#pack demi and fifth harmony
sgftxtinajb · 1 year
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bbygirlky18 · 8 months
Mami's Breakthrough!
Chapter 1
Part 3
Word Count: 663 out of 2663
We headed back inside and we heard upbeat music playing inside. I see other people dancing to the beat of the tune. I walked over to the tables to take a seat, and I turned my head back to see if Gretchen would sit with me, instead, I saw that she was walking over toward the center of the bar and she started to dance along with the song that was playing loudly. The way she moved in a synchromatic form along with the harmony of the song in the backdrop was intriguing and caught my eye. As if entranced, I got up from the chair I was seated on, walked over towards her to join her, and started dancing alongside her. The way she moved had me mesmerized. I’m falling for her and I don’t even know her. The fact that this woman has such a hold on me and I barely know her is what has me intrigued about what our relationship would be like if we were in one. I see Naomi and Liv watching us from afar and all of a sudden this man comes over to her and starts yelling at her saying “Gretchen why are you here? Why are you dancing with this thing?” I had a look of anger and disgust on my face as he continued talking. I’m watching this interaction go on and he tries to swing her when she stops his hand and puts him through the table she looks at her friends after writing me a note and says “Squad let's roll out. Thank you for the drinks Julio but we have to go.” She walks out and I walk over to Naomi and Liv and they ask me what she gave me. I responded “She gave me a note. That’s all.” I looked at Stephanie and Hunter and called them over. I said “Stephanie, Hunter, Naomi, and Liv I’m heading back to the hotel. I just need a break from the guys. I’ll see you guys at the hotel.” I walked out and I went back to the hotel. Once I got into my room I started packing up my stuff and I looked at the note that Gretchen had left me which said “If you want to stay in my room tonight my room number is #578 on the fifth floor is a suite with 6 beds. I have 5 other roommates that stay there with me and they are super chill. We have fun but I know that WWE has their rules but if you ever get tired of wrestling there come join me. I’m just kidding it’s just a thought though.” I wrote a little note to Dominik that said, “Hey Dominik, I’m fine. You and the boys don’t need to come looking for me I’m staying with a friend tonight.” I took my stuff to the elevator and I went to the fifth floor. I walked until I saw room #578. I knocked on the door and a girl with purple hair, and blue eyes opened the door. I said “Hi, I’m Demi Bennett aka Rhea Ripley. I was invited to stay the night in this room by Gretchen. Is she in there?” The girl said “Hi I’m Elyssa Lockridge aka Ruby “The Dentist” Suzuki who’s a tag cruiserweight from Germany. I’m a face known for my intensity and my finisher is the “Berserker Barrage”. Come on in she’s in the shower. Her bed is right over there. You can go get changed in the bathroom if you’d like just make yourself known.” I put my stuff on the bed that says Eliora and grab some clothes to go change into. I knock on the bathroom door and I hear Gretchen say “Who is it?” I said, “It’s Demi aka Rhea can I come in to get changed real quick.” She says “Yea.” I walk in and she was playing a song called “Pretty Distraction” (by SkyDxddy).
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demzsthetic · 4 years
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packs demi lovato, lauren jauregui beach
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my twitter account: @demzxsthetic
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sweetlittle-up · 4 years
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Icons Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello + Headers Camila Cabello and Demi Lovato
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normanikordeicon · 6 years
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righticons · 6 years
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A equipe do righticons decidiu montar um pack pra agradecer todo o amor e suporte que recebemos em apenas um mês de tumblr. Nós já recebemos tantos pedidos, elogios e esse pack é um jeito de mostrar o quanto agradecidos nós estamos. Espero que gostem. ♥
Esse pack contém: 
+3.500 screencaps de clipes (One Direction, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Zayn, Ariana Grande e muitos outros) 
Confira a lista completa aqui 
Para adquirir esse pack, você precisa: 
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The righticons team decided to make a pack to thank everyone for the love and support we received in just one month of tumblr. We have already received so many requests, compliments and this pack is a way to show how grateful we are. Hope you guys enjoy. ♥
This pack contains: 
+3.500 music video screencaps (One Direction, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Zayn, Ariana Grande e etc)
Click here to see the list
To get this pack, you need to:
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everythinglmj · 6 years
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fifth harmony x camila x demi packs pls like/reblog
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packs4yout-blog · 6 years
gente eu tô querendo voltar p cá! então se puderem voltar a fazer pedidos de packs, ficarei feliz. bjus
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lovatostuff · 6 years
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demi + 5h ot5/dinah jane packs
credits in the images
like/reblog or ©demiexplict if you save/use
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citys-sky · 7 years
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halloween costumes
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editmgmz · 6 years
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reblog or like if u  save please :)) xx
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onlypackz · 6 years
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normani kordei + demi lovato (yellow)
like or reblog if u saving!! credits on twitter @menxghim
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moonymood · 7 years
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oh my poor heart…
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sweetlittle-up · 5 years
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Icons Demi Lovato + Headers Fifth Harmony
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packszfandom · 7 years
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Demi Lovato Icons
Fifth Harmony Headers
Please, like or reblog if you save
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crushbanana · 7 years
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Demi Lovato Packs (lyrics of fifth harmony)
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