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boldlycrookedsalad · 7 months ago
Tomato Nation’s Book Smarts
Here is what Sarah D. Bunting recommends reading and knowing in this piece, “Book Smarts” from tomatonation.com (up until where she writes “After you surface from “Wasteland,” you can pretty much read whatever you like.”): https://tomatonation.com/culture-and-criticism/book-smarts/
Quotes are from that piece.
I have bolded the parts I have finished doing. I added my own commentary in brackets.
“You need to know the major stories of the Old Testament: The Fall, Cain and Abel, Noah and the ark, the diaspora, all that good stuff.”
“You also need to know the story of Christ’s birth and the story of his death.”
”Skim the psalms and the Song of Solomon if you have a minute”
“[T]hen read Revelations.”
“Understand what “Shinto” means.”
“Read a little Confucius.”
“Know a few facts about Muhammad’s life.”
“Know what Martin Luther did.”
“Buy a secondhand copy of Edith Hamilton’s book of myths — or, if you have more time, Ovid’s Metamorphoses — and bone up on the Greco-Roman pantheon.”
“Learn the major figures in Nordic/Viking mythology.”
 “Don’t know the dates of the American Civil War, where the battles took place, why it started? Learn it”.
“Don’t know how long the Depression lasted, how many Americans died in the Great War, when the influenza epidemic took place? Learn it”.
“[R]ead The Odyssey or the first four books of The Aeneid…You don’t have to slog through every page of these, but at least buy the Cliff’s Notes to The Odyssey.”
“Hit the highlights of Catullus’s poems to Lesbia and Horace’s “Odes.””
“Find the existing scraps of Sappho and read those (it’ll take you five minutes, tops).”
“Know what Petronius and Apuleius wrote, but don’t bother reading them.” [Petronius wrote the satirical novel The Satyricon, and Apuleius wrote the novel The Golden Ass.]
“You should also read the greatest hits of Plato and Socrates.”
“Then make sure you know what really happens in the Oedipus cycle.”
“Know what Thucycdides and Aristophanes wrote, or at least the genre.” [The genre is history for Thucycdides and comedy or Old Comedy, the first phase of ancient Greek comedy, for Aristophanes.]
“You need to know what happens in “Beowulf.”” “You need to know what happens in “Canterbury Tales” and why it’s important as literature. The excerpts they give you in the Norton cover the subject quite nicely; there’s no need to kill yourself reading the whole thing.”
“Learn the Arthurian legend, and the Tristan/Isolde legend.”
“Read St. Augustine. It’s…a key tract on the philosophy of faith. Get as far as you can without your heart stopping.” [I emailed Sarah to ask which book she meant here and she said "I assume I was being snotty about ;) the Confessions, which is what I would have had to read for lit survey; hope that helps!"]
“You need a firm grounding in Shakespeare. I think three out of the big four — Lear, Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth — should do you, but know what happens in all of them.”
“You should also know Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Taming Of The Shrew, The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and the Henry cycle, but four out of those seven will cover it; again, know which characters go where and why they’re important. Knowing that someone said “et tu, Brute” doesn’t cut it. Renting the movies is fine.”
“You also have to have read Paradise Lost…Okay, just read up until Satan’s fall.”
“Know what John Donne and Ben Jonson and Marvell did.”
“You need Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats.”
“You need one Austen.” [I picked Pride and Prejudice.]
“You need one Dickens.” [I picked Oliver Twist.]
“You need one Twain.” [I picked The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.]
“You need as much of Whitman’s Leaves Of Grass as you can stomach”
“[P]lus When Lilacs Last By The Dooryard Bloom’d.”
“You need some Hawthorne (if you can’t bear the thought of Hester Prynne, try his short stories instead).”
“You need a smattering of Dickinson.”
“Move on to Eliot, Pound, Yeats, and Frost.”
“Try Joyce. Don’t do Ulysses alone; start a book group and get The Bloomsday Book. Dubliners is nicer.”
“After you surface from “Wasteland,” you can pretty much read whatever you like.”
Notable other things not mentioned in Tomato Nation that I read:
Here, a comic from 1989.
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divineluce · 4 years ago
An Impasse || Solomon & Luce
Timing: November 13th
Location: The Outskirts
Tagging: @shroomsbysolomon & @divineluce
Description: Solomon and Luce officially meet for the first time. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
For the third night in a row, Luce laced up her shoes and exited the Vural home. Her homecoming had been… rocky at best. A shitshow at worse. And, what with all of the bullshit she’d found out regarding Nadia, Remmy giving her shit for leaving, and the goddamn menagerie of animals in her room, sleeping was pretty much out of the question. Which left her with two options-- hit up Soul and risk running into frankly Frank again, or go for a run. It was a no-brainer. Jogging into the woods, she made her way through the familiar trails that wound their way behind Bea’s home. She’d run them so often that, even after spending a month out of town, she still remembered every curve and turn in the path. It was easy, it was simple, it was going through the motions. She could do that, right? And then, once she could do that, maybe things would get better. As she ran, Luce noticed a figure off the path, illuminated in the waning moonlight and she slowed to a stop. “You lost there?” She asked, squinting through the darkness.
Solomon had a bad habit of losing himself in whatever he was doing, hyper-focusing to the point that he’d forget the world around him until something demanded his attention. In this case, it was an unexpected voice, jarring him out of whatever reverie he’d fallen into and urging him to whip around, clasping his hands behind his back to hide their wooden appearance as he stammered and stalled. “Oh! No, I, uhh…” His struggle to find the right words seemed to lose importance as he took in the visage of the woman on the trail, and something inside of him got all twisted up. It took a few beats for him to be able to place the sudden rush of emotion, not knowing who she was or why he should suddenly feel… fear? But then it came to him, and all at once, that fear was intermingling with anger. “You,” he grumbled, standing up from his crouch and taking a step toward her. He’d seen what she had done in the forest… and the only reason she still stood was because he had also witnessed her pitiful attempt at making amends. It was enough to stay his hand, but the bitter tang of resentment never left his tongue. “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, burning the woods like you did.” His typically soft voice was harsher now, still low in volume, but it carried a distinct edge. “I’m still trying to repair the landscape. What’s your problem?”
As the man stammered for a moment, Luce rested her hands on her hips, waiting for him to finish his sentence. It was a bit too dark for her to get a good look at him, but she could tell he wasn’t some lost hiker. For one, no one came hiking around here, not at this time of night. For another, if he wasn’t dressed like one. No backpack, no water bottles, nothing like that. But, then he rose and took a step towards her. Instinctively, Luce’s hands curled at her side, the flames that danced in her blood ready to be called at a moment’s notice. “What the fuck is your problem?” She shot back, startled. Burning the woods? For one thing, how did he know about that? For another, which time was he talking about? One of the many rainy nights when she’d hiked out into the middle of nowhere, to practice her flames? Or when she and Anita had run from the shitty moose creature and she’d lit the brush aflame to escape? Or was it the time she’d razed the ground around her and Adam in the wake of Bea’s death? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luce lied smoothly.
“Ooohhh, yes you do,” Solomon snapped, his dark eyes narrowing. “I saw you… fleeing the scene, leaving the poor forest in such a state…” It made his heart ache as he recalled the pain he’d felt that night, the sorrow that rose from the ground as it mixed with ash and embers. He was so in tune with the familiar landscape, so very much a part of it, that any damage it suffered bled over to him. It’s why most things never escaped his knowledge, and why he’d had to bloody his hands over the centuries, stopping men from cutting deeper and spreading further. What he couldn’t mention was how his fear had held him back for the first time — seeing that the woman was controlling the fire and not merely setting it free had stopped him in his tracks. If he died, who knew what would happen to the woods? It was too risky, and the damage had been done, so he’d decided to let her go and tend to the charred earth. Letting out a shaky sigh, Solomon appeared to be trying to calm himself, eyes closing while he regained his composure. “But… I saw you trying to make amends, too, so… I suppose it’s a start.” Peering at her once again, the disguised Leshy lifted a finger to point it at her. “Got my eye on you, though…”
As the man glared daggers at her, Luce kept her gaze level. She didn’t give a shit who this guy thought he was, she’d make his night real fucking bad if he decided to try and pull something. But, when he started yelling at her about fleeing the scene, she blinked in confusion. Was he talking about when she’d blown up the Ring with Erin months ago? Or when she’d tried to blow up the shitty mime restaurant? Christ. She really needed to narrow down her arson attempts. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. And, even if I did, you’re gonna have to narrow it down.” She said with a shake of her head. The man seemed to be… restraining himself? Like he wanted to move against her? Which would be a bad idea on his part for sure. “What the fuck are you talking about? Are you some kind of stalker? Because you picked the wrong girl for that.”
Stalker? Oh. Solomon drew another weary breath, shaking his head as he pushed his anger aside. “The specifics don’t matter, what does matter is your lack of care when it comes to this place.” He gestured vaguely at the trees that surrounded them, letting his gaze slide away from her for the quickest of moments. “Look, I’m just… all I’m asking is for you to please stop burning it down with your fire… hands.” Whatever you’d call that, he wasn’t sure. He’d never really encountered anything like it before, and he didn’t exactly want to make a habit of it, either. “Lot of things live around here, you know, myself included… and we’re not exactly keen on having our home scorched on the regular.” Truth be told, it was something that half the damn town seemed to need to hear, given their track record. It was exhausting work, trying to keep up with every new threat.
“Uh, it sure fucking does if you’ve been following me around like some kind of creep.” Luce said as she continued to stare at the stranger. As he waved around at the forest and then mentioned her firehands, her eyes narrowed. Had he seen her use her magic before? No, he couldn’t have. For one thing, she covered her bases pretty fucking well. And even if he had, why the fuck was he only just now stopping her. “My fire hands? I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about, dude.” She said, shaking her head as though he was speaking nonsense. “I don’t know what you think I’ve done or what you think you saw, but you’re mistaken.” She replied. She wasn’t sure what this guy’s deal was, but it was easier to deny this than to deal with the repercussions that came with someone finding out she was magically inclined.
“I’m not following you, I live here,” Solomon grumbled in return. “I see most things that happen, whether folks want me to or not.” Her continued rebuttals only made him growl in frustration, hands clenched into fists at his sides. “You make fire. I don’t know how, but you do it in a way that… normal people cannot. Your denial does not change this fact.” He considered for a moment that perhaps she was like him—inclined to keep that aspect of herself secret. “And personally, I’ve nothing to gain from knowing that, I would just like to formally ask you to please stop setting fire to my forest. Take your flames someplace else.” Exasperation radiated off of him, but his gaze was steady. A hundred and fifty years ago, he’d have just slain her on the spot. But… he was trying to be a little kinder about it in this case, especially since she’d come back later to plant seeds. The gesture warranted recognition. 
He lived here? In the fucking woods? Because that was any less creepy than the fact he’d watched her here. Luce bristled a little as he continued to speak. He’d seen her conjure the flames. How? She’d had run-ins with people before, but she’d always been careful to make sure there was nothing that could ever tie her to the blazes she started. People could look for the ignition point, search for the match or the lighter that didn’t exist because she was the spark. And yet, this fucker seemed to know exactly what she could do. “Let’s say I can do what you say I can do.” She said before gesturing around to them. “Where else would I do shit? If I could make fire, I’m not exactly going to just light up the Common.” She said, though the corner of her mouth turned at the idea. That would be funny, if only for the irritation it would no doubt cause her mother. 
Solomon was, by every account, a very calm and level headed creature. That being said, there was one thing he had almost no patience for, and that was the petulance of a young firestarter.  His entire existence revolved around a singular purpose, and he could only bargain for so long with people like her. His anger flared at her casual, careless remark, dark eyes widening slightly in disbelief. “Anywhere else, girl. Have some respect for the natural world — you’d be dead without it.” He’d taken another step toward her by this point, and something in his body language had changed. He moved less like a man, and more like… well, it was hard to say in the dark of night. “Stop killing things and find a way to be useful with your talents, won’t you? You came back to plant seeds, so I know you must feel some amount of remorse. Hold on to that, remember that, and do not light another blaze in these woods ever again. Do you understand me?” He was being rather generous, he thought, but if she pushed him further still, he couldn’t see himself keeping his composure.
At the sound of the word “girl,” Luce’s eyes narrowed. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? Folding her arms across her chest, she felt the heat of her body begin to grow and rise with her increasing anger. “Respect for the natural world? You think I don’t have respect for it?” She said with a growl. “Fire is just as natural as anything else here. What happens to a forest that’s overgrown with brush and shrubs? What happens to the trees when they get overcrowded and parasites begin to take over? Overgrowth saps the life right out of the soil just as much as my fire does.” She said before shoving her hand into the soil beneath their feet. Pulling up a handful of loamy soil, she let it sprinkle from her fingers back on the ground. “Ash feeds the forest, makes space for new things to grow. I planted those seeds because it was what should have happened. Death. Rebirth. Life. And death again.” She spat.
“Fire may be natural, but you are not,” Solomon snapped in return. “Forest fires at the hands of humans are anything but natural.” His relationship with humans had been… a bit tumultuous, over the years. While he found them to be an interesting sort, it was true that they had, time and time again, shown him that they cared not for the earth that had so lovingly lifted them from their evolutionary cradle and taught them how to walk. “It is not for you to decide when that cycle will happen, purely because you have no place else to play with your magic. Insolent… insolent, the lot of you!” His voice had raised in volume and boomed unnaturally around them, anger rushing to the forefront as he relived the countless times he’d seen the land ravaged by humans. All across the continent, as he moved from home to home, he’d encountered ones like her. Or at least, the picture of her that was piecing together in his mind’s eye. He’d slaughtered a whole village for poisoning the nearby river, and while that level of unhinged rage was rare for him, it was far from impossible. His glamour flickered, his focus waning as he became more irate with the woman standing before him. “Humans have been nothing but a blight on this world—you’re parasites, feeding off the land while you expand your rotten towns and cities, razing whole forests to the ground without care! That is not the life of someone who has respect for it.”
Unnatural. Yes, because she was unnatural. Who was he to say these things anyways? Obviously not human, but what was he? “You think I play with magic?” Luce said, temper flaring once more. Magic wasn’t a game, it wasn’t some toy to be played with, something casual to be used and forgotten. “Oh, you couldn’t be more wrong about that.” Magic lived in her, it breathed in her, it was a grounding tether of power that challenged her and demanded her to rise to that challenge. His voice rang through the woods, but Luce held her ground. This man-- no, not exactly man, obviously not. Whatever he was, he yelled at her and she resisted the urge to let her flames ignite. It would be so easy, so, so easy to let the blue flames lick the ground and spread. But. It would only be proving him right. Watching him, Luce caught the shimmer to his appearance, saw it shudder and caught a glimpse of what looked like… mushrooms? She couldn’t be sure, because the image disappeared almost as soon as she saw it. “If I’m a parasite, then what does that make you? If I’m so beneath you, what are you?” She asked, goading him on. What did he think he was, some kind of god?
Upset as he’d become, it didn’t matter to Solomon whether or not he’d accurately judged her entire character; he’d seen what he’d seen, and she seemed to think that setting his wood ablaze was a perfectly acceptable way to kill time, so he had no further words for her. His gaze was fixed steadily on her, eyes narrowed into slits as he stared her down furiously. It wasn’t until she called him out, questioning the authenticity of his appearance, that he faltered. Well, it wasn’t so much that she’d seen something—that was happening increasingly often, as of late—but it was her question that had him tripping over his own tongue. “I don’t—that doesn’t matter,” he growled. He didn’t rightly know, since he’d been forced to live alone as little more than a sapling and had never met another of his kind. “We’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you…. and how you really ought to find a better hobby.”
Quirking her eyebrow, Luce heard the misstep in his voice, the falter in his words. “It doesn’t matter?” She repeated, incredulity mixing with venom in her voice. “Oh, so you can dish it but you can’t take it? You can go around, accusing me of being unnatural, calling me out for ‘playing with magic’ but when it gets turned back around, suddenly it doesn’t matter?” She said, nodding. “Well, now, we’re talking about you. Who made you holier than thou? Who crowned you king of the forest? You don’t know anything about what I am, who I am, or what I’m capable of. Because, if you think that me coming out into the forest and setting fire in the middle of thunderstorms is a hobby, you don’t know me as well as you think. Fucking creepy forest stalker or not, you don’t know me.” She shot back. 
Frustration was coming off Solomon in waves, brought to life by both his anger with the individual yelling at him, and his own personal battle of not knowing who—or what—he truly was. He always told himself it didn’t matter, but in situations like these, it certainly seemed to. She was right, he didn’t know anything about her, and he’d never allowed himself the patience to try and change that before judging someone. Perhaps… perhaps he ought to give it a try. New millennium, new Solomon, and all that. Waiting until she was done, his gaze averted for the first time since their heated exchange had begun, Solomon interjected with a wavering voice. “If I had a word for it, I’d tell you,” he muttered, the defeat in his tone barely masked by indignation. “All I do know is that I’ve been alive for almost a thousand years, and I’ve always felt compelled to protect my home and my innocent neighbors from people like you.” On the last, accusatory word, Solomon flicked his dark eyes back toward the woman, brow furrowed. “So tell me… why shouldn’t I see you as a threat to the forest? Why should I give you a pass, when I’ve cut others down for smaller offenses?”
“Sounds to me like you should figure your shit out before you go around throwing words like “unnatural” around.” Luce fired back, not giving up any ground in this verbal sparring match. She really didn’t give a fuck who-- or what-- this guy was. She was tired of being used as someone else’s punching bag. She was tired of being the who had to make amends, who had to apologize, who was wrong. “A thousand years? Well, it seems you’re hardly a judge of character if you’ve been around this fucking long and can’t tell the difference between a pyromaniac and someone who gives a shit about this place. Because, this is probably really fucking surprising to you, but I do. I actually do give a shit about this town and this forest and the people who live here. I know these woods, I know the forest, I know the animals who call it home. Maybe not the way you do, but I know them.” She held up her hands, an innocent gesture. “I owned my shit. You saw me plant those seeds, you said it yourself. I destroyed that part of the forest the night that--” She caught herself. This person, creature, whatever. He didn’t need to know why she’d burnt the forest down. Why it had been grief and fear and sorrow that had turned her flames blue, that kept her flames blue.  “It happened. And that wasn’t right. So, I went back to make it better as well as I could.”
She was a persistent one, and Solomon could feel that it was wearing him down. This conversation was exhausting, and not doing much more than running in circles, so he caved. Deflating, the fae brought a hand to his forehead and let himself slump against the tree behind him. “Fine. Fine,” he muttered in annoyance, shaking his head. “While I can’t imagine that something would ever drive me to hurt this place like you did, I suppose I’ll have to just accept that fact and deal with it. Just… try to refrain from doing it again in the future, alright? It really does take a lot out of me, trying to fix messes like that.” Heaving a sigh, Solomon waved his free hand in the direction she’d been running when they first encountered one another without looking up at her. “Get out of here, go finish your run. You’ve given me a headache.”
“Yeah, you can’t. And, honestly? I hope you never do.” Luce said, remembering the grief that had overwhelmed her that night, when she’d thrown herself into the forest and done her best to run away from the reality of her situation. She’d started running that day and she’d never really stopped, not even now, when it was over. But, it wasn’t over, was it? Shaking her head, Luce focused her attention on the man who was waving her away. While she was glad that this guy was at least giving up with the whole “protector of the forest” act, she wasn’t a fan of the fact that he was telling her what she should do. Hands still up in the air, she flipped him off, the triangle tattoos on her knuckles a nice added touch of irony. “I’m not in the business of making promises to people. I do what I want. But,” She lowered her hands, and offered a single nod, “noted.” With that, Luce turned and continued on her run, not caring what he thought of their encounter. As far as she was concerned, all this meant was she’d discovered a new self-righteous neighbor.
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 years ago
Reading through the jtta aus tag and I cannot BELIEVE the Ace Attorney AU was not talked about more!! Tho I guess tbf the characters I'm thinking of now might not've made sense back when it was first suggested.
Annnyway Solomon-Phoenix and IK-Maya amirite? Okay so hear me out. I don't think he'd been conceptualised back when it was suggested, but Zhaoxi as Mia? Devastating. Poor guy only really exists in two (three if you count it takes two) aus and in one of them he's already dead.
Anyway if we go with that, I know you suggested Lucifer for the Miles equivalent, but HEAR ME OUT AGAIN, what if he was Godot. Got poisoned in the investigation of whoever replaces Dahlia Hawthorne, and was comatose at the beginning of the story, wakes up to find out his bf's been murdered while he was out, and eventually re-encounters said bf's protege after having murdered someone to keep his bf's daughter safe. Tragic character but that's what we love to see :)
As for Edgey, what about your Mephisto? It'd make Sonno Manfred von Karma.... and IG Diavolo would be Franziska in that case??? That works a little less but listen I'm one of those guys who lowkey really ships Solphisto LMAO
Sorry if I'm boterhing you lol!! I just really like the idea of this AU :P
i did also really like the concept!! though i’d be lying if i said i didn’t forget about it ^^;
i do like your ideas though! the whole fey family + mia-godot story is insane but also really tragic and i’m definitely down for your take! though i guess this technically would make lucifer guilty of murder in the end and subsequently sentenced to death.... since that’s just how it goes in the aa universe
mephisto as miles... personality-wise they don’t quite match up, until you look at it from the angle of what our mephisto would’ve been like if he hadn’t left sonno’s service when he did - i.e. a lot more serious and edgeworth-like
and in terms of dahlia hawthorne.... i’m drawing a blank as well, mostly because the we don’t have any Pure Evil om characters who’d do what she did, but purely for the was-in-a-relationship-with-solomon angle, maaaaybe asmo?
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imaginealllthefandoms · 5 years ago
Here you’ll find the fandoms + the characters I write for. For each fandom, I only listed the characters I’m more familiar with/that are more known, so keep in mind I might write for other characters within those fandoms as well.
I also might write for other fandoms and characters that aren’t listed, so in doubt just ask :)
In italics are my favorite characters/characters I’m most comfortable writing for. 
Remember to read the rules and happy requesting :) 
Fandoms + characters
Chronicles of Narnia
Lucy Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Susan Pevensie
Dark Knight Trilogy
Bruce Wayne / Batman
Jonathan Crane / Scarecrow
Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Billy Batson
Clark Kent / Superman
Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
Freddy Freeman
Steve Trevor
The Flash
Barry Allen / Flash
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost
Cisco Ramon
Iris West-Allen
Wally West/Kid Flash
Gar Logan / Beast Boy
Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Donna Troy / Wonder Girl
Jason Todd / Robin
Kory Anders / Starfire
Rachel Roth / Raven
Deadly Class
Marcus Arguello
Maria Salazar
Ander Muñoz
Guzmán Osuna
Nadia Shana
Samuel Domínguez
Valerio Montesinos
Final Fantasy VII (Remake)
Aerith Gainsborough
Cloud Strife
Reno Sinclair
Rufus Shinra
Tifa Lockhart
Vincent Valentine
Zack Fair
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Newt Scamander
Nymphadora Tonks
Ron Weasley
New Generation kids
La Casa de Papel / Money Heist
Sergio / Professor
Lord of the Rings / Hobbit
MCU (all movies)
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Lady Sif
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Peter Parker / Spiderman
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Sam Wilson / Falcon
Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
Steve Rogers / Captain America
T’Challa / Black Panter
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
X-Men (all movies)
Alex Summers / Havoc
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Logan Howlett / Wolverine
Neena Thurman/Domino
Ororo Munroe / Storm
Netflix shows (all)
Elektra Natchios
Benjamin Poindexter 
Billy Russo / Jigsaw
Colleen Wing
Frank Castle / Punisher
Jessica Jones
Karen Page
Luke Cage
Matt Murdock / Daredevil
Agents of SHIELD
Al Mackenzie
Bobbi Morse
Daisy Johnson / Quake
Deke Shaw
Lance Hunter
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider
Yo-Yo Rodriguez
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Daniel Sousa
Jack Thompson
Fantastic Four (Susan and Johnny Storm)
Felicia Hardy / Black Cat
Gwen Stacy
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tobey Maguire)
Peaky Blinders
Ada Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Arthur Shelby
Bonnie Gold
Finn Shelby
Grace Burgess
Isaiah Jesus
John Shelby
Lizzie Stark
Luca Changretta
May Carleton
Michael Gray
Polly Gray
Tatiana Petrovna
Thomas Shelby
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Thalia Grace
Pirates of the Caribbean
Angelica Teach
Jack Sparrow
Elizabeth Swann
Will Turner
Gideon Blackburn
James Stewart
Leith Bayard
Luc Narcisse
Mary Stuart
Sebastian de Poitiers
Stéphane Narcisse
Alec Lightwood
Clary Fairchild
Cristina Rosales
Diana Wrayburn
Diego Rosales
Emma Carstairs
Helen Blackthorn
Jaime Rosales
Jem Carstairs
Isabelle Lightwood
Julian Blackthorn
Gabriel & Gideon Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Maia Roberts
Mark Blackthorn
Simon Lewis
Raphael Santiago
Tessa Gray
Ty Blackthorn
Will Herondale
Chris P
Elias Bakkoush
Eliott (SKAM France)
Eskild Tryggvasson
Eva Mohn
Even Bech Næsheim
Isak Valtersen
Lucas (SKAM France)
Noora Amalie Sætre
Robbe (SKAM Belgium)
Sana Bakkoush
Sander (SKAM Belgium)
William Magnusson
Yousef Acar
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Armitage Hux
Ben Solo / Kylo Ren
Din Djarin / Mandalorian
Cassian Andor
Han Solo
Jyn Erso
Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Poe Dameron
Teen Wolf
Allison Argent
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Theo Raeken
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
John Murphy
Monty Green
Raven Reyes
Octavia Blake
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
The Society
Allie Pressman
Becca Gelb
Grizz Visser
Harry Bingman
Kelly Aldrich
Sam Eliot
The Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Number Five
Vanya Hargreeves
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Stefan Salvatore
Rebekah Mikaelson
The Witcher
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
John Proudstar / Thunderbird (The Gifted)
Patrick Verona (10 Things I Hate About You)
Robert Fischer (Inception)
Tyrone Johnson (Cloak & Dagger)
Other fandoms I might write for depending on the request/my inspiration:
10 Things I Hate About You
Black Lightning
Cloak & Dagger
Little Women
Now You See Me
Pride and Prejudice
The 5th Wave
The Gifted
The Maze Runner
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question-anon · 6 years ago
oh whoomp back again but AZRE for the meme as well :)
*this may not be fully developed bc I don’t want to potentially spoil anything
**also if anyone has any relevant additions or suggestions for this, please do send them my way
full name: Astrid Bleumont
gender: female
sexuality: ?
pronouns: she/her
Solomon Bleumont (older brother)
Gregor Bleumont (younger brother)
Edgar Bleumont (younger brother)
Sabine Bleumont (younger sister)
Meyer Bleumont (youngest brother)
Juliet Bleumont (youngest sister)
Cynthia Argento (mother)
Dante Bleumont (father)
birthplace: ?
job: Huntress-in-training
phobias: ?
guilty pleasures: ?
morality alignment?: Lawful Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: in the middle
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: in the middle
optimistic/pessimistic: in the middle
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: ?
ot3: ?
brotp: ?
notp: ?
full name: Shikari Zarin
gender: female
sexuality: heterosexual
pronouns: she/her
Unnamed adoptive family
Unnamed parents
birthplace: ?
job: Huntress-in-training
phobias: ?
guilty pleasures: ?
morality alignment?: Lawful Good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: ?
ot3: ?
brotp: ?
notp: ?
full name: Rebecca Perceneige
gender: female
sexuality: homosexual
pronouns: she/her
Caspian Perceneige (oldest brother)
Sebastian Perceneige (older brother)
Marcus Perceneige (older brother)
Violetta Perceneige (mother, deceased)
Maximilian Perceneige (father)
birthplace: Atlas
job: Huntress-in-training
phobias: ?
guilty pleasures: ?
morality alignment?: Lawful Evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: close minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: in the middle
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unemphatic
optimistic/pessimistic: in the middle
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: ?
ot3: ?
brotp: ?
notp: ?
full name: Ezra Wulfric
gender: female
sexuality: demisexual
pronouns: she/her
Radolf Wulfric (older brother)
Paris Wulfric (twin brother)
Raksha Wulfric (younger sister)
Amaryllis Wulfric (mother)
Hector Wulfric (father)
birthplace: Mistral City
job: Huntress-in-training
phobias: blood, seclusion
guilty pleasures: tormenting Paris
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: close minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unemphatic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: in the middle
otp: Ezra + Shiro Amaranth
ot3: Ezra + Shiro Amaranth + Russelia Hawthorne
notp: Ezra + Mariana Lincoln
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teufelskunst · 6 years ago
New in the shop: postcards with my occult/nature inspired “Plants and Planets“ series from 2018! Available in two formats. The postcards have round edges and the sizes comply with common post standards.
In the past botanists such as Nicholas Culpeper associated plants with the planets, fixed stars and zodiac signs. The attributions were based on an intense study of a plant’s features, which included treats such as a thorny or prickly appearance, the scent emitted by the flowers or the entire plant, the plant’s life cycle, colors, metals contained in a plant, medicinal and other uses and of course plenty of folklore. Today plants are classified scientifically based on their genome, but their planetary lore is preserved and continues to evolve in the books of authors such as Stephen Skinner, Paul Huson, Scott Cunningham, Harold Roth and so on.
I find it inspiring to continue this tradition and to explore its own inner logic. Hence I created these planet themed still life photographs of herbs, that I gathered from our garden and surroundings, many of which are also part of my seed boxes. They are ordered according to the Chaldean sequence. With this series I yet delve deeper into the language of plants and the symbolism and magical properties attributed to them.
Please leave a note with your order, if you wish for the postcard to be signed on the back (no extra cost).
Plants and Planets New in the shop: postcards with my occult/nature inspired "Plants and Planets" series from 2018!
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botanicalatelier · 3 years ago
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Darlings! Beloveds! I am making deliveries Monday and Tuesday. Door drops are masked and no contact. I can take cash or checks left for me (don’t mention to others where you left the check.) Venmo or cash app and if I know you paypal. Monday delivery: South Minneapolis, St. Paul, Richfield. Edina. Tuesday deliveries: North Minneapolis, Colombia Heights, Fridley, Nordeast, Brooklyn Center. Marshmallow and friends (marshmallow root, Krishna Tulsi, Rama Tulsi, Vana Tulsi, rose buds, cinnamon. 4 ounces 15.00 Rejuvenate tea nettles, peppermint, raspberry leaves, milky oat tops, lemon balm, calendula blossoms (Some calendula from Nance Schultz and Zeke Cato’s Seward garden, some organic from a herb farm out west. 4 ounces 19.00 Heart tea with hibiscus, rose and hawthorn 4 ounces 16.00 Chaga and carob mix to make yummy drinks. This is not your ’70’s carob. Carob is not a replacement for chocolate. Carob is it’s own wonderful taste that blends beautifully with Chaga. I mix us up Chaga and carob with milk or mylk for a rich and warm fortifying drink. 4 ounces 20.00 Pine infused chest oil I swear this one bottle would last you a year. It only takes a dime size amount to apply to your chest and back. Made with olive oil and pine sap from the Canadian and Minnesota forests and Sleepy Eye Minnesota beeswax. 4 ounces 20.00 Elderberry and shiitake syrup Earthy and fresh perfect for this time of year. Remember please, to take your iron, vitamin c, d and other supplements. I keep this price at less then half of other brands, I want people to be able to afford elderberry. I really think it is incredibly important right now. Pint 20.00 3 pack of balms, sleep well (lavender and chamomile balm) Solomon’s seal and calendula, made with organic plants and oils and beeswax from Sleepy Eye Mn. 2 ounces each. SPECIAL 36 dollars for all 3. (at Minneapolis, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrx7lRsl7b/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
riseupworldwide · 4 years ago
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Rise Up Worldwide - Ep224 - Prophetess Tasha Baston, Kanye West the Billionaire In case you missed it, you need to go back and listen to this Episode as Prophetess Tasha Baston brought the house down! Also, check out @TashaBastonMinistries Facebook page to rewatch The Breaker Anointing Experience which was absolutely life changing! Tune in on FB live or our website at www.RiseUpWorldwide.com @RiseUpWorldwide on all Social Media Hosted by @JoeBossRadio and @ChefRock516 Topics • Prophetess Tasha Baston Presents “The Breaker Anointing Experience” • Kanye West is Officially a Billionaire • Zack Snyder Justice Leave Review • Exclusive New Music from DJ LostNFound Playlist by Joe Boss   1. Soul Seeking - Mali Music 2. Better - Kierra Sheard 3. Speak To Me - Koryn Hawthorne, Queen Naiji 4. Reasons - Y’Anna Crawley 5. Give Me That Joy - Terrian 6. Spread Love - Torrance Rudd 7. Sound ofBreakthrough - Emmanuella Young 8. House Of Prayer - Eddie James 9. Gold - Joseph Solomon 10. Story of our Love - Zoe Music 11. Movin’ On - Jonathan McReynolds #Podcast #Radio #NowPlaying #ArtistManagement #SocialMediaMarketing #CHH #RealCHH #TruthMusic #ChristianRap #Rapzilla #JamTheHype #Trackstarz #BeWise #InvestInYourself #UrbanGospel #Trending #HipHop #GynesisRadio #YesHourRadio #HisHopRadio #HisHopNation #trending #ChristLikeRadio #ShareTheWealth https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDwukYnpOv/?igshid=15sr4htx2f250
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w3transform3d · 4 years ago
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TUNE IN to @riseupworldwide Every Wed 6-8pm est & during your daily commute from 8-10am est on @w3transform3d with @joebossradio and @ChefRock516 Rise Up Worldwide - Ep224 - Prophetess Tasha Baston, Kanye West the Billionaire Tune in on FB live or our website at www.RiseUpWorldwide.com @RiseUpWorldwide on all Social Media Hosted by @JoeBossRadio and @ChefRock516 Topics Prophetess Tasha Baston Presents “The Breaker Anointing Experience” Kanye West is Officially a Billionaire Zack Snyder Justice Leave Review Exclusive New Music from DJ LostNFound Playlist by Joe Boss Soul Seeking - Mali Music Better - Kierra Sheard Speak To Me - Koryn Hawthorne, Queen Naiji Reasons - Y’Anna Crawley Give Me That Joy - Terrian Spread Love - Torrance Rudd Sound ofBreakthrough - Emmanuella Young House Of Prayer - Eddie James Gold - Joseph Solomon Story of our Love - Zoe Music Movin’ On - Jonathan McReynolds #RiseUpWorldwide #Podcast #Radio #NowPlaying #ArtistManagement #SocialMediaMarketing #CHH #RealCHH #TruthMusic #ChristianRap #Rapzilla #JamTheHype #Trackstarz #BeWise #InvestInYourself #UrbanGospel #Trending #HipHop #TransformationRadio12_2 (at Transformation Radio 12:2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM0RQidH_5Q/?igshid=iacp12b1qjkq
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justabeautifulgirl · 8 years ago
Names for herbs: G-P
Gall of Goat: Honeysuckle Lonicera Spp. -or- St. John's WortHypericum perforatum
Gallows: Mandrake Atropa Mandragora
Ghost Flower: Indian Pipe Monotropa Uniflora
Ghost Pipe: Indian Pipe Monotropa Uniflora
Goat's Foot: Ash Weed Aegopodium podagraria
Goat's Leaf: Honeysuckle Lonicera Spp.
God's Hair: Hart's Tongue Fern Scolopendrium Vulgare
Golden Star or Goldy Star: Avens Geum
Good Luck Plant: Solomon's Seal Polygonatum Multiflorum, Polygonatum Commutatum, Polygonatum Biflorum
Goose Bill: Goosegrass Galium Aparine
Goose Tongue: Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis
Gosling Wing: Goosegrass Galium Aparine
Grains of Paradise: Cardamom Elettaria cardamom
Granny's Bonnet: Columbine Leaves Aquilegia Vulgaris, Aquilegia canadensis
Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Gravelroot: Meadowsweet Eupatorium purpureum
Graveyard Dust: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Gypsy Herb: Sweet Bugle Lycopus Virginicus
Hag's Taper: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Hagthorn: Hawthorn Crataegus crusgalli
Hair of Venus: True Maidenhair Fern Adiantum Capillus-veneris
Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed Peucedanum graveolens
Hare's Beard: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Hart's Thorn: Common Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica
Hawk's Heart: Wormwood Heart Artemisia Absinthium
Heart Leaf: Liverwort Anemone hepatica, Peltigera canina
Heart of Osmund: Royal Fern Osmunda regalis
Heart's Ease: Violet Viola odorata
Hedgemaids: Dutchman's Breeches Dicentra cucullaria
Hellweed: Dodder Cuscuta Europaea
Herb of Angels: Angelica Angelica archangelica
Herb of Circe: Mandrake Atropa Mandragora
Herb of Grace; Blue Vervain Verbena Officinalis -or- Rue Ruta Graveolens
Herb of Mary: Pimpernel Anagallis Arvensis, Pimpinella spp.
Herb of the Cross: Blue Vervain Verbena Officinalis
Herb Trinity: Liverwort Anemone hepatica, Peltigera canina
Hind Heal: Tansy Tanacetum Vulgare
Hind's Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern Scolopendrium Vulgare
Hog's Bean: Henbane Hyoscyamus Niger
Holy Grass: Sweetgrass Hierochloe odorata
Holy Herb: Yerba Santa Eryodictyon californicum
Holy Rope: Hemp (Agrimony) Eupatorium cannabinum
Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa Eryodictyon californicum
Horny Goat Weed: Common Polypody Fern Polypodium Vulgare
Horse Heal: Spikenard Inula Conyza
Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot Tussilago Farfara
Horse Tongue: Hart's Tongue Fern Scolopendrium Vulgare
Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle Vinca major, Vinca minor
Hurtlesickle: Bachelor's Buttons Centaurea Cyanus
Ibis Bone Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica
Indian God Tree: Banyan Ficus Benghalensis
Innocence Bluets Houstonia Caerulea
Jack-Jump-About: Betony Stachys Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys Betonica
Jacob's Ladder: Celandine Chelidonium Majus -or- Lily of the valley Convallaria Magalis
Jacob's Staff: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Jesuit's Bark; Cinchona Cinchona pubescens
Joe Pye Weed: Meadowsweet Eupatorium purpureum
John the Conqueror: Galangal Root Alpinia Officianarum, Alpina officinalis, A. galanga
Jove's Flower: Carnation Dianthus spp.
Joy of the Mountain: Sweet Marjoram Origanum Marjorana
Joy on the Ground: Periwinkle Vinca major, Vinca minor
Juno's Tears: Blue Vervain Verbena Officinalis
Jupiter's Bean: Henbane Hyoscyamus Niger
Jupiter's Beard: Houseleek Sempervivum tectorum
Jupiter's Nut: Walnut Juglans Species
Jupiter's Staff: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Key of Heaven: Cowslip Primula Veris
King Root: Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis
King's Clover: Melilot Melilotus officinalis, Melilotus alba, Melilotus arvensis
King's Crown: Black Haw Vibrunum Prunifolium
Kitten's Breeches Dutchman's Breeches Dicentra cucullaria
Knight's Milfoil: Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Kronos' Blood: Sap of the Cedar Tree Thuja occidentalis, Thuja orientalis, Biota orientalis, Thuja articulata,Cupressus thujoides, Juniperus virginiana, Cedrus libani, Cedrela odorata, Libocedrus bidwillii, and many more.
Ladder to Heaven: Lily of the valley Convallaria Magalis
Ladies' Meat: Hawthorn Crataegus Oxycantha
Ladies' Seal: White Bryony / English Mandrake Bryonia dioica
Lad's Love: Southernwood Artemisia Abrotanum
Lady Bleeding: Amaranth Amaranthus Hypochondriacus
Lady of the Meadow: Meadowsweet Eupatorium Purpureum
Lady of the Woods: Birch Betula Lenta
Lady's Cap: Cowslip Primula VerisLady's Foxglove: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Lady's Glove: Foxglove Digitalis Purpurea, Digitalis Lanata
Lady's Smock: Cuckoo Flower Cardamine pratensis
Lamb's Ears: Betony Stachys Officinalis, Betonica Officinalis, Stachys BetonicaLaurier Sauce: Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis
Lion's Foot: Lady's Mantle Alchemilla Vulgaris
Lion's Hair: Leaves of a Turnip's taproot Brassica rapa
Leopard's Bane: Arnica Amica Montana
Lion's Herb: Columbine Leaves Aquilegia Vulgaris, Aquilegia canadensis
Lion's Tooth: Dandelion Taraxacum Officinale
Little Dragon: Tarragon Artemisia Dracunculus
Little Faces: Violet Viola odorata
Little Queen: Meadowsweet Eupatorium Purpureum
Lizard's Leg: Creeping plants such as Ivy
Lords and Ladies: Wake Robin Arisaema Triphyllum, Arum spp.
Love in Idleness: Pansy Viola tricolor
Love Leaf: Damiana Turnera Aphrodisiaca, Turnera diffusa
Love Leaves: Burdock Arctium lappa
Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth Amaranthus Hypochondriacus -or-Anemone Anemone Pulsatilla 
Love Man: Goosegrass Galium Aparine
Love Parsley: Lovage Levisticum Officinale
Love Ro,: Lovage Levisticum Officinale
Love Root: Lovage Levisticum Officinale -or- Orris Root Iris florentina
Love-In-Idleness: Pansy Viola tricolor  
Low John the Conqueror: Galangal Root Alpinia Officianarum, Alpina officinalis, A. galanga
Lucky Hand: Male Fern Dryopteris Felix-mas
Lucky Hand Root: Lucky Hand Orchid / Salep Orchid Orchis latifolia
Lucky Nut: Be-Still Thevetia nereifolia
Lurk-in-the-Ditch: Pennyroyal Mentha Pulegium
Mad Root: White Bryony / English Mandrake Bryonia dioica
Madwort: Alyssum Alyssum Spp.
Maiden Hair: True Maidenhair Fern Adiantum Capillus-veneris
Maiden's Gum: Common Elm Ulmus Campestris
Maiden's Ruin: Southernwood Artemisia Abrotanum
Maid's Hair: Lady's Bedstraw Galium verum
Mangold: Beet Beta Vulgaris
Man's Bile: Turnip Sap Brassica rapa
Man's Health: Ginseng Panax quinquefolium
Master of the Woods: Woodruff Asperula odorata
Masterwort: Angelica Angelica archangelica
May: Black Haw Viburnum prunifolum
May Lily: Lily of the Valley Convallaria magalis
Maypops: Passion Flower Passiflora incarnata
May Rose: Black Haw Viburnum prunifolum
Miracle of Nature: Century Plant / Maguey Agave americana
Mistress of the Night: Tuberose Polianthes tuberosa
Monk's Head: Dutchman's Breeches Dicentra cucullaria
Monk's Hood: Aconite Aconitum Napellus, Agrimonia eupatoria
Mortification Root: Althea Althaea Officinalis
Mother of the Herbs: Rue Ruta Graveolens
Mother of the Wood: Blackthorn Prunus Spinosa
Mother's Heart: Shepherd's Purse Capsella bursa-pastoris
Musk of the Wood: Woodruff Asperula odorata
Mutton Chops: Goosegrass Galium Aparine
Naughty Man: Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris
Naughty Man's Cherries: Belladonna Atropa belladonna
Noah's Ark: Ladies' Slipper Cypripedium pubescens, Cyprepedium parviflorum
Nose Bleed: Yarrow Achillea Millefolium
Nose of Turtle: Turtle's Cap / Balmony Chelone Glabra
Old Gal: Elder Bark Sambucus Nigra
Old Lady: Elder Bark Sambucus Nigra
Old Maid's Nightcap: Wild Geranium Geraniaum Maculatum
Old Man: Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris
Old Man's Flannel: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Old Man's Mustard: Yarrow Achillea millefolium
Old Man's Pepper: Yarrow Achillea Millefolium
Old Uncle Henry: Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris
Old Woman: Wormwood Artemisia Absinthium
Oliver: Olive Olea europaea
Osmund the Waterman: Royal Fern Osmunda regalis
Our Herb: Basil Oncimum basilicum
Our Lady's Flannel: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Our Lady's Tears: Lily of the Valley Convallaria Magalis
Palma Christi Castor Ricinus communis
Passions: Bistort Polygonum Bistorta
Password: Primrose Primula Vulgaris
Peter's Staff: Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Physician's Bone: Sandstone
Pidgeon's Grass: Blue Vervain Verbena Officinalis
Pigeon Berry: Poke Root Phytolacca decandra
Pig's Tail: Leopard's Bane / Arnica Amica Montana
Pitchforks: Beggar's Tick Bidens pilosa
Plague Flower: Butterbur Petasites Vulgaris, Tussilago Petasites
Poor Man's Meat: Bean Phaseolus Spp.
Poor Man's Treacle: Garlic Allium sativum
Priest's Crown: Dandelion Leaves Taraxacum Officinale
Priest's Pintle: Wake Robin Arisaema Triphyllum, Arum spp.
Prince's Feather: Amaranth Amaranthus Hypochondriacus
Princess Feather: Amaranth Amaranthus Hypochondriacus
Pucha-pat: Patchouli Pogostemon cablin Benth
Purple Medic: Alfalfa Medicago Saliva
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w3transform3d · 4 years ago
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TUNE IN to @riseupworldwide Every Wed 6-8pm est & during your daily commute from 8-10am est on @w3transform3d with @joebossradio and @ChefRock516 Rise Up Worldwide Ep221 - Should We Get Reparations Hosted by @JoeBossRadio and @ChefRock516 Topics Should We Get Reparations Ti and Tiny Accused of Forced Sexual Conduct & Drugging Women’s history month Nike Exec Resigns b/c of Son’s Theft Playlist by Joe Boss Trust (Farelela) - Kingdmusic, K-Anthony 10 Pm in Calgary -Kojo Dave Carry That -Kojo Dave Allways Black - Beleaf Thats a Lie - K-Drama Gold - Joseph Solomon All The Waves - Sstedi Speak To Me - Koryn Hawthorne Voice - Kieran The Light Didn’t Give p - J-Nibb, Marqus Anthony People - Jonathan McReynolds No Enemies - Bizzle, Byron Juane Soldiers All Around Me NF & Hilgy - BRM Fuego (Remix) - Steven Malcolm, Shaggy Grwn Woman - A.I. The Anomaly #RiseUpWorldwide #Podcast #Radio #NowPlaying #ArtistManagement #SocialMediaMarketing #CHH #RealCHH #TruthMusic #ChristianRap #Rapzilla #JamTheHype #Trackstarz #BeWise #InvestInYourself #UrbanGospel #Trending #HipHop #TransformationRadio12_2 (at Transformation Radio 12:2) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL-Td7lntVp/?igshid=pdarz53weh1c
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