#p.s. again cropping so they look nice in a tumblr post but i always have the full scan for anyone who cares
exdeputysonso · 9 months
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Blue Velvet (1986) Press Photos
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gracefulweather · 2 years
Happy 1-year message-versary! Can’t believe it’s been exactly 1 year since you first messaged me on Tumblr! While it may have started because of my love for your fics, which then led to lots of nekked pics of Hyunjae in our chat 🤡, I’m glad that our convos have evolved to talking about your blossoming feelings for SEVENTEEN ❣️, our hilarious boi stories, work complaints 🙃, and trip planning! I never thought that I’d be besties with someone I met online but I knew we were totally vibing from the start! 🥰
Thank you for being the perfect partner-in-crime by being delusional with me, helping me plan my perfect holiday to your home country, and encouraging me to tap into my wild (?) side by getting piercings! I’ve loved all our random convos and all the funny things you send me and say, and it’s always the best when we suddenly go off on a tangent and become totally delusional and write spontaneous drabbles / fics in our chats! Or when we tell each other about random things that act as fic inspo! I’ve told you this before but I’m so honoured that you’ve dedicated fics to me! 💞💓💗
Special mention to you having managed to put up with my awful work complaints, especially during That Project ™️ (RIP may it never come back to me again! 🙏🏻) and for always keeping me company when I was working late or was bored on the way to / from work or even at work! 💖💘💝
You’re my bestie from the other side of the world but even 13 timezones can’t keep us apart! 😂😂😂 Literally the only times we didn't message each other were when we were sick or I was physically with you during my holiday HAHA and I have now become an expert at our timezone difference lol
Once again, happy message-versary and here’s to many more fun times! 🥂
P.S. Come visit me soon! 😭😭😭
P.P.S. A select summary of some iconic moments in pics:
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HAPPY FRIENDVERSARYYYY to the seokmin to my mingyu, the hyunjae to my younghoon ✨🥳🎉🎊 ahhh so much has changed in the past year and i can fully say that i never expected to make a new friend in 2022 but it happened and we had way too much fun together!!!
(i debated making a post on jeongjaebae about this and even had the screenshots collected, but i guess i'll post them here instead LOL)
here's how it started
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how it continued.... aaaand of course my legendary slip-into-the-dms move 🤡
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guess they don't call me an istj attractor for nothing HAHA
yeah so i never expected for something like this to happen especially when 1. no one comments on fics, and 2. no one sends asks, and 3. if they pass thru #1 and 2, they're probably... way too young to pull off an international trip to meet a mutual LMAO. so really, the stars aligned for this to happen :'')
i knew we'd be able to meet one day but never expected the opportunity to come up so soon!! having you (kind of spontaneously) visit from 15,558 km away is definitely a once in a lifetime event and a big part of what made 2022 so special 🤩 and ofc it's been quite the experience watching you go from a Good Girl to wanting to try new things!! like piercings and crop tops and maybe doing a slutty walk through the financial district HAHAH
the days when we used to talk for like 9 hours in a row (when i was unemployed) were way too much fun, but even now with jobs and timezones and everything, we still manage to be delusional so we're doing great :') and yeah i totally agree, it's nice to have a friend from a diff timezone so we can have each other for company even during odd hours like those 7:30s on the train or the 2ams.
also it's so interesting to see which conversations you screenshotted?? some of them overlap with mine like the stupid together stupid separately, and the one with the brackets LMAO. but here are some i found funny:
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can't possibly include all the good moments and idek if these would count as my faves either but think they're pretty fitting of our highly delulu convos 😍
so here's to one great year of friendship and adventures, and looking forward to more to come!! (aka continuing to be as delusional as humanly possible) ❣️✨💓💫💖
p.s. yes that aussieland trip has to happen sometime 🥺
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