roomies || sebastian && ana
 It was a little after ten o’clock when Sebastian finally decided to roll out of bed. It was Saturday-- and Saturday’s were for staying in pajamas all day long and watching re-runs of Criminal Minds while eating leftover Chinese takeout and double-stuffed Oreos until he couldn’t see straight. He made quick work of showering and shaving before slipping on a pair of flannel pajama pants and his black framed glasses, heading out into the living room to the smell of coffee calling to him like his own personal siren’s song. “Mornin’,” he murmured as he passed the open door of his sister’s new bedroom, his voice still laden with sleep as he shuffled into the kitchen to pour himself a large mug full to the brim with black, steaming liquid. Moving over to the couch, he plopped down with a groan, reaching for his laptop to begin scrolling through his school email. “Did you want breakfast?” he called out a few moments later, nearly forgetting he now had more than one mouth to feed-- plus Fitz who slumbered by the door.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Roomies || Brian
“Teko.” One syllable swear words seamed to be Aihe’s favourite when something was considerably not going her way. She’d decided to surprise Brian by making him a meal for when he’d got in, and of course she was failing miserably, not because she couldn’t cook, hell, she’d taught herself how to cook from scratch long before she’d ever forced herself to cook something in a microwave, but due to the fact she’d completely forgot she’d promised herself she’d surprise Brian, so her attempts were extremely rushed. Growing more frustrated as time went on, Aihe grabbed all the ingredients that she’d already used and rushed them to the bin, instead opting to bake, she’d made a triple chocolate cake on every occasion and it was her specialty. On arrival of Brian, a considerable time later, she’d calmed down and everything was under control. “We’re having takeout tonight, but I got dessert covered.” She shouted over the music she’d decided to play, a playful grin on her face.
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rhiann-broussard · 10 years
Roomies || Desiree & Rhiann
TAGGING: Desiree O'Reilly and Rhiann Broussard
LOCATION: Room 100, Ashbrook Manor
TIME FRAME: August 5th, night.
NOTES: Desiree and Rhiann spend some time together in their room.
Banana cake. The two words that had caught Rhiann's attention during dinner. She had been wanting to eat banana pudding for a while, but as much as she tried to convince the cooks to make some, they wouldn't comply. But the moment she found out about there being banana cake, she went ballistic. She ate one, but decided to bring extra little packages with her and one way or the other, she would sneak them into her room. She had talked about Declan about possible places where she could hide the food, and so far it had been difficult to find a place where the nurses wouldn't search. 
She walked the hallways of the Ashbrook Manor with at least six packages on the so called banana cakes. She received many glances from various patients but luckily, she didn't met once with a nurse or doctor. When she finally reached her dorm, she opened the door frantically and closed it as quickly as possible. She couldn't believe that she had made the long walk from the cafeteria to her dorm without anyone noticing. "Well, that's good luck.." she mumbled to herself, before placing all the packages on her bed. "Now what do I do with y'all?" 
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