#p. [half of my soul] r:&achilles
philtatoshetairos · 4 years
♡ (aleko/heph) 💘(patrochilles) 💟 (loustat)
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♡: who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you score spending millions on yourbeloved’s funeral, putting off the sacred flame on the temple upon his deathand asking the oracle of Zeus Ammon at Siwa to make him a god while laying out plans to buildtemples in his name throughout all of your empire but that will never happenbecause your generals can’t follow simple instructions?
Anyway aside from actual public demonstrations, which for them arecurtailed by societal boundaries, Aleko is generally a huge romantic in everysense of the word. He’s the nerd quoting poetry because it spoke to his soul orsomething and he’ll definitely make absurdly intense declarations because thisis just how his emotions run.
I don’t think either of them has any problem showing it to each other,but Hephaestion ends up having to play the rational part. So inside theirlittle bubble they’re probably the same, but for the rest of the people,Alexander seems more romantic for reasons way beyond love – like the image ofthe benevolent conqueror who just wants to unite worlds.
💘: who developed a crush on the other first?
They’re both dumb idiots with a childhood crush. That’s the answer. Butreally, Patroclus remembers the swoopity swoop feeling of staring at Achillesand wondering if he felt the same, while also rationally knowing that he was the only person the prince really wanted tospend time with. I’ll dare say that Patroclus was the one who became awarefirst but they were both already crushing hard.
💟: who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities?
OH GOD LMAO this is something I’ve never thought about but Lestat, forsure. Even if he doesn’t believe in this shit, he would. He also spent the 90sand early 2000s doing those teen magazine quizzes like “are you and your crushcompatible?”/“will you have a spring or summer wedding?” about them and hedoesn’t regret a single moment spent on it.
I bet Louis will never admit it but he checked it out occasionally too.We see him.
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cacoetheswriting · 6 years
Fluff Alphabet - Bellamy Blake
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A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)
Bellamy has never met a more courageous woman: always keeping your head high, your heart strong, never letting anyone step all over you. Your bravery is exactly what he finds most attractive about you. And it’s what you find attractive about him, plus his starlike freckles.
B = Baby (do they want a family? why/why not?)
Bellamy would make a great father, there is no denying that. He has a heart of gold, he’s wise beyond his years, he is protective yet strict. He would love nothing more than to have children with you. You are his family.
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
Your back pressed tightly to his chest, his arm wrapped around yours, hand on your chest feeling your heart beat. 
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
Dates with Bellamy are always adventurous. He makes every moment count and always manages to keep you entertained.
E = Everything (“you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…))
“You are the reason I long for a better world Y/N. A place where we can grow old together safely, raise our children without fear that one day they will have to fight to stay alive. You are my willpower.”
F = Feelings (when did they know they were falling in love?)
Believe it or not Bellamy knew he was going to fall in love with you when the two of you first landed in bed. Your nonchalance, the way you presented yourself with such grace and confidence, and the words that you said when he undressed you, “Just don’t fall for me too hard Bell-”.
G = Gentle (are they gentle? If so, how?)
Towards you, and simply when with you, Bellamy is the gentlest soul. He would never dare to do anything that could hurt you physically or emotionally. Your happiness, making you feel comfortable and loves, is his priority. He always does everything in his power to make you see that. 
H = Hand/Hold (how do they like to hold hands?)
The older Blake is not the biggest fan of PDA. But when he does hold your hand, Bellamy first traces your fingers gently with his own before intertwining them and lifting your hand to his lips and kissing it. 
I = Impression (first impression/s)
Bellamy thought you were the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes on. You quite literally took his breath away. And it didn’t take him long to realise you were also brave, smart, kind, and caring - everything he could only dream of in a partner.
J = Joker (are they into pulling pranks?)
He’s not into pranks of sorts but he does have a good sense of humour. His jokes are quite good too, not that you would ever admit it.
K = Kisses (how do they kiss?)
His kisses are always soft yet intense, there is no in between. They are always fuelled by immense passion you feel for one another and every time the burning fire grows larger. Bellamy tangles his fingers in your hair as he holds your face close, his tongue dancing with yours - your hearts beating together as one. 
L = Love (who says I love you first?)
He does - however, completely by accident. You just finished telling him about your day and Bellamy, as always completely lost in your words, smiles from ear to ear and shakes his head with a laugh. “God I love you.” 
M = Memory (their favourite moment together)
Bellamy loves to reminisce on the time he asked you to be his girlfriend. The two of you have been ‘friends with benefits’ of sorts for quite some time now at that point, therefore, spending all of your free time together anyway. You were laying in his bed, your head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of your head and took a deep breath, hesitant at first of what he was going to say next even though he knew it felt right. It was what he wanted. “What would you say if we were to make this official?” He asked as you drew circles on his chest with your thumb. “Monogamous fuck buddies?” Bellamy smirked which made you let out a giggle too. “Yes, that is exactly what I meant.”
N = Nickel (do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?)
Your relationship is not built on material things. Yes, Bellamy believes you deserve the world, and vice versa, but neither of you think it’s the most important to spoil the other. As long as both of you feel loved and appreciated you don’t need anything else.
O = Orange (what colour reminds them of their other half?)
Blue - like the sky, the sea, and the stars that illuminate the dark sky. Everything peaceful and soothing, like you, he associates with the colour blue. And even though the shade generally means sadness, to him it only brings happiness.
P = Pet names (what pet names do they use?)
Most often you will find yourself calling him “Bell.”, sometimes when you are being extra cutesy you will call him “baby”. While Bellamy would simply use your surname in an endearing and loving kind of way.   
Q = Quaint (what is their favourite non-modern thing?)
The older Blake absolutely adores literature, old books with missing pages and crumpled covers. It is an object with a story not only written inside. Therefore, his favourite possession is a rustic copy of the Iliad that you found one day exploring.  
R = Rainy Day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Bellamy likes to read. The two of you would sit in bed, a book in each of your laps. The silence is soothing, nothing but the sound of raindrops hitting the ground outside.
S = Sad (how do they cheer themselves/each other up)
All Bellamy really needs when he’s feeling out of place is to hear you laugh. The soothing melodic sounds of your voice makes everything better. Of course there are days when that is not enough. Then the two of you sit in silence, holding hands. As long as he has you he will be okay.
T = Talking (what do they love to talk about?)
The present, the past, and your future together. The weather, books, what happened on a given day. Accomplishments, the beach, space. What to have for dinner, habits and goals. Everything and nothing.
U = Unencumbered (what helps them relax?)
The sound of your voice, plain and simple. “How do you manage to make everything sound so melodious?” Bellamy could listen to you talk for hours on end, about everything and nothing all at once. And when you sing, the world stops. There is no better feeling in the world to him than what rushes through his heart as you sing. 
V = Very (what do they like to show off? what are they proud of?)
As cocky as he can be sometimes Bellamy prefers to show you off. Not only because you are in his eyes incredibly beautiful, almost without a flaw, you’re also immensely courageous and possess a heart of gold. He wants everyone to know it, he wants everyone to know how lucky he thinks he is to have you.  
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
The words slipped off his tongue so naturally, with ease and warmth. And he held his breath as soon as he said them. Eagerly he waited for your reaction, your response. But you just looked at him and the biggest smile illuminated your features. Bellamy knew then and there what that smile meant - yes, you will marry him.
X = Xylophone (what’s their song?)
Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival. As time passed on Earth, more different new-old things were discovered. Among those was a stack of records, surprisingly undamaged by the passage of time. The song became his favourite, he especially loves it when you hum it under your breath thinking he can't hear.
Y = You’re the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
“You’re the Achilles to my Penthesilea.” Bellamy smirked softly at your words as you wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers running through his black curls. “You do remember that Achilles killed Penthesilea on the battlefield.” “I do, but I also remember how quickly he fell in love with her beauty and bravery.” Bellamy raised a questioning eyebrow. “Are you saying that’s why I fell in love with you?” “Maybe.”
Z = Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?)
Bellamy would most likely get a dog, a German Shepherd to be exact. Someone to play with, to train with. Someone to protect you when he’s not around. A best friend.
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philtatoshetairos · 5 years
[text @ patroclus] Stop falling asleep in the bathtub. You’re going to drown and die and leave me and I’m not having that.
[text: bae
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