#padmanabhaswamy temple
omgindiablog · 7 months
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Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala: The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple, dedicated to Vishnu, in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the 108 Divya Desams, the sacred abodes of Vishnu in the Sri Vaishnava tradition. It is widely considered as the world's richest Hindu temple. Wikipedia
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Kerala Mytho series :-
2) Kanjirottu Yakshi
Sreedevi or Chiruthevi was a courtesan who had as her clients the high and the mighty, and who enjoyed toying with the lives of her many admirers and driving them to financial ruin. However, she fell in love with Kunjuraman, her palanquin-bearer, who would carry both her and her brother Govindan around on his back. However, Kunjuraman was already married and did not reciprocate Chiruthevi's feelings. On the other hand, Govindan and Kunjuraman were very close, with some versions of the tale claiming that the two were lovers.
Frustrated by Kunjuraman's romantic indifference towards her, Chiruthevi arranged for Kunjuraman's wife to be killed. When Govindan found out that his sister was behind the plot, he told Kunjuraman, who agreed to sleep with Chiruthevi. While they were in bed, Kunjuraman strangled Chiruthevi in order to avenge the murder of his wife.
Yakshi on the loose
Chiruthevi was reborn as a yakshi to a couple in Kanjirottu. She magically transformed into a bewitchingly beautiful woman moments after her birth. As a yakshi, she proceeded to seduce and terrorize men and drink their blood, never forgetting to harass the still-living Kunjuraman, whom she still desired.
The Divine Deal
To help Kunjuraman, Govindan, who was also a great upasaka of Lord Balarama, made a deal with the yakshi whereby she could cohabit with Kunjuraman for a year, after which she was to become a devotee of Narasimha. The other conditions of this deal were that she must agree to be installed at a temple after the year was up, and that she must pray for Govindan and his relationship with Kunjuraman in this birth and all subsequent ones. The yakshi swore on 'ponnum vilakkum' in agreement, and after the year was up, she was installed at the Kanjiracottu Valiaveedu Temple which was destroyed many years later.
The Divine Goddess
A year after her deal with Govindan, the yakshi was installed at a Temple which later came to be owned by Kanjiracottu Valiaveedu. The members of Valiaveedu started worshipping this Yakshi besides their Guardian Deities, Lord Ramanuja (Sri Krishna accompanied by Sri Rukmini) and Lord Balarama. Devotees used to offer Pongala to Yakshi Amma on Pooram in the month of Meenom and on the first Fridays in every Malayalam month except Meenom. The Temple no longer exists.
The Guardian of the Mystery Vault
After becoming a devotee of Narasimha, the Yakshi is now believed to reside in Vault (or 'Kallara' in Malayalam) B of the ancient Sri Padmanabhaswamy References to the temple have appeared in literature dating back to the Sangam era, though nobody is certain of when it was constructed. It is currently managed by the royal family of Travancore. Vault B is one of six vaults of the temple, five of which were opened.  However, Vault B remains unopened due to ongoing legal issues, as well as the legend that suggests that while even bigger treasures lie within the vault, any attempt to open it would stir up the Kanjirottu Yakshi, interrupting her prayers to Lord Narasimha and unleashing her evil upon the world. As Princess Ashwathi Tirunaal Gouri Bayi observes, "Disturbing her peace would be a disaster especially if her current quiet temperament reverts to the menacing nature that was once hers."The enchanting and ferocious forms of this Yakshi are painted on the south-west part of Sri Padmanabha's shrine.
*Yes , guys . We worship Yakshi as a Goddess/ Mother Goddess
I just love Padmanabhaswamy temples especially the B-Vault mystery. *
I am also planning to Start a series of Kerala Ghost stories. Which is literally creepy.
Anyways, if you like this series , do comment your opinion. Or any doubts regarding Any mythology related to Kerala. I know Kerala has this , dark cult worships because Kerala is literally a 'Tantric state' , all the Temples here follow Tantric style of worship, which is soo cool to see .
So , Will come back with another interesting Kerala Mystical / mythological stories..
To be Continued...
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kiarawbstrs · 1 year
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news1latest · 2 months
Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple: A Treasure Trove of Spiritual Riches
Nestled in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a remarkable blend of divine spirituality and opulent history. This ancient temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, stands as a testament to India’s rich cultural and religious heritage, drawing devotees and historians alike to its hallowed grounds.
A Historical Gem
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The origins of Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple date back to the 8th century, though the current structure reflects the architectural genius of the Dravidian style. The temple's sanctum sanctorum houses the idol of Lord Vishnu in the Anantha Shayanam posture, reclining on the serpent Ananta. This grand idol, adorned with gold and precious stones, is a mesmerizing sight that embodies divine tranquility and majesty.
The temple complex itself is an architectural marvel, with towering gopurams (entrance towers), intricately carved pillars, and detailed murals depicting scenes from Hindu epics. The exquisite craftsmanship is a testament to the skill of ancient artisans, preserving the cultural essence of the region.
The Hidden Treasures
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One of the most intriguing aspects of Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the discovery of its hidden treasures. In 2011, a series of underground vaults were unearthed, revealing an astonishing hoard of gold, silver, precious stones, and artifacts estimated to be worth billions. These vaults, labeled A to F, have captivated the world’s attention, symbolizing both material wealth and the temple's historical significance.
Vaults A, C, D, and E have been opened, uncovering a vast array of treasures including gold coins, golden idols, and priceless jewels. However, Vault B remains sealed, wrapped in mystery and tradition. Legend has it that opening this vault without performing the proper rituals could unleash misfortune, adding an aura of mystique and reverence to its contents.
Spiritual Significance and Devotion
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Beyond its material riches, Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a profound center of spiritual devotion. The temple follows strict rituals and customs, preserving ancient practices that have been upheld for centuries. Daily poojas (worship ceremonies) and annual festivals like the Alpashy and Panguni festivals attract thousands of devotees seeking the blessings of Lord Padmanabha.
The temple's rituals are meticulously performed by dedicated priests, ensuring the sanctity of every ceremony. The Travancore royal family, traditional custodians of the temple, continue to play a significant role in its administration, upholding a legacy of devotion and service.
Preserving a Sacred Legacy
As Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple navigates the challenges of modernity, efforts are underway to preserve its sacred and historical essence. Conservation projects aim to protect the temple’s architectural splendor, while sustainability initiatives ensure the surrounding environment is safeguarded. Enhanced security measures have been implemented to protect the temple’s invaluable treasures, and educational programs are raising awareness about its cultural and religious significance.
Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a beacon of spiritual and historical richness, where divine devotion meets opulent history. Its hidden treasures and architectural grandeur continue to captivate and inspire, while its spiritual practices offer solace and enlightenment. As a treasure trove of spiritual riches, the temple invites all who visit to experience its timeless legacy and the profound blessings of Lord Vishnu.
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indian-eagle · 4 months
Explore the intriguing mystery behind the unopened Padmanabhaswamy temple doors Read on to know more about the secrets of Vault B at this temple
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praveenmohantelugu · 1 year
పద్మనాభ స్వామి ఆలయంలో అధికారులు తెరిచినా కొన్ని రహస్య ఖజానాలు!
Hey guys, ఈ రోజు, ఈ వీడియోలో, పురాతన technologyలో ఉన్న కొన్ని వింత సమాచారాన్ని నేను డీకోడ్ చేయబోతున్నాను, భారతదేశంలో ఉన్న, చాలా పురాతన ఆలయాల నుండి, నేను ఈ డేటాను, చాలా సంవత్సరాలుగా, పరిశోధించి సేకరించాను. సరే, ఈ శిల్పాన్ని చూద్దాం: ఇందులో మీకు ఏం కనిపిస్తుంది. చాలా అద్భుతంగా అల్లుకొని ఉన్న ఈ రెండు పాములు, ఒక పురుషునికి మరియు స్త్రీకి ఉన్న శక్తి యొక్క, ఆధ్యాత్మిక అనుబంధాన్ని సృష్టించే విధంగా ఉంది. అంతే కదా? ఇప్పుడు, ఈ చెక్కడాన్ని చూడండి, ఇది కూడా, మనం వివరించలేని ఒక ఆధ్యాత్మికత చిహ్నంలాగ ఉంది. దీని అర్థం ఏంటీ? పురాతన ఆలయాలలో దీనిని ఎందుకు చెక్కారు? పురాతన నిర్మాణ దారులు, ఈ శిల్పాలను కేవలం మతపరమైన లేదా ఆధ్యాత్మిక కారణాల కోసం సృష్టించారా, లేదా ఆచరణాత్మక, శాస్త్రీయ ప్రయోజనం కోసం వాటిని చెక్కారా? మనం ఈ సమాచారాన్ని మళ్లీ సృష్టిస్తే ఏం జరుగుతుంది?So, నేను కొంతమంది వాలంటీర్ల సహాయంతో, ఈ శిల్పాలలో ఉన్నదాన్ని తిరిగి సృష్టించడం ప్రారంభించాను.
So, ఈ చెక్కడంలో చూపించిన విధంగా, నేను ఈ 2 తీగలను తీసుకొని, వాటిని సరిగ్గా ఉంచాను, ఆపై ఈ రెండు చివరలను లాగాను. ఇక్కడ ఏం జరిగిందో చూడండి. దీన్ని Englishలో square knot లేదా reef knot అని అంటారు. Knot అంటే ముడి అని అర్ధం. ok ఇప్పుడు ఇది ముడి పడింది. ఇక్కడ చూడండి, ముడి వేసిన తరువాత, అది ఎలా ఉంటుందని, ఇదే ఆలయంలోని, పక్కన ఉన్న స్తంభంలో కూడా చెక్కారు. ఇక్కడ, మరింత విచిత్రమైన విషయం ఏంటంటే, ఈ ముడులను ఎలా వేయాలని, ప్రారంభం నుండి ముగింపు వరకు మాత్రమే కాకుండా, ఈ ముడిని ఎలా తయారు చేయాలనీ, దశల దశలుగా, చూపించే శిల్పాలను కూడా మనం ఇక్కడ చూస్తున్నాము. మీరు ఇప్పుడు చూస్తున్నది ఏంటంటే, ఈ స్క్వేర్ లేదా రీఫ్ నాట్‌ను ఎలా కట్టాలని, చూపించే పురాతన చెక్కడాలు. ఈ రోజుల్లో మనం, ఒక టై కట్టాలి లేదా ముడి వేయాలంటే, మనం దాన్ని గూగుల్ చేసి చూస్తాము, అందులో 4 stagesని మనకు చూపిస్తారు. భారతదేశంలో ఉన్న పురాతన నిర్మాణ దారులు, ఈ పనినే రాతిలో చేసారు.
ఈ తీగలను ఒకదానికొకటి ఎలా ముడి వేయాలని, మరియు వాటిని పట్టుకొని ఎలా లాగాలని, అనేక దశలు ఇక్కడ చూపించారు. వీటన్నిటిని, ఒక్కొక్కటిగా స్తంభాలలో చెక్కారు. Ok ఇప్పుడు, తిరిగి ఈ చెక్కడానికి వెళ్దాం. ఇవి రెండు మాయ నాగాలు, ఇవి ఒకదానికొకటి పెనవేసుకొని, పురుష మరియు స్త్రీ యొక్క శక్తిని సృష్టిస్తున్నాయని ప్రారంబిలో నేను మీకు చెప్పాను correct ఎహ్ కదా అందుకనే, నేను దీన్ని కూడా ప్రయత్నించాలని అనుకున్నాను, మనం 2 తాడులను తీసుకొని, వాటిని ఈ చెక్కడంలో ఉండేవిధంగా సరిగ్గా ఉంచుదాం, వాటిని ఇప్పుడు tightగా లాగి బిగించుదాం, ఇప్పుడు ఏం జరుగుతుందో చెప్పండి చూద్దాం? ఇది కూడా మరొక ముడి. ఈ ముడిని, క్యారిక్ బెండ్ నాట్ అని అంటారు. ప్రాచీన భారతీయ ఆలయాలలో ఏం జరుగుతోంది అసలు? So, దీన్ని నేను ఇంకొంచెం top levelకి తీసుకువెళ్లాలని అనుకున్నాను, అలా చేసినప్పుడు ఈ అందమైన పెంటాగ్రామ్ చెక్కడాన్ని చూసాను, ఇది 5 కోణాలతో ఉన్న ఒక నక్షత్రం, ఇది భారతదేశంలో మాత్రమే పవిత్రమైన చిహ్నం కాదు, ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా కూడా, ఇది ఒక ఆధ్యాత్మిక చిహ్నం.
కానీ, దీన్ని ఈ ఆలయంలో ఎందుకు చెక్కారు? అప్పుడే, నేను ఒక విషయాన్నీ గమనించాను, ఏంటంటే, ఇక్కడ cross అయ్యే దగ్గర ఒక స్ట్రాండ్ పైకి వెళ్తుంది మరొక స్ట్రాండ్ క్రిందికి వెళ్తుంది. అంటే దీనర్ధం, ఇది ఒక 3-డి చెక్కడం సరేనా, ఏ ప్రదేశంలో ఏ తాడు పైన ఉంచాలి, ఏ తాడును కింద ఉంచాలని వాళ్ళు మనకు స్పష్టంగా చెప్పారు. నేడు, experts ఈ విధంగా, పైన మరియు కింద తాడులు ఉంచిన వాటిని అండర్-స్ట్రాండ్ మరియు ఓవర్-స్ట్రాండ్ అని పిలుస్తున్నారు. So, నేను కూడా దీన్ని, అదే విధంగా చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాను, ఈ క్రాసింగ్‌లను జాగ్రత్తగా గమనించి నేను ఈ చెక్కడాన్ని తయారు చేసాను. ఇది ముడి అని మీరు అనుకుంటున్నారా? అవును ఇది అదే ముడి. ఈ రకమైన ముడిని టోరస్ నాట్ లేదా సింక్విఫాయిల్ అని అంటారు, actually foreignలో దీన్ని సోలమన్ సీల్ అని అంటారు. కానీ, ఈ ముడి ఇప్పటికే, మన పురాతన భారతదేశంలో కూడా ఉంది చూడండి. నేను ఇప్పుడు, 50 కంటే ఎక్కువ పురాతన ఆలయాల నుండి ఈ ముడులను సేకరించి డాక్యుమెంట్ చేసాను.
కానీ ఇప్పుడు, మనం హంపిలో ఉన్న విఠ్ఠల ఆలయానికి వెళ్దాం, ఎందుకంటే, అక్కడే చాలా విచిత్రమైన శిల్పాలు ఉన్నాయి. ఈ ఆలయంలో, కేవలం సంగీత స్తంభాల మాత్రమే కాదు, వివరించలేని technologyతో చ���లా ఉంది. ఈ చెక్కడాన్ని చూడండి, దీని గురించి మీరు ఏమనుకుంటున్నారు? ఇక్కడ పైభాగంలో ఉన్నదీ, ఖచ్చితంగా, ఒక పాము యొక్క తల, ఇంకా బాగా గమనించి చూస్తే, మీరు ఇందులో మరొక రెండు పాములు, చాలా అందంగా ఒకదానికొకటి అల్లుకొని ఉండడం కూడా మీరు చూడవచ్చు. So, ఇక్కడ మళ్ళీ, మనం ఖచ్చితంగా దీన్నే తయారు చేసాము, అవును ఇది ఒక అద్భుతమైన ముడిని ఏర్పరుస్తుంది, దీనిని చైన్ సినెట్ నాట్ అని అంటారు.ఇప్పుడు, మీరు చూస్తున్న, ఈ ముడులన్నీ, నిజానికి చాలా బాగా, strongగా ఉన్న ముడులు.
Praveen Mohan Telugu
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abhinz · 2 years
Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala, is a graceful, evergreen city that is sprawled over seven hills and is rich in culture and history. Its coasts are bathed by the warm seas of the Arabian Sea, which is situated in the state's extreme south. One of the nicest cities in the nation, this one is where time flows beautifully and the day unfolds in accordance with time-honored routines. Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple, devoted to Lord Vishnu who lies atop the serpent Anantha and after whom the city is named, is a stronghold in the centre of the metropolis. The city's original name, Trivandrum, was reinstated in 1991. The tourist will undoubtedly notice numerous traditional aspects of Kerala culture as they go throughout the city because they have been handed down through the years. The sights are numerous and frequently unique to this region of the country, such temple elephants strutting down a street, ladies and men dressed traditionally, and people eating off banana leaves. Additionally cutting-edge is Thiruvananthapuram. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Technopark, and the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management are all located in the city, which holds a prominent position in India's space research programme.
KOVALAM - In the latter half of the 1920s, Halcyon Castle, the seaside resort built by the Regent Maharani Sethu Lakshmi Bayi of Travancore, was built in Kovalam. The Maharaja of Travancore, her nephew, later made the location known to the general public. The 1930s saw the emergence of Kovalam beach as a prospective tourist attraction thanks to the European visitors to the former Travancore kingdom. A little fishing town in Kerala started to develop into a popular tourist attraction when a large number of hippies travelled the Hippie Trail in the early 1970s on their way to Ceylon. Beach resorts may be found in great numbers in and around Kovalam. About 3 kilometres distant is the seaport of Vizhinjam, which is renowned for its unique fish types, ancient Hindu temples, churches, and a mosque. Kovalam is also adjacent to the Vizhinjam International Transshipment Terminal proposal. During the hippy era, Kovalam was one of the most well-known tourist destinations in India. Tourists still hold a high regard for it; the majority are from Israel and Europe. With the addition of numerous Ayurvedic clinics and resorts that offer a variety of Ayurvedic therapies to visitors, Kovalam is taking on a new relevance.
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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM ZOO - Among the oldest zoos in India is the one in Thiruvananthapuram. The Museum and Botanical Gardens are also among the nation's oldest institutions of their sort. The Thiruvananthapuram Museum and Zoo was founded with the help of Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma (1816–1846), the Travancore monarch from 1830–1846. In his horse breeding facility, he kept a wide range of animals, including elephants. He built a menagerie within the Trivandrum stables and kept tigers, panthers, cheetahs, deer, bears, and a lioness there. But the creation of the Napier Museum and Zoo at Thiruvananthapuram was left to his brother Uthram Thirunal Marthanda Varma and the then-British Resident General Cullen.
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SREE PADMANABHASWAMY TEMPLE - Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital of Kerala, India, is home to the Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, a Hindu temple. The translation of the name "Thiruvananthapuram" into Tamil and Malayalam is "The City of Lord Ananta." With tall walls and a gopura from the 16th century, the temple is an elaborate mix of Dravidian and Chera architectural styles. The Adikesava Perumal temple at Thiruvattar, in the Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu, is quite similar in design to the Ananthapura temple in Kumbla, in the Kasaragod region of Kerala, which some traditions claim to be the original spiritual residence of the deity. The main deity Padmanabhaswamy is housed in the yogic position known as "Anantha Shayana," which is the state of eternal sleep on the endless snake Adi Shesha. The protector god of the Travancore royal family is Padmanabhaswamy. The titular Maharaja of Travancore, Moolam Thirunal Rama Varma, is the current trustee of the temple
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thegleamingmoon · 3 months
Chapter 1 - Meeting you.
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🪷✨ ❛ In every world, my heart would bloom for you. In every moment, in every lifetime, amidst the stars and the endless ocean, in every heartbeat and whispered breeze, I would choose you always and forever. ❜ ✨🪷
The golden rays of the early morning sun filtered through the intricate carvings of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, casting a divine glow upon its magnificent structure. And there she was, draped in a simple yet elegant saree as she walked through the temple's corridors, her footsteps echoing softly against the ancient stone floors and like every other day, the air was fragrant with the scent of jasmine and sandalwood, as the devotees murmured their prayers, lost in their own worlds of devotion as the girl walked into the inner sanctum, where the majestic form of Lord Padmanabhan lay in eternal slumber.
"Dear lord, please look after the world like you always do. I pray for the good health of my family and dear ones. May you always be with them and keep them happy." This was what she usually prayed for. Nothing more, nothing less. But today was different, she had come here to seek solace in the divine presence of her beloved deity but she still felt restless for reasons unknown.
The strange sensation grew as she moved out from the sanctum to the temple premises, she felt as if someone was watching her. Turning around, her eyes met those of a man standing a few feet away. He was tall and handsome, with an aura of mystery surrounding him. His complexion, very much like the clouds filled with rain and eyes, deep and penetrating that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe.
"Namaskaram", he greeted her with a warm smile, his voice gentle and calming.
"Namaskaram," she replied, curiosity piqued by this stranger. "Are you new to the this place? I haven't seen you here before."
"Yes, I am new to this city." he said, his eyes twinkling with hidden knowledge. "I’m Aravind. May I know your name?"
"Bhadra. It's nice to meet you, sir", she replied and saw his smile grow wider, making his eyes twinkle with an emotion she couldn't comprehend.
"It's nice to meet you too, Bhadra. And we can drop the formalness." He said as she shyly giggled. It was sweet to hear her name in his beautiful voice. She thought, mentally facepalming to bring herself out of her mind. Something was really wrong with her today.
As they walked through the temple grounds, Bhadra found herself more intrigued, drawn into a conversation with Aravind. They talked about the temple, the city of Thiruvananthapuram, its history, and the legends that surrounded it. He spoke with a depth of understanding that left Bhadra in awe. Hours passed like minutes, and soon the sun began to set, casting an orange hue hue over the temple.
"What brings you here? And how do you know so much about this place?", Bhadra asked, unable to contain her curiosity.
Aravind smiled mysteriously. "Well, I have always been connected to this temple."
"Tell me about it." She looked deeper into his eyes, only to find a glimpse of her own secrets that were kept away from the world.
Bhadra lived a simple life, tending to the temple and helping those in need. She didn't remember a time when she was not insanely drawn to the deity. She had always looked up to the blue-hued god who slept on a thousand hooded serpent. She saw him in the vast sky, in her delusional thoughts, in the poetries she wrote, in the songs she sang and in almost everything she did.
She would dream of peacock feathers, moonlit nights and beautiful dense forests where gleamingly blurry visions of her beloved flute player would greet her with bliss and confusion. She would hold on to them to this day and maybe forever, without any expectations but just pure, boundless love that she had.
"Maybe those visions are trying to tell you something? You still get them don't you?"
That deep voice of Aravind broke her chain of thoughts as she looked up at him perplexed and maybe a little annoyed.
"Did you just read my mind?"
He just replied with a cheeky smile as he brought himself dangerously close to her, "Perhaps I just understand you better than anyone else, Bhadra. I have always done so." he gently whispered, only making her confusion grow.
"And I have always wanted to tell you that I love to hear you sing, even though you don't sing often. Your voice melts like honey into my ears. I can listen to it everyday." He looked into her eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering.
"How do you say that when you have never heard me sing? Who are you, Aravind?", she asked finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "You seem to know me in ways that no one else does."
He chuckled even as his eyes were moist, "Oh I have heard you countless times. You, my dearest, are much more than you think of yourself to be."
"What do you mean?"
"As much as I want to explain, I can't. He sighed wistfully. "It's sad, but I have to leave now. I will return soon, Bhadra. Until then, promise me you'll take care of yourself."
"Why?" She clearly didn't understand a thing. It didn't seem fair, or so she thought. This man had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, mysterious but familiar, only to say he’d disappear again, leaving her with countless questions. Yet, somehow, it all felt right. Despite not wanting him to leave, she could only hope that he would come back.
Adoring the curls that framed her soft features one last time, Aravind stepped back. "Until next time," he voiced, extending his hand. Bhadra grasped it firmly, losing herself in his eyes as she tearfully bid him goodbye.
"Moley," she heard her father's call and turned around. "I'm here, Appa," she yelled back, hearing his hasty steps as he reached her.
"I knew you'd be here," he said with a warm smile lighting up his kind eyes. "It will be dark soon. I want you to come home with me." He gently caressed her head, and she nodded in agreement.
"Are you okay, kanne? Were you talking to someone here?" He asked, concerned.
Bhadra turned to her side, only to find nobody there and smiled in despair and surprise. It all felt too real to be one of her delusions and too elusive to be reality. She wanted to tell her father about the mysterious person she met but she knew that it would be difficult for him or anyone to believe. So she chose to remain silent about everything that happened today.
"No, Appa. Let's go home" She replied as she followed her father on their way back home.
Today was different indeed.
Moley/Kanne - a way to address a daughter or a little girl in Malayalam.
A/N - Wanted to write something like this for the longest time. This may have some cliche moments but this work by far, is the closest to my heart. And I may turn this into a series if y'all wish. So let's see. I hope you enjoy reading it <3
Tags- @krsnaradhika @houseofbreadpakoda @harinishivaa @achyutapriya @kaal-naagin @sambaridli @sambhavami @yehsahihai @ramayantika @khushireadsandrambles
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litsetaure · 4 months
So I got horribly bored a few months back and decided that one wizarding school for all of Asia was fucking stupid and decided to do the maths for how many there should be in India alone in Harry’s time.
At the time (the 90s), the total population of India was around 870 million. Assuming 20% of them are magical, that gives us 174 million.
Let’s say 1% of them are Squibs - take out 1.74 million.
That leaves roughly 172 million who are witches and wizards.
Roughly 10% of them are school age at any one time. That gives you 17.2 million students.
Say each school can hold up to 3000 students. That would mean 5-6000 schools in the whole of India.
Then, at the time, India had 27 states (I think there’s 28 now, plus eight territories)
That’s around 220 schools per state, though obviously that varies depending on state size and population.
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking - how do you fit that many schools into one country? Well, firstly, India is fucking huge. I cannot stress enough how big it is.
Secondly, you know what India has an absolute shit load of? 650,000 at the latest count?
Temples. Hundreds of thousands of temples. Who’s to say that some of them didn’t have magical schools built underneath or inside them? We’ve all heard of Vault B in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, right? I mean, I’m not saying there’s some equivalent of the Chamber of Secrets in there, but…
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bhanu484 · 10 days
Top 15 Tourist Places in Kerala
Kerala, often dubbed "God's Own Country," is a treasure trove of breathtaking landscapes and rich culture. You might think you know it all about this enchanting state in India, but wait until you discover the top 15 tourist places in Kerala! From lush tea gardens to stunning backwaters, each destination offers a unique experience that will leave you spellbound. Ready for an adventure? Let’s dive into these must-visit spots that showcase the beauty and charm of Kerala like never before!
<<<<<<<<<<Top 15 Tourist Places in Kerala>>>>>>>>>>>
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Munnar is a breathtaking hill station, but did you know it’s famous for its sprawling tea gardens? The lush green landscape and cool climate create an enchanting atmosphere. You might just find yourself wandering through the misty hills, completely captivated by nature's beauty.
Thekkady is a hidden gem! Nestled in the Western Ghats, it boasts lush forests and stunning wildlife. Imagine spotting elephants, tigers, and exotic birds all around you. The serene Periyar Lake adds to its beauty, making every moment feel like a magical escape into nature's embrace.
Kovalam is a stunning coastal gem! With its golden beaches and vibrant atmosphere, it leaves visitors spellbound. Imagine sunbathing on the soft sands or surfing the gentle waves. The iconic lighthouse adds an enchanting touch, making this place feel like a slice of paradise right in Kerala!
Did you know Kozhikode, once a bustling trading port, is home to the famous Calicut Beach? The stunning sunsets here are breathtaking. You can also savor the iconic Malabar biryani and indulge in rich local culture. It’s a delightful surprise waiting for every traveler!
Alleppey, often called the "Venice of the East," boasts enchanting backwaters and houseboat cruises that leave visitors spellbound. Imagine gliding through lush landscapes, palm trees swaying gently overhead. The vibrant culture and breathtaking sunsets make this destination truly a hidden gem waiting to be explored!
Vagamon is truly a hidden gem! Nestled in the Western Ghats, this stunning hill station boasts lush green landscapes and rolling meadows. Imagine trekking through misty mountains or enjoying paragliding against a backdrop of breathtaking views. It's an adventure waiting to be discovered!
Trivandrum is a gem waiting to be explored! Imagine lush greenery blending with stunning architecture. The iconic Padmanabhaswamy Temple, with its intricate carvings, leaves visitors in awe. Plus, the nearby beaches are simply breathtaking. It's a delightful mix of history and nature that surprises everyone!
Athirapally is often referred to as the "Niagara of India," and it's easy to see why! The breathtaking views of cascading waterfalls surrounded by lush greenery leave every visitor spellbound. You might even spot a rainbow forming in the mist—an experience that feels almost magical!
Nelliyampathy is a hidden gem! Nestled in the Western Ghats, it boasts stunning tea gardens and breathtaking landscapes. Imagine wandering through lush hills and cool breezes while enjoying panoramic views. Wildlife enthusiasts will love spotting exotic birds here too. It’s truly an unexpected paradise!
Kumarakom is an unexpected gem! Nestled on the banks of Vembanad Lake, it's a paradise for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts. Imagine lush green landscapes and tranquil backwaters, where you can unwind in houseboats or explore vibrant local culture. It’s simply breathtaking!
Varkala is truly a hidden gem! This coastal paradise boasts stunning cliffs that rise majestically above the sparkling Arabian Sea. The unique red sand beaches and vibrant local culture create an enchanting atmosphere, making it impossible not to fall in love with this breathtaking destination.
Did you know Thrissur is often called the cultural capital of Kerala? It's astonishing how this city bursts with vibrant festivals, stunning temples, and rich history. The famous Thrissur Pooram festival attracts thousands, showcasing incredible pageantry. You’ll be captivated by its unique blend of tradition and modernity!
Wayanad is a hidden gem in Kerala! Imagine lush green hills, serene waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. The mist-covered mountains offer breathtaking views that are simply enchanting. Plus, ancient caves and spice gardens add to its allure. It’s like stepping into nature’s own paradise!
Kochi is a delightful mix of cultures! Imagine walking through historic streets lined with colonial buildings and vibrant markets. The stunning backwaters are simply breathtaking, while the famous Chinese fishing nets create a picturesque scene. Every corner reveals something new and enchanting that leaves you wanting more!
Bekal is a hidden gem that truly astonishes visitors! The stunning Bekal Fort, overlooking the Arabian Sea, boasts mesmerizing views. Its pristine beaches and lush greenery create an idyllic retreat. You won't believe how tranquil this place feels—perfect for unwinding and soaking in nature’s beauty!
Kerala is truly a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural richness. From the serene backwaters to the lush hill stations, every destination offers something unique. Each place tells its own story through stunning landscapes and vibrant traditions. Exploring these top 15 tourist places in Kerala can leave you spellbound! You might find yourself returning time and again to experience more of this enchanting state. Don't miss out on creating unforgettable memories in God's Own Country!
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Icons from Padmanabhaswamy's temple in Trivandrum in Kerala are taken to the beach for a bath in the sea and then powdered turmerique in a ritual called Arattu. The Arattu procession takes place in the late afternoon. Images of Sree Padmanabhaswamy, Sree Krishna and Sree Narasimha are carried along the three miles route to the shores of the Arabian Sea, at Shanghumukham, escorted by members of the royal family and armed police contingents. These customs and traditions have been practiced down the centuries. The images are given a ritual bath in the sea after prescribed poojas.
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omgindiablog · 7 months
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Sree Padmanabha swami temple, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India: The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple, dedicated to Vishnu, in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the 108 Divya Desams, the sacred abodes of Vishnu in the Sri Vaishnava tradition. It is widely considered the world's richest Hindu temple. Wikipedia
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jayaworldtravel · 7 months
Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of the Indian state of Kerala, is home to several temples, with some of them being significant in terms of history, culture, and religious practices. One of the most prominent temples in Thiruvananthapuram is the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple.
Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram. It is renowned for its architectural beauty, intricate carvings, and historical significance. The temple is known for its strict adherence to tradition and rituals.
One of the distinguishing features of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is the deity's posture, reclining on the serpent Anantha, representing the cosmic sleep of Lord Vishnu. The temple also gained international attention due to the discovery of immense wealth hidden within its vaults, making it one of the richest religious institutions in the world.
Apart from the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Thiruvananthapuram is also home to other notable temples such as Attukal Bhagavathy Temple, Pazhavangadi Ganapathy Temple, and the Aazhimala Siva Temple, each with its own unique significance and rituals. These temples contribute to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region.
Architectural Grandeur: The temple showcases a magnificent blend of Dravidian and Kerala architectural styles. The temple's intricate carvings, gopurams (tower gateways), and pillared halls are a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient craftsmen.
Principal Deity: The main deity of the temple is Lord Padmanabhaswamy (Lord Vishnu), depicted in a reclining posture on the serpent Anantha. This is a unique aspect as very few temples in India have this depiction of Lord Vishnu.
Mysterious Vaults: The temple gained international attention due to the discovery of hidden underground vaults containing immense wealth, including gold, jewels, and other treasures. These vaults were long guarded by traditional practices and were opened under court orders in recent years, leading to the temple being recognized as one of the richest religious institutions globally.
Strict Religious Practices: The temple follows strict traditional rituals and practices, maintaining the ancient customs of worship. The rituals are conducted by hereditary priests who have been performing these duties for generations.
Festivals and Rituals: The temple hosts various festivals and rituals throughout the year, attracting devotees from far and wide. The annual Laksha Deepam festival, where thousands of oil lamps are lit, is a particularly grand event celebrated at the temple.
Spiritual Significance: Devotees believe that a visit to the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is highly auspicious and is believed to bestow blessings and spiritual fulfillment.
Overall, the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Thiruvananthapuram holds immense cultural, religious, and historical significance, making it a cherished landmark in Kerala and a revered pilgrimage destination for Hindus worldwide.
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india-trip-designer · 11 months
Green Landscapes 08 Night 09 Days Best of Honeymoon in Kerala
Day 1: Arrival in Kochi
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Kochi International Airport, Kerala
 Evening you may enjoy Sunset cruise followed by a traditional Kathakali dance performance.
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Kathakali dance performance. Day 2: Kochi Sightseeing
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Mattancherry Palace, Kerala
Visit Mattancherry Palace and the Jewish Synagogue. Stroll through the streets of Jew Town and shop for souvenirs. Explore the Dutch Palace and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of Kochi
Day 3: Munnar
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Tea gardens in Munnar, Kerala
Drive to Munnar, a hill station known for its tea gardens. Check-in at a beautiful hillside resort. Visit the Attukal Waterfalls and take a romantic walk through tea gardens.
Day 4: Munnar Exploration
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Eravikulam National Park, Kerala
Explore the Eravikulam National Park, home to the endangered Nilgiri Tahr. Visit the Tea Museum to learn about the tea-making process. Enjoy the scenic beauty of Munnar and capture memorable photos.
Day 5: Thekkady (Periyar)
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Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
Drive to Thekkady, a wildlife and spice destination. Enjoy a boat ride on Periyar Lake and spot wildlife in the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary. Evening at leisure.
Day 6: Alleppey (Alappuzha)
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Houseboat cruise, Kerala
Travel to Alleppey, the "Venice of the East." Check in to a houseboat and enjoy a cruise through the backwaters. Experience a tranquil night on the houseboat.
Day 7: Kovalam
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Kovalam Beach Lighthouse, Kerala
Drive to Kovalam, a famous beach destination. Relax on the pristine beaches of Kovalam. Visit the Kovalam Beach Lighthouse and enjoy the beautiful sunset.
Day 8: Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram)
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Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Kerala
Visit Padmanabhaswamy Temple, a magnificent and ancient temple. Explore Napier Museum and Zoo. Spend the evening shopping for souvenirs and enjoying local cuisine.
Day 9: Departure
Depending on your flight schedule, you can relax at the beach in Kovalam or do some last-minute shopping.
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kerala-blogs · 2 years
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Kerala is known as 'God's Land' and rightly so, Kerala is a picturesque state located in the South of India. The lush boardwalks and backwaters will soothe your mind and soul and give you the vacation you've been waiting for. Winter in Kerala is considered the best season to plan a vacation. Kerala's warm temperatures provide perfect conditions to escape freezing temperatures and spend time with your loved ones, friends and family in a boathouse.
Three years ago i completed my board exams and was getting ready to enjoy my summer holidays. My family decided to take me to Kerala for summer vacation. We tend to reach the city through train and that we travelled 15 hours to reach that beautiful state. We tend to reach our destination around 12.00pm in the noon and had rest in our assigned rooms. As first day of our tour we made it to Thiruvananthapuram and visited a famous temple named Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple this temple is full of mystery and unique dress code was followed in the temple, this there were secret tunnels under the temple and many rumors and mystery was revolving around this tunnels among the people over there and we came to know many interesting facts about the temple during the visit. We took alot of photographs and shared it in our social media handles. We got to try alot of foods originated in kerala and we also got to try alot of different foods from different cuisine in this trip.
Then we decided to experience some breezy beaches of kerala. Thereby we planned our second day schedule and visited Kovalam beach, Hawah beech, Veli beach. Kovalam beach is considered to be one of the major beaches in trivandrum and is situated just at the distance of 17kms comprising a group of three remarkable crescent shaped beaches, namely samudra beach, hawah beach, and light house beach. Kovalam beach is always buzzed with activities.
And we visited the other beaches near kovalam. we wore our swimming dress and enjoyed the pool located in our resort for almost 2 hours. And the resort management organized the resort well for our stays. The comfortness offered by resort made us enjoy the short vacation happily.
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We tried alot of food stalls located around the beaches, and we also did some street shopping in the beach. We went on a boat ride for which kerala is famous for. Finally we visited a sunset point where we got to see a beautiful picture perfect sunset view. We clicked alot of sunset photos and videos and created tons of memories in kerala. As it was three day trip our final day in kerala went on checking out rooms and packing for our departure. We took a return train at 5.30pm from trivandrum and reached vellore by 8.30am the next day morning by this our short kerala trip came to an end.
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tourismirctc · 2 days
India Calling: Explore the Best railway Journeys with IRCTC Tourism
Train trips are the finest way to discover the best of India’s culture, history, and natural landscape. If you want to discover the best railway journeys then there is no better option than the multiple travel packages by IRCTC Tourism. 
Railways – Gateway to an unforgettable journey
IRCTC holiday packages are best suited for those who love adventure, want to leave from the thronging hordes and look forward to a sojourn of the varied topography of the Indian sub-continent. Whether it is the vibrancy of the busy towns or the quiet solitude of the spiritual abodes, the best train trips offer a unique experience that is nowhere else to be found. 
Another exciting feature is that comfortable seats and mouth-watering food during the journey make it an experience much more like staying in a high-class hotel on wheels. Check out the best packages for train travel in India and book your dream train trip fast. The journeys are going to rejuvenate your soul, passing through rivers, mountains, plains, deserts, and waterfalls. 
Exploring India: The Best Train Vacations with IRCTC Tourism
IRCTC Tourism covers the best domestic tours in India with the help of multiple tour packages. Travelling with IRCTC Tourism offers many benefits that make the entire journey an enriching experience. The first is the convenience and comfort of its well-arranged travel packages, including tickets for the train, accommodation, meals, and guided tours. 
This proves to be a hassle-free experience altogether. Indeed, IRCTC also has budget packages to make train travelling more feasible for every tourist's budget, whether one is a backpacker or prefers luxury. 
Trains are also a mode of travelling wherein people can get a glimpse of the vast varieties of landscapes in India and get acquainted with the locals. This will undoubtedly boost their knowledge about India's diverse cultural traditions. Also, it is a safe and reliable platform for finding the best tour packages. The tour will be handled by professionals who ensure a safe and sound experience for the travellers. Some of the best train vacations that you can avail through IRCTC Tourism are:
The Golden Triangle Tour 
It takes travellers through the lively cities of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, offering them an insight into India's rich heritage. The main attraction includes a visit to the enchanting and wondrous Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage site. In Delhi, visitors can explore the Red Fort, a symbol of Mughal architecture, before heading to Jaipur to admire its architectural marvels. 
The Kerala Backwaters
This tour gives travellers a chance to witness the serene beauty of this enchanted land. Alleppey is the place where visitors catch a glimpse of quiet waters, lush green surroundings, and charming villages with the best railway journeys. Munnar is a beautiful place where, on the hills, tea plantations sweep across with the glimpse and taste of the region's scrumptious tea. 
South India Temples Tour
This tour takes you to places which are full of history and majesty. Some of the great experiences include visiting the magnificent Meenakshi Temple in Madurai, renowned for its intricate work and vibrant sculptures that form the basis of Tamil Nadu's rich cultural legacy. Padmanabhaswamy Temple and some other temples are also some of the major attractions in South India that you must visit. 
The train tours by IRCTC Tourism can be reckoned as the best train trips which offer a unique glimpse into the heart and soul of the country. The portal is packed with amazing deals and myriad packages that will suit every kind of traveller. Make memories of a lifetime with these vacations and explore the best travel domestic tours in India.  
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/india-calling-explore-the-best/home?authuser=4
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