#pacil life
9174 · 3 years
Persona in User-Centered Design
User-Centered Design
User-Centered Design, self-explanatory enough, is a design process that focuses on users’ needs on each iteration or step of the process. In User-Centered Design, designers involve users in every part of the process through research and design techniques to create highly usable and accessible products for them.
When we talk about User-Centered Design, we just can’t forget about personas. Personas are fictional characters based on our research of the users that (will) use our products. They represent real people during the design process.
We need personas in our design process so that we can have realistic ideas and perspectives of our users. Also, we can understand the users’ needs, behaviors, goals, struggles, and expectations. We can specify every persona with different needs with each other. A persona represents a worker/user group which has users with similar experiences, motivations, and challenges.
Here’s an example of a good persona
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[Image from dribbble]
Steps for Creating Personas
Collect and analyze data DO RESEARCH, we should know the worker/user group and identify the business objectives. Methods for collecting & analyzing data: interviews, surveys, usability testing, etc.
Write the persona (summarize) Personas should be written with the business objectives in mind and highlight users’ challenges and needs to be overcome by leveraging their goals, behaviors, preferences and cutting-edge technology
Pick a photo and name The photo and name should look or sound like an individual of the group
Benefits of Personas
Informations are simplified Research results will contain a lot of details and information. We don't want to use all of the information to be used as a "user representative" in the design process. We can convert all of those information to just "a persona card" in a simple and straightforward format.
Personas streamline the design process As a team, we want to think about the user group in the same way and try to solve the same problem. Team members might have different ideas about the user group’s characteristics and the problems they need to solve with the technology and design. Personas can align the team's effort so that we can reach an effective solution.
Personas get support from stakeholders and teams Well done personas (might) get support from stakeholders when they design the software for their enterprise because the information in personas is consistent with prior thoughts and beliefs, moreover it's based on research. In addition, great personas cause stakeholders to think about the situation in a novel way.
Making personas is an important part in User-Centered Design. It helps us understand more about the problems so that we can generate better products that understand the users’ needs. By creating personas, we can build empathy and “travel” through others’ journeys. 😄🪁🏓
Remember that people are diverse. Be careful not to assume that all users, including users with disabilities, use your product the same way. People use different interaction techniques, different adaptive strategies, and different assistive technology configurations. People have different experiences, different expectations, and different preferences. This persona is just one example of a user in this user group.
—Shawn Lawton Henry, uiaccess.com
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massivevoidpainter · 3 years
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buy Xanax 2mg online buy Xanax 2mg online Contact US now for a good deal using any of the info below: Email: [email protected] Wickr Id: zerolakechem2021 Whatsapp: +(509) 255-8233     Reason for using: tension, anxiety. Side Effects: I would only take this for an acute fright attack. Not for normal use. I had some barrel pains and sensed a little too euphoric on this. Probably the most addictive benzo, whereas conspicuously it assists some. I endeavored Paxil and considered I was going to die. This pharmaceutical is like having a Glass and a half of wine, but lasts longer and doesn’t make you drunk. Just takes the for example off. It calms me down throughout a fright strike, but only if I let it. In other phrases, furthermore try to rest and understand that the meds will boot in. I freaking despise fright attacks, I’d rather misplace 3 appendages or have alimp for remainder of my life other than have a PA. Word to the wise. I you only bear disquiet and fright, don’t let your doc put you on a lecapro, pacil, zoloft, etc. without first endeavoring xanax for a month to glimpse if it can take the for example off and then throughout that time search therapy and natural means. Yeah this stuff is addicting, but have you read what the ssri withdrawals are like…living hell. Especially for a panic/anxiety individual who will concern certainly about the withdrawals and side effects (LIKE ME) Reason for using: anxiety.Side Effects: Sleepyness, yawning and the feeling that it was going to ware off. Not to mention it strike me to very quick and all i liked to do was sit. It was rather retarding. Unlike diazepam (valium) Xanax didn’t do it for me and Xanax furthermore provided me a gentle case of the gentle munchies the first time it booted in.In my attitude, Xanax is better as a dozing pill. Valium is better for disquiet than Xanax. Xanax was just to… I don’t understand, but I didn’t proceed out and get a job or converse to persons that much when I was on it. I was still suspending round the house. So after endeavouring it and not being persuaded I went back to valium. buy Xanax 2mg online Contact US now for a good deal using any of the info below: Email: [email protected] Wickr Id: zerolakechem2021 Whatsapp: +(509) 255-8233 Reason for using: Anxiety,Panic Attacks,& Agoraphobia.Side Effects: NoneXanax has been a life hoarder for me. When I was first identified with fright attacks, I didn’t depart my dwelling for nearly 3 months. I couldn’t handle it. The medical practitioner put me on Zoloft and Xanax. The Zoloft really initiated more difficulties, so I halted taking it. I have been on Xanax for about 4 years now at .25 mg. I only take it when I need it and I may proceed months without a fright strike and not have to take it. But when I get actually worried out I may take 3-4 a day. I utilised to concern about the addictiveness, but have had no problems. Without Xanax, I don;t understand what I would have done. I’ve eventually figured out that I’m not going to pass away from the attacks (took a while to number that out), so they arrive less and less. I still have to take it if I proceed to a live performance or any place there’s going to be a large gathering of people. But atleast I can proceed to those locations rather than of concealing out at home. It’s a large help if utilised correctly. buy Xanax 2mg online Reason for using: Anxiety and trama over lawsuit.Side Effects: A little drowsy at times but furthermore expanded power, better aim, expanded appetite, beatings contradictory thoughts, decent doze aidAbsolute marvel pharmaceutical for me. I take .25mg (white pill) 4 – 5 times a day and before sleep. Clonopin and anti-depressants did not work for me and made awful side effects. I could stay on Xanax remainder of my life and be fine with it – likely would elongate my life – it wholeheartedly turns off the stressors in my body – yes I still concern – but without the awful personal symptoms affiliated with tension and anxiety. buy Xanax 2mg online Read the full article
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ekolokasi · 4 years
me, infected
so, the last saturday, i met aqsa, added with jupe. tau gak sih i won’t fallin’ love too easily? 
is that weird when i close my eyes, i see glimpse of his smirk in the dark. it’s happening everytime since i met him again *after for a very long time i graduated from highschool*.
the saturday was the second time. the first time i met him after a very long time of my college journey is when he brought me his brand t-shirt. we went to coffee shop after. we talked a lot about how’s our life brought us there. hilarious. for the sake of God i felt happy after knowing every strip of film roll perspective that recorded on his eyes. 
we’re actually have much relatable moments? i guess. 
kenapa gue dulu gak cerita ke dia aja ya. i mean he’s not in the same line as i am. jadi the secrets will be more safe gak sih harusnya?
kita cerita tentang gimana brand2nya temen2 gue such as rafif dkk lagi mau release. aqsa ngasih tau sih update annya mereka gimana. ohh iya gak lupa dia nyeritain progress brand dia ke gue gimana dong. selain itu banyak hal penting yang gue bahas dan gue dapetin dari dia. 
yang paling mengagumkan di mata gue tu apa ye... 
sense of art sama musicnya dia sih.
may orang orang seeing him as yaudah. basic perspective. 
ganteng(?), terus gacoan di sma(?), temennya alif (kinda), tajir(?)
gapenting itu gila.
kalo sampe ada orang yang bikin gue nanya “ini judul lagunya apa?” itu orang bener-bener bisa mempengaruhi hidup gue, maaaan.
this tumblr is my diary for sure. gaada orang di dunia gue bisa menemukan ini. semoga.
tapi gue menulis ini dalam rangka, intensitas gue mikirin ka rakha gak se intense hari-hari sebelumnya. gue bersyukur sih bisa teralihkan dari rakha. karna gue ssuka sama orang jatohnya gajelas.
kayak gue terperangkap sama “the idea of him” aja dalam kepala gue. padahal belum tentu dia tu seperti apa yang terlintas di kepala gue.
gue yakin triggernya adalah karna gue menemukan seseorang yang lebih realistis dari rakha yakni seorang aqsa yang jelas2 bisa aja hadir di depan muka gue kapan aja.
 the next question mark.
ini tulisan kalo dibaca antara bahaya dan ngegeliin ga si.
for sure gue mengucapkan terima kasih karna kehadiran aqsa yang mampu mengubah perspektif gue ke ka rakha. SIAPA SI YANG GA CAPE NAKSIR ORANG TAPI SERASA NGOMONG AMA TAI. gaada progress. ampe anyep.
fak gue sekarang lagi dengerin lagunya Dionne Warwick yang judulnya Deja Vu. gua mau ngakak karna ini lagu pas banget ngegiring gua bikin tulisan ini. ya gitu deh pokoknya.
it’s too cliche for saying that I LIKE him.
gue mau make sure doang gue cuman teralihkan aja. karna kekaguman gua sama selera musiknya, perspektifnya dia, terlebih dia bisa lebih terbuka dibandingkan adit gak si. 
adit kayak tai.
gue juga sebel sebenernya kalo luna sama hanhan suka ngeledekin gue kalo di depan aqsa. tau ga si efek dari keseringan diledekin dalam diri seorang pacil?
se besar efek teori labelling.
kalo sering diledekin kejadian.
nah itu gue.
gue dulu juga karna sering diledekin sama aira nawafi jadi naksir beneran kan ama rakha?
gua bukan orang yang, apa ya, malu-malu gitu kalo diledekin sebenernya. biasa aja. tapi ntar kalo gue lagi sendirian, kepikiran.
kayak, kepikiran mukanya lah, perkataannya lah, track record dia selama gue kenal dia lah, ujung-ujungnya gue bikin konspirasi sendiri.
gue gatahu sih tujuannya gue nulis ini apa. gue cuman mau nyeritain life update gue aja hari ini, tanggal 14 juli 2020 pagi hari pukul sepulu. 
keren sih
akhirnya gue yang di karantina mulu di rumah akhirnya bisa agak, dikit-dikit, gak kejebak dalam bayang bayang kating gue yang ntah sekarang dia hidupnya ngapain si? wkwkwkwk.
susah banget man.
kejebak dalam ideologi gue sendiri tentang dia tu anjing banget. rakhanisme.
kayak orang udah kedoktrin, beneran bisa gila gue kalo sampe semester 4 gue masih aja begini dan tetep begini.
sa, meskipun gambar lo titit semua, gue berterima kasih sama lu yang udah menyelamatkan gua dari lubang khayalan ideologi rakhanisme ini.
setidaknya gue jadi punya kegiatan bermanfaat kayak dengerin lagu2 lo, atau ngintilin lo menjalani bisnis clothingan lo HAHAHA. 
for sure, u are the next list of top legendary things infected my mind setelah stoicism dan mbak ney.
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9174 · 3 years
The new semester is starting and I'm lowkey excited (?) WKWKWK. Doakan aku semoga di akhir program Bangkit bisa dapet sertifikasi Google Associate Cloud Engineer gaes :')
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9174 · 3 years
Baru inget, ternyata semester 5 kemaren aku ikut 4 lomba... 2 menang, 1 lolos final, 1 hanya menjadi pastisipan. Wkwkwk 😅
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9174 · 3 years
Review Semester 3, 4, dan 5
Sebenernya, ku gak yakin akan ada yang baca post ini—atau bahkan buka blogku ini—karena akupun gak mempublikasikannya secara umum. Tapi ingin nulis aja, juga biar tumblrku gak nganggur dan bisa dimanfaatkan. 😆
Yak, semester 3, 4, 5 adalah saat di mana aku full kuliah online. Kalau semester 2, sempet ada offlinenya, dan tbh banyak kejadian tak terduga juga sih saat itu, tapi ya, cukup yang full online aja lah ya, ntar kepanjangan wkwkwk.
Disclaimer: Sepertinya peralihan proses pembelajaran dari offline ke online gak terlalu mengagetkan mahasiswa Fasilkom. Jadi mungkin aku gak ceritain kesan atau perbandingan saat offline dan online, karena menurutku biasa aja :v
Prolog: Aku pindahan dari jurusan Matematika UI. Kenapa pindah? Mager nulis jawabannya di sini wkwk. Intinya, karena aku pindahan, aku udah ada beberapa SKS hasil transfer dari jurusan sebelumnya, yaitu SKS dari matkul yang udah pernah diambil dan bisa ditransfer ke jurusan yang sekarang, Ilmu Komputer UI.
Semester 3
Sepertinya udah banyak diketahui warga Fasilkom bahwa semester 3 itu semester yang "bikin kaget" mahasiswa (baru). Mungkin karena matkul yang banyak tugasnya udah mulai bermunculan. But in my case, it's the total opposite. Semester 3-ku sangat sangat nyantai gaes WKWK.
Nyantainya kenapa? Karena di semester-semester sebelumnya aku udah nyodok beberapa matkul dan alhasil semester 3 ini aku bisa nyantai (ngambil sedikit matkul), cuma ambil 17 SKS. Sebenernya tadinya pengen ambil lebih, cuma gak bisa karena ada masalah matkul prasyarat dan kalau gak salah ada yang jadwalnya bentrok.
Semester 3 cuma ambil matkul SDA, Operating Systems, MPPI, Matdas (Kalkulus) 2, dan Sistem Interaksi. Kayaknya gak bakal review satu-satu matkul sih. Menurutku yang paling challenging itu SDA. Matkul lainnya, ya kayak biasa, tugas mingguan. Alhamdulillaah, bisa enjoy aja. :)
Semester 4
Semester 4 kuambil matkul Advanced Programming, Teori Bahasa & Automata (TBA), Basis Data, Analisis Numerik, Grafika Komputer, dan Jaringan Komputer; total 22 SKS. Menurutku semester ini hectic banget hahaha. Advprog dengan tugas mingguannya yang abstrak + kudu demo tiap tugas😴, TBA dengan tugas mingguannya yang menantang🤯, Basdat dengan TKnya yang ribet dan bobotnya yang (menurutku) gak sesuai🥲, Anum dengan UTS yang bisa dijadiin paper dan TK yang mantap😊, Grafkom dengan tugas-tugasnya yang abstrak (lagi) dan aku gangerti WKAKAK🤪, dan Jarkom dengan tugas & tutorial mingguan yang ribet🤓. Alhamdulillaah 'ala kulli haal.
Mantap lah semester 4 pokoknya kayak kejar-kejaran sama deadline wkwkwkwk.
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Semester 5
Wah ini nih HAHAHA. Hectic bangettt. Mantap gan. Mantap lah pokoke. WKWKWKWK.
Mirip kayak semester 4, deadline numpuk. Bukan deadline akademis aja. Ya, akunya yang merelakan diri untuk ikut kegiatan di luar akademis, udah risiko, dan ada konsekuensinya. Aku ikut 2 lomba (1 kepegang dan 1 skip WKWK), organisasi FUKI, dan ngasdos Jarkom. Alhamdulillaah, lomba yang kepegang menang juara 1 xixi. 
Semester 5 aku ambil matkul KASDD, Desain & Analisis Algoritma (DAA), Teknologi Mobile, Pengolahan Citra, Semantic Web, dan RPL; total 20 SKS. Overall, pas kelas sync aku banyak gak merhatiin. Sebenernya semester ini masa “sibuk banget”nya itu pas pekan sebelum UTS dan sebelum & setelah UAS. Itu dah kayak susah banget napas, deadlinenya bener-bener numpuk wkwk. Alhamdulillaah, semua bisa terselesaikan dengan baik. 😊
Semua tugas kuliahku untuk semester 5 selesai tanggal 31 Desember 2020. Kalau udah selesai semua tugas, selanjutnya apa? Nunggu nilai. Tapi aku juga ngoreksi tugas-tugas karena aku ngasdos WKWK. Di sini lah, hectic lagi. Dari tanggal 1-7 Januari, tim asdos Jarkom dan Jarkomdat masih berkutat dengan tugas-tugas mahasiswa. Ya banyangin aja, 1 orang bisa megang 15-18 mahasiswa, dan ada total 14 tugas tiap mahasiswa wkwk. Belum lagi, masing-masing asdos kudu bikin marking guide untuk tugas & tutorial yang mereka menjadi penanggung jawabnya. Aku sendiri megang 17 mahasiswa dan bikin marking guide & kunci jawaban untuk Tutorial 3 (Web Server; with Docker + GCP) dan Tugas 5 (Network Layer - OSPF). Jadi total ku ngoreksi kurleb 238 tugas. Alhamdulillaah tugas-tugasku selesai semua. Tapi ada beberapa asdos yang tugasnya gak selesai dan dibantu sama asdos lain yang ada waktu luang dan/atau mau ngebantu. Saking banyaknya dan bener-bener mepet deadline submit nilai ke SIAK, dibantu juga sama dosennya langsung dong🥺, mantap lah, barakallahu fiih.
WKWKWK. Yaudah. Sekian. 😄
Terima kasih sudah meluangkan waktunya untuk membaca tulisan ini ((walaupun ku gak yakin ada yang baca HAHAHA)).
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