#pack fifth harmony
tokyicons · 4 months
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modernpacks · 2 months
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© icons: midnightsunfavs iconlaurs
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sgftxtinajb · 1 year
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havanaicons · 1 year
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twitter credits: @hav5na
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karlaicon · 2 years
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faelayouts · 2 years
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⠀⠀⠀ ★ . . . lauren jauregui layouts!
⠀⠀⠀ like or reblog if you save! . . . ★
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myoifvs · 2 years
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lauren jauregui icons, fav if u save pls
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dinahicon · 4 months
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I’m back bitches <3
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talkingwthemoon · 2 years
Cuando Lauren Jauregui dijo:
"Nobody talks about walking away when there's still love"
Sis, I really feel that
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tylermileslockett · 1 year
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Hey everyone! This was a really fun commission image based on Plato's Spindle of Necessity done for the website https://synthemata.wordpress.com/
An illustration of the Spindle of Necessity image from Plato’s Republic; at the centre is a straight pillar-like light, compared to a brighter a purer rainbow, which extends through the heavens and the earth. It takes the souls a whole day to fly to it after perceiving it for the first time. At the middle of the pillar, the girdle of the heavens is fastened, and the entire vault of heaven revolves around it.  The Spindle of Necessity is at the heart of the cosmology and is said to be made from steel, with a shaft and a hook. Around it are eight whorls of decreasing size as they approach earth, which are perfect circles and represent the heavenly spheres.
The highest and largest whorl is the fixed stars. The second is Saturn, which is said to be yellow; the third is Venus, which has the whitest light; the fourth is Mars and is reddish; the fifth is Mercury, said to be yellow like Saturn; the sixth is Jupiter which is almost as white as Venus; the seventh is the sun, by far the brightest; and eighth is the moon, which shines with the reflected light of the sun. The spindle turns on the knees of the goddess Ananke, or Necessity. Each whorl has a siren on its upper surface who goes around with it and sings a single note. The three fates are also there, each siting on a throne, wearing white robes and chaplets, accompanying the harmony of the sirens. In the myth, Lachesis sings of the past, Clotho the present, Atropos the future. Clotho occasionally assists the rotation of the outer circles with her right hand, Atropos the inner with her left hand, and Lachesis touching either with alternating hands.
Do you like this art? would you like to own a book jam packed with over 130 full page illustrations like this? Then please support my kickstarter for my book "lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in OCTOBER: https://kickstarter.com/projects/tylermileslockett/lockett-illustrated-greek-gods-and-heroes…
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havanaicons · 1 year
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twitter credits: @hav5na
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theboytatu · 8 months
Girl we two comeback songs in and Riize just aint hitting like what is the issue? Ik they only got like 4 songs but all of them suck, this is probably the most creatively deficit sm’s been in a long time, wtf is that Jason derulo/fifth harmony mashup ass song????
for me the dated jason derulo sound is actually a nice place to be sonically in kpop in 2023 like i don't mind the concept and I think the sax riff is pretty good for what's probably a sample pack.. and the fact is that the boys know how to sing. there is potential there and there's some really nice harmonies in this song (and in memories too) but the whole execution falls flat on its face for some reason.
idk who is responsible for vocals with riize but they simply don't get put through the wringer to squeeze the vocals out of them in the studio like SM used to do with rookies anymore.... even aespa were singing their fucking heart out in black mamba and the vocals were stacked. even nct these days still have a bunch of adlibs and good layering in their songs
riize sounds so barebones in comparison. there's like three adlibs i can count and the layering is almost nonexistent. and that FUCK ASS chant in the middle of the chorus ruins the whole vibe. i'm so mad i might go back and edit the song to take out that fucking pre chorus
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dialux · 2 years
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Menielwa Lambamaica - Pale heavens, sharp-tongued
Women of the Elves, 4/?
[Written for @finweanladiesweek, Day 5 (Ladies who married in)]
Menielwa Lambamaica was the daughter of a renowned dancer. Though incredibly young and inexperienced, she apprenticed to Nessa herself; she was the same age as Fëanor had been when he apprenticed to Mahtan, and so drew the attention and acclaim of many elves and Ainu, among them the Noldo royal family. Menielwa’s first public dance was done in front of the Alqualondë court—the most accomplished of the cities in Aman in the arts—to a theater packed with all three royal families and countless Ainu.
In the aftermath of her successful debut, she was approached by Curufin, Fëanor’s fifth son, and gifted a rose made of living metal. It bloomed every day at twilight, with petals that gleamed like Treelight. Menielwa called it the finest gift she could have been given. Thus was the courting of Curufin and Menielwa begun.
While Curufin’s siblings had little care or taste for propriety, Curufin bowed to Menielwa’s wishes for a traditional courtship. They chose to not only follow the traditions of the Noldor, but in cleaving to them so closely set many new ones. Menielwa’s clothes, braids, and make-up was closely scrutinized and commented over by many citizens of Tirion; her wedding attire shifted the norm to include white, when ever before white had been reserved for mourning.
She wedded Curufin in the Tirion palace, and lived for some time in marital harmony alongside the rest of Curufin’s family. But when they had a son—named Curufinwë Tyelperinquar, the first and only grandson of Fëanor—Menielwa found herself searching for what she had gained in the years she had spent with Curufin: her preparations for her wedding had made her put aside her dancing, and the pregnancy soon after had not helped matters. She felt ungainly, hurt, and lost, and her son resembled his father; Menielwa could not see anything of herself in him, or in her house, or even in her marriage.
It was Ciryapandië, Maglor’s wife, that drew Menielwa out of her grief and horror, enough to understand what ailed her. Ciryapandie, Maglor, and Maedhros all worked together to buy a house in the middle of Tirion, a little distance from Fëanor’s own, that allowed Menielwa some privacy and distance from the overwhelming nature of the Fëanorions. This calmed Menielwa and restored some level of peace to her marriage with Curufin, though they never truly recovered from her inability to explain her suffering to him. Menielwa threw herself into writing once her son was old enough to be cared for by other members of her family, and found a passion for it that she had not had for even her dance, though she never showed another her writings.
When Fëanor’s distrust of the Valar went to new heights and he drew a sword on his half-brother, Fingolfin, Menielwa knew her husband would follow his father. But she had little desire to live in Formenos herself, and though she followed the rest of the women of the House of Finwë in avoiding them, she eventually reconciled with Curufin enough to convince him to send their son to her for half the year. They maintained this system until the Darkening of Valinor, when Curufin suddenly showed up to their home in Tirion and begged for her to join him and their son as they crossed the sea. Menielwa refused him then, heart hurting, and asked him if he would not let their son remain with her; he told her that Tyelperinquar was no longer a child, and had to make his own decisions. Tyelperinquar chose to leave with his father. Menielwa bid them leave and charged Curufin with her love, and they separated relatively peaceably.
Even after the First and Second Kinslaying, Menielwa did not relinquish her love for Curufin; she did not speak of him publicly or privately, but in her room she wrote reams and reams of pages describing her disbelief, agony, and rage—and her impossible quest to reconcile those emotions with her love. When Finarfin, the High King of the Noldor in Aman, approached her to ask her to become his High Scholar, Menielwa accepted, and published the manuscript she had spent two thousand years writing. It formed the cornerstone of a body of research that she would eventually use in the Second Age to argue for many of her family’s return to life before the courts of Finarfin, Ingwë, Olwë, and Manwë himself, a feat that earned her the title Lambamaica, or sharp-tongued.
As the High Scholar to King Finarfin, Menielwa used her position to work together with Anairë, Finarfin’s sister-in-law and her half-aunt by marriage, to integrate the Noldor that left Aman into Tirion, and to institute processes for people to return to life. Her research into the matter of elven death and returning revolutionized the elven ideas of reconciliation, rehabilitation, and recovery—it was responsible for the return of her son to life, and, eventually, her husband, and the rest of her kin.
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myoifvs · 2 years
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lauren jauregui icons, fav if u save pls
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Mami's Breakthrough!
Chapter 1
Part 3
Word Count: 663 out of 2663
We headed back inside and we heard upbeat music playing inside. I see other people dancing to the beat of the tune. I walked over to the tables to take a seat, and I turned my head back to see if Gretchen would sit with me, instead, I saw that she was walking over toward the center of the bar and she started to dance along with the song that was playing loudly. The way she moved in a synchromatic form along with the harmony of the song in the backdrop was intriguing and caught my eye. As if entranced, I got up from the chair I was seated on, walked over towards her to join her, and started dancing alongside her. The way she moved had me mesmerized. I’m falling for her and I don’t even know her. The fact that this woman has such a hold on me and I barely know her is what has me intrigued about what our relationship would be like if we were in one. I see Naomi and Liv watching us from afar and all of a sudden this man comes over to her and starts yelling at her saying “Gretchen why are you here? Why are you dancing with this thing?” I had a look of anger and disgust on my face as he continued talking. I’m watching this interaction go on and he tries to swing her when she stops his hand and puts him through the table she looks at her friends after writing me a note and says “Squad let's roll out. Thank you for the drinks Julio but we have to go.” She walks out and I walk over to Naomi and Liv and they ask me what she gave me. I responded “She gave me a note. That’s all.” I looked at Stephanie and Hunter and called them over. I said “Stephanie, Hunter, Naomi, and Liv I’m heading back to the hotel. I just need a break from the guys. I’ll see you guys at the hotel.” I walked out and I went back to the hotel. Once I got into my room I started packing up my stuff and I looked at the note that Gretchen had left me which said “If you want to stay in my room tonight my room number is #578 on the fifth floor is a suite with 6 beds. I have 5 other roommates that stay there with me and they are super chill. We have fun but I know that WWE has their rules but if you ever get tired of wrestling there come join me. I’m just kidding it’s just a thought though.” I wrote a little note to Dominik that said, “Hey Dominik, I’m fine. You and the boys don’t need to come looking for me I’m staying with a friend tonight.” I took my stuff to the elevator and I went to the fifth floor. I walked until I saw room #578. I knocked on the door and a girl with purple hair, and blue eyes opened the door. I said “Hi, I’m Demi Bennett aka Rhea Ripley. I was invited to stay the night in this room by Gretchen. Is she in there?” The girl said “Hi I’m Elyssa Lockridge aka Ruby “The Dentist” Suzuki who’s a tag cruiserweight from Germany. I’m a face known for my intensity and my finisher is the “Berserker Barrage”. Come on in she’s in the shower. Her bed is right over there. You can go get changed in the bathroom if you’d like just make yourself known.” I put my stuff on the bed that says Eliora and grab some clothes to go change into. I knock on the bathroom door and I hear Gretchen say “Who is it?” I said, “It’s Demi aka Rhea can I come in to get changed real quick.” She says “Yea.” I walk in and she was playing a song called “Pretty Distraction” (by SkyDxddy).
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twilightzonecloseup · 2 years
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1.01b A Little Peace and Quiet
Director: Wes Craven
Writer: James Crocker
Cinematographer: Bradford May
Opening Narration:
“Wouldn’t it be nice if, once in a while, everyone would just shut up and stop pestering you? Wouldn’t it be great to have the time to finish a thought? Or spin a daydream? To think out loud without being required to explain what exactly you meant? If you had the power, would you dare to use it? Even knowing that silence may have voices of its own.. to The Twilight Zone.”
Penny (Melinda Dillion) is at her wit’s end. Between four hyperactive children, a husband who acts like a fifth child, a dog whose mortal enemy is the telephone, and all of the cacophonies of modern suburban convenience, she can’t find a single second of peace. One typically loud suburban afternoon, while at work in her garden, Penny uncovers a small wooden box containing a golden pendant. Later, while wearing the pendant, Penny discovers that it has the unique ability to stop time when the wearer utters the magic words: “shut up.” She quickly starts using (and slightly abusing) this power to complete her daily tasks unbothered. The backdrop of her chaotic suburban life is the looming threat of nuclear war. Penny makes light of the idea of “World War III” and repeatedly refuses to give much thought to the bomb. Unfortunately, one night, while Penny luxuriates in a bubble bath, giggling to herself over her plans with the pendant, that threat presents itself at her doorstep. He husband frantically calls for her to hear the news that a bomb is headed straight for them. As Penny huddles on her bed with her husband and son, she cries out “shut up” in a last-moment litany. Now frozen in the moment before certain doom for Penny and the life she was only now finding contentment in, Penny walks the streets and spots the bomb hanging still in the sky.
More about A Little Peace and Quiet:
A Little Peace and Quiet was an original idea and teleplay by James Crocker, who was primarily a producer for TZ ‘85. Surprisingly, prior to this series, Crocker’s work in television, both as a writer and producer, skewed more toward the episodic detective genre. Following TZ ‘85 though, he worked on major speculative TV series such as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993), The Outer Limits (1995), and the second reboot of The Twilight Zone (2002). 
It wasn’t until I sat down to write up the summary of this episode that I appreciated how densely packed the storytelling is in A Little Peace and Quiet. Specifically, Penny taking the bomb too lightly is reiterated at a regular pace throughout the runtime, starting with minor background elements that you might overlook, then growing into Penny’s outright rejection to engage with a pair of clipboarders. The episode is so laden with quirky frozen-time tableaus that you as the viewer become just as distracted from the worsening geopolitical situation happening in the background as Penny is. So, when the big finale comes, it’s a big gut punch to the viewer as well.
Perhaps the most obvious TZ ‘59 episodes to compare to A Little Peace and Quiet are A Kind of a Stopwatch (S5E4), an episode with a similar MacGuffin, or Time Enough at Last (S1E8), where the protagonist longs for some peace and quiet himself when he’s suddenly faced with an apocalyptic event. But, I think an additional companion episode to consider would be The Shelter (S3E3). In comparison, the changing attitudes of mainstream America from 1961 to 1985 really stand out—specifically attitudes toward the suburbs and toward the possibility of The Cold War turning hot. Whereas in 1961, it was subversive to suggest that the American suburbs were not, in fact, a place of harmony, by 1985, it was already a commonly-held opinion that suburbs were anything but peaceful. The protagonist of The Shelter diligently prepares for the potentiality of nuclear war while his friends and neighbors are woefully unprepared. Our protagonist in A Little Peace and Quiet, however, is framed as relatable in her lack of concern, maybe reflecting a growing indifference in the duck-and-cover generation after decades of Cold War.
Though this doesn’t specifically relate to The Shelter, another updated attitude reflected in A Little Peace and Quiet is the perception of the homemaker. I appreciate this story popping up so early in the reboot since Serling got a lot of flack when TZ ‘59 was on the air for how he wrote women. It’s something he tried to rectify in earnest, and it gets progressively better across the original series’ run. Here in Dillon’s Penny, we have a common Serling-like protagonist in that she is dissatisfied with her current lot in life and generally put upon. However she’s also a frustrated homemaker, who, in some of Serling’s less thoughtful stories, would be nagging the protagonist rather than be the protagonist. In A Little Peace and Quiet, Penny is framed as a character the viewer is meant to relate to—though whether one relates to her or not is obviously relative. All around, I guess what I’m getting at is that this installment feels heavily influenced by the original TZ, but thoughtfully contemporized and seasoned with an interesting reversal of archetypes.
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