#a. [our love it was stronger by far] r:&hephaestion
philtatoshetairos · 4 years
👗 alex/heph
SYMBOL MEME - Tension edition B)
“My fathersays that we can…”
It wasn’tcommon for him to be distracted to the point of speechlessness, but he wouldargue in his defense that there weren’t many sights as breathtaking as the scene that greeted him when he entered thePages’ tent. It seemed that in the short span between Alexandros leaving totalk to the king and returning with proper instructions for the group,Hephaistion had found enough time to change into full battle gear.
It turnedthe boy into… more than a man, a figure in the likeliness of divine heroesblessed with both beauty and bravery, capable of stirring either the favor orthe envy of the gods. If Alexandros already kept the poorly veiled secret ofconsidering his friend a Patroclus to his Achilles, he doubted he would ever beable to forget it after this.
“Are wesupposed to stare at each other?” Perdiccas said in a conspiratorial whisper,loud enough to be heard and break whatever spell Eros had cast on the prince’smind.
Well, atleast to bring it back to focus, because the arrow of longing had pierced hisheart long before and, try as he might, he hadn’t been able to pull it out.
“Of coursenot,” Alexandros countered smoothly, aiming a ferocious smile at the other boy.It melted into something softer immediately upon returning to Hephaistion. “Phaistas’helmet is askew.” Only subtly, but he took the opportunity to walk forward andrearrange it for him anyway, careful not to fall into the trap of letting hisknuckles move down to the curve of his neck. “There. Now even Homer would havetrouble finding an epithet worthy of your image.”
“Oh comeon, Aleko, are you sure you cannot think of one or two? How about dearest—”
“Erigyus.”It fell flat on his tongue and he tilted his head to the side for a warningglare, but giving in to the teasing would only make it worse. Instead,Alexandros laughed and shook his head, making his way back towards the exit. “Jealousy does not suit you, my friend, ifyou wanted a compliment you could have said so as well. The king wants us outside, finish gettingdressed properly and perhaps a poet will have something to say about your honey-colored eyes along the way.”
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philtatoshetairos · 4 years
♡ (aleko/heph) 💘(patrochilles) 💟 (loustat)
Send a ship meme
♡: who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you score spending millions on yourbeloved’s funeral, putting off the sacred flame on the temple upon his deathand asking the oracle of Zeus Ammon at Siwa to make him a god while laying out plans to buildtemples in his name throughout all of your empire but that will never happenbecause your generals can’t follow simple instructions?
Anyway aside from actual public demonstrations, which for them arecurtailed by societal boundaries, Aleko is generally a huge romantic in everysense of the word. He’s the nerd quoting poetry because it spoke to his soul orsomething and he’ll definitely make absurdly intense declarations because thisis just how his emotions run.
I don’t think either of them has any problem showing it to each other,but Hephaestion ends up having to play the rational part. So inside theirlittle bubble they’re probably the same, but for the rest of the people,Alexander seems more romantic for reasons way beyond love – like the image ofthe benevolent conqueror who just wants to unite worlds.
💘: who developed a crush on the other first?
They’re both dumb idiots with a childhood crush. That’s the answer. Butreally, Patroclus remembers the swoopity swoop feeling of staring at Achillesand wondering if he felt the same, while also rationally knowing that he was the only person the prince really wanted tospend time with. I’ll dare say that Patroclus was the one who became awarefirst but they were both already crushing hard.
💟: who spends time reading their zodiac compatibilities?
OH GOD LMAO this is something I’ve never thought about but Lestat, forsure. Even if he doesn’t believe in this shit, he would. He also spent the 90sand early 2000s doing those teen magazine quizzes like “are you and your crushcompatible?”/“will you have a spring or summer wedding?” about them and hedoesn’t regret a single moment spent on it.
I bet Louis will never admit it but he checked it out occasionally too.We see him.
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philtatoshetairos · 5 years
🥃 4 the greatest king B)
“You must tell me, dear heart, now that all the Persian gold is ours,” Alexander started with a charming smile, waving his wine-filled goblet to show off the ornate details of the room. There was more wealth to be found in Persepolis and Susa, more than many generations of Macedonians had seen in their whole lifetimes. “What gifts do you want for helping me reach Babylon?”
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philtatoshetairos · 5 years
TRY alexander iii from macedonia
With anuproar akin to thunder, they cut through the enemy’s line, breeching an openingin the Theban defense that had so far held steadfast in the Chaeronea plains. Ahigh white crest on the prince’s helmet singled him out at the front of the Companionscavalry with his already famed black horse, sword set ablaze in the sunlight. Theblade swung down to take the life out of the nearest man, blood gushing out ofthe wound when Alexander pulled it back with a sharp jerk of his arm.
The godswere at his side, the blessing of Heracles upon him. He knew without a shred ofdoubt that he had been born for this. It was in the battlefield that he couldbe at his best, deadly hands commanded by a quick wit, voice carrying outorders to the men that would follow him into glory or doom.
Let it beglory then.
Over andover he moved through the lines of shields that weren’t fast enough to blockhis blows, over and over the Theban soldiers fell to the ground in heaps ofbodies. All the while he kept eyes and ears attuned to his companions, intenton finishing it without losing the people dearest to him. He noticed Ptolemyrushing to help a wounded Perdiccas, just as he was aware of his belovedHephaestion at his left side, minding his blind spot without even being askedto.
At the endof his first battle as a general, Alexander had granted them certain victory.He could still feel the energy thrumming in his body as his father called tohim for the practical matters following the combat. The Macedonian generalsregrouped to account for casualties and then, with future plans laid out, theywere allowed the celebration they deserved.
The princedidn’t linger much with them, however. He pulled Hephaestion into his privatelodging before they could be stopped by any other cheerful soldier wishing tocongratulate him – Alexander loved and respected the men of their army, butnone more than this one, with whom he shared everything. His friend, his lover,the other half of his soul… It was a love that could only find an equal in themyths of old, and he didn’t expect the poor pitiful fools who didn’t have thesame luck to understand what it meant.
As hesurged forward to press his body against Hephaestion’s and kiss him full on thelips, Alexander thought to himself, as sure as he knew that his fate was tohave a life full of victories,
It’s for this, too, that I’ve been born.
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philtatoshetairos · 5 years
 ✍ (@ alekos from philalexandros)
TheTyrians have refused to yield to our terms. Not only are they unwilling to cometo a peaceful solution, they have also murdered our envoys and disposed of thebodies into the ocean. I am making arrangements to start a siege, and we mighthave to challenge nature itself for this one, given that our new fleet has noaccess to the island. If you have selected someone for the position in Sidon,bring them to me, as their support is of the utmost importance in Phoenicianlands.
Practicalmatters aside, never forget that I want you by my side always. Although mytrust in you above all others and my desire to see the success of thisexpedition into Asia might occasionally keep us apart, it’s with thoughts ofyou that I begin my days and end my nights. The lack of your faithful companyfor the first time since boyhood has shown me that I cannot remember how I keptmy balance before you became a constant in my life, before I got used tofinding you with one quick glance around me at all times.
Manageable,yes, and it cannot stop me from fulfilling my duties, but my heart will notfeel complete again until your return. You are to come meet us in Tyre as soonas possible, for the sake of both our new preparations and my own selfishdesire to keep you to myself.
May thegods bless your path,
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