shop, who cry at the staple song she sings on Good Friday, to thanking her after a mass she’s played at- how can he be shepherding a flock through his dream, and not through the message of the faithful Franciscan, St. Anthony?  This is someone who gives hope and peace, plus comfort, not to mention stories of Jesus from her own written songs to those who flock to the sacred shrine. This is more than just my first miracle of the shrine, this is the friary experience!
I am not sure on miracles today, I’m doubting Thomas, I’m the lost sheep, I’m the Prodigal son. But, I know this beloved shrine is in part beloved because of this woman’s music, and her heart. And in somehow trying to think how to link all this together, actually I believe I can, all of it, even the story on my sick friend. A homily I will never forget happened on one feast day celebration for St. Anthony, by my dear friar now somewhere else, who I said we called Padre Pio II. In saying, the importance of St. Anthony and what he meant, he told those in the church that whenever a problem arose, “Go to Anthony.” Because in his work, he was not just a Franciscan, teacher, preacher but he became a saint for the lost, a saint of miracles because of companionship. In each story I told, I found companionship, different places, at different times, always in a time of need. St. Anthony, as Padre Pio II said that day, and I’m butchering it, told us we should imagine what it is like to be the great pain, in tremendous suffering, to be at our loneliest and when we did to remember St. Anthony, because he was the ultimate companion, and always, no matter what the problem to remember to “Go to Anthony.”
If, you could pray for a miracle, to St. Anthony, or St. Francis of Assisi, or St. Cecelia (patron of musicians, arts, etc.), please do so, if you have a love of either 3, or for any saint you do have a love for, especially one that is also Franciscan- St. Therese, St. Claire (she’s the patron of TV, and gosh, that’s where this woman needs to be!), to my other saint who I send my guardian angel up to every day lately, Padre Pio. If you wish to support the work of this phenomenal woman, I am anonymous, and you came across her, and you can order a CD, or other product through her website.
If, I don’t know how this will work, but I just gave her website, so you can now tell what St. Anthony’s Shrine is being referred, but if this site works as intended, and I’m relying on St. Anthony and the Holy Spirit. So, with faith, with faith this long message is read, if anyone wishes to write a note, without mentioning the woman who’s site I linked, or that this plan is happening, this post, etc. Well, if you write it, I imagine you know what to do, but it would be addressed to The Shrine of Saint Anthony, c/o Director of the Shrine (you can look up as I can’t put name, first page of website, but don’t use email, that goes to office staff), address (bottom of the page). 
She’s too important to lose...no organ or choir, or fancy thing can replace the love of music, ministry and faith she has in heart. 
“The wisdom of God is reflected in the face of the soul: she will see God as he is, and she will know as she is known.”~St. Anthony of Padua, from Sermons of Saint Anthony of Padua
I know it’s Advent, and she does have a GREAT Christmas CD, Come to the Stable, but as in the post above, this Good Friday classic, Eyes, gets everyone every time- which is also available through website, on the CD, Love Makes Room. Or, at the very least, though not updated (but I’m trying to help with that when I get the time, hopefully, after Christmas!), subscribe to her YouTube channel! God Bless all who read this!
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mattchase82 · 4 years ago
The following letter and response were taken from New Covenant, a monthly magazine which caters to those active in the Catholic and Protestant Pentecostal or Charismatic movements.
"Q: Someone recently attended our prayer meeting and spoke out as a prophecy a word glorifying Satan. He could not be quieted and most of the people attending the meeting were quite upset. What can we do when this type of situation arises?"
"A: It seems that some kind of evil spirit was attempting to disrupt the prayer meeting. Many prayer groups have had similar occurrences. The group's leaders should do everything possible to comfort and reassure the other members of the group. One of the leaders should publicly explain what has happened and encourage the people not to be fearful or upset. It is especially important if there are newcomers in the group to let them know that these occurrences are not the norm."
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He taught them the Our Father. Simple. Not an emotional, energy-packed experience. Not a "gift" which some people receive, while others do not (i.e. praying in "tongues"), but rather a simple prayer which any man, woman or child can say.
The lives of the Saints clearly reinforce this truth. Their methods of prayer did not resemble sporadic outbreaks in unknown, indecipherable tongues. They became Saints on the traditional prayers of the Church: the Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, etc., and of course the constant raising of their hearts in gratitude to God. How many countless Saints have exalted the Rosary? One never hears of satanic occurrences described in the letter above happening in rosary prayer groups.
The Pentecostal Church began in Topeka, Kansas, in 1900. It is a Protestant movement which has splintered into at least 16 different groups because of dissension and disagreement on how to interpret the Bible. This movement is nothing more than the work of the Evil One. Some of the more outstanding difficulties with "Catholic" Pentecostalism are as follows:
1. The Charismatic movement magnifies the Holy Spirit. The Bible magnifies Christ. John 16:13-14: "But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things are to come, he shall show you. He shall glorify me, because he shall receive of mine and shall show it to you."
2. The Charismatic movement says that speaking in tongues is a sign that you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that it was a sign to unbelieving Jews. I Cor. 14:22: "Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to believers, but to unbelievers, but prophecies not to unbelievers, but to believers."
3. The Charismatic movement says that it is all right for women to speak in tongues in the church. The Bible says that women are to keep silent in the church. I Cor. 14:34: "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith."
4. The Charismatic movement places great emphasis on "bodily healing" and tells people that "God is not wanting anybody to be sick", but they have not Scripture to show us where God ever said that. Many of them scoff and sneer at such passages. II Cor. 12:7-9: "And lest the greatness of the revelations should exalt me, there was given me a sting of my flesh, an angel of Satan, to buffet me. For which thrice I besought the Lord, that it might depart from me. And He said to me: 'My grace is sufficient for thee; for power is made perfect in infirmities, that the power of Christ might dwell in me.'"
5. The entire movement is founded on a sin against Faith.
There are three ex cathedra dogmatic pronouncements (infallibly revealed truths through God that can never be changed or revoked) teaching that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. The most striking of those pronouncements reads:
"The most Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that none of those existing outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics, can have a share in life eternal; but that they will go into the eternal fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless before death they are joined with Her; and that so important is the unity of this ecclesiastical body that only those remaining within this unity can profit by the sacraments of the Church unto salvation, and they alone can receive an eternal recompense for their fasts, their almsgivings, their other works of Christian piety and the duties of a Christian soldier. No one, let his almsgiving be as great as it may, no one, even if he pour out his blood for the Name of Christ, can be saved, unless he remain within the bosom and the unity of the Catholic Church." (Pope Eugene IV, the Bull Cantate Domino, 1441.)
In perfect continuity with these infallible teachings, traditional Catholic Moral theology, here summarized by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, S.T.D., holds that "A Catholic sins against Faith by taking part in non-Catholic worship, because he thus professes belief in a religion he knows to be false."
Yet by the admission of Catholic Charismatic pioneer, Kevin Ranaghan, the movement began with Catholics performing the grotesque ritual of seeking a spiritual blood transfusion from the dead corpse of Protestantism, and proclaiming that God "filled them to overflowing with the spirit" for doing so. Such collaborating and "seeking the holiness of the Holy Spirit" from anathematized heretics cannot be a religious movement truly of God.
Pope Pius XI further castigated interfaith projects in his Encyclical Mortalium Animos on fostering true religious unity, stating, "...It is clear why this Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics. There is only one way in which the unity of Christians may be fostered, and that is by furthering their return to the one true Church of Christ for those who are separated from Her."
What has been the result of the Protestant revolt which began in the 16th century?
An article in the U.S. News & World Report of March 1991 stated that as of 1985, the number of denominations surpassed 22,000 with an average of five new ones being organized each week. The Baptists, founded in 1600, have 27 or more different groups; the Lutherans, founded in 1517, have 20 or more groups; the Methodists, founded in 1739, have at least 19 divisions; the Christian Church established in 1809 has split into three groups. Why are there so many different Protestant sects which claim to be founded on the Bible and the Bible alone? Let us listen to St. Alphonsus Mary Liguori: "Innovators say that the Lord gives each of the faithful a clear knowledge of Scripture. Behold, the 'private interpretation' of the heretics which has produced such a variety of creeds! Hence, after all the Congresses and Synods they have held, they have never been able to draw up a formula of uniform belief; hence, everyone knows that among the Reformers there are as many formulas of faith as there are individuals. This alone is sufficient to show that they are in error and do not have the true faith. God arranged that the true faith would be preserved in the Roman Church alone, so that, there being but one Church, there would be but one faith and one doctrine for all the faithful."
Even Martin Luther, the originator of Protestantism and instigator of the idea of private interpretation of the Bible, admitted that: "There are almost as many sects and beliefs as there are heads."
If one wants to acquire a great love and enthusiasm for the Catholic Faith and a knowledge of how to live a good Christian life, then he ought to read the lives of the saints. After Sacred Scripture and what may be described as normal teaching of the Church, probably nothing has been more conducive to the promotion of holiness throughout the ages than the recorded memorials of the saints. One of the greatest proofs that the Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the great saints and holy persons that He has raised up in His Church in every century since Our Lord was here on earth. The gift of miracles has never ceased to show its presence in the Catholic Church. Let us consider a few of the saints that Almighty God has given this gift of working tremendous miracles.
First and foremost is His Blessed Mother. Consider the great miracle of Lourdes where Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette in 1858. Thousands of miraculous cures have occurred there for over a century. Hollywood even made a movie of this great event called The Song of Bernadette. The great public miracle of Fatima in 1917, witnessed by over 70,000 people, is another tremendous testimony to Our Blessed Mother's great intercessory power with her Divine Son. But even more important than the healing miracles of the body, are the great conversions that have happened at these shrines of Our Lady.
In this century we have Padre Pio, a Capuchin Monk, who had the stigmata of Christ's wounds for 50 years before his death in 1968. He was known far and wide for the many tremendous miracles that God worked through him during most all of his long life of 81 years.
Blessed Andre, a humble brother from Montreal, Canada, was another great miracle worker in this century. St. John Vianney, St. Anthony Mary Claret and St. John Bosco are three of the great miracle workers of the 19th century. St. Paul of the Cross, St. Alphonsus Mary Liguori and St. Leonard of Port Maurice of the 18th century; St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Peter Claver and St. Martin de Porres in the 17th century; St. Francis Xavier, St. Theresa of Avila and St. Louis Bertrand of the 16th century; St. Vincent Ferrer, who lived in the 14th and 15th century worked some 40,000 miracles including the raising of at least 28 persons from the dead and converting some 200,000 souls to the one true Church, including 25,000 Jews and 8,000 Moors. St. Patrick worked tremendous miracles in converting all of Ireland from a pagan nation to a Catholic country. He raised over 30 people from the dead - many of whom had been dead for years. St. Francis Xavier, as a missionary to the Indies, converted over a million people to the Catholic Faith. Almighty God confirmed his work by the many miracles He wrought through him, including many resurrection miracles.
The working of miracles is proof as we know from the very texts of the Gospel which promises that power to the saints - both of the sanctity of the worker and of the truth of the doctrines which he promotes. "If you will not believe Me", said Our Lord to the Jews, "believe the works that I do." (John 10:38)
The lives of all of these saints are readily available to all who want to read and be edified by them, but sad to say, most Catholics are not familiar with them due to negligence.
For those outside of the Catholic Church, let this paper be an eye-opener for you to investigate the doctrinal teaching of the Roman Catholic Church that "outside of the Catholic Church, there is no salvation". So many souls are lost because of ignorance. God wants all men to be saved. He tells us so in the Holy Bible, that He enlightens every man that cometh into the world. He provides us with all the means most proper for us to be saved. Ignorance of the means of salvation is sinful because it is due to slothful negligence. "And they did not understand until the flood came and swept them away." (Matt. 24:39)
This paper is distributed in Charity for the greater honor and glory of Our Dear Savior and the salvation of souls.
The following four booklets are recommended for Catholics and non-Catholics alike to better understand and believe what the Church teaches: The One True Church; The Church Or The Bible; The Catholic Church Proved By The Protestant Bible and This Is The Faith.
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anastpaul · 7 years ago
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Saint of the Day – 23 September – St Pio of Pietrelcina O.F.M.Cap. – Priest, Religious Friar, Stigmatist, Mystic, Confessor.  Born Francesco Forgione, he was given the name of Pius (Italian: Pio) when he joined the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.  (25 May 1887 at Pietrelcina, Benevento, Italy – 23 September 1968 in San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy of natural causes).  Beatified 2 May 1999 and Canonised on 16 June 2002 by Pope John Paul II at Rome, Italy.   Patronages – Civil defense volunteers, Adolescents, Pietrelcina, Stress relief, Italy and Malta.   Attributes  – Stigmata, Capuchin habit.  His incorrupt relics lie at his home in San Giovanni Rotondo.
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Francesco was born to Mamma Peppa and Grazio Forgione in the little town called Pietrelcina, in Southern Italy, during the month of flowers, 25 May 1887.   He was fifth of eight children.   His Mamma Peppa confided he was different from other boys:  “he was never impolite or misbehaved”.   He had celestial visions and diabolical oppressions from the age of five years and he saw and spoke with Jesus and Our Lady and with his Guardian Angel but unfortunately this heavenly life was interwoven with hell and with the devil.
In 1903, discipline and ill health had been woven together to crown the youth of Pio. Doctors diagnosed him as consumptive and were sure he would die.   Strong in spirit Pio received the Capuchin Franciscan garb initialling religious life and therefore;  Novitiate twith its intense study, prayer, austerity, penance and finally vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
In 1909, St Pio is back at home at Pietrelcina because of his illness, at his mother’s side.   Now another intense chapter of extraordinary life opens with mystical afflictions an invisible stigmata and terrible battles with devils that wanted to destroy him began.   Yet, “It all happened here”, he said, his whole future was prepared here.   On August 10, 1910, he was ordained a Priest in the Cathedral of Benevento.
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In 1916 in the church of San Giovanni Rotondo, soon to become his Jerusalem, with the mystical and historical calvary of Gargano, where he was soon recognised as the “saintly friar” by the locals.   Here he became a “victim of love”, by the reparation for sin, of the many crowds who flocked to him, to venerate his bleeding wounds of his hands and feet. This very important event occurred in Father Pio’s life on 20 September 1918, while he was praying in front of a Crucifix located in the choir in the little old church, when a strange personage like an angel, gave him the stigmata.   Those stigmata have been remained opened and bleeding for fifty years.   This was one of the reasons for which doctors, scientists, journalists and common people have gone to San Giovanni Rotondo for years, in order to meet the “Saintly friar “.
In a letter dated 22 October 1918, Padre Pio told his experience of crucifixion:  “… What I can tell you about my crucifixion?   My God!   What a confusion and what humiliation I feel when I try to show somebody else what you have done in me, your unworthy creature!   It was the morning of the 20th. (September) and I was in choir, after the celebration of the Holy Mass, when a rest, similar to a sweet sleep surprised me.   All the inside and external senses, as well as the same faculties of the soul were in an indescribable quiet.   There was a deep silence around me and inside me;  a peace overcame me and then it all happened in a flash I felt abandonment with the complete loss of all senses.   While all this was taking place, I saw before me a mysterious appearance, similar to the one I had seen on 5 August, differing only because His hands, feet and side were dripping blood.   The sight of Him frightened me:  what I felt at that moment is indescribable.   I thought I would die and would have died if the Lord hadn’t intervened and strengthened my heart, which was about to burst out of my chest!  The appearance disappeared and I became aware that my hands, feet and side were pierced and were dripping with blood.   You can imagine the torment that I experienced then and that I am almost experiencing every day.   The wound of the heart assiduously bleeds, particularly from the evening of Thursday until Saturday.   My God, I die of pain, torment and confusion that I feel in the intimate of the soul.   I am afraid I’ll bleed to death!   I hope that God listens to my moans and withdraws this humiliation from me… “
He usually woke up in the early morning (we could say at night) in order to get himself ready for the Holy Mass.   In fact, every morning, at 4 a.m. there were always hundreds and sometimes even a thousand people waiting for the door of the church to open.   After the Mass he used to spend most time of his day in prayer and confessions.   After fifty years of stigmata he died 23 September 1968, thus he closed his mission of the Heart’s desire, with the real cross and the real crucifixion of his body.
From every part of the world, the believers went to this stigmatised priest, to get his powerful intercession from God.   Fifty years he lived in the prayer, in the humility, in the suffering and in the sacrifice of the cross, he lived his love.  Padre Pio had two initiatives in two directions:   the vertical one toward God, with the constitution of the “Groups of prayer”, the horizontal one toward his suffering community, with the construction of a modern hospital: “House Relief of the Suffering.”
In September 1968, thousands of devotees and Padre Pio’s spiritual children were assembled in conference at St Giovanni Rotondo to commemorate together the 50 anniversary of the stigmata and to celebrate the fourth international conference of the Prayer Groups.   Nobody would have imagined that at 2:30 a.m., 23 September, 1968 we the earthly life of Father Pio of Pietrelcina would end.
Focusing too much on Padre Pio’s marvels and mystical phenomena gives the false impression that he led an abnormal life, more angelic than human.   While he opened our eyes to heavenly realities, he kept his feet firmly planted on the earth, enduring and enjoying ordinary things, as other human beings did.   Today we mainly imagine him as a wonder-working stigmatic with miracles flowing from his wounded hands.   But the people who knew him, while they appreciated his marvels, loved him more for his earthiness, his compassion, his gentleness, his humour and his common sense.   For instance, when he was asked his opinion of a thief who had stolen valuable gems from a church’s painting of the Virgin, he responded, “What do you want me to say? That poor young man was probably hungry and went to Our Lady to say: ‘Of what use are these jewels to you?’   And probably Our Lady gave them to him.   Silly him to get caught with the goods in his pocket.”
Padre Pio embraced his own great suffering as his personal share in the suffering of Christ.   But he could not endure the suffering of others.   Hundreds came to Our Lady of Grace hoping for a healing and he knew that only some of them would receive a miraculous cure.   His compassion for the many who would not be healed led him to work for the establishment of a world-class hospital at San Giovanni Rotondo that would serve the poor.   From the outset he planned to name it “House for the Relief of Suffering.”
Padre Pio worked against all odds to achieve his goal of creating a medical center.  He faced obstacles that would have deflated the enthusiasm of lesser men.   How does a monk vowed to poverty build a hospital without any money in an impoverished town situated on an inaccessible mountain?   Padre Pio did it by faith and with a small army of friends.   His associates helped him raise money, design and construct the buildings and assemble a top-shelf medical staff.   When the House for the Relief of Suffering opened in 1956, many observers believed it could not survive because of its location on a desolate mountain.   However, Padre Pio believed otherwise.   When he inaugurated the first building, he said, “Now House for the Relief of Suffering is a small seed,but it will become a mighty oak, a hospital that is a small city and a center for clinical studies of international importance.”   That prophecy has come true. Today the hospital is a thriving centre whose expanding complex resembles a little city.
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Padre Pio’s practical compassion and entrepreneurial genius defy those who might be tempted to dismiss him as a medieval weirdo.  Instead he stands for all as a modern icon of God’s inexhaustible love for human beings and his determination to rescue us at all costs.
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(via AnaStpaul – Breathing Catholic)
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting - November 10, 2020
Click on You Tube page to follow prayers. or click below:
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years ago
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Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting - For July - Honoring The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ:
Password:  8m=bGq^0
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years ago
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We will host our first Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting on line - Limited to 75 Individuals.
Pamphlets To Inspire is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting on Zoom Time: May 27, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86030111139?pwd=UGxSL01MaHU2WlZxWElWR2l4MVFDQT09
Meeting ID: 860 3011 1139 Password: 767116 One tap mobile +13017158592,,86030111139#,,1#,767116# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,86030111139#,,1#,767116# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 860 3011 1139 Password: 767116 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kqrhQJ4iC
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pamphletstoinspire · 3 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting For September 23, 2021
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting For December 22, 2020
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting On February 23, 2021
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting - October 27, 2020
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
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Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting For September 22, 2020
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
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Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting for October 13, 2020 (Active for up to 72 hours)
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting For November 24, 2020
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years ago
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Padre Pio Prayer Group Meeting Honoring The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Our First Endeavor - Setup takes about a minute - Thank You for your patience.
Password: 5X!=f9DC
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