#pachycormus fossile
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years ago
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The Pachycormus fossile.
Trove of Jurassic-Era Fossilized Fish Discovered on an English Dairy Farm
(Photo: Dr. Dean Lomax)
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Another fossilized fish complete with soft tissue.
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gaetaniu · 2 years ago
Un pesce fossile del giurassico è morto per aver mangiato un'ammonite troppo grande
Una coppia di paleontologi dello Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart dell’Universität Hohenheim ha trovato un pesce fossile del Giurassico che sembra essere morto dopo aver ingerito un’ammonite troppo grande. Samuel Cooper ed Erin Maxwell riportano il loro studio sul fossile nella rivista Geological Magazine. Il fossile, Pachycormus macropterus, è stato trovato in Germania in un sito…
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extinctworld-ua · 3 years ago
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Pachycormus — вимерлий рід пахікорміформних променеперих риб, відомий з ранньої юри (тоарський вік) Європи. Родова назва походить від грецьких слів παχύς «товстий» і κορμός — «деревяна колода». Скам’яні��ості були знайдені в морських відкладеннях у Франції, Німеччині та Англії.
Повний текст на сайті "Вимерлий світ":
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science-for-the-masses · 3 years ago
Fossilized Fish Found in Cattle Field
The fossilised remains of a Pachycormus fish (below) have been found in a cattle field in Stroud, Gloucestershire.
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Found by Nevile and Sally Hollingworth (who are both noted for their exceptional ability to identify high return fossil areas) in a rich fossil seam running through a famers field, the fossil dates back 183 million years, a time when the land would have been submerged under tropical waters, known as the Toarcian stage of the Jurassic. This period of time is known for its excellent preservation of soft tissues.
Several more fossils were found in the same seam, including more fish, squids, and two ichthyosaurs. This is interesting as its a prime example of the full food chain. More interestingly, fossilised wood and insects have also been found in the seam, suggesting that land was close by.
The last time a comparable site was found was the Strawberry Bank Langerstatte in Somerset during the 1800's, marking an exciting step forward in the study of the Jurassic period.
Source (of information and image): BBC News, written by Jonathan Amos
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merelygifted · 3 years ago
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'Never seen anything like it': Impeccably preserved Jurassic fish fossils found on UK farm | Live Science
A farm in England was the unlikely source of a Jurassic jackpot: a treasure trove of 183 million-year-old fossils. On the outskirts of Gloucestershire in the Cotswolds, beneath soil that is currently trampled under the hooves of grazing cattle, researchers recently uncovered the fossilized remains of fish, giant marine reptiles called ichthyosaurs, squids, insects and other ancient animals dating to the early part of the Jurassic period (201.3 million to 145 million years ago).
Of the more than 180 fossils logged during the dig, one of the standout specimens was a three-dimensionally preserved fish head that belonged to Pachycormus, an extinct genus of ray-finned fishes. The fossil, which researchers found embedded in a hardened limestone nodule poking out of the clay, was exceptionally well preserved and contained soft tissues, including scales and an eye. The 3D nature of the pose of the specimen's head and body was such that the researchers couldn't compare it to any other previous find.  
"The closest analogue we could think of was Big Mouth Billy Bass," said Neville Hollingworth, a field geologist with the University of Birmingham who discovered the site with his wife, Sally, a fossil preparator and the dig’s coordinator. "The eyeball and socket were well preserved. Usually, with fossils, they're lying flat. But in this case, it was preserved in more than one dimension, and it looks like the fish is leaping out of the rock," Hollingworth told Live Science.  ...
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msamba · 3 years ago
Trove of Jurassic-Era Fossilized Fish Discovered on English Cow Farm | My Modern Met
Trove of Jurassic-Era Fossilized Fish Discovered on English Cow Farm | My Modern Met
By Madeleine Muzdakis on August 28, 2022 The Pachycormus fossile. (Photo: Dr. Dean Lomax) What a ferocious find! One might expect to find a lot of cows, manure, and hay on a dairy farm. However, British fossil hunters Neville and Sally Hollingworth discovered something less expected: a 183-million-year-old fossilized fish. Not just any fossil, the pair had discovered a specimen preserved as if…
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fumpkins · 3 years ago
'Never seen anything like it': Impeccably preserved Jurassic fish fossils found on UK farm
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A farm in England was the unlikely source of a Jurassic jackpot: a treasure trove of 183 million-year-old fossils. On the outskirts of Gloucestershire in the Cotswolds, beneath soil that is currently trampled under the hooves of grazing cattle, researchers recently uncovered the fossilized remains of fish, giant marine reptiles called ichthyosaurs, squids, insects and other ancient animals dating to the early part of the Jurassic period (201.3 million to 145 million years ago). 
Of the more than 180 fossils logged during the dig, one of the standout specimens was a three-dimensionally preserved fish head that belonged to Pachycormus, an extinct genus of ray-finned fishes. The fossil, which researchers found embedded in a hardened limestone nodule poking out of the clay, was exceptionally well preserved and contained soft tissues, including scales and an eye. The 3D nature of the pose of the specimen’s head and body was such that the researchers couldn’t compare it to any other previous find.  
“The closest analogue we could think of was Big Mouth Billy Bass,” said Neville Hollingworth, a field geologist with the University of Birmingham who discovered the site with his wife, Sally, a fossil preparator and the dig’s coordinator. “The eyeball and socket were well preserved. Usually, with fossils, they’re lying flat. But in this case, it was preserved in more than one dimension, and it looks like the fish is leaping out of the rock,” Hollingworth told Live Science.
A fish’s scales and eyes were some of the soft tissues preserved for more than 180 million years.  (Image credit: Dean Lomax)
“I’ve never seen anything like it before,” Sally Hollingworth added. “You could see the scales, skin, spine — even its eyeball is still there.”
The sight astounded the Hollingworths so much that they contacted ThinkSee3D, a company that creates digital 3D models of fossils, to create an (opens in new tab)interactive 3D image (opens in new tab) of the fish to help bring it to life and to allow researchers to study it more closely.
Related: Enormous graveyard of alien-like sea creatures discovered at ‘Jurassic Pompeii’ in central UK
Most of the fossils the Hollingworths and a team of scientists and specialists unearthed were located behind the farm’s cowshed. (The farm is home to a herd of English longhorn — a British breed of beef cattle with long, curved horns — many of which kept a close eye on the excavation.)
“It was a bit unnerving digging when you’re being watched by a herd of longhorn,” Sally Hollingworth told Live Science.
At one time, this region of the United Kingdom was completely submerged by a shallow, tropical sea, and the sediments there likely helped preserve the fossils; Neville Hollingworth described the Jurassic beds as slightly horizontal, with layers of soft clays under a shell of harder limestone beds.
“When the fish died, they sank to the bottom of the seabed,” said fossil marine reptile specialist Dean Lomax, a visiting scientist at the University of Manchester in the U.K. and a member of the excavation group. “As with other fossils, the minerals from the surrounding seabed continually replaced the original structure of the bones and teeth. In this case, the site shows that there was very little to no scavenging, so they must’ve been rapidly buried by the sediment. As soon as they hit the seabed, they were covered over and protected immediately.”
During the four-day dig earlier this month, the eight-person team used a digger to excavate 262 feet (80 meters) across the farm’s grassy banks, “pulling back layers to reveal a small slice of geological time,” Neville Hollingworth said. A number of diverse specimens dated to the Toarcian age (a stage of the Jurassic that occurred between 183 million and 174 million years ago) and included belemnites (extinct squid-like cephalopods), ammonites (extinct shelled cephalopods), bivalves and snails, in addition to fish and other marine animals.
“It’s important that we can compare these fossils with other Toarcian age fossil sites, not only in the U.K. but also across Europe and potentially sites in America,” Lomax said. He pointed to Strawberry Bank Lagerstätte, an early Jurassic site in southern England, as one such example.
The group plans to continue studying the specimens and is working toward publishing the findings. Meanwhile, a selection of the fossils will be placed on display at the Museum in the Park in Stroud.
Originally published on Live Science.
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2022/07/29/never-seen-anything-like-it-impeccably-preserved-jurassic-fish-fossils-found-on-uk-farm/
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gkdhaka · 3 years ago
Eye-popping fossil fish found in cattle field
Eye-popping fossil fish found in cattle field
Pachycormus: It looks like it is going to jump out at you A ferocious-looking fossil fish has been unearthed from a remarkable new Jurassic dig site just outside Stroud, in Gloucestershire. The creature – a tuna-like predator called Pachycormus – is beautifully persevered in three dimensions. With its big teeth and eyes, it gives the impression it is about to launch an attack. The specimen was…
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