aihevunipola · 8 years
When he mentioned about he not minding sharing again, Aihe smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind for future reference.” She laughed a little as he told her the story of him and his sister in the Irish bar and she couldn’t help but nod. “That’s the Irish for you, no matter where you go in the world, an Irish pub will always be the busiest, and the loudest, I’d say the craziest too, but I’m a kiwi, and we get pretty loose in pubs back home.” She admitted. “It’s not a night well spent unless you end up congregating back at someone’s house sharing a bottle of whiskey, singing, and possibly playing a ukulele.” She shrugged, and laughed at the memory of that happening, on far too often occasion. “It is real nice in here, it’s definitely my sort of place, maybe I’ll see you in here a few more times.” It was definitely more of a hope that she’d be seeing Harrison again, than a random passing statement.
“My Ma is just..” Aihe paused and shook her head before starting again. “She’s something else, lets say.” She shook her head again as he mentioned her pretty face and her hearing it due to being a model. “I don’t ever get tired of hearing it, more due to the fact I don’t believe it myself, but I suppose I can’t be that bad if company’s pay me to put my face on their billboards.” She replied with a small laugh.
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Hide away || Harrison.
“It’s alright. Like I said, I don’t mind sharing,” Harrison reiterated, bringing his drink up to his mouth once again. “That’s true. I once went to this place that I think was supposed to be some sort of Irish Pub. Small, cozy. It looked decent. So, I go with my sister to check it out. As soon as we managed to sit down and order a couple pints, this band starts playing. It’s impossible to talk to anyone when they’re playing. Now, don’t get me wrong, music wasn’t bad, but for such a small place, didn’t work out. Bloody terrible. Never went back. Prefer a place like this. Good mood music, a couple of televisions about with a game on with captions, so you know what’s happening but you don’t have to have noise blaring at you in every direction.” He shrugged. “Plus, it’s not overly crowded either so you don’t have people chattering in your ear either and there’s always a place to sit. Good place, this.” He gestured vaguely to the bar.
“Well, I reckon that’s what mother’s are supposed to do. Care for their children and make sure they’re taken care of. Can you really blame her?” he said. He gave her a look and chuckled. “Oh, I think you give them too much credit,” he told her. “Besides, says a lot to have such a pretty face you stop a shop. Or do you just get that too much being a model? Must get tiring.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Sitting on the seat of her bike at the open area in the front of her shop, Aihe spoke to her Mother through the hands free ear piece she had clipped into her ear. “No, Ma, I won’t, and you better get that billboard moved from outside the shop, I wont tell you again.” Clicking the end button on the ear piece she sighed heavily and shook her head, the modelling billboard had brought more custom, but it had also brought along unwanted attention from males and females alike. Turning to look over her shoulder she saw a familiar face and offered them an inviting smile. “Can I help?”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“I may give it you back one day, but I can’t make promises.” Aihe replied with a wide grin.”Yeah, I really like it so far, I prefer these sort of bars, I like to enjoy a drink and be able to hear myself think - or the person I’m having a conversation with.” She continued, motioning to Harrison as she spoke. She noticed how he’d still not taken his eyes off of her and she liked it, it made her feel like he was really listening to what she was saying, even if he wasn’t, and if that was a case, then hell, he was a damn good actor. She shook her head as he asked her the question about modelling. “Unfortunately, I do still do it regularly, or at least more regular than I would like, but it is all down to my Mother, the woman just doesn’t quit.” She sighed before running a hand through her head, shaking her head slightly. Aihe was happy when it got back to the topic of her shop and the cars she loved so much. “Well I guess there’s a reason I got my own shop, and that might just be one of them.” She teased, her eyes locked on his still. “I joke, but I’m sure you don’t give the guys you work with enough credit, this face wouldn’t ever distract anyone from their work, I’m sure of it.”
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Hide away || Harrison.
“Well, I think considering you need the privacy away from what can I only imagine is madness, I’m willing to share this locale with you,” said Harrison with a small smile as he brought his drink back up to his lips again. “It’s a nice little hidden place,” he nodded as she explained it hadn’t been easy to find. “Probably why I rather like it myself. Not the usual noise and crowd most other bars are prone to having.” He listened as she explained her story. He was still leaning on the table, his gaze fixated on her as she spoke. Though, he had to admit, it was hard not to take his eyes away from her even if what she was saying wasn’t that interesting. There was a reason she was a model, after all, and with or without a camera in front of her, she looked stunning. “Does that mean you don’t still model regularly now that you have your shop? Or does your mother still interfere and get you jobs on occasion?” He couldn’t help but look amused, though. He had never seen someone like her so passionate about cars. Sure, it was probably a gender stereotype to assume it was only men who got into the trade, but still. “Well, I bet you certainly make things interesting at your shop. Then again, I reckon if you worked where I did, none of the other guys would get anything done, face like yours around to distract them all.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“I think the wig would just draw attention rather than keep it away.” She admitted with a nod, copying his motion of refusing to move her eyes away from him, she shook her head slightly though as he replied, a small laugh following. “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I just know someone people have places where they don’t like others knowing about.” She explained with a shrug. “I mean it isn’t the easiest place to find, it definitely took a while for me to stumble across it.” She continued, furrowing her brow as she realised she was rambling. “Hell I pray I haven’t.” Aihe looked around at the thought, luckily it looked as though the coast was clear. She listened as he spoke again and she was impressed that he’d not only remembered everything she’d told him on their first encounter, but that he was genuinely interested. The curiosity she definitely welcomed. “Modelling was to pay the rent.” She said simply. “Followed Ma’s footsteps, but I never wanted the fame from it, but apparently I took to it like a duck to water and it’s just stuck.” Sighing before a smile appeared on her face at the thought of the shop she locked eyes with him. “The shop is my baby, it’s my passion, it’s what I love, and when I’m there it doesn’t feel like I’m at work - trust me, you wont be the first, nor the last to say I don’t look like a mechanic.”
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Hide away || Harrison.
“Far more subtle thanthe wig, I will say that,” said Harrison with a nod. He brought the glass up tohis lips again, but kept his eyes on her as he drank from it before setting itback down on the table. “My place?”he laughed. “Far from it. I come here often, but I’d never claim it as myplace. Reckon you’re allowed here,” he teased her. “You know, as long as youhaven’t brought any crazy fans ere and flooded the place.” He winked, though hewas obviously joking. “Lucky I tend to be a curious bloke, so there’s not muchI don’t care for. At least not without giving it a chance. Though, I’m curious,what do you do? You’re a model but you’re not fond of that, clearly. You own anauto repair shop—is that where you spend your days or is that not incognitoenough for you if you spend your time running from the masses? Nor do you looklike the mechanic type, if that’s not too bold to say.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Roomies || Brian
“Teko.” One syllable swear words seamed to be Aihe’s favourite when something was considerably not going her way. She’d decided to surprise Brian by making him a meal for when he’d got in, and of course she was failing miserably, not because she couldn’t cook, hell, she’d taught herself how to cook from scratch long before she’d ever forced herself to cook something in a microwave, but due to the fact she’d completely forgot she’d promised herself she’d surprise Brian, so her attempts were extremely rushed. Growing more frustrated as time went on, Aihe grabbed all the ingredients that she’d already used and rushed them to the bin, instead opting to bake, she’d made a triple chocolate cake on every occasion and it was her specialty. On arrival of Brian, a considerable time later, she’d calmed down and everything was under control. “We’re having takeout tonight, but I got dessert covered.” She shouted over the music she’d decided to play, a playful grin on her face.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“Sunglasses and a wig would have been far too cliche for someone like you. You look like you like to mix it up. Baseball cap suits you,” he said and watched as she took it off, smiling. “If it makes you feel any better, I can say with confidence this bar doesn’t get a lot of traffic, so you should have nothing to worry about,” he assured her. He leaned forward on the table, placing both his forearms on the table “Ah, well, I’ve always been a fast learner,” he explained to her. “At least when I want something. That’s always been the key. When I don’t care about something or don’t want it, I won’t care enough to do much about it. But when I do, I’m sometimes almost impressed with myself as well at how far I’ll get to get things. Or in this case learn things. Basically, I can pull off plenty out of my sleeve as long as I think it’s worth it.”
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“I like to think it makes me look like I’m not trying as hard to not be noticed.” She replied, explaining the method behind her slight madness. “That does make me feel a hell of a lot better, I’m really sorry if this is like your place, I just really needed somewhere to hide.” She scrunched her nose again and offered him an apologetic smile. The kiwi rubbed her neck slightly and nodded as she listened to him speak, and it brought a smile to her face to hear him explain how far he’d go to get something that he wanted, quite like herself in a way, passionate, and she liked that. “That’s a fantastic strategy, ey, but I definitely don’t envy the things you don’t care much for.” She teased.
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Hide away || Harrison.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“Is that meant to be a disguise?” he asked gesturing to the baseball cap as he took a sip from his drink, licking his lips. “Hiding from someone? Or from people?” He could only figure as much from the way she seemed to keep her head low to keep her face hidden. He looked amused by the whole idea, though he remembered what she said about being a model so it made sense. She must be a bigger celebrity than even he realized. “I am a mechanic,” he went on and nodded. “That’s how I make my money, anyway. I wouldn’t say it’s my career, but definitely my job. I sing and play as a hobby,” he said as he patted the top of the guitar. “I wouldn’t be too impressed just yet. I only picked up the instrument a couple years ago and started teaching myself.“
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Aihe laughed at the question as it made her have the realisation of just how ridiculous she looked. “I thought it was better than going for sunglasses and a wig.” She shrugged a little before removing the baseball cap, her lightly curled locks falling free and cascading over her shoulders, looking up at him from under thick lashes she scrunched her nose and nodded. “People, that stupid billboard, people had forgot who I was, and now it’s all come back.” She finished and then listened as he explained the purpose of the guitar and she mm’d in appreciation, she had a lot of time for people who pursued the things they loved. “I’m more impressed that you’re self taught, not many people can pull that out their sleeve.”
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Hide away || Harrison.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
The voice startled her as Aihe looked up to see who’s mouth it had left, a face that she’d become accustomed too only a couple of days before, the day that the billboard in question and pursued to make her life a living hell. Finally shaking her head at his words, the brunette offered a small and surprisingly welcoming smile to the company that she had now been given. “As long as you promise not to let anyone else sit with us.” It was more a plea than a joking statement, the baseball cap had been her failed attempt at a cover up, and as much as she felt rude keeping it on inside the bar, she needed too until she knew she could get away with taking it off and not getting lynched. Letting her eyes fall to the guitar that he’d propped never to him she smiled again. “I thought you said you were a mechanic?” Aihe asked, nodding towards the instrument. “Don’t tell me you can sing too?” She asked quietly, quite intrigued.
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Hide away || Harrison.
After a long day, Harrison had found his way to one of the quieter and less crowded bars in Denver. Just half hour ago, he had been on a corner in Downtown Denver, playing. He often played his guitar out in the open, whenever he could, always changing the location and making sure to never play in the same place twice. Although he put out his case so passersby could put money into it, he never did it for the money. He had a job. He just enjoyed doing it for him. Today, he had taken his meager earnings, though, and decided a bar would be the perfect place to go to spend it all. Guitar strapped to his back, he ordered himself a rum and coke at the bar  and looked around for a place to sit. He quickly spotted a familiar face. Moving to where she sat, he took his guitar off his back and slid into the booth to sit in front of her, his guitar propped next to him. “Hope you don’t mind the company. Nowhere else to sit.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Hide away || Harrison.
A fall from grace would have been much preferred over the amount of attention and the influx of “custom” that Aihe had received since her billboard campaign had been thrown up on every other street in Denver. Heavy sighs had come from every angle of her body as she dashed down side streets to hide from “fans” and people bugging her at every given opportunity. An hour of trying to ditch them, and the model had found herself in a quiet bar, with low lighting and a buzz in the background from music that finally made her feel somewhat comfortable. Pulling her baseball cap down slightly over her face and holding onto her bomber jacket, she moved to an empty booth and slid in, taking a deep breath as she tried to relax.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“A model,” said Harrison impressed. “What’s a model doing running a motor repair shop?” he asked curiously. “I can’t imagine the two lines of work cross often. Although, there is a trend between luxury sports cars and attractive women, but I never really thought the women were there to work on the cars,” he joked.
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Aihe nodded as he repeated what she’d said. “I guess I’ve just brought a few fantasies to life by crossing them.” She replied with a small laugh. “My Pops gotta’few nice cars, always has, I fell in love with them and it sort of just carried on as I got older.” She explained with a smile. “The modelling was to humour my Ma and it just took off.” Her parents were way more famous than she was, and she was happy for it to stay that way, the limelight wasn’t her preferred lifestyle.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Dylan looked up and saw the billboard above them. Now she understood the use of the swear word. “And why is your face on a billboard?” she asked. “You work here?
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Aihe nodded at the girls second question. “I own the place.” She replied with a smile before turning back to the billboard. “My face is on there because I’m a model, too.. In fact that isn’t even to advertise the shop, it’s just an unlucky coincidence that it’s been put there out of all the other billboards in Denver.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“That’s debatable,” Dougie concluded as he turned his head to face her, another grin present on his lips. Sighing as she argued about the billboard again, he turned around so he was facing Aihe properly and gently rested his hands on her shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. “I’m gonna need ya to listen to me. Everything about that,” He paused for a moment, nodding his head towards the billboard before looking back at her, “is stunning. Sure, you’re always lovelier in person but that billboard is beautiful! Just like you. And there’s nothing wrong with your face so stop saying that,” Dougie pouted, giving her a puppy dog-eyed look as his arms dropped back down by his sides. “Would I ever lie to you?” Shifting slightly again, Dougie nudged her back and he chuckled softly. “What’s not exciting?  It’s you; even better, if you ask me!”
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Aihe picked up on Dougie’s sigh and rose her brow slightly as he faced her fully, smiling as he squeezed her shoulders she shrugged a little. His voice filled her ears with compliments and she couldn’t help but smile, even though she would never agree with him. “You know that I’m never going to be able to agree with you, but I will accept the compliment because people who can’t accept them are the worst.” She knew she was one of those people but Dougie always managed to make her believe that she was as good as he said she was, even if a few minutes later she’d forgotten. Shaking her head as he asked her the question Aihe smiled. “You’d never lie to me, or at least I hope you wouldn’t.” A small laugh left her lips as she cocked her head at him. “You’re the only person to think that.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Dougie waited for a moment to respond, looking up like he was in deep thought. Then, he looked at her, another grin working its way onto his lips as he just shrugged casually. “Yeah, actually. You just did,” He pointed out as his eyebrows quirked upwards. As she started to describe the billboard as ‘awful,’ he shook his head quickly, throwing a look at her as though she was crazy. Because if she thought that looked awful then there must be something wrong; he couldn’t find a fault with it. “Nonsense, it’s stunning. Though, I know what you mean. If I had to see my face every day at work, I’d hate it too. But there’s nothing wrong with your face!” Dougie laughed softly at her words of assurance and he smiled sweetly at her. “Thank God. At least I always have that to hold on to, aye?”
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Aihe cocked her head again before shaking it with a small laugh. “Surely I’m not the only one.” She teased, before noticing that he was shaking his head as she spoke, clearly in disagreement to what she had been saying about her billboard. “There’s nothing stunning about it, and you know there’s plenty wrong with my face, stop trying to make me feel better about it.” She protested with another shake of her head as she lifted her hand so her fingertips grazed her cheek slightly. “Don’t sound to excited about the fact, it’s only me afterall.” Aihe teased, nudging him with her elbow.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
Katherine looked at the billboard once more then to the woman, “You owned the place as well? Or just model for it?” she asked, pointing the billboard and then the place where they were at.
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Aihe watched as the female looked between her, the billboard, and then the shop. “I own Vunipola Repairs, that billboard isn’t even to advertise the shop, it’s just in a very inconvenient place.” The brunette explained.
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“I don’t even know who your mother is, but I’m sorry that she won’t take it down and move it.”
“She’s not a woman you’d want to know. it’s fine, I’ll learn to live with it for the foreseeable future.”
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aihevunipola · 8 years
“Well, even with photoshop you look good” Devon complimented her, though she seemed focused on the billboard. “Well, you shouldn’t hate it because it’s a great picture and everyone is loving it I’m sure”
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“There’s no photoshop, here or there.” Aihe corrected, pointing at the billboard then at herself. “Well thank you for that, but I’m not entirely sure that everyone will agree with that. It’s not the best face to stare at.”
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